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“ai DEPARTEMEN ILMU KESEHATAN KULIT DAN KELAMIN S mr FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA™ RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PUSAT H. ADAM MALIK MEDAN ji. Bunga Lau No. 17 Telp, 061-8365915 Fax. 061-8365915 KOTAK POS 697 MEDAN ~ 20136 a No. + $4 /UNS. Medan, tp Agust 2012 Attachment — :1 file Subject : Testimonials on the history of dermato-venerology specialist program of the 1984-1988 on behalf of dr, Archianda Arsad, SpKK. I, Prof, Dra. Irma D Roesyanto, SpXK(K) Head of Department of Dermato-venereology Faculty of Medicine University of North Sumatera Medan, hereby state that dr. ‘Archianda’Arsad, SpKK has attended and successfully completed his program as a specialist of Dermatology (Dexmato-venereology) at the Faculty of Medicine, University & of North Sumatra atthe year of 1984-1988. Here is attached a description of the training ground, the scientific activities performed (joumal reading, book reading, 2 test case and thesis test This statement was made with actual testimonial to be used as needed. Head.ofthe Department Dermato-venereology | rosiiy of Mesitine University of North Sumata PhofDrsdt Ina D. Roesvanto, § = NIP-19471224 197603 2 001 ‘ a. DEPARTEMEN ILMU KESEHATAN KULIT DAN KELAMIN 4 FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PUSAT H. ADAM MALIK MEDAN Jl, Bunga Lau No. 17 Telp. 061-8365915 Fax. 061-8365915 KOTAK POS 697 MEDAN ~ 20136 Nomor: 529 /UNS5. Medan, 10 Agustus 2012 Lamp. : Hal 1 berkas + Testimonial Riwayat pendidikan spesialis dermato- venerologi 1984. 1988 an. dr. Archianda Arsad, SpKK Bersama ini saya Prof. Dr. dr. Irma D Roesyanto, SpKK(K), kepala Departemen [mu Kesehatan Iimu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin FK USU Medan menyatakan bahwa dr. ‘Archianda Arsad, SpKK telah mengikuti dan menyelesaikan Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin (dermato-venerologi) dari tahun 1984 - 1988 di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Berikcut ini dilampitkan keterangan mengenai tempat latihan, kegiatan ilmiah yang dilokukan (Journal reading, book reading, literature study, log of cases ) kegiatan pelayanan keschatan (skills), tesis,ujian tulis,ujian kasus dan ujian tesis. Demikianlah testimonial ini dibuat dengan scbenamya untuk dapat digunakan se perlunya. A Atina Kesehatan Kit dan Kelamin FK USU Profi.Dr, dr. Jima D. Roesyanto, SpKK(K) 19471224 197603 2 001 DERMATOLOGY RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM REPORT IN MEDICAL FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA ARCHIANDA ARSAD, MD. No. Consortium of Health Sciences (CHS): 3111 Start program 21 Juli 1984 End program :1'Desember 1988 Place MEDICAL FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA EDUCATION PROGRAM DERMATO-VENEREOLOGIST PERIOD : 1984 — 1988 Posting period: Every 3 months resident training in different clinical division July 1984— 30 September 1984 1 October 1984 ~31 December 1984 4 January 1985 —31 March 1985 1 April 1985 — 30 June 1985 4 July 1985 — 30 September 1985 1 October 1985 — 31 December 1985 4 January 1986 —31 March 1986 4 April 1986 — 30 June 1886 4 July 1986 — 30 September 1986 4 October 1986 —31 December 1986 4 January 1987 —31 March 1987 4 April 1987 — 30 June 1987 4 July 1987 — 30 September 1987 1 Octover 1987 — 31 December 1987 4 January 1988 — 31 March 1988 4 April 1988 — 30 June 1988 1 July 1888 — 30 September 1988 4 October 1986 ~ 31 December 1988. Guidance : Guidance : General dermatology division : Dermatopathology division : Mycology division : Division of leprosy : Paediatric dermatologydivision : Division of sexually transmitted infections Division of alleray : Mycology division (research) : Mycology alvision (research) ‘Skin surgery division : Cosmetics division : polyetinic polyctinic polyetinic polyclinic : Thesis exam, a test case and a written test (Theory) Teaching hospital : 4. General Hospital Dr.Pimgadi Medan 2. Army Hospital KODAM | Bukit Barisan Medan 3. Leprosy Hospital Sicanang Belawan EDUCATION PROGRAM Book Reading 4, Seborrheic dermatitis 2. Rosacea 3. Fixed drug eruption 4. Arthritis psoriasis 5. Ulcusmolle 6. Lichen planus Journal Reading . How important are the dermatophytosis? A clinical and laboratory in Bullous pemphigoid: therapy and management. Flea infestation and its control. . Microba flora of atopic dermatitis. Treatment of skin cancer using multiple modalities. |. Caneroid: recent advances in treatment and control. |. Clofazimine in pregnancy complicated by leprosy. eer enronrns westigation. 42% lactate lotion for the treatment of xerosis: 2 double-blind clinical evaluation. Does biopsy type influence survival in clinical stage 1 cutaneous melanoma. Case presentation SONOAaYeDNS 14, 15. Cutis candidiasis in pregnant women Sporotrichosis. Eksfoliativa generalized dermatitis in children Vitiligo in children Stevens Johnson syndrome. ‘Systemic lupus erythematous. Leprosy type II reaction in leprosy multibasilar. Acne cosmetics. Treatment of melasma with a combination of tretinoin and hydroquinone Management of xanthelasma by excision . Management of nevus pigmentosus with excision . Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Histopathology of pemphigus vulgaris. Primary syphilis. Genital herpes in women. Literature study Sporotrichosis. Onychomycosis. Candidiasis. Secondary syphilis. Non gonorrhoea urethritis. Bacterial vaginosis. Diaper dermatitis. Infantile eczema. Metal contact dermatitis. |. Pemphigus. . Acne vulgaris. . Melasma. . HLA in leprosy. . Leprosy reactions. . Punch biopsy . Wound suturing technique. During the study also participated in various symposiums in the dermato-venereologi In domestic. SERVICE ACTIVITY 4. General dermatology division No. Diagnosis Number of cases 7. | Varicella 15 2. | Herpes zoster 30 3. | Post-herpetic neuralgia 42 4, | Herpes simplex 12 5. | Molluscum contagiosum 21 6. | Pityriasisrosea 27 7. | Pyoderma 55 8. | Scrofuloderma 9. | Lupus vulgaris 10. | Tuberculosis cutis verrucosa 11. | Dermatitis iumularis 12. | Stasis dermatitis | 13. | Pompholyx | 14. | Decubitus ulcer | 15. | Pruritus senilis 16. | Epidermolysis bullosa 47. | ichthyosis vulgaris 18. | Lamellar ichthyosis 19. | Lichen planus 20. | Lichen nitidus 21. | Granuloma annulare 22. | Herpes Gestationis 23. | Cutaneous larva migrans 24. | Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus 25. | Acanthosisnigricans ee ee i 2. Mycology division No. Diagnosis Number of cases Pa Tineacapitis 15 2 Tineafacialis 18 3. | Tineacorparis 48 4. Tineabarbae 6 5. Tineacruris 21 6. Tineamanum et pedis 12 We Tineaimbricata 1 8. | Tinea incognito 5 9. | Onychomycosis 18 10. Exfoliative dermatitis generalized 30 41 Id reaction | 12. Pityriasis versicolor 46 13. | Piedra 3 14. | Tineanigrapatmaris f 18. Mycetoma 1 46. | Chromomycosis 2 17. | Sporotrichosis 3 18. | Pitted keratolysis 6 3. Division of leprosy No. Diagnosis Number of cases 1. Leprosy pausibasilar 60 es Leprosy multibasilar 94 3. Type } leprosy reaction 27 4. Type Il leprosy reaction 80 5. Disability in leprosy 70 6. Neural type of leprosy 2 4. Paediatric dermatology { No. Diagnosis Number of cases {4 Atopic dermatitis 42 2. Seborrheic dermatitis 28 3. Diaper dermatitis 35 4. Psoriasis 15 5. | Erythroderma 6 6. | Pyoderma 68 Te Tineacapitis 10 8. Tineacorporis 27 9. Tineaversicolor 30 10. | Cutaneous Candidiasis 21 11 Pityriasis alba 18 12 Pityriasisrosea 38 13. Miliaria 40 14. | Morbiliform drug eruption 28 15. Herpes zoster 12 46. | Motluscumcontagiosum 8 17. | Acropustulosis 28 18. | Urticariapigmentosa 3 18. Langerhans cell