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Bagian Bahasa Inggris


Bagian Bahasa Inggris

Rizki Amelia, S.Pd

I Gede Perdana Putra, S.Pd
Joeang Salsabiltisa De Side, S.Pd
Emi Nurul Wahyuni, S.Pd
Bagian Bahasa Inggris

Tim Penyusun Apra College

Diterbitkan pertama kali oleh

Apra College, Pusat Bimbel Sekolah Kedinasan,
CPNS, TNI, Polri.
Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Komplek Panda 4 No 34
Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Cover : Faraz Wahyudi, S.Kom & Freepik

Editor : Faraz Wahyudi, S.Kom & Tim Penyusun Apra College
Layout isi : Sri Nurmala Ningsih

Cetakan I, 2022
21 x 29 cm, 126 hlm

Didistribusikan oleh :
Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Komplek Panda 4 No 34
Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Hak cipta dilindungi undang – undang.

Dilarang mengcopy dan memperbanyak sebagaian atau seluruh
Buku ini dalam bentuk apapun tanpa seizin tertulis dari penerbit.


Sekolah kedinasan merupakan pendidikan tinggi yangdikelola atau berada

dibawah naungan Kementerian/Badan/Lembaga Pemerintah yang sebagian atau
bahkan seluruh biaya pendidikannya ditanggung oleh pemerintah, begitupun
dengan pendidikan TNI dan Polri. Sekolah kedinasan sebagian besar memiliki
ikatan dinas, dimana lulusannya akan diangkat menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara atau
biasanya dikenal dengan PNS di kementerian/badan/lembaga yang menaungi
sekolah tinggi tersebut.
Dewasa ini jumlah pendaftar Sekolah Kedinasan,CPNS, TNI dan Polri terus
bertambah, bahkan membludak, artinya persaingan untuk bisa lulus pun semakin
ketat. Sebenarnya saat ini banyak lembaga bimbingan belajar persiapan tes
Sekolah Kedinasan, CPNS, TNI dan Polri,namun sayangnya biaya bimbingan
belajar tersebut sangat mahal dan kurang terjangkau bagi semua kalangan terutama
bagi kalangan menangah ke bawah. Apra College hadir sebagai sebuah solusi
untuk membantu para peserta dalam mempersiapkan tes Sekolah Kedinasan,
CPNS, TNI dan Polri, tetunya dengan biaya yang terjangkau dan kualitas pelayanan
yang terbaik.
Apra College merupakan kepanjangan dari Abdi Praja College, yang
didirikan di Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat tanggal 16 Agustus 2019.Pada
awal pendiriannya, kami hanya berfokus pada bimbingan persiapan tes Sekolah
Kedinasan, CPNS, TNI dan Polri saja, namun seiring denganberjalannya waktu
kami mulai melebarkan sayap dengan menambah beberapa program bimbingan
lainnya, yang meliputi bimbingan assessment, bimbingan belajar bahasa asing,
bimbingan teknis bagi anggota DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat), Camat/Lurah,
Kepala Desa dan aparat Desa, Badan Usaha Baik Badan Usaha Milik Negara
(BUMN) maupun Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD).
Sampai dengan saat ini kami sudah mempunyai beberapa cabang yang
tersebar di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, seperti Mataram, Sumbawa, Bengkulu,
Lebong, Rajang Lebong, Sumedang, Subang, Garut, Bogor, Lampung, Jambi,
Kendari, DKI Jakarta, Indramayu, Semarang, Palu dan Malang. Serta masih akan
terus berkembang di daerah – daerah lainnya.

Profil Apra College

1. Nama Lembaga Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar

Apra College

2. Nomor Surat Keterangan Usaha NIB : 1206000721837

(NIB/IUMK/Surat Ket.
Desa/Dokumen lainnya yang menyatakan Akta Notaris No 28 Tanggal 25
pendirian usaha) Juni 2021

3. Data Pendirian Lembaga

a.Nama Pendiri/Pemilik Lembaga Lury Alek Sandra, S.IP

b.NIK Pendiri/Pemilik Lembaga 3202120506940005

c.Alamat Pendiri/Pemilik Lembaga Jalan Ade Irma Suryani,

Komplek Panda 4 No 34
Monjok Perluasan – Mataram

d.Tanggal Berdiri Lembaga 16 Agustus 2019

5. Kontak /Telp/HP/Fax 081223256424

6. Kontak Email/Website

7. Layanan Bimbingan Belajar Sekolah

Kedinasan, CPNS, TNI, POLRI


CEO & FOUNDER : Lury Alexandra S.IP

DIREKTUR PUSAT : Dunung Lino Saputra, S.Mat
KEPALA DIVISI UMUM : Aisya Maulida Agusdin, S,Psi
KEPALADIVISI KURIKULU : Rio Satriyantara, S.Pd, M.Mat


➢ Muslim, S.STP (Koordinator)
➢ Kiki Candra Nalurita, S.Pd
➢ M Satrio Ramadhan,S.IP
➢ Lisanun Thoyibah Yusuf, S.Pd
➢ Muhammad Zainal Achwan, SSTP
➢ Fariz Maulana, S.Mat (Koordinator)
➢ Rio Satriyantara, S.Pd, M.Mat
➢ Nurul Islamy, S.ST
➢ Dunung Lino Saputra, S.Mat
➢ Reza Zulaifi, M.Pd (Koordinator)
➢ Aisya Maulida Agusdin, S.Psi
➢ Mufarihah Mutia Nur Husna, S.Psi
➢ Muhammad Zainal Achwan, S.STP
➢ Rizki Amelia, S.Pd
➢ I Gede Perdana Putra, S.Pd
➢ Joeang Salsabiltisa De Side, S.Pd
➢ Emi Nurul Wahyuni, S.Pd


