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XxxxStrengthen Indonesia-China Bilateral Coorperation In Gamers Prespective

Semakin menjamurnya Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), dan teknologi cloud
computing menandakan era baru dalam dunia industri, yaitu menciptakan era industri 4.0. Jenis
industri yang menggabungkan teknologi otomatisasi dengan teknologi cyber. Dengan dimulainya
industri 4.0, maka memungkinkan menghilangnya beberapa profesi seperti; penjaga loket, kasir,
dan akuntan.

Namun, yang perlu diingat dalam industri 4.0 ini muncul pula profesi-profesi baru yang sesuai
dengan perkembangan zaman. Misalnya adalah profesi gamers.

Mungkin, saat kita masih kecil, orangtua kita menganggap bahwa game hanyalah sesuatu yang
dapat merusak mata dan merusak nilai matematika kita saja. Namun dalam era digital atau dalam
era industri 4.0 ini, gamers sudah menjadi profesi yang cukup menggiurkan.

Bahkan mereka dapat menghasilkan ratusan juta rupiah uang hanya dengan bermain game.
Sesuatu yang tidak pernah terpikirkan saat kita masih anak-anak. Kita ambil contoh Pewdiepie,
superstar youtube dengan 86 juta subscriber yang lahir dari dunia game. Di indonesia sendiri,
banyak juga millenial yang memilih game sebagai profesinya, seperti mislanya JessNoLimit dan

Sejak dirilisnya Blizzard’s Starcraft pada tahun 1998 yang mengusung genre Real Time Strategy
(RTS), perkembangan game di dunia semakin pesat. Melalui munculnya Dota 2 dan League of
legends, dunia game mengalami masa keemasan. Menurut data, total pengguna
kedua game telah mencapai lebih dari 40 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia. Pun sekarang juga telah
berkembang game dengan genre baru yaitu battle royale, seperti Player Unknown Battle Ground
(PUBG) dan Fortnite.

Dengan digitalisasi yang semakin merakyat, game tidak hanya dapat diakses di PC saja. Tapi
juga dapat diakses dalam mobile phone. Yang notabene lebih mudah dijangkau masyarakat luas.
Bahkan, saking maraknya mobile gaming, perkembangan game mobile mencapai lebih dari 51%
dari seluruh perkembangan game dunia. Perkembangan game mobile, menurut US-China
Institute “Grow much to higher level”.
China Adalah Gorilla Besar Dalam Dunia Game

Industri game dunia mayoritas dikuasai oleh raksasa dunia game, china. Data dari bloomberg
mei 2017 mengatakan bahwa china menguasai 25% dari seluruh industri game dunia dan
menguasai 40% untuk game PC.

Adalah Tencent, yang menurut US-China Institue disebut sebagai gorilla besar dalam industri
game. Setelah mengakuisisi Riot Games secara penuh di tahun 2015, dengan game populernya;
League of Legends, Tencent semakin mengepakkan sayapnya dalam industri ini.

Tak heran apabila Ma Huateng, bos Tencent dapat menggeser Jack Ma (bos Alibaba) dari kursi
orang terkaya nomor satu di china. Bahkan, pecinta astronomi itu menduduki peringkat 20 orang
terkaya di dunia fersi forbes dengan kekayaan lebih dari 45 triliyun USD. Dari sini, industri
game tidak bisa dianggap remeh seperti dulu waktu kita masih anak-anak.

Perkembangan Game di Indonesia

Industri game juga berkembang pesat di indonesia, menurut data dari newzoo, total ada 43 juta
gamers di indonesia. Memang tidak sebesar gamers di cina yang hampir menyentuh angka 600
juta. Namun, gamers indonesia dari tahun ke tahun terus bertambah dan termasuk yang paling
banyak di asia tenggara.

Game memang kelihatannya hal sepele, materinya tidak seberat politik, ekonomi atau militer.
Namun, dengan melihat perkembangan game yang tidak bisa dianggap remeh, kita bisa
memanfaatkannya untuk memperkuat hubungan bilateral antara indonesia dan china.

Lantas, bagaimana cara memperkuat hubungan bilateral ini dengan perantara game?.

