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Theme : Using Gadget Wisely

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, wash sholatu wassalamu ‘alaa asyrafil
ambiyaa’i wal mursalin, wa ‘alaa alihi washohbihi ajma’iin ‘amma ba’d.
Rabbisy-rohli shodri wa yassirli amri, wahlul ‘uqodatam millisaani yafqohu qouli.

First of all, thank God that we’re all here gathering in this nice place, join the competition
and certainly obtaining new informations and new relations.
The best greeting, let us say to our Prophet, Muhammad saw. Allahumma shalli wa sallim wa
baarik ‘alaih.

The honorable, all the juries. The honorable, all the teachers. And beloved, my friends.

Such an honor to have a chance to be here and join this competition to share new perspective
spesifically about using gadget wisely as technology in a good way.

As we all have seen, technology has been developing for years. The developers has been
created many features that really useful for all user. Yet in my opinion, it all depends on its
own user, whether they could use it in a good way or not.

We all knew that we can figure out many more things in this world, and way more than that
we could increase our specific interest and also to help teaching and learning process for
student in their school with just one hand. Which means by our own gadget.
There are a lot of things we could reach by many sources on the internet that available in our
gadget, which not necessary to go there and see them live.

Therefore, of we all using gadget wisely.. we could expand our knowledge, or increasing
skills and capabilities. Or even more we could find other new skill which more useful and

Last but not least, indeed.. according to many good or bad things as impact of using gadget in
our age as a student from elementary school, we do need kind of control or guidance from our
own parent.

I think that’s all. I apologize for any words or behavior that unpleasing your heart. Thank you
very much for your kind attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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