Tes Akademik TNI/Polri merupakan momok menakutkan bagi para peserta

seleksi Tes TNI/Polri. Bagaimana tidak, banyak peserta seleksi gugur di tahapan
tes ini.
Buku ini berisi materi Tes Akademik TNI/Polri, pada bagian ini berisi
materi Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan tips dan trik
bagaimana mengerjakan Tes Akademik TNI/Polri.
Sebagai manusia biasa tentunya penulis menyadari bahwa ada kekurangan
– kekurangan yang terdapat pada buku ini, namun pada dasarnya penulis sudah
berusaha dengan sekuat tenaga agar buku ini bisa bermanfaat.

Akhir kata, semoga buku ini bermanfaat. Atas saran dan kritik yang sifatnya
membangun, Penulis menyampaikan terimakasih. Selamat Belajar !

Mataram, Maret 2022


PROFIL APRA COLLEGE ............................................................................... IV
KEPENGURUSAN APRA COLLEGE ............................................................ VI
KATA PENGANTAR ....................................................................................... VII
DAFTAR ISI..................................................................................................... VIII
PENDAHULUAN.................................................................................................. 1
A. APA ITU TES AKADEMIK TNI/POLRI ............................................... 1
C. HAL-HAL YANG HARUS DI PERSIAPKAN ....................................... 2
BAB 1 TENSES ..................................................................................................... 2
A. PENGERTIAN ........................................................................................... 2
B. JENIS – JENIS TENSES........................................................................... 2
1. Present Tense .......................................................................................... 2
2. Past Tense................................................................................................ 4
3. Future Tense ........................................................................................... 7
4. Past Future Tense ................................................................................... 9
C. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 12
BAB 2 PASSIVE VOICE ................................................................................... 53
A. PENGERTIAN ......................................................................................... 53
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 57
BAB 3 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ............................................................ 62
A. PENGERTIAN ......................................................................................... 62
1. Zero Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 0) ............................... 62
2. First Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 1) ............................... 63
3. Second Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 2) ........................... 63
4. Third Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 3) ............................. 64
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 66
BAB 4 CAUSATIVE VERBS............................................................................. 71
A. PENGERTIAN ......................................................................................... 71
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 75
BAB 5 CONCORD OR AGREEMENT............................................................ 80
A. Penggunaan concord dalam bahasa Inggris :........................................ 80
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 85

BAB 6 MODALS ................................................................................................. 90
A. PENGERTIAN ......................................................................................... 90
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 94
BAB 7 QUESTION TAG.................................................................................... 99
A. PENGERTIAN ......................................................................................... 99
1. Positive Statement – Negative Tag ..................................................... 99
2. Special Cases ....................................................................................... 101
B. EXCERSISE ........................................................................................... 104
BAB 8 DEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENT CLAUSES ............................ 109
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 109
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................. 120
BAB 9 ERROR RECOGNITION.................................................................... 125
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 125
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................. 135
BAB 10 CONJUNCTION................................................................................. 139
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 139
B. JENIS DAN CONTOH CONJUNCTION ........................................... 139
C. EXERCISES ........................................................................................... 154
BAB 11 MAIN IDEA ........................................................................................ 160
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 160
1. Reading Comprehension Passage 1 .................................................. 161
2. Reading Comprehension Passage 2 .................................................. 162
3. Reading Comprehension Passage 3 .................................................. 164
B. MAIN IDEA QUESTION EXERCISE ................................................ 165
C. TOPIC OR TITLE OF THE PASSAGE ............................................. 172
D. TOPIC OR TITLE OF THE PASSAGE EXERCISE ........................ 174
E. SYNONYM AND ANTONYM ............................................................. 181
BAB 12 TRUE FALSE QUESTION ............................................................... 192
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 192
C. EXERCISE ............................................................................................. 195
13 THE PURPOSE OF THE TEXT ................................................................ 202
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 202
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................. 204

14 CONCLUSION OF THE TEXT ................................................................. 211
A. PENGERTIAN ....................................................................................... 211
B. EXERCISE ............................................................................................. 214
JENIS JENIS TEKS DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS ..................................... 257
A. DESCRIPTIVE TEXT .......................................................................... 257
B. RECOUNT TEXT.................................................................................. 263
C. NARRATIVE TEXT.............................................................................. 270
D. PROCEDURE TEXT ............................................................................ 275
E. REPORT TEXT ..................................................................................... 283
F. PERSUASIVE TEXT ............................................................................ 290
G. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT................................................. 294
ANSWER KEY ................................................................................................. 301




