Anda di halaman 1dari 3

1. Imelda S, Yunus F, Wiyono W.

Hubungan Derajat Asma dengan Kualitas Hidup

yang Dinilai dengan Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. Maj Kedokt Indon,
Desember 2007.Volum: 57, Nomor: 12.
2. Van Lieshout R, MacQueen G. Relations between Asthma and Psychological
Distress: An Old Idea Revisited. Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2012,
vol 98, pp 113.
3. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention (GINA). Definition,
description, and diagnosis of asthma.2015.
4. Mangunnegoro H, dkk. Pedoman Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Asma di
Indonesia. Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia. 2010, p 3-20.
5. Lehrer P, et al. Psychological Aspects of Asthma. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology. 2002, Vol. 70, No. 3, 691711.
6. Hostiadi M, Mardijana A, Nurtjahja E. Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Dengan
Frekuensi Kekambuhan Keluhan SesakNapas Pada Pasien Asma Bronkial Di
SMF Paru RSD DR. Soebandi Jember. Jurnal Pustaka Kesehatan.2014.
7. Katon W, et al. The Relationship of Asthma and Anxiety Disorders.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 2004, 66: pp 349 355.
8. Roy-Byrne P, et al. Anxiety disorders and comorbid medical illness. General
Hospital Psychiatry 30 (2008) 208225.
9. Scott K, et al. Mental disorders among adults with asthma: results from the
World Mental Health Survey. General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 123 133.

Menurut penelitian Sari, 2014 terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kecemasan dan
tingkat kontrol asma pada pasien asma dewasa di poliklinik paru RSUD dr.
Soedarso Pontianak. (5497)

1. Imelda S, Yunus F, Wiyono W. Hubungan Derajat Asma dengan Kualitas Hidup yang
Dinilai dengan Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. Maj Kedokt Indon, Desember
2007.Volum: 57, Nomor: 12.
2. Badan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan kementerian kesehatan RI. Riset
Kesehatan Dasar. Jakarta. 2013; 85-87.
3. Van Lieshout R, MacQueen G. Relations between Asthma and Psychological Distress:
An Old Idea Revisited. Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2012, vol 98, pp 113.
4. Lehrer P, et al. Psychological Aspects of Asthma. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology. 2002, Vol. 70, No. 3, 691711.
5. Putro A. Hubungan Antara Gangguan Depresi dengan Kualitas Hidup, Stressor
Psikososial, dan Tingkat Kontrol Asma pada Pasien Asma di RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta, 2015; 1-51.
6. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention (GINA). Definition, description,
and diagnosis of asthma. 2015; 1-11.
7. Mangunnegoro H, dkk. Pedoman Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Asma di Indonesia.
Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia. 2010; 3-20.
8. Rengganis I. Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana Asma Bronkial. Maj Kedokt Indon, Nopember
2008. Volum: 58, Nomor: 11.
9. Katon W, et al. The Relationship of Asthma and Anxiety Disorders. Psychosomatic
Medicine, 2004, 66: pp 349 355.
10. Roy-Byrne P, et al. Anxiety disorders and comorbid medical illness. General Hospital
Psychiatry 30 (2008) 208225.
11. Scott K, et al. Mental disorders among adults with asthma: results from the World Mental
Health Survey. General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 123 133.

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