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Ringkasan pertemuan kedua fisika modern 

Hari senin 6 september 2021

LAHIRNYA FISIKA MODERN (the birth of modern physics)

Fisika klasik di kembangkan dengan baik oleh ide sir issaac newton (forces, gravity, electricity,
magnetism, temperature, thermal physics, light, sound) pada tahun 1600 dan terus berlanjut hingga
tahun 1900.

Kemudian di tahun 1900 ini lah terjadinya transisi dari classical physics ke modern physics. Perpindahan
ini dimulai oleh sebuah masalah dimana terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara kalkulasi teori dengan data
yang telah di dapatkan dari penelitian di laboratorium, sehingga menciptakan kebingungan antar ilmuan
dimasa itu.

Salah satu contoh masalah yang tidak bisa dipecahkan oleh classical physics adalah the amount of
energy being emitted by some glowing object at ordinary fairly high temperature, ini adalah masalah
yang kompleks yang akan susah jika dijelaskan hanya dengan classical physics, tapi max plank
mempelajari masalah tersebut dan menemukan jawabannya.

Dulu, ditahun 1800, orang-orang percaya bahwa cahaya adalah gelombang berdasarkan sifat-sifat
cahaya yang didapat dari hasil berabagai percobaan, namun max plank dengan kepintarannya
memunculkan kemungkinan bagaimana jika atom jiggling charges do not emit electromagnetic waves
but instead emit light I little pulses little flashes, kemudian dia melakukan sedikit calkulasi dan ya, dia
menemukan jawaban dari kemungkinannya tersebut cocok dengan kemungkinan yang ia ajukan tadi,
disinalah awal mulanya dikemukakan bahwa cahaya tidak hanya sebuah gelombang lagi, namun it’s a
little bundles of particles .

5 tahun kemudian, 1905, albeirt einsten mempublikasikan three papers yang isinya sangat
mempengaruhi perpindahan from classical physics to modern physics, diantaranya adalah BROWNIAN

These three papers are so brilliant ideas that change our mind from classical physics to modern physics.

What we will focus on this blog is about the photoelectric effect, photoelectric effect is comes from light
and electricity, it was known in the early 1900’s that if you shine light on metal that electricity will come
out and this is extremely well known today right solar panels light comes in electricity comes out.

Photoelectric is a famous technology today, but at that time it was a big mystery because people
thought that electromagnetic radiation light was a wave, so people were picturing a wave like a wave at
the beach coming up striking the metal which is like the beach and so the pebbles on the beach are like
the little electrons and the wave jiggles the pebbles a little bit, so that’s pemikiran kita dalam classical

Selanjutnya permasalahan baru yang juga menjadi buah pembicraan hangat oleh ilmuan masa itu yaitu
tentang radiasi, it was so cool to find a little rock that glows or can expose film, it was almost like a magic
but scientist trying to understand it but didn’t fit in with classical worldview. People were studying about
radiation and radioactivity like crazy, there were a name of radiation like an alpha radiation, beta
radiation, and gamma radiation.

People were trying to understand what this radiation was, and one of the most important early
experiments was done by a British Physicist named JJ Thompson (1856-1970), he had device, an
evacuated glass sphere or chamber, you’ve sucked all the air out of it and you put a big high-voltage
battery with one terminal on one side and the other terminal on the other side and some little rays
appear, it’s called beta radiation. Sometimes it was called cathode rays because the chemist used to call
one of the poles the negative pole of the battery the cathode and the rays seem to go from the negative
side to the positive side. And he did a series experiments which really pinned down what this beta
radiation was, he put an electric field around his device and watched the beam bend, so that
demonstrated that it was electrically charged, then he put a magnetic field and he watched the beam
bend, so he could figure out properties of the beam , he could figure out which way it was going and he
deduced that the rays were negative particles.


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