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Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia

( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email : Telp. : (021) 3904517

Website : http:l/ Fax. : (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executrve Board
Ketua Urnum/Pressderd
M. Yulianto LIstiawar No. : 872/PERDOSKI/PP/V/19 Jakarta. 28 Mei 2019
Ketua Bidang Organises,
Vice President in Organization
Hal : Calon penerima penghargaan FAADV
False Waskito
WakAl Ketue Mang, Lamp. 1 (satu) berkas
Assistant Vice President in Organization
Ketut Sukarata

Ketue Mang Pendidikan & Prates'.

Vice President in Education S. Profession
Danang Triwehyu
Wakil Retua &clang, Kepada Yth. :
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession
Puguh Riyanto
Windy KaumaIa Bechar* 1. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Reiva Farah
Dwiyana 2. Ketua Kelompok Studi PERDOSKI
Agnes Sn Siswat

Ketue Biasing Sosial & Kenasarna 3. Ketua Kolegium DV

Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas Withansyan
Wakil Ketua Mang,
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Roro Inge Ade Knsanti
Abraham Anmuko
4. Ketua Institusi Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Kulit Indonesia
Si-valuta Sebayang
Ketue Bidang Hubungan Internasional & &stem informasi di
TerTntegraseVico President in International Affairs &
integrated Information System
She Prihianti
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internaslonal & Slstern Informs&
Terintegrasi/Assrsfant Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Diah Puspitosar

Sekrelans Urnum/Socrafery General

Henry Weser!
VValel SekretarisiVive Secretary
Sehubungan dengan akan dise1enggarakan pemberian penghargaan Fellow Of
Dian Praha
Frtna Agustina Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (FAADV), dengan ini PP
Tie Febeenti PERDOSKI meminta asupan 2 (dua) wakil nama Anggota Biasa PERDOSKI
Wadi Bendaherallfice Treasurer
Hediyart Purba
Githa Rehrnayunita
PERDOSKI dari masing-masing PC/KS/Kolegium DV/IPDS yang akan diseleksi
Badan PolandkapiCommittee- untuk diberikan penghargaan Fellow AADV tersebut. Pemberian penghargaan
MDVINethe Den-nate Venereologica indoreslana
Sn Linuwth Menald akan dilaksanakan pada acara Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) XVII PERDOSKI
Kernel Pengembangan Perk:lid/ken Keprofesian BerkelanMar Medan, tanggal 21 - 24 Agustus 2019 di Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel &
IP2KBYContinaing Professional Development {CAD)
Dose Lestarini Convention Medan JIn. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 7. Medan.
Dewan Pedirnhangan Protesi■Supreme Councr;
M Nasser
Erdina HD Pusponegoro
Berikut ini syarat dan ketentuan bagi talon penerima penghargaan Fellow
Badan Pengkap/Boarn of Reviewer
Sandra VVIdaty AADV adalah:
Kelomook Studi/Studv Groups:
1. Anggota Biasa PERDOSKI
lefeksi Menular Seksual Indonesai
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Hanny ',Masan 2. Berprestasi di Bidang pendidikan dan atau penelitian, pengembangan terkait
Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes
Prasetyadi Mawardi
keilmuan IKKK atau aktif berperan serta dalam keorganisasian IKKK.
Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Sr Menald
3. Belum pernah menerima penghargaan FAADV sebelumnya
Imunodermotolooi den Dermolosis onmunnderrneininoy 4. Melampirkan rekomendasi dari Kolegium DV/Institusi Pendidikan Dokter
and Occupational Dennalosis
Lnoang Suletlia Spesialis Kulit Indonesia/Kelompok Studi/PERDOSKI Cabang
Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis
End! Novianto 5. Terdaftar sebagai peserta PIT
Dennatomikologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology
Sandra Wiaaty 6. Nadir pada acara pemberian penghargaan
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology
Srie PriNant
7. Menyertakan Curriculum Vitae lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris
Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia] Indonesian Cosmetic 8. Melampirkan pas foto berwama 4x6 (2 lembar) dengan latar belakang biru
y 9. Sudah menjadi Sp.KK minimal selama 10 tahun (requirement dan AADV)
Abraham Arimuke

Tumor & Bedah Kulit Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
10. Kuota penerima FAADV untuk PERDOSKI dari AADV adalah sebanyak
Susanti Budiamal
maksimal 110 orang
Dermatologi Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology
Amaranila Latta Drijono
11 Bagi kandidat yang diterima untuk mendapatkan FAADV dikenakan biaya
Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia' Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya membership sejumlah @USD 20/orang
Dermatopatdogi Indonesia/ Indonesian DerMatopethofogy
Sonclang A Pardjeetan Sireit

Dermatologi basal moonesia/ Indonesian soma+ Dermatology


Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Did Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit clan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology/ ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
Ji. Salemba I No. 221. Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email Telp. (021) 3904517

Website Fax. : (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Urnumi P r e s i d e n t

M. Yullento Listiawan
Biaya perjalanan dan akomodasi ditanggung peserta. Asupan nama calon

Vi ce
Ketua Mang Organisasj•
P r es ide nt in Or gan iza t io n
penerima penghargaan FAADV ditunggu selambatnya tanggal 26 Juni 2019 dan
Faiar Waskito
Wakil Ketua Mang/ dikirimkan ke Sekretariat PP PERDOSKI dengan alamat sebagai berikut.
A s s i s t an t V i c e P r es i d en t i n O r g a n i za t i o n

Siswento Wahab
Ketut Sukarata

Ketua &clang Pendidikan & Profesil Kantor Pusat PERDOSKI, Ruko Grand Salemba
Vi ce P r es ide n t i n Educ a t ion & Pro fess i on

Danang Triviabyudi
Waled Ketua Bidangi JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat 10430
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession
Puguh Riyanlo
Windy Keurnala Budianti
Telp. 021-3904517, Fax. No. 021-3152316
Rerva Farah Dirayana
Agnes Sn
Ketua &clang Soso' & Kegasama.
Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas WItharmyah
Wald Ketua Bidangs Demikian hal ini disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration

Roro Inge Ade Krisantl

Abraham Anmukc
terima kasih.
Shalina Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Sistern Infant -Iasi

Terintegrasl/Vice President in international Affairs 8
Integrated Information System
Sne Pnhianti
Pengurus Pusat PERDOSKI.
Weld Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Setern Informasi
TenntegraWASSISIant Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Ketua Urn Sekretaris Umum
Dish Puspitosah

Sekretaris Umum/Secretary General

Hanny Nilasan
Wakil Sekratansi Vice Secretary
Dian Pratiwi
Fans Agustine SpEs1 ikt6
'+'G URU5
DR. Dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan. Sp.KK(K) Dr. Nanny Nilasari. Sp.K

Bendaharaf Treasurer

Tia Febnane
Wald Bentlaharai
Hertiyani M
Vice Treasurer
Githa Rahmayonita

Badan Pelenakao/Committee
MDVI/Mecks Dermato Venereoiodica Indonesians
Sri Linuysh Menaldi

Koine Pengarnbangan Pendidikan Kaorotesian Berkeiankaan

(P2KB kronertaing Professional Development (CPO)
Dewi Lestarini

Dewan Pertmbangan ProtesilSspreme Council

M, Nasser
Erdina HD Pusponeooro K)
Badan PengkaWBoard of Reviewer
Sandra Widaty

Kelomook StodilStedv Groups:

!Maks Menular Selisual Indonesia.

Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Hanny Nilasan

Herpes IndoneSar Indonesian Herpes

Prasetyadi Mawardi

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy

Sn Linumh Menaldl

norlArrnatnIng, Han Ilsrrnatnnie flIcti,••■1 iceminnarmmelriledy

and Occupational Derrnatosis

Endang Sutedja

Psoriasis Indonesia! Indonesian Psonasis

End: Nowanto

Dermatomikolog Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology

Sandra Widaty

Dermatdsgl Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Peceetnc Dermatology

Sne Pritkant

Derrnatologi Kosmetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

Abraham Anrnuko

Tumor & Bedah Kuril Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin


Susanh Budiamal

Dermatologt Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Arnararola Labia >lone

Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia/ Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Dermatopatologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatopalhology

Sondang A Pandiaitan Sirait

Dermatologi 5osial Indonesia/ Indonesian Social Dermatology

Puguh Rryanto

Kologium Dermatologi 8 Vonereologi

College of Dermatology 8 Venereology
K e t L i a ;P r es i d e n t

OK Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology/ ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : Telp (021) 3904517

Website : Fax.: (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017-2020

Executive Board
Ketua Umum1President
M `foliate° Lettawar Lampiran 1 Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Ketua Beang Organisase
Vice President in Organization Kepada Yth.
Fajar Waskito
Wakii Ketua Mang.
Assistant Vita President in Organization
Siswanto Wahab
1. Dr. Dina Lidadari. Sp.KK, FINSDV. FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Banda
I Ketut Sukarata
Ketua Bidang Pendidikan & Prates!:
Vice President in Education &
Danang Tnwahyudi
2. Dr.Tjokorda Dalem Pemayun.Sp.KK, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Denpasar
Wald Ketua Bidang'
Assistant Vice President In Education 8 Profession 3. Dr. Yanto Widiantoro, Sp.KK. FINSDV. FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keureala Budianti
Rama Farah Dwyer,.
Agnes Sri Stswati
4. Dr. Elly D. Arifin, Sp.KK, FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Serang
Ketua Bidang Sosial & Kenasarnat
Vice President in Social 8 CogabOration
Andreas Widiansyart
5. Dr. Emil Rafian Fadli, Sp.KK, FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Wakil Ketua Mang.'
Assistant Vice President in Social 8 Collaboration Bogor
Roro Inge Ade Krisant
Abraham Arimuko 6. Dr. Danang Triwahyudi, Sp.KK, FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Shaltna Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan intemasional & Sister !Norma& Jakarta

Terintegrest/ Vice President in International Affairs 8
Integrated Information System 7. Dr. Melania Sasongko. Sp.KK, FINSDV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Jember
Sne Prthiant
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Sister informs:
TenstegrasvAssistant Vice President in International Affairs 8 8. Dr. R.A. Sekar Djatiningrum. Sp.KK. FINSDV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Integrated Information System
Diah Puspitosan Balikpapan
Sekretaris Umum/Secretary General
Hanny Nilasan
9. Dr. Arif VVidiatmoko. Sp.KK, FINSDV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Malang
Wakil Seeetarisi Vice Secretary
Dian Petted 10. Dr. Hj. Sri Rimayani Malik. Sp.KK. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Makassar
Fitria Agustrna

11. Dr. Ferra Olivia Mawu, M Med.. Sp.KK. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Manado
Tia Febnanli
Wakil Bendahara/ Vice Treasurer 12. DR. Dr. Imam Budi Putra. MHA, Sp.KK. FINSDV, FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI
Herliyani M Purba
Gana RahMayUnIta Cabang Medan
!Wan Pelengkap/Committee:
13. DR. Dr. Qaira Anum, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
MOVItMedia Dermato Venereologica Inconesiana
Sn Linuwth Menald Padang
Komist Pengembangan Pendidikan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan
(P2KB)/Continuing ProfesSional Development (CPO,
14. DR. Dr. Raden Pamudji, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Deed Lestarini
Dewan Pertimbangan ProfesilSupreme Council
M Nasser 15. Dr. Buwono Puruhito, Sp.KK. FINSDV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Semarang
Erdina HD Pusponegore

Badan Pengkap/Board of Reviewer

16. Dr. Ary Widhyasti Bandem, M.Kes.. Sp.KK. FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua
Sandra Widaty
PERDOSKI Cabang Surabaya
Kelompok Styr/I/Study Groups:
17. Dr. Muh. Eko Irawanto, Sp.KK. FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Intake Menular Seksual Indonesia
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Hanny Nilasan Surakarta
Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes 18. DR Dr. Niken Trisnowati, M.Sc.. Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV. Ketua PERDOSKI
Prasetyadi Mawara

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy Cabang Yogyakarta

Sri Linowth Menai&
19. Dr. Imawan Hardiman. Sp.KK, FINSDV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Irminmierrnsminm pan Ilerrnstnsis rikilonci/ Immunnvinnmeininov
and Occupational' Dermatosis
Endang Sutedja
PekanPa ru
Psoriasis Indonesia, Indonesian Psoriasis 20. Dr. Sukses Nadi, Sp.KK, FINSDV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Banjarmasin
End. Novento

Derrnatomikorogt Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology

21. Dr. Filiandini Prasanti. Sp.KK. FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Sandra Widely
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia' Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology
See Prellant
22. DR. Dr. M. Syafei Hamzah. Sp.KK. FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI
Dermatologi Kosinetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic
Abraham Anmuko
Cabang Bandar Lampung
Tumor & Bedah Kull Indonesia, Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin 23. Dr. Nur Hidayat, Sp.KK. FINSDV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Palu
Susantl Buthamai 24. Dr. Titie Soepraptie, Sp.KK, FINSDV. Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Jayapura
Dermatologi Laser indOneSta/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology
Arnarardia Lalita [Mono
25. Dr. Farida Hartati. M.Sc, Sp.KK, FINSDV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Mataram
Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia, Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology 26. Dr. Tudung Hidayat, Sp.KK, FINSDV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang Jambi
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Dermatopatologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dormatopethology

27. Dr. Yuliana Teguh, Sp.KK. FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Cabang
Sondang A Pandjaitan Strait
uenntologi sosiallrxIonesrai Indonesian soma! Dermatology
Puguh Riyanto 28. Dr. Agnes Karim. Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua PERDOSKI Samannda
Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi
College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
(Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email© Telp (021) 3904517

Website : Fax (021) 3152316 '9°E-slAuswv-

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
M. Yuhanto Listiawan
Lampiran 2 Katua Kelompok Studi
Ketua Mang Organnsasi.
Vice President in Organization
Polar Waskits Kepada Yth.
Wakil Ketua Bidang,
Assistant Vico President in organ tent:
Siswanto Wahab
I Ketut Sukarala 1. Dr. Nanny Nilasari. Sp.KK(K). FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua Kelompok Studi Infeksi
Ketua Bidang Pendidikan & Profesr Menular Seksual Indonesia (KSIMSI)
Vice President in Education & Profession
Danang Tnwahyud
Wakil Ketua Bidang.
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession 2. DR. Dr. Prasetyadi Mawardi, Sp.KK. FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua Kelompok Studi
Puguh Riyantc
Windy Keumala Budianti Herpes Indonesia (KSHI)
Salve Farah Dwyana
Agnes Sr Siswati

Ketua Bidang Soma & Kettasama'

Vice President in Social & Collaboration
3. DR. Dr. Sri Linuwih Menaldi, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua Kelompok
Andreas Widiansyah
Wale] Ketua M ang.
Studi Morbus Hansen Indonesia (KSMHI)
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Roro Inge Ade Knsent
Abraham Arirruka
St al Sebayang 4. Prof. DR. Dr. Endang Sutedja, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV, Kelompok Studi
Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemasional & Sisiem Infotmasi Imunodermatologi dan Dermatosis Akibat Kerja (KSIDAK)
Tenntegrasii Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information
Srie Prihiano 5. Dr. Endi Novianto. Sp.KK(K). FINSDV. FAADV. Ketua Kelompok Studi
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemasonal & Sistem Inforrnasi
Terintegrast/Assisfant Vice President in International Affairs & Psoriasis Indonesia (KSPI)
integrated Information System
Diah Puspitosan

Sekrelaris Urnurr/Secretary General 6. DR. Dr. Sandra Widaty, Sp.KK(K). FINSDV. FAADV, Ketua Kelompok Studi
Nanny Nilasari
Wakil Sekretansi Vice Secretary Dermatomikologi Indonesia (KSDMI)
Dian Frahm,
Fitna Agustine

Eiendaharal 7. Dr. Srie Prihianti, Sp.KK, PhD. FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua Kelompok Studi
Feenent. Dermatologi Anak Indonesia (KSDAI)
Wakil Bendahara/ Vice Treasurer
Herliyani M Purba
Cella Rahrneyunita
8. Dr. Abraham Arimuko, Sp.KK, MARS, FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua Kelompok
Baden PelenehateCom_rrAtigc
Studi Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia (KSDKI)
MOW/Media Dermal° Venereologisa Indonesians
Sri Linuwih Marred!