histiocytosis 1 20. | ichthyosis 1 milk Baby collodions 2 22. | Harlequin baby 4 23. Dystrophic epidermolysisbullosa 2 24. | Incontinence pigmenti 2 25. Tuberous scierosis 3 26. | Neurofibromatosis 3 27. Xerodermapigmentosum 8 5. Division of sexually transmitted infections No. Diagnosis Number of cases 4. Gonorrhea 45 2. | Non gonorrhoea urethritis 30 3. | Trichomoniasis 32 4. | Vulvovaginal candidiasis 38 5. _ | Bacterial vaginosis 21 6. | Balanoposthitis 33 7. | Primary syphilis 45 8. | Secondary syphilis 24 9. | Ulcusmolle 18 10. | Lymphogranulomavenereum 4 44. | Granuloma inguinale 1 12. | Herpes genitalis 26 13. | CondylomaAcuminata 45 14, Molltuscumcontagiosum 18 15. | Epididymitis 1 46. | Bartholinitis 4 17. | Bartholin's abscess 1 18. | Frambusia 2 6. Division of alleray No. Diagnosis Number of cases jae Psoriasis 43 2. | Psoriatic arthritis 6 3. ‘Seborrheic dermatitis 38 4. | Atopic dermatitis 18 5. | Dermatitis herpetiformis 10 6. | Lichen simplex chronic 78 7. | Erythroderma 12 8. Allergic contact dermatitis 50 9. | Initant contact dermatitis 40 10. | Acute urticarial 36 41. | Chronic urticaria BB 12. | Angioedema 12 43. | Morbiliform drug eruption 135 14, | Pemphigus vuigaris 413 15. | Pemphigus erythematosus 1 16. | Pemphigus foliaseus 5 47. | Pemphigus vegetan 4 18. | Bullous pemphigoid 8 419. | Systemic lupus erythematosus 6 20. | Discoid lupus erythematosus 16 21. | Scleroderma 2 22. | Dermatomyositis 4 23. | Stevens Johnson syndrome 8 24 | Toxic epidermal necrolysis 2 25.. | Dermatitis herpetiformic 3 7. Skin surgery division No. Diagnosis - Number of cases i Nevus pigmentosus 32 2. Nervous verrucosa 6 an Seborrheic keratosis 53 4. Epidermat cyst 14 5. Keratoacanthoma 1 6. Steatocystoma multiplex 4 Te Syringoma 21 8. | Trichoepitnelioma 12 9. Nevus sebaceous 5 10. Sebaceous hyperplasia 3 41. | Nevus becker 1 12. | Lentigosenilis 5 13. Giant melanocytic nevus 1 14. Dermatofibroma 41 15. | Keloid 32 16._| Hypertrophic sears 24 47. | Neurofibroma 3 18. | Ganglion cysts 2 149. | Lipoma 6 20. Xanthoma 4 21. | Xanthelasma 45 22. | Verruca vulgaris 38 | 23. | Hemangioma 15 24. | Angiokeratoma 1 25. | Actinic keratosis 1 26. | Lymphangioma 1 27. | Basal cell carcinoma 39 28. | Squamous cell carcinoma 32 29. | Leukemia cutis 4 30. | Melanoma 1 31. Callus 38 32. | Clavus 8 33. Acrochordon 145 34. | Lichen amyloidosis 18 8. Cosmetics division No. Diagnosis Number of cases 7. [Acne vulgaris 167 2. | Steroid induced acne 27 3. | Rosacea 27 4. Striae 12 5. | Androgenic alopecia 37 6. | Alopecia areata 21 7. | Melasma 129 8. | Freckles 38 9. | Vitiligo 40 10. | Cellulite 10 41. | Hyperhidrosis 28 42. | Bromhidrosis 3 13. 14. 15. 16. "| Tattoo 18 | skin aging 27 | Dermatitis perioral 30 ' Hypo/hyper pigmentation post 184 | inflammatory SKILL ane r op > zx ee ea 8 pao 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. The Tzanck test Skin Scrapingtest (fungus, scabies and leprosy) Wood's lamp examination Examination of urethral/vaginal discharge Gram staining Patch test Prick test Excision biopsy Punch biopsy . Excision . Shaving Electrodessication Cryosurgical Curettage Injection of triamcinolone . Extraction of blackheads - avulsion of the nail Title thesis: Trial treatment of dermatophytosis with bifonasol cream 1% Advicer 4. dr. Mansur A. Nasution, SpKK rere ees 2. DR. dr, Namyo ©, Hutapea, SpKK 3. dr. Diana Nasution, SpKK Thesis examination : 24 Nopember 1988 Whitten test Desember 1988 Case exam : 1 Desember 1988 Examiner: 1. Dr.dr Marwali Harahap SpKK 2. dr Halim Nasution SpKK 3. drLucia A Sutanto SpKK Head of the Department Head of Study Program Dermato-venereology Yard> Prof.Dr. dr, Irma D. Raesyanto, SpkK(K) dr. ChairiyahTanjung, SokKK(K) NIP, 19471224 197603 2 001 NIP. 19501211 197811 2.001

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