Pertama, kita bisa mempererat hubungan keduanegara dengan mengadakan kompetisi game.
Setelah dilaksanakannya e-sport sebagai kompetisi demonstrasi di Indonesia’s Asian Games
2018. Kompetisi E-sport semakin dipercaya, dengan diadakan kembali dalam SEA Games 2019
di Philiphina dan akan memperebutkan medali secara resmi di Asian Games 2022 di Hangzhou,
Pemerintah kedua negara atau pihak developer harapannya mampu menambah kompetisi-
kompetisi game semacam ini di luar event Asian Games yang diadakan 4 tahun sekali. Seperti
misalnya kompetisi AOV International Championship (AIC) 2018 di Vietnam dan Thailand,
yang diikuti oleh beberapa negara di benua asia, amerika, dan eropa, termasuk di dalamnya

Dengan diadakan kompetisi game resmi seperti ini, diharapkan hubungan kedua negara semakin
erat. Bahkan, tidak hanya mempererat hubungan bilateral antara indonesia-china saja. Namun
juga mampu merangkul seluruh negara perwakilan di kawasan asia, amerika, bahkan eropa.
Sesuatu yang sulit dilakukan dalam bidang politik dan militer.

Kedua, dengan pendidikan. Cina merupakan salahsatu tujuan utama pelajar indonesia untuk
melanjutkan studinya, baik pendidikan sarjana, master, atau doktor. Terdapat sekitar 13.000
mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonedia di Tiongkok (PPIT). Kenapa
china? Karena cina memiliki lebih dari 200 perguruan tinggi berkualitas dan negara ini
menawarkan biaya hidup yang cukup terjangkau dibanding negara lain.

Pemerintah kedua negara dapat memperkuat kerjasama bilateral dengan mengadakan beasiswa.
Bukan beasiswa dalam bidang sains, sosial atau sastra. Itu sudah terlalu maenstream. Tapi
beasiswa untuk para pelajar yang ingin berkiprah dalam dunia game, baik itu yang berasal dari
pro player atau semi pro player.

Dengan pemberian beasiswa dalam bentuk pelatihan game atau sekolah game, maka masyarakat
indonesia dapat belajar dari guru besar e-sport, sedangkan china dapat mengajari pemain e-sport
indoensia agar terus berkembang dalam dunia game.

Dengan demikian, dapat pula mengubah stereotip masyarakat akan game dan merupakan suatu
terobosan agar mengarahkan gamers ke arah positif. Seperti kita tahu, stereotip masayarakat akan
game masih negatif- membuat mata sakit dan menghancurkan nilai matematika anak.

Lu Bu bertemu Wiro Sableng

Ketiga , dengan melakukan pertukaran budaya. China memiliki regulasi khusus kepada
developer game asing agar game buatannya bisa beredar di china dan itu sangat sulit. Bahkan,
perusahaan raksasa Google, tidak ada di china. Pendistribusian game indonesia di china bukan
keputusan efisien untuk melakukan pertukaran budaya. Toh, jika sudah berhail beredar di
masyarakat china, ujung-ujungnya game buatan indonesia tidak dilirik sama sekali.

Penguatan bilateral dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pertukaran budaya dalam game,
bukan dalam pendistribusian game. Dengan itu, maka akan jauh lebih mudah ketimbang harus
melakukan pertukaran game. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh game King Of Glory (KOG) atau
dalam versi globalnya lebih dikenal dengan Arena of Valor (AOV).

Lu Bu, Diao Chan, dan Sun Wukong, mereka adalah tokoh legenda cina yang berhasil dibuat
karakter dalam game AOV. Sedangkan dari luar china, terdapat hero lokal Indonesia, yaitu Wiro
Sableng. Ksatria gila dengan kapak 212. Adapun skin/ kostum dalam karakter yang mengangkat
unsur indonesia yaitu skin garuda di salah satu karakter dalam game tersebut.

Sedangkan developer lain yang juga berasal dari china; Moonton dalam gamenya Mobile
legends, juga mengangkat unsur indonesia dengan menciptakan karakter dari tokoh pewayangan
indonesia, Gatotkaca. Ksatria otot kawat, balung wesi.