Tes Akademik TNI/Polri merupakan momok yang menakutkan bagi

kebanyakan orang yang akan mengikuti seleksi masuk TNI/Polri. Tes
Akademik TNI/Polri merupakan salah satu tahapan seleksi masuk TNI/Polri.
Ruang lingkup materi Tes Akademik TNI/Polri itu sendiri terbagi
kedalam beberapa bidang materi yang terdiri dari Wawasan Kebangsaan,
Bahasa Indonesia, Pengetahuan Umum, Matematika Dasar dan Bahasa Inggris,
Pada dasarnya modul ini disusun atas banyaknya permintaan dari
Sahabat Apra di seluruh pelosok negeri. Modul ini merupakan panduan
bagaimana mengerjakan Tes Akademik TNI/Polri dengan cepat dan tepat.
Selain materi yang kami bahas, dalam modul ini juga terdapat beberapa paket
soal yang kami susun berdasarkan FR (Field Report) dari soal tahun lalu.
Modul ini kami susun untuk memberikan gambaran kepada siapapun yang
akan mengikuti Tes Akademik TNI/Polri, kami mencoba memberikan tips dan
trik bagaimana bisa masuk kedalam perankingan Tes Akademik TNI/Polri


Lulus Tes Akademik TNI/Polri merupakan harapan bagi para pejuang

seleksi. Sebetulnya tidaklah sulit untuk hanya sekedar lulus Tes Akademik
TNI/Polri. Kita hanya perlu belajar, berlatih, berdoa kemudian hasilnya kita
serahkan sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan. Mungkin bagi kebanyakan orang,
mengerjakan Tes Akademik TNI/Polri masih menggunakan cara yang manual,
yaitu mengerjakan dari nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor terakhir secara
berurutan, tanpa memperhatikan prosentase penilaiannya dan perolehan skor.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips dan trik yang dapat dijadikan panduan bagi
para pejuang seleks masuk TNI/Polri ;
1. Pertama sebelum kita mengerjakan Tes Akademik TNI/Polri pastikan kita
sudah belajar dan berlatih terlebih dahulu soal – soaltahun sebelumnya.
2. Pastikan H-1 menjelang tes kita harus beristirahat yang cukup.
3. Dalam pengerjaan soal Tes Akademik TNI/Polri, pertama kami sarankan
untuk terlebih dahulu mengerjakan soal yang mudah.
4. Jangan memaksakan diri untuk mengerjakan soal – soal yang sulit terlebih
dahulu, karena itu akan membuang – buang waktu

Selamat mencoba Gais, Good Luck !


Sebelum melakukan pendaftaran, pastikan telah mempersiapkan
dokumen-dokumen yang di perlukan. Dokumen tersebut terdiri dari :

1. Kartu Keluarga
2. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
3. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
4. Ijazah
5. Rapaor SMA/Sederajat
6. Pas Foto
7. Dokumen Lain sesuai dengan ketentuan Instansi yang dilamar

Tenses adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja berdasarkan keterangan waktu
dan sifat kegiatan atau kejadian.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini:
1. I study English everyday.
2. I am studying English now.
3. I studied English last night.
4. My phone rang when I was studying English.

Contoh di atas menunjukkan bahwa perubahan bentuk kata kerja

disebabkan oleh perubahan keterangan waktu.


Secara garis besar berdasar pada penggolongan waktunya, Tenses dibagi
menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:

1. Present Tense

Present Tense merupakan bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk

membicarakan masa sekarang. Berdasarkan sifat kegiatannya, Present
Tense dibagi lagi menjadi 4 macam, di antaranya:
• Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense dalam penggunaannya dapat berfungsi untuk
menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan juga kejadian-kejadiaan yang terjadi
pada saat sekarang ini. Adapun rumus yang dimiliki Simple Present
Tense ini relative simple yaitu :

Positif (+): S + V1 (s/es) + O/C

Negatif (-) : S + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Do/Does + S + V1 + O/C + ?

Contoh Kalimat Present Tense
(+) She opens the door
(-) She does not open the door
(?) Does she open the door?

Simple present tense memiliki 3 fungsi utama yaitu:

1. To show action that happen in the present (terjadi di masa sekarang)
2. Habitual Action (kebiasaan)
3. General Truth (fakta)

• Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja yang berfungsi
untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang sedang
berlangsung, dalam pengertian bahasa Indonesia-nya selalu diartikan
dengan kata ‘sedang’. Biasanya penggunaan Present Continuous
ditambahkan kata keterangan waktu sebagai penjelas.
Rumus Present Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Ving + O/C

Negatif (- ) : S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Not + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Tobe (is, am, are) + S + Ving + O/C + ?

Contoh Present Continuous Tense

(+) They are playing football now
(-) They are not playing football now
(?) Are they playing football now?

• Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah selesai dikerjakan

namun masih berkaitan dengan masa sekarang. Dalam Bahasa
Indonesia, kata ini selalu diartikan dengan ungkapan ‘sudah’.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Positif (+) : S + Have/Has + V3 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Have/Has + Not + V3 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Have/Has + S + V3 + O/C +

Contoh Present Perfect Tense

(+) I have finished my homework
(- ) I have not finished my homework
(?) Have you finished your homework?

• Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja yang
berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah
terjadi namun masih dilakukan atau sedang dilakukan sekarang.

Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Have/Has + Been + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Have/Has + Not + Been + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Have/Has + S + Been +Ving + O/C +

Contoh Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) We have been painting this wall since 2 hours ago
(- ) We have not been painting this wall since 2 hours ago
(?) Have we been painting this wall since 2 hours ago?

