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(Premedikasi dan Anestesi)



I Made Maha Putra





TAHUN 2020


Seiring dengan meningkatnya taraf kehidupan, minat masyarakat untuk memelihara

hewan kesayangan semakin meningkat. Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang
banyak dipelihara orang. Oleh karena itu kesehatan hewan perlu diperhatikan agar senantiasa
sehat, lincah, dan dapat melanjutkan keturunan. Berbagai jenis penyakit dapat menyerang
anjing, baik yang bersifat infeksius maupun non-infeksius. Banyak diantara penyakit tersebut
yang tidak dapat ditangani dengan obat-obatan, sehingga untuk penanganannya dibutuhkan
tindakan pembedahan. Untuk keberhasilan dan kelancaran bedah, anestesi umum memegang
peranan penting. Anestesi umum dapat diberikan secara inhalasi. Anestesi umum inhalasi
merupakan salah satu metode anestesi umum yang dilakukan dengan cara memberikan agen
anestesi yang berupa gas dan atau cairan yang mudah menguap melalui alat anestesi langsung
ke udara inspirasi. Terjadi anestesi karena uap yang dihirup masuk dari alveoli mendifusi
membrane alveoli dan melarut ke dalam darah paru-paru yang selanjutnya dari paru-paru
mendifusi masuk ke jaringan tubuh terutama otak.
Anestesi umum inhalasi merupakan salah satu metode anestesi umum yang dilakukan
dengan cara memberikan agen anestesi yang berupa gas dan atau cairan yang mudah menguap
melalui alat anestesi langsung ke udara inspirasi. Adapun jenis-jenis anestesi umum inhalasi
yaitu sevoflurane, isoflurane, halothane, dan desflurane. Sevoflurane adalah agen inhalasi eter
terhalogenasi yang sekarang banyak digunakan dalam anestesi manusia dan hewan.
Sevoflurane tidak menyebabkan iritasi pada saluran pernapasan dan memiliki bau yang kurang
tajam, sehingga cocok untuk induksi anestesi inhalasi, namun memiliki nilai MAC yang relatif
tinggi. Isoflurane merupakan halogenasi eter dan secara kimia sangat mirip dengan
metoksifluran dan sevofluran. Potensi isoflurane lebih kecil dibandingkan halothane karena
mempunyai nilai MAC lebih tinggi dibandingkan halothane. Halothane adalah hidrokarbon
terhalogenasi yang tidak mudah terbakar, tidak dapat meledak, tidak berwarna, mudah
menguap pada suhu kamar, disimpan dalam botol berwarna kuning untuk mencegah degradasi
oleh cahaya. Anestesi inhalasi ini sangat popular baik di kedokteran manusia maupun
kedokteran veteriner karena lebih aman, lebih mudah mengatur kedalaman stadium
anestesinya, induksi cepat, masa pulihnya (recovery) juga cepat. Desflurane adalah eter
terhalogenasi yang memiliki nilai MAC yang relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan agen inhalasi
lainnya. Pemberian anestesi umum inhalasi dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara, yakni (1)
auto inhalasi, dan (2) metode umpan balik positif yang terdiri dari beberapa metode yakni
metode terbuka, semi terbuka, semi tertutup, dan tertutup. Penggunaan anestesi inhalasi ini
juga memiliki beberapa keuntungan dan kerugian bagi pasien maupun lingkungan sekitar


Puji dan syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat limpahan karunia-Nya
kami dapat menyelesaikan paper “Anestesi Umum Inhalasi Pada Anjing” dengan baik.

Penyusunan paper ini untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Bedah Umum Veteriner.
Dalam paper ini menjelaskan tentang jenis anestesi inhalasi, teknik pengaplikasian, serta
keuntungan dan kerugian penggunaan anestesi inhalasi pada anjing. Materi yang disajikan
cukup terperinci agar mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Paper ini dapat terselesaikan karena
bantuan dari berbagai pihak.

Kami telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin dalam menyelesaikan paper ini untuk
mendapatkan hasil yang sebaik-baiknya. Namun kami menyadari bahwa paper ini jauh dari
kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari pembaca demi
kesempurnaan paper selanjutnya. Semoga paper ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.

Denpasar, 14 Maret 2020



HALAMAN JUDUL ............................................................................................................. i

RINGKASAN ........................................................................................................................ ii

KATA PENGANTAR .......................................................................................................... iii

DAFTAR ISI .......................................................................................................................... iv

DAFTAR GAMBAR ............................................................................................................ v

BAB I PENDAHULUAN .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Latar Belakang .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah..................................................................................................... 1

BAB II TUJUAN DAN MANFAAT .................................................................................. 2

2.1 Tujuan Penulisan........................................................................................................ 2

2.2 Manfaat Penulisan ..................................................................................................... 2

BAB III TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ........................................................................................ 3

3.1 Anjing .......................................................................................................................... 3

3.2 Anestesi Umum .......................................................................................................... 3

3.3 Anestesi Umum Inhalasi ........................................................................................... 4

BAB IV PEMBAHASAN .................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Jenis-jenis Anestesi Umum Inhalasi ....................................................................... 6

4.2 Teknik Pemberian Anestesi Inhalasi ....................................................................... 10

4.3 Keunggulan dan Kerugian Pemberian Anestesi Inhalasi ..................................... 12

BAB V PENUTUP ................................................................................................................ 14

5.1 Simpulan ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Saran ............................................................................................................................ 14

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ........................................................................................................... 15

LAMPIRAN ........................................................................................................................... 17


Gambar 1. Halothane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi .......................................................................... 7

Gambar 2. Desflurane untuk Anestesi Inhalasi .......................................................................... 8

Gambar 3. Sevoflurane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi ....................................................................... 9

Gambar 4. Isoflurane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi .......................................................................... 9

Gambar 5. Alat Pipa Endotracheal. ..................................................................................... 12


1.1 Latar Belakang

Anjing adalah salah satu hewan yang mudah bersosialisasi dengan manusia. Hubungan
anjing dan manusia sudah terjalin cukup lama sejak ratusan tahun silam. Manusia primitif
bahkan memanfaatkan anjing untuk teman berburu (Davis, 2006). Seiring dengan
meningkatnya taraf kehidupan, minat masyarakat untuk memelihara hewan kesayangan
semakin meningkat. Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang banyak dipelihara

Oleh karena itu kesehatan hewan perlu diperhatikan agar senantiasa sehat, lincah, dan dapat
melanjutkan keturunan. Untuk menjaga kelestarian hewan, maka manusia perlu
memperhatikan pemeliharaan yang baik dengan cara memberikan makanan yang cukup dan
bergizi serta memberikan perhatian terhadap kesehatan hewan. Salah satu cara untuk menjaga
kesehatan hewan adalah dengan pencegahan penyakit (preventif) dan pengobatan yang sesuai
dengan penyebab penyakit (Maya, 2006).

Berbagai jenis penyakit dapat menyerang anjing, baik yang bersifat infeksius maupun non-
infeksius. Banyak diantara penyakit tersebut yang tidak dapat ditangani dengan obat-obatan,
sehingga untuk penanganannya dibutuhkan tindakan pembedahan. Untuk keberhasilan dan
kelancaran bedah, anestesi umum memegang peranan penting. Anestesi umum dapat diberikan
secara inhalasi.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1.2.1 Apa saja jenis-jenis dan dosis anestesi umum inhalasi?
1.2.2 Bagaimana teknik pengaplikasian anestesi inhalasi yang diberikan pada anjing
1.2.3 Apa saja keuntungan dan kerugian dari anestesi inhalasi pada anjing?



2.1 Tujuan

Berdasarkan rumusan masalah diatas, adapun tujuan tulisan ini adalah sebagai

1. Untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan dosis anestesi inhalasi

2. Untuk mengetahui teknik pengaplikasian anestesi inhalasi pada anjing
3. Untuk mengetahui keuntungan dan kerugian anestesi inhalasi pada anjing

2.2 Manfaat Tulisan

Adapun manfaat tulisan ini adalah:

1. Melalui tulisan ini diharapkan mahasiswa kedokteran hewan, khususnya Kedokteran

Hewan Universitas Udayana memiliki wawasan lebih mengenai penggunaan anestesi
inhalasi pada anjing baik itu jenis obat, teknik aplikasi serta keuntungan dan kerugian
anestesi inhalasi.
2. Memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Ilmu Bedah Umum Veteriner Fakultas Kedokteran
Hewan Universitas Udayana.


3.1 Anjing

Anjing adalah mamalia yang telah mengalami domestikasi dari serigala abu-abu (canis
lupus) sejak 15.000 tahun yang lalu atau mungkin sudah sejak 100.000 tahun yang lalu
berdasarkan bukti genetik berupa penemuan fosil dan tes DNA. Penelitian lain mengungkap
sejarah domestikasi anjingyang belum begitu lama (Dharmawan, 2009). Anjing adalah salah
satu hewan yang mudah bersosialisasi dengan manusia. Hubungan anjing dan manusia sudah
terjalin cukup lama sejak ratusan tahun silam. Seiring dengan meningkatnya taraf kehidupan,
minat masyarakat untuk memelihara hewan kesayangan semakin meningkat. Anjing
merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang banyak dipelihara orang. Selain sebagai hewan
kesayangan anjing juga berguna untuk berburu, menjaga rumah ladang dan kebun.

Klasifikasi ilmiah dari anjing menurut Dharmawan (2009) adalah:

 Kerajaan: Animalia
 Filum: Chordata
 Subfilum: Vertebrata
 Kelas: Mamalia
 Ordo: Carnidae
 Genus: Canis
 Species: Canis lupus
 Subspecies: Canis lupus familiaris

3.2 Anestesi Umum

` Anestesi berarti suatu keadaan dengan tidak ada rasa nyeri. Anestesi umum ialah suatu
keadaan yang ditandai daengan hilangnya persepso terhadap semua sensasi akibat induksi obat.
Dalam hal ini, selain hilangnya rasa nyeri, kesadaran juga hilang. Obat anestesi umum terdiri
atas golongan senyawa kimia heterogen, yang mendepresi SSP secara reversible dengan
spectrum yang hamper sama dan dapat dikontrol. Obat anestesi umum dapat diberikan secara
inhalasi dan secara intravena. Obat anestesi umum yang diberikan secara inhalasi (gas dan
cairan yang mudah menguap) yang terpenting di antaranya adalah N2O, halotan, enfluran,
metoksifluran, dan isofluran. Obat anestesi umum digunakan secara intravena, yaitu

tiobarbiturat, narkotik-analgesik, senyawa alkaloid lain dan molekul sejenis, dan beberapa obat
khusus seperti ketamin. (Munaf,2008).

Stadium anestesi dibagi dalam 4 yaitu; Stadium I (stadium induksi atau eksitasi
volunteer), dimulai dari pemberian agen anestesi sampai menimbulkan hilangnya kesadaran.
Rasa takut dapat meningkatkan frekuensi nafas dan pulsus, dilatasi pupil, dapat terjadi urinasi
dan defekasi. Stadium II (stadium eksitasi involunter), dimulai dari hilangnya kesadaran
sampai permulaan stadium pembedahan. Pada stadium II terjadi eksitasi dan gerakan yang
tidak menurut kehendak, pernafasan tidak teratur, inkontinensia urin, muntah, midrasis,
hipertensi, dan takikardia. Stadium III (Pembedahan/operasi), terbagi dalam 3 bagian yiatu;
Plane I yang ditandai dengan pernafasan yang teratur dan terhentinya anggota gerak. Tipe
pernafasan thoraco-abdominal, reflex pedal masih ada, bola mata bergerak-gerak, palpebra,
konjuctiva dan kornea terdepresi. Plane II, ditandai dengan respirasi thoraco-abdominal dan
bola mata ventro medial semua otot mengalami relaksasi keuali otot perut. Plane III, ditandai
dengan respirasi regular, abdominal, bola mata kembali ke tengah dan otot perut relaksasi
kecuali otot perut relaksasi. Stadium IV (paralisis medulla oblongata atau overdosis), ditandai
denga paralisis otot dada, pulsus cepat dan pupil dilatasi. Bola mata menunjukkan gambaran
seperti mata ikan karena terhentinya sekresi lakrial (Munaf,2008).

3.3 Anestesi Umum Inhalasi

Anestetika umum inhalasi yang pertama kali dikenal dan digunakan untuk membantu
pembedahan adalah N2O. Kemudian menyusul, eter, kloroform, etil klorida, halotan,
metoksifluran, enfluran, isofluran, desfluran, sevofluran, dan xenon. Anestetika umum inhalasi
yang umum digunakan saat ini adalah halotan, enfluran, isofluran, desfluran, sevofluran, dan
xenon. Obat obat anestesi yang lain ditinggalkan, karena efek sampingnya yang tidak
dikehendaki. Misalnya, eter mudah terbakar dan meledak, menyebabkan sekresi bronkus
berlebihan, mual dan muntah, kerusakan hati, dan baunya yang sangat merangsang. Kloroform
menyebabkan aritmia dan kerusakan hati. Metoksifluran menyebabkan kerusakan hati, toksik
terhadap ginjal, dan mudah terbakar.

Anestesi umum inhalasi merupakan salah satu metode anestesi umum yang dilakukan
dengan cara memberikan agen anestesi yang berupa gas dan atau cairan yang mudah menguap
melalui alat anestesi langsung ke udara inspirasi. Terjadi anestesi karena uap yang dihirup
masuk dari alveoli mendifusi membrane alveoli dan melarut ke dalam darah paru-paru yang

selanjutnya dari paru-paru mendifusi masuk ke jaringan tubuh terutama otak (Sudisma et al.

Kelarutan zat inhalasi dalam darah adalah faktor utama yang penting dalam
menentukan induksi dan pemulihan anestesi inhalasi. Induksi dan pemulihan akan berlangsung
cepat pada zat yang tidak larut dan lambat pada zat yang larut. Kadar alveolus minimal atau
minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) adalah kadar minimal zat anestesi dalam alveolus
pada tekanan satu atmosfir yang diperlukan untuk mencegah gerakan pada 50% pasien yang
dilakukan rangsangan insisi standar. Immobilisasi tercapai pada 95% pasien apabila kadar
anestetikum dinaikkan di atas 30% nilai MAC.

Pada subjek normal, penggunaan anestesi inhalasi sangat tinggi pada menit pertama
dan menurun dengan cepat sesudahnya; setelah 20 menit, karena jaringan dengan kapasitas
rendah dan laju aliran tinggi mencapai kesetimbangan, penyerapannya dapat dianggap konstan.
Eliminasi anestesi inhalasi dari seseorang biasanya ditentukan oleh penurunan konsentrasi
alveolar relatif terhadap konsentrasi alveolar terakhir yang ditentukan pada akhir anestesi
(FA/FAo). Semakin rendah kelarutan anestesi, semakin cepat penurunan FA/FAo dan semakin
cepat waktu pemulihan (Torri, 2010).



4.1 Jenis-Jenis Anestesi Umum Inhalasi

4.1.1 Halothane
Halothane adalah hidrokarbon terhalogenasi yang tidak mudah terbakar, tidak dapat
meledak, dilisensikan untuk digunakan di semua spesies hewan domestik di Inggris. Halothane
tidak berwarna, mudah menguap pada suhu kamar, disimpan dalam botol berwarna kuning
untuk mencegah degradasi oleh cahaya. Selain itu, halotan mengandung 0,01% timol sebagai
pengawet untuk meningkatkan stabilitasnya (Welsh, 2009).
Halotan sering digunakan sebagai induksi anestesi dikombinasikan dengan N2O, karena
halotan adalah analgesik lemah tetapi sifat anestesinya kuat sehingga kombinasi keduanya
sangat ideal. Pemeliharaan anestesi dengan halotan biasanya digunakan dosis 1-2% pada napas
spontan atau dosis 0,5-1% pada nafas terkendali. Nilai MAC halotan adalah moderat,
potensinya berada diantara metoksifluran dan isofluran, yaitu 0,3 – 0,75%. Halotan mempunyai
tekanan uap yang tinggi, sehingga memerlukan ketelitian penggunaan vaporizer yang lebih
Anestesi inhalasi ini sangat popular baik di kedokteran manusia maupun kedokteran
veteriner karena lebih aman, lebih mudah mengatur kedalaman stadium anestesinya, induksi
cepat antara 3-5 menit, masa pulihnya (recovery) juga cepat antara 5-15 menit. Sedangkan
kekurangannya adalah merupakan cardio-respiratory depression, sehingga harus sangat hati-
hati untuk operasi caesarean yang harus juga menyelamatkan fetusnya. Kontra indikasi untuk
pasien dengan kegagalan jantung yang kronis (Sudisma et al. 2016).
Studi mengenai halothane pernah dilakukan oleh Erwin et al. (2013) dimana halothan
digunakan pada anjing lokal dan membandingkan kadar haemoglobin dengan anjing yang
diberi anestesi injeksi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perbedaan yang sangat nyata
(P<0,01) terhadap kadar hemoglobin (g/dl) antara anestesi per inhalasi (14,28+1,71) dengan
anestesi per injeksi (12,66+0,37). Hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya suplai oksigen sebagai
pelarut dari gas anestetik (halotan) pada anestesi per inhalasi sehingga kadar oksigen darah
dapat dipertahankan dan afinitas oksigen oleh hemoglobin tidak terganggu walaupun terjadinya
hipoventilasi akibat pemberian halotan. Pemasukan oksigen sebagai pelarut dalam anestesi per
inhalasi akan mengurangi tekanan karbonmonoksida dalam darah melalui alveolus. Anestesi

per inhalasi memberikan nilai saturasi oksigen yang lebih stabil dibandingkan anestesi per
injeksi yang disebabkan karena adanya pemasukan oksigen.

