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Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 6 . Jakarta 10110 .lndonesia

Nomor , t5'11 -00-D takart4 ll, November2O22

Lampiran : I Berkas
Perihal : 32"d Asia Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree

Kepada Yth.
1. Ketua Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka
2. Para Kamabigus Gerakan Pramuka di Perwakilan Republik Indonesia.

Salam Pramuka,
Berdasarkan surat dan informasi yang kami terima dari Biro Kepramukaan Kawasan Asia-
Pasifik World Scaut Bureau Asic-Pacffic Support Center tentang kegiatan 32nd Asia Pacific
Regional Scout Jamboree akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 19-27 lan:luary 2023 bertempat
di Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industrial City, Mirsarai, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka memberikan kesempatan kepada Pramuka Penggalang

Pramuka Penegak dan Pembina Pramuka untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan persyaratan
sebagai berikut:

l. Pramuka Penggalang dan Pramuka Penegak
2. Berusia arfiara 12 - 17 tahun
3. Berbadan sehat, dinyatakan dengan surat keterangan dokter
4. Mendapat ijin tertulis dari kedua orang tua dan Kepala Sekolahnya
5. Mendapat rekomendasi tertulis dari Ketua Kwardanya
6. Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
7. Memiliki Kartu Tanda Anggota Gerakan Pramuka
8. Sang&p membayar biayayang diperlukan (terlampir)
B. Persyaratan pembina pendamping:
1. Pembina Pramuka
2. Pernah menjadi pembina pendamping pada kegiatan Internasional atau minimal
memiliki ljazahKMD
3. Berusia 26 s.d.55 tahun
4. No. 4 s-d. 8 sama dengan persyaratan peserta.
Rincian biaya meliputi biaya tiket Jakarta - Dhaka (PP), camp fee, dan perlengkapan

Pembayaran Fee dapat dikirimkan melalui rekening Kwarnas, Kwarnas Gerakan Pramuka

Bank BRI KCK Jakarta Nomor rekening : 0206-01-011432-30-1

Kami mengharapkan pemberitahuan keikutsertaan peserta dan pelunasan biaya jambore

dapat diterima Kwarnas selambat lambatnya tanggal 20 November 2022.

Telp.: (02L) 3507645 Fax.: l}21l35A7647

E-mail : . Homepage:
Mohon edaran ini dapat ditemskan kepada Para Ka Kwarcab/Pembina Gudep di jajaran
Kwarda / Ketua Gugus Depan di Perwakilan RI-

perhatian serta kerjasama Kakalr, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

r Nas I GerakanPramuka
is Jr

,y ) Dr- Bachtiar, S.IP, M.AP

Tembusan kepada Yth:

1. Menteri LuarNegeri Republik Indonesia
2. Ketua KwartirNasional Gerakan Pramuka
3. Para Gubernur Propinsi selaku Ka Mabida Gerakan Pramuka

Kwartir Daerah

l. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Aceh

2. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sumatera Utara
3. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sumatera Barat
4. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Riau
5. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Jambi
6. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Bengkulu
7. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sumatera Selatan
8. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Lampung
9. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kep. Bangka Belitung
10. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kep. Riau
1 1. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Banten
12. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Jawa Barat
13. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka DKI Jakarta
14. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Jawa Tengah
15. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka DI. Yogyakarta
16. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kalimantan Barat
17. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kalimantan Tengah
18. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kalimantan Selatan
19. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kalimantan Timur
20. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Kalimantan Utara
21. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sulawesi Utara
22.Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Gorontalo
23. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sulawesi Tengah
24. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sulawesi Elarat
25. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sulawesi Selatan
26.Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Sulawesi Tenggara
27.Kwart* Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Bali
28. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Nusa Tenggara Barat
29. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Nusa Tenggara Timur
30. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Maluku
31. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Maluku Utaru
32. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Papua
33. Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Papua Barat

Kwartir Cabang
1. Kwartir Cabang se-Jawa Timur

Gerakan Pramuk4

rn) Dr.Bachtiar, S.IP., M.AP.


Biaya Ket
No Uraian

01 Registration Fee Makan malam 19 Januari

sampai dengan Makan
250 Pagi27 Januari 2023,7D
Card, Scarl Panduan

02 Tiket Pesawat Jakarta Biaya dihitung dari

Chittagong, Bangladesh PP Traveloka Tanggal 9
November 2A22 harga
sewaktu2 berubah

03 Biaya Perlengkapan (Bahan

Seragam, Tas Day Pack, Topi, 1.500.000
Kaos dan Jaket)

Kurs dollar
menyesuaikan, kurs
15.800 dihitung
berdasarkan Nilai Jual
Jumlah Rp.28.644.700 24.694.700 3.9s0.000
pada Bank BCA Tanggal
9 November 2022 -kurs
dollar sewaktu-waktu
World Scout Buisu Asia-PacifE Support Center
Eursu l{ondial du Scoutiffie, Buruu R6gional Asie-Pacffique

4/F ODC Intemabional Plaza Building

219 Salcedo Stret
Legaspi Village, Makati City
Metro Manila
Phone (+63 2) 818 09 84
(+63 2) 817 16 75 To: ChiefCommissioners
International Commissioners
Email Chief Scout Executives

11 October 2022

32"d APR Scout Jamboree: Changed of date to 2023

Dear colleagues,

Greetings from the Asia-Pacific Support Centre!