Keprofesian Berkelanjulan
Kornis! Pengembangan Pencliclikan
9. Dr. Amaranila Lalita Drijono, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua Kelompok Studi
(P2KB VContinoing Professional Development ICPC4
Devi Lestarini
Dermatologi Laser Indonesia (KSDLI)
Dewan Perlenbangar Prof estiSitpreme Council

Ergra HO Pusponegorc
M Nasser 10. Dr. Susanti Budiamal, Sp.KK. FINSDV, FAADV. Ketua Kelompok Studi Tumor
Baden PengkayfBoard of Reviewer
dan Bedah Kulit Indonesia (KSTBKI)
Sandra Widaty

Kelemook StudtlStudv Groups: 11. Dr. Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya. Sp.KK, MHA. FINSDV ,FAADV, Ketua
Infeko Merular Seksual
Sexually Transmitted Infection
Kelompok Studi Dermatologi Geriatri Indonesia (KSDGI)
Harry Nilasan

Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes

Prasetyadi Maward 12. Dr. Sondang A Pandjaitan Sirait, Sp.KK, MPd.Ked.. FINSDV, FAADV, Ketua
Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Kelompok Studi Dermatopatologi Indonesia (KSDPI)
Sri Linutioh Menaldi

IrnurtmlerrnamInv clan Dermatoms Olatmasii Inmherxxierm4INogy

and Occupational Dermatoss 13. Ketua Kelompok Studi Dermatologi Sosial Indonesia (KSDSI)
Endang Sutedja

Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psonasts

End Novianto

Dermatomikologi Indonesia' Indonesian Derrnatomycology

Bonus Widaty

Dermaiologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology

Srie Prihianti

Dermatolog Kosmetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

Abraham Anmukin

Tumor & Bedah Kulit Indonesia! Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
Susenti Budamal

Dermatologi Laser Indonesia) Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Amaranila Lalita Dillon

Dermatologi Genaln Indonesia' Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology

Sharnaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Dermatopatologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Derrnatopethology

Sondang A Pardiaitan Strait

perriatotoyisosial innonesur 111Cf0fleSter130C181 Dermatology

Puouh Rlyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology

Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba i No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Email : Telp. (021) 3904517
Website : Fax. : (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Lampiran 3: Ketua Kolegium DV dan Ketua Departemen IKKK
Ketua Bidang Orgarusass
Vice President in Organization F
jar Waskito
Kepada Yth. :
Wakil Ketua &clang
Assistant Vice President in Organization
&vivant° Wahab
I Kelut Sukarata 1. Prof. DR. Dr. Oki Suwarsa. Sp.KK(K) M Kes. FINSDV .FAADV
Ketua Bidang Penddikan & Protest, Ketua Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi (DV)
Vice President in Education & Profession
Danang Tnwahyudi
Wakil Ketua Bidang
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession
Dr. Lili Legiawati. Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keumala BUdianti
Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUI/RSCM
Reiva Farah Dwiyana
Agnes Sn Siswati 3
Dr. Fajar Waskito, Sp.KK(K), M. Kes, FINSDV, FAADV
Ketua Bidang Social & Kegasama,
Vice President in Social & Collaboration Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUGM/RSUP Dr. Sardjito
Andreas Widiansyah
Wakil Ketua Bidang
Assistant Vice President in Social B Collaboration
4. Prof. DR. Dr. Oki Suwarsa, Sp.KK(K), M.Kes, FINSDV, FAADV
Rom Inge Ade
Abraham Anmuko Ketua Dep. IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNPAD/RS. Dr. Hasan Sadikin
Shalina Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internavonai & Sisters Inforrnas 5. Prof. Dr. Swastika Adiguna, Sp.KK(K). FINSDV, FAADV
Tenntegrase Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System Ketua Dep. IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNUD/RSUP Sanglah
Sne Prihianti
Wald Ketue Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Sister informant
TerintegrasUAssIstant Vice President in International Affairs & 6. DR. Dr. Siswanto Wahab, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
Integrated Information System
Dish Puspltosan Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNHAS/RSU Dr. Wahidin
Sekretaris UrnItrnIS8Cretary General Sudirohusodo
Hanny ',Masan
Sekretans/ Vice Secretary
Dien Pratim 7. Dr. Marlyn Grace Kapantow, Sp.KK(K). FINSDV, FAADV
Fitna Agustina

Bendehara! Treasurer
Ketua Bag. IK Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNSRAT/RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D Kandouw
Tia Febnant
Wakil Bendahara/Vte Treasurer
Herliyani M Purba
0 DR. Dr. Qaira Anum Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV
Lithe Ranmayunila
Ketua Dep. IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNAND/RS. Dr. M. Jamil
Badan PelengkaoiCommittee:
9. DR. Dr. Nelva K. Jusuf, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
MDVI/Media Derma:0 Venaraologica Indonesiana
Srl Le-wwih Menaldi Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUSU/RSUP H. Adam Malik
Komisi Pengembangan Pendieliian Keprofesian Berkelaniutan
(P2KSVContinlang Professional Development (GPO) 10. DR. Dr. Yuli Kurniawati, Sp.KK, FINSDV. FAADV
Dew Lestanni
Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNSRI/RS. Dr. M. Hoesin
Dewan Pertenbangan ProteseSupretne Council
M Nasser 11. DR. Dr. Hermina Sukmaningtyas, M.Kes., Sp.Rad(K), Plt. Ketua Departemen
Erdina HD Pusponegoro

Sneer, PengkaplBoarrl of Reviewer

IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNDIP/RSU Dr. Kariadi
Sandra Wdaty

Kelomook StudllStudv Groans'

12. DR. Dr. M Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K). FINSDV, FAADV
Infeksi Menular Seksual Indonesia.
Ketua Departemen 1K. Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNAIR/RSUD. Dr. Sutomo
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Nanny Masan
13. Dr. Tantari SHW, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. FAADV
Herpes Indonesia! Indonesian Herpes
Prasetyadi Maward
Ketua Departemen IK. Kulit dan Kelamin FK UNBRAW/RS.Dr. Sjaiful Anwar
Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Sri Linswih MenaId
14. Dr. Nugrohoaji Dharmawan. M.Kes, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV
Irridriederrrialalcigi darn Derrnatosis Okupasii Immunodermatology
Ketua Departemen IK Kulit dan Kelamin FKUNS/RSUP Dr. Moerwardi
and Occupational Dern-rotas.
Endang SuladJa

PSeriaSiS Indonesia! Indonesian Psoriasis

endi Novianto

Dermatomikologi Indonesia/ Indonesian DermatornycoMgy

Sandra Widely

Dermatologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology

Srie PriNanti

Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

Abraham Arenuko

Tumor & Sedah KuIrt Indonesia/ Indonesian Slits Tumor & Skin
Susantt Budiarnai

Dermatologi Laser Indonesia' Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Amaranila Lalita Dniono

Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia/ Indonesian Genet= Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia vusharyahya

Derrnatopatoiogi Indonesia/ indonesian Derrnatoearhology

Sondang A Pandtaitan Seal

DermaIdogl Sostal Inclonesiat Inclonestan Social Dermatology

Puguh Riyarec

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology/ ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat: Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : Telp. (021) 3904517

Website Fax. : (021) 3152316 tele

Pengurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Beard
M. Yullante Lisbarran
Lampran 4 :
Ketua Bidang Organisask
Vice President in Organization
Faar Waskito Formulir pengusulan dari PP PERDOSKI/PERDOSKI Cabang/
Wakil Ketua Bidang/
Assistant Vice President in Organization Kelompok Studi/IPDS/Kolegium DV
Sisvranta Wahab
I Katut Sukarata

Ketua M ang Pendkiikan & Proles.

