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Gedung Widya Puraya


Tembalang Semarang Kode Pos 50275
UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO Telp. (024) 7460024 Faks. (024) 7460027 | email: humas[at]

Nomor : 233/UN7.P1/TU/2021 13 Januari 2021

Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Hal : Pedoman Petunjuk Pendaftaran Program Bangkit

Yth. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah

Universitas Diponegoro

Berikut kami kirimkan pedoman petunjuk pendaftaran Program Bangkit salah satu bentuk
dari kebijakan Merdeka Belajar. Bangkit adalah program pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk
mahasiswa yang ingin mempelajari dasar-dasar Machine Learning, Pemrograman Android,
atau Cloud Computing dan akan ditawarkan melalui Kampus Merdeka untuk memilih siswa
yang memenuhi syarat tahun 2021 dari seluruh Indonesia. Program ini terbuka untuk 3000
peserta, siswa terpilih akan mengikuti pengalaman belajar online Bangkit selama 18 minggu
yang akan dimulai pada Februari 2021.

Mohon Dekan dapat segera menginformasikan kepada Mahasiswa di Fakultas/Sekolah yang

berminat mengikuti Program Bangkit paling lambat pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 14 Januari
2021. Info terkait Program Bangkit dapat dilihat melalui tautan

Atas perhatiannya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

a.n. Rektor
Wakil Rektor Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan

Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D

NIP 197110111997021001

1. Rektor (sebagai laporan)
2. Wakil Dekan I Fakultas dan Sekolah
Kampus Merdeka Application Guide for Faculty 

Bangkit 2021 registration is extended to January 14th, 2021. 

What is Bangkit? 
Bangkit is an education program aimed at university students, who would like to learn the 
fundamentals of Machine Learning, Android Programming, or Cloud Computing, and further 
develop their technology career potential. Bangkit is offered as an ​approved Kampus Merdeka 
program​ in collaboration with universities throughout Indonesia. The program is delivered 
online and is eligible (subject to participant university’s approval) for up to 20 university study 
credits (SKS). ​This program is only available for up to 3000 participants (based on the 
selection process). 
Why Bangkit? 
Bangkit is a unique career readiness program led by Google and delivered with support from 
industry experts from Gojek, Tokopedia, Traveloka, and Google. The program is designed to 
provide participants with first-hand exposure to real-world practitioners and will prepare 
participants with relevant skills for a successful career in leading tech companies.  
Participants can choose from A ​ ndroid​, C
​ loud​, or ​Machine Learning​ paths and will also learn 
essential skills such as design thinking methodology, leadership, communication, and 
presentation skills. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be invited to 
a virtual career fair, where they will have preferred access to job opportunities in leading 
companies in Indonesia and throughout the region. At the conclusion of the semester, ten 
final project teams will be chosen for further development including grant incubation funding 
and support from participant’s assigned to Bangkit Host University.  
Important Dates: 
● Application deadline: 8
​ January, 2021​ ​14 January, 2021 
● Cohort announcement: 18 January, 2021 
● Program duration: 15 February 2021 - 25 June 2021 

Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit
What are the benefits of joining the Bangkit Program? 
Besides the knowledge, participants for Bangkit program are given: 
● Essential hard & soft skills for successful careers in leading technology companies. 
● Opportunity to apply learning to real-world, national-scale projects. 
● Opportunity to learn from current industry experts and practitioners. 
● Preparation for and free vouchers for Google Certification Exams: Associate Android 
Developer / Associate Cloud Engineer / Tensorflow certification. 
● Possibility of earning and applying up to 20 University Study Credits (SKS) to 
participant’s university degree program. 
Bangkit as a Kampus Merdeka Program 
Bangkit 2021 is an official Kampus Merdeka 2020 initiated by Google and the Ministry of 
Education - Republic of Indonesia. As an official Kampus Merdeka - Independent Study 
program, the MoU has been signed by Google and the MoE - so the university doesn’t need to 
get or sign MoU with Google/Bangkit. More information is available on the Kampus Merdeka 
website and formal letter from the Directorate of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the MoE. 
About Bangkit, Curricula, Learning Objectives - Learning Outcomes, and posters/flyers 
● About Bangkit 
● Letter from Ministry of Education - Directorate General of Higher Education 
● Bangkit University Guide 
● Curricula, Learning Objectives, and Learning Outcomes 
● Bangkit posters/flyers 
Frequently Asked Questions 
● I am a lecturer and my students want to join the program, what I need to do? 
As a lecturer, you will need to give approval for your students if they are allowed to join 
Kampus Merdeka program. If they are eligible, you need to accept them on Kampus 
Merdeka Platform 
● Can all lecturers be a supervisor for bangkit? 
Lecturers who are able to supervise a Kampus Merdeka program are lecturers listed in 
PDDikti and have NIDN. 
● Is there any limit for how many students each supervisor able to supervise? 
There is no limit. 
● What is the standard of curriculum / study credit conversion? 
Conversion can be based on Learning outcomes, mapped to relevant courses in 
university, or can be recognized as internship/independent study. The decision is made 
by each Study Programme/University and may differ for each student. 

Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit
● What are the roles for supervisor? 
○ To filter, inform, and approve students to join Bangkit. As bangkit may convert 
up to 20 sks, Students need to be reminded of their commitment. Lecturers 
know best of each individual student whom they supervise. 
○ To be a Point of contact from Bangkit. Bangkit sends information and may 
contact lecturers if needed (cases: students lagging or missing sessions, etc) 
○ To Convert the SKS from Bangkit. Bangkit will issue micro credentials and 
transcripts, and it needs to be converted based on Faculty/Study 
Programme/University policy. 
Instructions on Giving Approval for Students in your University 
1. Open h​ ttps://​ and ​click login​ on the page 

2. If you have an account on the Kampus Merdeka platform. Skip to step 5 on Login. 
Otherwise, if you have no account yet, please c
​ lick register​. 

3. Register as a Lecturer with your email.  
Make sure your email is the same registered email in PDDikti.  
(confirm with your university regarding which email used for your profile in PDDikti, if 
you have any problem, please consult with your PDDikti feeder/sync PIC and inform the 
problem details to b

Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit
4. Activate your account​ by clicking the email sent to your mailbox. 

5. If you get “​waiting for University approval​”, you can dismiss it, as MBKM hasn’t 
implemented it for this program. Just activate from your email and login. 


Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit
6. Upon activation,​ please log-in 

7. You’ll be directed to your dashboard 

8. Choose “Kegiatan” (Activity)​, if the activity doesn’t list anything,​ it means no 
student needs your approval (yet)​. Upon a student choosing you as supervisor, it will 
shows Bangkit in your “Daftar Penawaran Kegiatan”. 

Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit
9. Then you will be brought to the list of students needed approval. 

10. Lecturers can process & approve students on the list. Accepted students will be shown 
in “Daftar Peserta Diterima”. 

11. Approved students will be reviewed by Bangkit Team. Optionally, please also inform 
your students that you’ve approved them, so they can proceed with the registration 
That’s all for the Faculty Approval. Bangkit Team will be in touch if we need more information 
or the students are selected (Cohort announcement will be on 18 January 2021). 
-- end -- 

Bangkit 2021 - Questions please ask: ​​ | g

​ .co/bangkit

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