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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................
1.1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................
1.2 FORMULATIONS OF THE STUDY..................................................................................
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................

CHPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.............................................................

2.1 REQUEST..............................................................................................................................
2.2 KLON LANGUGE.................................................................................................................

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY..................................................................................

3.1 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................
3.2 DATA AND DATA ALANYSIS...........................................................................................

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...............................................................

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION..........................................................................................
5.1 CONCLUTION......................................................................................................................


1.1 Background of Study

Bahasa merupakan
Bahasa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Bisa kita
bayangkan betapa sulitnya kehidupan ini jika tanpa bahasa yang baik. Manusia adalah
makhluk sosial yang harus saling berinteraksi dalam memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan
hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, tidak mungkin manusia hidup sendiri tanpa berinteraksi
dengan orang lain. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia mengenal budaya dan
menciptakan berbagai bentuk gagasan, aktivitas, dan artefak untuk memenuhi
kebutuhannya. Bahasa merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting yang mempengaruhi
kehidupan dan kebudayaan manusia. Bahasa memiliki peranan penting dalam
kehidupan manusia karena merupakan alat komunikasi yang utama. Sebagai alat
komunikasi, bahasa meliputi kata, kumpulan kata, klausa, dan kalimat yang
diungkapkan secara lisan atau tertulis.
Sementara pengertian bahasa adalah sistem komunikasi manusia yang
dinyatakan melalui susunan suara atau ungkapan tulis yang terstruktur untuk
membentuk satuan yang lebih besar, seperti morfem, kata, dan kalimat.
Sedangkan dalam perspektif Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional (LSF), bahasa
adalah bentuk semiotika sosial yang sedang melakukan pekerjaan di dalam suatu
konteks situasi dan konteks kultural, yang digunakan baik secara lisan maupun secara
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, kita
juga tentunya membutuhkan bantuan orang lain. Untuk meminta seseorang
melakukan sesuatu untuk kita disebut degan “Request”. Dalam melakkan “Request”
kita tentunya harus mengikuti aturan tata bahasa agar dalam menggungkapkannya kita
tidak melanggar aturan. Karena bisa kata-kata dan cara mengungapkannya tidak
menghargai pihak lain, karena dalam setiap bahasa memiliki aturan dan kebudayaa
masing-masing. Jika kita ingin meminta bantuan orang lain, dalm hal ini ‘Request’
kita tentu harus mengikuti aturan tata bahasa yang baik, agar orang bisa melakukan
apa yang kita inginkan. Dengan alasan inilah penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana
cara mengungkapkan ‘Request’dalam bahasa Klon.

1.2 Formulation of The Problem

In this writig the formuations of the study are:
1. Bagaimana cara mengungkapkan Request dalam Bahasa Klon?
2. Seperti apa Tata Bahasa Klon dalam mengungapkan ‘Request’?
1.3 Objectives of the study
Berdasarkan rumusan masalah di atas, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
1. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengungkapkan ‘Request’
2. Untuk mengetahui seperti apa Tata Bahasa Klon dalam mengungkapkan


A. Request
2.1 Definition of Request
Ada beberapa definisi dari Request antara lain; Definition of request by Merriam-
Webster dictionary, Request is The act or an instance of asking for something.
Also something asked for granted her request.
Secara umum Request adalah ungkapan untuk meminta orang lain melakukan
sesuatu untuk kita. Ungkapan Request digunakan untuk meminta sesuatu,
meminta tolong melakukan sesuatu, mnerima sesuatu, dan mengabulkan

2.2 Purpose of Request

2.3 Type of Request Expression

Ada beberapa types of request expressions yaitu:

Asking someone to do something for you

"Could you open the door for me, please?"
"Would you mind opening the door for me, please?"

Asking if you can do something

"Can I use your computer, please?"
"Could I borrow some money from you, please?"

Offering to do something for another person

You can make an offer using a phrase like Can I… ?, Shall I… ?, Would you like
me to… ?
For example:
"Can I help you?"
"Shall I open the window for you?"
"Would you like another coffee?"

