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Mata Pelajaran : ............

Kelas/Program : XII / ..........
Har, Tanggal : ..........
Waktu : ....... – ........ WIB


1. Tulislah lebih dahulu Nomor Peserta dan Identitas Anda pada lembar jawaban yang
disediakan sesuai petunjuk yang diberikan oleh pengawas menggunakan pena/ballpoint;
2. Untuk menjawab Soal Pilihan Ganda, gunakan pena/ballpoint untuk menyilang pada
huruf A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan;
3. Untuk menjawab Soal Uraian, gunakan pena/ballpoint dalam menuliskan jawaban pada
lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan;
4. Selama Pelaksanaan USBN tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau minta penjelasan mengenai
jawaban soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun termasuk kepada pengawas;
5. Dilarang menggunkan kalkulator, HP, Kamus, Tabel, atau alat bantu lain dalam menjawab
soal US/USBN;
6. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya;
7. Laporkan kepada pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal
8. Jumlah soal sebanyak ... butir, terdiri dari;
a. Soal Pilihan Ganda ... butir, yaitu nomor 1 - ...
b. Soal Uraian 5 butir, yaitu nomor ... - ...
9. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
10. Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas dan keluar ruangan.


A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada
salah satu pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan!
2. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan Anda ingin meperbaikinya, tidak
diperbolehkan menggunakan correction pen (tipe – x) atau penghapus, melainkan
dengan cara seperti di bawah ini:
Semula : A B C D E
Dibetulkan : A

B. Soal Uraian
1. Jawablah dengan singkat, tepat, dan jelas;
2. Untuk perbaikan menjawab soal uraian dengan cara mencoret jawaban yang salah
dengan dua garis dan menuliskan di atas jawaban yang diperbaiki.

Text 1. Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.
Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home
when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother
calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking
oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The
other children had gone to school.
Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to
him. But he ran to the neighbor’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother.
The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.
When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud
of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father, ” she said.
1. The main idea of the second paragraph is ….
A. Mrs. Damiri got accident
B. Mr. Damiri was proud of his son
C. Yusuf asked his neighbour to help
D. Mr. Damiri and his other children had gone
2. How did the neighbor help Mrs. Damiri?
A. He called Mrs. Damiri’s husband and ran to the kitchen
B. He called the fireman and put out the fire
C. He put out the fire and took Mrs. Damiri ot the clinic
D. He called the fireman and advised Mrs. Damiri to stay calm
3. When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. (par.3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Mr. Damiri
B. Yusuf
C. The neighbor
D. His other child
E. A man

Text 2 Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money.

Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of
the earth.
Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom of rivers. The gold is
found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search
for this type of gold.
It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep
below the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have
developed modern process for removing gold from rocks.
Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and

4. The best title of the text above is …..

A. Gold
B. Metal
C. Rare Metal
D. Beautiful Ornaments
E. Heavy Substance

5. The text above is mainly intended to ….… about gold.

A. Classify
B. Discuss
C. Describe
D. Elaborate
E. Debate

6. “It will be priced forever because….” (Paragraph 4) The underlined word means …
A. Amazing
B. Valuable
C. Worthless
D. Greatness
E. Happiness

Text 3. Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 9.

Flooding in Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is a big city that has many buildings, offices
tower, real estates and skyscrapers which make Jakarta as a beautiful city especially in the
Flooding is one of natural disasters in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta beside earth
quake. And it is one of serious problems due to flood.
One of the problems is, there are many citizens who like throwing away the garbage in
the street, rivers, or we can say garbage is in every corner of the city. They do not care about
cleanliness. So, it makes looks a dirty city. It is a dark side of Jakarta.
The other problem is illegal house. Many people from central or east java move to
Jakarta just looking for a job and they bring their family but they do not have house for their
living. So they make an illegal house in the side of river in Jakarta and it makes more flooding
in Jakarta.
There are many ways to decrease the flood. First of all, we must aware of flood. Do not
try to throw away the garbage. And the last but not least, keep the cleanliness, because the
cleanliness is a part of belief in Islamic religion. (Written by Intan K. / XI science two)
7. To whom does the writer give the suggestion? (the last paragraph)

A. readers of the text

B. People of Indonesia

C. Citizen of Jakarta

D. Writer and readers

E. Someone in Jakarta

8. “Real estates and skyscrapers…” (First paragraph) the italic word means …

A. The space above the earth

B. Where we see sun, stars and moon

C. Outline of the earth

D. Very high building

E. Building of the sky

9. Based on the text above, how many reasons cause flood in Jakarta?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

E. Five
Text 4. Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 12.

A Story From The Farm Yard

Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard. One finally gained
advantage and the other surrendered.

The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a
high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.

Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The
loosing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

10. From the text we know that ....

A. Only one rooster can rule the roost

B. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings

C. The eagle had watched them all day

D. The farm needs a new king

E. ..

11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. An eagle watching the rooster from a distance

B. The loosing rooster came out from its hiding place

C. The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey

D. The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly

E. …

12. What can we learn from the story?

A. There's always a bigger enemy in this life

B. Your friend can be your enemy

C. Always grab an opportunity before you

D. Don't be cocky when we have achieved our goal

E. …

Text 5. Read the following text to answer questions number 13 to 15.