Gambar 1 Halothane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi

4.1.2 Desflurane
Desflurane adalah eter terhalogenasi yang telah diperkenalkan relatif baru-baru ini ke
dalam praktik anestesi manusia. Agen ini memiliki kelarutan darah : gas terendah dari semua
agen inhalasi, memungkinkan perubahan cepat dalam kedalaman anestesi dan mendorong
pemulihan yang cepat. Secara teoritis, itu juga sangat berguna untuk memberikan 'masker
induksi' anestesi yang cepat, tetapi itu menyebabkan iritasi saluran pernapasan, yang
menghasilkan batuk pada pasien yang sadar dan membatasi penggunaannya dengan teknik ini
(Welsh, 2009).
Efek desflurane pada sistem kardiovaskular dan pernapasan relatif mirip dengan
isoflurane dan sevoflurane. Desflurane memiliki nilai MAC yang relatif tinggi dibandingkan
dengan agen inhalasi lainnya (8-11%), tetapi ini tidak bermasalah karena mudah diuapkan, dan
konsentrasi tinggi mudah dicapai. Titik didih desflurane mendekati suhu kamar. Akibatnya,
agen ini membutuhkan penguap khusus yang dipanaskan dan diberi tekanan listrik, untuk
memastikan output yang konstan (Welsh, 2009).
Pengeliminasian desflurane dan waktu pemulihan lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan
agen inhalasi lainnya. Anestesi berkepanjangan (delapan jam atau lebih) meningkatkan waktu
pemulihan dari agen yang sangat larut, dan hal tersebut merupakan efek yang terbatas untuk
anestesi dengan kelarutan rendah, terutama untuk desflurane (Torri, 2010). Sebuah studi
dilakukan oleh Altug et al. (2009) untuk meneliti efek post-anastetik recovery desflurane
terhadap karakteristik fungsi hati dan ginjal pada anjing. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan 2 hasil
penting. Pertama, desflurane memberikan induksi anestesi yang lebih cepat, pemulihan dengan

lebih sedikit eksitasi dan waktu pemulihan yang cepat (p <0,05) dan anjing-anjing berdiri
dalam waktu yang lebih singkat daripada isoflurane. Kedua, penelitian ini menunjukkan baik
desflurane maupun isoflurane tidak memiliki efek samping yang berbahaya pada fungsi ginjal
dan hati pada anjing.

Gambar 2. Desflurane untuk Anestesi Inhalasi

4.1.3 Sevoflurane
Sevoflurane adalah agen inhalasi eter terhalogenasi yang sekarang banyak digunakan
dalam anestesi manusia dan hewan. Kelarutan darah: gas masih jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan
dengan isoflurane, sehingga memfasilitasi perubahan lebih cepat dari kedalaman anestesi dan
pemulihan yang lebih cepat. Selain itu, tidak seperti isoflurane, sevoflurane tidak menyebabkan
iritasi pada saluran pernapasan dan memiliki bau yang kurang tajam, sehingga cocok untuk
induksi anestesi inhalasi. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Basha et al (2018) menunjukkan
bahwa kelompok anjing yang diberikan anestesi sevoflurane untuk ovariohysterectomy
memiliki tingkat induksi dan pemulihan yang lebih cepat secara signifikan daripada kelompok
anjing yang diberikan isoflurane yang mungkin disebabkan oleh kelarutan gas darah paling
sedikit dari sevoflurane.
Nilai MAC sevoflurane relatif sama dengan kebanyakan agen inhalasi lainnya (MAC
2,36 pada anjing dan koefisien partisi gas darah 0,68), meskipun agak lebih tinggi daripada
halothane dan isoflurane. Konsekuensi utama dari potensi yang dikurangi ini adalah bahwa
pengaturan vaporiser yang lebih tinggi diperlukan dengan sevoflurane (Welsh, 2009).

Gambar 3. Sevoflurane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi

4.1.4 Isoflurane
Isoflurane merupakan halogenasi eter dan secara kimia sangat mirip dengan
metoksifluran dan sevofluran. Rentang keamanan isofluran lebih lebar dibandingkan halotan
dan metoksifluran, sehingga sangat umum digunakan pada hewan terutama anjing dan kuda
walaupun dengan harga yang lebih mahal.
Potensi isofluran lebih kecil dibandingkan halotan karena mempunyai nilai MAC lebih tinggi
dibandingkan halotan. 1 MAC pada anjing adalah 1,3%. Uap diatur pada 3-4% pada anjing
yang diinduksi dengan aliran oksigen 60 ml/ kg/menit dan berkurang antara 1,5-3% selama
pemeliharaan dengan aliran oksigen 20 ml/kg/menit (Lee, 2012).
Penggunaaan isofluran pada dosis anestesi atau subanestesi menurunkan metabolisme
otak terhadap oksigen, tetapi akan meningkatkan aliran darah di otak dan tekanan intrakranial,

Gambar 4. Isoflurane Untuk Anestesi Inhalasi

sehingga menjadi pilihan pada pembedahan otak. Namun, sebuah studi dilakukan oleh Caines
et al. (2014) untuk melihat perbandingan isoflurane dan propofol untuk pemeliharaan anestesi
pada anjing dengan penyakit intracranial. Anjing yang dipelihara dengan propofol selama
pencitraan MRI memiliki tekanan arteri yang lebih tinggi, penurunan dopamin, dan skor
pemulihan yang lebih baik, dibandingkan dengan anjing yang dipelihara dengan isofluran.
Pengaruh terhadap jantung dan curah jantung (cardiac output) sangat minimal, sehingga dapat
digunakan pada pasien dengan kelainan jantung.

4.2 Teknik Pemberian Anestesi Inhalasi

Cara pemberian anestesi inhalasi adalah:
1. Auto inhalasi
Udara dihirupkan melewati permukaan anestetikum atau melewati suatu bantalan yang
dibasahi dengan anestetikum.
2. Metode umpan balik positif
Udara atau oksigen dicampur dengan 5% CO2 dihembuskan diatas permukaan
anestetika. Campuran gas ini akan dibawa ke masker atau pipa endotracheal. Metode
umpan balik positif dapat diterapkan dengan empat cara, yaitu:
• Metode terbuka
Prinsip: Obat inhalasi diteteskan pada masker (sungkup) dari kawat yang
dilapisi dengan 5-7 lembar gause. Obat akan menguap setelah bercampur
dengan udara.
• Sederhana
• Mudah dilakukan
• O2 dari udara
• Tidak terjadi akumulasi CO2
Kekurangan :
• Boros
• Mudah terjadi kebakaran/ledakan
• Dapat mengiritasi kulit muka
• Level anestesi lama tercapai
• Metode Semi Terbuka

Prinsip: Sama seperti metode terbuka, kecuali sungkup ditutup kain tebal
sehingga gas anestesi bisa bertahan lebih lama
• Sama seperti metode terbuka
• Konsentrasi obat lebih tinggi
• Induksi lebih cepat
• Sama open method, dan
• Bisa terjadi akumulasi CO2 dalam sungkup (mudah terjadi hipoksia)
• Metode Tertutup
Prinsip: Obat inhalasi setelah diuapkan diinhalasikan melalui suatu sistem
tertutup. Udara ekspirasi dialirkan melalui NaOH yang dapat mengikat CO2,
sehingga udara yang mengandung anestesi dapat digunakan lagi. Jadi, terjadi
100% rebreathing dari udara ekshalasi yang CO2-nya sebelumnya diikat oleh
suatu absorbed. Cara ini lebih hemat, aman, dan lebih mudah, tetapi harga
alatnya cukup mahal.

• Metode Semi Tertutup

Prinsip: Pasien diinhalasikan melalui suatu masker tertutup yang dihubungkan
dengan suatu reservoir (breathing bag) dimana gas atau obat inhalasi bercampur
dengan O2 sebelum obat inhalasi terdahulu diuapkan melalui vaporizer. Udara
ekshalasi akan terbuang keluar melalui suatu sistem klep yang dihubungkan
dengan masker.
• Lebih irit
• Tidak terjadi akumulasi O2
• Bahaya kebakaran dan ledakan kurang
• Kalau soda lime sudah tua bisa terjadi akumulasi CO2 (CO2 narcosis)
• Debu soda lime dapat mengiritasi paru pasien (soda lime ini biasanya
ditambahkan filter)

Gambar 5. Pipa Endotracheal

4.3 Keuntungan dan Kerugian Pemberian Anestesi Inhalasi

Anestesi inhalan digunakan untuk induksi dan pemeliharaan anestesi umum. Adapun
keuntungan pemberian anestesi inhalasi untuk induksi yakni:
• Menawarkan keuntungan mengontrol kedalaman anestesi secara akurat selama induksi
dengan keamanan karena dapat menghentikan pemberian anestesi inhalan segera jika
masalah muncul.
• Jika timbul masalah, anestesi inhalan (sevoflurane, isoflurane atau halothane) dapat
dihilangkan dengan cepat melalui ventilasi.
• Oksigen yang diinspirasikan biasanya tinggi saat diberikan anestesi inhalan selama

Adapun beberapa kerugian penggunaan anestesi inhalasi sebagai induksi yakni:

• Bau menyengat dari isoflurane atau halotan dapat mendorong hewan untuk menahan
napas selama induksi dan karenanya mencegah pengambilan anestesi inhalan dan
memperlambat kecepatan induksi.
• Polusi lingkungan kerja selama induksi. Limbah gas anestesi inhalan dapat
menyebabkan sakit kepala dan masalah kesehatan lainnya.
• Ini tidak cocok untuk anjing yang sehat dan tidak dipremedikasi karena kecepatan
induksi yang relatif lambat melalui anestesi inhalan.

Keuntungan penggunaan anestesi inhalasi dalam melakukan perawatan:

• Perlindungan jalan napas - karena hampir semua pasien yang dibius dengan anestesi
inhalasi diintubasi.

• Kedalaman anestesi selama perawatan mudah dikontrol dengan menyesuaikan output
vaporizer, pola ventilasi dan laju aliran total.
• Oksigen yang diinspirasikan tinggi biasanya diberikan anestesi inhalan selama
perawatan. Ini akan menambah kandungan oksigen dalam darah. Ini sangat membantu
pasien dengan kapasitas pembawa oksigen rendah (pasien dengan anemia atau
disfungsi pernapasan).
• Pemulihan cepat bila dibandingkan dengan sebagian besar kombinasi yang dapat
diinjeksi. (Anestesi inhalasi sebagian besar dihilangkan melalui ventilasi, sedang kan
anestesi yang diinjeksi bergantung pada hati dan ginjal untuk metabolisme/eliminasi)


5.1 Simpulan
Anestesi umum inhalasi merupakan salah satu metode anestesi umum yang dilakukan
dengan cara memberikan agen anestesi yang berupa gas dan atau cairan yang mudah menguap
melalui alat anestesi langsung ke udara inspirasi. Terjadi anestesi karena uap yang dihirup
masuk dari alveoli mendifusi membrane alveoli dan melarut ke dalam darah paru-paru yang
selanjutnya dari paru-paru mendifusi masuk ke jaringan tubuh terutama otak. Beberapa zat atau
obat yang sering digunakan pada anestesi inhalasi pada anjing diantaranya isoflurane,
halothane, sevoflurane, desflurane. Tentu diantara empat jenis anestesi inhalasi ini memiliki
tingkat anestesi, daya recovery serta MAC yang berbeda-beda. Semakin rendah nilai MAC,
semakin kuat agen anestesi. Halothane, isoflurane dan sevoflurane berada di antara satu sama
lain. Sevoflurane kurang kuat daripada halotan dan isoflurane.

5.2 Saran
Anestesi inhalasi merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak anestesi yang ada, dalam
penerapannya tentu seorang dokter hewan harus melihat resiko dari pemberian masing-masing
jenis anestesi inhalasi. Seorang dokter hewan juga harus memilih jenis anestesi inhalasi yang
tepat ketika melakukan tindakan pembedahan mulai dari tingkat anestesi, daya recovery dan
MAC karena ketika salah memilih akan menimbulkan dampak yang bisa menyebabkan
kerugian pada pasien dan owner.


Altug, M.E. Gonenci, R. Durgut, R., Karasu, A., Abdulhayoglu. B. 2009/. Effects of
Desflurance and Isoflurance on Postanaesthetic Recovery Characteristics with Hepatic
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Recovery Characteristics of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane Anesthesia for
Ovariohysterectomy in Dogs. International Journal of Livestock Research; 8(7): 122-
130. doi: 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Caines, D., Sinclair, M., Valcerde, A., Dyson, D., Galtero, L., Woodt, D. 2014. Comparison of
isoflurane and propofol for maintenance of anesthesia in dogs with intracranial disease
undergoing magnetic resonance imaging. Formerfy the Journal of Veterinary
Anaesthesia; 41: 468-479.

Dharmawan NS. 2009. Anjing Bali dan Rabies. Penerbit Buku Arti: Denpasar.

Dharmayuda, A.A.G., Gorda, I.W., Wardhita, A.A.G.J. 2012. Perbandingan Anestesi Xylazin-
Ketamin Hidroklorida dengan Anestesi Tiletamin-Zolazepam terhadap Frekuensi
Denyut Jantung dan Pulsus Anjing Lokal. Buletin Veteriner Udayana; 4(1): 9-15.

Erwin, Nuzul, A., Zuraida, Hadi, E.S. 2013. Kadar Hemoglobin Selama Induksi Anestesi Per
Inhalasi dan Anestesi Per Injeksi pada Anjing Lokal (Canis lupus familiaris). Jurnal
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Lee, L. 2012. Canine and Feline Anaesthesia. Veterinary Surgery I, VMED 7412.

Maya, E. 2006. Pengaruh Anestesi Per-injeksi dan Anestesi Per-inhalasi terhadap Nilai
Saturasi Oksigen dan Nilai Fisiologis Lainnya pada Kucing Lokal (Felis domestica)
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Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

Perbandingan Anestesi Xylazin-Ketamin Hidroklorida dengan Anestesi Tiletamin-

Zolazepam terhadap Frekuensi Denyut Jantung dan Pulsus Anjing Lokal
A. A.G. Oka Dharmayudha 1), I Wayan Gorda 2), A.A.G.Jaya Wardhita \2)
Laboratorium Radiologi 2)Laboratorium Bedah
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan -UNUD
E-mail :
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh pemberian anestesi xylazin-
ketamin dengan anestesi tiletamin-zolazepam terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung dan pulsus
pada anjing lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola split
in time dengan dua. perlakuan yaitu, perlakuan I : xylazin-ketamin (2 mg/kgbb xylazin,15
mg/kgbb ketamin) dan perlakuan II: tiletamin-zolazepam (20 mg/kgbb), masing-masing
perlakuan menggunakan 5 ekor anjing sebagai ulangan, sehingga secara keseluruhan
anjing yang digunakan sebanyak 10 ekor. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan. Uji Sidik
Ragam. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa perbedaan perlakuan tidak berpengaruh nyata
(P>0,05) terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung dan pulsus, akan tetapi waktu pengamatan
selain anjing dianastesi sangat berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung dan
berpengaruh nyata terhadap frekuensi pulsus.
Kata kunci : xylazin-ketamin, tiletamin-zolazepam, frekuensi denyut jantung, frekuensi
pulsus, anjing lokal.
A study to determine the effect of anesthesia xylazine- ketamine hydrochlorida with
anesthesia tiletamine-zolazepam administration to heart pulse frequency and pulse during
anesthetion. The experimental was carried duct on local dog. The experimental design use
was a splite in time with 2 treatment : treatment I xylazin-ketamin ( 2 mg/Kg Body weight
of xylazine ; 15 ing/Kg Body weight ketarnine) and treatment II tiletamine-zolazepam ( 20
mg/Kg Body weight). Each treatment use 5 dogs as refrain so we use 10 dogs for all of the
treatment. Obtain data is analized by various investigated test. Result of this study indicated
that difference of treatment there were no significance, but time of the observed during
anesthesion showed more highly significance and significant to pulse frequency.
Key words : xylazine-ketamine, tiletamine-zolazepam, heart pulse frequency, pulse
frequency, local dogs
PENDAHULUAN digemari adalah anjing. Anjing termasuk
ke dalam Ordo, carnivora, Famili :
Dengan semakin bertambahnya populasi canidae, Class : mamalia (Murray, 1986).
hewan peliharaan maka membawa Menurut Dharma, dkk., (1999) di Bali
pengaruh terhadap animo masyarakat mempunyai dua kelompok anjing yaitu
untuk memelihara hewan kesayangan. anjing kampung (anjing geladak) dan
Diantara hewan kesayangan yang banyak
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

anjing Kintamani yang terdapat di daerah kombinasi yang saling melengkapi antara
Kintamani, etek analgesik dan relaksasi otot serta
sangat baik dan efektif untuk anjing
Kecintaan masyarakat terhadap anjing karena memiliki rentang keamanan yang
memberikan arti tersendiri bagi lebar.
pemiliknya, selain sebagai hewan
peliharaan dan penjaga rumah anjing juga Namun kendala yang ditimbulkan adalah
sudah memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup dosis pemberian pada anjing ras yang
tinggi dan mulai disenangi oleh memiliki keragaman yang kompleks,
masyarakat kalangan ekonomi menengah kelebihan dosis pada anjing ras dapat
ke atas. Disamping itu pula anjing berakibat fatal, dan sering anjing
memiliki beberapa keistimewaan antara teranestesi dengan dosis tinggi memiliki
lain; bulunya indah, pintar, lucu, dapat waktu pemulihan yang lama, sehingga
dilatih untuk membantu manusia dan juga dapat menimbulkan rasa panik bagi
bisa menjadi teman bermain. pemilik maupun dokter hewan yang
melakukan operasi. Disamping itu pula
Demikian penting peranan anjing, maka kombinasi xylazin-ketamin hidroklorida
segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dapat mengakibatkan penurunan yang
kesehatannya merupakan hal yang harus nyata pada denyut jantung, output
diutamakan dan harus mendapatkan jantung, volume, stroke, efektifitas
perhatian. Dalam menangani kesehatan ventilasi alveolar, dan transport oksigen
anjing, tidak jarang para dokter hewan (Steve dkk., 1986).
memerlukan transqualizer (penenang) dan
anestetik (obat bius) yang erat kaitannya Agen anestesi lain yang dapat digunakan
dengan pembedahan. Sebelum melakukan selain kombinasi xylazin-ketamin
pembedahan perlu diberikan anestesi liidroklorida adalah kombinasi tiletamin
sesuai dengan kebutuhan apakah anestesi hidroklorida dengan zolazepam
umum atau lokal. Cara pemberian (diazepinon transquilizer), kedua zat ini
anestesi juga bervariasi ada yang dikombinasikan dengan perbandingan
diberikan secara intra vena, yang sama dan mempunyai sirnbol CI-
intramuskuler, inhalasi atau bisa juga 774, preparat tersebut telah dievaluasi
dikombinasikan. melalui injeksi secara parenteral pada
berbagai spesies hewan di laboratorium
Anestesi umum pada anjing dapat (Virbac., 1992), akan tetapi sejauh mana
diberikan secara parenteral atau inhalasi. kombinasi obat ini mampu menutupi efek
Salah satunya adalah kombinasi Xylazin- negatif dari kombinasi xylazin-ketamin
Ketamin Hidroklorida. Kombinasi kedua terutama terhadap denyut jantung dan
obat ini mempunyai beberapa keuntungan pulsus belum banyak diketahui serta
yaitu; ekonomis, mudah dalam untuk mengetahui perbandingan obat
pemberiannya, induksinya yang cepat, anestesi mana yang lebih. efektif dan
mempunyai pengaruh relaksasi yang baik aman sebagai anestesi pada anjing, maka
serta jarang menimbulkan komplikasi dari itu penelitian ini dilakukan.
klinis. Kombinasi kedua obat ini sudah
pernah dilaporkan penggunaannya pada METODE PENELITIAN
anjing dan kucing (Benson, dkk., 1985),
burung unta (Gandini, dkk., 1986). Materi Penelitian
Menurut Walter (1985), kombinasi
xylazin-ketamin merupakan agen

