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Kelas X semester Genap 2024

SMA Negri 2 Enrekang
TP. 2023-2024

Pengertian Recount Text

A Recount text is a text that is telling the reader about one story, action, or activity.
Recount text is a text which retells event or experiences in the past. In other word,
Recount text is a text which has a function to tell people about a story, action, or activity.
This text is also a text which retells an event or experience in the past. The purpose of
this text is to entertain or informing the reader about an event.

Pengertian Recount Text

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi mengenai
cerita suatu tindakan maupun kegiatan penulis atau tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita tersebut.
kegiatan atau tindakan yang dimaksud merupakan pengalaman dari penulis yang
diungkapkan melalui recount text, biasanya tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur
pembaca, serta memberikan informasi.

Recount text retells an event based on the fact (nonfiction) while narrative is narrate
a story that is not real (fiction). 2. The purpose of recount text is to inform and
entertain the reader while narrative text is mainly to entertain the reader.

Pada narrative text, biasanya merupakan sebuah cerita dongeng atau legenda, juga
terdapat konflik di dalam cerita tersebut. Sedangkan recount text hanya
menceritakan sebuah urutan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu, yang terjadi secara
mendetail. Biasanya tidak terdapat konflik di dalam teks tersebut.

Tujuan Recount Text (Purpose of Recount Text)

Ada beberapa tujuan dari teks recount, yaitu:

1. Memberikan informasi pada pembaca
Recount text dapat digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu kejadian
atau pengalaman di masa lalu pada orang lain. Dalam hal ini, informasi tersebut bisa
berupa laporan perjalanan, pengalaman pribadi, atau laporan tentang suatu acara.

2. Menghibur pembaca
Seperti kebanyakan teks lain, recount text juga berfungsi untuk menghibur pembaca.
Pasalnya, jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang satu ini umumnya ditulis untuk
menceritakan sesuatu yang menyenangkan.

3. Merefleksikan suatu hal

Dalam beberapa kasus, teks recount bisa dijadikan sebagai media untuk
merefleksikan dan menganalisis peristiwa atau pengalaman tertentu. Inilah alasan
mengapa diary dan jurnal pribadi termasuk sebagai recount text.

4. Mendokumentasikan pengalaman penting

Selain melalui foto dan video, kamu juga dapat mengabadikan pengalaman penting
di masa lalu melalui teks recount.

5. Mempelajari sejarah
Dalam konteks pendidikan, recount text sering digunakan untuk mempelajari dan
memahami peristiwa sejarah.

Generic Structure of Recount Text (Struktur Recount Text)

Perlu kita ketahui bahwa teks apapun umumnya memiliki struktur penulisan. Pada
teks recount pun tentu ada struktur yang harus kita ikuti..

Ada 3 Generic structure of recount , yaitu orientation berupa pengenalan, series of event
yang berisi rangkaian cerita, serta re-orientation yang menuangkan rangkuman dan ending
dari keseluruhan isi cerita.

1. Orientation
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, artinya orientasi alias pendgenalan. Sudah pasti, isi dari
orientation adalah informasi mengenai tokoh atau karakter, lokasi, waktu kejadian, etc.
Melalui orientation, harapannya pembaca dapat memahami jalan/alur cerita dari penulis.
Contoh orientation dalam recount text:

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries,
Turkey. I went there with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in
Tangerang. We had a very long flight for around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines and we landed
at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.

Beberapa tahun lalu, aku berkesempatan untuk pergi berlibur ke salah satu negara impian
saya, Turki. Aku pergi ke sana dengan suamiku. Kami berangkat dari Bandara Soekarno-
Hatta di Tangerang. Kami memiliki penerbangan yang sangat panjang selama sekitar 12 jam
dengan Turkish Airlines dan kami mendarat di Bandara Istanbul, Istanbul.

Dapat kita lihat dari potongan paragraf di atas, bahwa penulis mengenalkan tokoh, lokasi,
dan juga waktu peristiwa yang akan diceritakan.
2. Series of Events
Eevent adalah kejadian, sedangkan series berarti rangkaian. Dalam bagian ini, penulis akan
menuliskan rangkaian peristiwa/kejadian yang mereka alami (inti dari recount text).
Selain itu, biasanya para author(penulis) mengungkapkan personal remarks on the events,
alias pernyataan pribadi mengenai cerita yang ditulis. Contoh paragrafnya seperti ini:

On the first day, due to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to
rest. The next day, we left for Taksim to visit one of the popular destinations, Galata Tower.
We saw a lot of shopping centers and local authentic cafes there. After that, we visited one
of the Malaysian restaurants that I really wanted to visit in the Blue Mosque area.

3. Re-orientation
Dalam membuat recount text, akhir dari sebuah cerita disebut dengan reorientation. Pada
bagian ini, penulis akan menuangkan rangkuman dari keseluruhan cerita sekaligus

memberitahu ending-nya (sad/happy). Jika ada, author juga akan menambahkan kesan dan
pesan untuk pembaca. Contoh sederhana dari reorientation:
A trip to Turkey a few years ago was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life.
The bonus, two weeks after arriving in Indonesia, God trusts us to have the child. We think
that having quality time with a partner is very important.

