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Inguinal hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes
through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. The resulting bulge can be painful,
especially when you cough, bend over or lift a heavy object.

An inguinal hernia isn't necessarily dangerous. It doesn't improve on its own,

however, and can lead to life-threatening complications. Your doctor is likely to
recommend surgery to fix an inguinal hernia that's painful or enlarging. Inguinal
hernia repair is a common surgical procedure.

Symptoms & causes

June 15, 2016


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Inguinal hernia

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4. Hernia epigastrika7 Hernia yang keluar melalui defek di linea alba di antara
umbilikus dan prosesus xipoideus. Isi hernia berupa penonjolan jaringan lemak
preperitoneal dengan atau tanpa kantong peritoneum. 5. Hernia lumbalis7 Di
daerah lumbal antara iga XII dan krista iliaka, ada dua buah trigonum masing-
masing trigonum kostolumbal superiorn (Grinfelt) berbentuk segitiga terbalik dan
trigonum kostolumbalis inferior atau trigonum iliolumbalis (Petit) berbentuk
segitiga. Trigonum Grijfelt di batasi di kranial oleh iga XII, di anterior oleh tepi
bebas m. Obligus internus abdominis, sedangkan tutupnya m. Latisimussdorsi.
Trigonum petit dibatasi di kaudal oleh krista iliaka, di anterior oleh tepi bebas
m.obligus eksternus abdominis, dan posterior oleh tepi bebas m. Latisimuss
dorsi. Dasar segitiga ini adalah m. Oblikus internus abdominis dan tutupnya
adalah fasia superfisialis. Hernia pada kedua trigonum ini jarang dijumpai. Pada
pemeriksaan fisik tampak dan teraba benjolan di pinggang di tepi bawah tulang
rusuk XII atau di tepi kranial panggul dorsal. Diagnosis di tegakkan dengan
memeriksa pintu hernia. Diagnosis banding adalah hematoma, abses dingin atau
tumor jaringan lunak. Pengelolaan terdiri dari atas herniotomi dan hernioplasti.
Pada hernioplasti dilakukan juga penutupan defek.

Risk factors
By Mayo Clinic Staf
Umbilical hernias are most common in infants especially
premature babies and those with low birth weights. Black infants
appear to have a slightly increased risk of umbilical hernias. The
condition afects boys and girls equally.
For adults, being overweight or having multiple pregnancies may
increase the risk of developing an umbilical hernia. This type of
hernia tends to be more common in women.

By Mayo Clinic Staf

For children, complications of an umbilical hernia are rare. Complications

can occur when the protruding abdominal tissue becomes trapped
(incarcerated) and can no longer be pushed back into the abdominal cavity.
This reduces the blood supply to the section of trapped intestine and can
lead to umbilical pain and tissue damage. If the trapped portion of intestine
is completely cut of from the blood supply (strangulated hernia), tissue
death (gangrene) may occur. Infection may spread throughout the
abdominal cavity, causing a life-threatening situation.

Adults with umbilical hernia are somewhat more likely to experience

incarceration or obstruction of the intestines. Emergency surgery is typically
required to treat these complications.

Bagian dan Jenis Hernia :

Bagian bagian hernia :

1. Kantong hernia

Pada hernia abdominalis berupa peritoneum parietalis. Tidak semua hernia memiliki
kantong, misalnya hernia incisional, hernia adiposa, hernia intertitialis.

2. Isi hernia

Berupa organ atau jaringan yang keluar melalui kantong hernia, misalnya usus,
ovarium, dan jaringan penyangga usus (omentum).

3. Pintu hernia

Merupakan bagian locus minoris resistance yang dilalui kantong hernia.

4. Leher hernia

Bagian tersempit kantong hernia yang sesuai dengan kantong hernia.

5. Locus minoris resistence (LMR)

Gambar 1. Bagian-bagian Hernia

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