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My First Sight!

There was a 22-year-old boy who sat in the train with his father. Incidentally, they sat next to
a woman.

Suddenly, the son looked out and shouted, “Dad, look, the trees walked in the opposite
direction with us!”

The father smiled and woman sitting next to him was surprised and felt sorry to see the
behavior of his son.

A few minutes later, the son shouted again and said, “Dad, look, the clouds are going with

After the son cried, the woman whispered to his father, “Why do not you take him to a
doctor? I think he needs to be hospitalized”

Hearing these words, the father smiled and said, “I have come to the hospital almost every
day since my son was born, my son was blind since his birth, and today, he had just
recovered from the blindness”

Everyone has their own reasons, not just to justify what we see today.

Pandangan Pertama!

Ada seorang anak berusia 22 tahun yang naik kereta bersama ayahnya. Kebetulan, mereka
duduk di sebelah seorang wanita.

Tiba-tiba, anak tersebut melihat keluar dan berteriak, “Ayah, lihatlah, pohon-pohon berjalan
ke arah yang berlawanan dengan kita!”

Sang ayah tersenyum dan wanita yang duduk disebelahnya merasa heran serta kasihan
melihat perilaku anak tersebut.

Beberapa menit kemudian, anak tersebut berteriak lagi dan berkata, “Ayah, lihatlah, awan
berjalan mengikuti kita!”

Setelah sang anak berteriak, wanita tersebut berbisik kepada sang ayah, “Mengapa Anda
tidak membawanya kepada seorang dokter? Saya pikir ia perlu dirawat di rumah sakit”

Mendengar perkataan tersebut, sang ayah tersenyum dan berkata, “Saya sudah datang ke
rumah sakit hampir setiap hari sejak anak saya lahir, anak saya buta sejak lahir, dan hari ini,
ia baru saja sembuh dari kebutaan tersebut”

Setiap orang mempunyai alasan tersendiri, jangan menjustifikasi hanya dengan apa yang kita
lihat saat ini.

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