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Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________

EXERCISE #1 : Correct use of “ada” Date : ___________
 Rewrite the following in English correctly.
Example :
1. Ada seekor kucing. There was a cat.
2. Kucing itu ada anak. The cat had a baby.

1 Ibu saya ada telefon.

__________________________________________ .
2. Ada telefon di atas meja.
__________________________________________ .
3. Ada sebuah kereta di dalam garaj.
__________________________________________ .
4. Kereta itu ada warna cantik.
__________________________________________ .
5. Dia (perempuan) ada sedikit wang.
__________________________________________ .
6. Ada seorang guru di pagar sekolah.
__________________________________________ .
7. Beberapa orang murid ada kerjarumah.
__________________________________________ .
8. Ada tiga ekor kambing di ladang itu.
__________________________________________ .
9. Ibunya ada masalah.
__________________________________________ .
10. Pekerja itu ada tiga buah rumah.
__________________________________________ .
11. Encik Maniam ada mesyuarat semalam.
__________________________________________ .
12. Ada seekor burung di pokok itu.
__________________________________________ .
13. Anak lelaki Puan Sofina ada buku cerita baharu.
__________________________________________ .
14. Ada cerita bagus di televisyen tadi.
__________________________________________ .
15. Guru itu ada pendapatnya.
__________________________________________ .
16. Puan Chin ada rambut baharu yang cantik.
__________________________________________ .
17. Ada sebuah kedai runcit baharu di hujung jalan itu.
__________________________________________ .
18. Ada sebuah sarang burung di atas kereta lama ayah Amin.
_______________________________________________ .
19. Amin gembira kerana dia ada kasut Hari Raya baharu.
____________________________________________ .
20. Ada makanan baharu dihidangkan di atas meja itu.
__________________________________________ .
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #2 : Correct use of Past Tense Verb Date : ___________
 Read the following passage.
 Identify the Past Tense verb phrases which are wrong.
 Rewrite this passage with correct Past Tense verb phrase.

It was Sunday afternoon. Amin and Zul were going home from school. They were
walked together. They were hoped to reach home early because they were hungry.
As they were walking, they were saw a small kitten in a drain, They were felt pity for the
kitten. Quickly, Amin was picked up the cat. He then was brought it home.
At home, Amin was showed to his mother. His mother was told him to clean it and feed
with milk. Amin was fed the cat with some milk. Then he was put it in the café. Amin was happy
because he was able to help a poor creature.
The following day, at school, Amin was told his teacher. His teacher was proud of Amin,
He was praised Amin. He was hoped everyone would be as kind as Amin. Amin was smiled.

Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #3 : Correct use of went and go. Date : ___________
 Read the following passage.
 Identify the errors.
 Rewrite this passage with correct use of went.

Amin went to go to school. When he arrived, he went to go to the canteen. There, he went to
go to the food counter. He bought some food and ate it. Later, he went to go to the classroom. He
saw a boy sleeping. He went to go out and met his class teacher. His class teacher quickly went
to go to the classroom. He woke the boy up. He asked the boy to go to the toilet. The boy slowly
went to go to the toilet.
After a few minutes, Amin went to go to the toilet too. He wanted to call the boy. There,
he met the boy. The boy wanted to go to the canteen. Amin agreed. Both of them went to go to
the canteen.
After eating at the canteen, Amin and the boy went to go back to the classroom. Their
teacher was there. They started to learn English. The boy had no dictionary. The teacher asked
him to go to the library. The boy went to go to the library to borrow a dictionary.
Then the boy went to go back to the classroom. Everyone continued their English lesson.

Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #4 : Correct use of prepositions before there. Date : ___________
 Read the following sentences.
 Identify the errors.
 Rewrite the sentcnces correctly.

1 Abu was at the bus stop. At there, he sat alone, waiting for the bus.
2. Azim went to the football field. At there, he met his friend..
3. The shoppers were at the shopping mall. They were busy shopping at there.
4. Cameron Highland is a beautiful place. At there, we can buy strawberries.
5. The teacher asked the boys to wait at the canteen. He asked them to be at there early
6. My friends were having a picnic at Desaru. They were enjoying themselves at there.
7. We should visit the Orphanage, At there, we can help clean the place.
8. Azman and his father were at the mosque. At there, they performed their Hari Raya
9. If Azizah was at there, she would help the poor girl from being bullied.
10. Some officers were at the 12th floor of the building. At there, they were having a
11. The girls have to be at there before 9 o’clock.
12. At there, you can see mountain climbers climbing the mountain.
13. The Japanese tourusts were at KLCC last night. At there, they bought souvenirs.
13. The doctor put the scissors at there before he left the room.
14. Zul had been at there for a few times.
15. The police found blood at here and at there.

