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Belajar PHP: Memahami Prosedur dan

Banyak fungsi build-in dari php yang sering kita gunakan,
seperti print(), print_r(), unset(), dll. Selain fungsi-fungsi tersebut, kita juga dapat
membuat fungsi sendiri sesuai kebutuhan.

Fungsi adalah sekumpulan intruksi yang dibungkus dalam sebuah blok. Fungsi dapat
digunakan ulang tanpa harus menulis ulang instruksi di dalamnya.

Fungsi pada PHP dapat dibuat dngan kata kunci function, lalu diikuti dengan nama


function namaFungsi(){

Kode intruksi dapat di tulis di dalam kurung kurawal ({...}).


function perkenalan(){
echo "Assalamulaikmu, ";
echo "Perkenalkan, nama saya Ardianta<br/>";
echo "Senang berkenalan dengan anda<br/>";

Fungsi yang sudah dibuat tidak akan menghasilkan apapun kalau tidak dipanggil. Kita
dapat memanggil fungsi dengan menuliskan namanya.



Jadi, kode lengkapnya seperti ini:

// mmbuat fungsi
function perkenalan(){
echo "Assalamulaikmu, ";
echo "Perkenalkan, nama saya Ardianta<br/>";
echo "Senang berkenalan dengan anda<br/>";

// memanggil fungsi yang sudah dibuat


echo "<hr>";

// memanggilnya lagi

Fungsi dengan Parameter
Supaya intruksi yang di dalam fungsi lebih dinamis, kita dapat menggunakan parameter
untuk memasukkan sebuah nilai ke dalam fungsi. Nilai tersebut akan diolah di dalam

Misalkan, pada contoh fungsi yang tadi, tidak mungkin nama yang dicetak
adalah ardianta saja dan salam yang dipakai tidak selalu assalamualaikum. Maka, kita
dapat menambahkan parameter menjadi seperti ini:

// mmbuat fungsi
function perkenalan($nama, $salam){
echo $salam.", ";
echo "Perkenalkan, nama saya ".$nama."<br/>";
echo "Senang berkenalan dengan anda<br/>";

// memanggil fungsi yang sudah dibuat

perkenalan("Muhardian", "Hi");

echo "<hr>";

$saya = "Indry";
$ucapanSalam = "Selamat pagi";
// memanggilnya lagi
perkenalan($saya, $ucapanSalam);

Paramter dengan Nilai Default
Nilai default dapat kita berikan di parameter. Nilai default berfungsi untuk mengisi
nilai sebuah parameter, kalau parameter tersebut tidak diisi nilainya.

Misalnya: saya lupa mengisi parameter salam, maka program akan error. Oleh karena
itu, kita perlu memberikan nilai default supaya tidak error.


// mmbuat fungsi
function perkenalan($nama, $salam="Assalamualaikum"){
echo $salam.", ";
echo "Perkenalkan, nama saya ".$nama."<br/>";
echo "Senang berkenalan dengan anda<br/>";

// memanggil fungsi yang sudah dibuat

perkenalan("Muhardian", "Hi");

echo "<hr>";

$saya = "Indry";
$ucapanSalam = "Selamat pagi";
// memanggilnya lagi tanpa mengisi parameter salam

Fungsi yang Megembalikan Nilai
Hasil pengolahan nilai dari fungsi mungkin saja kita butuhkan untuk pemrosesan
berikutnya. Oleh karena itu, kita harus membuat fungsi yang dapat mengembalikan

Pengembalian nilai dalam fungsi dapat menggunakan kata kunci return.


// membuat fungsi
function hitungUmur($thn_lahir, $thn_sekarang){
$umur = $thn_sekarang - $thn_lahir;
return $umur;

echo "Umur saya adalah ". hitungUmur(1994, 2015) ." tahun";


Memangil Fungsi di dalam Fungsi
Fungsi yang sudah kita buat, dapat juga dipanggil di dalam fungsi lain.