B. Klon Languge
The Klon language is one of the regional languages of Alor Regency, more
specifically for the Klon people. Klon speakers spread across two islands, and consist
of several villages. Klon language is inherited from our ancestors, so the vocabulary is
very poor and there is no renewal. But the adherents understand each other very well.
Therefore, the inheritance of the ancestors of the standard language in Klon languages
is very less and more of the traditional language.
Language has an important role as a means of communication and interaction
between humans to convey the ideas that exist in their minds through communication.
In the use of language, there are elements of politeness that play an important
role in communicating and interacting with other people. Manners or human social
relations in social life, social status, age, and kinship are important factors in certain
situations. Someone younger must have more respect and respect for older people, or
those with lower social status should value the higher, especially in speaking. It's
different when dealing with peers or in the same profession.
Almost all languages have their own rules. Whether it's reading, writing,
grammar, and others. Likewise, with Klon languages, there are rules. In Klon
Language it is quite difficult to distinguish between formal and non-formal languages
because of society
Not only in Indonesian has different sentence patterns for speech or written
production, but also in English. L2 learners need references to know related theories
and local culture.
In the Klon language, it also has its own karma in conveying different
requests. For example, how to submit requests to older people, new people, small
children, and so on. The use of proper language in the Klon language will make
someone feel valued, especially when making requests. From this, the writer decided
to research.

Menurut Retika (2012: 8-9) Bahasa daerah Klon terdapat di daerah Probur, Manatang,
Halmerman, Margeta, Tribur, Orgen, Moru, dan Bukit Mas (Pantar)

Bahasa Klon Menurut penelitian terdahulu, bahasa Klon ini disebut bahasa Klong .
Jumlah penduduk penutur bahasa Klong adalah 649 orang (Alor Dalam Angka, 2010).
Bahasa daerah Klon terdapat di daerah Probur, Manatang, Halmerman, Margeta,
Tribur, Orgen, Moru, dan Bukit Mas (Pantar). Bahasa Klon belum memiliki sistem
tata tulis karena sampai saat ini belum ditemukan dokumen tertulis seperti cerita
rakyat atau dokumen lainnya.
Bahasa Klon memiliki fungsi dan kedudukan cukup penting pada kegiatan sosial dan
budaya bagi masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan sosial masyarakat menggunakan bahasa
Klon untuk berkomunikasi, seperti kegiatan jual beli di pasar maupun kegiatan di
lingkungan keluarga. Kegiatan yang menyangkut budaya seperti adat istiadat
perkawinan, kematian, kelahiran dan lain-lain menggunakan bahasa Klon sebagai
bahasa pengantar. Masyarakat juga menggunakan bahasa Klon pada saat melakukan
ibadah di gereja dan kegiatan pemerintahan seperti kegiatan ceramah dan penyuluhan
di desa setempat



1.1 Research Methodology

This research was conducted by interviewing native speakers of Klon Language. Not
only asking about the use of expressions of request but also about grammar and
formulas. The research was carried out by asking in person and also via telephone. There
were 15 participants in this study, which are 7 men and 8 women, aged 20-56 years. The
process of direct data collection was carried out in Kupang by conducting direct
interviews with native Klon speakers in Kupang, and also conducting telephone
interviews with native speakers of the Klon language in Alor Regency. In order to collect
these data, the authors have prepared a list of questions and a list of situations. The
situations used are also based on the classification from the Economidou-Kogetsidis
2008 which is used as a reference.

The present paper is based on the classification adopted by the CCSARP project (Blum-
Kulka and Olshtain 1984; Blum-Kulka et al. 1989b) and a number of other scholars
(Blum-Kulka 1985; Blum-Kulka and Levenston 1987; Van Mulken 1996), with a
number of additions and modifications as deemed necessary by the collected data. The
classification is as follows:

- Grounders. (i. e., explanations, or justifications for his or her request) (e. g., “Judith, I
missed the class yesterday. Could I borrow your notes?”)
- Disarmer (e. g., “I know you don’t like lending out your notes, but could …”)
- Preparator (e. g., “I’d like to ask you something …”, “Don’t you live in the same
street as me …?”)
- Getting a precommitment (e. g., “Could you do me a favor? …”).
- Promise of reward/ Make a promise (e. g., “Could you give me a lift home? We’ll
use my car tomorrow.”)
- Imposition minimizer (e. g., “Would you give me a lift, but only if you’re going my
- Apology (e. g., “I’m sorry to bother you but could I request a few days off ?”)
Instrument yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data-data dalam penelitian ini adalah
dengan kuesioner dan wawancara.

The method is carried out by the following steps:

1. First study
The author is looking for information, reading, and trying to understand the sources
related to the problem.
2. Data collection
Data regarding this Expression of Request is obtained from journal articles. Data
about the Klon language was obtained by interviewing native speakers of the Klon
language, amounting to 6 people with the criteria of 20-60 years old, male and female.
Jobs as students, farmers, civil servants, and housewives. These interviews were
conducted in person as well as via telephone. The question posed is about how to
convey Request in Klon language, be it formally or politely, and non-formally or in
everyday use. Answers from the interviews were then written down and analyzed.

3. Data and Data Analysis

Data-data dalam penelitin ini adalah contoh-contoh dari ungkapan ‘Request’ dalam
Bahasa Klon.