2. Past Tense

Past tense merupakan bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk

membicarakan masa lampau. Berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu

pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah berlalu atau yang terjadi di masa
lampau. Karena itu, kalimat Past harus diikuti dengan keterangan kata
lampau. Bisa yang telah terjadi kemarin, setahun yang lalu, sebulan
yang lalu, dll. Berdasarkan sifat kegiatannya, Past Tense ini juga dibagi
menjadi 4 macam, diantaranya:
• Simple Past Tense

Rumus Past Tense

Positif (+) : S + V2 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Did + Not + V1 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Did + S + V1 + O/C

Contoh Past Tense

(+) He swam in the river yesterday

(- ) He did not swim in the river yesterday
(?) Did he swim in the river yesterday?

• Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di
masa lalu atau lampau. Biasanya kalimat past continuous disandingkan
dengan kalimat past tense.

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Tobe (was/were) + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Tobe (was/were) + Not + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Tobe (was/were) + S + Ving + O/C +
Contoh Past Continuous Tense
(+) They were playing Tennis yesterday
(- ) They were not playing Tennis yesterday

(?) Were they playing Tennis yesterday?

• Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menunjukkan pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada
masa lalu atau lampau. Biasanya kalimat past perfect tense disandingkan
dengan kalimat past tense atau dengan kalimat past future perfect tense
dalam formula Conditional Type 3.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Positif (+) : S + Have/Has + V3 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Have/Has + Not + V3 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Have/Has + S + V3 + O/C
Contoh Past Perfect Tense
(+) You had come to my party last night
(- ) You had not come to my party last night
(?) Had you come to my party last night?

• Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect contiuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menyatakan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang telah dilakukan namun
masih atau sedang dikerjakan pada masa lalu atau lampau.

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Had + Been + Ving + O/C
Negatif (-) : S + Had+ Not + Been + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Had + S + Been + Ving + O/C + ?

Contoh Past Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) He had been writing a letter
(-) He had not been writing a letter
(?) Had He been writing a letter?

3. Future Tense

Past tense merupakan bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk

membicarakan masa depan. Future tense merupakan kata kerja yang
berfungsi untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang akan
dilakukan atau dikerjakan di masa depan. Berdasarkan sifat
kegiatannya, Future Tense ini juga dibagi menjadi 4 macam,
• Simple Future Tense

Rumus Simple Future Tense

Positif (+) : S + Will + V1 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Will + Not + V1 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Will + S + V1 + O/C + ?

ContohKalimatFuture Tense
(+) We will go to Museum tomorrow
(- ) We will not go Museum tomorrow
(?) Will we go to Museum tomorrow?

• Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang sedang terjadi di
masa depan atau suatu kejadian yang sedang akan terjadi di masa

Rumus Future Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Will + Be + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Will + Not + Be + Ving + O/C 7

Interrogative (?) : Will + S + Be + Ving + O/C +

Contoh Future Continuous Tense
(+) The plane will be taking off this afternoon
(- ) The plane will not be taking off this afternoon
(?) Will the plane be taking off this afternoon?

• Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang akan selesai di
masa depan.

Rumus Future Perfect Tense

Positif (+) : S + Will + Have + V3 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Will + Not + Have + V3 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Will + S + Have + V3 + O/C

Contoh Future Perfect Tense

(+) Budi will have been a doctor next year
(- ) Budi will not have been a doctor next year
(?) Will Budi have been a doctor next year?

• Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future perfect continuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang
berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang
akan selesai di masa depan, namun pada saat itu tindakan tersebut
juga sedang dilakukan.

Rumus Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Will + Have + Been + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Will + Not + Have + Been + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Will + S + Have + Been + Ving + O/C + ?
Contoh Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(+) She will have been attending English Classes for four years
(- ) She will not have been attending English Classes for four years
(?) Will she have been attending English Classes for four years?

4. Past Future Tense

Past Future Tense merupakan bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk

membicarakan sesuatu yang akan dilakukan pada masa lampau. Past
future tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan
suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa lalu. Past future
biasanya digunakan dalam Conditional Type 2. Seperti Tenses lain yang
dijelaskan sebelumnya, Tenses ini juga dibagi menjadi 4
macamberdasarkan sifat kegiatannya yaitu sebagai berikut:

• Simple Past Future Tense

Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense
Positif (+) : S + Would + V1 + O/C
Negatif (-) : S + Would + Not + V1 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Would + S + V1 + O/C +

Contoh Past Future Tense

(+) Budi would give me his money
(- ) Budi would not give me his money
(?) Would Budi give me his money?

• Past Future Continuous Tense

Past future continuous tense merupakan bentuk waktu (tense) yang
berfungsi menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang akan
sedang dilakukan di masa lalu.

Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Would + Be + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Would + Not + Be + Ving + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Would + S + Be + Ving + O/C +

Contoh Past Future Continuous Tense

(+) We would be taking math class at 8 yesterday
(- ) We would not be taking math class at 8 yesterday
(?) Would we be taking math class at 8 yesterday?

• Past Future Perfect Tense

Past future perfect tense merupakan bentuk waktu (tense) yang
berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang
sudah akan terjadi di masa lalu. Biasanya past future perfect tense
ini digunakan dalam Conditional Type 3.

Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense

Positif (+) : S + Would + Have + V3 + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Would + Not + Have + V3 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Would + S + Have + V3 + O/C +

Contoh Past Future Perfect Tense

(+) You would have met her in the party yesterday
(- ) You would not have met her in the party yesterday
(?) Would you have met her in the party yesterday?

• Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past future perfect continuous tense merupakanbentukwaktu (tense)
yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau tindakan
yang akan dan sudah selesai namun masih sedang dikerjakan di
masa lalu.

Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + Would + Have + Been + Ving + O/C
Negatif (- ) : S + Would + Not + Have + Been + Ving +O/C
Interrogative (?) : Would + S + Have + Been + Ving + O/C + ?

Contoh Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) He wold have been teaching English there for 2 years
(- ) He wold not have been teaching English there for 2 years
(?) Would He have been teaching English there for 2 years?




Choose one of the four choices that

you think is the right answer then
5. Tom and I ____ ____
1. She _____ her dog everyday
a. To feed
a. Do surfing
b. Feed
b. Don’t surfing
c. Feeds
c. Do surfs
d. Feeding
d. Don’t surf

2. I ____ always ____ to the

6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7
a. Do not, go
a. Eat
b. Does not, go
b. To eat
c. Do not, went
c. Ate
d. Does not, went
d. Eaten

3. When __ you ____ a shower?

7. Q: How do you go to school?
a. Do, took
A: We ___ the bus to school
b. Do, take
a. Rode
c. Do, taken
b. Ridden
d. Do, taking
c. Ride
d. Riding
4. Q: Do you like to sing?
A: …
8. Q: When do you do your
a. Yes, I likes to sing
b. Yes, I like to sing
A: …
c. Yes, I am liking to
a. I have did my homework at
6 PM
d. Yes, I liked to sing

b. I did my homework at 6 12. She … not work because she
PM has flu.
c. I do my homework at 6 PM a. is
d. I am doing my homework b. does
at 6 PM c. do
d. be
9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in
the park? 13. Alina … song every night.
A: … a. sings
a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing b. sing
in the park c. is
b. No, I no enjoy playing in d. does
the park
c. No, I don’t enjoy playing 14. My father … tea every
in the park morning.
d. No, I don’t enjoys playing a. drink
in the park b. drinks
c. drinking
10. Q: Does he love his mother? d. is
A: …
a. He love his mother 15. They … a test every week.
b. He loves his mother a. does
c. He to love his mother b. has
d. He is loving his mother c. are
d. have
11. I and my friends … in library.
We read some books 16. Dolph: Please call me if you
a. am need.
b. is Jack: No. I … need your
c. have help.
d. are a. do not
b. does

1. I …… an online course this
17. She is a student. She … at moment. Please don’t disturb
school. me.
a. studying A. listening to
b. study B. is having
c. studies C. am having
d. does D. am listen to
E. is listen to
18. We … soccer match. 2. Mr. Conor …….. the table
a. do reservation now because he
b. watching booked the wrong the
c. watches restaurant.
d. watch A. is cancelling
B. is councelling
19. Gina cooks fried rice. It … C. was cancelling
amazing. D. is not cancelling
a. does E. was not councelling
b. do 3. Cello ……. a package at the
c. are front gate. He is going to the
d. is mini market.
A. is not receiving
B. was not receiving
20. My brother rides a bike to C. is receiving
school … D. not is receiving
a. every day E. were receiving
b. last day 4. The whole world is watching
c. next week the final world cup match
d. next time ………
A. tomorrow
B. yesterday

B. today – now
C. at this moment – for 30
C. now minutes
D. next month D. now – at the moment
E. last monday E. yesterday – at this time
5. Mom and dad …… a 9. Beatrice …… to the yard
conversation at the living when she knows some bad
room. students …..
A. are having A. are running – is bullying
B. don’t having B. do run – do bullies
C. don’t have C. is running – are bullying
D. are not have D. is running – is bullying
E. is not having E. do bullying – is running
6. Mr. Abigail ….. the payment 10. You should call me 30
of his workers for this month. minutes later. I ……..
A. don’t transferring English with my teacher ….
B. do transfer A. am study – now
C. is transferring B. am studying – this time
D. is transfering C. am studying – yesterday
E. was transfer D. am study – later
7. The COVID-19 Pandemic E. am study– this time
….. to the south America. 11. I am not …… to become a
A. are moving dentist.
B. is moving A. student
C. are moveing B. studying
D. do move C. studied
E. moving D. study
8. I am sorry, you cant meet Mr. E. studies
Rahardian …… He is 12. ……… you working on any
meeting an important client special projects at work?
…….. A. is
A. tomorrow – at that time B. am

C. are 17. ….. he coming with us
D. had tonight?
E. will A. isn’t
13. …… you teaching at the B. aren’t
university in Lombok now? C. wasn’t
A. isn’t D. weren’t
B. aren’t E. didn’t
C. wasn’t 18. She is always ….. to class
D. hadn’t late.
E. weren’t A. comes
14. I am ….. some friends after B. coming
work. C. come
A. meet D. came
B. meets E. is come
C. is meet 19. He …… constantly talking, I
D. meeting wish he would shut up.
E. was met A. am
15. I …… not going to the party B. are
tonight. C. was
A. is D. were
B. are E. is
C. has 20. I ……. like them because
D. had they are always complaining.
E. am A. don’t
16. Is he …….. his parents next B. doesn’t
weekend? C. didn’t
A. visiting D. isn’t
B. visited E. hadn’t
C. visit
D. visits
E. is visit


