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What is language Change?

Language change is The modification of forms of LANGUAGE over a period of time and/or

physical distance. Such change may affect any parts of a language (pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary) and is taking place all the time. it may be abrupt (a change in spelling in a house
style) or gradual (a slight change in the pronunciation of a vowel). 
Perubahan bahasa adalah modifikasi bentuk bahasa selama periode waktu. Perubahan
tersebut dapat mempengaruhi bagian manapun dari bahasa (pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary) dan terjadi sepanjang waktu. Mungkin tiba-tiba tanpa diduga (perubahan ejaan
dalam house style) atau bertahap (sedikit perubahan dalam pengucapan vowel).
Misalnya disebut apa untuk nama benda yang digunakan oleh wanita dipipi?
Nama Inggris pertama untuk barang ini adalah 'cat' “paint” dari tahun 1660. Pada masa itu,
baik pria maupun wanita dari kelas sosial tertentu mengecat wajah mereka. Pada 1753,
sebuah kata baru muncul dalam bahasa Inggris: 'Pemerah pipi “rouge”. Awalnya dijelaskan
bahwa “rouge” dan “paint” sama. Tak berselang lama “rouge” menggantikan kata “paint”,
dan itu tetap digunakan sekitar dua abad. Pada 1950-an, 'rouge' adalah satu-satunya kata
digunakan oleh siapa punpun pd waktu itu. Kemudian, pada tahun 1965, sebuah iklan
menciptakan kata baru untuk produk tersebut yaitu''blusher” Kata ini secara bertahap
menggantikan 'rouge' yang smpai skrang msih diucapkan. Jdi Ketika orang Inggris sekarang
mendengar kata ‘rouge', mereka pasti keheranan karena mereka belum pernah mendengar
siapa pun menggunakan kata itu selama beberapa dekade, dan menganggap kata itu sudah
kuno. Contoh yang diilustrasikan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hasil dari perubahan bahasa
disalurkan di antara repertoar linguistik individu yang berinteraksi secara komunikatif dalam
suatu masyarakat.
Why does language change?
1, political factor, Many times, language change has some kind of political roots such as
human migration and invasion. When people move to a country and learn a new language,
they learn their adopted language imperfectly. They then pass on these slight imperfections to
their children and to the people in their social circle, and eventually alter the language.
Ketika orang pindah ke suatu negara dan belajar bahasa baru, mereka mempelajari bahasa
yang mereka adopsi secara tidak sempurna. Mereka kemudian meneruskan
ketidaksempurnaan kecil ini kepada anak-anak mereka dan orang-orang dalam lingkaran
sosial mereka, dan akhirnya mengubah bahasanya.
Besides the language changes brought about by migration, politics play some roles in
language change For instance, increasing environmental awareness and environmental
policies in recent decades has led to a number of new words and phrases
politik memainkan beberapa peran dalam perubahan bahasa Misalnya, peningkatan kesadaran
lingkungan dan kebijakan lingkungan dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah menyebabkan
sejumlah kata dan frasa baru seperti “eco-friendly”, “green collar job”, “tree-hugger” etc
2, technology factor; which means rapid advances in information technology, industries,
products and economy simply require new words that drive language change. (yang berarti
kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi informasi, industri, produk, dan ekonomi memerlukan kata-
kata baru yang mendorong perubahan bahasa. Karna majunya teknologi misalnya yang
memunculkan handphone yang sekarang bisa digunkan untk mngirim pesan selain nelpon,
orang saat ini cenderung memakai bahasa yang pendek dan menggunakan singkatan baru
seperti LOL, TBH, IMHO, dll yang baru2 ini singkatan tersbut ditambhakn dalam kamus
3, social factor; Changes in politics, economics and technology usually lead to social
changes. Social changes produce changes in language. In other words, once society starts
changing, then language change produces special effects. In almost every society, some
people have social prestige, power, and money, while others have little of these commodities.
Perubahan politik, ekonomi dan teknologi biasanya menyebabkan perubahan sosial.
Perubahan sosial menghasilkan perubahan bahasa. Dengan kata lain, begitu masyarakat mulai
berubah, maka bahasa berubah. Di hampir setiap masyarakat, beberapa orang memiliki
kehormatan/martbat, kekuasaan, dan uang, sementara yang lain hanya memiliki sedikit dari
komoditas ini.
For example, individuals who are poor and who cannot afford an education or who grew up
in a rural area where proper grammar wasn't encouraged, their ways of speaking will not be
as eloquent as someone of higher standing. Jdi terdapt perbedaan kosa kata atau phrase
diantra orang2 yg tinggal di kota dengan di pedesaan, orang yang memiliki pendidikan
dengan yang tidak.
4, Foreign influence factor; One of the most common reasons for one language to borrow
from another is when it needs to refer to notions and things that have been newly introduced
to its speakers. (Salah satu alasan paling umum untuk satu bahasa meminjam dari bahasa lain
adalah ketika bahasa itu perlu mengacu pada pengertian dan hal-hal yang baru diperkenalkan
kepada penuturnya)
Contoh kata pizza yang berasal di Italia hanya masuk ke dalam bahasa Inggris ketika
makanan yg merujuk pada kata pizza diadaopsi oleh penutur bahasa Inggris.

