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Tugas ini bertujuan untuk mendorong mahasiswa yang mengikuti MK Analisis

Kegagalan Material membaca buku-buku atau teks yang diwajibkan. Di samping
itu meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami isi buku atau teks.
Selain itu, mahasiswa dilatih untuk membaca secara kritis dan mampu memilih
bagian yang dibutuhkan untuk menjawab keingintahuan mereka. Terakhir,
mahasiswa dilatih untuk mampu menyampaikan hasil bacaannya kepada
teman-teman sekelompok, secara tulis maupun lisan.

Penilaian: laporan dan Presentasi


A. Deficiency in the Original Design: Failure of a Steam Turbine.

A.C. Raghuram, S. Radhakrishnan, R.V. Krishnan, and V. Ramachandran, Handbook of
Case Histories in Failure Analysis, ASM International, Vol 1, 1992, p 239
A 290 mm diameter steam turbine developed excessive noise and vibration and had to
be shut down. The nut that locked the two-stage turbine disk in place had worked its way
out from the threads and the disk had shifted about 2.5 mm and come off the shaft. The
design of the locking mechanism was responsible for the loosening of the nut.
Figure 2.1 shows the two-stage turbine disk and the shaft. The locking nut fitted at the
end of the shaft with its two locking pins intact is shown in Fig. 2.2. The locking
mechanism is shown in Fig. 2.3. The locking nut with left-handed threads was tightened by
rotation in a direction opposite to the rotation of the disk. To retain the nut in this position
after tightening, two holes were drilled in situ through the nut and the disk and two pins
were inserted.
The locking mechanism did not take into account the slippage of the turbine disk. As
can be seen in Fig. 2.4, if the disk slipped, it would automatically loosen the nut. The two
locking pins providing the leverage would aid in this loosening. The effect of the slippage
is cumulative. Once the loosening was sufficient to clear the locking pins from the holes of
the disk, the nut would be completely free and ineffective for locking, thus leading to
excessive vibration.
The locking mechanism must be designed to provide positive locking with respect to
the disk only.

Fig. 2.1 Turbine disk with the main shaft. (a) Overall view. (b) View showing the
lateral shift of the disk from its original position
Fig. 2.2 Locking nut with the two pins intact

Fig. 2.3 Disk locking arrangement

Fig. 2.4 Diagram showing the directions of rotation of the turbine disk and the
locking nut
B. Machining Defect: Failure of Titanium Alloy Compressor Blades.

S. Radhakrishnan, A.C. Raghuram, R.V. Krishnan, and V. Ramachandran, Handbook of
Case Histories in Failure Analysis, ASM International, Vol 2, 1993, p 299.
Compressor blades made of an alpha-beta titanium alloy (IMI 550, Ti-4Al-2Sn-4Mo)
during routine vibratory fatigue testing were found to have unusually low fatigue life.
The reason for this was not immediately apparent. The fatigue cracks were associated
with spherical metal beads sticking to the aerofoil surface in each case, the origin being at
the point of contact of the bead with the blade surface (Fig. 2.10, 2.11). The beads had a
dendritic structure as shown in the scanning electron micrography (SEM) photograph (Fig.
2.12), indicating they had formed by fusion followed by solidification.
In situ x-ray analysis indicated that the beads had the same chemical composition as
that of the blade. A study of the operations preceding the fatigue testing revealed that
targeting bosses of these forged blades were removed by a grinding operation to facilitate
mounting of the blades for fatigue testing. During the grinding operation, particles from the
targeting bosses, while still in the molten or semisolid state, must have been thrown onto
the blade surface, the impingement causing a localized embrittling effect leading to crack
initiation. This theory was confirmed by simulation tests. Extreme care must be exercised
during the grinding operation by properly orienting the blades and using suitable suction
devices so that the particles are prevented from hitting the blade surface.

Fig. 2.10 Fractograph showing a metallic bead at the fracture origin.

Fig. 2.11 Fatigue crack associated with a bead on the blade surface.

Fig. 2.12 SEM photograph showing the fatigue crack and the dendritic

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