We would like to inform all National Scout Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region with reference to
the dates of the 32nd Asia-Pacific Regional Scout lamboree which is now moved to 19-27 January

Bangladesh Scouts as host of the Jamboree cited justifiable reasons that may affect the local and
international participation. And those reasons will provide more benefits to their preparation for the

Therefore, after a discussion during the recently held APR Scout Committee Meeting in Seoul,
South Korea from 7 - 8 October 2022, the Regional Scout Cornmittee considered the request of
Bangladesh Scouts and approved the change of dates.

The Asia-Pacific Support Centre, on behalf of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee, is closely
monitoring the preparation of the Regional Jamboree. Bangladesh Scouts has prepared an exciting
experience for young people. Let us support Bangladesh Scouts by sending a contingent to the
32nd Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree in 2023.

Consequently, the online registration of national contingents is extended until 15 November 2022.
The link to this online registration was sent to National Scout Organizations in July 2022.
Bangladesh Scouts will contact you individually to follow-up on your participation in the Regional

For your information and guidance.

January 2A22

1 - l9 December 2A22
Bongcbondhu Sheikh Mujib lndusiriol City
Mirsoroi, Choffogrom

32nd Asia-Pacific
Regional Scout Jamboree

(Tiger Cub)

BUTTCTIfII No. 2lJanuarV 2O22

Jomboree Orgonizing Committee
Chief Notionol Commissioner
Bonglodesh Scouts

Chief Commissioners
lnternotionol Commissioners
Chief Scout Executives

Deor colleogues in Scouting,
Greetings from Bonglodesh Scouts !

I om much pleosed to onnounce ihot Bonglodesh Scouts will host the 32nd Asio Pocific Regionol
Scout Jomboree on I i-19 December 2022 ol Bongobondhu Sheikh Mu.iib lndusiriol City, Mirsoroi,
Chottogrom. The new dote of the Jomboree wos redefined in consultotion with the Regionol
Scout Commitlee ond olso with the Asio Pocific RegionolSupporl Centre. lom confident this new
dote will be suitoble to ononge the Jomboree in o befitting monner ond for the other NSOs to
toke port in this prestigious regionol event smoothly.
The Jomboree venue, Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujib lnduskiol City, Mirsoroi, Chottogrom is the
lorgest economic zone in Bonglodesh hoving on oreo of l2l million squore meters ond surrounded
by seo ond hills. This site con be reoched well by rood from Dhoko ond Chottogrom lnternotionol
Airport, by troin from Dhoko InternotionolAirport. Connecting flights ore olso ovoiloble from Dhoko
lnternotionolAirport to Chotiogrom lnternotionolAirport. The vost venue offers oll the ottroctive
focilities required for the Jomboree ond hence, oll the porliciponis would be reolly sotisfied to be
here during the Jomboree.
"Sobosh ... o fountoin of energy" is the Jomboree theme. Sobosh is o Bengoliword ond in
English it meons well done. Scouts olwoys do good turns. This theme hos rightly been chosen io
encouroge the Scouts to do more good turns with o founloin of energy.
You would be pleosed to know thot fighting the present hosiile situotion; the Jomboree Orgonizing
Committee is toking oll necessory preporoiion ond monitoring the 22Sub Committees formed
eorlier to smoothly run the Jmoboree. The Progromme Sub Committee developed ottroctive ond
chollenging progromme for the youth. Finolly I invite oll the Noiionol Scoui Orgonizotions of the
Asio Pocific Region to ioke port in this Jomboree with o big contingent. We ore committed io
Th[s is your Jomboree; your every support ond cooperotion willsurely enrich the Jomboree.
Yours in Scouting,


Dr. Md. Mozommel Hoque Khon
No. 2 /JanuarV 2A22 BULTGTIN #
Bcngladesh Bcngladesh Scsuts
at u glance st a glfince
Liberqtion: l6 December 1971; Bonglodesh Scouts is the Notionol Scout
Orgonizotion of Bonglodesh. Scouting is o voluniory
Officiol Nqme: The People's Republic of educotionol movemeni working to develop the
Bonglodesh; youth physicolly, spirituolly, mentolly, iniellectuolly
Stote Religion: lslom but other moin religions ond sociolly. Lord Boden Powell storted this
nomely Hinduism, Buddhism, Christionity ore movemeni in 1907.
procticed in pe<rce ond hormony;
On 7th Moy l?14 Scouting storted in Bcnglodesh
Slote longuoge: Bonglo; in St. Gregory School, Dhoko. "The Fhst Dhoko Si.
Gregory's School ... NumberOne" is the nome of ihe
Nolionol Anlhem: The first ien lines of "Amor first Scoul Unit in Bonglodesh. ln 1972 Bonglodesh
Sonor Bonglo" wriiten by Nobel Lqureote Boy Scout Somity wos formed ond in ihe some yeor
Robindronoth Togore; it wos recognized by the Government vide President
Nolionol Flog: Consisis of o circle coloured Order No. I I 1 (l I th Sep 1972). World Orgonizotion of
red throughout its oreo, resting on cr green lhe Scout Movemeni recognized Bonglodesh Scouis
qs its 1051h member on I st June 1 974. Bonglodesh
reciongulor bockground. The lengih to width
rotio of ihe reclongle is l0:6 ond ihe circle hos Boy Scout Somiiy wos renomed os "Bonglodesh
o rodius of one fifih of the length; Scouts" on I8 June 1?78.

