Anda di halaman 1dari 17


0I06/80[gN6d/tflT-POrW /465 uourou rsu1rporluroJ t

6Wt - gtZO 0[02 reque oN OOI-I Z IDOTOIDNIV i
qreledSoa u?uI?I"H JorrroN VTEXIIIIfl I
rlre{Ptro folosqryrepg
trzp-rloued IIsEH sslr,rq{npord ueP estf sut{en) uuXel8tme;
IuErnN uI{IsV l{ppul
(tsef trepqurl uBrqueu"d IrreIE([)
uruSorl e{zpng re8e3 epueg uerelrred srDlBU rrBI[BX
oroluEdrEql{t lpg
("rquesnN ru[Erad qerresetD1 l8eq sgz-6oqg uunqera8ue4 ue8trequms;
{IseJC uep {muI.I ru{eJod ueuoduroy strr?N uep srusf
ouolarl UPII I^l I
qury Srmdurey rp r5o1oe>1ry uep88ur;
snpny z1o;1 rterefeg tlSuerey urPIEp snltg 6olouory rrep Islsod
:uoFX rrlerorl esa( rp elm;tr rrrqel I slslduroy
uElY\Br{3 pBLUUPqnI^l
tqudefuI71 sto)I 1p *IEwX, uueP"reqey {equoy trentftn;
olueflg DuaDng
Iserlre[ns [e4ue3
'dr[*A ero.[ erIJ rrr surcruag rnpqe8ey4l;o euo sE (oEuo1o27) s1u1 euo]S
rPruo pplv\EIun uP^ m(I
0106 reqrue^oN xxx unqBJ
6rvt - 9160 NssI
ISSN 0216 - 1419
Tuhun XXX (2) November 2010
SK Kepala LIPI tentang Akreditasi Majalah Berkala Ilmiah:


Koordinator Penyunting : Dra. Novida Abbas, M.A (Arkeologi Sejarah)

Mitra Bestari : Prof. Dr. Inajati Adrisijanti (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM)
Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, M.A (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,

Pemimpin Redaksi : Dra. Novida Abbas, M.A (Arkeologi Sejarah)

Sekretaris : Drs. Muhammad Chawari, M.Hum (Arkeologi Sejarah)
Sidang Redaksi : Dra. Indah Asikin Nurani, M.Hum (Arkeologi Prasejarah)
Drs. Sugeng Riyanto, M.Hum (Arkeologi Sejarah)
Drs. T.M. Hari Lelono (Etnoarkeologi)


Jl. Gedongkuning 174, Kotagede, Yogyakarta 55171
Telp./facs 0274 377913
Website :
E-mail :

S.I.T : No. 797/SK.DITJEN PPG/STT/1980

Berkala Arkeologi diterbitkan oleh Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta 2 x 1 tahun Bulan Mei
dan November, dan dalam event ilmiah tertentu menerbitkan EDISI KHUSUS.
Penerbitan majalah ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan aktivitas penelitian arkeologi dan
menampung hasil-hasil penelitiannya, sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh para ilmuwan dan
masyarakat pada umumnya. Redaksi menerima sumbarigan artikel maksimal 15 halaman
A4 dengan spasi satu. Naskah yang dimuat tidak harus sejalan dengan pendapat redaksi.
Redaksi berhak menyunting naskah sejauh tidak mengubah isi. Penunjuk sumber agar
dibuat dalam sebuah daftar yang disusun menurut abjad nama pengarang pada lembar
khusus yang diberi judul KEPUSTAKAAN. Contoh:


Cooper, Chris. 1991. "The Technique of Interpretation" dalam Managing Tourism, S.

Medlik (ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. pp. 224-229.
tssN 0216 - 1419
Tahun XXX No. 2 / November 2010


Berkala Arkeologi edisi November 2010 menyajikan 7

(tujuh) buah artikel baik hasil penelitian maupun pelayanan informasi
kepada publik. Lima artikel merupakan hasil penelitian dan
peninjauan, sedangkan dua artikel lainnya merupakan layanan
kepada publik. Artikel pertama ditulis oleh Dwi Yani Yuniawati Umar
tentang situs kubur di Sulawesi Tengah. Kawasan situs kubur di
Sulawesi Tengah ini memiliki banyak tinggalan arkeologi terutama
dari masa prasejarah yaitu di Lembah Bada, Lembah Besoa, dan
Lembah Napu. Salah satu tinggalan prasejarah di daerah ini adalah
kalamba atau tong batu (sfone vafs) yang digunakan sebagaitempat
kubur. Melalui pertanggalan C-14 dapat diketahui salah satu situs
telah ada sejak 2.170 BP dan menempatkan situs ini sebagai salah
satu situs kubur tertua di lndonesia. Artikel berikutnya berlatar
belakang masa klasik Jawa Timur yaitu keberadaan kanal di kota
Majapahit yang ditulis oleh Sugeng Riyanto. Berdasarkan peta kuna
menunjukkan keberadaan kanal terlihat sangat jelas, namun
kenyataan di lapangan, pelacakan kanal tersebut cukup sulit. Artikel
ini mengungkap jalur-jalur kanal kota Majapahit yang berhasil dilacak
sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi tentang pola tata kota kota
Selain kedua tulisan tersebut di atas, dua artikel lainnya
merupakan hasil peninjauan dan penelitian dari arkeologi lslam.
Pertama adalah hasil peninjauan terhadap temuan kompleks makam
kuna di Desa Loram Kulon, Kabupaten Kudus yang ditulis oleh
Muhammad Chawari dan penelitian tentang Kampung Arab yang
ditulis oleh Masyhudi. Tulisan tentang temuan makam baru di Kudus
dicoba melalui kajian kronologi dan status situs. Berdasarkan temuan
mata uang dan keramik asing diketahui bahwa situs ini berasal dari
sekitar abad XVI XVlll. Diduga kompleks ini merupakan
pemakaman masyarakat umum sekitar Desa' Loram Kulon.
Sementara itu artikel tentang Tinggalan Arkeologi di Kampung Arab
Semarang dan Surakarta mengupas kekhususan budaya Arab. Di
Semarang tidak ada permukiman khusus untuk orang Arab dan
keberadaannya tidak terlepas dari kebiasaan hidup orang Arab yaitu

