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Pelatihan Online: Visualisasi Data Kelautan Menggunakan Ferret dan Panoply
30 April - 03 Mei 2021
Pusat Studi Biosains Maritim LPPM Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

disusun oleh:
Dessy Berlianty & Bayu Priyono



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I. Download Panoply
Software Panoply dapat diperoleh dari website NASA:
dengan versi Panoply terkini adalah 4.12.5, dirilis pada 2021-04-01.
Download software Panoply sesuai sistem operasi (OS) yang digunakan, yaitu:
• Macintosh (macOS),
• OS Windows, atau
• OS Linux.

II. Install dan Run Panoply

Tahapan instalasi software Panoply:
1. Memastikan PC telah terinstall aplikasi Java 9 Runtime Environment (JRE) atau
versi terkini.

⚠ :

Bila Java belum terinstalasi dengan tepat, nantinya akan selalu muncul error message
ketika akan memulai program aplikasi Panoply.
2. Melakukan uncompress file yang telah di-download dengan menentukan pula
folder/direktori yang akan digunakan.
3. Setelah melakukan ekstraksi (sesuai poin 2), akan didapatkan hasil sebagai

Kemudian pelajari file teks README untuk mengetahui deskripsi Panoply,

termasuk panduan cara launching Panoply serta informasi penting lainnya.

Folder jars berisikan file-file kode aplikasi yang diperlukan untuk visualisasi
Panoply. Untuk itu perlu diperhatikan agar folder jars tersebut berada pada satu
direktori/folder dengan panoply.exe. 

Sedangkan panoply.exe digunakan untuk memulai program aplikasi Panoply.
4. Untuk memulai, lakukan double-click panoply.exe, sehingga aplikasi Panoply akan
terbuka dan pada tahap ini Panoply sudah siap digunakan untuk loading dataset.

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FERRET pada windows 10

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✓ PC atau laptop dengan sistem operasi Windows 10 original (atau yang dapat
diupdate). Jika anda menggunakan Windows versi sebelumnya silakan melakukan
browsing cara instalasi Ubuntu sesuai sistem operasi yang anda gunakan.
✓ Koneksi internet.

Secara umum, langkah-langkah proses instalasi Ferret pada Windows 10 adalah:

1. Install Ubuntu pada Windows 10; dan
2. Install Ferret pada Ubuntu yang telah terinstall sesuai tahap pada nomor 1.

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1. Ubuntu installation on Windows 10
a. Requirements
You will need a x86 PC running Windows 10 (but x64 is working too). Windows 10 needs
to be updated to include the Windows 10 Fall Creators update, released October 2017.
This update includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux which is needed to run the Ubuntu

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b. Enable WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
To enable WSL 1 on Windows 10 Fall Creators update and newer run the following in
PowerShell as Administrator:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
/all /norestart

To run PowerShell, specifically, as administrator from the search bar:

- Click on the search box at the taskbar and type powershell. This action will bring up the
PowerShell edition of your preference.
- Look for Windows PowerShell or just PowerShell, if using PowerShell Core, from the
search result.
- Right-click on the menu item and select Run as administrator.
You can see these steps demonstrated in the screenshot below:

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Type green command above in the PowerShell window:

After enter the command you can see the window as below:

To enable WSL 2 on Windows 10 May 2020 update and newer run the following in
PowerShell as Administrator:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

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After enter the command you can see the window as below:

and then restart Windows 10.

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c. Install Ubuntu for Windows 10
Ubuntu can be installed from the Microsoft Store:
- Use the Start menu to launch the Microsoft Store application
- Search for Ubuntu and select the first result, ‘Ubuntu’, published by Canonical Group
- Click on the Install button.
Ubuntu will be downloaded and installed automatically. Progress will be reported within the
Microsoft Store application.

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After search Ubuntu in Microsoft Store the result will shown as below:

Select the first result and click ‘get’ botton or ‘install’ botton. Result of installing process is
shown as below:

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d. Launch Ubuntu on Windows 10
Ubuntu can now be launched in the same way as any other Windows 10 application, such
as searching for and selecting Ubuntu in the Start menu.

