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Angin dan tanaman

Bagaimana angin mempengaruhi


• Menyebabkan tanaman untuk berayun (Laju

transpirasi dan absorbsi)
• Angin yang terlalu kencang akan mengganggu
pertumbuhan dan perkembangan akar
Angin kencang

• mengganggu kemampuan akar untuk tinggal di dalam

• mengurangi kemampuan tanaman untuk menyerap air
• mendorong ke arah tekanan air parah kematian.
• Laju transpirasi yang berakibat peningkatan
penyerapan hara
• Mempengaruhi fotosintesis
• Pemindahan benih yang tidak lagi pada lubang tanam
• efek tidak langsung terhadap komunikasi serangga.
How Does Wind Affect Plant Size?

• Angin mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan

pengembangan tanaman dalam banyak hal.
Pertumbuhan Lebih pendek dan abnormal sering
disebabkan oleh angin kencang. Kita dapat
membandingkan pertumbuhan tanaman pada
daerah berangin kencang dengan tidak
• Menggangu pertumbuhan akar
• kombinasi angin dan matahari mempengaruhi
ukuran produk tanaman.
• The amount of these two elements can
quickly determine how plant surfaces dry.
Thus, wind increases water loss through
evaporation. As a result, wind-blown plants
require more watering or they will develop
water stress and could die.
• Strong winds can also damage plants by
breaking them, distorting their growth, and
lowers the air temperature around plants,
which reduces their rate of growth.
Spread pathogens
• Finally, wind can spread pathogens from one
place to another, especially when
accompanied by rain. Windblown rain can
spread spores from infected plants to healthy
ones, quickly inhibiting their ability to sustain
healthy growth and plant size.
• The pollination process as an interaction
between flower and vector
• It is important in horticulture and agriculture,
because fruiting is dependent on fertilisation,
which is the end result of pollination
• Abiotic pollination
• Biotic pollination
• The most common form of abiotic pollination,
anemophily, is pollination by wind
• This form of pollination is predominant in
grasses, most conifers, and many deciduous
dynamics of the crop canopy
Plant Wind Protection

• You can also plant wind protection in your

garden. Incorporating hardy trees and shrub such
as: screens, and trellis panels can make effective
wind buffers for plant wind protection.
• You can also create small, protected recesses
within windy slopes or other areas of the wind
garden. Simply dig out pockets for the plants to
grow in and surround these with built up rocks or
stones. To keep the wind from drying out the soil
and help retain moisture, add an extra layer of
mulch as well.
Wind Resistant Plants

• Some plants are considered wind resistant. Wind-

resistant plants have flexible stems (palms and crepe
myrtles are good wind resistant plants)
• Plants that are adapted to windy conditions usually
have small, narrow leaves as well, such as needle-
leaved conifers and ornamental grasses. In fact,
ornamental grasses are some of the most wind-
resistant plants around, and most require little
watering. They can even serve as miniature windbreak
plantings for less wind-tolerant plants.
• From perennials like daylilies, daisies, flax, and
coreopsis to annuals such as zinnias and nasturtiums,
there are a variety of wind resistant plants for these
Controlling Cross Pollination – How To
Stop Cross Pollination

• Cross pollination can cause problems for

gardeners who wish to save the seeds of their
vegetables or flowers from year to year.
Unintentional cross pollination can “muddy”
the traits you want to keep in the vegetable or
flower you are growing.
Can You Control Cross Pollination?

• Yes, cross pollination can be controlled. You

need to take some extra steps though to
ensure that cross pollination does not occur.
• Prevent cross pollination by growing only one species
of plant
• One method is to only grow one variety of a species in
your garden. Cross pollination is unlikely to happen if
there is only one variety of a species of plant in your
garden. But, there is a very slight chance that a stray
pollinating insect could carry pollen to your plants.
• If you would like to grow more than one variety, you
need to determine if the plant you are growing is self
or wind and insect pollinated. Most flowers are wind or
insect pollinated but some vegetables are not.
• To prevent cross pollination, you would need
to plant different varieties 100 yards or more
apart. This is normally not possible in the
home garden.
Integrated Monitoring of Wind Plant

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