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Materi: Simple present tense

Sebelum pembahasan tentang Simple Present Tense dan untuk mengingat kembali yang
pernah dipelajari, coba dikerjakan exercises dibawah ini.

I. Fill in the blank with choose in the parenthesis (Dengan memilih jawaban di
dalam kurung)
1. Julia is very good in languages. She ……….. four languages very well.
2. Water ……. at 100 degrees celcius. (boil/boils)
3. The little boy ………… bed at 8 p.m every night.(go/goes)
4. He always ………… bed before midnight..(go/goes)
5. My brother ………. delicious cakes once a month. (make/makes)

Meskipun soal sangat mudah dan sederhana hanya memilih kata kerja yang ditambah s/es dan
kata kerja tanpa s/es, periksalah berapa soal yang benar yang sudah dikerjakan tersebut.
Baiklah mari kita bahas materi secara ringkas tentang:

Simple present tense

Simple Present Tense dapat dijelaskan sebagai suatu bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi waktu sekarang
dalam bentuk sederhana atau kegiatan/pekerjaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang atau
kebiasaan sehari-hari atau keadaan/peristiwa yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu (fact
atau general truth).
1. Daily habit or usual activities.
2. General statement of fact/general truth.

Dilihat dari predikatnya:

1. Nominal sentence: Kalimat yang predikatnya selain kata kerja.
2. Verbal sentence: Kalimat yang predikatnya kata kerja.

Penjelasan :
I. Nominal sentence: Kalimat yang predikatnya selain kata kerja.
Dalam simple present tense yang predikatnya selain kata kerja susunan kalimatnya:
S + to be + non verb (berupa Adjective/Noun/Adverb)
(is, am, are)
Examples in the sentence;
I am a student. (Noun)
You are happy. (adjedtive)
They are here now. (Adverb of place).
He is at home. (sama dengan He stays at home)
We are in the class room.

Negative sentence ( - )
S + to be + not + non verb (noun, adjective, Adverb)
I am a student diubah kalimat negative menjadi:
(-) I am not a student.(N)
You are not happy. (aren’t)
They are not here now.
He is not at home, (isn’t)
We are not in the class room.

Interrogative(? kalimat tanya).

Tinggal meletakkan to be di awal kalimat.

To be + S + non verb?
Am I a student? (Noun)
Are you happy? (adjedtive)
Are They here now?(Adverb of place).
Is he at home?

Kebenaran umum /general truth:

Ice is cold.
Fire is hot.
Apabila sebelum to be didahului dengan auxiliary verb maka bentuk to be (is, am, are)
berubah menjadi be untuk semua subject.
She can be ill. Ia mungkin sakit.
They must be there. Mereka harus kesana.

II. Verbal sentence: kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja.

Secara singkat Simple Present Tense menyatakan suatu keadaan yang berlangsung saat ini
atau menyatakan suatu kebiasaan/habitually. Keterangan waktunya every day, every morning,
twice a week, every evening dan lain-lain waktu yang diulang-ulang.

Untuk verbal sentence susunan kalimatnya:

S + Verb 1 +(s/es) + object + adverb (keterangan).

(Verb 1 = infinitive)
Untuk kalimat yang subjeknya He, She, It + Verb 1 ditambah s/es.
He drinks coffee every morning.
She works hard every day.
He visits her grandmother every month.

Kebenaran umum (general truth)

The sun rises in the east.
The sun sets in the west.
Horse has four legs. (dari kata kerja have +s menjadi has)
It has four legs.
Cat catches a mouse.

Untuk kalimat yang subjeknya I, You, We, They + verb 1 tanpa tambahan s/es.
You visit library every Saturday.
I read newspaper everyday.
We learn English twice a week.
Kalimat negative ( - )
S + do/does + not + verb 1/infinitive + object

Untuk kalimat yang subjeknya He, She, It mengunakan does + not dan verb nya tanpa s/es.
He does not drink coffee every morning.
She does not work hard every day.
He does not visit her grandmother every month.

Untuk kalimat yang subjeknya I, You, We, They mengunakan do + not

You do not visit library every Saturday.
I do not read newspaper everyday.
We do not learn English twice a week.

Interrogative (kalimat tanya)

Dengan meletakkan Do/Does di awal kalimat.
Do/does + S + verb 1 + object?
Does he drink coffe every morning ?
Does she work hard every day?
Does he visit her grandmother every month?
Do you visit library every Saturday?
Do I read newspaper everyday?
Do we learn English twice a week?
I. Fill in the blank with choose in the parenthesis (Dengan memilih jawaban di
dalam kurung)
1. Julia is very good in languages. She ……….. four languages very well.
2. Water ……. at 100 degrees celcius. (boil/boils)
3. The little boy ………… bed at 8 p.m every night.(go/goes)
4. He always ………… bed before midnight..(go/goes)
5. My brother ………. delicious cakes once a month. (make/makes)
6. The moon …….. around the earth. (go/goes)
7. The sun ………. in the east. (rise/rises)
8. The sun ………. in the west. (set/sets)
9. Excuse me, do you ……. English? (speak/speaks)
10. What do you ussually ………. at weekends? (do/does)
11. Most people …….. to swim when they are children. (learn/learns)
12. John isn’t lazy. He ……… very hard most of time. (work/works)
13. It doesn’t ………. very much in summer. (rain/rains)
14. I always …….. to work by motorcycle. (go/goes)
15. The carpenter ……. some furniture. (make/makes)
16. The train is never late. It always …….. on time. (leave/leaves)
17. James and his brother are very untidy. They always ……. their things all over the
place (leave/leaves)
18. Baby .......... (cry/cries)
19. Bees............ honey. (make/makes)
20. Mother ................. a shower every day. (take/takes)

Tugas buatlah kalimat Negative dan kalimat tanya untuk Romawi I dan II (bila sudah berupa
kalimat negative atau kalimat tanya tidak perlu diubah lagi).
II. Choose the correct answer and then make negative sentence and interrogative.
Translate(s) tell(s) play(s) open(s) (flow(s) cause (s) drink(s) live(s) take(s) speak(s)
close(s) believe (s)
1. An Atheist does not ……….. in God.
2. An interpreter …….. from one language into another.
3. A liar is someone who doesn’t …….. the truth.
4. The river Amazon …… into the Atlantic Ocean.
5. He ……. the piano, but he does not ….. very well.
6. Anna doesn’t …….. German very well.
7. The swimming pool ………at 9 o’clock and …… at half past six p.m every day.
8. Bad driving ……… many accidents.
9. I don’t ……… coffee.
10. My parents …………. in very small flat.
11. The Olympic Games …….place every four year.

Hand out oleh: Sogimin, SS., M.Hum.

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