// membuat fungsi
function hitungUmur($thn_lahir, $thn_sekarang){
$umur = $thn_sekarang - $thn_lahir;
return $umur;

function perkenalan($nama, $salam="Assalamualaikum"){

echo $salam.", ";
echo "Perkenalkan, nama saya ".$nama."<br/>";
// memanggil fungsi lain
echo "Saya berusia ". hitungUmur(1994, 2015) ." tahun<br/>";
echo "Senang berkenalan dengan anda<br/>";

// memanggil fungsi perkenalan



Fungsi rekursif
Fungsi rekursif adalah fungsi yang memanggil dirinya sendiri. Fungsi ini biasanya
digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah sepeti faktorial, bilangan fibbonaci,
pemrograman dinamis, dll.

Contoh fungsi rekursif:


function faktorial($angka) {
if ($angka < 2) {
return 1;
} else {
// memanggil dirinya sendiri
return ($angka * faktorial($angka-1));

// memanggil fungsi
echo "faktorial 5 adalah " . faktorial(5);



Jika dilihat dari keteraturan pola dalam menghitung nilai faktorial suatu bilangan, maka dapat
diselesaikan dengan menggunakan fungsi biasa maupun fungsi rekursif. Perhatikan dan bandingkan
kedua program berikut ini dimana program pertama tanpa rekursif dan program kedua dengan rekursif.
1. <?php

3. function faktorial($n=1) {
4. $hasil = 1;
5. for($i=$n; $i >= 1; $i--) {
6. $hasil = $hasil * $i;
7. }
8. return $hasil;
9. }

11. echo "10! = ".faktorial(10);


13. ?>

Pada program di atas, proses menghitung nilai faktorial dilakukan dengan menggunakan perulangan.
Sedangkan pada program di bawah ini, proses perhitungan dengan menggunakan fungsi rekursif. Di
dalam fungsi terdapat pemanggilan fungsi diri sendiri dengan parameter ($n-1) yang dikalikan dengan
1. <?php

3. function faktorial($n=1) {
4. if ($n==1) {
5. return 1;
6. } else {
7. return $n * faktorial ($n-1);
8. }
9. }

11. echo "10! = ".faktorial(10);


13. ?>

Pada kedua contoh di atas mungkin tidak terlalu menonjol mengenai manfaat fungsi rekursif. Pada
contoh yang lebih kompleks, misalnya melakukan penelusuran suatu graph atau tree, fungsi rekursif akan
lebih tepat digunakan dibanding fungsi biasa.
Understanding Recursion
In one of my previous articles I wrote about iterators and how you can use them. Today I’d like
to look at the fraternal twin of iteration: recursion.

Before we talk about recursion, though, let’s take a look at this snippet of code:


function factorial($number) {

if ($number < 0) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException('Number cannot be less than zero');

$factorial = 1;

while ($number > 0) {

$factorial *= $number;

$number --;

return $factorial;

A factorial is the result of a number multiplied by all positive integers less than that number, and
the function above calculates the factorial of any number given to it using a simple loop. Now
let’s rewrite the example this way:

function factorial_recursive($number) {

if ($number < 0) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException('Number cannot be less than zero');

if ($number == 0) {

return 1;

return $number * factorial_recursive($number – 1);

We get the same results when we call both functions, but notice that the second function
calculates the factorial by calling itself. This is known as recursion.

What’s Recursion?
A recursive function is one that calls itself, either directly or in a cycle of function calls.

Recursion can also refer to a method of problem solving that first solves a smaller version of the
problem and then uses that result plus some other computation to formulate an answer to the
original problem. Often times, in the process of solving the smaller version, the method will
solve yet a smaller version of the problem, and so on, until it reaches a “base case” which is
trivial to solve.

To write a recursive function, you need to provide it with some means of return or else it will
keep calling itself for eternity (or until the call stack blows up, the script times out, or memory is
exhausted). This is known as a guard clause or base case.

The simplest form of a recursive function is as follows:


function my_recursive_func (args) {

if (simplest case) {

// The Base Case/Guard Clause that stops the

// function from running forever

return simple value;

else {

//call function again with simpler args


Types of Recursion
When a function calls itself directly, it is referred to as direct recursion. A function in a cycle of
function calls that eventually invokes itself is called indirect recursion. Look at the example
below of indirect recursion:


function A($num) {

$num -= 1;

if($num > 0) {

echo "A is Calling B($num)n";

$num = B($num);

return $num;

function B($num) {

$num -= 2;

if($num > 0) {

echo "B is Calling A($num)n";

$num = A($num);

return $num;

$num = 4;

echo "Calling A($num)n";

echo 'Result: ' . A($num);

Calling A(4)
A is Calling B(3)
B is Calling A(1)
Result: 0
The above example is really useless code just meant to show you how a function can call itself
indirectly through another function. Calling either A(n>4) or B(n>4) causes the called function to
be called from the other function.