tserLata.ArQcofoglr'a^fun )A(XE{tsi5to. z / itwmt^fiEr zoto

o ro z ta gu,a MtN / z, oM rsr?I )(nC mAry, 70oyq try qq ag,
u erer o puod u pr eun 66 u oru ue6 uo p, rffiU:f ;:f :j,il:L; 3?fI:Y,
ueelurured ue6uep rensos 6uer r6o;oerJe uerlrreueo'iiseir rspr.uJorur
ueueAe;ed rnlun serr^qnpo.rd u'p sellreny uele>16uruio du'etureo6g
'rsesr;e1r6rp Brecos rnleleu
lseurolu! 1eqo;6 e.reces (11) r6010u1e-1
rsBruJoJu! ue6ueque> n[e; e{ulesed ueouap nlrert
uei.rel ueln1un1
eped uel.reseprp rur loMV .e1re>1eI6o1 lOope{y
lrseH selr^lllnpord uep esef selrleny uele>;6uruaa inpntreq'6uel
ruernN uDllsv Llepul uestlnl tnleleu tleuractp tedep {llqnd epede>1
r6o1oe4re ue;1;leuad tlseq lseruJojur uesenueqertued
uip' ueuerteled
ueEuep ue6unqnqleq 6ueI loMp l_,lelepe Jtqlerol
e{usnsel derles uelep epoq-epoqreq qelur.rer.ued
qolo llqurBlp 6ue{ uelefrqel uelqeqe{ueu nil '
- leH' :lnqesrel
1eq 6ue;ue1 selaf Due[ uelnfnr epe urnieq rur lees rebuiei'1"6r,bue,,
'gCE nuoued r6eq ueleqr!! qelunt eped'l'eiot1ptUeq
'ue6o1 u'qeqraq 6ue{ gcg 'n,.,.reuad -
' bljjrr"r ,".rq"q*"6
pruelnral 'ololuefuequ1
lpf Llolo sllnilp 6ue[ ECg nueued
roeq esef uerequr! 6ue1ue1 roxue nlr e.regue,,eg
leourel-es- >lnpnpued
eseqeq re6eqes eA ef eseqeq taleruorrJ ueOuep qelllsl nele
eueu tltlil.uouJ uauodtuol nele uerOeq de;1es euaral
le6ues ;u; _sgue[ nqerod .Ils€Je LlBJaep 1p ueleunDip 1er(ueq Lltseul
rur lees e66ulq OueI ,,>1ncurd,, nqerod qoluoc leOeqei ,nqeled'qelepe
lnqosral ueqeq ueelelel uep lnpo.rd nles qetes .lrqedefeyl uep
'uese6urg ueJeley\ ,e{eftiuri.rg utel eJe}ue ,leseq dnlnc
lnpupt 6ue{
ueqeq uee[ele1-uee[e.re1 qolo tesenltp qeuled eJelupsnN
eiv\qeq suolsL{ eHeJ eped_ uelJeseptp ertuueseqeqrlred
'ouolol UBH t^l'l L{olo stlnilp 6ue{ ,lnulrl e/v\ep ,ItsoJe ueleq
uep ..Incutd,,
nqered uauodr-uo>1 Brueu uep s;ue[ 6ue1ue1 qejepe rbogoelreoule
u.el[-By 'r6o;oe4re uery;eued 'ueuefeled
ltseq- se]e lllqnd uep
'(e[epng.rebeg epueg) ggg nureu'aO uelequj ,rOo;oelleoula
6ue1ue1 seqequeu 6ue,{ 1e1rpe qenq e6g rierbpe jlqilor_'
eueIBJnS !p qeJV bunduey uelOuepeg .6ue6ep.req'uep
tssN 0216 1419 -
Tahun XXX No. 2 / November 2010

Kata Pengantar i

Daftar Isi iii

Dwi Yani Yuniawati Umar

t Stone Vats (Kalamba) as One of Megalithic Remains in
The Lore Valley, Central Sulawesi I
Sugeng Riyanto
Tinjauan Kembali Keberadaan "Kanal" di Kota Majapahit la
Muhammad Chawari
Kompleks Makam Kuna di Desa l,oram Kulon:
Posisi dan Kronologi Situs dalam Kerangka Sejarah Kota Kudus Bz

Tinggalan Arkeologi di KampungArab 45

T.M Hari telono

Jenis dan Nama Komponen Perahu Pincuk dari Gresik
(Sumbangan Pengetahuan En:ografi s bagi
Khasanah Perahu Nusantara) 6l
Edi Triharyantoro
Kajian Praktis Penilaian Benda Cagar Budaya Logam
(D+lam Penentuan ImbalanJasa) 74

Indah Asikin Nurani

Peningkatan KualitasJasa dan Produktivitas Hasil penelitian
Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta 82

ts*Enfa .Arfrzohgt {afi,un )COC E{.u{, jto, z / ttwmtier zorc

DwiYaniYuniawati Umar
(The National Research and Development center of Archaeology,
Jakarta, lndonesia)


