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Beri pendapat anda .

Apa kata pakar pendidikan

interaction of a team of students that experience creative learning to be used in the real world . students are essential to the classroom, just like a team member is essential to a game (Thornburg, 1995)

the goals of a system (school) should meet the goals of the students (Harmon, & Hirumi, 1996). the learner has some control in the type of instruction that is given. The control factors can range from "procedures" to "time restraints" to "evaluation"


Tumpuan kepada perkembangan pembelajaran (pelajar sebagai individu), memberi pilihan kepada pelajar (jenis pengetahuan dan apa yang ingin dipelajari), mewujudkan kolaborasi (membina pengetahuan dan persekitaran positif), terlibat dalam penilaian berterusan; sikap guru yang mendengar pandangan pelajar dan melibatkan pelajar untuk merancang.

Penjelasan Definisi

Pelajar bertanggungjawab atas pembelajarannya, melibatkan pelajar secara terus dalam menemui pengetahuan; menggunakan bahan yang mencabar pengetahuan sedia ada dan pemahaman konsep baru yang mendalam; pembelajaran yang melibatkan interaksi sosial; menggunakan sekolah, pekerjaan, rumah dan komuniti sebagai resos; menggunakan aktiviti luar untuk meningkatkan pemnbelajaran.


Daya berfikir, minat dan perbezaan individu pelajar merupakan pertimbangan utama dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Aktiviti-aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dirancang untuk melibatkan pelajar secara aktif, dimana guru hanya sebagai fasilitator. Pembelajaran terarah kendiri dan akses kendiri diberi keutamaan. Penekanan diberikan terhadap penilaian kendiri.

Strategi P&P Berpusatkan Pelajar

mewujudkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang dapat menarik minat pelajar serta menggalakkan penglibatan mereka dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. memberikan peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar secara individu, kumpulan dan kelas. melibatkan pelajar dalam membentuk proses pembelajaran melalui rundingan berasaskan kekuatan dan kelemahan pelajar. memberi pelajar kebebasan membuat pilihan tentang bahan sumber dan aktiviti pembelajaran. mewujudkan prosedur pemantauan agar pelajar bertanggungjawab ke atas apa yang dipelajari oleh mereka merancang penilaian berterusan secara kolaboratif.

Situasi Pembelajaran

teachers are part of the definition of student-centered learning, but they are not the main attraction the teacher is the one who can assist among small groups of students

the students can "access, interpret, organize, apply, and transfer information to solve problems

size of a groups for student-centered learning can be five to six heterogeneous (academic ability, gender, etc.) students

(Harmon, & Hirumi 1996).

Learning Cycle approach

"exploration, concept introduction and concept application". During these three phases the students worked together in-groups while discussing their ideas and using manipulatives to act out the concepts. the teacher would act as a facilitator, while the students discussed their ideas, and created more ideas and situations to figure out During the lessons, the students were in active control and they could lead the lesson with their ideas and conclusions.


Budaya Pemb. Berpusatkan Pelajar"?

Tertumpu kpd keperluan pelajar dan bukan kepada kemahuan pelajar.

tailors all aspects of service delivery and support to the needs of students services that students will recognize as efficient, empathetic, responsive, and ultimately exceeding their expectations

Keperluan apa ?

a healthy learning environment that nurtures their personal growth substantive out-of-classroom activities that increase their learning to help them to obtain a high-quality education personal experience that leads to feeling "connected" service-learning opportunities that develop them as responsible citizens


these strategies to student-centered learning, school is not just a small period in a childs life, it is "lifelong learning", and each student can learn what is important to them (Thornburg, 1995). student-centered approach lets students take on a proactive role by working with others, using a variety of resources, and learning and evaluating skills on a continuous basis that they can use throughout life (Alley, 1996).

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