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 Slide 3 About Owabong

Owabong stands for OBYEK WISATA BOJONGSARI. A family playground that offers a variety of swimming
pools, racing circuits, flying fox and many others.

((Taman bermain keluarga yang menawarkan berbagai macam kola reang, sirkuit balap, flying vox dan
banyak lagi yang lainnya.)

 Slide 4 History

Starting from a private swimming pool made by Dutch citizens, built in 1946, then taken over by a
Chinese named Kwi Sing. In 2004 it was purchased by the Purbalingga district government, which was
finally built as a family tourism that was inaugurated on March 1, 2005.

(Mulai dari kolam renang pribadi buatan warga Belanda, dibangun pada tahun 1946, kemudian
diambil alih oleh seorang Cina bernama Kwi Sing. Pada tahun 2004 dibeli oleh pemerintah kabupaten
Purbalingga, yang akhirnya dibangun sebagai wisata keluarga yang diresmikan pada 1 Maret 2005.

Owabong highway No.1, Bojongsari sub-district, Purbalingga district, Central Java province,
postal code 53362

(Jl. Raya no. 1 Bojongsari kec bojongsari kab purbalingga Prov jawa tengah kode pos 53362)
You can visit owabong using a number of transportation. First, Motorcyle where you can take 25
minute to get there, 30 minutes with car
(Anda dapat mengunjungi owabong dengan menggunakan sejumlah transportasi)
 Slide 7 Transportasi
And the last 2 hours 58 Minute with on foot to get there
(Dan terakhir berjalan kaki selama 2 jam 58 menit dengan berjalan kaki untuk sampai di sana.)
 Slide 8 The Number of Visitors
Chart Show where in Holidays and weekends there will be more visitors Compared to normal
(Chart menunjukan hari linur dan akhir pekan akan ada lebih banyak pengunjung dibanding
dengan hari hari biasa)
 Slide 9 Ticket Price
at the normal price people will pay thirty thousand on weekends and holidays and twenty
thousand on weekdays. whereas at a discounted price people will pay fifety persent or 1 ticket
forty thousand for one person)

(di harga normal orang akan membayar tiga puluh ribu di akhir pekan dan hari libur dan dua
puluh ribu di hari biasa. sedangkan pada saat harga diskon orang akan membayar 50% atau 1
tiketempat puluh ribu untuk satu orang)

 Slide 10 Preparation of Goods needed

- Money to buy tiket or something
(uang, untuk membeli tiket atau sesuatu)
- Food, Although there are many food vendors, but it would be better if you bring your own
because it will minimize the expenditure of money
(Meski ada banyak penjual makanan, tetapi akan lebih baik jika Anda membawa sendiri
karena akan meminimalkan pengeluaran uang)
- Replacement clothes to replace your clothes who are wet from swimming
(baju ganti, untuk mengganti bajumu yang basah karena berenang)
- Toiletries to clean your body
(untuk membersihkan badanmu)
 Slide 12 Facilities in owabong
A. Free Facilities (you can use many free facilities in owabong, among the
1. park, you can take a photo there
2. Pool
a. Children Pool (it is swimming pool with a depth of under one meter
 Slide 13
b. Olimpic Pool, You Can Practice swimming competition there
c. Warm Water Pool, You can Enjoy of swimming in pool of warm water
 Slide 14
d. Wave Pool, You can felling swimming in beach on pool
e. Playground pool, you can playing water there
 Slide 15
f. Pool of Spilled Buckets, you will enjoy the pleasure in splasing lots of air
g. Snow pool, you will enjoy to playing foam like snow
 Slide 16
h. Lazy River, You can down a pool of two hundred meters
 Slide 17
i. Water Boom For Adult, Which is a high slide
j. Waterboom For Children which in children pool
 Slide 18
3. Bathroom and Dreesroom (Kamar mandi dan ruang ganti) there you can take a shower
and change clothes (kamu dapat gmandi dan ganti baju disana)
4. Rest Area there you can rest and putting your bag (kamu dapat beristirahat sidana dan
meletakan tasmu)
 Slide 19
5. Locker you can leave your bag there(km dapat menitipkan tasmu disana
 Slide 20 There are serveral Paid facilitiers, including
(Ada beberapa fasilitas berbayar, Diantaranya)
THOUSAND TO eigh hundrid and fifty thousand (kamu dapat menginap semalam dengan
membayar 150k – 850k)
- Parking Lot, For one parking fee of two thoudsand (untuk sekali parkir membayar 2000)
 Slide 21
- Theatre You can wach 4 dimensional films there
- Flaying Fox You can fly from top to bottom
 Slide 22
- Racing circuit you can racing with ride on mini car
- Air plane replica, you can take a photo with the replica

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