The province of Central Sulawesi, particularly Lore Valley that is part

of Poso Regency, is rich in cultural remains from the period when the
megalithic tradition flourished. The remains include among others kalamba
(stone vats), megalithic statues, stone mortars, pitted stones, engraved
stones, and clay jars.
The Lore Valley area consists of Bada, Besoa, and Napu smaller
valleys. Here, there are scatter of very specific cultural items rarely found in
othei parts of lndonesia, which are locally known as kalamba (stone vats).
Stone vats are usually functioned as burial containers. Excavations reveals
that stone vats were communal and secondary burials. C-14 dating shows
that one of the sites at Besoa Valley, Entovera Site, has been inhabited
since 2170 BP. This makes Entovera Site one of the oldest megalithic sites
in lndonesia. Outside Central Sulawesi, megalithic burials resemble to
kalamba are found in Sarawak, North around Lake Toba (North Sumatra);
Donggo, (West Nusa Tenggara), Mekong Valley (Laos), and Assam (to the
northwest of Cachar Mountains in lndia).

Key words: Megalithic remains, kalamba, Lore Valley area, Central Sulawesi




Kawasan Lembah Lore di Sulawesi Tengah yang terdiri dari 3 lembah

yaitu Lembah Bada, Lembah Besoa dan Lembah Napu ini mempunyai
sumber daya budaya yang sangat spesifik dan jarang ditemukan di wilayah
lndonesia lainnya. Temuan tersebut antara lain adalah kalamba (stone
vats), arca megalitik (megalithic sfafues), lumping batu (sftne moriars),batu
dakon (pitted stone), batu bergores (engraved stone), dan tempayan tanah
liat. Di antara temuan-temuan tersebut, temuan yang paling unik adalah
kalamba atau tong batu (sfone vafs). Kalamba biasanya digunakan sebagai

. Makalah ini pernah dipresentasikan pada lndo-Pacific Prehistory Association di

lnstitute of Archaeology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences 2009.


oroz fir{Juti,ttoN / z .olv ?stpc nDC wNLW Tnopqty: qo+ng,
s^rcod ser a qr ql!,l e 6 en 6 u e1 e pB
E sr Bo.:til,li :;1':?"T 3:"t
ur eldoed snoueOrpur eqt'(ozo|,-uejeuueei'poueoltreruar
ro crozosernl
elel oql 6uunp suorsnrlur elruerO 0e0uedruoJ or inp .rnrro
's; 'uo;05;
eql Jo uorsuelxe ue sr Lrcrr.r/v\ ,,u!seE eodeN,, olur pednoro leLll
Qvail aA noJg o1 burp.rocce 'erou,reriunJ .rse^ erns reJruoc Jo euoz reJluec iqi
eLll u! pelenlrs sl rlcrq^
?uoz osod eql lo Ued s; eeJe srql (oior.) ,"r"'r_"e
ol Ourp,occy .r{6o1oqd,o,.roe6 enbrun Ou;neq se n"=;r;U;r;, oq ,"I
eaJB srql {;1ecr0010ee 'alo uoJr pue
;eoc- 'rnqd;ns,p;o6 e4r sreJoulr.u ur L{crJ sr
eeJe srqr'oc'rns oqr uo rros qsrl oile{ seurleuros pue'u^
oJq-qslppeJ qu/r^
srcor crseq erlln lo slsrsuoc {e1;e4 arol oq} {11ecr6010qoro,"6ig -'|'i"'
,r 00 e r - 00I lnoq: 5ifi i J',TT -X
oJor ur punor eJe qcrq^l: E:,1,?"r1,:,tl Ij :''Sff :i
salrs aq|rcueoey osod Jo eeJe a^rlerlsrur"upe eql
:f ffi;
o1 souoleq /v\ou r{crq/v\ 'eere {e;1e4 AJO] Ur polen}ls
aJe ,sren euors Jeoq leL[
esoql rlleoedse rso/v\erns rerluec 10 ecujno.rd aql ur seirs
[e e1 n d e N p u e, (rcu e6es oro., o-,tnil:,"f""r'
({cye6gy osod 'erot-rl}nos ",
rT:i,Liili'flffi, :5."j9
1o gcr4srg)',j"rb r5rrln ,'pfe eqt .e.! ,s{e;;en
oeJql ut Ilureu punoJ fi;sno:eunu eJe'slel euols ,tsol elns
'@ZAL,uollnH pue leJluaC ut
s;;ry1) sutelunou JeqcBC lso/v\_r,lpou
.uessv ut
(sgol 'tue;o3) oe1 'r{e11e[ 6uoq>1ey1 eql ulJef Joureld oql poro^ocsrp
'it ]o ur
[1uo are s]e^ euols 'puelu;ey1 uersv tiodz;oii".'".ib ;;;N
lso6 Jo ecut^ord eq1 ,o66uoe ul pue (ggOL ,doog) "l"o6u"i ,eqol
e.relLurng qUoN
orel punoJe '(/t6L 's>;ueg) rel EJes ur poJanocslp eq o1 pelrode., oJo/v\
slen ouols Jo Joqunu lleus e ,o6e;edrqcle uerseuopul oql
pollrxl fuen ur r;uo punol sr ]r se souo o^rrcer]le ulqilM .seeJe
lsoru eLr] peepur eJe s]e^
euors aql 'seuots peleroue pue 'seuols pe11rd ,srepour
euols ,sien euols
'sonlBls crqlrleoeur sepnlcut aso!|l 'sureureJ ciqlleoeur
ur qcu'ften.; qrlq^
securaord uersouopur or-,rl ro euci sr rso^ Brns
reJluec Jo ecur^oJd aL{r
rso/nerns'eror qeqrrror ueseMey'equerex'1r1r;e6eur ,"T""3;;,'r:rounr
ner lereq qepeqes) uep ,(soe-1)
rp uJffi''iH;r"{":J1[3?#
ere66ue1 esnS) o66uoq (erep ereieungl ndrL'o ]"rpr", rp ,re^ eres
lp eOn[ uelnue]lp Bquelel dplru .rnqn1"ior 1n1ueq
,qe6u"1 lso/r^plns
ureros 'erseuopur rp eniler lur;eoeur snlrs nles Lreres re6eqes
eJe^olu=r snlrs
ueyleduleuou tut ue;e66ueped ,1u1 ereluerues .dg
0/1,7 1e[es lrnqip-dil;
eJe^olu=r snlrg nlre{ 'eoseg qequrel rp snrrs nres
Lreres rnqelerlp ledep
y;.-3 uele66ue1red ueo 'repunros Jnqnr uep
reunuo>| uernqnbl"ii lJorlr
Picture 1. The Distribution of Stone Vats in lndonesia