1. You have ____ that movie

D. had
many times.
E. have been
A. seen
6. I have _____ him for more
B. see
than seven years.
C. saw
A. know
D. seeing
B. knew
E. is see
C. known
2. I _____ see him for a long
D. is know
E. knowing
A. hasn’t
7. I ____ seen that movie three
B. wasn’t
times. It was amazing.
C. haven’t
D. weren’t
A. has
E. isn’t
B. have
3. Steven has ______ a new
C. had
D. is
A. write
E. are
B. written
8. I think I have ___ him once
C. writing
in the café.
D. is write
A. meet
E. writes
B. met
4. Have you _____ him before?
C. meeting
a. see
D. is meet
b. saw
E. meets
c. seeing
9. There __________ many
d. seen is
earthquakes in Lombok since
e. see
5. I _____ here since last week.
A. has been
A. have
B. had been
B. has
C. is
C. has been

D. have been B. had been
E. was C. has been
10. People ____ traveled to the D. is
moon. E. are
A. is 15. I ____ been to France with
B. am my spouse.
C. are A. has
D. had B. have
E. have C. had
11. People have not _______ to D. is
the Mars. E. was
A. travelling 16. I _____ been to England for
B. travel five times.
C. traveled A. has
D. traveler B. have
E. travelers C. had
12. ____ you read the book D. is
entitled “Sang Pemimpi”? E. was
A. have 17. Satria Has ______ been to
B. had South Korea.
C. has A. always
D. is B. often
13. was Nobody has ever ______ C. never
that mountain before. D. usually
A. climb E. rarely
B. is climb 18. Firdaus has _______ two
C. climbing foreign languages.
D. climbed A. study
E. was climbed B. studying
14. There _________ a war in the C. student
United States. D. studied
A. have been E. is study

19. The government ____
become more interested in
arts education.
A. have
B. has
C. had
D. was
E. were
20. Japanese has _______ one of
the most popular courses at
the university since the Asian
Program was established.
A. becoming
B. becomes
C. become
D. is becomes
E. are becomes


Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions!

1. She … this science for 3 years. (study)

a. Have been studying c. has studied
b. Has been studying d. is studying

2. I … in pare for 6 months. (stay)

a. Have been staying c. has stayed
b. Has been staying d. am studying

3. My young brother … ball for 5 hours. (play)

a. Have been playing c. has played
b. Has been playing d. is playing

4. Tamara … piano since she was child. (train)

a. Have been training c. has train
b. Has been training d. is training

5. You … for 3 hours. (wait)

a. Have been waiting c. have waited
b. Has been waiting d. are waiting

6. Tiago and Toni … to Jakarta for 6 years. (go)

a. Have been going c. has gone
b. Has been going d. are going

7. How long … it been raining? (have)

a. Have c. had
b. Has d. were

8. It … for five hours. (rain)

a. Have been raining c. have rain
b. Has been raining d. had rain

9. Abdillah … well recently, so He will go to Hospital, (Feel)

a. Have been feeling c. has not been feeling
b. Has been feeling d. have not been feeling

10. You … to Julian about the problem and He thinks that…, (talk)
a. Have been talking c. have talked
b. Has been talking d. has talked

11. Faradilla … English for four years. (learn)

a. Have been learning c. is learning
b. Has not learning d. has been learning

12. What … been doing for 3 hours in there? (you)

a. Have you c. are you
b. Has you d. am not you

13. Where have you been? …. been playing badminton? (You)

a. Have you c. have not you
b. Has you d. has not you

14. Rizqia is still writing a poem, She … poem all day. (write)
a. Has been writing c. has written
b. Has not been writing d. has not written

15. … been reading for 7 hours? (He)

a. Have not he c. had he
b. Has he d. will he

16. She … around Asia for three months. (travel)

a. Have been travelling c. have travelled
b. Has been travelling d. is travelling

17. I like your village, How long … in this village? (live)

a. Have you been living c. have lived
b. Has you been living d. are you living

18. They got accident, They … in hospital since Sunday. (to be)
a. Have been c. have
b. Has been d. are

19. Have you got a stomachache? Yes, I … all morning. (stomachache)

a. Got stomachache c. Have not been stomachache
b. Didn’t gey stomachache d. Have been stomachache

20. How long…. ? Since I was eleven years old. (drive)

a. Are you driving c. have you been driving
b. Are not you driving d. have not you been driving

EXERCISE SIMPLE PAST 5. Ruka ..... your examination score
several hours ago.
1. I ..... to beach yesterday. A. does not see
A. go B. do not see
B. went C. did not see
C. gone D. have not seen
D. going E. had not see
E. goes
6. Ronaldo and Messi ..... well in
2. She ..... her bedroom last night. their football match a month ago.
A. cleaned A. playing
B. cleans B. plays
C. cleaning C. player
D. cleaner D. played
E. clean E. play

3. Yobi ..... some pictures with an 7. Fika ..... a letter to me 2 days ago
actress last week. in her bedroom.
A. take A. writes
B. taken B. written
C. took C. writing
D. taking D. write
E. takes E. wrote

4. Did Rina ..... here alone 8. Riska’s mother ..... me that Riska
yesterday? liked me so much long time ago.
A. came A. tells
B. come B. telling
C. comes C. teller
D. comed D. told
E. coming E. tell

