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Membuat Koneksi AdHoc pada

Windows 10
Posted by Rizky Pratama

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Berawal dari niat saya yang mau menyalin data sekitar 8 GB dari 1 laptop ke laptop
lain saya membutuhkan flashdisk untuk transfer data tersebut, namun ndilalah nya
flashdisk nya tidak ada, saya cari-cari ketemu, alhasil saya mencoba mencari
alternatif lain untuk mentransfer data 8 GB tersebut, disini saya menemukan cara
yaitu dengan menggunakan jaringan dengan menghubungkan laptop 1 dengan
laptop yang lain nya, untuk menghubungkan nya membutuhkan kabel LAN, namun
kabel LAN nya tidak ada, saya coba berpikir kembali, ternyata bisa yaitu dengan
menggunakan jaringan wireless/wifi, namun saya juga tidak mempunyai alat
pemancar wifi seperti router atau modem.

Disini saya ingat, karena laptop saya terinstall Windows 10, di windows 10 ada fitur
AdHoc yaitu membuat pemancar wifi dari laptop, untuk laptop apapun pasti bisa
digunakan untuk Ad Hoc asalkan ada Wireless Card nya. Jaringan Adhoc ini selain
bisa digunakan untuk transfer data, bisa juga digunakan sebagai media jaringan
untuk bermain game multiplayer antar laptop, misal game yang memanfaatkan
koneksi jaringan agar dapat bermain multiplayer yaitu Age of Empires, Left 4 Dead,
Counter Strike dll

Oke langsung saja masuk langkah-langkah nya :

Silakan open cmd (command prompt) dengan mode Run As Administrator

kemudian ketikkan perintah berikut ini

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=adiba key=123456789

Maksud command diatas yaitu kita membuat jaringan AdHoc menggunakan WLAN
dan di set hostednetwork, dan diberi nama SSID yaitu wireless-rizky dan password
login secretpassword

Jika sudah muncul keterangan successfully seperti diatas, sekarang silakan di start
hostednetwork tersebut, jalankan command berikut ini

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Pastikan muncul keterangan hosted network started yang berarti jaringan tersebut
sudah dibuat, sekarang coba cek di Network and Sharing Center, semestinya muncul
koneksi baru tersebut.
Sekarang silakan koneksi kan laptop kamu yang lain agar terhubung ke jaringan
AdHoc tersebut, disini saya gunakan Mac saya untuk test koneksi ke jaringan AdHoc
tersebut, open Wifi dan cek apakah ada jaringan AdHoc tersebut.

Terlihat diatas ada jaringan bernama wireless-rizky yang baru saja dibuat, lalu
silakan koneksi kan ke wifi jaringan tersebut dan gunakan password yang di set
sebagai key pada command sebelumnya, setelah terhubung silakan coba ping ke IP
laptop pemancar AdHoc tersebut semestinya antara kedua laptop tersebut sudah
bisa berkomunikasi.

Mungkin sekian dahulu, semoga bermanfaat

Transfer Data Between Two Laptops with a Shared Folder
The method is more difficult than solution 1. If you are not familiar with your PC,
you'd better skip this. Windows10 shared folder is very important for enterprise users
who use LAN. In the LAN, users can share data through the shared folders. Let's see
how to set up LAN shared files.

Step 1. Find the file you want to share.

Right-click or press it, and select "Give access to" > "Specific people".

Step 2. Select a user or group to add. Click "Add".

Add the username you want to share. If you are open to all users, you need to add
"Everyone" to this user. Adjust the privilege level as needed.
Step 3. Click the "Share" button to enable network discovery and sharing in the

Step 4. Press "Win+R", Enter "\\IP address". Then, you'll see all the shares of the IP

If you don't know your IP address, press "Win+R", type cmd, then input "ipconfig".
Press "Enter" and you'll see your IP address. If you select multiple files at once, you
can share them all in the same way. It works for folders, too.

You can also map the shared folder or network drive from File Explorer in Windows
without having to look for it or type its network address each time.
Step 1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu.

Step 2. Select This PC from the left pane. Then, on the Computer tab, select "Map
network drive".

Step 3. In the Drive list, select a drive letter. Type the path of the folder or computer,
or select "Browse" to find the folder or computer. Then select "Finish".
Transfer Files Using Nearby Sharing in Windows 10
Windows 10 (version 1803) introduces "Nearby sharing". This is a new feature that
allows you to quickly transfer files and links wirelessly to nearby devices using
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. If your Windows 10 is Version 1803 or later, you can try this

Step 1. Enable nearby sharing. (Enable both of the laptops)

Go to "Settings > System > Shared experiences > Nearby sharing". Turn on it.

Step 2. Under "Nearby sharing," select "Everyone nearby".

Everyone nearby — Your PC will be able to share and receive content from all
nearby devices, including those you don't own.

My devices only — Your PC will share and receive content only with devices using
the Microsoft account.

By default, transfers will be stored in the Downloads folder, but you can specify
another folder or another drive very easily. Under "Nearby sharing," using "Save files
I receive to" option, click the "Change" button. Select a location to save transfers.

Step 3. Start file sharing between the two laptops.

Open "File Explorer". Right-click the file you want to share. Click the "Share" option.
Select the device from the list.

Once you've completed the steps, if the destination device is within Bluetooth range
and running Windows 10 version 1803 or later, the user will receive a notification to
accept or decline the transfer. The file will be stored in the Downloads folder, or in
the folder location that has been configured in the "Shared experiences" settings

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