There are many reasons for both sides of the question, "Should we have printed
advertisement'?" Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than
useless junk mail, while other people feel it is important source information.

There are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspaper and
magazines. One reason is ads give us information about what is available. Looking at ads we
can find out what is on sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping.
Another reason is that advertisement promotes business. When shop owners compete against
each other the buyer saves money, more people come to their shops and they sell more goods.

On the other hand, some people argue that ads should not be put in newspapers and
magazines for these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot of money to print
onto paper. Also some people don't like finding junk mail in their letter boxes. Ads also
influence people to buy items they don't need and can't really afford. Ads use up a lot of space
and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching.

After looking at both sides of issue, I think we should not have advertisements because
they cost a lot of money and take up a lot of room in the papers. I don't think I find some of
them interesting. I mainly disagree because it's junk mail.

13. Why does the writer present two sides of opinions of advertisements?

A. She/he wants to take side

B. She/he wants to be in the affirmative side

C. She/he uses the opinions to emphasize her own stance

D. She/he wants the readers know the opinion about the issue

E. She/he wants the readers to understand her stance

14. The writer influences the readers by repeatedly saying that ....

A. The ads are only garbage

B. The ads contain unimportant business information

C. The ads promote unnecessary service products

D. The ads inform us tips of easy shopping

E. The ads become the source of information

15. "Ads use up a lot of space and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching. The
underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

A. Newsworthy

B. Subtle

C. Plain

D. Impressive

E. Delicate

Text 6. Read the following text to answer questions number 16 to 18.


Captain Phillips is an upcoming 2013 American biographical action thriller film directed
by Paul Greengrass based upon the book, A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and
Dangerous days at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Tatty, and starring Tom Hanks. It is
produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca. The film tells a biopic of
merchant mariner Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage for several days by Somali
Pirates when the container ship Maersk Alabama which sailed from southern Oman drown along
the coast of Somalia and then to Kenya was hijacked in 2009.

Captain Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), a veteran merchant mariner, still lives in his native
New England, and he's a plainspoken family man full of anxiety about the economically bleak
new world his kids are facing. When his wife (Chaterine Keener) drops him off at the airport,
we can see reverse her. The film then cuts to Somalia, a land of dust and poverty, where the
pirates are recruited for their mission as if they were migrant farm workers lining up to be
chosen for that day's labor. Greengrass doesn't have to fill in much about the violent, chaotic
breakdown of Somalia to let us know that these men have little choice.
The film does not generate quite the same level of excruciating suspense as some of
Greengrass' previous triumphs, but it nonetheless holds us hostage as it proceeds. As for the
four Somali immigrants, they are remarkably effective in their first professional acting gigs.

16. According to the text, Captain Phillips ....

A. Traveled from Somalia to Kenya to find a ship

B. Hijacked a container ship

C. Hijacked many ships in Somalia

D. Was a hostage by Somalia pirates

E. Was a sailor in Southern Oman

17. From paragraph two, we can see that Captain Phillips was .... about his kids.

A. Pleased

B. Happy

C. Doubt

D. Worried

E. Afraid

18. "……….. level of excruciating suspense as some ...." (paragraph 3). The synonym of the
underlined word is ....

A. Certainty

B. Tension

C. Rejoice

D. Peace

E. Attractive

19. Birds of a feather flock together. The proverb means …

A. People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.

B. The finest things are hard to get.

C. Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.

D. One should not make a big fuss about a trivial matter.

E. The finest things are hard to get.

20. All roads lead to Rome. The proverb means ……..

A. There are often early indications of future happenings.

B . People can arrive at the same conclusion by different means.

C. People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.

D. Once a decision has been made, it cannot be reversed.

E. There are often early indications of future happenings.

Text 7 Pay attention to the brochure below and choose the best answer for each question! (21
to 23)

Bandung’s Most Convenient Hotel

Looming high and majestic.

Our ideal location makes it a top choice for business and travelers. Comprehensive facilities
covering private boardrooms, a world-class private lounge and impeccable guest rooms will
leave you with little else to desire.

If that’s not enough, our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you
over. It’s all here to enjoy like never before-all you have to do is ask.