Vice President in Education & Profession
Danang Incranyuc.
Wakil Ketua Mang)
Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession
Puguh RlyantO
Windy Keumala Budianti
Reva Farah Dwiyana
N ama
Agnes Sn SiaweU

Ketua Bldang Sosiu & Kegasama No. Anggota PERDOSKI

Vice President in Seoul & Collaboration
Andreas WIdiansyah
Wakil Ketua Bidang/
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaborenon Bertindak sebagai Ketua dengan ini merekomendasikan
Rom Inge Ade Krisanb
Abraham Arimukc
Shalina Sebayang
nama dibawah in' sebagai talon penerima sebutan Fellow Asian Academy of
Ketua Mang Hubungan Internesional & Salem Intormasi
Dermatology and Venereology (FAADV).
Terintegrasii ViCe President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Sin Pahianti
Wakil Katua Bidang Hubungan Intemasional & Satern InttariaSi
TennlegrasiMasistent Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
[bah Puspitosari

Sekrelara LimurMSecretery General

Henry Milkmen
Wakil Sekraaris/Vice Secretary
Dian Prative
Rim Agustin

Bendaharaffreasurer Sesuai dengan bukti bahwa Taman Sejawat yang bersangkutan memenuhi
woo Renclahare/ V/c77-Fr:= kontribusi pada bidang
Hediyani Mr, Purba
Githa Rahmayursta
Organisasi dalam hal (keterangan)
Badan PelengkapiCommittee:

MDVI/Media Derrnato VenereMogice indonesans

Srl Linuvah Menall
atau Profesi dalam hal (keterangan)
Kornis' Pengembartgan Penadikan Keordeslan Berkelantutan
•IP2KB Won/lading Professional Development (GPO)
Devri Lestario

atau Ilmiah dalam hal (keterangan)

Dewan Pertimbangan Protesi/Supreme Council
M. Nasser
Erdina HD Pusponegoro

eadan PengkaarBoard Ranewer atau Sosial dalam hal (keterangan)

Sandra Widety

Kelommak Studif Study Groups-.

Infolcs1 Menufar Seksual Indonesia

Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infector
Haney Nilasar Maka dianggap Iayak sebagai pene n•ri ma sebutan tersebut,
Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes
Praseiyadi Maward

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan dilampirkan data diri, curriculum vitae dan lembar
Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Sri bouliCh Nlenaid. kesediaan nama yang bersangkutan.
Inwnederrnotelegl don Dermal.. Okup inanonociannotplagy
end Occupational Dermotosis
Endang Sutedja Atas kerjasama diucapkan terimakasih.
Psonasis Indonesia) Indonesian Psonasts
Endo Nonvianlro

Dermatanikdogi Indonesia) Indonesian Dermatomycofogy
Sandra Widaty

Dermatologi Artak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology

Sri. Prdiantl

Darmatologi Kosmetle Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

Abraham Arimuko

Tumor & Badah Kulit Indonesia' Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
Susanti Budlamal
Dr .........
Dermatologi Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian LaserDarrnatology
AmaranNa Lalita Onjono

Derrnatologi Genatn Indonesia/ IndonesianGerietnc Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Derrnatopatologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermalooathology

Sondang A Pandjaitaro Simi!

Dermatologi Sosial Indonesia/ Indonesian Social Dermatology

Puguto Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologl

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
(Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : Telp. : (021) 3904517

Website http://vvww,perdoski,org Fax. (021) 3152316 tfricAusr0 > 3

Penqurus Pusat 2017 -2020

Executive Board
Ketue UrnumtPreaideni
Lampiran 5
Ketua Bidang Organisaso
Vice Pres/dant:in Organization
Fajar Waskito Formulir Kesediaan
Wakll Kelua Bidang/
Assistant VIC& President In Organization
Siswanto Wahab
I Ketut Sukereta

KeluaBidangPendidikan6.Pralesi. Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Vice President in Education & Profession
Danang Triwahysd
Wakil Ketua Bidang.
Assistant Vice President hr Education 8 Profession
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keumala Budiant
Reiya Farah Dwiyana
Agnes Sri Swab

&else Bidang Social & Kegesama• No. Anggota PERDOSKI

Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas WIdiansyah
wakii &alga Bidangi
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Roro Inge Me Knsanti
Abraham Anmuko
Shalina Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemaslonal & &stern Informasi

TenntegraSiNke Presidarit in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Bersedia / Tidak bersedia* menerima penghargaan Fellow Asian Academy of
SriePriN2" Dermatology and Venereology (FAADV)
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemasional & Sistern intormas
TerinlagraselAssistant Vice President in international Affairs &
Integrated InfomatIon System
Diah Pusbitosen

Sekretans Urnurrt/Socretaty Genera;

Hanny Nilasan Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
Wakil SekratensiVice Secretary
Dian Pratnie
Fitna Agustin

Tie Fetriami
Wakil BendaharaiVicaTreasurer
Heniyani M Purba 2019
Gltha Rahmayurtita

Dadan PeleeokaoiCommIttee:
WWI/Media Dermem Venereologica Indonesians
Sri Lintiyah Menaldi

Komisi Pengembangan Pendidikan KedroteNan Berkelanjulan

{P21•01)/Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Dew' Leelarini

Dewar-1 Penimbangan ProfesilSoprome Council

M. Nasser
Erdina ND Pusponegoro

Badan Pengkaji/Board of Reviewer

Sandra Widaty

Kelomnak StudilStudv_Grnmos:
Infeksi Menular Seksual Indonesia,
*Caret yang tidak perlu
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Nanny Niiasen

Herpes Indonesia/ Mclennan, Heroes

Presetyadi Mawardi

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy

Sri LintAiah Menaldi

anuncdermatologi den Derrnarosis Okupasi/ immuriedennelblegy

end Occupatiorrai Oarmatosis
Endang Sutedia
Psoriasis Indonesia, Indonesian Psoriasis
Endi Novianto

Dermatomlkolog Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology

Sandra Widaty

Dermatologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology

Sne Prihienb

Dermatologi Kosmetlk Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

Abraham Anniuko

Tumor /5 Bedah Kulit Indonesia! Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin

Susanti Budiamal

Oerrnatotogr Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Amaranila Lalila Onion°

Dermatologi Geriatri Indonesia/ Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Derrnatopataagi Indonesia! Indonesian Dermatopathology

Sondang A Pandjaitan Sired

Derrnalologi Serial Indonesia! Indonesian Social Dermatology

Punch Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email : Telp. (021) 3904517

Website http.//www perdoski org Fax. (021) 3152316

Pengurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Lim um1Pres(dent
M. Yuliarto Lsbawan Lamplran 6.
Ketua Elidang Organisas, Curiculurn vitae Fellow AADV
Vice President in Organization
Fafar WaSido
Wakil Katua Siding/
Assistant Vice President in Organization 1. Personal data
SieWant0 Wahab
1 Kate Sukarata
Kotula Bpdang Pandidikan & Proloa✓
We President in Education & Profession
Danang Triwahyud Date of Birth
Weird Ketua Bislang/
Reverent Vice President in Education 8 Prelate/Orr
Puguh Riyanto Address (Home)
Windy Kaurnafa Budanti
Reiva Farah Dwiyana
Agnes Sn Siswatl Address (Office)
Katua Biciang Stied & Kaijasamai
Vice President in Sacral & Collaboration Telephone No.
Andreae VVidiansyah
Wald Keefe Biding/
Assistant Vice President rn Social & Collaboration
Rem Inge Ade Krisanti
Mobile No.
Abraham Arimako
Shalina Sabayang Year of Graduate as SpKK/DV :
Kailas Bldang Hubungan Intemasional d alstam Informasi
Terintegrasi/ Vice President in International Affairs &
integrated Information System
Time of working as SpKK/DV: (years)
She Pribanti
Wake Kam; Elidang Hubungan lnlernasional & SiStern InfOrmasi
TerintegrasVAssistant Vice President in international Affairs
2 Resume of Formal Education:
integrated Information System
Lhah eusptosan
Fill in with Formal Education ( S3/S2/S1)
Sektetaris UmumlSecretary General
Nanny Miasen
Wakil SekretanSi Vice Secretary 3. Resume of Working Experience
Dian Prativri
nirla Agustin
Fill in with history of working experience. State name of Clinics / Hospitals
BanclaharEs Treasurer
Tla Fabnanti
Wakil Bandahara/Vice Treasurer 4. Fellowship:
Hanlyan M Purba
Githa Rahrrtayunita
Fill in with the fellowship or awards ( if any)
Bader Pelenigkap/Committee:

MINA/left Dermal= \Jenereoiogica Incionesiana 5. Awards

Sn Linuwh Menaldi

KornIsi Pengembangan Pendidkan Keproteslan Berkelaniutan Fill in with the awards got from Government / non Government
(P2KByConenumg Professional Development (GPO)
Deal Lester-es
6. Resume of Organizational Activity (KS/PC/PP/other organizations) or
DeWan Perernbangan Protest/Supreme Council
M. Nasser International
Erdina HD Pasponagoro