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

Hewan yang digunakan pada penelitian dengan. dua perlakuan yaitu XK 2:15 dan
ini adalah anjing lokal jantan dengan ZZ 20, secara berturut-turut
berat badan 7-10 kg sebanyak 10 ekor. menggunakan dosis 2 mg/kg xylazin
Sebelum dilakukan tindakan anestesi, dengan 15 mg/kg ketamin hidroklorida
dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan dan 20 mg/kg Zoletil (zolazepam-
diadaptasikan selama satu minggu. tiletamin). Setiap perlakuan
Bahan dan obat-obatan yang dipakai menggunakan lima ekor anjing sebagai
adalah ketamin hidroklorida (Ketamil 100 ulangan, sehingga jumlah anjing yang
mg/ml diproduksi oleh Ilium, Australia), digunakan adalah 10 ekor. Data yang
xylazin hidroklorida (ilium xylazil diperoleh diuji dengan menggunakan
20mg/ml diproduksi oleh Ilium. Sidik Ragam dan bila di dapatkan hasil
Australia), gabungan tiletamin-zolazepam yang berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan
(Zoletil 50 diproduksi oleh uji Wilayah Berganda Duncan (Stell dan
Virbac,Perancis), dan atropin sulfat Totrie, 1989).
Metode Penelitian
Hasil Penelitian
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan
kombinasi dosis yaitu xylazin 2 mg/kg Total frekuensi denyut jantung
dan ketamin hidroklorida 15mg/kg yang
diberikan secara intramuskuler sebagai Rerata frekuensi denyut jantung disajikan
perlakuan I. Pada perlakuan II diberikan pada Tabel 1. dari pemberian anestesi
anestesi kombinasi tiletamin dan xylazin-ketamin hidroklorida dengan
zolazepam dengan dosis 20 mg/kg secara tiletamin-zolazepam adalah 122,56
intra muskuler. Lima belas menit sebelum x/menit dan 130,0 x/menit dengan rata-
anestesi, diberikan atropin sulfat sebagai rata masing-masing perlakuan 30 menit
premedikasi dengan dosis 0,04 mg/kg sebelum dianestesi (T -30) atau T kontrol,
secara subkutan pada kedua perlakuan. saat mulai teranestesi T(0), saat
Variabel yang diamati adalah frekuensi teranestesi 30 menit T(30), 60 menit
denyut jantung dan pulsus 30 menit T(60), 90 menit T(90 ) adalah 134,4
sebelum dianestesi, saat teranestesi, x/menit, 140,0x/menit 126,0 x/menit,
setelah 30 menit, 60 menit, dan setelah 90 117,0 x/menit dan 114,0 x/menit. Hasil
menit periode teranestes. Frekuensi sidik ragam pada tabel 2 menunjukkan
denyut jantung dihitung dengan bahwa perlakuan memberikan hasil yang
menggunakan stetoskop dan frekuensi tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap
pulsus dihitung dengan menekan arteri frekuensi denyut jantung, akan tetapi
femoralis dengan jari. Kedua variabel waktu pengamatan menunjukan
dihitung frekuensinya permenit. perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01)
terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung pada
Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan anjing jantan lokal.
Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola split in time
Tabel 1. Hasil Rata -Rata Total Frekuensi Denyut Jantung pada Setiap Perlakuan
dan Waktu Pengamatan yang Berbeda pada Anjing Jantan Lokal

Perlakuan -30 0 30 60 90 Rerata

X+K 129,6 136,8 125,2 110,8 110,4 122,56
T+Z 139,2 1-13,2 126,8 123,2 117,6 130,0

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

Pengaruh waktu terhadap frekuensi tidak berbeda nyata, sedangkan pada

denyut jantung perlakuan II: tiletamin-zolazepam
(20mg/kgbb) mengalami peningkatan
Pengaruh waktu pada frekuensi denyut yang sangat nyata. Pada T (0) dan
jantung ; T (0) berbeda sangat nyata mengalami penurunan pada T (30) -
terhadap T (90), T (60) dan terhadap T T(90).
(30) sedangkan dengan T (-30) tidak
berbeda nyata. T (60) tidak berbeda nyata Total frekuensi pulsus
terhadap T (90).
Rerata total frekuensi pulsus disajikan
pada Tabel 4, yakni dengan pemberian
anestesi xylazin-ketamin hidroklorida
dengan tiletamin-zolazepam adalah
116,56x/menit dan 115,60 x/menit
dengan rata-rata masing-masing
perlakuan 30 menit sebelum dianestesi
(T-30) atau T kontrol, saat mulai
teranestesi T(0), saat teranastesi 30 menit
Keterangan: FDJ (Frekuensi Denyut T(30), 60 menit T(60), 90 menit T(90)
Jantung(x/ menit)
adalah 116,8 x/menit,124,8 x/menit 115,6
Perlakuan I : Anestesi xylazin-ketamin
hidroklorida x/menit, 114,0 x/menit dan 109,2 x/menit.
Perlakuan II : Anestesi tiletamin- Hasil sidik ragam pada Tabel 5
zolazepam menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan
memberikan hasil tidak berbeda nyata,
Perlakuan 1 : xylazin (2 mg/kgbb), akan tetapi waktu pengamatan
ketamin (15 mg/kg BB) mengalami menunjukan perbedaan yang nyata
peningkatan yang sangat nyata dibanding terhadap frekuensi pulsus pada anjing
T (-30) terhadap T (0) dan mengalami jantan lokal.
penurunan pada T (30 ) dan T (60), T (90)

Tabel 2. Rerata frekuensi pulsus pada setiap perlakuan dan waktu pengamatan yang
berbeda pada anjing jantan lokal.

Perlakuan -30 0 30 60 90 Rerata

X+K 116,4 123,2 118,0 114,4 110,8 116,56
T+Z 117,2 126,4 113,2 113,6 107,6 115,6

Pengaruh waktu terhadap frekuensi tidak berbeda nyata, terhadap T (30).

pulsus Pada Lampiran 2, perlakuan I : Xylazin
(2mg/kgbb), ketamin (15mg/kgbb)
Pengaruh waktu terhadap firekuensi mengalami peningkatan nyata dibanding
pulsus : T (0) berbeda nyata terhadap T T (-30) terhadap T (0) dan menurun pada
(60) dan T (90), sedangkan dengan T (- T (30) - T (90), sedangkan pada
30) tidak berbeda nyata. T (0) dan T (-30) perlakuan II : Tiletamin-zolazepam (20
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

mg/kg BB) mengalami peningkatan yang jantung. Hal ini sesuai dengau pendapat
nyata pada T (0) dan mengalami Virbac, (1992) yang menyatakan bahwa
penurunan pada T (30) sampai dengan T anestesi tiletamin-zolazepam pada anjing
(90). dapat menimbulkan takikardia,
peningkatan tekanan darah yang bersifat
sementara dan induksi polipnea.
Peningkatan denyut jantung pada anjing
disebabkan efek tiletamin-zolazepam
dapat mencapai jantung dan merangsang
saraf simpatis. Cohen, (1979)
menyatakan, efek anestesi umum selain
mengenai susunan saraf pusat juga
sampai pada jantung, Denyut jantung
Ket, FP: Frekuensi Pulsus(x/menit) berada di bawah kontrol saraf otonom dan
Perlakuan I : Anestesi xylazin- perangsangan saraf simpatis pada jantung
ketamin hidroklorida dapat meningkatkan denyut jantung dan
Perlakuan II : Anestesi tiletamin- intensitas jantung (Knight, 1989). Hasil
zolazepam penelitian ini sesuai dengan Cullen dan
Reynoldson (1997), yang membuktikan
bahwa anestesi tiletamin-zolazepam dapat
menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan arteri
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
dan denyut jantung pada anjing.
pada kedua perlakuan mengalami
peningkatan frekuensi denyut jantung dan
Perbedaan waktu pengamatan
frekuensi pulsus dibanding kontrol (T-30)
menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda sangat
dan mengalami penurunan pada T (30) -
nyata terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung
T (90) setelah pemberian. Hasil penelitian
dan berbeda nyata terhadap frekuensi
ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan
pulsus. Meningkatnya frekuensi denyut
perlakuan yang diberikan tidak berbeda
jantung dan pulsus pada perlakuan 1
nyata terhadap frekuensi denyut jantung
disebabkan oleh pengaruh ketamin
dan pulsus pada anjing lokal jantan. Hal
sebagai perangsang kardiovaskuler,
ini disebabkan oleh kedua perlakuan yang
dimana adanya efek antidysrhthymia
diberikan tenyata memberikan kekuatan
yang mencegah reflek adrenergik hasil
yang sama pada perangsangan
reaksi dari pembuluh darah sekelilingnya
kardiovaskuler yaitu menaikkan tekanan
menurun mengakibatkan terjadinya
darah sistolik daa diastolik dan kecepatan
vasodilatasi pada jaringan terutama oleh
pulsus meningkat (Aitkison dan
reseptor α- adrenergik dan vasokonstriksi
Rushman, 1993).
oleh reseptor β (Smith dan Aitkenheard,
1996). Pada menit ke-30 sampai menit
Walaupun secara statistik perbedaan
ke-90 terjadi penurunan dimana efek dari
perlakuan yang digunakan memberikan
xylazin sudah mulai terlihat. Xylazin
pengaruh yang sama terhadap denyut
menyebabkan penurunan aktivitas
jantung dan frekuensi pulsus, tetapi rerata
simpatetik dan efek depresor pada umpan
denyut jantung pada tiletamin-zolazepam
balik baroreseptor dan inenunmkan
jauh lebih tinggi dari pada xylazin-
tekanan vagal yang dihasilkan oleh
ketamin hidroklorida. Perbedaan denyut
ketamin pada penurunan denyut jantung
jaatung tersebut terjadi karena anestesi
(Mustafa, dkk., 2000). Hasil ini sesuai
tiletamin-zolazepam lebih kuat pada
dengan penelitian Sepiawati (2002), yang
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 4 No.1. :9-15
ISSN : 2085-2495 Pebruari 2012

membuktikan bahwa kombinasi dosis Saran

xylazin (2 mg/kgbb) dan ketamin (15
mg/kgbb) dapat meningkatkan frekuensi Anestesi xylazin-ketamin dengan anestesi
denyut jantung saat teranestesi pada teletamin-zolazepam aman digunakan
anjing lokal. sebagai agen anestesi pada anjing lokal,
karena kedua anestesi ini tidak
Meningkatnya frekuensi denyut jantung menimbulkan efek yang berbeda pada
dan frekuensi pulsus pada perlakuan II frekuensi denyut jantung dan pulsus.
disebabkan oleh efek tiletamin-zolazepam Sedangkan anestesi xylazin-ketamin
dapat mencapai jantung dan merangsang dengan anestesi teletamin-zolazepam
saraf simpatis. Eenstein, dkk., (1994), dapat menstimuli sistem kardiovaskuler
menyatakan kombinasi tiletamin- dan sistem pernafasan sehingga tidak
zolazepam dapat meningkatkan takikardia disarankan diberikan pada anjing yang
dengan pengaruh sedikit pada tekanan mengalami gangguan pada sistem
darah arteri dan out put jantung. Hasil kardiovaskuler maupun sistem
penelitian ini sesuai dengan penelitian pernafasan. Olehkarena itu perlu
Cullen dan Reynoldson (1997), yang dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut pada
membuktikan bahwa anestesi tiletamin- kedua anestesi ini dalam dosis yang
zolazepam dapat menyebabkan berbeda.
peningkatan denyut jantung dan tekanan
rerata arteri pada anjing. Sedangkan DAFTAR PUSTAKA
penurunan denyut jantung saat teranestesi
pada T(30) - T(90) disebabkan oleh Aitkisan, R.S dan G.B. Rushman. 1993.
anestesi tiletamin-zolazepam tidak 's Synopsis of Anesthesia, The
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Pemberian anestesi xylazin-ketamin Xylazine in Dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res.
hidroklorida dengan anestesi Vol. 49 : 1896-1898.
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denyut jantung dan frekuensi pulsus pada Pharmacology. The Iowa State
anjing jantan lokal. Sedangkan waktu University Press. USA Hal: 295-
pengamatan pada pemberian anestesi 297.
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anestesi tiletamin-zolazepam sangat nyata Cullen, LK, dan J.A. Reynoldson. 1997.
Effects Tiletamine/Zolazepam
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dan pulsus saat induksi dan mengalami Anesthesia in Dogs. Vet.Rec. : 140 :
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Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol. 7 No. 2, Agustus 2013
ISSN : 0853-1943


(Canis lupus familiaris)
The Haemoglobin Concentration during Inhalation Anaesthetics and Injection
Anaesthetics on Canis lupus familiaris
Erwin1, Nuzul Asmilia1, Zuraida1, dan Ela Sesdapepi Hadi2
Laboratorium Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Hewan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh anestesi per inhalasi dan anestesi per injeksi terhadap kadar hemoglobin anjing lokal. Hewan
coba yang digunakan adalah 6 ekor anjing jantan lokal dengan umur 4-5 bulan dengan berat badan 5-6 kg. Anjing dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok,
masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 3 ekor anjing. Kelompok 1 (K1) diinduksi dengan halotan 3%, setelah teranestesi diturunkan menjadi 1%
untuk maintenance sedangkan kelompok 2 (K2) diinjeksi dengan ketamin 10 mg/kg bobot badan dan xylazin 1 mg/kg bobot badan. Pengambilan
darah dilakukan pada menit ke-0, 10, 20, 30, 40, dan 50 melalui vena cephalica dan dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin dengan metode
Sahli. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian pola split plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perbedaan yang
sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar hemoglobin (g/dl) antara anestesi per inhalasi (14,28+1,71) dengan anestesi per injeksi (12,66+0,37),
namun tidak terjadi perbedaan yang nyata (P>0,05) pada masing-masing periode pengamatan. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa
pemakaian anestesi per inhalasi lebih aman dibandingkan anestesi per injeksi berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin.
Kata kunci: anestesi, per inhalasi, per injeksi, hemoglobin

This study aimed to observe the effect of per injection and inhalation anesthesia to the concentration of local dog’s haemoglobin.
Experimental animals that used in this study were 6 local dogs aged about 4-5 months and weight of 5-6 kg. Dogs were divided into 2 groups,
each group consisted of 3 dogs. First group was induced with halothane 3% and 1% for maintanance while second group was injected by
ketamine 10 mg/kg BW and xylazin 1 mg/kg BW. The blood was collected in minute 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 from cephalica venous, haemoglobin
was measured using Sahli method. The obtained data were analyzed using analysis of variance with split-plot pattern. The statistical data
showed that there was significant difference (P<0.01) in the level of haemoglobin (g/dl) between the treatment group of inhalation (14.28+1.71)
and injection (12.66+0.37), but there are no significant difference (P>0.05) in observation period. In conclusion, the administration of inhalation
anesthesia saver than injection anesthesia based on haemoglobin concentration.
Key words: anesthesia, per inhalation, per injection, haemoglobin

PENDAHULUAN Banyak diantara penyakit tersebut yang tidak dapat

ditangani dengan obat-obatan, sehingga untuk
Anjing adalah salah satu hewan yang mudah penanganannya dibutuhkan tindakan pembedahan.
bersosialisasi dengan manusia. Hubungan anjing dan Untuk keberhasilan dan kelancaran bedah, anestesi
manusia sudah terjalin cukup lama sejak ratusan tahun umum memegang peranan penting. Anestesi umum
silam. Manusia primitif bahkan memanfaatkan anjing dapat diberikan secara parenteral dan inhalasi. Menurut
untuk teman berburu (Davis, 2006). Seiring dengan Siswandono dan Soekarjo (1995), pemberian anestesi
meningkatnya taraf kehidupan, minat masyarakat untuk per injeksi akan menekan fungsi saraf sehingga
memelihara hewan kesayangan semakin meningkat. menyebabkan penurunan fungsi fisiologis, sedangkan
Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang pada anestesi per inhalasi oksigenisasi dapat
banyak dipelihara orang. Selain sebagai hewan dipertahankan karena adanya pemasukan oksigen yang
kesayangan anjing juga berguna untuk berburu, menjaga cukup walaupun terjadi penurunan fungsi fisiologis
rumah ladang dan kebun. Oleh karena itu kesehatan yang lain. Kekurangan oksigen akan menyebabkan
hewan perlu diperhatikan agar senantiasa sehat, lincah, gangguan metabolisme tubuh karena kadar oksigen
dan dapat melanjutkan keturunan. Untuk menjaga untuk reaksi oksidasi di jaringan tidak mencukupi.
kelestarian hewan, maka manusia perlu memperhatikan Kadar oksigen dalam darah yang berikatan dengan
pemeliharaan yang baik dengan cara memberikan hemoglobin disebut dengan saturasi oksigen (SpO2).
makanan yang cukup dan bergizi serta memberikan Perubahan dari saturasi oksigen dapat juga disebabkan
perhatian terhadap kesehatan hewan. Salah satu cara adanya proses perdarahan saat dilakukan operasi yang
untuk menjaga kesehatan hewan adalah dengan menyebabkan berkurangnya darah dan berakibat
pencegahan penyakit (preventif) dan pengobatan yang penurunan pengikatan oksigen oleh darah (Schutz,
sesuai dengan penyebab penyakit (Maya, 2006). 2001). Menurut Maya (2006), anestesi per inhalasi
Berbagai jenis penyakit dapat menyerang anjing, memberikan nilai saturasi oksigen yang lebih stabil
baik yang bersifat infeksius maupun non-infeksius. dibandingkan dengan anestesi per injeksi.

Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Erwin, dkk

Hemoglobin merupakan senyawa pembawa oksigen Hb dilakukan di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik

pada sel darah merah. Hemoglobin dapat diukur secara Universitas Syiah Kuala.
kimia dan jumlah Hb/100 ml darah dapat digunakan
sebagai indeks kapasitas pembawa oksigen pada darah. Pemeriksaan Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin di dalam darah membawa oksigen dari Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Sahli.
paru-paru ke seluruh jaringan tubuh dan membawa Darah hewan coba yang telah dikoleksi diisap dengan
kembali karbondioksida dari seluruh sel ke paru-paru pipet Sahli sampai tepat angka 20. Uung pipet
untuk dikeluarkan dari tubuh. Kadar hemoglobin dibersihkan dengan kertas saring. Kemudian darah
normal pada anjing berkisar 12-18 g/dl (Smith dan dalam pipet tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam tabung
Mangkoewidjojo, 1988). Oleh karena anestesi dapat hemometer Sahli yang telah diisi 2 tetes larutan HCl
mempengaruhi fungsi fisiologis tubuh, maka perlu 0,1 N sebelumnya dan dibiarkan selama 3-5 menit.
diketahui pengaruh dari anestesi per inhalasi dan Dilakukan pengenceran dengan akuades sambil diaduk
anestesi per injeksi tersebut terhadap kadar hemoglobin dengan batang pengaduk sampai warna sampel darah
anjing lokal.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sama dengan warna standar. Selanjutnya dibaca skala
pengaruh anestesi per inhalasi dan per injeksi terhadap yang tertera pada tabung haemometer Sahli (miniskus
kadar hemoglobin anjing lokal dan melihat perbedaan bawah). Hasilnya dinyatakan dalam g/dl.
periode waktu pengamatan terhadap kadar hemoglobin
pada masing-masing kelompok perlakuan. Parameter Penelitian
Parameter yang diukur selama penelitian ini adalah
MATERI DAN METODE kadar hemoglobin anjing lokal (Canis lupus familiaris)
selama anestesi per inhalasi dan anestesi per injeksi.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Klinik
Bedah Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Analisis Data
Kuala. Pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai dari bulan Data kadar hemoglobin yang diperoleh dianalisis
Pebruari-Maret 2013. Pemeriksaan sampel dilakukan di dengan analisis varian pola split-splot menggunakan
Laboratorium Patologi Klinik Universitas Syiah Kuala. statistical product and service solutions (SPSS) 18.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan anjing jantan lokal
sebanyak 6 ekor dengan berat badan 5-6 kg dan umur HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
4-5 bulan. Seluruh anjing dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok,
masing-masing terdiri atas 3 ekor anjing. Sebelum Rata-rata kadar hemoglobin anjing (Canis lupus
anestesi dilaksanakan, anjing dipuasakan terhadap familiaris) pada daerah tropis adalah 12-18 g/dl (Smith
makanan selama 6-12 jam dan puasa minum selama 2-6 dan Mangkoewidjojo, 1988). Hasil penelitian ini
jam. Kelompok 1 (K1) merupakan kelompok anjing menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kadar hemoglobin anjing
yang dianestesi secara per inhalasi dengan halotan, lokal antara kedua kelompok perlakuan masih berada
dosis 3% untuk induksi awal sedangkan untuk dalam batas yang normal dan menunjukkan perbedaan
maintenance digunakan 1%. Pada Kelompok 2 (K2), yang sangat nyata (P<0,01). Rata-rata nilai hemoglobin
anjing diberi premedikasi atropin sulfat dengan dosis (g/dl) antara kedua kelompok perlakuan disajikan pada
0,04 mg/kg bobot badan secara subkutan. Selanjutnya Tabel 1.
diinjeksi dengan kombinasi ketamin-xylazin secara
intramuskular dengan dosis sebagai berikut: Tabel 1. Rata-rata (+ SD) kadar hemoglobin (g/dl) anjing
lokal setelah anestesi inhalasi dan anestesi injeksi
1. Xylazin 2% dengan dosis 1-2 mg/kg bobot badan Kelompok perlakuan Kadar hemoglobin (g/dl)
= bobot badan x dosis obat
Halotan (K1) 14,28+1,71a
konsentrasi obat
= bobot badan x 1 mg/kg bobot badan Ketamin-xylazin (K2) 12,66+0,37b
20 mg/1 ml a, b
Superskrip yang berbeda pada kolom yang sama menunjukkan
perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01).
2. Ketamin 10% dengan dosis 10-15 mg/kg bobot badan
= bobot badan x dosis obat Berdasarkan analisis diketahui bahwa waktu
konsentrasi obat pengamatan dan interaksi waktu pengamatan dengan
= bobot badan x 10 mg/kg bobot badan perlakuan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata
100 mg/1 ml (P>0,05). Peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada K1
mulai terjadi pada menit ke-10 (13,60+0,69 g/dl) tidak
Pengambilan Darah menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan menit ke-
Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada menit ke-0, 10, 20 (14,33+2,08 g/dl), sedangkan pada K2 peningkatan
20, 30, 40, dan 50 melalui daerah vena cephalica yang mulai terjadi pada menit ke-10 (13,06+0,41 g/dl)
(terlebih dulu daerah sekitar vena cephalica tidak berbeda nyata dengan menit ke-20 (12,80+0,34
dibersihkan dengan alkohol 70%) sebanyak 1 ml. g/dl). Peningkatan dan penurunan kadar hemoglobin
Darah dikoleksi ke dalam vacutainer yang berisi pada masing-masing waktu pengamatan disajikan pada
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Pemeriksaan Tabel 2.

Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol. 7 No. 2, Agustus 2013

Tabel 2. Rata-rata (+ SD) kadar hemoglobin (g/dl) anjing dan suplai oksigen bagi myocardial. Meningkatnya
yang diinduksi halotan dan injeksi kombinasi ketamin xylazin suplai oksigen merupakan hasil dari cardiac output dan
Waktu Kelompok perlakuan penurunan hambatan pembuluh darah coronari, sehingga
pengamatan Halotan (P1) Ketamin-xylazin(P2) jantung harus bekerja keras agar hemoglobin dapat
0 12,66 + 0,30 12,66 + 0,41 mengikat oksigen secara maksimal (Lumb dan Jones,
1996). Kadar hemoglobin pada K-2 cenderung menurun
10 13,60 + 0,69 13,06 + 0,41 setelah menit ke-20. Akan tetapi penurunan tersebut
20 14,33 + 2,08 12,80 + 0,34 masih berada dalam batas normal. Menurut Cunningham
30 14,86 + 2,20 12,60 + 0,34 (1992) penurunan kadar hemoglobin di bawah batas
40 14,93 + 0,11 12,46 + 0,23 normal dalam waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan
50 15,33 + 2,08 12,40 + 0,34 hipoksia yang berakhir dengan kematian jaringan. Pada
anestesi per-injeksi jumlah oksigen yang masuk
Hemoglobin merupakan kompleks protein globulin tergantung pada kemampuan sistem respirasi untuk
(Wintrobe, 1974). Hemoglobin berikatan dengan empat menghirup oksigen. Siswandono dan Soekardjo (1995)
pigmen heme dan juga mampu mengikat empat menambahkan bahwa pemberian ketamin-xylazin dapat
molekul O2 untuk membentuk oksihemoglobin. menekan kerja pons dan medulla oblongata sebagai
Swenson (1970) menyatakan hemoglobin dalam darah pusat pengatur sistem pernafasan.
berkaitan dengan kemampuan darah membawa oksigen
dan warna merah darah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi KESIMPULAN
kadar hemoglobin adalah kondisi tubuh, jenis kelamin,
lingkungan, dan nutrisi. Satu gram hemoglobin mampu Anestesi per inhalasi lebih aman dibandingkan
mengikat 1,36-1,39 ml oksigen. Rata-rata kadar anestesi per injeksi berdasarkan pemeriksaan kadar
hemoglobin mamalia 10-15 g/dl (Cunningham, 1992). hemoglobin.
Jumlah oksigen dalam darah ditentukan oleh jumlah
oksigen terlarut dan jumlah hemoglobin yang ikut DAFTAR PUSTAKA
dalam aliran darah (Ganong, 1995).
Kadar hemoglobin tidak menunjukkan perbedaan Cunningham, J.G. 1992. Veterinary Physiology. WB Saunders
Company, Philadelphia.
yang nyata pada masing-masing waktu pengamatan.
Davis, C. 2006. Sikap-sikap Anjing yang Normal.
Pada K1, kadar hemoglobin cenderung naik dan stabil. ArtID=2300
Menurut Lumb dan Jones (1996) ini dikarenakan Ganong, W.F. 1995. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. A. Petrus
adanya suplai oksigen sebagai pelarut dari gas anestetik (Penterjemah). EGC, Jakarta.
(halotan) pada anestesi per inhalasi sehingga kadar Lumb, W.V. and E.W. Jones. 1996. Veterinary Anesthesia. 2nd ed.
Washington Square, Philadelphia.
oksigen darah dapat dipertahankan dan afinitas oksigen Maya, E. 2006. Pengaruh Anestesi Per-injeksi dan Anestesi Per-
oleh hemoglobin tidak terganggu walaupun terjadinya inhalasi terhadap Nilai Saturasi Oksigen dan Nilai Fisiologis
hipoventilasi akibat pemberian halotan. Pemasukan Lainnya pada Kucing Lokal (Felis domestica) selama
oksigen sebagai pelarut dalam anestesi per inhalasi Enterotomi. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut
Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
akan mengurangi tekanan karbonmonoksida dalam Noviana. 2009. Pengaruh anestesi terhadap saturasi oksigen (SpO2)
darah melalui alveolus. Peningkatan PO2 akan selama enterotomi pada kucing lokal (Felis domestica). Hemera
mengurangi PCO2 dan pembentukan H+ dan ion zoa/ Majalah Ilmu Kehewanan Indonesia. 1(1):1-3.
Schutz, S.L. 2001. Oxygen Saturation Monitoring By Pulse
karbonat tubuh sehingga meningkatkan afinitas oksigen
Oxymetry. In Procedur Manual of Critical Care. 4th ed. WB
oleh hemoglobin (Soma, 1997). Noviana (2009) Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
menambahkan bahwa anestesi per inhalasi memberikan Siswandono dan Soekardjo. 1995. Kimia Medisinal. Airlangga
nilai saturasi oksigen yang lebih stabil dibandingkan University Press, Surabaya.
Smith, S, dan S. Mangkoewidjojo. 1988. Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan
anestesi per injeksi yang disebabkan karena adanya
dan Penggunaan Hewan Percobaan di Daerah Tropis. UI
pemasukan oksigen. Press, Jakarta.
Peningkatan kadar hemoglobin K-2 pada menit ke-10 Soma, L.R. 1997. Textbook of Veterinary Anesthesia. 3rd ed. The
disebabkan oleh efek obat anestesi yang meningkatkan Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
frekuensi denyut jantung dan cardiac output. Swenson, M.J. and G. Reece. 1970. Duke’s Physiology of Domestic
Animals. 7th ed. Cornell University Press, Ithaca USA.
Peningkatan stimulasi myocardial dalam pemompaan Wintrobe. 1974. Clinical Haematology. 7th ed. Lea and Febiger,
jantung berhubungan dengan peningkatan kerja jantung Philadelphia.

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Effects of Desflurane and Isoflurane on Postanaesthetic Recovery

Characteristics with Hepatic and Renal Functions in Dogs

Article  in  Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances · January 2009


1 131

7 authors, including:

Muhammed Enes Altuğ Ramazan Gönenci

Mustafa Kemal University Mustafa Kemal University


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M E D W E L L Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8 (2): 350-357, 2009
ISSN: 1680-5593
P U B L I S H I N G © Medwell Journals, 2009

Effects of Desflurane and Isoflurane on Postanaesthetic Recovery

Characteristics with Hepatic and Renal Functions in Dogs
M.E. Altug, 1R. Gonenci, 2R. Durgut, 3A. Karasu and 4B. Abdulhayoglu
Department of Surgery, 2Department of Internal Medicine,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mustafa Kemal, Hatay, Turkey
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Yuzuncu Yil, Van, Turkey
Antakya State Hospital, Specialist of Anaesthesiology, Hatay, Turkey

Abstract: The aim of the study, was to investigate the effects of desflurane and isoflurane on postanaesthetic
recovery characteristics with hepatic and renal functions in dogs. Sixteen adult mongrel dogs of both sexes
weighing between 16-21 kg were equally divided into 2 groups. Anaesthesia was induced with 0.3 mg kgG1
midazolam and 10 mg kgG1 thiopental intravenously. Maintenance of anaesthesia was continued with 7.2-8%
desflurane or 1.3-1.5% isoflurane. Heart and respiration rates, arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation and rectal
temperatures were monitored before, during, 1 h and 1 day after anaesthesia periodically and postanaesthetic
recovery score times were also observed. Serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, (-
glutamyltransferase, blood urea nitrogen, total bilirubin and creatinine levels were measured in venous blood
samples. Postanaesthetic recovery scores including time to standing, time to reaching sternal recumbency, eye
opening and time to extubation were found shorter in desflurane group than isoflurane group (p<0.05). Alanine
aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and (-glutamyltransferase activities were non-significantly
increased in the isoflurane group and there were no change between groups. Total bilirubin and creatinine
levels were non-significantly decreased, blood urea nitrogen levels were non-significantly increased within
normal range during and after the anaesthesia in both groups. The present study reveals 2 important results.
Firstly, desflurane provided faster anaesthetic induction, recovery with less excitation and rapid recovery times
(p<0.05) and the dogs stood up in shorter time than those of isoflurane. Secondly, this study indicates that both
volatile agents have no harmful side effects on renal and hepatic functions in dogs.

Key words: Desflurane, isoflurane, dog, postanaesthetic recovery scores, renal and hepatic functions

INTRODUCTION anaesthesia cause liver injury in man. There are several

studies evaluating hepatic function during desflurane
Desflurane is a new inhalation anaesthetic agent with anaesthesia in humans (Sutton et al., 1991; Zaleski et al.,
rapid induction and fast recovery due to its low blood/ 1993; Wissing and Kuhn, 2000) and isoflurane in dogs
gas solubility ratio (0.42) (Clutton, 1998; O'Keeffe and (Topal et al., 2003). Isoflurane is also used as a common
Healy, 1999; Go´mez-Villamandos et al., 2000; inhalational anaesthetic agent, but its clinical application
Go´mez-Villamandos et al., 2006). Animal studies suggest related to desflurane is limited in the veterinary practice.
that desflurane undergoes the least metabolism While there have been several studies (Tsai et al., 1992;
compared to all the volatile agents (Koblin et al., 1989). Smith et al., 1994; Dexter and Tinker, 1995; Dupont et al.,
Isoflurane undergoes approximately 0.2% metabolism and 1999; Hedenqvist et al., 2001; Ozturk and Altug, 2007)
desflurane metabolism is estimated to be 1-10th of that suggesting therapid emergence of desflurane compared
(Koblin et al., 1989; Schmidt et al., 1999). This indicates with isoflurane, to date, no studies have compared
that tissue toxicity is unlikely (Sutton et al., 1991). isoflurane directly with desflurane on recovery
Desflurane anaesthesia has generally not been characteristics with hepatic and renal effects in dogs.
associated with deterious effects on the liver and kidney Thus, the present study was designed to compare the
(O'Keeffe and Healy, 1999). However, recent studies postanaesthetic recovery characteristics of desflurane
(Nishiyama et al., 1998; Tiainen et al., 1998; Schmidt et al., and isoflurane inhalation anaesthetics and their hepatic
1999) have reported that isoflurane and desflurane and renal haemodynamic effects in dogs.

