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Persalinan adalah proses pengeluaran hasil konsepsi yang dapathidup dari

dalam uterus ke dunia luar. Persalinan dan kelahirannormal merupakan proses
pengeluaran janin yang terjadi padakehamilan cukup bulan (37-42 minggu), lahir
spontan denganpresentasi belakang kepala yang berlangsung dalam waktu 18
jam,tanpa komplikasi baik ibu maupun janin.(Jannah, 2015)

Persalinan adalah bagian dari proses melahirkan sebagai responsterhadap

kontraksi uterus, segmen bawah uterus teregang, serviks berdilatasi, jalan lahir
terbentuk dan bayibergerak turun ke bawah melalui rongga

Persalinan adalah suatu proses pengeluaran hasil konsepsi(janin+uri) yang

dapathidup ke dunia luar dari dalam rahimmelalui jalan lahir dengan LBK atau
dengan tenaga ibu sendiri,tanpa bantuan alat-alat, serta tidak melukai ibu dan bayi,
yangumumnya berlangsung kurang dari 24 jam. (Mochtar, 2013)

Tanda – Tanda Kehamilan

1. Tanda pendahuluan

menurut (Mochtar,2013)adalah

a)Ligteningatausettingataudropping, yaitu kepala turunmemasuki pintu


b)Perut kelihatan lebih melebar dan fundus uteriturun.

c)Sering buang air kecil atau sulit berkemih (polakisuria)karena kandung

kemihtertekan oleh bagian terbawahjanin.

d)Perasaan nyeri di perut dan di pinggang oleh adanyakontraksi-kontraksi

lemah uterus, kadang-kadang disebut“false labor pains”.

e)Serviks menjadi lembek; mulai mendatar dan sekresinyabertambah,

mungkin bercampur darah(bloodyshow).
2. Tanda Pasti Persalinanmeliputi:

a)Rasa nyeri oleh adanya his yang datang lebih kuat,sering, danteratur.

b)Keluar lendir bercampur darah yang lebih banyak karenarobekan-robekan

kecil padaserviks.

c)Kadang-kadang, ketuban pecah dengansendirinya.

d)Pada pemeriksaan dalam, serviks mendatar dan telah adapembukaan.

c.Menurut Rukiyah (2009) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi



Poweradalah kekuatanjanin yang mendorong janin keluar.Kekuatan yang

mendorong janin keluar dalam persalinan ialahhis, kontraksi otot-otot perut,
kontraksi diafragma dan aksi dariligament, dengan kerja sama yang baik


Faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap persalinan adalahfaktor janin,yang

meliputi sikap janin, letak janin, presentasijanin, bagian terbawah janin, dan
posisijanin.(Rohani, 2011)

3)FaktorPassage(JalanLahir)Passageatau faktor jalan lahir dibagi

atas:a)Bagian keras : tulang-tulang panggul (rangka panggul).b)Bagian
lunak : otot-otot, jaringan-jaringan, dan ligament-ligament.(Asrinah, 2010)


Psikis ibu bersalin sangat berpengaruh dari dukungan suamidan anggota

keluarga yang lain untuk mendampingi ibu selamabersalin dan kelahiran
anjurkan merreka berperan aktif dalammendukung dan mendampingi
langkah-langkah yang mungkinakan sangat membantu kenyamanan ibu,
hargai keinginan ibuuntuk didampingi, dapat membantu kenyamanan ibu,
hargaikeinginan ibu untuk didampingi.(Rukiyah, 2009)
5)Posisi Ibu (Positioning)Posisi ibu dapat memengaruhi adaptasi anatomi
danfisiologi persalinan. Perubahan posisi yang diberikan pada ibubertujuan
untuk menghilangkan rasa letih, memberi rasa nyaman,dan memperbaiki
sirkulasi.(Sondakh, 2013)


Childbirth is the process of expulsion from the conception that can

live from the uterus to the outside world. Normal childbirth and birth are
fetal expulsion processes that occur during full-term pregnancies (thirty-
seven-forty-two weeks), spontaneous births with the presentation of the back
of the head which take place within eighteen hours, without complications of
both the mother and fetus. (Jannah, two thousand and fifteen)

Labor is part of the birthing process in response to uterine

contractions, the lower uterine segment is stretched, the cervix is dilated, the
birth canal is formed and the baby moves down through the pelvic cavity.
(Hanretty, two thousand and fourteen)

Childbirth is a process of expulsion from the conception (fetus + uri)

that can live to the outside world from within the womb through the birth
canal with LBK or with the mother's own labor, without the aid of tools, and
does not hurt the mother and baby, which generally lasts less than twenty-
four hour. (Mochtar, two thousand and thirteen)

Signs of Pregnancy

One. Introductory sign

according to (Mochtar, two thousand and thirteen) is

a) Ligtening or setting or dropping, i.e. head down into the upper door of the
b) The stomach looks wider and the uterine fundus.
c) Frequent urination or difficulty urinating (polakisuria) because the bladder is
distressed by the lowest part of the fetus.

d) Pain in the abdomen and waist by weak uterine contractions, sometimes called
"false labor pains".
e) The cervix becomes soft; begin to level off and the secretions increase, maybe
mixed with blood (bloodyshow).
Two. Signs of Childbirth include:

a) Pain due to his coming that comes stronger, often, and regularly.
b) Mucus comes out with more blood because of small tears in the cervix.
c) Sometimes, the membranes break by themselves.
d) On internal examination, the cervix is flat and has been opened.
c. According to Rukiyah (two thousand and nine) factors that affect labor, namely
power factor, passenger factor, passage factor, andpsyche factors:

One. Power Factor (Strength)

Power is the strength of the fetus that pushes the fetus out. The strength that pushes
the fetus out in labor is the contraction of the abdominal muscles, contraction of
the diaphragm and the action of the filament, with good and perfect cooperation.
(Oxorn, two thousand and ten)

two. Passenger Factors (Babies)

Other factors that influence labor are fetal factors, which include fetal attitude,
fetal position, fetal presentation, fetal bottom, and fetal position (Spiritual, two
thousand and eleven)

three. Passage Factors Passage or birth canal factors are divided into: a) Hard parts:
pelvic bones (pelvis). B) Soft parts: muscles, tissues, and ligaments (Asrinah, two
thousand and ten)

four. Factorpsyche (Psychic)

Psychic maternity is very influential from the support of husband and other family
members to accompany the mother during childbirth and birth suggest they play an
active role in supporting and accompanying steps that might be very helpful for the
comfort of the mother, respect the wishes of the mother to be accompanied, can
help the mother's comfort, the mother's wish to be accompanied. (Rukiyah, two
thousand and nine)
five. Mother's Positioning Mother's position can influence the adaptation of the
anatomy and physiology of labor. The change in position given to the mother aims
to relieve fatigue, provide comfort, and improve circulation. (Sondakh, two
thousand and thirteen)

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