Nolionql Emblem: The notionol flower "Shoplo" Bonglodesh Scouis storted its octivity with
(nympheo-noucholi) resting on woter, hoving 56.325 members ond todoy this number reoches
on eoch side on eor of poddy ond being b 2,21A,67 4 Notionol Council is ihe highesi
surmounted by three connected leoves of jute decision moking body of Bonglodesh Scouts.
wilh iwo stqrs on eoch side of the leoves; His Excellency the President of the People's
Republic of Bonglodesh ond the Chief Scout of
Copitol: Dhoko; Bonglodesh is the Focol Point of lhe Council held
Notionolity: Bonglodeshi; every yeor. Chief Notionol Commissioneris the
Administrotive Heod of Bonglodesh Scouts. There
Nome of Currency: Toko {Tk);
ore 20 Nqiionol Commissioners ond 40 Deputy
Denominolions: Notionol Commissioners to osslst the Chief Noiionol
Noles:Toko 1000.500,200, 100,50.20, 10,5,2 & I Commissioner. There ore olso professionolly iroined
Coins: Toko 5, 2, I ond Poiso 50, 25, 10, 5 & I ; Executives to expond Scouiing throughout ihe
Geogrophicol Locolion: Between 20"34' ond
26'38' norih lotitude ond between 88"01' ond There ore 13 Regions of Bonglodesh Scouis
92'41' eosi longitude; nomley Dhoko Region, Chotiogrom Region,
Rojshohi Region, Khulno Region, Sylhet Region,
Boundory: Borishol Region, Cumillo Region, Dinojpur Region,
North: lndio lillesl: lndio Mymensingh Region, Rover Region, Roilwoy Region,
Sec Region ond Air Region. There ore olso 13 Troining
Soulh: Boy of Bengol Eqst: lndio ond
Centres including Notionol Scout Troining Cenire
of Mouchok. There is on well equipped Animotion
Areq:56977 sq. miles or 14757O sq. km.; Siudio oi Mouchok, first ever in Bonglodesh.

Terriloriol \lYoter: 200 nouticol miles.

BULL€TIT{ No. 2 /JanuarV 2A22
Event Nome
32"d Asio Pocific RegionolScout Jomboree

1l-19 DecemberZ122{Anivol I I December, Deporture lg December,2022)

Sobosh ... o fountoin of energy
[Sobosh is o Bengoliword ond in English it meons WELL DONE. Scouis olwoys do good turns. This
theme hos been chosen to encouroge the Scouts to do more good turns with o fountoin of

Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujib lndustriol City, Mirsoroi, Chotiogrom
The Jomboree ground hos o vost oreo of l2l million squore melers. This site moy be reoched
o] By rood from Chottogrom Shoh Amonoi lniernotionol Airport. Transport from
Chottogram Shoh Amonot lnfernofionol Aiport to fhe Jomboree sife ond bock wil/be
provided by the hosf counfry ftA km).
b) Byrood from Dhoko Airport (l?6 km) ond by troin from Dhoko Airport Roilwoy Stotion {167
km). Bus ond Troin tronsporloiion service from Dhoko Airport to the venue ond bock the host
country will orgonize on request of octuol cost.
c) Connecting flights ore ovoiloble from Dhoko Hojrot Shoh Jolol lnternotionolAirport to
Chottogrom Shoh Amonot lnternotionol Airport (30 minutes)"

Venue Fqcilities
The Jomboree Venue, between the seo ond the hills, is suitoble for comping ond odventure. lt
will hove ollfocilities required for comping including sub-comp focilities, potoble drinking woter,
showers ond toilets, stoff dining, porking. SDV, culturoloctivities, coniingent stonds, Jomboree
heodquorters, medicolfocilities {except medicotion, x-roy ond hospiiolizotion), ombulonce
services, site security, etc.

Registroiion Fee
Scoutslleoders/lSTs : US $ 250.00
Doy Visitors : US $ 10.00 per doy
Guests : US $ 30.00 {One doy & one night)
US $ 75.00 (2 doys ond 3 nights)

Coveroge: Dinner storiing from I lth December up to 'l9ih December

breokfost for Scouts ond Scout Leoders. nome tog, event scorf, jomboree
progromme guide. first oid, ond porticipoiion in progromme. IST meols sholl
stort from lOth December Lunch ond end with 20th December breokfost.

