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Jalan Taman Pejambon No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Telp. (021) 3441508/21203121 Fax. (021) 21203122 Surel:

Jakarta, 22 Oktober2021

No.: 17914 /BK/10/2021/39

Sifat; Segera
Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Perihal: Penyampaian Informasi Program "Academic
and Scientific Cooperation Project of
Turkey" (TABIP) oleh Yunus Emre Institute
dan Keinginan Kolaborasi dengan Lembaga
Terkait di Indonesia

Kepada Yth.
Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi
Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi

Merujuk perihal tersebut di atas, dengan hormat disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1.Kementerian Luar Negeri c.q. Direktorat Eropa III telah menerima Nota Diplomatik Kedubes
Turki di Jakarta No.Z-2021/11447727/33362627 tertanggal 11 Oktober 2021 mengenai
program "Academic and Scientific Cooperation Project of Turkey" (TABIP) yang
diselenggarakan oleh Yunus Emre Institute Turki dan permohonan kolaborasi pelaksanaan
program tersebut dengan lembaga terkait di Indonesia (terlampir).

2.Program TABIP bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengakuan akedemik Turki di dunia

internasional, melalui kerja sama akademi dan sains dengan berbagai pihak. Yunus Emre
Institute sendiri merupakan suatu lembaga yang berafiliasi dengan Yayasan Yunus Emre
dan telah berdiri sejak tahun 2009. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait program TABIP dan Yunus
Emre Institute dapat diperoleh melalui tautan atau dengan
menghubungi Kedubes Turki di Jakarta melalui email embassv.iakarta(S)

3. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, mohon kiranya bantuan Saudara untuk menyampaikan
informasi mengenai TABIB serta permohonan kolaborasi Turki kepada pihak terkait di
Indonesia untuk tanggapan selanjutnya.

Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

a Eropa

Yth. Direktur Jenderal Amerika dan Eropa, Kemlu (sebagai laporan)
Z-2021/11447727/33362627 -

The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey presents its compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and has the honour to inform the Latter
regarding Yunus Emre Institute's project entitled "Academic and Scientific Cooperation Project
of Turkey (TABIP)" as follows:

Yunus Emre Institute which is a public institution affiliated to the Yunus Emre
Foundation aims to promote Turkish language, culture, art and history, to carry out studies for
Turkish teaching abroad for those people who have interests to the Turkish language and
culture. Yunus Emre Institute was established to improve the friendship between Turkey and
other countries and to increase the cultural exchange through cultural diplomacy. Starting to
operate in 2009, Yunus Emre Institute has more than 63 cultural centers abroad. More
information on the said Institute could be reached through https ://

In addition to its cultural and public diplomacy activities, Yunus Emre

Institute has started a new project namely "Academic and Scientific Cooperation Project of
Turkey (TABIP)", under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. This project
aims to enhance Turkey's international recognition in the academic field by introducing its
academic activities to the world, to increase qualified manpower, to meet the development goals
of our country and to promote academic and scientific cooperation globally.

To this end, Yunus Emre Institute would like to introduce its activities and projects to
the Indonesian universities and conclude cooperation protocols between Turkish and
Indonesian universities in order to develop cooperation in the field of science within the scope
of the said project.

The Embassy will be grateful if the Esteemed Ministry could kindly transmit the above
mentioned information and collaboration proposal of the Yunus Emre Institute to the relevant
Indonesian authorities.

The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia the assurances of its highest

Jakarta, 11 October 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the

Republic of Indonesia

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