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Daily Activites

Writeen by: 1. Harfiansyah arof (062230320558)

2. Husin A zikri ocsa (062230320559)

From class:
2EA Teknik Elektronika (D3)

17 Daily Activities
(Aktivitas Sehari-hari)


after completing this lesson, you should be able to

 ask about somebody's daily activites

 describe his/her or other people's daily activites
 use adverbs of frequency


setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran ini, Anda harus bisa

 bertanya tentang kegiatan sehari-hari seseorang

 menggambarkan kegiatan sehari-harinya atau orang lain
 menggunakan tekananan frekuensi

Marry: “what time do you go to bed, James?”
James: “I go to bed at 10.00”
Marry: “and before that, what do you do?”
James: “I watch TV or do my home-work”
Marry: “do you always do your home-work at night??”
James: “not always. Sometime I do my home-work in the afternoon. It depends on how much
homework I’ve got.”
Marry: “I see. So, you sometimes go to bed at different times”
James: “that’s true”

Marry : “jam berapa kamu tidur, james?”
James : “Saya pergi tidur jam 10.00”
Marry : “dan sebelum itu, apa yang kamu lakukan?”
James : “Saya menonton TV atau mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah”
Marry : “apakah kamu selalu mengerjakan PR di malam hari??”
James : “tidak selalu. Kadang-kadang saya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya di sore hari. Itu
tergantung pada berapa banyak pekerjaan rumah yang saya punya.”
Menikah : “Begitu. Jadi terkadang Anda pergi tidur pada waktu yang berbeda ”
James: "itu benar"

Robert: “do you usually go to work by car, jane?”
Jane: “yes, I do, except when my car is broken. So, I go to work by public transport”
Robert: “do you like that”
Jane: “not really, because it’s not economical and it takes a lot of time, too”
Robert: “how about if I take you to work”
Jane: “I’d love to but would it be trouble for you?”
Robert: “no, not at all, because I always drive past your house on my way to the office”

Robert : “apakah kamu biasanya pergi bekerja dengan mobil, jane?”
Jane : “ya saya tahu, kecuali saat mobil saya rusak. Jadi saya pergi bekerja dengan transportasi
Robert: "apakah kamu suka itu"
Jane : “tidak juga, karena tidak ekonomis dan memakan banyak waktu juga”
Robert : “bagaimana kalau aku mengantarmu bekerja”
Jane : “Saya ingin sekali, tetapi apakah itu akan menjadi masalah bagi Anda?”
Robert : “tidak, tidak sama sekali, karena saya selalu melewati rumahmu dalam perjalanan ke
1. What does James do in the evening?
Apa yang James lakukan di malam hari?
= James does a watch TV or do homework”

2. What does he do after that?

Apa yang dia lakukan setelah itu?
= After that he do go to the school

3. What time does he go to bed?

Jam berapa dia pergi tidur?
= He goes to bed at 10.00 pm

4. How does Jane go to work?

Bagaimana cara Jane pergi bekerja?
= Jane goes to work by a car”

5. When does she go to work by public transport?

Kapan dia pergi bekerja dengan transportasi umum?
= When her car is broken

6. Does he like to go to work by public transport? Why/Why not?

Apakah dia suka pergi bekerja dengan transportasi umum? Mengapa/Mengapa tidak?
= She doesn’t like it, because it’s not economical and it takes a lot of time to

Exercise 1
1. Does he play basketball?
= Apakah dia bermain bola basket?

2. He goes to work at different time

= Dia pergi bekerja pada waktu yang berbeda

3. James go comes here by car. But now he comes on foot

= James datang kesini dengan mobil. Tapi sekarang dia datang dengan berjalan kaki

4. Do Marry and I have to see the director?

= Apakah Marry dan Saya harus menemui sutradara?

5. We don’t watch TV in the morning

= Kami tidak menonton TV di pagi hari

6. The world news is on TV at 9 PM

= Berita dunia ada di TV pada jam 9 malam

7. Sometimes I eat out in the restaurant, especially when I have a lot of money
= Terkadang saya makan di reatoran, terutama ketika saya punya banyak uang

8. Do you know what they do every Saturday night?

= Apa kamu tahu apa yang mereka lakukan setiap Sabtu malam?

9. We usually fishing with our grandfather in the village.

= Kami biasanya memancing bersama kakek kami di desa.

10. Does Johny know that he has to be here now?

= Apakah Johny tahu bahwa dia harus berada di sini sekarang?

Exercise 2a
1. The children football in the street. (play)
= The children are playing football in the street.
Anak-anak sedang bermain sepak bola di jalan.

2. Students the library in town every Monday. (visit)

= Students visit the library in town every monday.
Siswa mengunjungi perpustakaan di kota setiap hari senin.

3. The man with the pink shirt always his wife if she goes anywhere. (accompany)
= The man with the pink shirt always his wife if she goes anywhere.
Pria berkemeja pink selalu menjadi istrinya jika pergi kemana-mana.

4. I to the radio broadcast almost every day. (listen)

= I always listen the radio broadcast almost every day.
Saya selalu mendengarkan siaran radio hampir setiap hari.