Now create your own sentences using “there”.

16. ___________________________________________________________________.
17. ___________________________________________________________________..
18. ___________________________________________________________________..
19. ___________________________________________________________________.
20. ___________________________________________________________________..
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #5 : Correct use of “thanked”. Date : ___________
 Read the following sentences.
 Identify the errors.
 Rewrite the sentcnces correctly.

1 Amin helped the boy from drowning. The boy said thanked to Amin..
2. The girl say thanked to her teacher for the help.
3. He said thanked to his cousin for buying him some drinks.
4. Alya received a present from her mother and she said thanked to her.
5. The little boy was helped by his neighbour, He said thanked to him.
6. The children enjoyed the food and they said thank you to their mother..
7. The policeman said thank to the man for returning the wallet.
8. The headmaster thanked to all the students for coming to school last Saturday.
9. Since he had won in the contest, he said thank you to his supporters.
10. The man assisted the old man to cross the road and the old man thanked to him.
11. Ainol said thanked you to her friends for coming to her birthday party.
12. The manager said thanked to his workers for being so hardworking.
13. The woman wanted to say thank you to her neighbour for arresting the thief.
13. The paddy planters said thanked to the government for the aid.
14. Zain says thank Abu for lending him the book.
15. The police said thanked to the community for the cooperation.

Now create your own sentences using “thanked”.

16. ___________________________________________________________________.
17. ___________________________________________________________________..
18. ___________________________________________________________________..
19. ___________________________________________________________________.
20. ___________________________________________________________________..
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #6 : Correct use of “help / helped / helping”. Date : ___________
Examples :
1 Amin tolong budak lelaki itu daripada lemas.
Amin helped the boy from drowning.
2 Budak lelaki itu meminta tolong daripada Amin..
The boy asked Amin for help.
3 Amin memberikan pertolongan kepada budak lelaki itu.
Amin gave the boy a help.
4. Budak lelaki itu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Amin kerana menolong dia.
The boy thanked Amin for helping him.
5, Amin cuba menolong budak lelaki itu.
Amin tried to help the boy.

 Read the following sentences.

 Identify the keyword.
 Rewrite the sentcnces correctly in English.

1. Abu telah menolong ibunya malam tadi.

2. Minggu lepas. Anita membantu ibunya.
3. Budak-budak lelaki itu meminta tolong daripada guru mereka.
4. Polis itu memberikan pertolongan kepada penduduk kampung.
5. Sofina mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakannya.
6. Pekerja itu cuba untuk membantu orang itu.
7, Pasukan bomba memberi bantuan kepada penjaja-penjaja itu.
8, Keesokan harinya , mereka membantu jiran-jiran mereka.
9, Malangnya, bapanya (lelaki) tidak dapat menolong dia.
10, Semua guru mengucapkan terima kasih atas pertolongan para ibu bapa.
11, Beberapa orang pekerja telah cuba membantu pemandu itu.
12, Hanya dua orang budak perempuan yang meminta pertolongan.
13, Semua murid ingin menolong guru mereka.
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #7 : Using "for" instead of "to" in sentences. Date : ___________
Examples :
1 Amin beli buah-buahan itu untuk adiknya,
Amin bought the fruits for his brother.
2 Pekerja itu menggunakan tukul untuk memaku papan.
The worker used the hammer to nail the plank.

 Read the following sentences.

 Identify the keyword.
 Rewrite the sentcnces correctly in English.

1. Abu ambil biskut itu untuk adiknya.

2. Ibu Amin menggunakan sudip untuk menggoreng ikan.
3. Encik Zul berjumpa dengan murid itu untuk menasihatinya.
4. Mereka pergi ke Cameron Highland untuk bercuti.
5. Guru Besar itu membeli kuih untuk murid-murid miskin di sekolahnya.
6. Mereka kumpulkan baju-baju lama untuk anak-anak yatim.
7. Pekerja itu meminjam cangkul untuk membersihkan longkang.
8. Bola itu digunakan untuk permainan itu.
9. Sofina membeli Whiskers untuk kucingnya.
10. Mereka menggunakan “sneakers” untuk berjoging.
11 Untuk beberapa hari ini, semua murid mesti berlatih sukan.
12. Azizah membungkus hadiah itu untuk ibunya.
13. Cikgu berikan dia pensil untuk menulis.
14. Untuk dapatkan markah tinggi, Ali mesti belajar dengan rajin.
15. Tukang masak itu memasak bubur untuk semua tetamu.
16. Azman makan ubat untuk pulih dari sakit.
17. Untuk para jemputan, pihak sekolah akan sediakan cenderahati khas.
18. Azizah memakai gaun itu untuk kelihatan cantik.
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #8 : Using "proud with" instead of "proud of" in Date : ___________
Examples :
1 Amin berbangga dengan keluarganya.
Amin was proud with his family. X
Amin was proud of his family. _/
 Read the following sentences.
 Rewrite the sentcnces correctly in English using “proud of”.

