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Penyakit jantung sering diasosiasikan dengan
usia lanjut, namun kini semakin banyak
orang usia produktif di bawah 35 tahun yang
dapat yang terkena serangan jantung.

Mengapa Demikian?

Penyebab tersering serangan jantung adalah penyakit jan- sedentary living atau gaya hidup yang jarang bergerak sema-
tung koroner. Pada kondisi ini, penumpukan plak terbentuk kin membudaya. Kurangnya aktivitas fisik, makan-makanan
di arteri. Pada suatu saat plak ini akan robek dan terlepas. serba instan, serta pola makan buruk dapat memicu me-
Bila robekan atau bongkahan plak yang terlepas ini cukup ningkatnya kadar kolesterol pada tubuh. Mari bergerak dan
besar dan terbawa aliran darah ke arteri koroner, plak dapat ubah gaya hidup kita menjadi lebih sehat demi mencegah
mengakibatkan sumbatan. Arteri koroner membawa oksi- terjadinya serangan jantung. Lakukan olahraga secara rutin
gen untuk otot-otot jantung. Apabila aliran arteri ini tersum- dan benar. Pastikan denyut jantung Anda mencapai angka
bat, oksigen tidak dapat mencapai otot jantung, dan otot yang optimal ketika berolahraga sebelum beristirahat,
jantung pun dapat mati bila dibiarkan lama tanpa oksigen. supaya pembakaran kalori pun berlangsung dengan maksi-
Kadar kolesterol tinggi terutama bila angka LDL di atas 180 mal. Jangan mengonsumsi alkohol, serta stop kebiasaan
juga dapat mempengaruhi aritmia atau gangguan irama de- merokok. Jangan lupa juga untuk mengelola stres. Stres dan
tak jantung. Tingginya kadar kolesterol menyebabkan irama kele- lahan bekerja juga dapat menjadi faktor risiko hiper-
detak jantung menjadi sangat cepat. Aritmia juga merupa- tensi yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan serangan jantung.
kan salah satu penyebab tersering serangan jantung.
Mencegah selalu lebih baik dan lebih murah daripada me-
Yang harus diingat, gaya hidup dan kebiasaan Anda sehari- ngobati. Maka, jangan lupa, lakukan juga pemeriksaan kese-
hari memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesehatan jantung Anda. hatan berkala jantung Anda. Beberapa pemeriksaan yang
Hidup di zaman modern yang serba mudah, membuat bisa dilakukan untuk menilai kondisi jantung Anda,
seperti elektrokardiografi (EKG), treadmill test, MSCT-Scan,
dan MRI jantung. Moda skrining kesehatan jantung ini me-
mang banyak dan berbeda-beda manfaatnya, tergantung
pada kondisi tubuh dan riwayat kesehatan keluarga Anda.
Diskusikan kebutuhan Anda bersama dokter spesialis
jantung dan pembuh darah.

Bila serangan jantung tak dapat dihindari, ingatlah bahwa

waktu menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk nyawa pende-
rita penyakit jantung. Semakin cepat masalah pembuluh da-
rah ditangani, semakin banyak otot jantung yang dapat ter-
selamatkan. Maka itu, dalam menangani kasus serangan
jantung dikenal istilah golden period. Tim medis harus ber-
gerak cepat memberikan pertolongan pertama pada pasien
jantung dalam jendela waktu selama enam sampai dua be-
las jam sejak dimulainya serangan. Pemasangan stent atau
drug eluting stent dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk
membuka sumbatan plak pada arteri koroner. Sedangkan
bagi pasien dengan gangguan irama jantung, pemasangan
alat pacu jantung (pace maker) dapat dijadikan pilihan.

Salam sehat,

dr. Johan Winata, Sp. JP (K), FIHA

Dokter Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah
Konsultan Kardiologi Intervensi RS Pondok Indah – Puri Indah

Dokter Johan menamatkan studi kedokteran umum dan spesialis dengan predikat cum laude ini, juga terpilih

sebagai mahasiswa terbaik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia tahun 2004 dan mendapatkan beasiswa

dari UFJ Foundation untuk prestasinya tersebut. Beliau juga pernah terpilih sebagai Youth Indonesian

Representative for Youth East Asian Common Space Forum 2004. Karya ilmiahnya berjudul The Decrease of

Pulmonary Artery Acceleration Time is Associated with Delayed Heart Rate Recovery in Hypertensive Male

Subjects Without Diabetes Mellitus dipresentasikan pada Asia Pacific Congress of Hypertension tahun 2015.

