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Kelompok 3

01 02 03
Dalil Mengenai Hukum
Pengertian ilmu mawaris Syarat dan Rukun
Waris Islam

04 05 06 07
Pembagian Ahli Sebab Perolehan dan
Ahli Waris Hijab
Waris Terlahangnya Waris

Pelaksanaan Hukum Contoh Pelaksanaan Hikmah Waris Dalam

Waris Islam Hukum Waris Islam
Pengertian Ilmu
01 Waris
Pengertian ilmu mawaris
Ilmu mawaris disebut juga dengan ilmu faraid, yakni ilmu yang membicarakan
tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan harta warisan, yang mencakup
masalah masalah orang yang berhak menerima warisan, baigan masing masing,
cara melaksanakan pembagiannya, serta hal hal yang berkaitan dengan ketiga
masalah tersebut.
Dalil Mengenai Hukum
Waris Islam
Hukum yang mempelajari dan
menerapkan ilmu mawaris

Menurut Ulama’ Fiqh hukum mempelajari ilmu waris adalah fardhu

kifayah, maksudnya adalah apabila di suatu daerah tersebut sudah ada
yang mempelajari dan mengajarkan ilmu mawaris (faraidh) maka
kewajiban tersebut sudah gugur, namun jika ternyata di daerah tersebut
sama sekali belum ada yang mempelajari dan mengajarkan ilmu mawaris
atau ilmu faraidh maka setiap orang di daerah tersebut mendapatkan dosa.
‫ َقاَل َر ُس ْو ُل ِهللا َص َّلى ُهللا َع َلْيِه‬: ‫َع ِن اْبِن َع َّباٍس َرِض َي ُهللا َع ْنُهَم ا َقاَل‬
‫ َفَم ا َأْبَقِت الَفراِئُض َفَأِلْو لى َر ُج ٍل‬،‫َأْلِح ُقوا الَفراِئَض بَأْهِلها‬: ‫َو َس َّلَم‬
‫َخ َّر َج ُه الُبَخ اِر ُّي َو ُم ْس ِلٌم‬. ‫َذ َك ٍر‬
Dari Ibnu ‘Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah
shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Berikan bagian warisan kepada
ahli warisnya, selebihnya adalah milik laki-laki yang paling dekat dengan
(HR. Bukhari, no. 6746 dan Muslim, no. 1615)
‫َو اَأْلْقَر ُبوَن َو ِللِّنَس اِء َنِص يٌب ِّم َّم ا َتَر َك‬ ‫ِّللِّر َج اِل َنِص يٌب ِّم َّم ا َتَر َك اْلَو اِلَد اِن‬
‫ِمَّم ا َقَّل ِم ْنُه َأْو َك ُثَر ۚ َنِص يًبا َّم ْفُروًض ا‬ ‫اْلَو اِلَد اِن َو اَأْلْقَر ُبوَن‬
Artinya, “Bagi laki-laki ada hak bagian dari harta peninggalan kedua
orang tua dan kerabatnya, dan bagi perempuan ada hak bagian (pula) dari
harta peninggalan kedua orang tua dan kerabatnya, baik sedikit atau
banyak menurut bagian yang telah ditetapkan.” (QS. An-Nisaa : 7)
03 Syarat dan Rukun
1.) Orang yang mewariskan (al-muwarrist)
yaitu seorang yang meninggal dunia.

2.) Orang yang mewarisi (al-waarist) yaitu

orang yang berhak memperoleh warisan
dengan syarat-syarat yang sudah
disebutkan di atas.

3.) Pusaka yang diwarisi (al-maurust),

yaitu harta peninggalan si mayit yang
mungkin diwariskan.
1.) Ahli waris yang akan menerima harta
haruslah dalam keadaan hidup meskipun dalam
keadaan sekarat.

2.) Harus ada hubungan antara ahli waris

dengan pewaris, baik melalui kekerabatan
nasab, hubungan pernikahan, maupun
pemerdekaan budak (wala’).

3.) Adanya satu alasan secara rinci yang

menetapkan seseorang bisa mendapatkan
warisan. Alasan pewarisan bisa disertai dengan
 Pengertian Hijab
Hijab adalah penghapusan hak waris seseorang, baik penghapusan sama sekali
ataupun pengurangan bagian harta warisan karena ada ahli waris yang lebih dekat
pertaliaannya (hubungannya) dengan orang yang meninggal.

 Macam-macam hijab
1) Hijab hirman yaitu penghapusan seluruh bagian, karena ada ahli waris yang lebih dekat
hubungannya dengan orang yang meninggal.
2) Hijab nuqshon yaitu pengurangan bagian dari harta warisan, karena ada ahli waris lain
yang membersamai.
 Ahli waris yang terhijab nuqshan
Beberapa dari mereka adalah:
1) Ibu, terhijab oleh anak, cucu dua orang saudara atau lebih.
2) Bapak, terhijab oleh anak dan cucu.
3) Suami atau istri, terhijab oleh anak atau cucu.

