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Disusun Oleh:
Rialta Hamda 130112120622

Pandji Irani Fianza, dr., M.Sc., SpPD-KHOM



A. Definisi
1. Definisi demam: an elevation of body temperature that exceeds the normal daily
variation and occurs in conjunction with an increase in the hypothalamic set
2. Definisi hyperthermia: an unchanged (normothermic) setting of the
thermoregulatory center in conjunction with an uncontrolled increase in body
temperature that exceeds the body’s ability to lose heat.

B. Demam kurang dari 7 hari

1. Demam kurang dari tujuh hari tanpa tanda local
Merupakan penyakit demam tanpa terlihat tanda yang jelas di salah satu sistem
tubuh. Penyebab terjadinya demam jenis ini adalah:
a. Infeksi virus dengue (demam dengue, demam berdarah dengue, sindrom syok
Gejala Tanda
- Severe headache - Sudden onset of fever hingga
- Severe eye pain 410C, berakhir sekitar sampai
- Joint pain tujuh hari
- Muscle and/or bone pain - Rash
- Nausea and vomiting - Mild bleeding manifestation(e.g.,
nose or gum bleed, petechiae, or
easy bruising)
b. Malaria
Gejala Tanda
- Chills - Fever
- Joint pain
- Vomit
- Convulsion
- 3 stage of: cold, hot, and sweating
c. Demam pasca vaksinasi
Gejala Tanda
- Demam dengan riwayat vaksinasi - Bekas suntikan yang mungkin
- Artralgia diikuti oleh bengkak, abses
- Limfadenitis
- Reaksi alergi: urtikaria,
dermatitis, edema.
d. Sepsis
Gejala Tanda
- Riwayat penyakit terkait organ - Kesaran mungkin berkurang
penyebab sepsis - Tachycardia
- Mual dan muntah - Fever
- Diare - Pernapasan yang cepat
- Kencng berkurang
- Lemah badan
e. Demam yang berhubungan dengan HIV
Gejala Tanda
- Lemah badan - Fever
- Pegal otot - Berat badan menurun
- Nyeri sendi - Pembengkakan KGB
- Sakit tenggorokan - Ruam
- Sakit kepala - Tanda-tanda infeksi jamur
- Mual dan muntah - Herpres genital
- Diare
- Berkeringat malam hari
- Penurunan berat badan
- Kesemutan
- Haid tidak teratur
2. Demam kurang dari tujuh hari dengan tanda local.
Merupakan penyakit demam akut dengan fokus infeksi, yang dapat didiagnosis
setelah anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik
a. Infeksi pada saluran nafas bagian atas:
- VURTI (viral upper respiratory tract)
- Tonsilofaringitis
Gejala Tanda
- Nyeri tenggorokan - Granul pada faring
- Nyeri menelan - Kemerahan pada faring
- Sering berdeham - Kripta melebar pada tonsil
- Detritus pada tonsil
- Kemerahan pada tonsil
b. Sinusitis
Gejala Tanda
- Sering bersin, batuk, pilek - Fever
- Sering mampet - Allergic shiner
- Facial pain - Allergic salute
- Headache - Deni’s morgan lines (transverse
nasal crease)
- Hypertrophy conchae
c. OMA (otitis media akut)
Gejala Tanda
- Nyeri telinga - Fever
- Keluar cairan dari telinga - Tanda dari lima stadium OMA:
- Bindeng oklusi, hiperemis, suppurasi,
perforasi, resolusi.
d. Infeksi pada saluran nafas bagian bawah:
- Bronkhitis
Gejala Tanda
- Batuk berdahak - Fever
- Sesak napas - Bengkak di pergelangan kaki,
- Sering menderita infeksi kaki, tungkai kaki kiri dan kanan.
pernapasan - Wajah, telapak tangan, atau
- Nafas berat mukosa yang tampak kemerahan.
- Mudah lelah
- Sakit kepala
- Gangguan penglihatan
- Pneumonia
Gejala Tanda
- Batuk berdahak - Fever
- Darah di dahak - Tachycardia
- Mudah lelah - Suara nafas yang kasar pada
- Keringat yang berlebihan auskultasi
- Nyeri otot
- Sesak napas
e. Infeksi saluran kemih
Gejala Tanda
- Nyeri saat kencing - Fever
- Sensasi terbakar saat kencing
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Passing only small amounts of
urine at a time despite the urge to
- Urine that is cloudy or bloody
with a strong, foul odor
- Chills
- Nausea and vomiting
- Have to urinate often, but not
much urine comes out.
f. Meningitis
Gejala Tanda
- Sakit kepala - Demam
- Kaku kuduk
g. Gastroenteritis
Gejala Tanda
- Mual dan muntah - Fever
- Bloating - Efek dehidrasi: sunken eyes, dry
- Hilang nafsu makan mouth, tachycardia,
- Abdominal cramp
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Bloody stools
- Terkadang pus di stool
- Lethargy and body aches