stone vats are named as karamba (which means boat) for the bottom
part by the local community and tuatena for the cover. Kalamba is a
cylindrical stone vat with a hole in the middle. The largest stone vats that
have been discovered so far measures between 1g7 and 216 cm in
diameter, and the tallest has a height of approximately 1g0 cm. The smallest
ones have a diameter of about 77 cm with a height of about 60-g0 cm.
some of the stone vats have knobs inside. A katamba is usually made of
sand stone (see picture 3).
Picture 2. The Distribution of Stone Vats in Lore Valley Area
(Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi province)
Map of Celebes

Bada ':ir'liii" iilr,:1

,lir,:li':'t: r,,!

.riir,:l il::r ia l
itit,tq :l:,i:,: , ,:,i

tserda[a Ar6eo[ogi (ahun )(XX Efrsi Nto. z / ttoyemfier 2oro

oroz t?gula^.oM / z .oN ?sl?& XXX unxlol,7nqoaqty; tqor-+?&
[;e1r; e.rem oroLr oJn]rnc crq]rreDau aql
equelut aql Jo oce1.rns oql uo yloul {e>luotrr
sJoreoq oq]
]eql sarecrpur J onoc
aLll 1o'fu"nor.lp aql
e Duranoqs ,(preelc ,spreqslod pue ,uo, slueu6r, Y."$;Jy":;"jjJ;E
1o s1ueu6e.4 asel ezuoJq lleus e pepJerf Jruueril ,rtto"i e Jeau
uv 'squor ener6 pue sJrqueu qrrl Jncco ,teql ereq^a ,soel ur punoJ
osoql pue rso/v\elns leJluoc ur punoJ s_len ouols aql ueo^
polou eg 'uorrse66ns e qcns Lllr/v\ peeroe (sv.v-zou jggoL) loq xrurrrri. "qi
uropney .1 re6eg
edfi eql Jo srunrp-olllal ozuorq oql uo p"rrro"p .ri"4ffii oql olquosor spll
euols or.rl uo suorlcrdep 'r;;ecgrceds eJoyusunJp-o[]o)
ozuoJq uo pelcrdep
esoql arquoseJ sre^ euols uo pelcrdep speoq ueunq 'ocuelsur
JoJ ,porJed
uorr-ozuorg orrl u! polcnJlsuoc oJoJoJaLrl oJol pue
uorrerrlrJe uosouoo
lo ere Ieql 1eq1 rsomelns ur sqlrledeu uo pep;Oep sJllotu Jo srseq eql
uo popnlcuoc (91-2, :2t6il illnry .(99 :/g6l.repua1ng)
,1c"1qo ,fl"..ilr#
eue;o,d otur uorlerocop Jo pu;1 s,q1
se rueou senn [;leluozrJoq poruec
[ed;;ro ,rbr"inf srreH .uor]erocap
lrloru o-urlrerncJrc .qpotu pue sJeo ou qrr/v\
se qcns 'e1e1du-rocur pue 'crlels 'poruec xtteuoiuoo6rd'10u
ere leql sJerleJ oql
{q uanoqs sl }ce} srql 'enrlceho'utetu aq} sruJoJ lcedse snor6r;el-cr6eu
'sluor.uole ctleqlsee Jo euou /v\oqs sJatlor eq1
osoql leql snot^qo sl ll .Qv :/t3av
repuelng) slcelqo crror.rlsae parcei-rures eql olur pednoro bci
'eore pres olll poltqeLlul J;;
leqt soqrrl rnoJ oql Jo ,!run iq1 6utzr;oq1u{. ,r1r,od ^di
leutpJec rnoJ eql 6u;ce1 ,saceJ ql!/t lnpry Dunung
, ,tttq
o1 lellered sr qcrq^ ,soceJ.g qtrn pelueserd lo ut punoJ leLll
,"^-1;fo.'rirnq euos
(,{ey u o ru ) s eu u e
aLr|JOAOC Srr se ile/v\ I g,,1"(ffi [?Bl::;t,IH l#",,l il :,, J,"#:;
se Joureruoc or4 uo pereJocop aJe leql ouos oJe
ereql '[e;;en eosag oq] u! so]ts
leJonos u! punoJ seqwep\ eql Duoure 1eq1
poleo^oJ reJ os polcnpuoc s{eruns 'sern6r1
leurrue Jo'ueunq q}r^ po}eJocop
ore leql eosog punoJ
ur oso.* orrrun 'paleJocepun
'{e11e1 erean'r{ell"n
p seqwer*r eql teql pouorruor.x ocuo uJepney 'sJo^oc o^eq uoqr "p"i
'souo peleJocop oruos oJe aJoLll Jo o.uos
lnq ureld oJe slel ouols oqt Jo lsoy\l
eary l(e;1e71 ero-I u! (pqru .t otnlold
followers of a totem cult. The concept of totemism among the central
Sulawesi is still present now, as is indicated by the belief that spirits usually
can assume various animal forms. Particularly the monkey, it is also found
as a statue in the Bada Valley. There is also information in the existence of
the same clan that practiced clan totemism cult, with monkeys for totems.
Some stone vats in Bada area were found with covers, but some
others without covers.. The cover has disc-like shape with 1-2 m in
diameter. The size of the cover frequently is not the same as the size of
diameter or even the size of stone vats. The amount of the cover is less
than the amount of stone vats. Some cover is decorated with carved figures
of humans and monkeys face (see picture 4).

