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Abstrak :



Benget J Silitonga
Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas
E-mail :
Hp: 081263489637
Abstrak : Desa Sitampurung merupakan salah satu desa diwilayah Kecamatan
Siborongborong Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Luas desa ±
13,50 Km. Jumlah tempat ibadah 6 gereja, jumlah gedung pendidikan 2 unit ,
yang terdiri dari gedung SD.tujuan dan manfaat KKN UNIMED 2021 kali ini
yaitu sesuai dengan tema KKN yaitu implementasi pendidikan melalui revitalisasi
desa sitampurung di era new normal menuju Indonesia emas 2045, manfaat KKN
kali ini yaitu menumbuhkan solidaritas anatar mahasiswa KKN dan juga
masyarakat desa Sitampurung dalam rangka mengurangi wabah penyebaran virus
covid-19 di era new normal sekarang. Program desa yang sedang berlangsung saat
ini yaitu pemberian BLT,BST,Beras 10 kg, Penyemrotan disfektan kepada
rumah-rumah warga.Gambaran potensi desa/kelurahan berdasarkan hasil
observasi yang dilakukan yaitu berpotensi pada bidang pertanian tanaman muda
seperti sayur,padi ,jagung,cabe ,tomat,selain itu juga potensi dalam bidang
industry di desa ini juga sangat bagus yaitu di bidang industry pandai besi ;
Permasalahan yang dihadapi desa dalam mengembangkan potensi dan program
desa yaitu dalam hal pesaran yang semakin menurun akibat persaingan pasar antar
produk local dan juga produk modern saat ini, yang diman dulunya peralatan
pisau dulu masih menggunakan bahan dasar besi namun sekarang banyak produk
baru yang menggantikan menggunakan stailes stell; Program kerja yang
direncanakan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada dengan mencantumkan
jenis kegiatan yaitu dengan cara mensosisalisasikan kepada warga dalam bagian
pemasaran produksi mereka, waktu dan jadwal kegiatan, komponen yang
dilibatkan; Metode pelaksanaan program yang dilakukan: Berdasarkan metode
pemecahan masalah mahasiswa KKN siap melayani masyarak dalam hal kesulitan
pemasaran hasil industry mereka.

Kata Kunci : Potensi desa.program kerja mahasiswa, covid-19

Abstract : Sitampurung Village is one of the villages in the Siborongborong

District, North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province. Village area ± 13.50
Km. The number of places of worship is 6 churches, the number of educational
buildings is 2 units, consisting of an elementary school building. The purpose and
benefits of the KKNUNIMED2021 this time are in accordance with the KKN
theme this time, namely the implementation of education through the
revitalization of the Sitampurung village in the new normal era towards golden
Indonesia 2045, which is the KKN program this time This is to foster solidarity
between KKN students and also the Sitampurung village community in order to
reduce the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in the current new normal era. The
village program currently underway is the provision of BLT, BST, 10 kg of rice,
spraying disinfectants on residents' houses. The description of the potential of the
village/kelurahan is based on the results of observations made, namely the
potential in the field of young crop agriculture such as vegetables, rice, corn,
chilies , tomatoes, besides that the potential in the industrial sector in this village
is also very good, namely in the blacksmith industry; The problems faced by the
village in developing the potential and village programs are in terms of declining
orders due to market competition between local products and also today's modern
products, which used to be knife tools using iron as basic materials, but now
many new products are replacing using stainless steel. stell; The work program is
planned to develop the existing potential by including the types of activities,
namely by socializing to the residents in the marketing section of their production,
the time and schedule of activities, the components involved; Methods of
implementing the program: Based on the problem-solving method, KKN students
are ready to serve the community in terms of marketing difficulties for their
industrial products.

Key words : Village potential;, student work program, covid-19

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