1. Infeksi
a. Demam tifoid

- Diare - Demam, step wise, puncak pada

- Konstipasi malan hari, turun di pagi hari.
- Abdominal pain - Rose spot sign.
- Mual muntah - Typhoid tongue.
- Nafsu makan menurun - Splenomegaly.
- Batuk kering - Bradycardia relative.
- Frontal headache
- Delirium, malaise.
b. Tuberkulosis (TB)
Gejala Tanda
Sistemik: - Fever
- Penurunan berat badan
- Keringat malam hari.
- Penurunan nafsu makan
- Batuk lebih dari 2 minggu.
c. Leptospirosis
Gejala Tanda
- Calf pain - Non pruritic rash
- Headache - Jaundice
- Nausea
- Vomit
- Diare
- Batuk
- Nyeri tenggorokan
d. Hepatitis virus
Gejala Tanda
- Fase 1: asymptomatic - Fase 1: -
- Fase 2 (prodromal phase) – - Fase 2: urticarial, pruritus.
Patients experience anorexia, - Fase 3: icteric, hepatomegaly.
nausea, vomiting, alterations in - Fase 4: -
taste, arthralgias, malaise, fatigue,
and some develop an aversion to
cigarette smoke; when seen by a
health care provider during this
phase, patients are often
diagnosed as having
gastroenteritis or a viral syndrome
- Fase 3 (icteric phase) – Patients
may note dark urine, followed by
pale-colored stools; in addition to
the predominant gastrointestinal
(GI) symptoms and malaise,
patients may develop right upper
quadrant pain with.
- Fase 4 (convalescent phase) –
symptoms and icterus resolve, and
liver enzymes return to normal.
2. Neoplasma
a. Limfoma Hodgkin
Gejala Tanda
- Asymptomatic lymphadenopathy - Palpable, painless
may be present (above the lymphadenopathy can be seen in
diaphragm in 80% of patients) the cervical area (neck, 60-80%),
- Constitutional symptoms (eg, axilla (armpit, 6-20%), and, less
unexplained weight loss, fever, commonly, in the inguinal area
night sweats) are present in 40% (groin, 6-20%); it is described as
of patients. Collectively, these are rubbery adenopathy
known as "B symptoms." - Involvement of the Waldeyer ring
- Intermittent fever is observed in (back of the throat, including the
approximately 35% of cases; tonsils) or occipital (lower rear of
infrequently, the classic Pel- the head) or epitrochlear (inside
Ebstein fever is observed (high the upper arm near the elbow)
fever for 1-2 wk followed by an areas is infrequently observed
afebrile period of 1-2 wk) - Splenomegaly and/or
- Chest pain, cough, shortness of hepatomegaly may be present
breath, or a combination of these - Superior vena cava syndrome may
things may be present due to a develop in patients with massive
large mediastinal mass or lung mediastinal lymphadenopathy
involvement; rarely, hemoptysis - Central nervous system (CNS)
occurs symptoms or signs may be due to
- Patients may present with paraneoplastic syndromes,
pruritus including cerebellar degeneration,
- Pain at sites of nodal disease, neuropathy, Guillain-Barre
precipitated by drinking alcohol, syndrome, or multifocal
occurs in less than 10% of leukoencephalopathy.
patients but is specific for
Hodgkin lymphoma
- Back or bone pain may rarely
b. Leukemia
Gejala Tanda
- In most patients, a diagnosis of Posterior segment manifestations
leukemia has been made before  The posterior segment
presenting to an ophthalmologist. manifestations are protean in
However, in some patients, nature and may be secondary to
ocular symptoms and direct invasion of the leukemic
examination lead to a diagnosis cells.
of leukemia.  They result from systemic
- Most patients do not develop hematological abnormalities, such
symptoms as a result of as anemia, thrombocytopenia, and
intraocular involvement. hyperviscosity or opportunistic
infections secondary to the
immune dysfunction.
 Direct infiltration
o Retinal grayish white nodules
that may be surrounded by
hemorrhage manifest direct
o Perivascular sheathing may be
another manifestation of a
leukemic infiltrate.
o Roth spots, white-centered
retinal hemorrhages, may
represent a cluster of leukemic
cells. On the other hand, septic
emboli or platelet-fibrin
material gives a similar
funduscopic finding.
o Rarely, pale gray swelling of
the optic nerve head may
indicate optic nerve