Corresponding Author: Muhammed Enes Altug, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Mustafa Kemal, TR-31040 Hatay, Turkey
J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8 (2): 350-357, 2009

MATERIALS AND METHODS procedure, the inhaled anaesthetics were discontinued

and the lungs were ventilated with 100% oxygen at a
Animals and experimental procedures: The dogs were fresh gas flow rate of 3 L minG1. The concentration of
supplied from Antakya Municipality Dog Care House. desflurane and isoflurane were also chosen according
The experiments were conducted in accordance with the to previous reports in dogs. The vaporizer and the
Animal Research Ethics Committee of University of monitoring devices were calibrated before the study
Mustafa Kemal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The according to manufacturer’s instructions. Anaesthesia
animals were vaccinated and observed for 30 days prior maintenance was performed in the 2 groups with an
to the experimental procedure. Based on a clinical anaesthesia machine (AMS 200, Ankara, Turkey) and
examination such as electrocardiographic and ultrasound vaporizers (Desflurane-Datex Ohmeda Tec 6 Plus
evaluations of the heart, liver and kidneys and complete vaporizer, USA; Isoflurane-Blease Datum® vaporizer,
blood count, parasite profiles and serum biochemical England). The induction times of inhalant agents
analyses, all dogs were classed as ASA (American were also calculated from time to starting of the
Society of Anaesthesiologists) class I. Sixteen healthy volatile gas infusion and sings of associated with the
mongrel dogs, 18.2±5.4 years old and weighing 3rd stage (plane 2) of general anaesthesia (Thurmon et al.,
(means±SD) 17.8±3.2 kg were used in this study and the 1999).
dogs were randomly divided into 2 equal groups
(for each groups; male: 4, female: 4). There were no Postanaesthetic recovery characteristics: The trachea
significant differences between groups with respect to was extubated when a regular spontaneous breathing
sex, age or body mass. Anaesthesia theatre temperature pattern had been reestablished and then all dogs
was kept at between 18-22°C and humidity, 60-65%. Food, observed in the Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) for
but not water, was withheld for at least 12 h before the the next 3 h and the animal care unit for 1 day. Time to
start of the anaesthesia protocols. reaching a Postanaesthetic Recovery Scores (PARS)
including time to extubation, time to standing, time to
Induction and inhalation anaesthesia procedures: reaching sternal recumbency, time to return of head
Anaesthetic protocols were designed as midazolam + control, tongue control, eye opening and absence of anal
thiopental + desflurane (DES group) and midazolam + reflex and adverse effects during the recovery period such
thiopental + isoflurane (ISO group). Ten minutes prior to as presence or absence of vomiting, coughing and
induction of anaesthesia, the dogs received atropine excitation were recorded. Time to extubation was
sulphate (Atropan® 2 mg mLG1; Vetas, Istanbul, Turkey) measured from time interval between the disconnection of
at the dose rate of 0.04 mg kgG1 intramuscularly to control the volatile anaesthetic maintenance and the removal of
salivation and then an intravenous catheter was placed the endotracheal tube. Time to sternal recumbency was
in the cephalic vein to infuse Lactated Ringer’s solution recorded from time in minutes from time to extubation until
(Eczacibasi-Baxter, Istanbul, Turkey) at the rate of voluntary return to sternal recumbency. Time to standing
10 mL kgG1hG1. Anaesthesia was induced with 0.3 mg kgG1 were also recorded from time in minutes from time to
midazolam (Dormicum® 5 mg mLG1, Roche, Istanbul, extubation to stand up.
Turkey) and 10 mg kgG1 thiopental (Pentotal Sodyum®
0, 5 g, Abbott, Istanbul, Turkey) intravenously (1/3; with Cardiopulmonary responses: Heart Rate (HR, beats
rapid infusion, its remainder; slow infusion) in all animals. minG1), Respiration Rate (RR, beats minG ),1 arterial
No supplement dosages were administered thereafter. The oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SpO2, %) and rectal
dogs were positioned in left lateral recumbency during temperature (°C) of all animals in this experiment were
anaesthesia. Following endotracheal intubation with a monitored at baseline, 20 (induction), 50, 70 and 90 min
cuffed tube, a semi-closed circle rebreathing anaesthesia (anaesthesia maintenance) and then 1 h after and one day
system was connected to the endotracheal tube and the after, respectively. Respiration rates (RR, beats minG1)
animals were delivered 100% oxygen. The initial vaporizer were evaluated with auscultation of lungs and rectal
settings were started with 1.5% isoflurane or 8.0% temperatures were measured using a digital thermometer.
desflurane in oxygen (3 L minG1) for induction of inhalant Heat lamps were used to maintain rectal temperature at
anaesthetics and anaesthesia maintenance was continued approximately 38°C during anaesthesia. Heart Rate
for 70 min with 7.2% desflurane (Suprane®, Baxter, (HR, beats minG1) and SpO2 (%) were monitorised using a
Munich, Germany) or 1.3% isoflurane (Aerrane®, Baxter, pulse oximeter (Criticare 504DX Pulse Oximeter,
Illinois, USA). Carbon dioxide was removed from the Waukesha, USA), which was noninvasively placed
circuit using soda lime. At the end of anaesthesia on ears.

J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8 (2): 350-357, 2009

Evaluating hepatic and renal functions: Venous blood group (Fig. 1, p<0.01). In desflurane group, more coughing
samples were taken at baseline, 20 (induction), 50 and (in 4 of 8 cases) was experienced immediately after
90 min (anaesthesia maintenance) and then 1 h after and extubation when compared to isoflurane (in 1 of 8 cases).
1 day after, respectively. Serum was separated by
centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 5 min, collected into a Postanaesthetic recovery findings: Emergence from
microfuge tube. The obtained serum samples were anaesthesia was generally smooth and also vomiting was
evaluated on the same day. Serum Alanine not seen in any cases. Time to reaching a PARS such as
Aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate Aminotransferase time to extubation, time to standing, time to reaching
(AST), (-Glutamyl-Transferase (GGT), Blood Urea sternal recumbency, time to return of head control, tongue
Nitrogen (BUN), Total bilirubin (Tbil) and Creatinine (Cr) control, eye opening and absence of anal reflex were
levels were measured using Teco diagnostic kits in an presented in Fig. 1. PARS times were found shorter in
autoanalyser (Autolab, Analyzer Medical System, Roma, desflurane group than isoflurane group. The differences
Italia) for 2 groups.
of time to standing, time to reaching sternal recumbency,
eye opening and time to extubation between desflurane
Statistical analysis: Data are reported as means±standard
and isoflurane group after anaesthesia were statistically
deviation. Statistical evaluations were accomplished
significant (Fig. 1, p<0.05). The dogs in desflurane group
with the standard statistical software (SPSS version 13,
stood up in shorter time with less excitation than those of
Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were tested for
normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Data were isoflurane.
analysed with repeated measures ANOVA for the time
effect in each group; when indicated, a Bonferroni’s Cardiopulmonary responses: The changes of heart rate,
correction was performed for post hoc comparisons. The respiration rate and arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation
differences between groups at each time point were (SpO2) measurements in the groups and the statistical
evaluated with use independent t-test. Differences were differences between the groups were presented in
considered significant when p<0.05. Table 1. The heart rate of animals in both groups
increased at induction and maintenance of anaesthesia
RESULTS (p<0.005). The respiration rate significantly decreased at
induction and maintenance of anaesthesia in both groups
Induction and inhalation anaesthesia findings: The (p<0.05). The level of SpO2 significantly decreased at
induction of anaesthesia with midazolam and thiopental induction of anaesthesia with thiopental (p<0.05) and
was rapid and smooth and endotracheal tubes were slightly non-significantly increased during anaesthesia in
inserted without any trouble in all dogs. Induction of the each group. During and after anaesthesia, the differences
inhalation anaesthesia was generally smooth, apart from of respiration rate and SpO2 between desflurane and
airway irritation was observed in 2 animals in the isoflurane groups were not found significant, but the
desflurane group. The times of the inhalation induction increases of the heart rate in desflurane group were found
were found shorter in desflurane group than isoflurane significantly higher than isoflurane group (p<0.05).

Fig. 1: Mean times to reaching Postanaesthetic Recovery Score (PARS) and inhalation induction times in dogs. Data are
expressed as mean±SD; *p<0.05 versus the desflurane group, **p<0.01 versus the desflurane group

J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8 (2): 350-357, 2009

Table 1: Cardiopulmonary parameters before, during and after Desflurane (DES) and Isoflurane (ISO) anaesthesia in dogs
Before Induction and inhalation anaesthesia maintenance (min) After anaesthesia
anaesthesia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Parameters baseline 20th 30th 50th 70th 90th 1 h after 24 h
HR (Beats minG1)
DES 101±15 190±35§ 168±26§ 146±29*† 148±30†* 153±33†* 127±23** 102±18
ISO 88±15 160±27§ 147±32§ 122±19 116±15 112±14 94±15 92±13
RR (Beats minG1)
DES 30.8±9.8 30.1±21 19.5±7.8 14.2±7.8† 15.9±5.5 18.0±4.9 28.6±12 29.7±9.7
ISO 31.6±9.6 28.0±11 20.8±8.5 15.6±6.3† 15.8±4.7 17.6±4.7 33.8±8.1 21.4±3.1
SpO2 (%)
DES 96.8±1.6 92.1±2.1† 96.1±3.3 97.2±1.7 97.8±1.8 97.9±1.3 95.7±2.5 96.5±1.7
ISO 95.9±2.1 90.3±1.6† 97.8±3.1 97.4±1.5 98.2±1.5 97.8±1.3 95.3±2.3 95.8±2.7
HR: Heart Rate, RR: Respiration Rate; SpO2: arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation; Data are expressed as mean±SD; †: p<0.05 compared with before anaesthesia
the measurements in the group; §: p<0.005 compared with before anaesthesia the measurements in the group; *p<0.05 versus the ISO group; **p<0.01 versus
the ISO group

Table 2: The markers of hepatic and renal functions before, during and after Desflurane (DES) and Isoflurane (ISO) anaesthesia in dogs
Before Induction and inhalation anaesthesia maintenance After anaesthesia
anaesthesia --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
baseline 20th min 50th min 90th min 1 h after 24 h
DES 41.4±23.2 35.6±22.3 32.1±29.2 24.8±12.8 41.3±23.0 34.2±25.9
ISO 37.4±12.4 34.8±12.9 35.6±10.5 32.3±12.1 46.5±22.9 46.2±18.4
DES 37.7±31.1 34.0±25.6 31.5±24.5 31.2±7.2 29.5±29.8 33.7±37.2
ISO 36.5±19.9 35.4±13.7 35.8±14.6 36.1±10.7 43.4±16.6 45.8±27.4
DES 4.1±3.5 4.2±4.2 4.1±1.2 4.0±2.0 4.3±3.1 4.3±3.7
ISO 4.2±3.0 4.3±2.4 4.4±2.8 4.3±1.5 5.1±1.1 5.5±1.4
Cr mg dLG1
DES 0.89±0.3 0.83±0.3 0.77±0.1 0.77±0.1 0.78±0.2 0.81±0.1
ISO 0.95±0.3 0.78±0.1 0.76±0.1 0.71±0.1 0.74±0.1 0.77±0.06
Tbil mg dLG1
DES 0.07±0.04 0.04±0.02 0.03±0.02 0.04±0.02 0.03±0.02 0.05±0.04
ISO 0.06±0.02 0.05±0.02 0.04±0.02 0.05±0.03 0.03±0.02 0.05±0.02
BUN mg dLG
DES 22.2±3.7 23.4±4.0 25.7±1.9 24.6±1.3 24.9±2.0 24.3±2.2
ISO 21.2±7.7 21.1±8.0 21.3±7.7 23.0±8.0 22.8±3.8 27.1±3.8
Data are expressed as mean±SD; There were no statistically significant differences between the study groups (p<0.05)

Hepatic and renal function markers: The values of ALT, (Doorley et al., 1988; Hammond et al., 1994;
AST, Cr, Tbil, BUN and GGT in groups and between Go´mez-Villamandos et al., 2006) and isoflurane
groups were presented in Table 2. In the isoflurane group, (Steffey and Howland, 1977; Steffey et al., 1994). We
ALT, AST and GGT activities non-significantly increased initially used a vaporizer anaesthetic concentration goal
1 h and one day after anaesthesia. In the desflurane of 1.5% isoflurane and 8.0% desflurane for induction of
group, these enzymes retained within normal ranges. anaesthesia. After reaching time to surgical anaesthesia
Tbil and Cr levels were non-significantly decreased within the concentrations (%) of volatile gases were reduced to
normal range during and after anaesthesia in both groups. 1.3% for isoflurane and 7.2% (1 MAC) for desflurane in
BUN levels in desflurane and isoflurane groups were non- maintenance of anaesthesia. These rates were seen
significantly increased during and after anaesthesia. adequate to maintain anaesthesia in the dogs.
Desflurane has been shown to result in a more rapid
DISCUSSION emergence and faster recovery than isoflurane in human
(Tsai et al., 1992; Smith et al., 1994; Dexter and Tinker,
The Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) of 1995; Dupont et al., 1999), rabbit (Hedenqvist et al., 2001)
desflurane and isoflurane in dogs has been reported and rats (Öztürk and Altug, 2007). Tsai et al. (1992) stated
between 7.2 and 10.3% (Doorley et al., 1988; that the quality of recovery was also felt to be better, with
Hammond et al., 1994; Go´mez-Villamandos et al., 2006) less shivering and less delirium in the desflurane patients.
and 1.28 and 1.30% (Steffey and Howland, 1977; Martin et al. (2001) also reported that dogs anaesthesized
Steffey et al., 1994), respectively. In this study, the MAC with desflurane stood up between 12.5-13.5 min, in
of both volatile anaesthetics were selected on the basis addition, Dexter and Tinker (1995) found that human
of earlier reports corresponding with desflurane patients given desflurane were discharged a mean of

J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8 (2): 350-357, 2009

4.4 min earlier than those given isoflurane. In our study, Karzai et al. (1998) showed that desflurane and
times of the inhalation induction and PARS times isoflurane decrease arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation
including time to standing, time to reaching sternal (SpO2) compared to propofol anaesthesia. Dupont et al.
recumbency, eye opening and time to extubation were (1999) found that isoflurane and desflurane provided
shorter in desflurane group than isoflurane group, similar haemodynamic effects and arterial oxygenation.
respectively as presented Fig. 1 (p<0.05). Recovery scores Weiskopf et al. (1995) reported that desflurane maintains
were also superior in the desflurane group as reported by myocardial, hepatic, intestinal and sceletal muscle blood
Martin et al. (2001). In addition, Smith et al. (1994) noticed flow, although, isoflurane decreases intestinal and skeletal
that eye opening and time to tracheal extubation were muscle blood flow in a dose dependent manner and
shorter as found in our study. The data obtained in this decreases tissue perfusion at various degrees, depending
study were consistent with the studies mentioned above. on systemic hypotension in vasculary beds in dogs.
The results may be explained by the fact that desflurane In the present study, SpO2 levels significantly (p<0.005)
has a lower blood-gas solubility coefficient than that of decreased immediately after receiving midozolam and
isoflurane (0.42 versus 1.4), indicating that induction and thiopental, but during desflurane and isoflurane
recovery from isoflurane anaesthesia is more rapid maintenance non-significantly increased SpO2 without
(Sutton et al., 1991; Clutton, 1998; Öztürk and Altug, significant difference between 2 volatile anaesthetics in
2007). To our knowledge, the present study is the first regard to arterial oxygenation. This finding was contrary
report, which compared in detail the influence of to the report by Weiskopf et al. (1995) and Karzai et al.
desflurane and isoflurane administration on recovery (1998), whereas it was consistent with research by
characteristics in dogs. Dupont et al. (1999). In this study, SpO2 was >95% during
The circulatory effects of desflurane are parallel to desflurane and isoflurane administration in all dogs. The
those of isoflurane (Weiskopf et al., 1995; Clarke et al., occurrence that isoflurane and desflurane increased
1996). As with isoflurane, if the concentration of arterial oxygenation was probably as a result of the fact
desflurane is increased rapidly to concentrations that they were delivered in oxygen.
exceeding 1 MAC, sympathetic activity and heart rate Elevated serum levels of aminotransferase and
then increase (Clarke et al., 1996). In the study, although bilirubin activity have been regarded as the gold standard
both anaesthetic agents increase heart rate, the increases for anaesthetic-related hepatic toxicity in humans
of the heart rate during desflurane were significantly (Zaleski et al., 1993; Nishiyama et al., 1998; Wissing and
higher than that of isoflurane. These findings might be an Kuhn, 2000) and animals (Bernard et al., 1990;
indication for a more depressant effect on the cardiac Topal et al., 2003). Sutton et al. (1991) and Zaleski et al.
vagal activity of desflurane in comparison with isoflurane (1993) reported that desflurane affected liver function
as reported (Picker et al., 2001). minimally or not at all in adults. In addition, Wissing and
As the other inhaled anaesthetics, desflurane causes Kuhn (2000) expressed that there was no any observed
dose-dependent respiratory depression. The magnitude toxic effect on liver of desflurane exposure. This may
of respiratory depression seems to be similar that of be related to its minimal biodegradation and the rapid
isoflurane and it is expressed in drastic decreases of elimination after anaesthesia. Nishiyama et al. (1998)
respiration rate (Clarke et al., 1996). Desflurane extremely states that isoflurane increases the levels of AST, ALT
irritates to the airways with its sympathetic stimulation and Tbil and leads to hepatic damage. Topal et al. (2003)
effects (Clarke et al., 1996), with concentrations of 6% reported that isoflurane significantly increased ALT and
or more causing coughing, breath holding and AST activities 2 days after anaesthesia and GGT activities
laryngospasm, making it unsuitable to use for inhalation significantly increased seven days after anaesthesia.
induction in both children and adults (Zwass et al., 1992). In the present study, ALT, AST and GGT levels
In this study, the levels of respiration rate significantly non-significantly increased without resulting in hepatic
decreased during anaesthesia in both groups (p<0.05). In damage in isoflurane group 1 h and one day after
the desflurane group was experienced more coughing anaesthesia. These findings were inconsistent with those
immediately, after extubation than isoflurane. It shows of Nishiyama et al. (1998) and Topal et al. (2003) results.
that isoflurane is less irritating to the airways compared On the other hand, these enzymes retained in the normal
to desflurane in dogs. These findings are consistent reference limits in desflurane group. These findings
with other reports noting that desflurane is an airway confirm that isoflurane and desflurane affect liver
irritant (Zwass et al., 1992; Clarke et al., 1996). When functions minimally and not cause hepatotoxicity in dogs.
spontaneous respiratory inspiration and expiration were The levels of ALT and AST in desflurane group were
allowed in slight anaesthesia, frequent respiration was consistent with previous human reports (Sutton et al.,
seen during the desflurane induction. This finding is 1991; Zaleski et al., 1993; Wissing and Kuhn, 2000).
similar to that reported by Clarke et al. (1996). Conversely, the findings of the present study were

J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8 (2): 350-357, 2009

inconsistent with those of Steffey et al. (2000) results, Clarke, K.W., D.Y. Song, H.I. Alibhai and Y.H. Lee, 1996.
indicating AST activity increased by desflurane in horses. Cardiopulmonary effects of desflurane in ponies,
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isoflurane, or their metabolites has not been reported in ketamine. Vet. Rec., 24: 180-185. PMID: 8873398.
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renal injury. As for hepatic function, desflurane only Dexter, F. and J.H. Tinker, 1995. Comparisons between
minimally affects renal function in human patients desflurane and isoflurane or propofol on time to
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Therefore, it may be suggested that these agents not
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CONCLUSION Recovery after anaesthesia for pulmonary surgery:
Desflurane, sevoflurane and isoflurane. Br. J.
The present study reveals 2 important results. Firstly, Anaesth., 82: 355-359. DOI: 10.1093/bja/82.3.355.
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opening and tracheal extubation in a shorter time and Eger, E.I., D.D. Koblin, T. Bowland, P. Ionescu,
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suggests that both volatile agents have similar effects on R.B. Weiskopf, 1997. Nephrotoxicity of sevoflurane
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Go´mez-Villamandos, R.J., A.E. Sa´nchez, J.M.
Domi´nguez, J.I. Redondo, E.M. Marti´n, I. Ruiz and
The authors wish to acknowledge Mustafa Kemal J.M. Santisteban, 2000. Desflurane in dogs. A clinical
University Scientific Projects Support Foundation for trial. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of
supporting this research (Project number: 02 G 0203). Veterinary Anaesthesiology. Association of
Veterinary Anaesthetists, Berne, pp: 98.
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Induction and recovery Characteristics of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane anesthesia