Nowadays the stone vats that are found have oily black soil or mud
and water inside. sometimes plants or weeds grow in that greasy black soil.
These stone vats are also in damage, possibly a result of vandalism.
The stone vats in central sulawesi are ussually found with other
megalithic remains such as statues, pit-marked stone, tetralith, stone
mortar, dolmen etc. (see picture 5)

Picture 5. Several other megalithic structures in Lore Valley Area

stone mortar, and statues

Haris sukendar (1975) has conducted excavations in the Bada Valley.

He excavated around the kalamba and managed to find artifacts such as
round beads made of glass and white chalcedony beads of bi-conical
shape. The excavation also found iron implements (adze, spearhead), bark-

tserfr.a[a Ar0eotogi fafuin XXX E{isi lto. z / itovember zoto

oroz lryru?laM / z oN ?sr?fi xnc uryoJ,2fuqoavty: qoyag,
uBunr.l e^!J to ouoq sruo4/nq
lq6u sacold ? Jo vNq eql
ur esnerues u!^ r=r [q pelcnpuoc srsr(;eue -c*euioo6i]o leql pe^ oL{s tooz
.oooz lo .itn.-il """'
rlervrerunl) eqwep\ ut peunq pue peurnq
eJe gt 'ou eqwep\ le punol qleel pue seuoq
eql osneceq ,pezrubocr;, *;q
e^eq L{loal pue souoq aq} lo oururnq eqt pue uorlBlrlnu
qtool }Bqt uollecrpur
uB sr oJaql leql /v\oqs silnseJ Jet[o e[qM 's-rlsuelce.reqc
qrr/v\ serlrunururoc uro4 oruec eldoed
esoL[ u/v\our sr 1r ,oiue;pinn rt r"ii
[q euop ueoq osle seq qctq^ ,llnls ueunqleql oq] 1o srs{1eue eLn uo4
sr,.rlroc,rsrercere.y::lo-:lrr-""."r:',3i?:3:",t;J'irHilfi lfflj'ff !d:l,l
scuolsrxo olqrsr^ or.uos oJoA Seuruec pue sJosrcur iq1eel'10
Seues eJrlue eql
1o srs{1eue 1ecr6o;oqdtou uo ppseg .pllLlc L pue s}lnpe
0l .e.l ,slenpt^tput
I L JO JOqUnu unururru e eJB eJAql 'qleol osoql uo peseq ,".,oj"r"q1 :piiq,
eJour ouo ourppe Jo Joprsuoc plnoqi aIA ,ueJpilr.rc
lseer le os Jo r.,Beor osrB oJB
ereql'sllnpB oL or.ll.ol uorlrppe ul leql sn sllol uorlengis'srqr.(,*o6r
ouo pu' Jerour euo) q1ee1 ,lllLu o/vu osre eJB ereql 'q1ee} ",urr",
ilnpB }o oprslno
'Lllool Jo los slr{l ul 'uol}!ppe u1 's11npe g1,
lenpl^tput 1o ecualstxe eq} pa^/\oqs
osle sllnsor aql 'zy\ 'Jeloul puocas aql uo peulolre-o osle seAA slenpt^tputJo
Joqunu urnurur.u eq1 oururu.r,olop soprseg .srenpl^lpur
eql selecrpur "Oi lrnp' 0L
"peUgu"ptro ocualsrxe
,qlael euruec
lq6U reddn eM
sse; r;uo oJe uet qlser aqr ro sroor or.rl .peqcplep
{lrsee p,JS&XET
e_JeAA rnq 'eceld ur
ilrts oJe Jo 'u/v\oJc er4 Jo eprsur aqr uo4""^u.ro1 {le1e1dtUO,
lsor.ule au[uop oql ,{;luenbesuoc ,xrruec 'o1 dn"pldsn>1 uo4
lsueuo q10ue1 poo6 ,(surnorc) qlee1 Jo ur/\orc eql s! y"1'1r"rird-il;;
oql ler.lM osnecog 'seceld olur ,
lleus ,{sLe pue e1r6e4'r{.ren
slooJ elll r..llr/v\ 'luJnq [;e.rr1ue eJel qrae] osorl]reoJq'ol
]eqr uoos eq upc ,o]u'rprM
fulep1 rq q1ee1 eql jo uotleruesqo eqf uorl rr
erllr7111 'u ur pounq oro/v\ srenpr^rpur
uor"[ reLf] po]eur4so ueoq seq 'e^ 'euoq
r! enq snt,|)loS'rtq snteutnq y46u
oql Jo uo[eruosqo oLll tuor1 .(ooozv,1eane-run1)
(releeq qlop-ryeq) arlr euols- ,n-ffi'1o 6pqiq tool euols e pue
slue,rr'otiai,il"6r .sllnls ueunq Io
s1uau0e.r1 pue s6urpug pecnpo.rd {e11e4
eosog ,(e6L116 epoO) elts olelnpel
lE 8e 'ou eqwep4 }sa} B Jo sllnsor eql ruorJ':r{lenisuelur poqcJeosor
sr rrcrr{^ eere re11e1 1e {
aror ur ur e}rs oLr} sr {e1;e1-"o.5t' aurl srr-n
pesn se/v\ eqwepr oL{}
}eql lue,edde ., ,, ,"r,.'l"nlt?ffi'Jilllf5,?:ffi;;
Jo uorle^ecxa oqr Jo silnsoJ pue {eresrp ur poxrru punoi souoq
opnlrllnu eql ourrnerl 'ecueprseJ Jreql urqlr/r^ Jo r.uoJ, ueunq lo
rel10u loo}Sr"niu
&eleunl aql lPqt popnpuoc oq uec gr ;en1ue.r1g-ouLbeaeceld pue erendunl
ouepe4 uo salts eql u! pere^ecxo sp.reqsgod
'soJnlcnJls clqltle6aul 1o uosueduoc uo peseg
oql opeu osle oql elOoed ,(q pebnpord elern rr"rt"]
rernlrnc oqr leql pepnpuoc aq uec sourpug
1r osaql *ro.r3 {.re110d 10 slueuele
sureluoc osle qclq/u eqwep\ eq1 epis;no ler{e|
eq-l q}l/v\ spuodseloc
}eq1 rerel e ur punor e.rerur's1ce[qJ eseql .srenlu
fueJeunl .ro; gueudrnbe
sq ol por.lnsse erem {eq1 'sp.reqslod ,tlueib elrnb- pue ,.cle ,sr/v\oq
'refllessen 's1od 'JouJnq esuecur'6ur1uese.rd1o
xrettoa neiueuroel ,Joreoq LBorc
individuars from karamba no.3g found
a sequence of modern human DNA at radurako site can be crassified as
that i. in"irJli in the Austronesia
speaking popuration. other phyrogenetic
approacrr ls carrieo out by using
genetic distance to show tnb r<inJnip
populations in the current surawesi
of the'nrrrnlbr.rn irorrrr."r#;1,';
i.e. Minaha.", Nortn surawesi (1.4T
0'52), Kairi, centrar Sutawesi so
i;j;, t
0'49), Mandar, west sura*"d
1r 1 043)r s'ortn sutawesi (1.2g t
t 1t.25.:0.44)
(1.14 0.42). r-rogn.t!is. pnyoienetic and Kajang, south surawesi
resjrt, * cai-oe seen that bone
sequence DNA in Tadulako site nas more
in common with a population of
sequence DNA in K'j?!g (south
poputations sequences (yuniawati -surawesif
.orprr"o with other four
20og). ro.niinlrliJ,i or .", performed
amelogenin gene anarysis shows that by
the four bone s=amptes taken from
kalamba no. 3g in Tadurako site berong
Yuniawati 200g). The date is unknown
t" il;re"s lsentausa 2003;
untir-now o"."r.L the bone sampres
taken for anarysis cannot be used for c-14
elements. such process has been done