Ciri-ciri Recount Text (Characteristics of Recount Text)

Recount text memiliki dua ciri utama, yaitu:
1. Dalam recount text tidak ada konflik yang diceritakan oleh penulis, berbeda dengan teks
naratif bahasa Inggris yang memiliki conflict pada strukturnya.
2. Selalu ada urutan cerita secara kronologis, misal ada cerita di hari pertama, hari kedua,
dan seterusnya.

Language Features of Recount Text (Kaidah Kebahasaan Recount Text)

Saat akan membuat recount text, tentu ada beberapa kaidah kebahasaan yang perlu kamu
perhatikan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membedakan recount text dengan jenis teks yang lain.
Chronological connector berguna untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi lebih dulu dan
mana yang terjadi selanjutnya. Kata sambung ini memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami
urutan peristiwa secara keseluruhan. Contoh chronological connector adalah then, next, in
the end, in addition, dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt
hungry, so we went to a restaurant.
(Kami melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang itu.
Kemudian, kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran.)
Mengutip dari berbagai sumber, terdapat 10 language features of recount text:
1. Using simple past tense
Pola kalimatnya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu ada verbal sentence dengan rumus subject +
verb 2 + complement dan nominal sentence yang rumusnya subject + be + complement.
Kalau lupa, cek lagi artikel Simple Past Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh
Kalimat ya! Ini contoh kalimatnya:

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja.

(Minggu lalu, saya dan teman-teman pergi ke Jogja.)
2. Using specific participant

Recount text juga erat hubungannya dengan specific participant, yaitu sesuatu yang
memiliki objek tertentu, tidak bersifat umum, dan unik (hanya ada satu). Contohnya antara
lain Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum, etc.

3. Using personal participant

Personal participant contohnya seperti I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc. Dalam
recount text, biasanya personal participant akan muncul di bagian orientation sebagai
pengenalan tokoh ataupun karakter dalam cerita.
4. Using action verb
Mengutip dari artikel 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya, action
verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat oleh
orang lain. Verb ini dikenal juga dengan dynamic verb. Contoh kalimatnya:
First, we visited Parangtritis beach.
5. Using linking verb
Masih soal kata kerja, sebagai teks yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa tentu tak lepas
dari linking verb, yaitu kata kerja yang menghubungkan antara subjek dan keterangan.
Beberapa contoh yang termasuk linking verb adalah be, become, seem, appear, grow. Be
terdiri dari is, am, dan are untuk simple present tense. Sementara itu, yang berlaku pada
recount text adalah bentuk simple past tense–nya, yaitu was dan were. Contoh kalimatnya:
Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.
Di sana, was berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara I dan busy towards the end of the
6. Using chronological connection/sequence connective
Chronological connection atau yang dikenal juga sebagai chronological connector/connector
of sequence adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan terjadinya
peristiwa. Tentunya kaidah ini sejalan dengan definisi dari recount text itu sendiri.
7. Using conjunction
Conjunction adalah bagian dari part of speech yang tugasnya adalah menghubungkan dua
kata, frasa, atau kalimat. Contoh-contoh conjunction dalam recount text adalah and, or,
until, although, while, but, and many more. Begini jika diaplikasikan dalam kalimat:
One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn’t want to listen to
8. Using adverbs
Secara sederhana, adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Ia memberikan lebih banyak informasi
atau mendeskripsikan lebih detail dari kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata lainnya. Contoh

extremely, carefully, slowly, etc. Kalau dalam kalimat, contohnya adalah: She walked

9. Using adverb(ial) phrase

Nah, adverbial phrase adalah bagian dari adverb, tapi tidak selalu satu kata dan biasanya
merupakan bagian dari klausa atau frasa. Adverbial phrase itu sendiri jenisnya beragam, tapi
yang paling banyak digunakan dalam teks recount adalah adverb phrase of time dan adverb
phrase of place yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan waktu dan tempat kejadian. Yuk, simak
baik-baik contoh di bawah ini:
Adverb phrase of time: My team won the volleyball tournament last week.
Adverb phrase of place: Camelia found her book in the classroom.
10. Using time connectives and sequence connective
Ini adalah kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan bagian kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat.
Kalau kamu lihat lagi di point nomor 6 dan 7, mereka adalah bagian dari connectives.
Adapun time connectives contohnya adalah in the meantime, the next day, dsb.
Selain itu, ada juga sequence connective untuk mengurutkan sebuah informasi berdasarkan
langkahnya. Contoh: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.

Visiting My Village
Last month, I and my family went to Banyumas which was located in Central Java,
Indonesia. We drove a car. I enjoyed the journey all day long although it took 2 days to get
there. We were fun, my brother made some jokes all day. My father told us some stories on
the way. My mother slept in the back seat.

My first day in my village, I visited my siblings and friends. We are welcomed with
happiness. When I saw my parents, they cried because they looked so happy to meet up
their families. The next day, I, my brother, my cousin and my nephew went to a popular
place in Purwokerto. It was called Baturaden. That was a favorite spot in Purwokerto. We
enjoyed local specialty food as a culinary. I was satisfied and so were they. Next, I took a
photo with traditional music musicians.
My brother, my cousin and my nephew enjoy the view of other visitors. They took a photo
with their style as I did. In the evening, we were back home. And did other private activities,
such as made a conversation, told the story and made a joke.