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Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

Original Research

Induction and Recovery Characteristics of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane

Anaesthesia for Ovariohysterectomy in Dogs

Mohammed Arif Basha K1*, Ranganath Lingappa2, B. N. Nagaraja3, C. Ansar Kamran4

and M. Narayana Swamy5
Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore-560024, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries
Sciences University (KVAFSU), Bidar, Karnataka, INDIA
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Dean, Veterinary College, Hassan
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Physiology

*Corresponding author:

Rec. Date: Dec 06, 2017 07:24

Accept Date: Feb 20, 2018 15:41
DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

A study was carried out to evaluate induction and recovery characteristics of isoflurane and sevoflurane
inhalant anaesthesia for ovariohysterectomy in young and healthy female dogs. All the animals were
premedicated with Atropine sulphate and Diazepam. Induction of anaesthesia was achieved by using
Isoflurane (5%) in group A and Sevoflurane (5%) in group B along with oxygen (1.5L/min) using close
fitting face mask with rubber diaphragm. Anaesthesia was maintained in group A and B by using
Isoflurane and Sevoflurane respectively by endotracheal intubation till effect using small animal
anaesthesia machines of rebreathing or circle system with vaporizer outside the circuit. Quantitative
parameters like average induction time, average dose volume of maintenance and average time of
reappearance of various reflexes during recovery were recorded. Quality of induction was compared by
assessing subjective parameters like degree of various reflexes and scored accordingly during surgical
plane. Also qualitative parameters during recovery phase were assessed based on video recordings
obtained during the recovery phase and were scored using simple descriptive scale (SDS) and visual
analog scale (VAS). Results indicated that Sevoflurane (group B) animals were having significantly faster
induction and recovery rates than Isoflurane (group A) which may be attributed to its least blood gas
solubility of Sevoflurane. Mean ± SE values for average maintenance dose volume (Vol %) were 3.16 ±
0.16 for group A and 2.04 ± 0.16 for group B. There was no significant difference in quality of induction
and qualitative parameters of recovery between the groups. There was no significant difference in SDS

and VAS scales between the groups and the values were within acceptable levels. Thus the quality of
recovery and analgesia in both the groups was satisfactory. We do not conclude both the agents have
significant analgesic effects though best results can be achieved with opiod analgesic pre medication. It

was concluded though induction and recovery characteristics of sevoflurane anaesthesia are faster than DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

isoflurane, both isoflurane and sevoflurane are advantageous inhalant anaesthetics in terms of ease of
administration, excellent maintenance quality and rapid and smooth recovery with minimal adverse
effects on healthy female dogs subjected for ovariohysterectomy procedure. Although sevoflurane is
associated with faster induction and recovery there is no clinical significance in usage with this finding
except sevoflurane having low pungency and airway irritation.

Key words: Anaesthesia, Dogs, Isoflurane, Induction and Recovery, Sevoflurane

How to cite: Basha, K, M, A., Lingappa, R., Nagaraja, B., Kamran, C., & Swamy, M. (2018). Induction
and Recovery Characteristics of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Ovariohysterectomy in
Dogs. International Journal of Livestock Research, 8(7), 122-130. doi: 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Isoflurane is a highly stable, non-explosive, potent volatile inhalation anaesthetic. Isoflurane is more
potent with the MAC value of 1.31 in dogs but low blood gas solubility of 1.40 at 37oC (Mutoh et al.,
1995). Similar to other anaesthetics isoflurane causes hypothermia, dose dependent respiratory and
cardiovascular depression (Meyer et al., 1984). Isoflurane is a popular anaesthetic agent in veterinary
practice because of its cardiovascular stability, low blood solubility, resistance to hepatic metabolism and
more of patient safety (Mutoh et al., 2001).
Sevoflurane is a non-inflammable halogenated inhalant anaesthetic with a MAC of 2.36 in dogs and
blood gas partition coefficient of 0.68, since it has fluorine atoms only, it is more stable and less soluble
in blood than isoflurane and hence sevoflurane possesses chemical properties that should produce more
rapid induction of anaesthesia in comparison to halothane or isoflurane. Sevoflurane appears to have
some advantages over isoflurane, including faster and smoother mask induction (Johnson et al., 1998).
Similar to isoflurane, sevoflurane also causes similar dose related cardiovascular depression, but less at
higher exponent anaesthetic doses and also much safer on hepatic function than halothane anaesthesia in
dogs (Galloway et al., 2004). Sevoflurane produces anaesthesia of excellent quality, undergo limited
biotransformation and has little or no systemic toxicity (Holaday et al., 1981). Concentrations of
compound A, a degradation product of sevoflurane with sodalime in anaesthetic circuits was less than
reported values to produce renal toxicosis in rats (Muir and Gadawski, 1998). In the view of above facts,
a comparative study on isoflurane and sevoflurane anaesthesia in dogs was carried out to study the
efficacy of isoflurane and sevoflurane as inhalant anaesthetics in dogs and to evaluate and compare two
anesthetics in terms of induction, duration of surgical anaesthesia and recovery patterns.

Materials and Methods


The study was conducted on 12 clinical cases of young female dogs, which were presented for

ovariohysterectomy to Department of Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College Hospital, Bangalore. DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

Dogs were randomly divided into two groups viz., Group A (Isoflurane) and Group B (Sevoflurane)
comprising six dogs each. The animals were administered with atropine sulphate 0.04 mg/kg i/m and
diazepam 1mg/kg i/v, at 30 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively prior to induction with inhalant
anaesthesia and animals were not disturbed for at least 15 minutes from the point of administration of
atropine sulphate. Twenty minutes after premedication with diazepam, anaesthesia was induced with
isoflurane (for Group A) and sevoflurane (Group B) using close fitting face mask with rubber diaphragm
with maximum vaporizer settings available for both i.e. 5%. Dogs were pre oxygenated for 2 minutes
before induction using close fitting face mask.
Isoflurane (SOSRANE, Metrex Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai) in group A and Sevoflurane
(SEVORANE, Abbott India Ltd., Mumbai) in group B were administered in combination with oxygen
(1.5 L/min) during induction as well as maintenance of anaesthesia. Surgivet small animal anaesthesia
machines (Smith Medical PM. Inc., Veterinary Division, Wisconsin, USA) of rebreathing or circle system
with vaporizer outside the circuit for isoflurane and sevoflurane were used for the study. The dose for
induction of anaesthesia was calculated on the basis of total time required by an animal to attain the plane
of surgical anaesthesia, which was marked by absence of pedal reflex, ventromedial deviation of eyeball
and deep abdominal breathing with decrease in respiratory rate. The time required for induction, average
maintenance dose volume of inhalant anaesthesia, duration of surgery and recovery parameters were
recorded. Ovariohysterectomy procedure was carried out in all the female dogs for an average time of
(Mean ± SE minutes) in both the groups. Average maintenance dose volume of anaesthesia (Vol %) of
inhalant anaesthetic required to maintain surgical plane of anaesthesia was calculated by monitoring the
reappearance of pedal reflex and central upward movement of eyeball from state of ventromedial
deviation and finally through mathematical formula as summation of time in minutes multiplied by
respective vaporizer setting of maintenance divided by total time of maintenance in minutes. Surgical
plane of anaesthesia was marked as the duration of anaesthesia between abolition of pedal reflex and
completion of surgical procedure. Completion of surgery was marked as point of completion of last skin
Assessment of subjective parameters for various reflexes during surgical plane for quality of induction
was done and graded as following. Salivation was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1
(sluggish) and score 2 (absent). Vomition was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1
(sluggish) and score 2 (absent). Skeletal muscle relaxation was graded from scale of 1 to 2, with score 1
(good) and score 2 (moderate). Jaw relaxation was graded from scale of 1 to 2, with score 1 (moderate)

and score 2 (good). Anal relaxation was graded from scale of 1 to 2, with score 1 (moderate) and score 2
(good). Palpebral reflex was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1 (sluggish) and score 2

(absent). Pupillary reflex was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1 (sluggish) and score 2 DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

(absent). Pain pick reflex (flank region) was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1
(sluggish) and score 2 (absent). Tail prick reflex was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score
1 (sluggish) and score 2 (absent). Pinna reflex was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score 1
(sluggish) and score 2 (absent). Position of eyeball was graded from scale of 1 to 2, with score 1 (centre)
and score 2 (ventromedial). Cutaneous analgesia was graded on 0 to 2 scale, with score 0 (present), score
1 (sluggish) and score 2 (absent).
At the end of the surgery, marked by placing of the last skin suture, the vaporizer was set off and the
animals were allowed to breathe fresh oxygen for three additional minutes. Animals were shifted to
recovery room and video recording was performed to study the qualitative (non-interactive) and
quantitative recovery parameters. During recovery period, dogs were left undisturbed until they were able
to stand up and walk on their own. The point at which the animal stood up was the last piece of data
recorded for qualitative parameters for recovery phase of inhalation anaesthesia. Quantitative parameters
like the average time for return of swallowing reflex, pedal reflex, head righting reflex, time taken for
voluntary leg movement, time taken for sternal recumbency and time taken for animal to ambulate after
cessation of anaesthesia during recovery period were recorded. Qualitative parameters during recovery
phase were assessed directly on observations and later based on video recordings obtained during
recovery phase by three different observers starting directly after extubation till the time animal walked
unassisted. Recovery was scored based on simple descriptive scale (SDS) of 0-4 and visual analogue
scale (VAS) defined one extreme at 0 mm as perfect recovery whilst the other end 100 mm was defined
as worst recovery imaginable as described in Table 1.

Table 1: Comparative mean ± SE values of different parameters recorded during study period in Group A
(Isoflurane) and Group B (Sevoflurane) dogs
S. No. Parameters (minutes) Group A Group B
1 Time taken for induction (min) 7.16 ± 0.21 6.01 ± 0.11*
2 Duration of anaesthesia for surgical procedure (min) 35.33 ± 1.58 32.00 ±0.66
3 Average maintenance volume of anaesthesia for group (Volume %) 3.16 ± 0.16 2.04 ± 0.16*
4 Time taken for regain of swallowing reflex from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 3.33 ± 0.05 1.98 ± 0.09*
5 Time of return of pedal reflex from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 6.04 ± 0.10 3.19 ± 0.04*
6 Time of head righting reflex from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 7.33 ± 0.04 3.94 ± 0.12*
7 Time taken for voluntary leg movement from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 7.88 ± 0.13 4.38 ± 0.05*
8 Time taken for sternal recumbency from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 11.83 ± 0.50 5.54 ± 0.10*
9 Time taken for attempt to stand from the point of termination of anaesthesia (min) 17.87 ± 0.13 8.69 ± 0.12*
*Significant (p<0.05)

The quality of recovery was considered unacceptable (SDS score 4 and VAS > 70 mm). Medication for

post operative analgesia as butorphanol 0.2 mg/kg IV was administered in all cases immediately after

animal walked unassisted. Recovery parameters as start position (starting position of the body), position DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

change (change of body position), end position (last position of body before attaining a recumbency or
standing procedure), head position, ear position, eyeball position, tail carriage, vocalizations and others
(arched back, stretching, rigid back, licking of snout and drawing legs up) were observed.
Statistical Analysis
The data was analyzed for statistical significance using computer based statistical program Graph pad
prism and interpreted as per the procedure described by Snedecor and Cochran (1996) to arrive at a
conclusion. The mean and standard error for all the data were computed. The variations during and after
anaesthesia at different time intervals for both within and between treatments were analyzed by single
tailed unpaired ‘t’ test. The test of significance was fixed at five per cent for all the comparisons (p≤0.05).
The subjective data generated from the scoring were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test (Snedecor and
Cochran, 1996). In each analysis, the differences were considered significant at a value of p<0.05 and
very significant at a value of p<0.01.

Quantitative parameters observed during recovery phase are as indicated in (Table 1, Fig.1).


Induction Time of Inhalation Anaesthesia

The mean duration to attain optimal level of induction for isoflurane anaesthesia (Group A) was 7.16 ±

0.21 minutes and for sevoflurane anaesthesia (Group B) was 6.01 ± 0.11 minutes. In group A dogs, time DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

taken for induction was significantly longer compared to group B however, animals in group A showed
resistance during initial uptake of mask induction of isoflurane.

Average Maintenance Dose Volume (Vol%)

Average maintenance dose volume of isoflurane Group A (Isoflurane) and Group B (Sevoflurane)
anaesthesia required during ovariohysterectomy were 3.16 ± 0.16 and 2.04 ± 0.16 (Vol %), respectively.
The values were significantly higher in Group A animals.

Assessment of Subjective Parameters for Various Reflexes during Surgical Plane for Quality of
There was no significant difference with the scoring system in monitoring of various reflexes during
surgical plane of anaesthesia between groups.

Quantitative Values of Regaining of Reflexes during Recovery

In Group A animals the duration of return of swallowing reflex, head righting reflex, voluntary leg
movement attainment of sternal recumbency and duration of animals to ambulate were significantly faster
in group B animals compared to Group A animals (Table 1).

Qualitative Parameters Recorded During Recovery

In group A animals, recovery phase was relatively a smooth transition from anaesthesia to the state of full
consciousness. No struggling, tremors or other unconscious movements were found except for one
instance of slight pedaling. Vocalization was observed in one case. Moderate attempts of licking of snout,
licking of floor, legs and bandage were evident but at lesser frequency. In group B animals, also recovery
was relatively much smoother and rapid than the group A. No struggling, pedaling, tremors or other
unconscious movements were observed. Very few attempts of licking of snout, licking of floor, legs and
bandage were seen. Three observers each (P, Q and R) were assigned to score SDS and VAS scales for
the evaluation of quality of recovery. There were no significant differences between groups for SDS and
VAS scores for quality of recovery for any of the observers (Table 2).

Time of induction of inhalation anaesthesia: During mask induction, average time taken for mask
induction in group B animals was significantly faster than that of group A animals. Similar findings were
observed by Johnson et al. (1998) and Jadon et al. (2008) while Mutoh et al. (1995) and Pottie et al.
(2008) found no significant difference in speed of induction between these two inhalant agents. This

could be due to the special chemical properties of sevoflurane viz., low blood gas partition coefficient that
produces rapid increase in alveolar anaesthestic concentration (Kubota, 1992). Faster mask induction of

anaesthesia is advantageous in point of view of minimal struggling, minimizing likelihood of aspiration of DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

stomach contents and rapid access to intubation and airway maintenance. Resistance to initial uptake of
isoflurane in Group A may be due to its pungent odour. Sloan et al. (1999) found similar induction times
in human patients receiving isoflurane and sevoflurane in single-breath induction. However, coughing
occurred more frequently in patients receiving isoflurane and patients receiving sevoflurane had fewer
complications. The maximal vaporizer settings used in this study of 5% in both the groups corresponds to
3.8 MAC and 2.1 times MAC for isoflurane and sevoflurane respectively (Steffy and Mama, 2007).

Table 2: Quality of recovery as assessed with SDS (Simple descriptive scale) and VAS (Visual analog
Scale) by observers P, Q and R in Group A (Isoflurane) and Group B (Sevoflurane) dogs
Group A Group B P value
Observer P 2.333 1.5 0.06
Observer Q 2 1.5 0.17
Observer R 2.167 1.667 0.29
VAS in mm
Observer P 34.67 32 0.55
Observer Q 32.67 27.67 0.21
Observer R 39.83 34.67 0.17
*Significant (p<0.05)

Average Maintenance Dose Volume (Vol%)

The average maintenance volume of anaesthesia for group A (isoflurane) and group B (sevoflurane)
animals were 3.16 ± 0.16 and 2.04 ± 0.16 (Vol%), respectively. Surgical anaesthesia is normally achieved
at 1.5 times of MAC. With sevoflurane having higher MAC value, group B dogs should have consumed
more anaesthetic agent with higher vaporizer settings theoretically when fresh gas flow rate being the
same in both the groups. This significant difference in average maintenance dose volume between group
A and B animals may be attributed to resistance offered by group A animals during mask induction and
partial loss of anaesthetic gas at face mask junction, thus consuming higher maintenance dose via
endotracheal intubation during maintenance than group B animals. Values obtained during present study
were lower in overall may be because of usage of rebreathing or circle system in this study. Jadon et al.
(2008) used 3 % isoflurane and 2.5 % sevoflurane for maintenance.

Assessment of Subjective Parameters for Various Reflexes during Surgical Plane for Quality of
Animals in both the groups had rapid transition from consciousness to anaesthesia with minimal
resistance in terms of movement, sufficient muscle relaxation, good jaw relaxation, sufficient cutaneous

analgesia and negative tail clamp reflex with no significant difference between groups in scoring system.
Similarly Pottie et al. (2008) did not find any significant difference in quality of induction in both the
Page DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

agents. Johnson et al. (1998) reported sevoflurane was associated significantly better quality of induction
compared to isoflurane.
Quantitative Parameters Observed During Recovery Phase (Table 1, Fig.1)
In group B animals the regaining of reflexes was significantly faster than group A animals. Quick
recovery from anaesthesia in Isoflurane can be attributed to the low solubility of the isoflurane which
facilitated fast elimination from the body. Significantly faster recovery in Group B could be due to least
blood gas solubility of sevoflurane. Johnson et al. (1998) did not find any significant difference in
recovery parameters using isoflurane and sevoflurane in adult dogs.