Baden Pengkaji/Board of Reviewer

Sandra Widaty
No. Name of Position Time of Certificate
Kslompok StudilStuoly Groups: Organization Period Yes / No
infeksi Monular Seksual indonesef
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Hinny Nilasari

Herpes Indonesia( Indonesian Herpes

Prasetyadl Maward

Mortus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy

Sn Linuwth Menaldi

Irnunoderrnatolog den Dermalosis Okupasi Immunoctormatology

and Occupational Dermatosis
Ending Suted.[61

Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis

End. Nnvpanto

Derrnalomikologi Indonesia, Indonesian Dermetomycology

7. Speaker /Instructur of Symposium /Lokakarya / Workshop and others
Sandra Widaty
No. Name of Year Location Certificate
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia) Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology
Srie Prihiane Symposium Yes / No
Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic
Abraham Arimuko

Turner & Bedan Kuirt Indoneeed Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
Susanti Buchamal

Oermaldogi Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Amaranila Lalita Drijono

Dermalologk Genatri Indonesia/ Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Dermatopatoiogl Indonesia/ Indonesian DerrnareeernolagY

Sondang A Pand}altan Sear:

Dermatologi Sots! indonesial Indonesian Social Dermatology

Puguh Rfyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit clan Kelamin Indonesia
(Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV ) SDI)

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : Telp. (021) 3904517

Website : http://www.perdoskt org Fax. : (021) 3152316 NotAus

Penuurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Kiska Umum/Preskient
M. Yulianto Lisdawen 8. Social Activities
Ketua Bidang Orgameasal
Vice President in Organisation
FaJar Waskito
No Type of Activities / Year Location Remarks
Wakil Ketua Bidang/ Organization
As s is t ant V ice Pr es ident in Or gan iz a tio n
Siswanto Wahab
I Ketut Sukarata

Ketua Bidang Pendirdikan & Protest/

Vice President 117 Education & Profession
Danang Triwahyora
Wakil Ketua Bidang/
Assistant Woe President in Education & Profession
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keomala Buchan!
Reiva Farah Dwiyana
Agnes Sri Siswati

Kama Bidang Sosiai & Kerijasernal

Social & Collaboration
Vice President in

Andreas Widiansyah
Wakil Ketua Bidang/
As s is t ant V ice Pr es ident in Soci al & Col labor a t ion

Rom Inge Ade Knsanti

9. Publication (National, International)
Abraham Anmoko
Shalfna Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemosmnal & Srstern Intormasl

TerintegraSit Vice President in International Affairs &
No Type of Publication Year Title
I n t e g r a t e d In f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m

She Pr hienti
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemasional B Sistem Informas1
TorintagrasVAssistent Vice President in international Affairs &
i n t e gr a te d in f or m a t io n Sys t e m

Diah Puspitosah

Sekrelans LImurnISeuretery General

Nanny Nilesarl
Wald Sekretans/Vics Secretary
Den Praliwl
Filda Agustin's

Tia Febeanti
Wald Bend-ahem/Vice Treasurer
Hedlyanl M Portia
Gitna Rahmayunila

Padan Pelannlito/COmmareet

MEM/Media Derrnato Venereologica Indonesian

Sri Urnalelh Menalch

Komni Peogembangan Pendidikan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan

(P2KByContinuing Professional Development (CPD)
Dew Letotahni

Dewar. nerarnbangan ProtesirSupreme COunchr

M Nasser
Erdina HD Pusponegoro

Badan Pengkaii/Boord of Reviewer

Sandra Widaty

Kelomook StudilStudv Groups:

InfekSt MenOlar SekSual Indonesia)

Indonesian Sexually Transmitted lifeCtien

Nanny Masan

Herpes dalanesia/ Indonesian Herpes

Praselyadi Mewardi

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesten Leprosy

Sri Linuwh Menaldi

Imunodermetologi den Dermatosis Okupasi/ immurodermatology

and Occupational Dermetos is

Enrhess Suterdie

Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis

Ent NOVianIC

Dermatornikologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology

Sandra Widaty

Derrnatologi Anak Indonesia' Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology

Sne Prinians

Dermatologi Kosrnelik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic

D e r m a t o lo gy

Abraham Anmuko

Tumor & Bedah Kurd Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumo r & Sk in


Susenti Budiarnal

Dermatologi Laser Indonesia/ Dermatology

Indonesian Laser

Ameranila Lalita Dnjono

Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia/ Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology

Shanne7 Nadia YuSharyahya

Dermatopatelogi Indonesia/ ffirlonevan Dermatopathology

Sondang A Pandjailen Sired

Dorroatologi Sosial Indonesia) Indonesian Social Dermatology

Pugoh Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology

0101 Stevarea
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
(Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email 7 Telp. (021) 3904517

Website : Fax. (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017-2020

Executive Board
Ketua UrnurniProsidant
M. Yulianto Listiawar
Lampiran 7.
Ketua Bidang Organisasi,
Vice President in Organization
raw Waskito Cek List Persyaratan Caton Penerima Gelar FAADV
Wald Ketua Bidang
Assistant Vice President in Organization
Siswento Wahat
I Ketut Sukarata

Ketua Bidang Pendidikan & Protesr Narita Caton Penenma

Vice President in Education & Profession
Danang Triwahyodi
Wake Ketua Mang,
Assistant Vice President in Education Professicn A sal PC/KS yang mengusulkan
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keurnaia Budianti
Reiva Farah Dwyana
Agnes Sri swat, Apakah pernah diusulkan sebelumnya? Ya / tidak
Ketua Bidang Sosia & Keissama•
Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas Widiansyan Apabila Ya, sebelumnya diusulkan dari : PC/KS : Tabun
Wake Ketua Bidang
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Par° Inge Ade Knsanti
Abraham Anmuko Persyaratan Ada Tidak ada Catatan
Shalina Sebayang
Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & &stern Informasi
TerintegraseVrce President in International Affairs &
Integrated information System
She Prbianti CV sesuai format
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Sistem inforrnasi Pas Foto
Terintegrast/Assistant Vice President in international Affairs &
Integrated Information System Surat kesediaan
Diah Puspitosari
Surat etik
Sekretans Umurn/Secrefary General
Hanny Nilaeari
Wakil Sekretans/Vice Secretary
Den Pratiet
Fena Agustina

Persyaratan Umum Ya Tidak Catatan
Tie Febnanti
Wakil Bendaharar Voce Treasurer
1. Anggota Biasa PERDOSKI dengan
Herliyani M Purba
Githa Ranmayunita
minimun 10 (sepuluh) tahun masa kerja
Badan PelengkabiCornmilfeet untuk FAADV
MEIVIiMedla DermatO Venereo ogica Indonesians
Sri Linuvzh Menaldi
Catatan yang mempunyai kontribusi
Kornis Pengembangan Pendidikan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan
(P2K13}Conanuing Professional Development (CPO)
dalam bidang organisasi, profesi. ilmiah
Dew Lestanni
dan sosial dibidang dermato-venereologi.
Dewan Pertimbangan ProfesirSupreme Council (lihat bagian Kontribusi)
M Nasser
Erdina HD PuSpOnegUrn

Badan PengkapBoard of Reviewer 2. Anggota Biasa dapat mengusulkan diri

Sandra Widely
dengan rekomendasi atau diusulkan oleh
Kelonmok Studi/Srudv Groups:
peer group/kelompoknya.
InfekSi Menular Seksual Indonesia)
Indonesian Sorually Transmitted infection
Hanny Nilasan

Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes 3. Memenuhi kelengkapan persyaratan

Prasetyadi Mawardi
administratif yang ditentukan.
Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Sri Linuerth Menaldi

Imunadormaltalcui dan Derrnutuutu Okupsedfrnmunotlermatology 4. Tidak mempunyai atau terlibat masalah

WV Occupational Dermatosis
Endang Sutedia etika profesi, etika umum atau hukum yang
Psoriasis Indonesia; Indonesian Psoriasis
Endi Novianto
berlaku di Indonesia.
Dermatonekologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology
Sandra Widely
5. Mendapat rekomendasi PP PERDOSKI.
Derrnakaogr Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pastern Dermatology
Site Primate] PERDOSKI Cabang, Kelompok Studi,
Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia? Indonesian Cosmetic IPDS atau Kolegium DV.
Abraham Arimoko

Tumor & Bedah Kuhl Indonesia! Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
Susanti Budiarnal