1. Azizah berbangga dengan kucingnya.

2. Mereka berbangga dengan diri mereka kerana merka menang dalam perlawanan bola
3. Ali telah menolong bapanya dan dia berasa bangga dengan dirinya.
4. Mr. Kumar berbangga dengan pasukan bola balingnya.
5. Semua orang berbangga dengan sekolah masing-masing.
6. Adam amat berbangga dengan keputusan peperiksaannya.
7. Ketua kampung itu berbangga dengan budak-budak lelaki itu.
8. Kedua-dua pelajar itu berbangga dengan diri mereka kerana dapat mewakili sekolah.
9. Abang Sofea berbangga adiknya (perempuan).
10. Guru itu tidak berbangga sangat dengan keputusan pertandingan itu.
11. Dia sungguh berbangga dengan dirinya kerana mampu makan banyak durian.
12. Dia suka sangat berbangga dengan dirinya.
13. Pekerja-pekerja itu berbangga dengan diri mereka.
14. Azmi berbangga dengan dirinya kerana berjaya menjawab semua soalan dengan betul.
15. Guru Besar itu berbangga dengan pencapaian murid-murid dalam UPSR.
16. Aliah terlalu bangga dengan rumah baharunya.
17. Setelah lukisan itu siap, Adam kelihatan berbangga dengannya.
18. Pemain bola itu berbangga dengan kelabnya kerana berjaya menjadi juara.
19. Bapanya tidak berbangga dengan dia pun kerana dia nakal.
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #9 : Repeating names in a paragraph because of inability Date : ___________
to use pronouns.
Examples :
Amin went to school. Amin carried his bag. Amin was tired. Amin wanted to go rest.
Amin went to school. He carried his bag. He was tired. He wanted to rest.
 Read the following texts. There are repetition errors.
 Rewrite the texts by replacing the proper nouns with correct pronouns.

1. Azman was at home. Azman was alone. Azman wanted to go out but his mother did not
allow him because it was raining.

2. Shima was jogging at the park. Shima saw a purse. She picked the purse, There was a
policeman. Shime gave the purse to the policeman.

3. Abdullah and Ahmad are friends. Abdullah and Ahmad like games. Every day, Abdullah and
Ahmad play hockey in the evening. When Abdullah and Ahmad are tired, Abdullah and
Ahmad go home.

4. Putih is a cat. Putih likes to eat cat food. Every day, Putih plays with the string in the basket.

5. Encik Lim and his family went for a picnic at Desaru. Encik Lim and his family brought food
and drinks. Encik Lim and his family enjoyed the picnic very much.

6. The children had a camp last night. The children loved the camp. The children learned to
cook food.

7. One of the boys was climbing the tree. One of the boys used a ladder to climb the tree. One
of the boys suddenly fell. One of the boys was hurt.

8. The villagers were having a Clean-Up Day. The villagers were busy doing their work.
Name : ____________________________ Class : ___________
EXERCISE #10 : Using 2 quantifiers side by side. Date : ___________

Examples :
1. There was a many boys. X
There were many boys. _/
2. There were a some biscuits in the box. X
There were some biscuits in the box. _/
 Read the following sentences.
 Identify the quantifier errors.
 Rewrite the sentences using the correct quantifiers.

1. Azman had a many friends.

2. Shifa wanted to eat a some apple pie.
3. The boys saw a some buffaloes in the paddy field.
4. Many girls like to play a many game.
5. He drank a some water because he was thirsty.
6. The woman bought a some vegetables and meat at the market.
7. The little boy wanted some many bread.
8. The children slept in the shed for a many days.
9. She doesn’t have a much money.
10. The workers slowly put a many bag of cement into the pit.
11. Some many pupils are not hoing to the canteen.
12. A many birds are found on the tree.
13. There is only a some book left on the table.
14. The doctor advises the patient to take only a some pill.
15. There was a some cat sleeping under the car.
16. Abu’s brother had a much time to study for the examination.
17. All the players are sitting on a many bench.
18. A some books are missing from the library.

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