Qualitative Parameters Recorded During Recovery (Table 2)

In terms of qualitative characteristics there was no significant difference in SDS and VAS scales between
groups. Thus the quality of recovery and analgesia in both the groups was satisfactory and within
acceptable levels. We do not conclude both the agents have significant analgesic effects though best
results can be achieved with opiod analgesic pre medication. Group B animals had non significantly
lower values in SDS and VAS with smoother recovery and limited movements. Hence group B animals
seem to have slightly better recovery quality. Love et al. (2007) found subjectively better quality of
recovery in dogs that received sevoflurane than in those that received isoflurane, also did not found any
much difference in time to recover. Johnson et al. (1998) opined recovery quality in usage of isoflurane
and sevoflurane in adult dogs is comparable. Sloan et al. (1996) used isoflurane and sevoflurane for
human patients for single-breath induction with nitrous oxide and oxygen mixture and found patients
receiving sevoflurane were less clumsy and less confused but had higher pain scores. Further they also
opined sevoflurane is more suitable than isoflurane in single breath-induction, because it produces
smoother induction and lower incidence of complications and better patient acceptance.
Speed of anaesthesia induction with inhalant anaesthetics is determined by the agent’s blood solubility,
airway irritation, alveolar concentration and rate of which the concentration is achieved (a function of
cardiac output, alveolar ventilation, regional distribution and inspired anaesthestic concentration).
Anaesthesia recovery depends not only on blood:gas solubility, but on alveolar ventilation, cardiac output
and venous-to-alveolar anaesthestic partial pressure differences (Eger, 1974). However speed of recovery
and quality of recovery must be considered as separate criteria for assessment of recovery. Further rapid
recovery may not be always indicative of better quality of recovery. But considering limited movements,
number of attempts made to stand, degree of ataxia and limited vocalizations during recovery period

sevoflurane may be having slight advantage. Although sevoflurane is associated with faster induction and
recovery there is no clinical significance in usage with this finding except sevoflurane having low

pungency and airway irritation. DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

Vol 8 (07) Jul ’18
International Journal of Livestock Research eISSN : 2277-1964 NAAS Score -5.36

In conclusion, though induction and recovery characteristics of sevoflurane anaesthesia are faster than
isoflurane, both isoflurane and sevoflurane are advantageous inhalant anaesthetics in terms of ease of
administration during induction, excellent maintenance quality with rapid and smooth recovery without
any significant adverse effects on healthy female dogs subjected for ovariohysterectomy procedure.

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Page DOI 10.5455/ijlr.20171206072401

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Inhalation anesthetics: a review

Department of Anesthesiology, S. Raffaele University, Milan, Italy

Inhalation agents represent a basic drug used in modern balanced anesthesia. In the present review, the pharmacoki-
netics, effectiveness and clinical effects of inhalation agents on different systems are discussed. Data concerning the metab-
olism and related toxicity of halogenated agents is reviewed, with particular regard to the problem of chronic exposure
to traces of anesthetic gases in the operating room. The cardioprotective effect of halogenated agents and the actual role
of nitrous oxide and xenon are discussed. The different mechanisms of action of the inhalation agents and the evolu-
tion from a unitary theory of inhaled anesthetics to a multiple mechanism concept are presented.
(Minerva Anestesiol 2010;76:215-28)
Key words: Anesthetics, inhalation - Pharmacokinetics - Anesthetics.

T he demonstration of the anesthetic proper-

ties of diethyl ether by William Morton in
1846 was one of the most significant discoveries in
safer inhalation anesthetic. Enflurane was synthe-
sized in 1963, while its isomer isoflurane was syn-
thesized in 1965. The clinical introduction of
medical science. Thereafter, many other anesthet- isoflurane was delayed due to its very difficult
ics, including nitrous oxide, chloroform, ethyl- chemical synthesis. Enflurane was introduced in
ene, cyclopropane, trichloroethylene and divinyl clinical practice; however, several years later, when
ether were introduced into clinical practice. isoflurane was approved for clinical use, this agent
Unfortunately, some of these anesthetics were was preferred given its lower solubility and high-
explosive or toxic and have since been discontin- er potency.
ued for clinical use. Sevoflurane and desflurane were developed in
In the 1950s, fluroxene, the first fluorinated the late 1960s and tested in clinical practice much
agent, was tested in clinical trials; however, the later. Sevoflurane was not immediately introduced
drug was withdrawn in 1974 when toxic effects to the USA because of its fluorine release and its
were observed.1 reaction with absorbed carbon dioxide. A large
In 1957, halothane, a halogenated hydrocar- clinical trial of sevoflurane was performed in Japan,
bon, was tested in clinical practice and successful- where this agent was approved for clinical use only
ly applied for surgical anesthesia.2 In 1960, a new in the 1990s.3 In 1995, sevoflurane was approved
halogenated ether, methoxyflurane, was discov- in the USA for clinical use. After several years of
ered, but its clinical application lasted a very short clinical application, no renal failure was observed,
time. Prolonged methoxyflurane anesthesia was and appropriate studies on compound A did not
frequently associated with nephrotoxicity due to show any renal effects in humans.
inorganic fluoride production from its biodegra- Desflurane is largely appreciated for its high
dation. Simultaneously, rare cases of fatal hepati- stability. Less than 0.02% of desflurane is metab-
tis caused by halothane focused the search on a olized, thus, plasma fluorine levels are very low.



TABLE I.— Preoperative status and risk factors of 132 patients undergoing reoperative CABG off pump (OP) or with cardiopul-
monary bypass (CPB).
Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane Desflurane Sevoflurane Nitrous


Molecular 197.54 184.54 184.5 168.04 200.05 44.02
Boiling 49-51 56.54 48.5 22.84 58.64 -88.54-
°C (at 760

Liquid 1.86 1.52 1.50 1.50 1.53

(25 °C/4 °C)

(mmHg at 2884,3 2184,3 295,3 79844 197,3 44.84
24/25 °C)
(mmHg at 2434,3 1754,3 238,3 66944 157,3 39.84
20 °C)

Blood/gas 2.35 1.91 1.44 0.42 0.63 0.47


The very low solubility of desflurane allows for a Desflurane vapor flows from the heated sump in
surprisingly rapid emergence from anesthesia. parallel to the fresh gas line through two variable
Today, nitrous oxide has a controversial role in resistances. One resistance is controlled by the dial
anesthesia, and its contribution to modern bal- setting, while the second resistance is controlled
anced anesthesia will be discussed later on. by a differential transducer that regulates the pres-
All halogenated anesthetics are very powerful. sures of both desflurane and fresh gas flow.
Their therapeutic index ranges from two to four, Nitrous oxide at ambient pressures and tem-
and their use requires knowledge of their physi- peratures exists in a gaseous phase and can be deliv-
co-chemical properties, pharmacokinetics and ered through a flow meter.
pharmacological effects on different system to pre- In Table I, the solubility of inhalation anes-
vent side effects. thetics is represented by the blood/gas partition
coefficient (λ), i.e., the ratio of the concentra-
Chemical and physical properties tions of two phases (blood and gas) when their
partial pressures are in equilibrium. At the same
The structure of inhalation anesthetics and their alveolar concentration, the higher the blood/gas
physico-chemical properties are shown in Table I. partition coefficient, the higher the anesthetic
With the exception of desflurane, the partial concentration in the blood. The solubility of an
pressure of isoflurane and sevoflurane at ambient anesthetic in tissue differs from its solubility in the
temperatures is sufficient to obtain an adequate blood, which is due to their lipid affinity. All
concentration for clinical use with conventional inhalation anesthetics are very soluble in fatty
by-pass vaporizers. The high partial pressure of tissues and less soluble in other tissues. Solubility
desflurane (700 mmHg at ambient temperature) in the blood increases as body temperature
requires the development of a particular vaporiz- decreases, while hemodilution reduces blood sol-
er. In this vaporizer, desflurane is heated in the ubility.4 Solubility plays a fundamental role in
sump to obtain a vapor pressure of 1400 mmHg. the kinetics of the agents.



1 1

0.8 Sevoflurane N2O

Isoflurane 0.1 Isoflurane




0 0.001
0 10 20 30 0 60 120
Minutes of administration Minutes of elimination
Figure 1.—Uptake and elimination of inhaled anesthetics. From Yasuda et al.6 Courtesy of the Editor.

Uptake, distribution and elimination physiological parameters are constant the increase
in FA/FI depends on the solubility of the anes-
Factors contributing to the uptake, distribu- thetic. The lower the anesthetic solubility the faster
tion and elimination of inhaled anesthetics have the equilibration between FA and FI.
been extensively studied and described by Eger.5 Figure 1 shows the wash-in and wash-out curves
This complex process has been investigated using of different anesthetics.6 Nitrous oxide, with a
mathematical, electrical analogues or by comput- greater solubility than desflurane, has more rapid
er simulation. The different models of uptake and kinetics than desflurane. This effect depends on
distribution include tissues with different capac- the inspired concentration of nitrous oxide (70%)
ity (volume x λ tissue/blood) and with different region- versus 2% of desflurane. A high inspired concen-
al blood flow. tration determines a faster increase in alveolar con-
These models, although not perfect, allow cli- centration, which is defined as a “concentration
nicians to predict the effects of changes in physi- effect”.7 FA/FI increases more rapidly when ven-
ological parameters or the physico-chemical prop- tilation is increased with the most soluble anes-
erties of the anesthetic on uptake, distribution and thetics, while this effect is limited for low solubil-
elimination of these drugs. ity agents. An increase in cardiac output reduces the
In humans, the ratio between the alveolar and rate of rise of FA/FI of high solubility agents.5
inspired concentration (FA/FI) is used to repre- In obese patients, the wash-in and wash-out
sent the equilibrium between body tissues and curves are faster with sevoflurane than with isoflu-
inspired concentration. The rate of rise of FA/FI rane.8 However, in obese patients, these kinetics are
depends on many factors: the blood and tissue sol- slightly affected by low solubility agents, such as
ubility of the anesthetic, the functional residual desflurane or sevoflurane, when compared to nor-
capacity, alveolar ventilation, cardiac output, mal patients.9 On the contrary, in obese patients,
regional blood flows and tissue capacity. When all anesthetic uptake is increased. Consequently, to



maintain a constant end-tidal concentration of Anesthetic potency

anesthetic, the inspired concentration must be
increased.9 In 1965, Eger et al.14 introduced the concept of
In normal subjects, the uptake of inhaled anes- anesthetic equipotency, which was defined as the
thetics is very high in the first minutes and declines minimum alveolar concentration of anesthetic
rapidly afterwards; after 20 minutes, as tissues with (MAC) preventing movement to surgical stimula-
low capacity and high flow rate reach the equilib- tion in 50% of subjects. In all studies concerning the
rium, the uptake may be considered constant.10 determination of MAC, the alveolar concentration
Elimination of inhaled anesthetics from the was held constant for at least 15 minutes before sur-
body is usually defined by the decrease in alveolar gical stimulation to obtain an equilibrium between
concentration relative to the last alveolar concen- alveolar and brain partial pressure. The MAC val-
tration determined at the end of anesthesia ues are shown in Table II. MAC for nitrous oxide is
104%, a value which was determined in hyperbar-
(FA/FAo) (Figure 1). The lower the anesthetic sol-
ic conditions.15 Since its introduction from the
ubility, the faster the decrease in FA/FAo and the
experimental arena, MAC has been used in many
shorter the recovery time. Desflurane elimination
clinical studies to compare the effects of different
and recovery time are more rapid when compared
inhaled agents on physiological parameters.
to other inhalation agents. Prolonged anesthesia
Of the factors that may affect the value of MAC
(eight hours or more) increases the recovery time (e.g., hypothermia, extreme hypoxia, acidosis,
from very soluble agents, an effect that is limited hypotension and pregnancy), opioids and patient
for low solubility anesthetics, particularly for des- age play a relevant role.18, 31, 32 Benzodiazepines
flurane.11 and barbiturates result in a limited reduction of
The elimination of inhalation anesthetics may MAC. Acute alcohol intoxication reduces MAC,
also be expressed by their pulmonary clearance.12 whereas chronic intake of alcohol or sedatives
This parameter represents the amount of mixed- increases MAC.33 For a large number of inhala-
venous blood cleared by the anesthetic in one tion agents, their association with nitrous oxide
minute. The pulmonary clearance depends on is additive,34, 35 i.e., the reduction of halogenated
alveolar ventilation, cardiac output and blood MAC approximately corresponds to the inspired
solubility. At normal values of alveolar ventila- fraction of nitrous oxide.
tion and cardiac output, the pulmonary clear- From the clinical introduction of neuromuscu-
ance of desflurane, nitrous oxide, sevoflurane and lar blocking agents and intravenous opioids, the
isoflurane are 3.5, 3.1, 2.8 and 1.8 L/min, respec- clinical signs of general anesthesia were unreliable
tively. in assessing the level of anesthesia. For this reason,
During clinical anesthesia, the rate at which the MAC was regarded as a possible approach for deter-
inspired anesthetic concentration rises towards the mining the level of surgical anesthesia. Consequently,
concentration delivered by the vaporizer is depend- different types of MAC were proposed.
ent on the breathing system and on the amount of Because MAC represents the end tidal concen-
fresh gas flowing into the system. When the patient tration of anesthetic determining immobility to
breathes in a non-rebreathing system, the inspired surgical stimulation in only 50% of patients, de
concentration is constant, and the rate of rise of the Jong and Eger 36 proposed an Extended MAC (i.e.,
anesthetic alveolar concentration is more rapid MAC 95%) that approximately corresponds to
than it would be in a circular system. During anes- 1.3 MAC (Table II).
thetic uptake in a circular system, the inspired MAC awake (MACaw) 37 represents the mini-
concentration of anesthetic is less than that deliv- mum alveolar concentration of inhalation agent
ered from the vaporizer. In the first phase of anes- that inhibits responses to verbal command in 50%
thesia, when the anesthetic uptake is very high, of patients.
the slow increase in FA/FI should be compensat- MAC-BAR, which was proposed by Roizen et
ed for by an increase in the delivered anesthetic al.,28 represents the minimum alveolar concentra-
concentration and fresh gas flow, as proposed by tion of anesthetic required to block the autonom-
Hendrickx 13, with simple methods. ic response to surgical stimulation in 50% or 95%



TABLE II.—Different MAC values determined in oxygen. The MAC BAR values have been determined in oxygen/nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane Sevoflurane Desflurane

MAC50 104 15 0.78 16 1.68 17 1.14 30 2.05 18 6.0 19

MAC awake 64 21 0.41 20 0.49 21 0.62 22 2.42 23
MAC95 0.90 24 1.88 24 1.63 24
MACEI (50) 1.46 25 3.23 26 3.35 27
MAC-BAR(50) 1.45 28 1.60 28 , 391.48 29, 39 2.52 18 7.8 29

of patients. Its value is higher than the MACaw EEG. During light anesthesia, the voltage of the
and MAC, allowing for control of memory, move- EEG increases, and its frequency decreases. As the
ments and autonomic responses. anesthetic concentration increases and anesthesia
The alveolar concentration corresponding to level becomes deeper, the EEG activity decreases.
MAC-BAR50 and particularly MAC BAR95 may Desflurane and isoflurane do not produce epilep-
determine severe cardiovascular depression in tic activity, while enflurane may increase epileptic
patients. For this reason, anesthesia is usually waves.40 Data concerning sevoflurane remain con-
obtained by combining halogenated agents with troversial. Convulsions in patients with intractable
opioids or nitrous oxide in clinical practice. epilepsy may be suppressed by isoflurane and
In 1999, Katoh et al.18 studied the effects of sevoflurane.41
nitrous oxide and fentanyl on different values of In normal subjects, cerebral flow is auto-regu-
MAC, and the results are shown in Figure 2. The lated and coupled to cerebral metabolic rate. All
results of this study can be summarized as follows: inhalation agents decrease cerebral metabolic rate
1. all points of each relationship shown in Figure and oxygen consumption. The extent to which
2 are equivalent in terms of anesthetic potency, flow and metabolism are altered depends on the
and values of MAC or MAC-BAR may be specific properties of the selected agent. In fact,
obtained by different combinations of end-tidal the resulting cerebral blood flow depends on two
anesthetic and plasma fentanyl concentrations; factors, the vasoconstriction determined by meta-
2. both nitrous oxide and fentanyl may reduce bolic suppression and the direct vasodilation deter-
the values of MAC and MAC-BAR; consequent- mined by the anesthetic.
ly, both drugs may reduce the halogenated agent The inhalation agents also partially uncouple
requirement. A similar effect has been obtained the reactivity of cerebral blood flow to CO2. At
with remifentanil in humans;38 clinical concentrations, desflurane and isoflurane
3. fentanyl has limited effects in reducing the preserve the reactivity of cerebral circulation to
MACaw; consequently, when high opioids con- changes in CO2 and flow-metabolism coupling.42
centrations are associated with a low halogenated Summors et al.43 showed that sevoflurane preserves
agent concentration, awareness may occur. the auto-regulation of cerebral blood flow when the
This study suggests that anesthesia may be anesthetic concentration does not exceed 1.5
obtained by combining halogenated agents and MAC.
opioids (with or without nitrous oxide) in differ- The vasodilation of cerebral vessels caused by
ent proportions to minimize side effects of each these anesthetic agents has the potential to raise
drug. However, the alveolar concentration of intracranial pressure. Fraga et al.44 reported that
inhaled agents must be higher than MACaw to there was no increase in intracranial pressure for
suppress recall of emotionally-laden information isoflurane or desflurane in normocapnic patients.
during anesthesia.39 A similar result was obtained by Artru et al.45 for
Effect on central nervous system A particular effect of some inhalation agents is
the presence of excitatory effects at emergence. In
Inhaled anesthetics modify electrical activity of preschool children, during emergence from anes-
the central nervous system, as measured by an thesia, agitation has been reported to occur at high-



4.5 Cardiovascular effects

Sevofluraneconcentration (%)