Deodline for Conlingent Pre-Registrotion

3Ist Morch 2022 (Contingent Pre-Regiskoiion Form is oitoched herewith)
No. 2lJanuary 2O22
Porticipation Crilerio
Mole ond femole Scouts oged 1Zto 17 yeors old of the stort of the Jomboree ore eligible to toke
port in 32nd APR Scout Jomboree os porticiponts.
A Scoui troop willconsist of four poirols, wiih nine Scouts in eoch potrolond on odult leoder.
Therefore, o Scout Troop will consist of 36 Scouts with four odult leaders.

Progrom highlights
o. Morning Shows the Doy: Rhythmic Aerobic Exercises, YOGA, Jogging to own villoge to
onother will be held in every morning in course of this progromme. AII scout groups will oltend
this progromme every morning weoring o designoted uniform ond it will help them be buili
os heolthy ond confident. Minimum six scouts from every unii willporticipote in morning bird
venture. But o scout will not refroin from this venture more thon once.
Dress Code: The scouts willweor such o dress os compotible with physicol exercise they will
ottend ihis venture occording to ihe instructions of venture director.
b. Comp Croft The moin purpose of ihis venture is to moke comp life enjoyoble ond
comfortoble. To moke this ELAN purposeful, the porticiponts willmoke this mokeshift residence
trim ond tidy by their own skill ond plon. They will olso keep ihe sunoundings of the comp
cleon following rules ond disciplines comp life. lt is to mention thot no electric connection ond
socket should be set up from ihe moin electric line. Besides, condle or mosquito coilshould
nol be used to ovoid fire in the comp. Jomboree Cenkol Judge Teom willvisii the tent ot
ony time to judge.03 Scouts Units from eoch sub comp willreceive the Jomboree Shield ot
closing ceremony. Locol unit must corry necessory elements of these events ond overseos
porticiponis will be given the comp croft elements (Bomboo ond Rope) centrolly os their
requirements. According to the following criteric, the comp croft willbe evoluoted.
I. Comp Cleonliness
2. Godgets (bedding godget/shoe godget/honger/utensils/woven/ dustbin/plote, gloss
3. Cooking Anongements

4. lnnovotive comp crofts

c. Obstocle: The obsiocle the mosi odventurous progromme in the notionolJomboree.
be courogeous ond enthusiostic porticipoting in this venture. The scouts will
The scouts will
foce mony odventurous chollenges in this venture. Minimum six members willottend these
chollenges from every unit. Proboble events under this ELAN ore:
Over Wolls Bucket Cony Volley possing
Monkey Bors Slip Wolls Tire possing
Wire Crowl CrowlTubes Spider Net {verticol ongle)
Archery lnverted Woll Jumping ?uule
Rock Climbing Zip line- oligned with height Obstocle roce
Verticolcorgo Roppelling Crowling etc.
Dress Code: uniform should be compotible for this odventure olong with Sneokers/Shoes.
BULTCTIN No. 2 /JanuarV 2A22
d. Fun Foclory: This ELAN is the combinotion of Fun ond Leorning. There will'be two ports. One
isonly for Fun Activities ond onother is Leorning by Doing. ln fun port Porticiponts will get the
opporlunity to involve them in different funny octiviiies such os:Archery, Shooting, ?uzzle
Gomes, Moking HowoiMithoi, Ground Zero etc.
Leorning by doing is one of the most ottroctive ELAN of Jomboree. The scouts will leorn
different things of doily life to increose their skillond knowledge. Different types of stolls will be
decoroted ond willbe opened to the scouts. The scouts willbe oble to leorn someihing from
eoch siollond willtry to do something by themselves.
Bicycle repoiring: The porticiponts will be shown different ports of o bicycle ond will be
tought how to fix the ports of the bicycle. Then, the porticiponts will ottsch ond repoir
different porls of o bicycle in their own group.
Science projec* Units ore requested io beor o Science Project while coming lo
Jomboree Ground. On the doy while they ore participoting in this octivity ihey hove to
show their project of the ground. One Scoui of the respective units willdescribe their
projects os representotive. Best 24 Projects will be oworded.

Editor's Funclions: The scouts will know obout the functions of on editor from this stoll. They
will come to know oboul report writing. ediiing ond news presenting in this stoll. Besides,
they will try to write ond presenf report.

