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Pertemuan Ke 9 – 18 Januari 2023

Present Perfect Tense

Dosen :
Putri Astiti, M.I.Kom.
Present Perfect Tense

Pengertian Present Perfect Tense

Pada tenses ini terdapat dua kata kunci, pertama, perfect yang artinya suatu
kegiatan yang telah selesai dan kedua present yang artinya kata kerja ada di dalam
bentuk sekarang. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu
kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lalu, namun hasilnya masih ada hingga saat ini.
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menonjolkan hasil dari kegiatan itu. Present perfect
tense menggunakan past participle (V3) sebagai kata kerja utama dan
menggunakan have/has sebagai kata kerja bantu.

Ada empat situasi dimana present perfect tense digunakan, yaitu :

1. Untuk menenjukkan suatu perbuatan yang dimulai di masa lampau tetapi
hasilnya masih ada sampai sekarang
2. Untuk menunjukkan tindakan berulang yang terjadi antara masa lalu dan
3. Untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan yang diselesaikan di masa lalu,
4. Untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan yang dilakukan dalam periode itu belum
Look at the picture below for the example of each situation

Terdapat dua tanda waktu yang banyak digunakan dalam kalimat present perfect,
yaitu FOR dan SINCE. Kata “FOR” untuk digunakan ketika Anda bermaksud
mengatakan “selama” dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau untuk menjelaskan lamanya
durasi kejadian. Sementara itu, kata “SINCE” digunakan saat Anda bermaksud
mengatakan “sejak” dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau untuk menerangkan kapan
kejdian tersebut dimulai.
Contoh :
- We have stayed in the class for five hours.
- She has followed me since highschool.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense (Positif)

S + (has/have) + Verb 3/past participle

Contoh :
- Andi has prepared a great document for the final task.
- I have just bought that Rolex watch for Rp 2 millions.
- She has finished her exam.
Study this example situation:
Tom can not find his key.
He has lost his key (it means, He lost it and he doesn’t have it now).
have lost/ has not is present perfect tense:
I / we / they / you + have finished
He / she / it + has done

The present perfect is have/has + past participle.

The past participle often ends in –ed (finished/decided etc.), but many verbs are
irregular (lost/done/written etc.).

Rumus Present Perfect Tense (Negatif)

Dalam membuat kalimat negatif, Anda hanya perlu memasukkan kata “NOT” antara
kata kerja bantu (has/have) dan kata kerja utama.

S + (has/have) + not + Verb 3/past participle

- I have not eaten this kind of pizza for 2 years.
- Claudia has not paid her tuition.
- Linda has not resigned from that fast food company.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Dalam membuat kalimat interogatif, Anda hanya perlu membubuhkan kata kerja
bantu (has/have) di awal kalimat baru di ikuti dengan Subjek dan kata kerja (Verb 3).

has/have + S + Verb 3/past participle

- Has Anto written two whole page yesterday?
- Have you eaten?
- Has Andi bought that yellow house?
Present Perfect Tense (I have done)

Study this example conversation:

Dave : Have you travelled a lot, Jane?
Jane : Yes, I have been to lots of places.
Dave : Really? Have you ever been to China?
Jane : Yes, I have been to China twice.
Dave : What about India?
Jane : No, I have not been to India.

When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use
the present perfect (have been/have traveled etc.). here, Dave and Jane are talking
about the places Jane has visited in her life, which is a period that continues until

Read the situations and complete the sentences using the present perfect
tense. Choose from these verbs (V1).

break disappear go up grow

improve lose shrink stop

1. Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. Tom has lost his key.
2. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is better Her English...................
3. My bag wa here, but it isn’t here any more. My bag .........................
4. Lisa can’t walk and her leg is in plester. Lisa ..............................
5. Last week the bus fare was Rp 4000. Now it is Rp 5000. The bus fare.................
6. Dani didn’t have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Dani..............................
7. It was raining ten minutes ago. It isn’t rining now. It...................................
8. I washed my sweater,, and now it’s too small for me. My sweater...................

Complete the sentences using the present perfect.

1. Sally is still here. She hasn’t gone (she / not / go) out.
2. I can’t find my bag. ................................(you / see / it) anywhere?
3. I can’t log on to the website. ................................(I / forget) my password.
4. I sent Joe an email this morning, but ................................ (he / not / reply).
5. Is the meeting still going on, or ................................ (it / finish)?
6. ................................ (the weather / change). It’s colder now.
7. ................................ (you / not / sign) the form. Could you sign it now, please?
8. Are your friends still here, or ................................ (they / go) home?
9. Paul doesn’t know what he’s going to do. ................................ (he / not / decide /
10. ‘Do you know where Julia is?’ ‘Yes, ................................ (I / just / see / her).’
11. ‘When is David going away?’ ‘................................ (he / already / go).’
12. a: ................................ (your course / start / yet)?
b: Not yet. It starts next week.

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