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Kuliah 1 Pengertian Etika

Ethics (Etika) berasal dari bahasa Yunani ethos, Artinya: karakter/sifat/disposition

yakni bgm seseorang harus berbuat.

Etika: filosofi, aturan, pedoman berperilaku sebagai seorang manusia yang diterima di masyarakat secara

Etika: panduan perilaku yang bersifat moral, hasil kesepakatan bersama yang pematuhannya dipercayakan
pada setiap pribadi manusia sbg anggota dari suatu kehidupan bersama (common life).

Mengapa perlu etika?

Manusia adalah individu yang unik (subyektif) sekaligus makhluk sosial yang saling berinteraksi, sehingga
perlu pedoman agar bisa diterima

Manusia pada dasarnya punya keinginan

dan kesadaran diri untuk berbuat baik sanksi sosial bagi yang melanggar

Kuliah 2 Etika & Profesi Jurnalis

Hakikat dalam Profesi Jurnalis
mencari, menemukan, dan menyampaikan kebenaran (seeking and delivering the truth)

Kewajiban pertama seorang jurnalis adalah menyampaikan kebenaran (Kovach & Rosentiel)

IFJ* declaration of principles on the conduct of journalists:

Respect for truth and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist

Apa itu kebenaran?

Dalam konteks jurnalisme:
Kebenaran adalah fakta-fakta realitas yang didukung oleh bukti-bukti yang meyakinkan dan telah
diverifikasi. Dalam hal ini upaya mencari kebenaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat analisis,
logika dan pengetahuan.

Etika dalam Sebuah Profesi

Etika profesi : mencerminkan misi dan fungsi profesi yang bersangkutan.

Etika lahir dari refleksi dan pengalaman para praktisi yang mempunyai pemikiran (thoughtful practitioners).

Etika dalam Profesi Jurnalis

Etika jurnalisme: suatu spesies dari etika terapan (profesional); merupakan aplikasi dan evaluasi
dari prinsip-prinsip dan norma- norma yang memandu praktik jurnalisme, dengan perhatian khusus
terhadap permasalahan yang paling penting di lapangan. (Stephen J.A. Ward)

Mengapa Jurnalisme Butuh Kode Etik?

Bagi pemilik media & redaktur suatu perlindungan thd kritik dan tindakan hukum dan sbg jaminan dasar
mengenai kredibilitas output mereka

Bagi jurnalis sbg panduan ttg cara-cara yang dpt diterima dalam menyajikan informasi & merupakan
acuan bagi pihak lain utk menilai output jurnalis

Bagi publik suatu jaminan bahwa materi yang diterima mendekati kebenaran, fair, dan telah diverifikasi
Prinsip-Prinsip Utama dalam Jurnalisme
1. Akurasi
2. Independensi
3. Objektivitas
4. Balance
5. Fairness
6. Imparsialitas
7. Menghormati privasi
8. Akuntabilitas kepada publik

Fungsi Etika Jurnalisme

Panduan bagi individu dalam menjalankan tugas jurnalisme

Tujuan Adanya Etika Jurnalisme (Nasution, 2015, hal.100)

Berpikir etis (ethical reasoning)

Pada pelaksanaannya, etika jurnalisme dpt dibagi dlm 2 level:

Level mikro: apa yg harus dilakukan individu jurnalis
Level makro: apa yg harus dilakukan media

KULIAH TAMU: Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age

Five Core Principles of Journalism

Truth and Accuracy
Fairness and Impartiality

Digital Media Ethics : Questions and challenges

Digital media ethics deals with the disAnct ethical problems, practices and norms of digital news media

A Revolution in Ethics
A media revolution is transforming the nature of journalism and its ethics.
The means to publish is now in the hands of citizens.
Internet encourages new forms of journalism that are interactive and immediate.

To what extent existing media ethics is suitable for todays and tomorrows news media that is immediate,
interactive and always on? A journalism of amateurs and professionals
Most of the principles were developed over the past century, originating in the construction of professional,
objective ethics for mass commercial newspapers in the late 19th century.

This new mixed news media requires a new mixed media ethics, Guidelines that apply to amateur and

Tensions on Two Levels

Difficult Question for Digital Media Ethics:

Who is a journalist? What is Journalism?
Anonimity, corrections, & speed rumors
Impartiality conflict of interest & participan journalism
Enterpreneural not-for-profit journalism
Reporters using social media vs citizen journalist & using citizen contents

Ethics of Images
Citizens and professional journalists have new and easy ways to capture and transmit images, such as cell
phones linked to the internet via wireless technology.
Who is the sender and how do we know that this image is really of the event in question?
Another issue is whether a journalist or a citizen used technology to alter the photograph, e.g. to add
an object to the picture or to take an object out.
The line between a technical change and a change is meaning is not always clear. An image maker can
enhance the colours of a photo unAl it is quite unlike the original picture of the object or the event.

Peace vs. War Journalism

War journalism is journalism about conflict that has a value bias towards violence and violent groups. This
usually leads audiences to overvalue violent responses to conflict and ignore non-violent alternatives

Peace journalism has been developed from research that indicates that often news about conflict has a
value bias toward violence. It uses Conflict analysis and transformation to update the concept of balance,
fairness and accuracy in reporting.

The Journalism of Terror :

How do we bear witness when everybody is a witness?
Do journalists have a responsibility to share what they see in real-time?
Without communication, terrorism would not exist.

Flood of Information
Today, the value of journalism is in the management of an overabundance of information. Reporters no
longer own the story.

Our job is to help filter a flood of competing narratives and to connect the most authentic voices to the
widest possible audience.

Real vs. Fake News

It's the real news that needs a check.

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