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Lanjut usia merupakan tahapan akhir perkembangan, maka ada kemunduran
biologi yangterlihat sebagai gejala-gejala kemunduran fisik, antara lain kulit
mulai mengendur, timbul keriput, rambut beruban, serta gigi mulai ompong.
Kemunduran lain yang terjadi adalah kemampuan-kemampuan kognitif
seperti mudah lupa, kemunduran terhadap waktu, ruang serta tempat
(Maryam,2008) Dalam SALIM, E. K. A. (2018). 
Demensia (pikun) adalah kemunduran kognitif yang sedemikian beratnya
sehingga mengganggu aktivitas hidup sehari-hari dan aktivitas sosial.
Kemunduran kognitif pada demensia biasanya diawali dengan hilangnya
Pengertian fungsi intelektual, kemunduran memori (pelupa) serta daya pikir lain.
Grayson (2004) dalam Aspiani (2014) menyebutkan bahwa demensia
Demensia bukanlah sekedar penyakit biasa, melainkan kumpulan gejala yang
disebabkan beberapa penyakit atau kondisi tertentu. Kumpulan gejalanya
ditandai dengan penurunan kognitif, perubahan mood, serta perubahan
tingkah laku.
Menurut Aspiani (2014) dalam menyatakan bahwa penyebab demensia dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu:


Penyebab demensia



PENYEBAB  Penyakit degeneratif
Misalnya penyakit alzheimer, penyakit
DEMENSIA YANG huntington, kelumpuhan supranuklear
progresif, penyakit parkinson.
NON REVERSIBLE  Penyakit vaskuler
Misalnya penyakit serebrovaskuler oklusif
(demensia multi-infark), embolisme
serebral, arteritis, anoksia sekunder akibat
henti jantung, gagal jantung.
 Demensia traumatik
Misalnya perlukaan kranio-serebral,
demensia pugi-listika.
Menurut Asrori dan putri (2014), menyebutkan ada beberapa tanda
dan gejala yang dialami pada Demensia antara lain :

Kesulitan Perubahan
Disorientas Tidak
dalam Masalah suasana
Kehilangan i waktu dapat
melakukan dengan hati dan
memori dan mengambil
rutinitas bahasa kepribadia
tempat keputusan
pekerjaan n
4Ps of Marketing Position Your Product
The 4Ps of Marketing illustrates how
product, price, place, and promotion work
or Service with the
together when a product or service is
launched to customers. It is created by Neil
4Ps of Marketing
Borden in the 1950s to demonstrate the
ways companies use advertising and
marketing techniques to convert potential
buyers into actual customers. Use the
blank framework on the next page to start
filling out your own 4Ps of Marketing.
Product Product refers to the good or service you
are offering to customers. What needs does
• Brand this product fulfil? What frustrations does it
• Features address? What makes it compelling to
• Packaging customers suchthat they will believe they
to have it?

Price Price is what customers pay for a product or

service and it takes into account the cost of
4Ps of • Price production.
• Discounts What is the value of the product or service
Marketing • Bundling deals to customers? Are there established price
• Credit terms points for this product or service in the
market? How will this price compare with
Strategy, Tactics,
and Execution
Marketing Your
Funnel A strategy, a list of tactics, and knowing
A Marketing Funnel maps your company’s
marketing activities at each stage of the
how to execute them are integral in the
attainmentof your company goals. Use the
Strategy, Tactics,
customer journey. The goal is to create a
system, which is measurable at every level of
blank framework on the next page to start
filling out yourown strategy, tactics, and
and Execution
the journey. Use the blank framework on the
next page to start filling out your own

marketing funnel.
Buyer Personas
Buyer personas are semi-fictional

Develop Deep
representations of your target customers.
These personas are based on market
research and real data about the people you
Insights About Your are targeting. Two to three buyer personas
are ideal. The more detailed the buyer
Customers Using persona, the better. Use the blank
framework on the next page to start filling
Buyer Personas out your buyer personas.

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