3. Penyakit jaringan ikat dan vascular

a. Demam Rematik Akut (DRA)
Gejala Tanda
 Diagnosis is challenging for Physical findings can be
several reasons, as follows: nonspecific and misleading;
o Approximately 70% of older therefore, a high index of suspicion is
children and young adults required for diagnosis.
recollect pharyngitis. However, Suspicious signs for carditis
only approximately 20% of include new or changing valvular
young children recollect murmurs, cardiomegaly, congestive
pharyngitis. Therefore, younger heart failure, and/or pericarditis.
children who present with signs Nearly 60% of patients with
or symptoms consistent with carditis develop isolated mitral valve
acute rheumatic fever (ARF) involvement, followed in prevalence
merit a higher index of by combined mitral and aortic valve
suspicion. involvement.
o The rate of isolation of group A When present, Sydenham chorea
streptococci from the is seldom evident at the time of
oropharynx is extremely low in initial presentation.
all populations. Erythema marginatum and
 Usually, a latent period of subcutaneous nodules are rare (<
approximately 18 days occurs 10% of patients).
between the onset of streptococcal Arthritis, which occurs in 80% of
pharyngitis and ARF. This latent patients, usually involves multiple
period is rarely shorter than 1 large joints, particularly the knees,
week or longer than 5 weeks. ankles, elbows, and wrists.
o Typically, the first  Hips and smaller joints of
manifestation is a very painful hands and feet are less
migratory polyarthritis. Often, commonly involved.
associated fever and  Migratory polyarthritis is
constitutional toxicity develop. usually associated with a
o Acute attacks usually resolve febrile illness. It involves a
within 12 weeks. series of painful joints,
 Guidelines for diagnosis published followed by another series of
more than 50 years ago by T. painful joints.
Duckett Jones[3] have been slightly  This form of arthritis rarely
revised by the American Heart causes permanent joint
Association (AHA).[4] Prior deformity.
history of a preceding group A Unusual presentations, such as
streptococcal infection is helpful indolent carditis and isolated chorea,
but not required. In addition, 2 may also occur. Even rarer
major manifestations or 1 major manifestations include epistaxis and
and 2 minor manifestations must abdominal pain due to serositis.
be present.
o Major manifestations include
carditis, polyarthritis, chorea,
erythema marginatum, and
subcutaneous nodules.
o Minor manifestations include
arthralgias and fever.
Laboratory findings include
elevated levels of acute-phase
reactants (erythrocyte
sedimentation rate [ESR] and
C-reactive protein) and a
prolonged PR interval. A
prolonged PR interval is not
specific and has not been
associated with later cardiac
sequelae. The utility of
echocardiography is also
 The Jones criteria[4] should be
viewed as a guide to determine
who is at high risk but cannot be
used to define diagnosis with
absolute certainty.
o An exception includes chorea,
which can present as the sole
manifestation of ARF, in spite
of negative laboratory results.
o Another possible exception is
indolent carditis.
 A throat culture with results
positive for Streptococcus is found
in approximately 25% of patients
at the time of presentation.

A. Definisi: an abnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing.

B. Differential diagnosis
1. Obstructive disease of airways
a. Asthma
Gejala Tanda
- Batuk - Wheezing
- Gejala alergi - Vocal fremitus menurun
- Sesak - Vocal resonance menurun
Gejala Tanda
- Batuk - Pursed lip breathing
- Sesak - Wheezing
- Acute chest illness - Barrel chest
- Vocal fremitus menurun
- Vocal resonance menurun
- Hyperresonance on percussion
- Prolonged expiration
2. Acutre Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ADRS
3. Pneumotoraks
Gejala Tanda
- Sesak, tapi terkadang ada pasien - Hyperresonance
yang tidak begitu merasa sesak.
- Sesak - Deviasi trakea
- Chest pain - Hypotension
- Anxiety - Hyperresonance of thorax
- Ftigue - Jugular venous distention
- Acute epigastric pain (rare find) - Tachycardia

4. Pulmonary embolism
Gejala Tanda
- Seizure - Fever
- Syncope - Wheezing
- Abdominal pain - Decreasing level of consciousness
- Productive cough - Hemoptysis
- - Flank pain
- Delirium (in elder patient)
5. Hypoventilation Syndrome

6. Heart disease
a. Gagal jantung (heart failure)
Gejala Tanda
- Sesak - Hypertension
- Sleep disorder breathing - Dyslipidemia
- Exertional dyspnea
- Orthopnea
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Chest pain
- Palpitasi
- Fatigue, weaknsess
- Nocturia, oliguria
b. Penyakit arteri coroner (coronary artery disease)
Gejala Tanda
- Chest pain - Hypertension
- Sesak - Dyslipidemia
c. Kardiomiopati
Gejala Tanda
- Sesak, Orthopnea - S1 normal. S2 normal,
- Syncope terkadang paradoxical split. S3
- Presyncope gallop. S4 frequently heard.
- Angina - Systolic ejection murmur.
- Palpitasi - Holosystolic murmur.
- PND (paroxysmal nocturnal
- Dizziness
d. Disfungsi katup (ex: mitral valce prolapse)
Gejala Tanda
- Sesak - Arrythmia
- Fatigue
- Exercise intolerance
- Orthopnea
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Palpitasi
e. Hipertrofi ventrikel kiri
Gejala Tanda
- Shortness of breath - Tachycardia
- Chest pain
- Palpitasi
- Dizziness or fainting

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