Dermatologi Laser Indonesia? Indonesian Laser Dermatology

Arnaranile Letitia Drijuno
Dermatologi Gerialn Indonesia/ Indonesian Genatnc Dermatology
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyanya Mengetahui
DermatOpa101ogt Indonesia/ Indonesian DermatopathOlOgy
Sondang A Pangartan Serail

Derrratdoer Scala! Indonesia) Indonesian Sooaf Dermatology

Puguh Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Vanoreology

Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email : corn Telp. (021) 3904517

Website : Fax. : (021)3152316 et-s;Aus

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Lienum/PreSideor
M Yullento bstlawan Lampiran 8 About AADV
Ketua Bidang Organieas,
Vice President in Organizatio,
Fajer Waskitn Mission Statement
Weisfl Kum, 8.iduny
Assistant Vice President in Organzatior,
Sm.:into Wahah
I Ketut Sukarata
"Leadership in sharing and caring for dermatology across borders in Asia"
Katie Bidang Pencludiken & Profess'
Site President in Education & Profession
Danang Triwehyura
Wakil Ketua Bidang The Charter of the AADV shall be:
Assistant Vice President in Education & Profession
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keurnala Budlenli
Serve Farah Ca./hyena
Agnes Sn &swat
1. To represent and to develop the specialty of dermatology among the members
Ketua Mang &Isla] & Kenasama
of Asian national dermatological Societies/Associations
Vice President In SWIM' 8 Collaboration
Andreas WIdiansyah 2. To enhance the status and the independent development of the various
Wakil Ketua Bidang,
Assistant Vice President in Social 6 Collaboration national. regional societies and associations like the LADS and the ADA.
Rom Inge Ade Krisant
Abraham Artmuko 3. To act as an avenue to cater for the participation of members of other national
Shaline Setsayand
dermatological societies currently not in either the LADS or the ADA.
Ketua Bidang Hubungen Inlemasional & Slstem Informasi
Terintegrasiftece President In International Affairs 8 4. To enhance the development and sharing of best clinical practice in
integrated Information System
Srie Prilaant dermatology in Asia
Wakil Ketua Mang Hubungan internasional & Sistarn Intormasi
Terintegrast/Assztent Vice President in International Affairs A 5. To be the platform for the development of harmonisation of standards in
integrated Information System
Dish Puspitosan dermatology amongst the Asian countries
Sekrelans LimumiSecrerary General
Haney Weser,
6. To enhance cross-border social development, fellowship and technical
Wakil SekreletislVice Secretary
Don Pratisai
exchange in dermatology in Asia.
Ririe Agustina

Tie Febriant.
Ordinary Members AADV
Wakil Bar-debars/Vice Treasurer
Hedlyani M Purtra
Githa Rahrnayunna
Qualified dermatologists who are members of their national dermatological
Baden PelenakareCommittee:
societies/ associations shall be entitled to join as members of the AADV.
MDVI/MEKtia Dermato Venereoiog.he Indonesiana
Sri Linusaih Menalch Applications shall be submitted in the prescribed application form supported by
Kornis/ Pengernbangen Pendidikan KepreteSien Berkalantutan verification by their individual dermatological society/association. (Please prepare
(P2KBycontinaring Pro/anions/ Development (CPO!
Deal Lestarin a simple membership application form as per AMAM format).
Oman Perlimhangan Prof est/Supreme DOencti
M Nasser
Erdina HD Pusponegurin Membership of the AADV shall be approved upon registration and attendance of a
Baden Pengkaii/Eloard of Reviewer scientific event. meeting or conference organised or affiliated with the
Sandra Widely
Kelpmock Studt/Study Groups:

Infekw Menular SeksuaL Indonesia)

Indonesian Sexually Transmitted infection The entrance fee for membership shall be incorporated into the registration fee of
Haney Masan
such events, meetings or conferences organised by, affiliated to or supported by the
Herpes Indonesia! Indonesian Herpes
Prasetyadi Mawerdi AADV/LADS
Morbus Hansen Indonesia! Indonesian Leprosy
Sn Linuviel Menaldi

Intunedermatelogi den Derrnaloent Okupas0 reernenadarrnatalery,

and Occupational Dermetosis
Members of the AADV are required to attend at least one of such meeting a year
Endang Sutedja

Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis to be entitled for benefits of the AADV.

End Novianto

Dermatornikologi Indonesia! lildOneSiarl GetrnatOrnycolOgy

Sandra Widely Fellows/AADV
Individual societies/associations can propose nominations for Fellowship of the
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia) IndOnesian Pediatric Dermatology
Sne Phil-sent]
AADV from suitable senior dermatologist whom in their opinion have contributed
Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia+ /ndOnaVen Cosrnebc
Dermatology significantly to the development of the dermatology. Admission to Fellowship of the
Abraham Arimuko
AADV shall be made by the Board at the Annual Meeting of the AADV. Fellows of
Tumor & Bedah Kole Indtkneara/ Indonesian SW Tumor & Skin the AADV shall be entitled to preferential registrations fees at all meeting,
Susant Budiamal conferences and events organized or affiliated with the AADV/LADS as determined

Indonesian Laser Dermatology by the Organising Committee.

Dermatologi Laser Indonesia!
Amaranda LAW felons

Derrnatolog Genatd Indonesia/ Indonesian Genetnc Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharvahya

DennatOpatologi Indonesia! Indonesian Dermatopathology

Sondang A Pandasitan Suart

Dermatologi scmai Indonesia) Indonesian Social Dermatology

Puguh Fbyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology

Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i, Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email Telp. (021) 3904517

Website Fax. (021) 3152316

Pengurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Umum/Presidern
M Yultanio Lisbawan Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows/AADV
Ketua Bidang Organises,
Vice President in Organization
Fajar Waskilb The Board of the AADV shall invite and approve suitable dermatologists normally
Wakil Ketua Etclang!
Assistant Vice President in Organization resident in the countries of Asia to be admitted as Charter members and or
Siswanto VVahab
I Ketut Sukarata Foundation Fellows of the AADV in recognition of their past and present services
Ketua Bidang Penddikan & Prate, to the LADS and the AADV. The Board may confer Honorary Fellowship upon any
Vice President in Education 6 Profession
Daneng Triwahyudi person who may or may not be dermatologists but whom the Board deems to have
Wakil Ketua Bidang,
Assistant Vice President in Education 6 Profession significantly served the interest of dermatology in Asia and the AADV There shall
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keumala Budianti
Reiva Farah Dwiyana
be no fee required for admission of Charter members/Foundation
Agnes Sn &swat, Fellows/Honorary Fellows.
Ketua Bidang Sosal & Kegasama:
Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas Andiensrah
Wakil Kelua Bidang: Board of AADV
Assistant Vice President to Social & Collaboration
Roro Inge Ade Knsant,
Abraham Anmuko
Shalina Sebayang T he Board of the AADV shall be responsible to set policies and to oversee the
Ketua Bidang Hubunganlntemas,onai& Salem Informasi development of the AADV in line with the objectives stated in the Charter.
Teriniegrasii Vice President on Intemanonal Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Side Pnhianii
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan InIemasonal & Sisters Inforrnasi
• President
Tenntegrasassisfant Vice President in International Affairs &
Integrated information System
Dart Puspitosar • Two Deputy-Presidents
Sekretaris Umunv Secretary General
• Secretary-General
Hanny Nilasan
Wakil Sakretansf Vice Secretary
• Treasurer
Dian Prahw
Fitna Agusbna
• Six other Board Members
Bendaharal Treasure, • CEO of the AADV(ex-officio)
Tie Febnantl
Wakil Bendahara/Vice Treasurer
Hediyani M Purba
Gahe Rahmayunga Six members of the Board shall each be from the national dermatological societies
Baden PelenakaDICommittee: of Indonesia. Malaysia, Singapore. Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam who shall
MOVI/Meda Dermato Verierecdogica Igclanevana represent the interest of dermatologist from their respective national societies.
Sri Linuwih Menaid
Dermatologists from the national societies of the remaining Asian countries shall
Kornai Pengembangan Penchdlkan Keprolewan Berkelanpaan
(P2KB)Conenuing Professional Development (CPD;
be represented on the Board by respective nominees appointed by the board
Dew, Lestanni
pending a memorandum of agreement between the said societies and the AADV.
Dewar Pertimbertgan Profesi/Suoreme Council
M Nasser
Erdma HO Pusponegoro
The Board shall meet regularly at all meetings. conferences, Annual Meetings
Badan Pengkap/Board of Reviewer
Sandra Widaty
organised by or any such meetings and conferences affiliated to or supported by
JKoiomook Studi/Studv Groove the AADV. In between meetings of the Board, all decisions of the Board shall be
irrleksi Menular Seksual Indonesia made by way of circular resolutions. In the event of an inability to reach a
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Hanny Weser, consensus. Board decisions sha ll be by way of majority vote.
Herpes Indonesia! Indonesian Herpes
PrasMyadl Maward
Management of the AADV
Morbus Harsen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy
Sn Linuwih Menalal

