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‘Soni Kya Dalam Kehipan Manusia Seni Kriya Dalam Kehidupan Manusia oleh : Drs, Kusmacl, M.S, ABSTRACT Graltmanship art as human cultural ereation results in material fom reflects the level of civitzation in their ages. Functional value as Ahaiy achvty support becomes the main special characteristic. Visual ‘zation ofthe art fends to aesthetic, expressive and symbolic expros- ‘in ofthe creator's sou! as the influence of refine arts transformation ingonerat. Cratmanship is closely related with materials, technique and ‘recesses in which stressing high patience, precise and thorough at- tudes because handeraf, besides conceived as an art closely related with andcra as one ofits special characteris, tis also the concrete ‘sult ofan abilty between tho skils ofthe creator (eraftmanshi) and ‘he instruments as the eveater ofthe creativity idea, Graitmanship has been reaching on classical level such noble reation as puppets, batik, and carved objocts which are necessanly 1o be preserved and developed for the next genoration for not to be ‘extinct, ate by the fast of modemization dynamics PENDAHULUAN Kenidupan manusiaselalu dtandai adanya perubshan yang fenuu pada peningkatan kualitas hidupnya, salah

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