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Pembinaan OSA IPA

SD Islam Al Azhar


Cara Perkembangbiakan Tumbuhan

Tumbuhan dapat berkembang biak dengan dua cara yaitu:
1. Vegetatif
Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan vegetatif pada tumbuhan terjadi tanpa adanya proses
pembuahan atau penyerbukan. Perkembangbiakan dengan cara ini terbagi menjadi dua
bagian yaitu:
a. Secara Alami
: perkembangbiakan yang dapat dilakukan tanpa bantuan dari luar (eksternal)
Cara Cara
perkembangbiak Karakteristik perkembangbia Karakteristik
an kan
Tunas Tunas yaitu Umbi batang Perkembangbiakan
semua bagian dengan cara batang
tumbuhan tumbuh di dalam
kecuali akar tanah dan berfungsi
sebagai cadangan
Contoh : cocor makanan.
bebek Contoh : kentang,
ketela rambat, talas
Geragih/Stolon Perkembangbia Umbi lapis Perkembangbiakan
kan tumbuhan dimana
menggunakan tunas akan muncul
batang, dimana pada lapisan umbi.
batang tumbuh
menjulur diatas Contoh : bawang
tanah dan di merah dan putih,
bawah bunga bakung
Contoh :
Rhizoma/Akar Perkembangbia Umbi akar Tunas tanaman
tinggal kan dimana baru akan muncul
batang tumbuh pada pangkal umbi
mendatar akar. Umbi

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

didalam tanah berfungsi sebagai

yang cadangan makanan.
menyerupai Contoh : wortel,
akar. ketela pohon
Contoh : jahe,

b. Secara Buatan
: perkembangbiakan yang dilakukan dengan bantuan faktor luar.
Cara perkembangbiakan Karakteristik
Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan dengan
cara membuat akar baru pada batang


Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan dengan

cara membengkokkan batang tanaman
dan membenamkannya ke dalam tanah

Perkembangbiakan tanaman dengan cara
memotong bagian batang dan
membenamkannya ke dalam tanah

Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan dengan
cara menyambung batang tanaman baru
dengan batang tanaman lama

Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan dengan
cara menempelkan kulit yang bermata
tunas ke tumbuhan lain.

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

2. Generatif
Perkembangbiakan generatif pada tumbuhan dilakukan dengan menggunakan organ
Bagian-bagian bunga :
Berdasarkan kelengkapan bagian
a. Bunga lengkap : kelopak, mahkota,
benang sari, dan putik
b. Bunga tidak lengkap : bunga yang
tidak mempunyai salah satu bagian
Berdasarkan macam alat
a. Bunga jantan : hanya mempunyai
benang sari
b. Bunga betina : hanya mempunyai
c. Bunga hermafrodit : mempunyai
benang sari dan putik
Penyerbukan (Pollination) : menempelnya benang sari pada kepala putik
Pembuahan (Fertilization) : peleburan sel kelamin jantan dan sel kelamin betina

Perkecambahan Biji

Perkecambahan :
tahap awal
tanaman yang
ditandai dengan
munculnya radikula

Cara Penyebaran Biji

a. Anemogami : penyebaran yang dibantu oleh angin
b. Hidrogami : penyebaran yang dibantu oleh air
c. Zoidiogami : penyebaran yang dibantu oleh hewan
d. Antropogami : penyebaran yang dibantu oleh manusia
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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar


❖ Pemahaman Konsep

1. The diagram below shown the different parts of a hibiscus.

Which of the following shown the
correctly the path taken by male
reproductive cell to female reproductive
cell when self pollination occurs?
A. A-H-G-C
B. A-C-G-H
C. H-G-C-E
D. H-A-B-E

Jawaban: A

2. The diagram shown two flowers from the same plant.

Pollination between these two flowers occurs when pollen grains are transferred from ...
A. C to X C. C to Y
B. E to Y D. E to X

Jawaban: C

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

3. Berikut dua jenis cara perkembangbiakan tanaman secara vegetatif.

Tumbuhan A

Tumbuhan B
Pernyataan yang benar adalah nomor ….
(1) Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan B dilakukan dengan cara secara vegetatif alami
(2) Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan A dilakukan dengan cara merunduk
(3) Perkembangbiakan tumbuhan A termasuk ke dalam cara perkembangbiakan secara
vegetatif buatan
(4) Perkembangbiakan pada tumbuhan B biasanya ditemukan pada tanaman stroberi

A. 1 dan 2 saja
B. 2 dan 4 saja
C. 1, 2 dan 3 saja
D. 1, 2, 3 dan 4

Jawaban: D

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

4. Study the flow chart below.

Indentify seeds W, X, Y and Z.

