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The Pattern Of Healthy Living

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Dear tutors, as well as my friends are happy. Let us praise to God Almighty who
gave us Scott be health.

And as we know, our health depart from a healthy pattern of our lives anyway. The pattern
of healthy living is indeed important. Besides being able to make a healthy body, it can
also make us avoid diseases. There are a few healthy living patterns to consider, among
others, diet, exercise and rest.

Diet should be maintained so as not to give rise to things we don’t want, such
as obesity or even malnutrition.

Next is sport. Well as we know, sport is an activity that‘s easy to do, but
many ignored. But regular exercise can be menberikan benefit for the health of the body.

Next is the issue a rest.

Enough rest will restore our bodies are tired and give enough time for the body to restore
the power that has been used.

All right. Healthy life pattern that starts with a good diet, regular exercise and adequate rest, it
is necessary also supported the attitude which is always optimistic. Because, there is nothing that
can hinder one’s step that is optimistic, even failures and impediments to even be considered as
a lesson. Optimism is also good for the health impact of the body.

So I tell them, the apoa. So, the pattern of healthy living is indeed we need because the
benefits of healthy living Patterns must be applied starting
from ourselves. Originally indeed heavy, but when done repeatedly, then the time will also
be used. Enough so that I can convey, may be useful. Sorry if there is wrong.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.

Pola Hidup Sehat

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Kepada yang terhormat Ibu pembimbing, serta teman-temanku yang berbahagia. Marilah kita
panjatkan Puji syukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kita rizky berupa kesehatan.

Dan seperti kita ketahui, kesehatan kita beranjak dari pola hidup kita yang sehat pula. Pola
hidup sehat memang penting. Selain dapat membuat badan sehat, hal itu juga dapat membuat
kita terhindar dari penyakit. Ada beberapa pola hidup sehat yang perlu diperhatikan, antara
lain pola makan, olahraga dan istirahat.

Pola makan harus dijaga agar tidak menimbulkan hal yang tidak kita inginkan, seperti obesitas
ataupun malah kekurangan gizi.

Berikutnya adalah olahraga. Nah seperti kita tahu, olahraga merupakan kegiatan yang mudah
dilakukan, tapi banyak diabaikan. Padahal olahraga yang teratur dapat menberikan manfaat
bagi kesehatan tubuh.

Selanjutnya adalah masalah istirahat.

Istirahat yang cukup akan memulihkan tubuh kita yang letih dan memberikan cukup waktu bagi
tubuh untuk mengembalikan tenaga yang telah dipakai.

Baiklah. Pola hidup sehat yang dimulai dengan pola makan yang baik, olahraga teratur dan
istirahat yang cukup, maka perlu pula didukung sikap yang selalu optimis. Sebab, tidak ada
sesuatupun yang dapat menghalangi langkah seseorang yang optimis, bahkan kegagalan dan
halangan malah akan dianggapnya sebagai pelajaran. Optimisme ini juga berdampak baik bagi
kesehatan tubuh.