Type of language change

1, lexical and semantic change
Lexical change refers to people using different words today than people from the past (orang
menggunakan kata-kata yang berbeda sekarang dengan orang-orang di masa lalu) Older an
older person would use the word “wireless” to mean “radio” whereas the word wireless
would certainly mean wireless technology such as phones and laptops for a younger person .
maksudnya kalau orang tua kata wireless itu radio nah kalau orang yang lebih muda kata
wireless itu seperti hp, dan laptop.
Semantic change which is also known as semantic shift describes the evolution of word
usage. In semantic change, the modern meaning of the word is different from the original
The word “gay” used to mean “bright, cheerful” before the 1960s but now it generally
means “homosexual’
2, Syntax Change ( Grammar ) History records change in grammatical constructions.
English syntax is very slow to change compared with vocabulary change which can be seen
as fairly superficial and ephemeral.Modern English grammar is different from old English in
many aspects. in modern English, the word “you” is used for both the singular and the plural
form. In old English, the word “thou” was used for addressing one person; ye for more than
one. However, the word “You” was around then, and while thou and ye were used as a
subject of a clause, “you” was used as the object. In Early Modern English, the distinction
between subject and object uses of ye and you had virtually disappeared, and you became the
norm in all grammatical functions and social situations. The use of “Ye” had eventually
become old-fashioned
3, Phonological Change ( SOUND ) Sound change consists of the practice of language
change which causes the phonetic change or phonological change. It also includes the
substitution of phonetic feature which lead to the total loss of the original sound and a new
one is introduced.
In the early twentieth century, 1. people stopped using a "tapped" r-sound between vowels
(very sorry). 2. people stopped making a distinction in pairs such as flaw and floor.
In the mid twentieth century, words like sure, poor, tour started to sound identical to shore,
pour, tore 2. people started to insert a t-sound in words such as prince, making it sound like
prints 3. a ch-sound became respectable in words such as perpetual, and a j-sound in
In the late twentieth century, 1. ch- and j-sounds are spreading to words such as Tuesday,
reduce (like chooseday,rejuice) 2. the vowel sound at the end of words such as happy, coffee,
valley is growing tenser.
4, spelling change
Spelling during 16 and 17 century(ejaan selama abad 16 dan 17) Re-spelling
aventure adventure
avice advice
Nevew nephew
Samon salmon

English today is one of the fastest changing languages in the world because both old and new
users of the language are actively shaping it as English has become a language of education
and in an increasing number of countries. Today, English belongs to any country which uses
it and the more people use English, the greater it would have impact on the language change.

Change can be a very good thing because it helps people in business to trade goods and
services, travel and communicate with other nations more effectively. If the language we
speak did not change, there would be an even greater language barer than there already is.
Another reason why languages need to change is for people to communicate with others who
have a different culture, understanding and pronunciation of our language. If there were no
change, humans would be so lost in this world of different languages and different beliefs.

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