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PERSATUAN PERAWAT NASIONAL INDONESIA SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN GARUDA PUTIH made rab hn 13 Te 421864.) 798179 wo Nr Aer eae SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI Certificate Of Competence omer : 1031581440120220001 Number of Certificate ; 1031581440120220001 Dibertien Kepads : ‘This ts to Certify that Nama Lenghap PUTRI DUWI OKTAVIA idl Name Tempat, Tanggal Lahir 'SUNGAI ABU, 21 Oktober 2000 Place, Date of Birth [Nomor induk Mahasiswa : 103158144012016191468 ‘Student 1D Number ‘Nama Penguruan Tings} Sekolah Tinggi limu Kesehatan Garuda Put Name of stitution Jenis dan No. Keputusan Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi : Sokolah Tinggi limu Kesehatan Garuda Putih Jambi dan 976/M/2020 ‘Under the law of Vocational Schoo! in Higher Education 976/M/2020 Program Studi : Program Diploma Ill Keperawatan Mayor Program Diploma If] Nursing Diyas (elah LOLOS UJI KOMPETENG! PROGRAM DIPLOMA [11 KEPERAWATAN Has passed the Competency Test of Program Diploma Ill Nursing Berdiasarkant/Keputusan Panitia Nasional Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Keperawatan dan Pendidikan Kebidanan Nomor 1435/KOM-Kes/XII/2021 ‘Bound onthe decian of the National Examination Commie for Nursing and Miduifery ‘Students, Number 1495/KOM-Kes/XII/2021 im:

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