Imuncidermatologi dan Dermatosis Okupasd Immunodermatoiogy

and Occupational Dermatosis
The office of the AADV shall vest within the Secretariat of the LADS until such a
Endang Sulexlja time as determined by the Board. The Secretary-General shall be responsible for
Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psonasis
Endi Nowanto
management and execution of all policies and decisions of the Board and the day-
Dermatomikologi Indonesia; Indonesian Derniatomycoiogy
to-day business of the AADV. He shall be assisted by a Chief Executive Officer
Sandra Widaty
who shall be an ex-officio of the Board.
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatnc Dermatology
Sne Prihiant

Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic The Board shall also appoint Board Committees to assist its function when deemed
Abraham Anmuko necessary
Tumor & Bedah Kulil Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumor & Skin
Susanti Bun/wale, The website of the AADV shall be: wwvv.asianderm.orq
Dermatologi Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Lase, Dermatology
Amaramla Latta Dnionn
Members in benefit and Fellows shall have full access to the AADV's website for
Dermatologi Oariath Indonesia/ Indonesian Genatric Dermatology
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya
the purpose of information and communication to and from the Board.
Dermatopatologi Indonesia' Indonesian Dermatoparhologi
Sondang A Pandoitan Sired

Derrnoog sogai Indonesia) Indonesran Social Dermatology

Puguh Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology

Kahle' President
Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

Email : Telp. (021) 3904517

Website : Fax. : (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2D17 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Umurn1Presideni
M Yutanto Listiawa, Financial Policy of the AADV
Ketua Bidang OrganisaS:
Vice President Ir Organization
Fajar VVasluto
WakII Ketua Bidang:
The financial policy of the AADV shall be as determined by the Board at every
Assistant Vice President is Organization
Siswanto Wahab Annual Meeting. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation
I Ketut Sukarata
and submission of the Annual Statement Accounts of the AADV. The Annual
Ketua Bidang Pendidikan & Prof-,
Vice President in Education & Prole Statement of Accounts shall be audited by two independent Honorary Auditors who
Wakll Ketua Bidang shall be elected from amongst its members at the Annual Meeting of the AADV.
Assistant Vice President in Education & Preessio,
Puguh R.. =
Windy Keumala B...
Rena Farah C M , :1 Corporate Governance Policy
Agnes Sn Siswai

Vice ,1L'hS'idel3;octl!:n'ngSoSc7Ird&COI<Irarblaosraamtiol:, The Board shall represent and act on behalf of all ordinary members. charter
Andreas VViclirdsyrayh

Assistant Vice President in Social & CAI:Oa:Don

members. fellows and stakeholders of the AADV. The Board shall responsible for
Roro Inge Ade
iittrnast-ZeAt t
the development of policies and programs in line with the Charter and objectives
of the AADV. Members of the Board shall be free from any vested interest,
&stem informs!
Ketua Bidang Hubungan InternaSiOnal &
Terintegrasi/Vice President in International Affairs &
economic and material relationship with the AADV and its management.
Integrated Information System
She Pnnianti
Wald Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional 8 Sistern Informasi
TenntegrasVAssistant Vice President in International Affairs & To be appointed to be members of the Board, qualified dermatologists should have
Integrated Information System
Diah Puspitosan served as principal council members of their national dermatological societies or
Sekretaris LImurniSecretery Ganes/ with the LADS. The function of Board Committees is to assist the Board in specific
Manny Niieser
Wakil Sekretansi Vice Secretary areas within their terms of reference so as to enable the Board to meet with its
Dian Prathr,
Rine Agostino obligations in line with the Charter and objectives of the AADV. Board Committees
Bendahara/ Treasure,
Tia Febnani
will be required to regularly submit their report, findings and recommendations to
Wald Bendahara/Vica
Herliyani M Purto
Treasurer the Board.
Duke Rahmayunna

Baden PelengkapfCommittee
The Secretary-General shall ensure that members and fellows and all stakeholders
MCA/W ed. Dermal, ,enereclegza irteonesiar
Sri bnuwh Menald are regularly informed of the AADV's strategic plans, financial and other policies
and corporate practice guidelines.
Kormsi Pengembangan Pendidikan Keprofesian Berkeianlutan
IP2K8VDOntintriag PrOlOSSiOnal Development (CPD:
Dew Lestarini

Dewar Pertimbangan ProfesiiSuprame Councii
M. Nasser
Erdina HO Pospenegoro
Being a member of the Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AADV)
Sadao Pengkap/Board of Reviewer
Sandra Wldaty connects you to join a wide network of your peers across Asia. to make progress
Kelematik Stud! Study Grows- and enhance the practice and industry.
Infeksi Menular Seksuai Indonesia.
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Manny Nilasar,
There are several types of membership available, click below to find out more
Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian herpes
Praselyadi Mawardi

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy • Ordinary Members

Sri Lintwoh Menaldi
• Fellows
Imunodermatolom dan Dormoinkin Okuposu immuncidermatology
and Occupational Dermatosi.c • Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows
Endang Sutedja

Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis

Endi Novianto
Ordinary Members AADV
Dermatomikologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology
Sandra Widely
Qualified dermatologists who are members of their national dermatological
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia/ Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology
Son Pnhianti
societies/ associations shall be entitled to join as members of the AADV.
Dermatologi Kosmehk Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic
Applications shall be submitted in the prescribed application form supported by
Abraham Anmuko
verification by their individual dermatological society/association.
Tumor & Sedan Kula Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumor H Slur,
Susantl Budemai
Membership of the AADV shall be approved upon registration and attendance of a
Dermatolog Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology
scientific event, meeting or conference organised or affiliated with the
Arnaranila Late Dnionc
Derrnatdogi Detain Indonesia./ Indonesian Geriatric Dermatology
Soar-moo Nod. Yrodlaryohyo

Dermalepelologi Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermaioparhology

Sondang A Pandjaitan Swag

Dermatologi Sosial Indonesia! Indonesian Social Dermatology

Pogun Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology
Oki Sowarse
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
( Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )

Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board

Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 221, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : Yelp. (021) 3904517

Website : Fax. (021) 3152316

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Umum/Prasident The entrance fee for membership shall be incorporated into the registration fee of
M Yullanto LiStiewan
such events. meetings or conferences nrganised by. affiliated to or supported by the
Ketua Bidang Organises,
Vice President in Organization AADV/LADS
Fafar WaSluto
Wakil Ketua Bidang:
Assistant Vice President in Organization
Stawanto Wahab
Members of the AADV are required to attend at least one of such meeting a year to
I Ketut Sukarata be entitled for benefits of the AADV.
Ketua Mang Pendiclikan & Profess,
8 Profession
Vice President in Education
Danang Thwahyup
Wakil Ketua Mang;
Membership Benefits
Assistant Vice Prestdenr in Education & Profession
Puguh Riyanto
Windy Keurnala Budiant,
Rana Farah Dwyana As a member you get the latest information on dermatology events, resources and
Agnes Sn &swat!
interact with one another
Ketua Bidang Sosial & Kehasamar
Vice President in Social & Collaboration
Andreas Widiansyah
Wakil Ketua Bidangi
Assistant Vice President in Social & Collaboration
The AADV's website offers convenient access to valuable and timely information
Roro Inge Ade Knsant to keep its members abreast of the latest developments in dermatology.
Abraham Atimuko
Shalina Sebayang

Ketua Bidang Hubungan Intemasonal 8 Sistern Informasi • Breaking news in dermatology

Terintegrasi/Vica President in International Affairs &
Integrated Information System
Sne Pt-intent • Events & Meeting information
Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan intemasional 8 Sister Inforrnasi
Tenntegras✓ Assistant Vice President in International Affairs & • E-news
Integrated Information System
Dish Puspilosan • Access to AADV calendar of dermatologic events
Sekretans Urnurn/Secretary General
Nanny Nilasari
Waal SekretansiVice Secretary
The AADV helps its members keep up to date on dermatologic meetings around
Frtna AguStina t he region as well as posts activities held at a national and international level.
Bendaherai Treasurer
Tie Febnanli
Weak BendaharaiVice Treasurer Access to AADV newsletter
Herhyant M. Purba
Grtha Rahmayunita

Baden PelenokapiCommitfeei
The AADV newsletter is published online bi-annually. covering the latest
MDVV1Media Dermsto venereoiogca Indonesians
happenings. developments. discoveries and medical related activities across the
Sr Linuerth Menaldi

Kornisi Pengembangan Penddkan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan
(P2KByDontinuing Professional Development (CPO)
Dem LeStanni
A copy may be printed for offline consumption.