o, gMs-Jre to rack of some
in Austraria.
other site that has been observed is pokekea
Besoa Varey area. Based on the excavation
which is arso rocated in
resurti, ,rntn is a dormen that
is flanked by megalithic statues, it-can
be concrud"d irrir location is a place
to conduct ceremoniar activities witn.oispo:rr
activities' This is evidenced by the teatures
oi poiieiy oo;ects for rituar
tn"i inoi!"ie"a deliberate placing
of pottery objects which are plt into the
Furthermore, excavation in the area
enclosure) is carried out as well. lt's ititt
of the stone circre (stone
, oit oim"uiiio inter tne behavior of
society at that time with the context of potteryiilil.
presence of abundant decorative potiery Fi;ever, based on the
artifacts such as toors of everyday l.tiriti",
i; p;rtil;r, without any other
this activity can arso be assocLt"o *itn
d;;il;;L, it i, possibre that
the a;tivit-;f;"jtuat or ceremoniar
activities which invotve a great dear
oi individuars to Jo it.'one thing for sure,
this square area was not used
jars as burial containers
", "[OO+1. # Ii#',, no skereton nor
From the dating resurts of c-14 ai pokekea
from spits 6-11, and_it is near urnluriat site, charcoar was taken
and karamba, andwe obtain a
BP after caribrated, ii is concruded thai date
Bta']l3iJ'o in" tir" span is 510
From excavalgns since the year ?oo4-200g,
that in any excavations aroun d katamba: we obtain information
tlrgrg ur";u'g, *nich are quite rarge
in size with a diameter of s0 cm. it'i,
r"irry tighi'"nt-roiio ,no rocated on
stratigraphy mound that looks a bit
(siswanto 2005). rt is assum"o *,"ltn" jars
higher'.oirp#J to-'in" other findings
were ,r"o'r" buried container.
with katamba findings as buried
accepted that pokekea site was "ontrinlr
r.o grJv"e-jar findings, it is
used for the "i1"i Jri'rrso as a prace
worship activities and dairy activitiei of
as wert. This assumption is based on
the findings from excavatibnr in" frat tabre and megarithic statues. The
findings are potterv objects tnit "t n"r" a variation in ine shape and size.
Although the function of these sites-varies,
but tnere was possibirity that
gq6ah ardeotogr rrahm
wx E{ut tto. z ,/ b{wen^6er zoto
oroz tagllto^aN / z .olV fqru XW unAry T0qoaqty vJolag,
'sleJounJ '(;erlueprseJ) luotuolllos Jo oceld e se uotlectput a^eq
ol poroptsuoc eJe lel,ll sDurpuu oql uo poseq sl xoq uotle^ecxo Jo uotlcolos
oqf 'llor^ se srs^leue Jepuoles sB posn oq uec qclqM leocJeqc roos ol
auop sei'A uorle^ecxo atlJ_ '9002 ur por.rlJolod sean lr ur ouop uoaq peq
sorlt^tlce leql^ lno pulJ ol uolle^ecxo 'o^oqe suotldunsse oql [uoJJ
'luepunqe elrnb os;e st oloq sletJoleul l eJ
1o rlddns eq1 '(1e{ poqsruu uooq }ou o^eq qcrql 'clo reuou ouols ,son}els
oLll LUoJI pal ot^ oq uec srql) sdoqsrJol pue '(ein1d;ncs ,Jtquou ,uotulop
e;o sburpulJ oql Jo otuos Aq pecueprne sr srql) sorlr^rlce drqs.roan ro snorOi;er
Jaqlro op o1 eceld e se polctpe.rd osJe st olts luauoHas stql .elts letluoptsoJ
e sr olts slql leql pelcrperd s; (eyogo) eseq
11 ouols oql reou polecol
oJe ouols Jeuou pue ouols 10 sourpurl Jo Joqunu oql pue ,uloqo se uMoul
sr (eoseg) eoqog ur qcrqm ,oseq ouols 1o sOurpurl 1eer0 eq1 o] onq
'sJa^tu nqeuoluf pue nln16urg
filetueu sJonu ,(q.reeu uo4 sotuoc qcrql ocJnos Jo]el e q]lm ,anopeetu e ur
polecol sr olrs eq1 'se6e1lr^ pue serpped ocu or.ll {q
lsee oLl} uo pue ,}unoy!
enue^Anpunl rq qlnos oL,ll uo 'oruolorol 6uepe4 [q lsean oql uo ,eue10j
lunof1 {q qyou oq} uo popunoq st }l 'lo^ol eos o^oqe slo}orrr 00ZL }noqe
opnlrlle ue seq 'solts
ll Joqlo ol peleduoc teqDrq {1enr1e;el sl leql llil.,l B uo
sr ll
'olrs eorolod r,uoJJ rur g-7 [leleurrxordde po]ecol sr
olrs ere^olu=l
(lt.lop) Bnlup.rlg Eueped pue (ge1) eelalod Io sells ar6le
surn leunq q11n (equeley) slen euols 1o suogllsod oql .g alnlold
'(g ernlcrd ees) e;r6er; fuen ele poutelqo elep
sourpurl srel-erei6 ]e elrq^ 'tusr;epuen o1 enp fe6eurep ueeq ,tpeerrr ."q
equqq punoJ uolJo oM 'e;p;; ften lllls sl uotle^ecxa oql ruorJ poutelqo elep
oql osnecoq dn euoc suorlsenb osoL,ll as.rel ur pue eqwele) oq] ut peunq
asoql JoJ uorlecr]rleJls lercos aJoql sel Jo 'lou .ro pouad oues oql ur
ere s6urpug asar.ll Jor-llor.ll 'osue {eu uorlsenb euros ,re;c
1o opeu sreipue
,t (s1en euols) eqwep\ se qcns sJouteluoc pounq fuenocslp oql qilM
,l oql ou 1r1un qbnoql 'sorlr^rlce ureiloc op o1 ece;d ," ,",Jil""?:l;ll.,sll"ri
j ^
ceremonial, and workshop activities. Excavating those six boxes resulted in
fragments of pottery both plain and ornate, fragments of animal bones,
fragments of tools made of rocks (cobble, flat rock, grinding,) or metal
(bracelets, weapons); beads were also found but only a little.
From the dating results analysis C-14, it is noted that this site is the
oldest megalithic sites in lndonesia. The calendar analysis was taken from
the box Kll (spit 4-9), whose presence near the mortar stone number 159,
the analysis was 2460 120 BP after calibrated time span is 831 BC - 232
BC. Meanwhile, from the calendar analysis C-14 frorn the box Klll (spit 6-9)
whose existence is near Menhir number 6, 2890 120 BP the analysis after
calibrated time span is 1387 BC - 831 BC.