5. Ani and I together on the project. (work)

= Ani and I working together on the project.
Ani dan saya bekerja sama dalam proyek tersebut.

6. Women usually carefully. (drive)

= Women usually drive carefully.
Wanita biasanya mengemudi dengan hati-hati.
7. Johny pretty well. (sing)
= Johny singing pretty well.
Johny bernyanyi dengan cukup baik.

8. A farmer never a beautiful shirt at work. (wear)

= A farmer never wear a beautiful shirt at work
Seorang petani tidak pernah memakai pakaian indah saat bekerja

9. We the news at 9 PM. (watch)

= We wached the news at 9 PM.
Kami menonton berita pada jam 9 malam.

10. I and Mary every Sunday morning. (jog)

= I and Mary always joging every sunday morning.
Saya dan Mary selalu jogging setiap minggu pagi.

Exircise 2b
1. James plays football two times a year.
James bermain sepak bola dua kali setahun.
=James seldom plays football

2. My father has gone to the movie once in his life.

Ayah saya pergi ke bioskop sekali dalam hidupnya.
= My father almost never goes to the movie in his life.

3. Today, Ina is sick. She cannot go to school then.

Hari ini Ina sakit. Dia tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah saat itu.
=Ina usually sick. She cannot go to school then

4. The office is open at 7 AM. but she goes to the office at 8.

Kantor buka jam 7 pagi. tapi dia pergi ke kantor jam 8.
= The office regularly open at 7 AM.

5. If I have time, I go to a music concert.

jika saya punya waktu, saya pergi ke konser musik.
= I go to music concert sometime.

6. Ani lives in the other side of the town, but she goes to her parents’ house about 4 or 5
times a week.
Ani tinggal di sisi lain kota, tapi dia pergi ke rumah orang tuanya sekitar 4 atau 5 kali
= Ani lives in the other side of the town, but she often goes to her parents’ house.

7. It rains here for about 8 or 9 months each year

Hujan di sini sekitar 8 atau 9 bulan setiap tahun.
=it rains here regularty each year

8. He is a Moslem. He doesn’t know what is inside a church.

Dia seorang Muslim. Dia tidak tahu apa yang ada di dalam gereja.
= He is moslem. He never goes inside a church.

9. He comes to his girlfriend whenever he has time

Dia menemui pacarnya setiap kali ia memiliki waktu
=He come to his girlfriend usually he has time

10. My wife and I go the movie about 3 or 4 times a month.

Saya dan istri saya menonton film sekitar 3 atau 4 kali sebulan.
= Sometime my wife and i go to the movie.
Exercise 4

 First, I’m wake up in the morning at 05.00 am

 And then at 06.00 am, I take a shower to clean my body
 After that I having a breakfast at 06.30 am
 At 07.45 am I go to the collage
 We will study at 08.00 am – 02.00 pm
 At 02.15 I’m go to home
 I having a lunch at 02.30 pm
 After all, I spend my time with playing a volleyball at 03.00 pm
 I take a shower at 04.30 pm to clean my body
 And then I spend my time with watching a tv show at 05.00-07.00 pm
 At 07.30 – 10.00 I do study
 And 10.00 pm I take a bed for sleep


 Pertama, saya bangun pagi jam 05.00 pagi

 Kemudian jam 06.00 pagi saya mandi untuk membersihkan badan
 Setelah itu saya sarapan pagi jam 06.30
 Pukul 07.45 saya pergi ke kolase
 Kami akan belajar pada pukul 08.00 – 14.00
 Jam 02.15 saya pulang
 Saya makan siang pada pukul 14.30
 Lagi pula, saya menghabiskan waktu dengan bermain volyball pada pukul 15.00
 Saya mandi pada pukul 16.30 untuk membersihkan badan saya
 Kemudian saya menghabiskan waktu dengan menonton acara tv pada pukul 05.00-07.00
 Jam 07.30 – 10.00 saya belajar
 Dan jam 10.00 malam saya tidur

Exercise 6
Answer the questions by yourself.
I: “What do you do in the morning?”
“Apa yang kamu lakukan di pagi hari?
U: “I’m do go to the school”
“Saya pergi ke sekolah”
I: “What time do you go to school?”
“Jam berapa kamu pergi ke sekolah?”
U: “I go to the school at 06.30 Am”
“Saya pergi ke sekolah jam 06.30 pagi”
I: “What do you do after you come home from school?”
“Apa yang kamu lakukan setelah pulang sekolah?”
U: “I will be going to study English”
“Saya akan belajar bahasa Inggris”
I: “What time do you study English?”
“Jam berapa kamu belajar bahasa Inggris?”
U: “I’m study English at 14.00 Pm”
“Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris pada pukul 14.00”
I: “Do you watch TV until late at night?”
“Apakah kamu menonton TV sampai larut malam?”
U: “Yes I’m watch TV until late at night”
“Ya, saya menonton TV sampai larut malam”
I: “Then what time do you go to bed?”
“Lalu jam berapa kamu tidur?”
U: “I go to the bed at 21.30 PM”
“Saya pergi tidur jam 21.30”

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