To make a reservation, please call Ciputra Hotel, Bandung at (022) 20354448 or visit our
website at www.ciputra

21. What makes Ciputra Hotel the best choice for business travelers?

A. its price

B. its ideal location

C. its facilities

D. its service

E. its cuisine

22. Our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over.”

The synonym of the underlined word is…

A. run

B. low

C. quick

D. slow

E. high

23. Which one is TRUE!

A. Call Ciputra Hotel at (022)20354447 to make reservation
B. Its price makes this hotel is top choice for business travelers
C. This hotel’s name is Bandung Most Convenient Hotel
D. To make reservation we can visit at www.ciputra
E. We can’t make reservation at (022)20354448 or at www.ciputra
Text 8 Study the POEM below! (24 to 25)
In the early part of spring
You will hear, many birds sing
They are just letting, the rest of us know
Winter is over, spring melted the snow

You will notice, a beautiful scene

The trees will slowly, begin to turn green
Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,
Bears will no longer, sleep during the day

It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives

Bees will make honey, inside their hives
So much to do, so much to see
Insects and animals are happy and free

24. What is the poetry about?

A. School life
B. Home
C. Love
D. Nature
E. Politics
25. What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 3) called?
A. Assonance
B. Alliteration
C. Diction
D. Rhyme
E. Personification
Text 9. Study the song and answer the question following it! (26 to 28)
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game
26. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?
A. The writer’s lover treats him well.
B. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness*
C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.
E. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending.
27.“Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”
The underlined expression means that the writer….
A. will feel sure in his heart
B. will always feel sad*
C. will have his heart be with bright life
D. will feel so faithless all the time
E. will get very tired all his life
28. The word “rain” in this song refers to …..
A. autumn time
B. spring time
C. winter time*
D. summer time
E. rainy season time

29. Read and complete the following dialogue with suitable expression !
Nisreen : Hello Daffa, where are you?
Daffa : I’m in the house. What’s the matter?
Nisreen : oh _____________ .
Daffa : I’d like to help you. For what?

A.Would you like some help?

B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
D. Let me help you
E. No, you don’t need to help

30. Fill in the incomplete dialog with the most appropriate conjunction!
Son : Mum, may I go out for dinner tonight?
Mummy : You shouldn’t go out …………. It is raining heavily outside
A. for
B. already
C. but
D. because
E. moreover
31. Fill in the incomplete dialog with the most appropriate conjunction!
Fanta Fofana : hi Madhu! Have you got the birthday invitation from Kate?
Madhu Singh : I have.
Fanta Fofana : Will you come, dear?
Madhu Singh : Frankly speaking, I am not feeling well right now , …………. I will come !
A. because
B. since
C. however
D. although
E. if
32. If the mechanic had done his work properly, you ……… no problem with your car yesterday.
A. would have had
B. would have
C. had had
D. have had
E. will have
33. Aldo : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?
Fery : I would if I had been invited.
The underlined utterance means ______.
A. Fery didn’t attend the meeting
B. Fery plans to attend the meeting
C. Fery knew about the meeting and he attended the meeting
D. Fery was not invited to the meeting but he came
E. Fery will attend the meeting.
34. We allowed the children to watch their favorite TV program yesterday, only after they .....
doing their should assignment.
A. were finishing
B. have finished
C. finish
D. would finish
E. had finished
35. When I arrived at the cinema, the film ..........
A. start
B. starts
C. Had started
D. will be starting
E. had finished
36. The lady ……………………talked to me just now is my teacher
A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. which
E. when
37. Spring is the season …………. plants begin to grow
A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. which
E. what
38. It was a town ………… there was no law..
A. how
B. when
C. who
D. whose
E. where

39. We were ............ that we ate the food before it was properly cooked.
A. such hungry
B. so hungry
C. such hunger
D. so a hungry
E. so hunger
40. He was ... that he hardly had any friends at all.
A. so shy
B. such a shy
C. such shy
D. shy so
E. so that shy

II. Essay
Discussion Text
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Most people agree that the family planning program is desirable for the good of family
and society. But individuals and religious groups differ sharply on the methods of birth control
that they consider moral and acceptable.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or
space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children
so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give
each as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctor to avoid
pregnancy for health reasons. In many countries with rapidly growing populations, the
government encourages couples to limit the number of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is
continuous. Some people fear that birth control encourages sexual outside marriage or that
government might impose birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral
Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because
they separate the purposes of intercourse in marriage-conjugal love and the procreation of
children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning
to be acceptable.

1. Some religious groups refuse to use … birth control because of moral values.
A. home-made
B. man-made.
C. natural
D. original
E. high quality

2. Paragraph two tells us about …

A. the government’s encouragement for happy family.
B. the reasons why a woman avoids to have baby.
C. the reasons why couples do birth control..
D. the postponement to having children.
E. the small and big families.

3. We learn from the text that …

A. all couple want to limit their children.
B. most couples want to postpone giving birth.
C. people space children to give them less attention.
D. not everybody agrees with the birth control methods..
E. women avoid being pregnant because of economic problems.

4. brochure

4. What is the Pamphlet above about?.....

5. Read the following poem!

My Heart Melted Like Butter
My broken heart melted like butter
when the heat of your love hit me.
My soul soared out of the gory gutter
where my ex pretender plunged me.

Lead me to the pinacle of your heart

where life and love beam sweet rays...
Rid me of the pains that tore me apart,
and let your desires drench my days.

I used to love for the wrong reasons;

lured by fair faces and fluffy figures...
I was taught bittersweet lessons...
till you offered me timeless treasures.

My broken heart melted like butter

when your sun crept into my room...
You saved me from a cruel clutter
and gave me glow for my gloom.

Pay attention to the underlined sentences.

What figure of speech does the poet use?

Good Luck
Wish you all the best!

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