Based on results of researches carried out thus far, it can be seen that
the megalithic finds in Lore Valley have Austronesian protohistoric
characteristics, as shown by the stone vats (kalambas), as well as other
1. The existence of stone mortar, indicates that the communities were
already familiar with farming activities that include planting rice or
thrashing cereal plants to separate the husks from the grains. lt was
predicted that a considerable number of inhabitants lived in the Besoa
Valley area. This is based on the findings of hundreds of stone mortar,
which are grouped in several sites such as in Entovera, Padang Hadoa,
Tunduwanua, Padang Taipa (Yuniawati, 2OO2).
2. Tray stones, may suggest that they might also have reared domesticated
animals (dogs, buffalo),
3. Megalithic statues and also flat table (dolmen) prove that they were
familiar with ancestor spirit worship which was carried out by the burial
ceremonies, pottery making, and growing rice.
4. The community must have used bark cloth materials as a barkcloth
beater was found in the site. Traditional clothes are still worn by the
women in Lore Valley area. The clothes are made of bark cloth. ln some
places around Besoa Valley area, bark cloth are still manufactured.
5. From the dating of C-14 samples collected in association with megalithic
sites in Besoa Valley, it can be said that the sites are among the oldest
megalithic sites in lndonesia. The C-14 datings obtained from Entovera
Site are 2890 120 BP and 2460 r. 120 BP,while another datings from
Pokekea site is 2170 120 BP.
6. Regarding the genetic affiliation, the closest DNA characteristics of the
DNA found at the Tadulako Site is with that of the Kajang tribe in South
Sulawesi. Presumably, the community who built the megaliths kept
contact with the outer world. This is evidenced as well in the existence of
the imported beads and red slip pottery fragments.