The day after tomorrow, my cousin had a ceremony to say thanks to God for blessing their
son. It was called Nazar. When the parents had a promise for something and it was realized.
They had to make a traditional ceremony. I watched that traditional ceremony and took
their photograph.
For the last show, we were entertained by Ebeg. It was traditional art. The player danced
through traditional music and they were handled by the spirit. It was scary, but it was fun
and entertaining.
Time run so fast because the next day was our last day in the village. So I took the last photo
to bring it home. They were my family and still family until the last breath in this world.
Finally, we had to go home and brought a love experience from family. Yaps that was the
hardest part.
1. When did they go to Banyumas?
2. How did they go there?
3. Was the writer sad on the way?
4. What did the writer do on the first day?
5. What was the popular place in Purwokerto?
6. What is the meaning of private activities in the 2nd paragraph?
7. What did they call the ceremony to say thanks to God?
8. Why was the writer scare with Ebeg?
9. When did the writer take the last foto?
10. Did the writer enjoy the holiday in the village?

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A trip to Mount Fuji

July 2021, I went to West Tokyo by plane. It was my first journey to Japan. I took a trip to
Mount Fuji. I stayed at Sakuras house. She is my friend in Japan. We were a classmate at
Senior High School. Sakuras house has a big garden with lots of green flowers and beautiful
sand. It was so perfect element of a traditional wooden house.
On Sunday morning, I started a journey to the Mountain. At Shizuoka Prefecture, I met
Yamato. He was my guiding to Mount Fuji. We took sushi for breakfast. Oh my God, It was
delicious. At 9:00 am. local time, we prepared and checked our stuff to continue this
journey. I couldn’t say anything when I looked at the beautiful scenery from the foot of the
mountain. Yamato looked and smiled at me. He said in Japan language Kore Wa
subarashdesu. It means that it was amazing. Then, I replayed Hai,-sdesu. It means that yes,
it was.
We reached the top of the mountain after a long and tiring trip. I screamed to blow up my
emotion and said thanks to God for this beautiful life. We enjoyed the view from the peak
and waiting for the next day. The day that I couldn’t forget. It was called Hatsu Hinode It
means that it was my first time to see the sun rises in Mount Fuji.
Finally, I, Yamato and the other traveler went home by the blessing of Mount Fuji. That was
a very pleasant moment that I ever got.
1. When did the writer go to Tokyo?
2. How did the writer go there?
3. Where did the writer stay in Tokyo?
4. Who is Sakura?
5. When did the writer go to Mount Fuji?

6. Where did the writer meet Yamato?

7. Who was Yamato?
8. What did they take for their breakfast?
9. What time did they prepare and check their stuff to continue the journey?
10. What is the meaning of Kore Wa subarashdesu?
11. How was the trip to Mount Fuji?

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________

Contoh kalimat. Yang menggunakan past tense

My mom and I went to the zoo yesterday
I played football last week
Arini did not attend my birthday party
Tania bought a beautiful necklace when she went to the mall last night.
Toro was here this morning.
They brought me lots of fruit when I was sick
Amira was absent yesterday because she visited her grandfather
Last Thursday I stayed at my aunt’s house and my father picked me up.
My sister cried a lot.
Mia called me last night because she missed me.

Buatlah kalimat past tense seperti pada contoh di atas


Last Wednesday, I came late to my school because I played play

station until 2.00 am in the night. Because I woke up late.

I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would begin at 7.00 am. I ran
to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had breakfast after taking a
bath, but on that day I did not do that.

I always went to school by my motorcycle. But on that day, I forgot

where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public
transportation. It took me a longer time. I arrived at school at
7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher had stood in front
of the class to teach. I entered my class and of course my teacher
was angry at me because I came late.

It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

1. Why did the writer wake up late?
2. Why did the writer run to the bathroom ?
3. Why did the writer did not go to school by motorcycle
4. What happened to the writer when he arrive at school?
5. What is the moral value can you take from the text?

Pertemuan ke
Please write a monologue by choosing your unforgettable experince
1. your embarrassing experience
2. your sad experience
3. your interesting experience
4. Your happy experience
5. Your falling in love experience.

Terjemahkan teks berikut ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Last month, I visited my brother’s home in Yogyakarta. Previously, I

had visited him three times. So, at that time I decided to go alone
by train.

Series of events contoh recount text pendek tentang liburan:

Soon after I arrived at my brother’s home, he invited me to join the

dinner with his family. One of the things that I love about
Yogyakarta is its traditional cuisine, especially gudeg.

On the next day, I went to several historical places in Yogyakarta

including Taman Sari, Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, and
Vredeburg Museum. I was very happy to have the opportunity to visit
these places again.
On the third day, which was my last day in Yogyakarta, I went to
Malioboro to buy some souvenirs such as batik and some local


It was always enjoyable to spend time in Yogyakarta. I am sure it

was not going to be my last visit.

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