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KELAS : 2020B

NPM : 20202040


1. Terjemahkan teks bahasa inggris dibawah ini kedalam bahasa indonesia

yang benar dan baku :
a. Setelah minum kopi saya selalu mandi
b. Orang pertama yang saya temui dikampus adalah teman saya, john
c. Terakhir kali saya pergi ke Bali pada hari Natal
d. Ada banyak orang ditempat itu
e. Namun pizza akan menjadi favorit setiap saat bagi saya,itu yang
membedakan dari semua hidangan
f. Pizza adalah makanan yang berasal dari italia
g. Labuan bajo kini menjadi pusat wisata sekaligus pusat pemerintahan
bagi wilayah sekitarnya
h. Dengan panorama yang luar biasa,itu memang tempat anda wajib
masuk dalam daftar perjalanan anda selama berada di labuan bajo.
i. Rumah adat dibangun kembali berdasrakan semangat gotong royong
masyarakat menuju tradisi yang berkelanjutan,sekaligus
meningkatkan kesejahteraan desanya.
j. Ini adalah spesies kadal terbesar yang masih ada,tumbuh hingga
panjang masksimum 3 meter dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi dan
beratnya mencapai sekitar 70kilogram .
2. Terjemahkan teks bahasa indonesia dibawah ini kedalam bahasa inggris
yang baik dan baku :
a. I always meet the same people on the road to campus
b. They consist of 12 students (girls)and 8 students (boys)
c. I always have regular meetings twice a year
d. I’m back on january 3,2015
e. When i was in italy,a ate pizza every day
f. In short,i’m always hungry for pizza every time in one day
g. Labuan Bajo is the geteway for trips across to komodo island and
rinca island
h. You can enjoy a spectacular view of the island and the high seas at
i. The air is relatively cold,aspecially in the dry season so that don’t
forget to bring a jacket if you want to go there.
j. They are protected by indonesian law and National Parks komodo
dragons were founded in 1980 to add to the protection efforts.
3. Isilah bagian yang kosong dalam kalimat berikut ini dengan bentuk kata
depan yang benar didalam kurung:
a. Santa is sitting on a chair
b. My dad is in the kitchen
c. The children went into the house
d. The lamp is at the table
e. We are waiting for a bus
f. I suffer from allergies
g. She is on library
h. Unika st.Paulus Ruteng is located at Ahmad Yani street
i. We have to stay inside the house when it rains
j. We live in Ruteng
4. Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi sebuah kalimat bahasa inggris yang
a. John must eat everyday
b. Young komodo dragons are vulnerable
c. May everyone visit waerebo
d. I drink manggarian coffe evermorning
e. Students is going to school everyday
f. We love to eat tasty and delicous foods everyday
g. You should tell the truth
h. I go there for meeting and for shooping
i. Do you play football?
j. Labuan Bajo is originally a fishing town

5. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kalimat bahasa

inggris yang lengkap dan benar:
a. Why do you eat pizza?: because ,it tastes and smells fabolous
b. How many eggs do the komodo have ?: many as 20 eggs are
deposited at a time in an aband oned megapode nest or in a self –dug
nesting hole
c. Who is the founder of waerebo: Founder of the village and,therefore
their main ancestor who built the village some 100 years ago,was a
man called Empu Maro .
d. Is manggarian coffe tasty :Yes,coffe manggaraian coffe tasty
e. What is your best experience :My best experience was when i won
5th place after graduating from junior high school
f. Do you understand the qouestions: Yes,i understand a little
g. Where are your parents : my parents are Kisol being bullied now
h. My birthday is September 2,2001
i. Yes ,i study at unika Santu Paulus Ruteng ,majoring in midwifery
j. No,i’m not sick.
6. Every day i wake up at 6 am,after that i make my bed then sweep the
room and immediately run the morning picket in the hostel.after carrying
out the picket,usually my breakfast this morning takes 15 minutes.i am
preparing to attend lectures ,related to covid the lectures are carried out
online ,usually the first hour stars at 07:30-09:10 and the second hour is
10:20-13:00.after collage,i immediately prepare lunch with my
roommate,this take 15 minutes.after that,i immediately clean the dining
table.At 14:00 ,this afternoon break takes 1 hour.after waking up,i do simple
exercise.A walk takes 30 minutes .At 04:30 i go to take a shower.after
taking a shower i prepared myself to pray in the
dormitory .coincidentally,the prayer started at 7 pm over,i prepared myself
to study .at 9 pm i sleep at night.
7. Last Saturday,i went to the old father who has a house.i went there
around four o’clock in the afternoon his house happened to be near the
hospital and i was picked up by my brother.i got home i was told to cook
fish coincidence old father came home from the market.after cooking and
cleaning the house ,around At six o’clock in the afternoon i took a shower
we watched tv.while watching TV the old father lectured (Mega if you want
to be successful,you have to go school carefully ,remember thet their parents
are desperately looking for money).At eight at night the old father told me to
prepare our evening breakfast.eating takes about 25 minutes,after eating i
clean up the dirty stuff and then wash it.after the kitchen work is done i go
straight to my room and sleep around o9:00 pm the next morning i wake up
at 05:00 am coincindentally on a Sunday because of his intention to join the
first mass which was held at 06:00 am.when i got home from mass i
immediately fried the kompiang cake,because the old father wanted to drink
coffe in the morning there happened to be quest at home.ami immadiately
had breakfast ,after that took a break around 04:00 in the afternoon my
brother sent me to the dormitory.

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