Plumbing: The scouts will leorn how to fix o woter pipe ond how to set up
woter pipe in ihis stoll. Then, they willfix the woter pipe themselves.
Croft: ln this stoll, the scouts willleorn how to moke different croft items by using o cone.
threod, rope, soop, soilond wox. The scouts will olso leorn how to prepore vorious models
of boot, pen, crone ond butterfly eic. ond they willdo it themselves os well. Moking o
brocelei by using threod, rope ond bomboo willolso be disployed in ihis stoll. The scouis
will bring some soil from their comp orec for moking ony model by soil. The models mode
by the scouts could be brought bock by them.
Fire Fighting ond Disosler Monogement ln this sioll, the scouts will be shown whoi to do
when there is fire, recovery system of disoster period ond how to cony the injured person
of posldisosier time. At lost. the scouts will poriicipote in o fire fighting drill.
ICI BUS: There willbe differeni ICT bus from Ministry lnformotion ond Communicotion
Technology. Porticiponts willget the opportunity to introduce themselves to come to
know obout the odvoncement of technology of Bonglodesh during ihis time.
Tronslolor: The scouts will leorn ihe job of o tronslotor ond they will olso know some words
of the different longuoge. They will olso be provided with the guidelines of leorning o
foreign longuoge.
e. Towords the Beoch: This octiviiy will creote the opportunity to introduce our world heritoge the
longest seo beoch of the world to the ollof the porticiponts. From the 3rd doy of Jomboree
0l villoge will be shifted from MirshoroiioCox's Bozor ond willbock to moin Jomboree ground
on the next doy by ship. During this journey they hove to toke pori in different interesting ond
competitive octivities.
No. 2 /January 2O22 BULLGTIN ffi
Hiking: This will be offsite octivities. They hove to poriicipote in this event while they ore stoying
comp in comp site of Cox's Bozor. This octivity will creote on opportunity to iniroduce locol
culture to porticiponts os well os visit different tourist spots. Hiking will be unii bosed. The scouts
will proctise trocking signs ond use of composs before porticipoting hiking. Scouts willreoch
the desiinotion using field book, trocking sign, informoiion, puzle ond code cypher. Reoching
the destinotion, the scouts hove to ioke port in the Fun & Gome of beoch.
g. Better World Fromework: Bonglodesh Scouts is operoting oll of the initiotives of beiter world
frome work. There will o different oreo for this octivity. 06 different siolls such os: Messengers
of Peoce, Scouts of ihe World Aword, Eorth Tribe, Hefo6he, Diologue for Peoce, Scout
Pokimonito Scoui Bodge. By toking port in this event porticiponts willcome to know obout the
octivities of the iniiiotives throughout the world.

Beoch Gomes: Beoch Gomes is o friendly competition. Allof the members moy porticipote
this eveni. Eoch gome must be ployed os o teom. Eoch unii will hove the opportunity to ploy
ony 4 gomes selected through loitery. Woter reloy, beoch footboll. beoch cricket. beoch
Koboddi, beoch Frisbee Golf, Discus throwing, Kiting on the beoch ond drowing / sculpting on
sond will ononged on beoch.
Beside this Jomboree outhority will hove on orrongement to ride some odventures octivities ot
nominol prices Such os Porosoiling, Horse Riding, Woter Scooter, Sond Scooter, Surfing.
Neighbour: Neighbour is o delightful ociiviiy for ihe porticiponts in the jomboree. During
jomboree time o unit will receive hospitolity from onother unii ond oi the some time Scouts
will moke friendship introducing with ollond exchonge their own hondmode gifis. Before the
beginning of this ELAN, concerned direcior ond o representotive will inform the office of the
villoge ond sub-comp officiols which teom will be in which unii. Through ihis event, the scout
of one district con be understood obout the history ond culture of onoiher di$rict. Eoch ond
Every Unit ore requested lo toke troditionolfry food items of their disirict with to enlertoin the
other unit who will come os guest to their tent or goes to oiher tent os guest.
Wiho (Who is the host): Bonglodesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZAJ oims to estoblish
economic zones in oll potentioloreos in Bonglodesh including bockword ond
underdeveloped regions with o view to encouroging ropid economic development through
increose ond diversificotion of industry, employmenl, production ond export'. Bongobondhu
Sheikh Mujib Shilpo Nogor {BSMSN) is one of the projecis under BEZA of Mirsoroi, Chottogrom.
Poteniiol lnvestment Seciors of thls project ore: Gorments & Gorment Supporiing lnduskies.
Agro-products ond ogro-processing products, lntegroted Textiles, Leother ond leother
products, Shipbuilding, Motorbike Assembly. Food & Beveroge, Point & Chemicol, Poper &
Products, Plostics, Light engineering {including outo-po*s ond bicycles}, Phormoceuticol
products, Power, Solor Pork. Jomboree porticiponts willget the opportunity to visii one
foctory to know the function of the compony of foctory level. Porticiponts willtoke port in this
octivities villoge wise.
k. Compfire: At the end of the doy's work, compfire is on integrol port in the field of scouting
with the oim of keeping liveliness ond vitolity of Scouts by enjoying the spontoneous pleosure.
According to the conventionol rules of Scouting, Compfire will be operoted. At f,rst, oll units
will porticipote in their own sub-comp. Some selected units from willjoin the villoge comp fire.
Nominoied units from villoge compfire will olso get ihe chonce to join in lhe Grond Compfire.
@ BUTLGTTN No. 2lJanuarV 2O22
Locol Porticiponts willjoin the compfire unit wise ond overseos porticiponts willjoin this event
os o contingent.
Sub-comp bosed compfire
Sub-comp bosed compfire will be perforrned occording to the fixed schedule of ihe jomboree.
Unit-bosed pcrticipotion will be evoluoted to give sticker ond item witl be finolized for villoge
Villoge compfire
Selected contingent items ond the fixed number of items from sub-comp competition of units will
be held on the fixed doy of the villoge-bosed compfire. ltems will be finolized for the exhibition of
grond compfire from this compfire progrom.