Dewan Perumbangan Profess/Supreme CduncN

M Nasser Community Service Initiatives and partnerships
Erdina HD Pusportegoro

Baden Pengkap/Board of Reviewer The AADV welcomes ideas and community outreach projects that seek to improve
Sandra Widely

Kelompok StudiiSludy Groups

the knowledge and understanding on better dermatologt healthcare delivery,
community-centred raising awareness of skin diseases and sharing of best ciincal
nfeksi Menutar Seksual indonen,L
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection dermatology practice in Asia.
Nanny Neasar,

Herpes Indonesia/ kidonesian Herpes

Presetyad Mawardi
If you would like to work with AADV, kindly contact us .
Morbus Hansen Indonesia! Indonesian Leprosy
Sri Linuwth Menald,

Imunoderrnatoludi dan nerrnaloms Okupasrf Immunneformatninoy Reduced fees for AADV sponsored meetings and events
and Occupational Dermetosts
Endang Sutedja Save on fees for medical meetings and events. Our members are eligible for
Psonasis Indonesia/ indonesien Psoriasis reduced fees and eligibility for scholarships/sponsorships for meetings and
Endi NOvranto
organized or supported by AADV.
Dermatomikolop Indonesia/ Indonesian Dermatomycology
Sandra Widaty
Government affairs and advocacy
The AADV aims to champion the interest of its members. To raise an issue to our
Dermatologt Anak Indonesia, Indonesian Pediatnc Dermatology
Srie Prihianti

Dermatologi Kosmetik Indonesia/ Cosmetic

attention, you may contact us.
Abraham Ahmuko

Tumor & Bedah Kuhl Indonesia/ indonevan Skin Tumor & Skin
Currently, AADV liaisons are striving to:
Susanti Budiarnar
• Improve regulations on a national and regional level that impact a
Dermatolop Laser Indonesia' Indonesian LaserDermatology
dermatologist's ability to determine appropriate care for the patient
Arnaranila balite Orono
• Enhance the development and sharing of best clinical practice in dermatology
Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia, Dermatofogy
Indonesian Genatnc
Sharma! Nadia Yusharyahva
in Asia
Dermatopaldogi IndOnealai Indonesian Dermatopathology
• Develop and harmonise standards in dermatology amongst the Asian countries
Sondang A Pandjaitan 3r£111

oermatoiogi Sosial inoonesia Indonesian Social Dermatology

Puguh Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology & Venereology

Oki Suwarsa
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
(Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology / ISDV )
Pengurus Pusat /Executive Board
Kantor Pusat : Ruko Grand Salemba
JI. Salemba I No. 22i. Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Email : : (021) 3904517

Website : Fax. : (021) 3152316 os'otsiALls

Penqurus Pusat 2017 - 2020

Executive Board
Ketua Urnum1Prosideril
M Yullanto Listiawar AADV Secretariat
Ketua &clang Organises'. The AADV secretariat allows members to have one contact point for answers to a
Vice President inZanizatkinn
Wa host of queries. Among other things. the Secretariat can assist you with:
Wakil Ketua Bidang!
Assistant Vice President in Organization • Membership application and confirmation
sil=lwk:hraatba •• Membership fees and dues
Ketua Bidang Pendidikan & Prates': • Material requests
Vice President in Education 8, Profession
Denang Triviehyudi • Updates on meetings and events
Wekl Kew Bulang.
Assistant Vice President in Education 8 Profession
Puguh F2wantc
Windy KeuMale Budiant Access to Website developmentPeva Farah Owiyana
Agnes Sn Siswati For a special fee, the AADV is able to assist you in designing. populating and Ketua
Bidang Social & Keriasarra; maintaining your website.
Vice President in Social 8 Collaboration
Andreas WIthans,
Walul Ketua Bidd
Assistant Vice President in Social 8 Collaboroi,
Roro Inge Ade knsam Fellows AADV
Abraham Anrrukc Individual societies/associations can propose nominations for Fellowship of the
Shaine Sebayang AADV from suitable senior dermatologist whom in their opinion have contributed
Ketua Bidang Hubungan intarnaSlonal Staten Informas' significantly to the development of the dermatology.
TerintegrasliVice President in international Affairs 8
Integrated Information SyStern
Sne Pnhianti
Wain' Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional & Sistem Informasi
Tenntegresi/Assistani Vice President in International Affairs 8
Integrated infoga'hirsSprtOts9; Admission to Fellowship of the AADV shall be made by the Board at the Annual
SekretariS Umum/Secretary Genera' Meeting of the AADV. Fellows of the AADV shall be entitled to preferential
Hanny NilaSan
Wald SeknstansiVice Secretary registrations fees at all meeting, conferences and events organized or affiliated
D n Pratiw
Fitnaie AguStine with the AADV/LADS as determined by the Organising Committee.
Bendaharai Treasurer
Tia Febnanti Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows AADV
Wakil Bendahara/ Vice Treasurer
GlitehdaZ hVmiayPU'n'bitaa The Board of the AADV shall invite and approve suitable dermatologists normally Baden

PelenokepiCommittee: resident in the countries of Asia to be admitted as Charter members and or

MDVI/Med. Dermato VanereoJogIce Indoneslana
Sri Linuvish Menald. Foundation Fellows of the AADV in recognition of their past and present services to
Kornis! Pengembangen Penchdikan Keprofesian Berkelarautan the LADS and the AADV.
(P2KB yContinuing Professional Development fCI.D The Board may confer Honorary Fellowship upon any person who may or may not be
Dean Lestarin
Dewan Pertirnbangan ProfesliSuprerne Council dermatologists but whom the Board deems to have significantly served the
M Nasser interest of dermatology in Asia and the AADV.
Erdina HD Pusponegorc
Baden PengkapiBoaro of Reviewer There shall be no fee required for admission of Charter members/ Foundation
Sandra Widaty

Kelompok Studi/Sfudi Groups;

Fellows/ Honorary Fellows.
Infeks Menular Seksuai Indonesia
Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection
Nanny Nilaaan
Herpes Indonesia/ Indonesian Herpes
Prasetyadi Mawardi

Morbus Hansen Indonesia/ Indonesian Leprosy

Sri briuwal Menaldi
Imunoderrnotolooi den Dennates.sOkurseeif Immornnelermetolocre
and Occupational Dorm stasis
Endano Sutedja
Psoriasis Indonesia/ Indonesian Psoriasis
End Novianto

Dermatonakologi Indonesia' Indonesian Dermetomycology

Sandra Widely
Dermatologi Anak Indonesia Indonesian Pediatric Dermatology
Erie Prihienti
Dennatologt Kosmeak Indonesia/ Indonesian Cosmetic
Atiran am Anmuk0
Turnor & Bedell Kulit Indonesia/ Indonesian Skin Tumor 8 Skin
Susanti Bu da-nal
Dermatologi Laser Indonesia/ Indonesian Laser Dermatology
Arneranda Lalita Dniono

Dermatologi Genatn Indonesia, Indonesian Donofrio Dermatology

Shannaz Nadia Yusharyanya

Derrnatopatolop Indonesia/ Indonesian Clerinetopetnology

Sondang A Pandlaitan Sirart

Dermatologi 5osal indonesar Indonesian Social Dermatology

PJgeo Riyanto

Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi

College of Dermatology 8 Venereology

Oki Suwarsa

Anda mungkin juga menyukai