 Ahli waris yang dapat terhijab hirman

Berikut di bawah ini ahli waris yang terhijab atau terhalang oleh ahli waris yang lebih
dekat hubungannya dengan yang meninggal. Beberapa dari mereka adalah:
1) Kakek (ayah dari ayah) terhijab/terhalang oleh ayah. Jika ayah masih hidup maka
kakek tidak mendapat bagian.
2) Nenek (ibu dari ibu) terhijab /terhalang oleh ibu.
3) Nenek dari ayah, terhijab/terhalang oleh ayah dan juga oleh ibu.
4) Cucu dari anak laki-laki terhijab/terhalang oleh anak laki-laki.
5) Saudara kandung laki-laki terhijab/terhalang oleh : a) anak laki-laki. b) cucu laki-laki
dari anak laki-laki. c) ayah.
The slide title goes here!
Do you know what helps you make your point clear?
Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the point
of your presentation
The trip

Mercury Venus
It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name
Sun and the smallest one in and is the second planet from
the Solar System the Sun
This can be the part of the presentation where you
introduce yourself if you haven’t done so yet
Native participants

Mars is actually a very
cold place

Venus is the second planet
from the Sun

Mercury is the closest
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the
planet to the Sun new one here. For more info, click here
A picture is worth a thousand words
The two parts of a night trip

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System. This planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun.
It’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury, and its atmosphere is
extremely poisonous
A picture
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
People who celebrate it
Gender Age

Woman 25% 0-13

45% Mars is actually a very
cold place
25% 14-20

55% Mercury is the closest
50% 21+
planet to the Sun
Amount of food

Pastela Red dates Tea

Spain 1,254 3,548 6,154

Morocco 3,254 2,547 2,254

Egypt 2,158 4,254 4,658

Points of Muhammad's journey
Mosque arrives
Venus is the second planet from
the Sun

01 02 03
Buraq ride Ascension
Mars is actually a cold place. It’s Mercury is the closest planet to
full of iron oxide dust the Sun and the smallest
Hukum Waris Dalam Islam

Pengertian Ilmu
Mawaris Venus Mercury
Mars is actually a very Venus is the second planet It’s the closest planet to
cold place from the Sun the Sun

Saturn Jupiter Neptune

It’s composed of hydrogen Jupiter is the biggest It’s the farthest planet
and helium planet of them all from the Sun
Where is it celebrated the most?

Morocco Spain
Mars is actually a Venus has a
cold place beautiful name

Egypt Tunisia
Jupiter is the Neptune is far away
biggest planet from us
References in the Quran

Mars Venus
Mars is actually a very Venus is the second planet
cold place from the Sun

Saturn Jupiter
It’s composed of hydrogen Jupiter is the biggest
and helium planet of them all
Visits to Jerusalem on this day

Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place. It's
full of iron oxide dust,
which gives the planet its
reddish cast

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the
new one here. For more info, click here
Types of food for this day

45% 30% 25%

Mars Venus Mercury

Mars is actually a very Venus is the second planet It’s the closest planet to
cold place from the Sun the Sun
Characteristics of this day

Venus Mercury
Venus is the second planet 01 02 It’s the closest planet to
from the Sun the Sun

Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is the biggest 03 04 It’s the farthest planet
planet of them all from the Sun
Different instruments

Darbouka Mazhar
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the
name smallest planet

Lute Ney
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is far away
planet from us
Darbouka Mazhar Lute Ney

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Key parts of Muhammad's life

It’s the closest planet to
the Sun
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun

It’s the farthest planet
from the Sun
Gifts of Isra and Mi’raj
Five daily prayers
01 Venus is the second planet from the

Final verses
Three things were given
during this journey
02 Neptune is the farthest planet from
the Sun

Allah's promise
03 Despite being red, Mars is actually a
cold place
Desktop software
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select “Replace
Tablet app
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just right-
click on it and select “Replace image”
Mobile web
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select “Replace
List of references
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
● Write here your references found of this day
Our team

Jenna Doe Timmy Jimmy

You can talk a bit about this You can talk a bit about this
person here person here
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by

Please keep this slide for attribution

Icons pack
Alternative resources
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits that of this template:

● Islamic new year decorative
● Islamic pastries
● Ramadan concept
● Woman reading in quran
● Kandora pouring tea
● Plate with arabic pastry
● Muslim woman with dates
● Islamic new year decorative objects
● Close up smiley women
● Women with smartphone medium shot
● Islamic new year decoration
● Opened quran near candle and sweet dates
Did you like the resources on this template? Get ● Close up smiley woman
them for free at our other websites: ● Opened quran near dates
● Desserts and tea
● Ramadan event and arabic man
● Quran and bouquet of flower Vectors:
● High view arabic candle holder ● Arabesque seamless pattern I
● Silhouette of woman reading ● Arabesque seamless pattern II
● Traditional arabic tea ● Arabesque seamless pattern III
● Lamp and mat near quran
● Sweets near quran and beads Icon pack:
● Islamic new year decoration ● Muslim

Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick
the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost
your presentation. Check out how it works.

Pana Amico Bro Rafiki Cuate

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Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.


Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons

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