Demikianlah apoa yang saya sampaikan,. Jadi, pola hidup sehat memang kita perlukan karena
manfaatnya Pola hidup sehat ini harus diterapkan mulai dari diri kita masing-masing. Awalnya
memang berat, tapi apabila dilakukan berulang kali, maka lama-kelamaan juga akan terbiasa.
Cukup sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat. Maaf apabila ada salah.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Goor morning everyone,I am Retno
The honorable of the rector…,The honorable of the teachers..,
All of my friends
First of all, let’s say all the praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of His
blessing, mercy, and guidance upon all of us. Shalawat and salam may everlastingly
be upon our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW who have led and guided us from dark
into bright path.
Ladies and gentleman, I believe that none of us want to be sick. We always want to be
healthy right? But, how we can stay healthy? There are so many ways that can we do
to stay healthy. For example are: doing exercise, taking balanced nutrious food, not
smoking and keep your surrounding clean.
There are so many benefits from live a healthy life, such as: our body will be healthier
and stronger against sickness, we can be more productive, we can prevent some kind
of diseases like heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, chronic lung disease,
osteoporosis, and so on. Health is the key for us to live our life. If we are healthy we
can do anything that we want.
So, ladies and gentleman let’s do a healthy life to make our life more valueable.
That’s all the things I can convey on this good occasion. Please forgive me for any
mistake on my words. Thank you for your attention.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Pertama-tama, marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena
hidayahnya lah kita dapat berkumpul di sini. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa kita
panjatkan kepada Nabi besar kita Muhammad SAW yang telah membimbing kita dari
kegelapan menuju jalan yang benar.
Para hadirin sekalian, saya percaya bahwa tidak ada seorangpun dari kita yang ingin
jatuh sakit. Kita selalu ingin tetap sehat, benar kan? Tapi, bagaimana kita bisa untuk
tetap sehat? Ada banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk tetap sehat. Sebagai
contoh: berolahraga, makan makanan dengan nutrisi yang seimbang, tidak merokok
dan menjaga lingkungan sekitar tetap bersih.
Ada banyak manfaat dari menjalankan hidup sehat, seperti: badan kita menjadi lebih
sehat dan kuat terhadap penyakit, kita bisa lebih produktif, kita bisa mencegah
berbagai macam penyakit seperti: penyakit jantung, hipertensi, diabetes, penyakit
paru-paru, osteoporosis, dan masih banyak lagi. Kesehatan adalah kunci untuk
menjalani hidup ini. Jika kita sehat kita bisa melakukan apapun yang kita inginkan.
Jadi, para hadirin sekalian ayo kita menjalankan hidup sehat untuk membuat hidup
kita lebih bermakna.
Itu saja yang bisa saya sampaikan dalam kesempatan ini. Saya minta maaf jika
terdapat kesalahan. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

1. Good morning the honorable school principal, the honorable teachers, and
all my lovely friends. First of all, thanks to Almighty God for His blessing and
grace so we can gather here healthy. Today, allow me to deliver a speech
about the education in Indonesia (judul pidato anda).
2. The honorable principal of SMA 1 Mangunrejo, all the teachers and all of
my beloved friends.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Thank to Allah SWT for the blessing and guidance for us, so we can be here
in the bright day. And I also want to deliver your prayer and greetings to our
prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from dark-age to the
bright-age now, so we are always on the right path until the end of this world.
3. The honorable school principal and all the teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Kelirejo
and all my beloved students in this school.
Good morning and best wishes.
First, let us extend our praise and thank to the Almighty God for health and
this sunny day, so we can gather in this place. I also thanks for the occasion
given to me to deliver my speech about the importance of the healthy
4. Good morning/afternoon for all the audience.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. and Best Wishes for us.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Today, we are gathered together here to celebrate the 30th years anniversary
of our company. 30 years ago, this company built in the small area. With no
less than 10 employee my grandfather with 2 of his friends built this company.
They need 20 years to make this company as big as now. Their hard work
and the behave of not giving up in the bad situation make this company stand
in a super hard foundation.
In the 30th years anniversary of this company, I want to speak about what
needed to be an entrepreneur. I want to give the spirit to the young generation
to be brave to be an entrepreneur.
5. Good morning all the audiences.
First let’s us express our thank to God for the health and life given to us, so
we can gather here. My name is Mr. Andi Arahmad. I am the owner of this
company and I also want to welcome all the our friends who will be trained for
3 months. You can call me Mr. Andi. I was graduated from Palangkaraya
University in 1990. I build this company with 3 of my friends. I had ever gone
to America for studying Business and Management. I will not make my
employee work for me if they were not like it. Here you can learn how to
manage and build a business.
Today I want to welcome you and explain what you will do in your training day
for 3 months.
6. First of all I want to thank to God for His blessing and health given to us.
Good morning all the audiences.
Before I deliver my speech I want to share something about a healthy life. In
Indonesia we know this words “kebersihan sebagian dari iman”. But what I
see does not reflect it all. We can see the plastic, snack’s package is every
where. It was not good view, trash can be our problem in the future. For
example, it can hamper the water ways and let the waters come in our home.
The bad smell brings bacteria which is not good for our health.
Today I want to speak about the importance of keep our environment clean.

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