A. Jackfruit Mango Rubber seed Angsana seed
B. Mango Jackfruit Angsana seed Rubber seed
C. Angsana seed Rubber seed Mango Jackfruit
D. Rubber seed Angsana seed Jackfruit Mango

Jawaban: A

5. The flower from fruits tree A and B are cross-pollinated.

Which of the following are possible fruit grown from the seeds pollinated by Trees A and
W: fruit with thick flesh and big seeds
X: fruit with thick flesh and small seeds
W: fruit with thin flesh and big seeds
Z: fruit with thin flesh and small seeds

A. W and X only
B. X and Y only

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

C. Y and Z only
D. W, X, Y and Z

Jawaban: D

❖ Penalaran dan Komunikasi

1. The Rafflesia plant produces the largest flower found on the Earth.
(a) How does the plant attract insects such as flies to visit its flower? (1m)
(b) Why does the plant need to attract insects such as flies to visit its flower? - (1m)

(a) Its flower produces a strong odor of decaying flesh. [1m]
(b) The insects help in pollination i.e. the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers
to the stigmas of flowers so that fertilization can take place. [1m]

2. Study the four flower, A, B, C, and D, as shown below.



(a) Which of the flower can develop into a fruit?

(b) Give one reason to support your answer in (a)?

(a) Flower A, B, and C can develop into fruit.
(b) These flower have stigmas so they can still be pollinated by the pollen grains
from the anthers on the same flower or from another flower.

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

3. Look at the two fruits shown below!

(a) How are fruit A dan B dispersed?
(b) Explain why each of the fruit is dispersed in the way mentioned in (a)!

(a) They are dispersed by man and animals
(b) 1) The fruits is fleshy and edible. The animal will eat the fruits and pass out
the indigestible seeds to be dispersed.
2) The fruit has hook-like structures which can hook into the form of animals
and be dispersed when they drop off at another location that the animal goes

4. Rissa memperoleh tiga jenis bunga di pekarangan rumahnya, berikut gambar ketiga jenis
bunga tersebut!

(a) Identifikasi termasuk ke dalam jenis bunga apakah bunga A, B, dan C berdasarkan alat
A : ____________________, B : ____________________, C : ____________________
(b) Deskripsikan ciri-ciri masing-masing bunga tersebut!

(c) A = bunga jantan, B=bunga betina, C=bunga hermafrodit
(d) A = bunga hanya mempunyai pollen, B= bunga hanya mempunyai putik,
C=bunga mempunyai pollen dan putik

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

5. Study the flow chart below.

X S seedling growth adult plants

a) What are X and S?

b) Name parts that enable seedlings to survive in darkness. State also the importance of
these parts.

(a) X: Seeds [1m] S: Germination [1m]
• Seeds germinate to become seedlings and seedlings grow to become adult
plants that can reproduce.
(b) Seed leaves/Cotyledons [1m] They provide food for healthy growth of
seedlings. [1 m]
• The seed has stored food for germination. Thus, seeds can germinate in
darkness as long as there are air, water and warmth (the right temperature).
• The seedling gets food from the seed leaves (cotyledons) before its leaves
develop. Seed leaves drop off when the food in them is used up.

❖ Pemecahan Masalah

1. Study the concept map below.

a) What could X be?

b) Why can a seed germinate without X?
c) Why does a young plant need X to grow healthily?

(a) Sunlight [1m]
(b) A seed has stored food for germination.

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

(c) It needs X to make food from carbon dioxide and water [3 m] because the food
stored in its seed leaves has been used up. [5 m]
• A seed has stored food for germination. Thus seeds can germinate in darkness
as long as there are air, water and warmth (right temperature).
• A seedling gets food from its seed leaves (cotyledons) for growth before its
leaves develop. The seed leaves drop off when the food in them is used up. By
then, the baby plant can no longer survive in darkness because it needs sunlight
to make food from carbon dioxide and water.