Berdasarkan pengumpulan data, respon-respon tersebut bisa di

Dibawah ini disajikan situasi-situsi dimana Ekspresi Request bisa dilakukan.
1. Kamu sedang bekerja, memperbaiki jendela yang rusak, dan kamu membutuhkan
hamar untuk memaku kayu, kamu akan meminta seseorang untuk

Can you get a hammer for me, please.

Tolong ambilkan Palu untuk saya.
Takpal yo tolong med nen di.

2. Kamu sedang berada di tempat asing dan ingin menelpon seseorang, namun kamu
kehabisan pulsa. Maka dari itu, kamu ingin meminjam telepon orang lain untuk
melakukan panggilan.

Sorry, can I borrow your cellphone, my credi truns out, and no one sells it near
Maaf, apakah saya bisa pinjam handphone kamu, pulsa saya habis, dan tidak ada
yang menjualnya dekat sini.
Na ing HP pinjam inok e nang, ning pulsa ikoh. Yong mi i’ni tan nang.
3. Kamu butuh uang mendadak, kamu harus meminjamnya pada orang lain dan
berjanji akan mengembalikannya bulan depan.
Can I borrow your money? I promise to return it next week.
Bolahkah saya meminjam uangmu? Saya janji akan mengembalikanya mingu

Na ing doi pinjam inok e nang?

4. Kamu ingin minum kopi namun karena kamu adalah orang tua, jadi kamu meminta
anak kamu yang sedang mencuci piring untuk buatkan kamu kopi.

I know you are busy, but could you please make me a coffee?
Saya tahu anda sibuk, tapi bisa tolong buatkan saya kopi?
Nagel a sibuk de, tolong kop gten nen inok e nang?

5. Could you please buy fish, but if you are in line with the market.
Bisa tolong beli ikan, tapi kalau kamu sejalur dengan pasar.
Tolong i’bi el di, de a u’nu mi glul di Lee.
Kamu ingin membeli ikan

6. Sorry to disturb the night, but can you please help with my assignment?
Maaf mengganggu malam malam, tapi bisa tolong bantu kerja tugas saya?
Nomar nang, a’kan lang in ganggu de tolong nemoil ning tugas gten di inok?

Kamu kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas, dan kamu meminta bantuan di waktu
yang tidak tepat, dan itu mengganggu orang lain.

7. Kamu lupa membawa tas kesekolah, dan ternyata buku-buku kamu banyak, dan itu
membuat kamu kesulitan membawanya.

I forgot to bring the bag. Could you please fill my book in your bag
Saya lupa bawa tas tadi. bisa tolong isi buku saya di tas kamu?
Ning tas u enet bo, ning buku yong ing tas mi inok?

8. Pakaian kamu kotor, dan kamu harus meminta asistenmu mencucinya.

I would like to ask you for laundry clothes.

Saya mau memintamu mencuci pakaian.
Na ohoi pgar uwel ge na’gan.

9. Terdapat banyak piring kotor di rumah dan kamu meminta anakmu untuk

Anak, tolong cuci piring.

Ning Ul, an tolong piring u’ahan di.

Data Analysis
The data that has been identified is then contrasted and analyzed to obtain forms, and
various ways of making requests in Klon language.


4.1 Findings and Discussion

Based on data collection, these responses can be obtained
Below are presented situations where an Expression Request can be made.

5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the ways of conveying requests in various situations in the Klon
language in the previous chapters, it was found that requests in Klon language have the
same form of politeness with Indonesian and English as well. It was also found that
polite requests in Klon language consist of positive and negative forms. The positive
form is used to ask the listener's ability or willingness to take any action the speaker
wants, while the negative form is used to ask the listener to take any action that the
speaker does not want. The form of polite request can help someone to convey an
expression that is telling, ordering, and asking, including to do what the speaker says.

The similarities in forms of polite requests in Kon, Indonesian, and English are as
2. The polite form of request in Klon language also has similarities with Indonesian and
3. The polite form of request in the Klon language contains the same meaning as
Indonesian and English, namely ordering, ordering, and also asking the listener to do
what the listener wants.
4. Klon language also has sentence patterns that are used to ask the listener to do or not
do what the speaker wants.

Blum-Kulka Shoshana and Edward Levenston (1987). Lexical-grammatical pragmatic

indicators.Studies in Second Language Acquisition 9 (2): 155170.
Ekonomidou-kogetsidis, Maria (2008). Internal and external in interlanguage request

Taguchi, Naoko (2006). Analysis of appropriateness in the speech act of request in L2


Van Mulken, Margot (1996). Politeness markers in French and Dutch requests.Language
Sciences 8 (34): 689702.

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