Anda di halaman 1dari 1

Contoh kasus IGD

Tarif Klaim
No Diagnosa Tindakan
1 abdominal pain 135,300 1,142,000
2 Retention of urine 256,700 2,068,400
3 Dyspepsia 247,900 1,146,700
4 Open wound of head ( > 3 cm ) debridement 346,400 2,277,800
5 Open wound of other parts of foot ( > 3 cm) debridement 346,400 2,277,800
6 Open wound of wrist and hand ( > 3 cm) debridement 346,400 2,277,800
7 Fracture of foot, unspecified , open debridement 346,400 2,019,800
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist
8 debridement 346,400 2,019,800
and hand, open
9 Tumor Punggung Other excision of soft tissue 435,000 3,544,000
Excision or destruction of
10 Tumor Mamae breast tissue, not otherwise 319,900 4,478,800
11 ISPA (tanpa indikasi covid) 187,000 1,835,300
12 Luka bakar ( diatas garde I dan II ) bagian tangan debridement 346,400 3,537,800
13 abdominal pain, susp BSK USG Abdomen 548,000 1,142,000
14 abdominal pain, susp nefrolitiasis USG Abdomen 548,000 1,142,000
15 Demam 187,000 2,521,900

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