MAC From experimental studies in healthy subjects,51, 52
3 MAC-BAR in N2O
the cardiovascular effects of inhaled anesthetics may
2.5 be summarized as follows. All halogenated agents
2 reduce the mean arterial pressure and cardiac out-
1.5 put index in a dose-related manner. The reduction
1 in mean arterial pressure determined by desflurane,
0.5 sevoflurane and isoflurane is primarily determined
0 by the reduction in systemic vascular resistances.
0 2 4 6 8 10
On the contrary, halothane reduces the mean arte-
Fenantyl concentration (ng/mL)
rial pressure by reducing cardiac output without
Figure 2.—Reduction of MAC, MACawake and MAC BAR by reducing systemic vascular resistance. As anesthet-
increasing plasma concentrations of fentanyl. From Katoh et
al.18 Courtesy of the Editor. ic concentrations of desflurane and isoflurane
increase, heart rate increases; with increasing
halothane concentrations, heart rate remains near-
er frequencies after sevoflurane or desflurane anes- ly constant. An increase in heart rate is observed
thesia when compared to halothane.46 with sevoflurane at alveolar concentrations above
At present, the role of inhalation agents in neu- 1 MAC. All inhalation agents produce a dose-
roprotection represents a new area for further inves- dependent reduction in the cardiac index that may
tigations. be partially compensated by an increase in heart
rate during desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia.
The anesthesiologist must be aware of the effects
Effects on respiratory system of these particular agents on cardiovascular param-
All potent halogenated agents depress ventila- eters. Patients’ responses to inhalation agents may
tion by reducing tidal volume. The concomitant be modified by cardiac diseases, surgical stimula-
increase in the respiratory rate does not compen- tion and many drugs. In some studies, desflurane
sate for the reduced alveolar ventilation, as it pri- and sevoflurane showed high cardiovascular sta-
marily determines increased dead space ventila- bility both in young and old patients.53, 54
tion. Consequently, PaCO2 increases. All inhala- The myocardial depression and reduction in
tion agents raise the threshold of the respiratory mean arterial pressure produced by halogenated
centers to CO2, while simultaneously decreasing agents is slightly increased when these agents are
ventilatory responses to CO2.47, 48 combined with nitrous oxide.
Conflicting data from different animal experi- The mechanism of arrhythmia induction during
ments do not allow for the determination of the administration of potent halogenated anesthetics is
not completely understood. Sevoflurane may prolong
clinical relevance of the effects of inhaled anes-
the QT interval and should be administered with
thetic on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
caution in patients with idiopathic or acquired long
The decrease in this reflex has a minimal effect on
QT intervals.55 Sevoflurane and isoflurane may sup-
oxygenation during one lung anesthesia.49
press arrhythmias caused by local anesthetics.56.
Halothane, isoflurane and particularly sevoflu-
The threshold of epinephrine for ventricular
rane decrease airway resistance, while desflurane
arrhythmia is higher for desflurane and sevoflu-
does not produce any change in bronchial tone.50 rane when compared to halothane or isoflurane,
Halothane and sevoflurane have a minimally irri- and the arrhythmogenic effects are very low with
tating effect on airways at clinical concentrations these two agents.57, 58
and may be used for induction of anesthesia both
in children and adults.
Desflurane may act as an irritant during induc- Regional blood flows
tion at high inspired concentrations, but has little Coronary blood flow is auto-regulated and
effect during the maintenance of anesthesia. depends primarily on myocardial demand. Some



studies in animals have demonstrated that auto-reg- exploring the effects of desflurane and sevoflurane
ulation is preserved during exposure to clinical found a significant reduction in myocardial infarc-
concentrations of halogenated anesthetics. In an tion, ICU stay, time on mechanical ventilation in
animal model, isoflurane may result in “coronary the ICU, hospital stay, in-hospital mortality and
steal”, a diversion of blood flow arising from a incidence of long term events.72
fixed stenosis.59 This effect has not been confirmed The cardioprotective effect of halogenated agents
in humans. Sevoflurane and desflurane do not in patients with coronary artery disease who are
cause coronary steal. undergoing non-cardiac surgery has not yet been
The effects of inhalation agents on cerebral supported by clinical trials.
blood flow have been previously discussed.
Many inhalation anesthetics decrease portal
Effects on muscle-relaxation
venous flow, while halothane decreases hepatic
artery blood flow and oxygen delivery to the liv- Inhaled anesthetics cause an enhancement of
er.60 All halogenated agents decrease renal blood the effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and,
flow, glomerular filtration and urine output, consequently, reduce the muscle relaxants require-
although auto-regulation of renal blood flow is ment.
preserved.61 The decrease in renal blood flow dur- All halogenated agents may trigger malignant
ing maintenance of anesthesia is often related to a hyperthermia (MH), a very rare adverse event of
reduction in circulating volume caused by increased general anesthesia. Nevertheless, cases of MH or
vascular capacity. delayed MH have been reported both for desflu-
rane and sevoflurane.73-75 However, the incidence
Cardiac protection by inhaled anesthetics of MH seems to be much lower with desflurane
Halogenated agents mimic the cardioprotec- and sevoflurane than with halothane, particular-
tive effect of ischemia first described in 1986 by ly when it is administered in association with suc-
Murry,62 which represents an adaptive response cinylcholine.
to brief sublethal episodes of ischemia leading to
protection against subsequent lethal ischemia. Metabolism and toxicity related to inhalation
Two windows of cardioprotection have been agents
described: an early phase lasting two hours and a
late preconditioning phase reappearing 24 hours Recently, interest around the metabolism of
in the postoperative period and lasting 72 hours.63 inhaled agents has been focused on the toxicity of
The mechanism of cardioprotection is very com- its metabolites, which may be harmful for patients.
plex. It includes intracellular reactions involving Halothane is largely metabolized to fluoride,
membrane Gi protein-coupled receptors, phos- 80% of which is found in the urine as hexafluo-
pholipase β, diglycerol and protein kinase C, caus- roiodopropanol; this compound does not under-
ing activation of the KATP channels of both the go further biodegradation but is instead conjugat-
mitochondria and sarcolemma. Reactive oxygen ed to glucoronide. In patients who develop
species (ROS) also appear to play an important halothane hepatitis, a reactive metabolite of
role.64, 65 Moderate ROS production induced by halothane is thought to acetylate liver proteins,
inhaled anesthetics is required to induce precon- which can modify these proteins, making them
ditioning, which in turn, allows for a reduction neoantigens. It is the antibodies that are formed
in the ROS excess seen during reperfusion. against neoantigens that result in liver injury.76
Inhaled anesthetics also reduce platelet adhe- Fatal halothane hepatitis is estimated to occur in
sion to the vascular wall, while not impacting 1 every 100,000 anesthesia procedures.
endothelial cell activation.66 The extent of enflurane metabolism is approx-
Many clinical studies have confirmed the cardiac imately 2%, and the majority of the anesthetic is
preconditioning effects of inhaled anesthetics in eliminated through the lungs. Enflurane is metab-
patients undergoing cardiac surgery,67-71 and a olized in the liver by the cytochrome P450
recent meta-analysis pooling data from studies enzymes. The final products of its metabolism



include difluoromethoxydifluoroacetic acid and In dry CO2 soda lime or Baralyme, desflurane,
fluoride. The possible nephrotoxicity of enflurane enflurane and isoflurane degrade to carbon monox-
is a concern only when high inspired concentra- ide (CO).83 Carbon monoxide may result from
tions of the drug are used or after prolonged anes- the biodegradation of these anesthetics because a
thetic procedures. particular moiety (CF2H-) is present in their mol-
Isoflurane undergoes minimal oxidative metab- ecules. Sevoflurane and halothane do not possess
olism to inorganic trifluoroacetic acid and fluo- this moiety and do not degrade to CO.
ride and involves the cytochrome P450 2EI In new absorbents, the elimination of mono-
enzyme. valent bases prevents both compound A and CO
Desflurane is very resistant to metabolism, as production; this is also the case when these new
only 0.02% of the drug is metabolized. Its bio- absorbents are dry.84
transformation is very similar to isoflurane.
Desflurane is unlikely to result in formation of Long term exposure to trace of anesthetic.
neoantigens from oxidative metabolism. Serum
fluoride has not been observed in humans after At the beginning of the 1960s, some studies
exposure to high desflurane concentrations or pro- demonstrated that in the operating room, with-
longed anesthesia.77 out adequate climate control and without a waste
Sevoflurane is subjected to cytochrome P450 gas scavenging system, occupational exposure to
2EI oxidative degradation, and the final metabol- anesthetic gases exceeded the threshold limits. A
ic products are carbon dioxide, inorganic fluoride study by Veisman 85 suggested that long term expo-
and hexafluoroisopropanol. Fluoride-induced sure to traces of nitrous oxide could contribute to
nephrotoxicity after sevoflurane administration the increased incidence of abortion and congeni-
has been extensively investigated. The relative tal abnormalities in female anesthesiologists.
paucity of renal sevoflurane defluorination may Consequently, exposures to trace inhaled anes-
explain the absence of the clinical nephrotoxicity thetics have been thought by many anesthesiolo-
of this agent, despite the fact that plasma fluoride gists to cause adverse effects on operating room
concentrations may in some cases approach 50 personnel.
µmol/L.78 Kharasch et al. found that there is no The majority of the following epidemiological
significant difference in renal tubular function and studies on occupational hazard have been focused
cell integrity between the renal effect of sevoflurane on miscarriage, birth defects, teratogenicity, car-
and isoflurane in surgical patients undergoing low- cinogenicity and neurobehavioral functioning.
flow anesthesia for as long as seven hours.79 These studies have been used in a meta-analysis
Prolonged anesthesia with sevoflurane does not by Buring et al.86 that showed somewhat of an
impair renal concentrating functions, as demon- increase in the relative risk for liver or kidney dis-
strated by a study based on the desmopressin test.80 eases and for cervical cancer in woman. In a sec-
ond meta-analysis, Bovin 87 found a borderline
increase in the relative risk of spontaneous abortion
Degradation in CO2 absorbents
in female anesthesiologists, while in the subgroup
All halogenated agents degrade in the presence exposed to nitrous oxide, the relative risk of abor-
of dry alkaline CO2 absorbents. The degradation tion was not increased.
of sevoflurane to compound A depends on the However, the studies used in the two meta-
temperature and water content in the absorber.81 analyses have been heavily criticized for loading
Compound A has been shown to cause renal of the questionnaires, lack of information on expo-
injuries in rats when inhaled at high inspired con- sure time and anesthetic levels, poor response rates
centrations. Compound A is less toxic in humans to questionnaires and selection bias.88 Further
because the activity of the β-liase enzyme is much studies failed to demonstrate an increased rate of
lower in humans than in rats.82 When a fresh gas cervical cancer or other diseases.89
flow of 2 L/min is given, compound A concen- Two studies by Ericson and Kallen,90, 91 based on
tration in the circuit is very low, and renal toxici- the registered data of operating room personnel
ty has never been reported. showed no association between occupational expo-



sure and reproductive effects. A prospective study abdominal surgery, nitrous oxide in combination
among female anesthesiologists and other doctors with methane or hydrogen contained in the bow-
was conducted by Spence.92, 93 This study con- el could cause combustion.
cluded that there is no evidence to suggest that The biological effects of nitrous oxide have been
exposure to traces of waste anesthetic gases results recently reviewed by Sanders et al.101
in adverse health consequences. The results also Nitrous oxide inactivates vitamin B12 by an
indicated that female anesthesiologists did not irreversible oxidation of the central cobalt and
have a greater incidence of infertility than other depresses methionine synthetase activity in both
physicians. animals and humans.102 Recent data show that in
Given the fact that many of the studies that patients with a homozygous mutation, nitrous
have been conducted have been retrospective stud- oxide anesthesia results an increase in plasma
ies and have had many methodological errors, the homocysteine levels. The increase in plasma homo-
evidence for an association between anesthetic cysteine level could increase perioperative myocar-
exposure and congenital abnormality seems to be dial complications 103, however, no clinical data
inconsistent and unrelated to hours of exposure are available to support this hypothesis. An inter-
to trace of anesthetics. national study involving a large number of patients
Because the possible effects of health hazards at risk of coronary artery disease (Enigma II) will
from long-term exposure to traces of inhalation probably ascertain the benefits and risks of remov-
agents cannot yet be excluded, many authorities in ing nitrous oxide from the anesthetic technique.104
different countries have established limits for expo- The results from a questionnaire proposed by
sure to inhalation anesthetics. These limits range the Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain
from two to ten ppm as a time-weighted average and Ireland indicate that 49% of anesthetists had
concentration over the time of exposure for halo- reduced their use of nitrous oxide. This was due to
genated agents and 50-100 ppm for nitrous oxide. medical considerations rather than concerns over
The reduction in operating room pollution health and pollution.105
should be a high priority. For this reason, the ASA According to Baum,106 nitrous oxide should not
Committee on the Occupational Health of be used routinely as a carrier gas, and the safer
Operating Room Personnel has offered recom- mixture of oxygen/medical air is able to replace
mendations to minimize exposure levels. These this old anesthetic with some economical advan-
recommendations include an efficient climate sys- tages.
tem, a waste gas scavenging system, the use of low The combination of halogenated agents with
flow ventilation technique and correct technique short acting opioids results in the possibility of
of anesthesiologist. limiting the clinical application of nitrous oxide.
The advantages of nitrous oxide include its anal-
Should we continue to use nitrous oxide ? gesic properties, which allow for the reduction of
halogenated agents and may limit their cardiores-
For one and a half centuries, nitrous oxide has piratory effects in critically ill patients. A recent
played a relevant role in general anesthesia; how- paper suggests that nitrous oxide prevents the
ever, in the last decade, some critical reports on enhancement of pain sensitivity induced by noci-
nitrous oxide have been published.94-99 ceptive inputs and by acute fentanyl and mor-
Many of the side effects of nitrous oxide corre- phine tolerance.107 Consequently, whether the side
late with its physical properties. Its ability to dif- effects of nitrous oxide support its exclusion from
fuse into air filled cavities increases the likelihood clinical practice remains controversial.
of pneumothorax, air emboli and pressure in the The interest in the continued use of nitrous
cuff of the endotracheal tube. Nitrous oxide diffu- oxide can be found in intravenous sedation to
sion causes an increase in middle ear pressure and reduce the risk of awareness and recall or in some
distension of the bowel, possibly resulting in critical situations when administration of halo-
increases in postoperative nausea and vomiting genated agents must be rapidly interrupted.
According to Neuman,100 during laparoscopic Attempts to replace nitrous oxide with other



gases had led to an increase in studies on xenon. amino-3-hydroxy-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic

This inert gas does not undergo metabolic bio- acid (AMPA).115, 116 Inhalation agents prolong
transformation and has no direct negative envi- inhibitory postsynaptic channel activity of GABAA
ronmental effects. Xenon has a very low solubili- and glycine receptors and inhibit excitatory synap-
ty in the blood (λ=0.15), and its potency is high- tic channel activity (nicotinic acetylcholine, sero-
er when compared to nitrous oxide blood solubil- tonin and glutamate receptors). Although there is
ity (MAC 63% vs. 105%).108 strong evidence that anesthetics may act on GABAA
Xenon cannot be synthesized, and the available receptors, xenon and nitrous oxide only minimal-
amount is very low. Consequently, at present, the ly enhance the activity of these receptors.117
cost of the compound may be a limiting factor for Inhalation agents prevent movements in
clinical use. All methods proposed for the use of response to surgical noxious stimulation by depress-
xenon in a totally closed system, with recycling of ing spinal cord function. The evidence for this
the waste gas, are very sophisticated and require a comes from experiments in decerebrate rats and
high technology anesthesia workstation. Therefore, goats by Rampil et al.118 and Antognini and
this gas should be of great interest in our field as Schwartz.119 This study demonstrated that MAC
a possible alternative to nitrous oxide for particu- measures the effect of inhalation agents on the
lar surgical procedures. spinal cord rather than in the brain.
At the level of spinal motor-neurons, inhala-
Where and how inhalation agents act? tion agents increase the activity of inhibitory
glycine receptors and inhibit post-synaptic AMPA
The mechanism of general anesthesia has been and NMDA receptors independent of their action
presented in two excellent reviews and is here sum- on GABAA receptors.120 Sonner et al. hypothe-
marized.109, 110 sized that GABAA receptors are not involved in
Over the last decades, our understanding of the mediating immobility.121 According to other
mechanism of general anesthesia has rapidly sources, inhalation agents determine a contribution
evolved. Overton and Mayer 111, 112 independent- of GABAA receptors to immobility.122
ly observed a strong correlation between inhala- Inhalation agents decrease the transmission of
tion anesthetic potency and their solubility in olive noxious stimulation ascending from the spinal
oil. This correlation suggested that the site of action cord to the brain and affect their action in the
of these agents could be the lipids of the cell mem- brain.123
brane. The “lipid theory” proposed in the 19th The amnesic effect of anesthetic agents is medi-
century persisted until the late 1970s when new ated within particular regions of the brain. At low
research introduced the hypothesis that proteins concentrations, inhalation agents inhibit nicotinic
could be directly involved in the mechanism of acetylcholine receptors and impair memory and
general anesthesia. Franks and Lieb 113, 114 demon- learning, but not immobility.124 The susceptibil-
strated that protein may be a site of action for ity of neurocortical neurons to inhalation anes-
inhalation agents; in these studies, inhalation agents thetics at concentration equivalent to MACawake
inhibited a lipid-free preparation of the enzyme significantly increases the GABAAergic synaptic
firefly luciferase. inhibition.125
In the last year, particular attention has been These data suggest that anesthetics induce amne-
given to ion channels. Ion channels are specific sia and immobility by affecting different sites.
proteins that regulate the flow of ions across the cell Using brain imaging (positron emission tomog-
membrane and act as mediators of neural activity. raphy and functional magnetic resonance imag-
Binding sites for anesthetics have been identi- ing) Alkire et al. found a decrease in glucose meta-
fied in different ion channels, including serotonin bolic activity produced by inhalation agents, which
receptors, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, γ- reflects a reduction in synaptic activity.126, 127 The
aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors, thalamus and midbrain reticular formation are
glycine receptors and glutamate receptors activat- more depressed by inhalation agents than other
ed by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) or alpha- regions of the brain. Some regions of the brain dif-



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Received on March 20, 2009 - Accepted for publication on October 27, 2009.
Corresponding author: G. Torri, Department of Anesthesiology, S. Raffaele University, via Olgettina 60, 20132 Milan, Italy.


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