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- The proposal, if accepted by parliament, will mean fundamental changes to education | GED \ Fill the blanks with the words in the box! ete Flood L EEE Flooding is a GISAS#F, which commonly happens. in large and densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods ..NiE...... Jakarta very often and CAMS€... many victims. Then, do you know the process of how flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation. Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) SMA/MA Kelas Xi! SOM SSI The PleSes®.. of natural flooding is Preceded by rain, whi . Then the rainwater is*#*Prbed by ee surface and! to the lower place. Or N condition happens.evagn(at@and the water appear to the surface of the land. Flooding EUS. for humans when floods happen in an area that people live because the water ("7 along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people. On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by baa Z of humans who do not © . about the environment, such as littering. that can make flow clogged. This makes the waterdeposited in landfills, which IA4ally becomes more com When waterteserveifican no longer hold water discharge, the water then overflows out ti: and cause flooding. Wi evaporation penguapan care Merawat appear munca} Process “proses flows AliTAN gradually -berAnAtUr dischange hit ¥ disaster vbenCANA reservoirs Wade Preceded ner? cause vpenyebrb — bad bunuc - absorbed « tersedot falis h littering Ymengotori happens vba carries -mengang) it i. met Fill the blanks with the word in the box! As we know now, global warming which is happening right now he S conditions, animals and humans. Well, do you know how global S serious impact on life happens? To know the process of how this, : explanation. it ener The pr starts when (4)... Paerarines the cart where the Radi ahalf of ne ORE onto the (8)A\f (atmosphere). Gases in the dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor, trap sunshine returni S event is known as the (9) makes the sunlight, which LISS LLL SSSI A Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphgre makes ozone layer get (10)... and which shines the Earth become (‘"f*.. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight, is reflected back onto space is reflected back into the earth. This phenomenon causes the earth S continuously getting hotter. This condition is known as (12). warming POAT PPA sunlight Cahaya mehr air UdArA hotter lebih pARNAS absorbs menyermP —_ phenomenon thinner pengencer —_—iheat panas” impact Pena, greenhouse PumAh Kaan reflected mencerminicaynatural ALAN RS et zzz G=E> Fill in the blanks with the word inside the box! his lesson, he went out to play cricket. along the street one day, | saw a dead cobra. the forest we advanced into the open plain. ‘out of his country, he sought asylum in a foreign land. i

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