Cenkol Events
lnougurolion Ceremony This will be one of the most colourful ond foscinoting events of the
Jomboree. ln the ceremony, scouts should ottend of the mcin oreo with their proper uniform. At
leost 6 persons will hove to porticipoie in the disploy to beoutify the lnougurotion Ceremony. Only
lhose scouts will remoin present of the ceremony who will porticipote in the disploy. Aport from
those scouts, some experts will olso porticipote in the disploy to moke the ceremony successful
ond grondiose
Folk Feslfvql: Folk festivol is one of the beoch octivities. During Comp in Comp porticiponts will
hove to toke porl in this events contingeni wise. Eoch NSO hos to come up with preporotions for
the Folk Festivol to present their respeciive countries. Along with contingent performonces locol
culturolitems will be presented to present the locoUethnic culture.
Iop ochievers gothedng: President Scout (PSi oword ond President Rover Scoui (PRS) oword
ore ihe highest recognition in ihe life of scout respeciively in Bonglodesh. Members of ATAS
(Associotion of Top Achiever's Scoui) ond BATAS {Associotion of Top Achiever's Scout Bonglodesh)
moy ottend this grond progrorn. One con be o member of ATAS Bonglodesh ond ATAS beside this
progrom. Registrotion fees will be declored by ihe 3rd Jomboree Bulletin.
Itlood Bodger's Golhering: Leoders who ore involved with Jomboree os IST (Wood Bodge Beod
Holder) willget ihe opportunity to toke port in ihis events. Mony odventurous ond ottroctive
progrom will be performed to moke ihe goihering remorkoble. Wood Bodger's Goihering Will be
held on 14 December 2022 of 3:00pm. Regisirotion fees ond necessory informotion will be shored
through 3rd Jomboree Bulletin.
Volunieers' night Volunteers ploy on importont role ond tireless efforts for successful
implementotion of o comp. Volunteers gothering or get together "Volunieers night" will be
orgonized to encouroge occeleroting their work. Only serving rovers in the jomboree will
porticipole in volunteers' nighi. Rovers will get the chonce to perform donce. songs. poems,
ploy of volunteers' night. Aport from this ottroctive event will be ononged of Volunteers night.
Those who will hove been ossocioted with heolth, securiiy, cofeterio or running evenis during
the iomboree, they hove io come the volunteer's night with the permission of the respective
Grond Compfire: Grond compfire will be held [n coordinotion with notionol, foreign unit ond
coniingent oi the evening of lhe 6ih doy of Jomboree. Grond compfire willbe hosied by
No. 2 /January 2A22 BULL€TIN ffi
selected units ond coniingents from villoge cornpfire. The porticiponts of jomboree hove to come
on time in ihe progrom ond the willenjoy the compfire oltogether.
Victory Night As port of victory doy celebrotion octivities on l6 December 2A22a colourful
culturol events will be orronged. ln the exhibiiion of renowned ortisis of the country will perform.
The moin objective of the event to iniroduce overseos poriicipont with history of Bonglodesh. lf
ony contingent wonts to perform of this event they must communicote to centrol events sub-
commitiee with video the selected items
Free Time Activities
GDV -Globol Development Villoge: GDV will be estoblished to know obout the heolth,
environmeni ond climote, ii of contemporory world side by side SDG. This chonging world
is constontly focing vorious chollenges such os: heolth. nutrition, pure woter, sonitotion,
environment, climote chonge, cotostrophe, child heolth , moiernolheolih, HIV/Aids, TB. Leprosy,
dengue, molorio, gender issue, informotion technology, etc. which spreods impocts in vorious
woy in our doily life. To comboi this chollenge, notionol ond internotionol, government ond
non-government orgonizoiions ore implementing vorious progroms. Acquiring brood ideos ond
knowledge on these topics, GDV will be esioblished in coordinoiion with vorious government
ond non-government orgonizotions ond NGOs to foce future chollenges in oiming to make
owore scouts ond common people. Scouts, porticipoiing from differeni countries. enriching their
own knowledge ond experience by visiiing the siolls of GDV in the prescribed time ond shoring
their views con opply in their reol life. After visiting thoi stolls of GDV, the porticiponts will enjoy
o culturol ond oiher recreoiionol progrom. ln oddiiion to porticiponts in ihe jomboree, the locol
people will be given the opporiunity to visit the GDD ot the scheduled time. Eoch ond every
porticipont will hove to visit this oreo during entire jomboree period. They hove io write down
obout the ociivities of the orgonizotion {oi leosi 3) they visii in their jomboree guide. Affer they
hove collect seols ond stickers from the GDV office.
Crossrood Culture: These events willcreote on opportuniiy to know oboui the heritoge,
cusiom ond culture of the own countryside. As o hosi country Bonglodesh willononge huge
orrongements to represeni opproximote ihe entire heritoge, culiure such os: Meloijoire zone:
different pitho- noru-moo, Boishokh-hemonto borsho stoll. nogordolc, chorki, dugdugi, gozir
gon, Bioscope, shoree & lungisloll, pottery & coloring, Jewellory moking, Cloy Pottery Quesi,
Bioscope, Embroidery / NokshiKontho-Stitching, Ethnic Jewellery Moking, Rickshow, Thelo Gori,
Gorur Gori, MehediStolls, Ethnic Jewellery And Cloihs , Humon size boord gomes, Leorning by
doing : juie focus. Moking musicolinstrument. Pitho Toiri, NokshiKotho Design, Chokmo bomboo
donce, Musicolroom, Korooke, Friends & Fomily. This will be one of the colourful ond oitroctive
orrongements for the jomboree. lf ony overseos contingent wonts lo hove their stoll of this events
they hove notify Jomboree Secretoriot of the time of regiskotion. Eoch ond every poriicipont will
hove to visit this oreo during entire jomboree period. They hove to write down obout the octivities
of the orgonizotion {ot leost 3} they visit in their jomboree guide. After ihey hove collect seols ond
stickers from the Crossrood Culture controlroom.