tser6nh Ar6cobfi r'afi.un WX Efisl l,to. z / 5{wsm.6er zoto

o roz talluti, AlrN z . olv rsypZ
/ nC( urtyot, 70q oqty: ryq ag,
'rso/r^Brns qlnos ur otdoed
ouefey oL{t pue rse^^Brns reJruec urleilen
eJor ruo4 suretuoJ ueunq uoe/vuoq vNcr Jerrurs uo uoqeuJoJur SAprAoJd
elep luacor teLll lcE eql o! enp ,dn pe^ oilol oq ol peou tsa^ elns
uedef uo4 uo[er6rr.r.r eq1 6urp.re6e.r ilseqlodXq pue'noeql o^oqe Lllnos ol
,{q pe1sa66ns ecJnos lerluelod 'er,r,eur1o Joy}so/n [!o4 suorlelndod
ouocoloH {;ree o1 fulsecue Jraql }o ped erno'uJqiptnorv, sJopuel/vrot rse/v\elns
qlnos ruoca, pue cuolsrqe.rd ele| 'AS'C r'r{} ul ,renemoH .suerseueray\r
(ecuepguoc ssar [pqegs qlrrvr) pue 'suerseuopu] pue cuogsrqe:d
olel lsoru Jo slooJ leJlsocue eL{l Jeau er1 dlqenrecuoc luecal
plnoc e/v\eurro
pue rso*erns Lrtnos Jo suezruop crure-recerd o$ ,JaqunJ .uogelndod
luaJoqoc e ponlllsuoc ,uedep luotcue 6uppnpu; ,tlqrssod pr" ,"^"rUO
ol rso/v\erns qlnos uJo4 cJe puersr eql ro sluedncco'crueJocoJo
se^etlaq pue ,{6o;oqdroru r",{-r
leluep Jo stseq etll uo srseqlod{q ,;q qgg*.""rOl
lceqlng p!^eo ,uedep ruo4 uorlerDrr.u eql 6u;pre6Jg tti'iztat. l1n1yj
uedep_ ur ur' slr r{*/v\ quou oLr} ruo4 alnor uq1er61lu d,{i d J;.:" tiii
eldoed 3o eql ol Ouoleq rsJmegng ui
rerluao @qute1e4 eqg Ourpnlcur)
slcelqo crqgrle6eul Jo srepltnq eql leqt pele;nceds os;e seq y(n.ry
e.re66ue1 esnN p-T !1n.", "r:",i?"f St,t
pue uelueuille)l spJe/v\ol Jeqlo",eLll XtL':iSil??B
pue eJletuns spJp/v\ol euo :suorlceJrp
o/*l ur peerds ersouopur ourqcee.r pue elsv rseeqlnos uo4 errec
solnor uorlerortu oql to ouo pe/v\o[o1 ueql {eq1 :elooeo irr". reLrl
of ouopq
equns pue 'soJorJ 'rleg 'rlnsog ur slcerqo cLqr;eoetu sJoreu
suorldurnsse qlyv\ dn eurec ueJeleaH ue4 sea.rerj'n,(LgLllvL Jo "ql oLg r'r{}
:gv6L ureplae
eureg) Brsv teluou*uoc ur slr punol ernllnc crqiliaod,i'"qt'j;,;
salels qcrLuv\ 'fuoeq1 srq poddns ol uJoproe euleg ,tq pesn Jaler se/v\ noeqi
slqr '(6g9t urey) prpoquec pue 'eurq3 ulqco3 ,edrueq3
ruo4 eruec curced
eql pue 'ersv lsBS 'erseuopul ourpnlcur ersv lseerllnos ur pe;renerd ecuo
se^r\ leql uotltpeJl c1q1;1e6er.u oql
leql popntcuoc o.Uv\ ,uJey ,tq peleconpe
euo orfl orrr 'scrlsrnourl 10 preu olr] ruo4 uormqu]srp
Jo sauoeqr A oJJoq or
I e^eq ilrls s1sr6010eeq,e lueserd eql of on 'uop;pp" ,1 :uo111pe.r1,q1r1e6etu
;es.redsrp pue ur6'ro oqt lnoqe ecuelsur .ro1 'sei.roeqt eiep Jo rno osn ilrrs lsor.u
r 'oJouJequnJ 'sJolceJ leuorlerortu rq pelcege secueJe#lp puB serluBtrurs
osle_ pue 'lueudo;enep, ,uorsnJJrp
Jo eq1 ,tlgeneOse ,.tqi,rr'ri",
eq1 Oururacuoc sr.uorqord ecel -slcodle
r[is sisrooiooeqcre dirol ,trru"cer rrlun
BqruereroL*,ou,",";;fi f, .,^.1l:&ir%,1;'J#ll"j'r??&:!:,f 1,:1,T3,J:
f ouols eseql1o pue uol1e.r6rr! oL{l uo ernprd',e)eepl
in inroiurn spuu
;ecr60l0eeqcre roL{}o pue (segue1e7) ilen ouo}s 10 eq} uo serpn}s
t JeqInl 1eq1 pedoq sl ll 'poued cuolstq-oqo,d ut ;es.redslp uetseuo4snv
t' or poleror eq fet, seils eseq|oils lecr6010eeqcie .it^
eore ue sr [e11e1 aJol leL{} lueledde sr ;e1ep'egeltele
1r aLl} tuory"uirorl
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'.BeriafaJa.ruou,9i 'I'aliu:nXXX�ui:No. 2 I :Novem6er 2010


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