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Uji Univariat

1. Umur

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

umur 1 umur 15-34 79

2 umur 35-49

2. Pendidikan
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

pendidikan 1 pendidikan

2 pendidikan

3 pendidikan

4 18

3. Paritas
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

paritas 1 bekerja 10

2 tidak bekerja 115

3 47

4. Pendapatan
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

pendapatan 1 tinggi >


2 rendah >

5. Jenis pelayanan KIE

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

jenis pelayanan KIE 1 konseling 144

2 penyuluhan 28

6. Pengetahuan
Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N

pengetahuan 1 baik (> mean) 136

2 kurang (<

7. Konseling KB
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

konseling KB 1 ya 141

2 tidak 31

8. Kontrasepsi
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

kontrasepsi 1 non MKJP 44

2 MKJP 128

9. Kualitas Layanan
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

kualitas layanan kontrasepsi 1 baik 157

2 kurang 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effectse

Dependent Variable:drop out

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 40.603 1 40.603 158.496 .000

Error 39.892 155.723 .256a

pendapatan Hypothesis .067 1 .067 .174 .677

Error 62.830 163 .385b

pendidikan Hypothesis 2.017 3 .672 1.585 .340

Error 1.472 3.471 .424c

konselingKB Hypothesis .018 1 .018 .044 .836

Error 7.949 19.857 .400d

pendidikan * konselingKB Hypothesis 1.282 3 .427 1.109 .347

Error 62.830 163 .385b

a. ,351 MS(konselingKB) + MS(Error)

b. MS(Error)

c. MS(pendidikan * konselingKB) + ,077 MS(Error)

d. ,356 MS(pendidikan * konselingKB) + MS(Error)

e. Weighted Least Squares Regression - Weighted by umur

Uji Multivariat

Multivariate Testsc,d

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Intercept Pillai's Trace .275 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .725 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace .379 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root .379 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

jenispelayananKIE Pillai's Trace .015 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Wilks' Lambda .985 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Hotelling's Trace .016 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Roy's Largest Root .016 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

konselingKB Pillai's Trace .048 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Wilks' Lambda .952 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Hotelling's Trace .050 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Roy's Largest Root .050 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

kontrasepsi Pillai's Trace .045 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Wilks' Lambda .955 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Hotelling's Trace .048 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Roy's Largest Root .048 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

kualitaslayanankontrasepsi Pillai's Trace .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Wilks' Lambda .996 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Hotelling's Trace .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Roy's Largest Root .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

pendidikan Pillai's Trace .028 .681 6.000 292.000 .665

Wilks' Lambda .973 .677a 6.000 290.000 .668

Hotelling's Trace .028 .674 6.000 288.000 .671

Roy's Largest Root .021 1.024b 3.000 146.000 .384

pendapatan Pillai's Trace .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Wilks' Lambda .996 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Hotelling's Trace .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Roy's Largest Root .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

paritas Pillai's Trace .029 1.063 4.000 292.000 .375

Wilks' Lambda .971 1.063a 4.000 290.000 .375

Hotelling's Trace .030 1.063 4.000 288.000 .375

Roy's Largest Root .029 2.115b 2.000 146.000 .124

Uji Bivariat

jenis pelayanan kualitas layanan

umur paritas pendidikan pendapatan KIE pengetahuan konseling KB kontrasepsi kontrasepsi drop out

umur Pearson Correlation 1 .087 .027 .030 .027 .073 .068 .075 -.046 .012

Sig. (2-tailed) .255 .723 .695 .723 .343 .376 .331 .550 .879

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

paritas Pearson Correlation .087 1 -.023 .066 -.148 .060 .009 -.188* -.047 .185*

Sig. (2-tailed) .255 .769 .392 .052 .431 .903 .014 .537 .015

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

pendidikan Pearson Correlation .027 -.023 1 .270** -.126 -.084 -.117 -.044 .112 .107

Sig. (2-tailed) .723 .769 .000 .100 .272 .128 .565 .143 .164

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

pendapatan Pearson Correlation .030 .066 .270** 1 .036 -.044 .023 -.048 -.037 -.012

Sig. (2-tailed) .695 .392 .000 .639 .566 .763 .533 .632 .879

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

jenis pelayanan KIE Pearson Correlation .027 -.148 -.126 .036 1 -.072 .531** .150* .087 -.063

Sig. (2-tailed) .723 .052 .100 .639 .348 .000 .049 .257 .412

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

pengetahuan Pearson Correlation .073 .060 -.084 -.044 -.072 1 .131 .072 .145 -.029

Sig. (2-tailed) .343 .431 .272 .566 .348 .088 .345 .058 .710

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

konseling KB Pearson Correlation .068 .009 -.117 .023 .531** .131 1 .171* .016 .076
Sig. (2-tailed) .376 .903 .128 .763 .000 .088 .025 .836 .324

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

kontrasepsi Pearson Correlation .075 -.188* -.044 -.048 .150* .072 .171* 1 .040 -.160*

Sig. (2-tailed) .331 .014 .565 .533 .049 .345 .025 .607 .036

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

kualitas layanan Pearson Correlation -.046 -.047 .112 -.037 .087 .145 .016 .040 1 -.021
kontrasepsi Sig. (2-tailed) .550 .537 .143 .632 .257 .058 .836 .607 .788

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

drop out Pearson Correlation .012 .185* .107 -.012 -.063 -.029 .076 -.160* -.021 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .879 .015 .164 .879 .412 .710 .324 .036 .788

N 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Multivariate Testsc,d

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Intercept Pillai's Trace .275 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .725 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace .379 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root .379 27.462a 2.000 145.000 .000

jenispelayananKIE Pillai's Trace .015 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Wilks' Lambda .985 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Hotelling's Trace .016 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

Roy's Largest Root .016 1.127a 2.000 145.000 .327

konselingKB Pillai's Trace .048 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Wilks' Lambda .952 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Hotelling's Trace .050 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

Roy's Largest Root .050 3.627a 2.000 145.000 .029

kontrasepsi Pillai's Trace .045 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Wilks' Lambda .955 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Hotelling's Trace .048 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

Roy's Largest Root .048 3.449a 2.000 145.000 .034

kualitaslayanankontrasepsi Pillai's Trace .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Wilks' Lambda .996 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Hotelling's Trace .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

Roy's Largest Root .004 .313a 2.000 145.000 .732

pendidikan Pillai's Trace .028 .681 6.000 292.000 .665

Wilks' Lambda .973 .677a 6.000 290.000 .668

Hotelling's Trace .028 .674 6.000 288.000 .671

Roy's Largest Root .021 1.024b 3.000 146.000 .384

pendapatan Pillai's Trace .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Wilks' Lambda .996 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Hotelling's Trace .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

Roy's Largest Root .004 .324a 2.000 145.000 .724

paritas Pillai's Trace .029 1.063 4.000 292.000 .375

Wilks' Lambda .971 1.063a 4.000 290.000 .375

Hotelling's Trace .030 1.063 4.000 288.000 .375

Roy's Largest Root .029 2.115b 2.000 146.000 .124

a. Exact statistic

b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.

c. Design: Intercept + jenispelayananKIE + konselingKB + kontrasepsi + kualitaslayanankontrasepsi + pendidikan +

pendapatan + paritas + pendidikan * pendapatan + pendidikan * paritas + pendapatan * paritas + pendidikan *
pendapatan * paritas

d. Weighted Least Squares Regression - Weighted by pengetahuan

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