Swopping: Scouts ond Adult leoders con exchonge their collected scorf. bodge, woggle,
coot pin, t-shirt, key-ring, stomps. envelope, hondmode things etc with scouts qnd odult leoder
respectively during ihe jomboree. For this purpose, ihe swopping oreo will be fixed in ihe specific
oreo of the jomboree. However, scouts con swop with one onother inside house venture. ln this
@ BUtL€TIN No. 2 /JanuarV 2A22
woy, scouts con increose the number of their choice ond collecied items. But money ond foreign
cunency swopping con't be done in ony condition.

l"lome Hospi*clity
on firsi-come bosis Ho-Ho sholl be ovoiloble for 192 Scouts {the number I ?2 signifies the Yeor of
lndependence of Bonglodesh 197 1, Moss Uproising I969 & the Longuoge Movement in I952 ond
hence. ihe number I92 is the summotion of 7l , 69 & 52).

Sofety & Security

Potobte woier & cleon oir Showers
& Toilets, Medicol support,
Ambulonce, Fire Service & Rescue,
Sofety & Security.

Off"site ottractions
O. Mohomoyo Loke ond ltloter Folls
{distonce from the Jomboree site -
22 kilometres):Mohomoyo Loke is the
2nd lorgest loke in Bonglodesh hoving
on oreo of I I squore kilometers. lt is o
very beoutifulloke. Visitors con ride o
booi to enjoy the loke. ln oddition to
the crystolcleorwoters of the loke ond
the hilly tenoin, there ore olso mounioin
coves. rubber doms ond impeccobly
beoutiful founioins.

b. SitokunduBotonizolGorden
& Eco Pork {distonce from
the Jomboree site - 34
kilomeiers):This is the first
eco-pork in Bonglodesh.
It wos estoblished in 2001
on 808 hectores. The
moin purposes of creoting
ihis eco pork cre storing
biodiversity. conservotion.
Spine of the Eco Pork,
pine-tree lined pothwoy
designed for the visitors to
enjoy the beouty of the
No. 2 /JanuarV 2022 BULT€TIN ffi
woter bodies such os the pond thot defines the pork. There ore deer, beors, monkeys ond
birds such os mogpie, ponots, swollows. herons ond sponows. Monkeys move olwoys omong
the bomboo ond some lorge lrees. A flower lover's zone, these two oreos will hove vorieties of
both gorden ond wild flowers to enjoy. A themotic zone dedicoted to the Bengol delicocy of
fruits, to showcose the bountifulnoture of this port of eorth ond to encouroge noture leorning
through identificotion of fruit beoring trees.
c. Khoiochoro Wqlerfolls {distonce from the Jomboree site - 33 kilometers): Khoiyochoro
Woterfoll is o hilly woterfollwhich is situoted on the hills of Mirsoroi. Among mony
other woterfolls in Mirsoroiupozilo, such os Komoldoho Woterfolls. Nopiitochoro
Woterfolls, Nopiitochoro

Woierf olls, Sohosrod horo Woterfolls, J ho rjhori
Woterfolls etc., Khoiyochoro woterfolls ond
its conidor is one of the lorgest in this hilly
belt hoving on oreo of 293.61 hectores. The
Khoiyochoro woterfolls hos o totolof seven
mojorwoterfolls {coscodes} ond mony isoloted
steps. Since the locotion of the founioin is in
Khoiyochoro union of Mirsoroi Upozilo, the
woterfolls hos been nomed "Khoiyochoro
d. GuliokholiSeo Beoch {distonce from the Jomboree site - 20 kilometers):The beoch is
bordered by the Keoro forest, with Conow trees bordering the conolgoing into the Forest. The
environment is both Swomp Forest ond mongrove forest.