It’s important to know a function can call itself indirectly like this, but in this article we’ll only
deal with direct recursion.

A Practical Example
To show you how powerful recursion can be, we’ll write a function that searches for a key within
an array and returns the result.


function find_in_arr($key, $arr) {

foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {

if ($k == $key) {

return $v;

if (is_array($v)) {

foreach ($v as $_k => $_v) {

if ($_k == $key) {

return $_v;


return false;

$arr = [

'name' => 'Php Master',

'subject' => 'Php',

'type' => 'Articles',

'items' => [

'one' => 'Iteration',

'two' => 'Recursion',

'methods' => [

'factorial' => 'Recursion',

'fibonacci' => 'Recursion',



'parent' => 'Sitepoint',


find_in_arr('two', $arr),

find_in_arr('parent', $arr),

find_in_arr('fibonacci', $arr)


string 'Recursion' (length=9)

string 'Sitepoint' (length=9)
boolean false

Things are all well and good, but notice that we iterate only two levels deep into the array, and so
the search for “Fibonacci” in the third level fails. If we want to search an array of indeterminate
depth, this would not suffice. We can instead rewrite the search as a recursive function:


function find_in_arr($key, $arr) {

foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {

if ($k == $key) {

return $v;

if (is_array($v)) {

$result = find_in_arr($key, $v);

if ($result != false) {
return $result;

return false;

With the recursive function, we can search an array several levels deep since we have not
hardcoded how deep the function goes. It just keeps running until it goes over all of the values in
the array.

Head and Tail Recursion

In all of the examples so far we’ve been using what is called head recursion. When the function
calls itself, it waits for the result from the call before returning a value of its own. It is possible to
write functions in such a way that they do not operate on returned values, but instead pass all
required values as parameters. This is known as a tail call (or tail recursion). This method is
usually preferred as a language’s runtime can sometimes optimize the calls so that there’s no
danger of blowing up the call stack, but PHP does not do this.

Below is our factorial example modified to make a tail call. Note that the result of the recursive
call is returned, instead of manipulated further.


function factorial ($number, $factorial = 1) {

if ($number < 0) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException('Number cannot be less than zero (0)');

if ($number == 0) {
return $factorial;

else {

return factorial($number - 1, $factorial * $number);

General Advice
Any code that can be written iteratively can also be written recursively. However, this is not
always easy to do (or even wise to do). Recursion shines when traversing trees and lists or
performing most O(n log n) sorts. When you need to divide a repetitive problem up, recursion
will fit better than an iterative approach, as in the case of searching within the file system and
you need to enter any subdirectories to search within as well. Where there’s the traversal of an
indeterminate depth, recursion works great.

Keep in mind that PHP does not optimize recursive functions, even if you write them to make
tail calls, and recursive functions in general are less efficient and slower than their iterative
counterparts, though they sometimes do the job better as shown in the code samples above.
Recursion is usually a favored alternative to iteration in functional programming and therefore
most functional languages optimize recursive functions.

If you’re using XDebug, be sure to inspect your system’s configuration. By default you’ll have a
limit of 100 recursive calls and if you exceed this, your script will throw a “maximum nested
limit reached” error. You can update the debug.max_nesting_level config value if you need to
change this.

Finally, it’s a good idea to read an explanation of stack heap and recursion causing stack
overflow to understand what happens to the call stack during recursion.

In this article I’ve given you a broad look at recursion and how it compares to iteration. I’ve also
show you how to write recursive functions, when to write them, and why. I have also tried warn
you of some of the pitfalls that you might fall into when using recursion.
Recursion is such that even many experienced programmers can go years without using it and
many others have never even heard of it, which is sad because it is a truly powerful concept. I
hope with this article I might have given you sufficient knowledge to go out there and start
writing your own recursive functions. But remember that like with fire, you have to always be
careful and use the tool wisely.

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