9. ..... they meet you in the park 4
days ago?
13. A : Sorry, Sir, I did not ..... your
A. do
class in last meeting.
B. does
B : It’s okay. Remember to
C. did
do the assignment.
D. done
A. joins
E. doing
B. joining
C. joined
10. My brother ..... my favourite cake
D. join
yesterday afternoon. I was
E. joint
A. eaten
14. Yesterday morning, I ..... 100
B. ate
score in English program.
C. eat
A. got
D. eats
B. get
E. eating
C. gets
D. getting
11. We ..... hot chocolate milk
E. gotten
without sugar 2 months ago.
A. drink
15. I ..... so handsome yesterday that
B. drunk
no one could blink their eyes.
C. drinking
A. were
D. drinks
B. was
E. drank
C. am
D. is
12. Last year, I ..... in my
E. are
grandmother’s house.
A. sleep
16. ..... they sick last week? They
B. sleeps
didn’t come to my seminar.
C. slept
A. was
D. sleeped
B. were
E. sleeping
C. is

D. am E. to find
E. are
21. My girlfriend ..... me to her
17. Rudi ..... here yesterday. birthday party 7 days ago.
A. weren’t A. invites
B. wasn’t B. invite
C. isn’t C. inviting
D. am not D. invited
E. aren’t E. to invite

18. A robber ..... my bike last 22. My family ..... my money wisely
month. last year.
A. steal A. manages
B. stole B. manager
C. stolen C. managing
D. steals D. manage
E. stealing E. managed

23. Zora ..... to France last 2 months.

19. My teacher ..... simple past
A. travel
tense clearly last summer.
B. travels
A. explain
C. traveler
B. explains
D. traveled
C. explaning
E. traveling
D. explained
E. to explain
24. A bus ..... in front of Rina’s car
last night.
20. We ..... many gold near
A. stopping
Rinjani Mountain.
B. stopped
A. find
C. stops
B. finds
D. stop
C. found
E. stopper
D. finding

EXERCISE PAST CONTINUOUS 7. Tamara and Tania … to Surabaya
at this time last week?. (go)
1. Were you …. This picture at 8
a. Go c. was going
o’clock yesterday?(send)
b. Going d. were going
a. Sent c. send
b. Are sending d. sending
8. Sabrina … English at 8 o’clock
last night.
2. Yesterday, The rain …. Harder
a. was not learning c. will not
and harder. (get)
a. Are getting c. will get
b. is not learning d. is learning
b. getting d. was getting

9. Yesterday morning, They .. in

3. My friend …. Book to Faradilla at
front of me . (sing)
seven o’clock last night. (give)
a. Are singing c. was singing
a. Gave c. is giving
b. sing d. were singing
b. Gives d. was giving

10. Yesterday, my mother … a rice

4. We … the cat in front of my
when I ate Donut. (cook)
school at nine o’clock last night.
a. Is cooking c. cooked
b. Will cooking d. was
a. are catching c. will catch
b. were catching d. caught

11. Tamara … a letter to his teacher

5. Was Aminah … my house at this
at 10 o’clock yesterday. (write)
time yesterday?.(visit)
a. Is writing c. was writing
a. visited c. visiting
b. Writes d. will write
b. visit d. will visit

12. Was roziqin … in this room at

6. I ,,, a new motor cycle at this time
8 o’clock last night ? (stay)
yesterday. (buy)
a. stay staying
a. Will buy c. bought
b. staying d.will stay
b. Was buying d. am buying

13. Were they … this table at this 19. Reza Pahlevi … this tree at 7
time last week? . (make) o’clock last week.(plant)
a. Making c. will make a. Is planting c. was planting
b. made d. make b. plants d. will plant

14. We invited you at this party last 20. John … me when you arrived.
night, but you … to us. (come) (call)
a. Was coming c. are coming a. Is calling c. will call
b. was not coming d. were not b. Was calling d. called

15. At this time last month, Amira …

a new bag in this store (use)
a. Is not buying c. is buying
b. Was buying d. buys

16. Was she …. Aminah at this time

last week?. (know)
a. knowing c. knew
b. knows d. are knowing

17. This time last year, I … in bali

a. Live c. was living
b. Will live d. am living

18. At 4 o’clock yesterday, I … a

plane on my way to Jakarta. (to be)
a. Am in c. was on
b. am on d. was in

EXERCISE PAST PERFECT 4. After the committee members …
the consequences, they voted on the
1. After Heru … Los Angeles, he proposal.
went to California.
a. Had considered
a. Was visited
b. Was considering
b. Had visited
c. Considered
c. Has been visiting
d. Has considered
d. Has visited

5. The doctor …the patient

2. Before Alin went to sleep, he …. thoroughly before he prescribed the
his family. medication.

a. Is calling a. Examine

b. Calling b. Had examined

c. Called c. Examining

d. Had called d. Examines

3. Kevin … at the university for 6. The car … ten times before it

thirty years before he retired. landed on its roof.

a. Is working a. Had flipped

b. Had worked b. Has been flipping out

c. Worked c. Flip

d. Has been worked d. Has been flipping

7. Anyone … the latest version of the c. Had been able to update
phone software for free before
d. Had be able to update
August 2013.

a. Had already heard

11. Prior to the meeting, the room …
b. Had already been heard
a. Had been put
c. Had been able to update
b. Had put
d. Had be able to update
c. Had been cleaned and prepared

d. Had cleaned and prepared

8. When he arrived at the station, the
train …

a. Had left 12. He told that he … all the files in

the directory.
b. Had leaved
a. Had removed
c. Had the room been brighter
b. Had been removed
d. Had the room brighter
c. Had been dropped

d. Had dropped
9. … before the participants came?