Harapannya, pengembangan karakter yang mengangkat unsur budaya lokal dapat diperbanyak.
Tidak hanya dalam game yang bergenre MOBA Mobile, namun juga game-game dengan genre
berbeda, battle royale misalya. Kita dapat menyisipkan unsur budaya untuk mempercantik
karakter yang kita miliki. Sehingga dapat tercipta pertukaran budaya secara tidak langsung dan
akan menciptakan hubungan yang kuat antara kadua negara.

Pertukaran budaya dalam game ini terbukti sangat efektif, selain menambah pengguna game
yang tentu akan menguntungkan bagi produsen, juga dapat memperkenalkan budaya lokal agar
dikenal oleh masyarakat luas.

Akhirnya, penguatan bilateral antara indonesia dan china tidak harus melulu melalui materi yang
berat seperti politik, ekonomi atau militer. Hanya dengan game- yang dulu hanya dianggap
sebagai penghancur nilai matematika anak, kita bisa memperkuat hubungan bilateral antara
indonesia dengan china. Hanya dengan game.

Strengthening Indonesia-China Bilateral Coorperation iIn Gamers’ Prespective

The increasing rate of iInternet of tThings (IoT), aArtificial iIntelligence (AI), and cloud
computing technology proves aing new era in industrial world, which creates 4.0 industry, the k.
Kind of industry that combines automatic technology and cyber technology. With the start of 4.0
industry, it is possible that some professions will be gone, like; such as cashier or accountant.

However, what needs to be remembered in 4.0 industry , is that new professions emerge which
are appropriate with this modern era, for. For example is the profession of gamers. Formatted: Font: English (Indonesia), Do not check
spelling or grammar
Maybe, when we were kids, our parents thought that games were just something that could
damage our eyes and destroy our math scoresvalues. But in the digital era or in this 4.0 industry
era, gamers have become a precious profession.

In fact, gamersthey can generate hundreds of millions of dollars of money just by playing games;
s. Something that had never been thought when we were children. The example is a YouTube
superstar with 86 million subscribers who was that born from the gaminges world, PewDiePie. In
Indonesia, many millennials have chosen games as their profession, such as JessNoLimit and

Since the release of Blizzard's Starcraft in 1998 which brought the genre of Real Time Strategy
(RTS), the games development in the world has beenis increasingly rapidly. Through the advent
of Dota 2 and League of legends, the game world has a golden age. According to,
the total users of both games have reached more than 40 million users worldwide. Even now, a
game with a new genre has also been produced and developed. It is , that called ‘battle royale’,
such as Player Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) and Fortnite.

With digitization becoming very popular, games are not only accessible on PCs, b. But it can
also be accessed on a mobile phone, w. Which incidentally is easier to reach the wider
community. In fact, due to the popularity of mobile gaming, the development of mobile games
has reached more than 51% of all developments in the world of games. US-China Institute said
that the development of mobile games is "gGrows much to higher levels".
China Is Big Gorilla in Game Industry

The majority of the world gaming industrygame industry is totally dominated by the gaming
world giants, China. Data from Bloomberg in May 2017 says that China controls 25% of the
world's gaming industrygame industry and controls 40% offor PC games.

It is Tencent, which, according to the US-China Institute, is called as the big gorilla in the
gaming industrygame industry. After fully acquiring Riot Games in 2015, with its popular game;
League of Legends, Tencent is rapidly flapping its wings in this strategic industry.

No wonder if Ma Huateng, Tencent's boss, can replace Jack Ma with his Alibaba from the seat
of the richest person in China. In fact, theat astronomy lover is ranked 20th as thefor richest Formatted: Superscript

person in the world by Fforbes magazine version, with total wealth more than 45 trillion USD.
From here, the game industry cannot be underestimated like when we were children.

Game Development in Indonesia

The gaming industrygame industry is also growing rapidly in Indonesia. A, according to the data
from NewZoo, there isare a total of 43 million gamers in Indonesia. It's not as big as China,
which almost touched at 600 million gamers. However, Indonesian gamers from year to year
continue growing up and it is the biggestmost big in Southeast Asia.

Game is such as a trivial thing. T, the material is not as heavy as political, economic, and military
material. But, with the development of gaming industrygame industry, it can’tthat cant be
underestimated. We can take beanefits for strengthening bilateral realation between Indonesia
and China.

So, how to strengthen theis bilateral relationbilateral relationsship with games?