Setelah menamatkan studi spesialisnya dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi, dr. Johan

melanjutkan studi fellow of coronary intervention di Peking University First Hospital, Beijing.

Further information:

Executive Health Check Up - RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah

021 2569 5200 ext 2/ 2100
Emergency RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah
021 2569 5200 ext 9 / 1168 - 1170
Heart disease is often associated with old age;
today, however, more and more people in their
productive age or under the age of 35 experience
a heart attack.

How does this happen?

One of the most common causes of a heart attack is the sedentary living or a lifestyle which causes us to become
coronary heart disease. A person with this condition suffers lazy to move. Lack of physical activities, consuming too
from plaque buildup in the arterial veins. Sooner or later,the much instant foods and bad diet cause the level of LDL
plaque buildup will break, and chunks of plaque will fall off. cholesterol in our body to rise. So, we really should move
If any chunk of plaque which is big enough is carried away more and make changes to our lifestyle so that we are
by the bloodstream into the coronary artery, the plaque can nowhere near the risks of a heart attack. When cooling
clog the artery. The coronary arteries carry oxygen to the down after exercise, make sure that our heartbeat reaches
heart muscles. So, if the artery is blocked, oxygen cannot its optimum rate so that the process of burning calories in
reach the heart muscles, and left without oxygen for a cer- our body is also optimum. Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks
tain length of time will cause the muscles to atrophy or even and don’t smoke. Also, don’t forget to manage stress. Stress
die out. High cholesterol level, especially if our LDL is above and overwork are risk factors for hypertension which, in
180, can lead to arrhythmia or heart rhythm disorder. The turn, will lead to heart attack.
high cholesterol level causes the rhythm of the heart to
speed up. Arrhythmia is also one of the causes of heart Remember that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
attack. cure”. Preventive actions should always be our priority aside
from their being more economical than going through a
Lifestyle and daily habits also affect the condition of our medical treatment. So, don’t forget to also have heart
heart. Living in a modern era with all its comforts leads to checkup.
Some checkup procedures for our heart include electrocar-
diography (EKG), treadmill test, MSCT-Scan, and heart MRI.
Heart screening modes are varied and offer different bene-
fit, depending on our condition and family health history. So,
discuss what you need with your cardiovascular specialist.

If heart attack indeed happens, remember that time is vital

to save the patient. The faster we manage the vascular pro-
blem, the bigger the chance we have to save the patient.
That’s why in heart attack response treatment, we have
what we call the golden period. The medical team needs to
move fast in giving first aid within a time window of six to 12
hours after the attack. The emergency unit can also treat a
heart attack patient with medicines, as well as getting the
assistance from the angiography unit. At the angiography
unit, a team of cardiovascular specialist and special cardiolo-
gy intervention nurses are ready 24/7 to carry out procedu-
res, including getting a heart stent or drug eluting stent in-
serted, as a solution to open the clog in the coronary arte-
ries. As for a patient with arrhythmia, a pacemaker is one
option we can choose.

Stay Healthy,

dr. Johan Winata, Sp. JP (K), FIHA

Cardiovascular Specialist | Intervention Cardiology Consultant
RS Pondok Indah – Puri Indah

Dr. Johan Winata, Sp. JP (K) earned his general medial practitioner degree and medical specialization with cum

laude. He was also named the best graduate from the Medicine Faculty of Universitas Indonesia in 2004 and was a

recipient of a scholarship from UFJ Foundation due to his achievement. He was appointed as Youth Indonesian

Representative for Youth East Asian Common Space Forum 2004. His scientific paper, titled The Decrease of

Pulmonary Artery Acceleration Time is Associated with Delayed Heart Rate Recovery in Hypertensive Male Subjects

Without Diabetes Mellitus, was presented at Asia Pacific Congress of Hypertension in 2015.

After completing his specialization program at the Medical Faculty of Universitas Sam Ratulangi, dr. Johan

continued his education as a fellow of coronary intervention at Peking University First Hospital, Beijing.

Further information:

Executive Health Check Up - RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah

021 2569 5200 ext 2/ 2100
Emergency RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah
021 2569 5200 ext 9 / 1168 - 1170

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