2. Izza mengisi dua pot dengan tanah yang subur dan ia menanam lima biji kacang tanah di
dalam masing-masing pot. Dia meletakkan pot tersebut pada tempat yang terkena cukup
cahaya dan menyiramnya secara teratur. Setelah 10 hari, tunas tumbuh pada pot A namun
tidak tumbuh pada pot B.
(a) Berikan alasan, mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi!
(b) Izza melakukan pengamatan terhadap tunas pot A yang terlihat seperti pada gambar
di bawah ini!


i. Apa fungsi dari rambut akar?

ii. Bagian yang berlabel X disebut?
iii. Apa yang akan terjadi pada bagian berlabel X setelah beberapa hari?
iv. Mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi?

(a) Benih B termasuk ke dalam benih dorman, benih pada pot B belum masak
secara fisiologi
(b) i. Rambut akar membantu memperluas area penyerapan air dan mineral pada
akar utama
ii. X adalah kotiledon. Berfungsi sebagai cadangan makanan bagi embrio
sebelum daun sesungguhnya muncul pada tanaman tersebut.
iii. Bagian X akan mengerut

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

iv. Ketika daun sejati sudah mulai muncul pada tanaman, maka tanaman
tersebut akan mampu menghasilkan makanannya sendiri melalui proses
fotosintesis. Tanpa harus memanfaatkan peran dari bagian X lagi.

3. Compare the two seedlings shown below.

a) How does seedling G get food to grow healthily?

b) Why have the parts labelled X of seedling H shrunk?
c) What will happen to seedling H if it is kept in a dark room for a week? Why?

(a) It gets food from the parts labelled X (seed leaves). [1m]
(b) (b) The food stored in the parts labelled X has been used up for growth. [1m]
(c) It will die when it uses up the food stored in its seed leaves. [1 m] It cannot make
food without light in a dark room. [1m]
[By the time seedlings (baby plants) have leaves, the food in their seed leaves is
almost used up and their seed leaves are about to drop off. They have to start
making their own food in sunlight before their seed leaves drop off so that they
can continue to grow healthily.]

4. Grace cut away two part of a flower that was growing in the garden as shown below.

At the end of three weeks, she was surprised to see that a fruit had developed from the
(a) What was the aim of Grace’s experience?

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

(b) Grace was surprised to see that a fruit had developed after parts X, Y had been cut
from the flower. Provide two possibilities how the fruit could have developed.

(c) She wanted to find out if a fruit would develop after cutting off the anthers of
the flower (Dia ingin mengetahui apakah buah akan berkembang setelah
memotong antera bunga itu)
(d) Insects might have helped in the pollination of the flower. When they fly from
one flower to another of the same kind, pollen grains from the first flower might
have stuck to their bodies, only to fall off when they land on another flower. The
second possibility is that the pollen grains from another flower of the same kind
were dispersed by wind and they landed on the flower with no anthers.
(Serangga mungkin membantu dalam penyerbukan bunga itu. Ketika mereka
terbang dari satu bunga ke bunga lainnya dengan jenis yang sama, butiran
serbuk sari dari bunga pertama mungkin menempel pada tubuh mereka, hanya
untuk jatuh saat tumbuh di bunga lain. Kemungkinan kedua adalah bahwa
butiran serbuk sari dari bunga lain dari jenis yang sama disebarkan oleh angin
dan mereka mendarat di atas bunga tanpa antera)

5. Study the two diagrams below carefully.

a) What is the process represented by the arrow? What happens in the process?
b) Compare the process in diagram I and II. What is the difference?
c) Animal can move by themselves. A male and female can come close to each other and
mate so that can transfer the male reproductive cells to female.

However, plants cannot move by themselves. How do the male reproductive cells in
the male parts reach the female parts?

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Pembinaan OSA IPA
SD Islam Al Azhar

(a) Pollination; pollen grains from the male part is transferred to the female part
of flower(s)/pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of
flower(s). [1m]
(b) In Diagram I, the transfer of pollen grains occurs within the same flower but in
Diagram II, the transfer of pollen grains occurs from one flower to another. /In
Diagram I, pollination takes place within the same flower but in Diagram II,
pollination takes place from one flower to another. [1m]
(c) The male reproductive cells are transferred to the female parts by animals or
wind in a process called pollination. [1m]
• Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the male part (anther) to
the female part (stigma).

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