e. Chondronolh lemple (distonce from ihe Jomboree siie - 2? kilomeiers): The Chondronoth
Iemple is considered os o ShoktiPeetho, the revered shrines of Shoktism.The mylhotogy of
Dokshoyogo ond Sofi's se/f-rmmolotion is
the source myihology behind the origin
of Shokti Peethos. ShoktiPeethos ore
divine shrines of Shokti, due to the folling
of body ports of the corpse of SoiiDevi,
when Lord Shivo corried it ond wondered
throughout Aryovortho in sonow. There ore
5l Shokii Peeth linking to the 5l olphobets
in Sonskrii. Eoch temple hos shrines
for Shoktiond Kolobhoirovo. The Righi Arm
of Soti Devi's corpse is believed to hove
follen here. The Shoktiis known by the
nome Bhovoni. li is socred to the Buddhists
ond the Hindus.
Bt$tr.€Tns& No. 2lJanuary 2022
Trcv*i & Tours
o. Pctengo Seo Beoch (distonce from the
Jomboree site - 75 kilorneters): Poiengo is -_. . .

o seo beoch of the Boy of Bengol, locoted

l4 kilometers south from the port city
,: **
of Chottogrom, Bonglodesh. lt is neor r-
to the mouth of the Kornophuli River. , T**-,,
Potengo is o populor ond renowned
iourist spot. The beoch is very close to
the Bonglodesh NcvolAcodemy of
the Bonglodesh Novy ond Shoh Amonot
lniernoiionol Airporl.

b. Booling on Foy's Loke (distonce

from the Jomboree siie - 63
kilometers) : Booting, rowing,
omusement pork ovoiloble here.

c. Wqr Cemelery idistonce from the

Jomboree site - 64 kilometers):This
cemetery wos estoblished to honor
Commonweolth soldiers ond others who
died in World Wor ll. The cemetery wos
creoted by the British Army, ond there
were originolly oboui 400 buriols.

d. Chotlogrom Port (distonce from

the Jomboree site - 66 kilometers):
The Chottogrom Porl is the moin seoport of
Bonglodesh locoted on the bonk
of lhe Kornophuli River, ond is the core portof countries dependent on the Boy of Bengol.
According to Lloyd's, it ronked os the 58th busie$ contoiner port in the world in20'l?. Locoted
in the Bonglodeshi port city of Chottogrom ond
-@i, :;{}$?l *{..** on the bonks of the Kornophuli River, the port
of Chottogrom hondles ninety percent of
Bonglodesh's export-import irode, ond hos
been used by lndio, Nepol ond Bhuion to join
for tronsshipmeni. The port is one of the oldest in
the world. This port hos o recorded history from 9th
No. 2 /January 2O22
e. Cox's Bozoor {distonce from the Jomboree siie
- 209 }dorneten):
the longest unbroken seo
beoch in the world of 155 kilometers long.

f. Teknqf {distonce from the Jomboree site - 290}dometers}: the southernmost tip of Bonglodesh
with its beouty of hills, forests ond the
NofRiver, bordering Myonmor.

g. Morlin lslond {distonce from ihe

Jomboree siie- 3flldomeien): Only
corolislond of Bonglodesh ond
occessible only by woter tronsportotion.

h. Bondorbon (distonce

from the Jomboree site- ]34

fiutil"€T!N No. 2lJanuary ?'4?.3.

Venue ct c g!*nee
Woy io the venue from Dhoko-Choltogrom Highwoy

t Project Office

i 1 ,,n',..


'6=ll..=:* .o..;:..i-...

rrr II rc

'11-9 r

Progromme Activily Areo

No. 2 /January 2A22 BUTLGTIN tr

Infroslructrrre Developmeni in Progress

Accommodotion Areo {2 million sq. metres}

BUTT€TIN No. 2 /January 2A22
Jomboree Logo Jamboree Moscot


The logo represents:

o. The APR logo enhoncing our bondoge
b. The Royol BengolTiger, chorocierizing the brove ond qdventurous youth
c. The boot Shompon ond the seo, typiccl of Chottogrom ond struggle of
the people
d. A reef knot, symbolizing Scouting
e. A kite. signifying the lofty dreoms ond ombition of the young people
f. A ient ond compfire, epitomizing ccrmp life
g. The Bonglodesh notionolcolours

Commerciol oir-
conditioned bus service
is oboiloble from
Dhoko to Chottogrom.
Which service the Host
Country will orgonize
on request q1

ociuol cost.
r Choltogrcm
Sl6h Amqnot
/ Akport
_O ./..\\ '.---,.--

Jcmboree eontocl Detoils

Dr. Md. iJlozommel Hoque Khon Mr. Jose Rizol C Pongilinon Mr. Arshodul Mukqddish
Choirmon. Jomboree Orgonizing Committee Regionol Director Secretory, Jomboree Orgonizing Commitiee
& Chief Notionol Commissioner Wodd Scout Bureou/APR Support Centre & Executive Director
Bonglodesh Scouls Emoil: osio-pocifl Bonglodesh Scouts
Emoil: 32oprjom@scouts, Emoil:

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