First, we can strengthen the relations between the two countries by holding an official games
competition. After the Ee-sport is held as a demonstration competition at the 2018 Indonesia
'sIndonesia’s Asian Games, t. The E-sport competition is more trusted, and it is to that be held
again at the 2019 SEA Games in Philippines and athletes will compete for official medals at the
2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.
The government of the two countries or the game developer hopefuilly can hold this kind of
game competition outside the Asian Games which is that held only every 4 years, f. For the
example, is the 2018 AOV International Championship (AIC) competition in Vietnam and
Thailand. Not only that, there is also the biggest AOV World Championship (AWC) which was
joinedfollowed by several countries in the Asia, America and Europe continents, including

By holding an official game competition like that, it is expected that the relations between the
two countries will be tightened. In fact, it does not only strengthen bilateral relationbilateral
relationss between Indonesia and China, b. But it is also able to strengthen all representative
countries in Asia, America, and even Europe, s. Something which isthat difficult to do in the
political and military fields.

(Dibuat subjudul juga ga, kyk bawahnya? Misal Game Scholarship atau apa) Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold
Second, withwith education. China is one of the main destinations goals of Indonesian students Formatted: Font: Bold, English (Indonesia)
to continue their studies, whether undergraduate, master's or doctoral education. There are
around 13,000 students who are members of the Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesidia di Tiongkok Formatted: Font: Italic

(PPIT, Indonesian Student Asssociation in China). Why Cis china? Because China has more than
200 quality universities and this country offers a fairly affordable cost of living compared to
other countries.

The governments of the two countries can strengthen bilateral cooperation by awardingholding
scholarships. Not just a scholarship in the fields of science, social or literature. It's too
mainstream. But scholarships for students who want to take part in the game world, whether they
come from pro- players or semi- pro- players. Formatted: English (Indonesia)

By giving scholarships in the game studies or game training, Indonesia community can learn
from Ee-sport master:; China. MeanwWhile, China can teach Indonesian Ee-sport players to
continue grow in the gaming world.

So, it can also change the stereotype of people arround the world about game and is a
breakthrough in order to direct gamers in a positive direction. As we know, the stereotypes of
society about games are still negative: - making eyes hurt and destroying children’s
mathematicsal scorevalue of children.

Lu Bu Meets Wiro Sableng

Third, by carrying out cultural exchanges. China has special regulations for foreign game
developers so that a game can be distributed in China and that is a very difficult process. In fact,
the giant Google company is banned in China. The distribution of Indonesian games in China is
not an efficient decision to carry out cultural exchanges. After all, even if if it is's alreadyy
distributed in the China, in the endthe edges, of the game made in Indonesia are not being
lookedlooking at all.

Bilateral strengthening can be done by conducting cultural exchanges in games, not in game
distribution. With that, it will be much easier than having to games distribution. It is lLike what
is done the way of by King of Glory (KOG) game or in the global version better known as the
Arena of Valor (AOV).

Lu Bu, Diao Chan, and Sun Wukong, they are Chinese legend figures who have successfully
created characters in the AOV game. While from outside of China, there is a local Indonesian
hero, named Wiro Sableng. C, a crazy knight with 212 axe. Also, there is skin / costume in the
character whichthat lifts Indonesian elements, namely Garuda skin onon one of the characters in
the game.

MeanwWhile, another developer s which is also from China, ; Moonton, with game Mobile
Llegends game, also raises Indonesian elements by creating characters from Indonesian puppet
characters, Gatotkaca, a. A knight with wire muscle and metal bone.

The hope is that, character development that raises elements of local culture can be produced
again and again. Not only in MOBA Mobile games, but also in different genre of games, battle
royale are for example. We can insert cultural elements to beautify the characters we have.
Thus,So that cultural exchange can be created indirectly and will create strong relationships
between the two countries.
The cultural exchange in this game proved to be very effective, besides adding game users which
would certainly be beneficial for producers, they could also introduce local culture to be known
by the wider community.

Finally, bilateral strengthening between Indonesia and China does not have to be merely through
heavy material such as politics, economics or the military. Only with games, - which were only
considered as a destroyer of children's mathematics scoreal values, we can strengthen bilateral
relationbilateral relationss between Indonesia and China. Only with games.

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