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When complete, you’ll be asked for a username and password specific to your Ubuntu
installation. These don’t need to be the same as your Windows 10 credentials. With this
step complete, you’ll find yourself at the Ubuntu bash command line.

Type your username and password then result of installation process is shown as below.

⚠ Note: when you type your password there is NO any character will be shown, just type
and press enter.

Congratula*ons! You have successfully installed and ac*vated the Ubuntu terminal on Windows 10.
You now have all the power of the command line at your finger*ps.

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2. Ferret/PyFerret installation on Ubuntu
a. Create folder on D:\ or E:\ partition, for example the folder name is ferret_training
b. Download and install miniconda
Download file from drive that shared for training
participants and locate to folder created above (ex: ferret_training).
Launch ubuntu and change work directory to file is
located. To check current work directory type ‘pwd’ (without quote) on ubuntu terminal and
press enter.

Change work directory to folder that file is located (for

ex: E:\Bayu\Training_ferret).
Type ‘cd file_directory_path’ (without quote) to change work directory.
Note: to change to Windows folder/directory, usually we use ‘../../mnt/’ then followed by
partition name and folder name. Example is shown as below:

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Check whether it is in the correct directory. By type ‘ls -l’ we should see Miniconda2-latest- file in this directory.

Run script use command as followings:

The result after press enter will be shown below:

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Press enter several time to review license agreement:

Type ‘yes’ (without quote) then press enter:

Press enter, after extracting the result will be shown as below:

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Type ‘yes’ (without quote) then press enter:

Close ubuntu terminal by type ‘exit’ then press enter or click X sign on upper right corner.

c. Download and install Ferret/PyFerret

Launch Ubuntu terminal

Download and install PyFerret using miniconda by type below command and press enter
conda create -n FERRET -c conda-forge pyferret --yes

PyFerret already installed. To launch ferret, environment where we installed pyferret is

needed. Type below command and press enter to activate this environment
source activate FERRET

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Type ‘ferret’ (without quote) then press enter to launch Ferret in Ubuntu

PyFerret already installed but to launch graphical visualization an X server will need to be
installed on the Windows 10 system and the DISPLAY variable will need to be set in Bash.

d. Install graphical program on WSL

Make sure to close Ubuntu terminal before you install graphical program on WSL.
Download XMing software installer from or from
training shared drive.
Install XMing by double-click installer file.

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If XMing is properly installed and launched, it will be shown small icon of XMing on
Windows taskbar.

Once you have an X server installed and running, you'll need to install graphics
applications. To download and install it run the following command on Ubuntu terminal:
sudo apt-get install x11-apps

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Type ‘Y’ and press enter:

Once the applications have been installed, you can start them by setting your display and
executing the application on the Bash shell.
Type following command on Ubuntu terminal and press enter:
export DISPLAY=:0

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e. Automatic ferret environment and WSL graphical activated
Using ferret environment and WSL graphical may need to comment the lines that launch
the conda environment and Windows X server.
To make it easier, you can add command lines in .bashrc file that located in the home
folder. In a new terminal, type the following:
cd ~/
nano .bashrc
Scroll to the bottom of the file and add following lines
conda activate FERRET
export DISPLAY=:0

Press Ctrl+x, press ‘Y’ then press enter. Close the terminal by type ‘exit’ and press enter or
click X sign on upper right corner.

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f. Test installed Ferret/PyFerret
Open Ubuntu terminal from Windows start menu.

Type ‘ferret’ (without quote) in ubuntu terminal then press enter.

Ferret software is ready to use.

For checking WSL graphical program that we need to visualize data plot, ferret
demonstration script can be used.

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The jnl files are "go scripts", available to you when you run Ferret, for example: "GO
tutorial" shows you around Ferret.
Type ‘go tutorial’ (without quote) and press enter:

Press enter:

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Press enter several times will show you example of scripts and plot results:

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Type ‘quit’ (without quote) to exit ferret and back to ubuntu terminal.


-Selamat mencoba, semoga Allah berikan kemudahan-

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