Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Exercise A. Find and underline the expressions below in the dialog.

Understand the meaning

based on the context of situation pictured in the dialog, then find the synonyms of the following
expressions in communicatively natural Bahasa Indonesia.
1. How may I help you? = Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
2. I'd like to make an appointment = Saya ingin membuat janji
3. Have you been in before? = Apakah anda sudah pernah kemari sebelumnya?
4. I had a physical = Saya mendapat pemeriksaan fisik
5. to pull up a file = Untuk melihat file
6. I haven't been feeling very well. = Saya merasa tidak terlalu baik
7. urgent care = Perawatan darurat
8. a slot available = Ada waktu kosong
9. Is there anything open... = Apakah ada waktu kosong
10. to pencil someone in = Untuk membuat jadwal dengan ada

Exercise B. Decide whether the following statements are True or False based on the dialog.
1. It was the first time visit for the patient.
2. The doctor assistant welcomed and accompanied the patient to doctor’s room.
3. The doctor assistant needed some time to check the patient’s history of illness.
4. The doctor was not available on next Monday at 10.
5. The doctor will have three surgeries on next Wednesday.
Answer :
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F

Exercise A. Find the definition or synonym of the following expressions into Bahasa Indonesia.
1 physical examination (exam) proses untuk mendapatkan atau mengidentifikasi
keadaan tubuh pasien dengan penekanan pada tanda-
tanda kehidupan (vital sign), keadaan sakit, keadaan
gizi, serta aktivitasnya
2 blood work tes darah
3 EKG galvanometer yang mendeteksi dan mencatat
perbedaan potensial listrik yang disebabkan oleh kerja
4 ultra-sound gelombang ultrasonik yang panjang gelombangnya
diatas 20 kHz dan bisa digunakan untuk terapi medis
5 x-rays gambar yang dihasilkan dengan mengekspos film
fotografi sinar-X digunakan sebagai dalam pengobatan
sebagai alat bantu diagnoistik sebagai bagian tubuh,
seperti tulang, menyerap sinar-X dan sebagainya
muncul sebagai daerah buram pada gambar
6 to roll up sleeves menggulung lengan baju ke atas
7 overweight - underweight berat badan lebih dari ketentuan idealnya – berat
badan kurang dari ketentuan idealnya
8 to exercise regularly melakukan olahraga secara teratur
9 balanced diet diet yang terdiri dari jumlah/porsi yang tepat dan
proporsi makanan yag diperlukan untuk menjaga
kesehatan atau pertumbuhan
1 well-balanced meals porsi/pola makan yang sesuai dan tepat
1 stethoscope suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memeriksa kondisi
1 kesehatan pasien dengan cara memasangkan pada
telingan dan meletekan ujungnya pada bagian yang
akan diperiksa
1 to breath in menghirup/memasukan udara kedalam hidung ketika
2 bernafas
1 to hold one's breath menahan nafas
1 to pull on one's shirt menarik baju untuk keperluan pemeriksaan
1 to breathe deeply mengambil nafas dalam-dalam dengan menghirup
5 udara melalui hidung atau mulut
1 to open wide membuka lebih lebar/luas
1 to look ship shape terlihat terbentuk seperti perahu
1 slip terlepas dari sebuah ikatan atau genggaman
1 front desk meja resepsionis untuk memeriksa pasien yang masuk
9 dan keluar serta keperluan lainnya
2 to arrange an appointment membuat perjanjian untuk bertemu

Exercise B. Answer the following questions.

1. Mention the procedure of examining the patient by the doctor in the above
2. How can the patient take care of his/her body shape?
3. What is the doctor’s conclusion about the patient’s health?
4. Based on your knowledge, how is the procedure to have a blood test for a patient?
5. What do you think about the procedure of examining the patient by the doctor in the
dialog? Is it appropriate or is there any you can add or correct?
Answer :
1. The procedure of examining the patient by the doctor in the abive convertation is :

 Take the patient’s blood pressure

 Listen to the patient’s heart

 Take a look the patient’s throath

2. The patient eat a balanced diet. Generally he/she have well-balanced meals and he/she
didn’t exercise well, but he/she just just run up a flight of stairs, it takes him/ her a while to
get him /hearth breath back
3. The patient’s health is good. Everything looks ship shape.
4. In order to test your blood , a technician called a phlebotomist will use a needle to take a
sample of blood, in most cases from a vein in your arm. You will be sated or lying down
during the procedure. Once he or she finds a useable vein, the technician will clean the
area and then insert the needle. You might feel a small pricking sensation. Once the
technician has drawn enough blood, he or she will take the needle out and put an adhesive
bandage over the site. You may be asked to press firmly on the site to stop any bleeding. If
the sight of needles makes you nervous, you can look away during the procedure or bring a
friend to help distract you
5. According to the procedures of anamnesis, the doctor should ask the identity of patients
first before asking about his/her helath

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