a. Had left
13. The student … her disposable
b. Had leaved
lunch box in the garbage can by the
c. Had the room been brighter time the bell rang.

d. Had the room brighter a. Had removed

b. Had been removed

10. Reza … about her before they c. Had been dropped

d. Had dropped
a. Had already heard

b. Had already been heard

14. Never … such delicious pies c. Gone
before visiting the bakery.
d. Had gone
a. I had tasted

b. Had I tasted
18. Mandy told us yesterday that she
c. You had worn …… England in 2000.

d. Had you worn a. Had visiting

b. Is visiting

15. How many times … the clothes c. Was visited

before the fault occured?
d. Had visited
a. I had tasted

b. Had I tasted
19. Gina … in New York for ten
c. You had worn years before she moved to
d. Had you worn
a. Lived

b. Had lived
16. If you … your money in a bank,
it wouldn’t have gone. c. Lives

a. Had been put d. Is living

b. Had put

c. Had been cleaned and prepared 20. The professor … the material
before he gave the quiz.
d. Had cleaned and prepared
a. Reviewed

b. Is reviewing
17. Gillian … to the store before she
went home. c. Had reviewed

a. Has going d. Reviewer

b. Is going

5. Paul ....for you since 9 o'clock
1. We .....spending our holiday in A. had been waiting
Bali for several days B. had been waited
A. had be C. had be waiting
B. had are D. had be waited
C. had is E. had is waiting
D. had been
E. are had 6. .... standing here for long time?
A. Had been you
2. They had been .... in this company B. Had you be
for about six years C. Had be you
A. worked D. Had you are
B. works E. Had you been
C. to work
D. work 7. He hadn't been ....the problem for
E. working long time
A. discussed
3. .... borrowing this book from the B. discussing
library for several days? C. to discuss
A. Had been Cindy D. to discussing
B. Had Cindy been E. discusses
C. Had Cindy be
D. Had be Cindy 8. He …(stand) in front of the door
E. Had is Cindy for thirthy minutes before it was
4. She .... sleeping for an hour A. Had stand
A. hadn't be B. Had standing
B. is hadn't C. Had been standing
C. hadn't is D. Has standing
D. hadn't been
E. hadn't are 9. My nephew was sick since he …

outside in bad weather all day.
A. Has been playing 13. The senior engineer … the
B. Had been playing project for a year before he resigned.
C. Had been doing A. Has been trying
D. Has been doing B. Had been trying
C. Had been being managed
10. His skin became darker because D. Had been managing
he … something under the scorching
sun without sunscreen. 14. My wife become so fat because
A. Had been doing she …. (overeat).
B. Has been doing A. Had overeat
C. Has been playing B. Has overeat
D. Had been playing C. Had been overeating
D. Has been overeating
11. When you … the room, we …
the matter of our wages for 10 15. We were sitting and calling jack
minutes. who … (travel) across Europe.
A. Had been getting rid toxic A. Had been traveling
household items of B. Has been traveling
B. Had been getting rid of toxic C. Had been travel
household items D. Has been traveled
C. Entered, had been discussing
D. Had been entering, discussed 16. My father … (teach) at the
Oxford University for more than ten
12. By the time I asked, my home years before he left for Yogjakarta.
assistant … A. Had been teach
A. Entered, had been discussing B. Has been teach
B. Had been entering, discussed C. Had teaching
C. Had been getting rid toxic D. Had been teaching
household items of
D. Had been getting rid of toxic 17. She would never come to see you
household items since at the time she …. (date) with

A. Has dating
B. Had dating 1. I expect, they … me this evening.
C. Had been dating (phone)
D. Has been date a. Will not phone c. would phone
b. will phone d. are not phone
18. My mother … (tote) me since I
was born till I could stand on my 2. Don’t touch this plate, IF you
own feet. touch it, you ,,, yourself. (burn)
A. Had been toting a. Will burn c. will be burn
B. Has toting b. Will not burn d. will not be burn
C. Had been tote
D. Has been toting 3. We ,,, house next month. (make)
a. Will not make c. is making
19. Before finally dead on June 25, b. Will make d. would made
2009, Michael Jackson …a pop
singer since 1980’s. 4. Zaid ,,, teacher next year. (to be)
A. Had a. Will c. will be
B. Has b. Would d. would’nt
C. Have
D. Had been 5. Because Bali Island was
lockdown, they ,,, to Bali, (go)
20. When the guests came, we a. Am going c. will go
…(wait) for an hour. b. Are going d. will not go
A. Had been waiting
B. Has been waiting 6. I couldn’t buy a ticket, So, I ,,,
C. Had waiting movie in there. (see)
D. Has waiting a. seeing c. will see
b. Am seeing d. will not see

7. Amira ,,, here soon. (come)

a. coming c. will come

b. are not coming d. are coming 14. We are sure, we ,,, this exam.
8. Will you ,,, me some food. (give) a. passed c. will pass
a. giving c. give b. Will not pass d. are passing
b. not give d. gives
15. Don’t worry, this cat ,,, you.
9. I do hope, I ,,, teacher in my (hurt)
school. (to be) a. Are not hurting c. will hurting
a. Am be c. will be b. Is not hurting d. is hurting
b. Arenotbe d. will not be
16. I am sure, I ,,, salary this
10. Salisa will be English teacher in month.(receive)
Kediri a. Will not to receive
a. Am be c.will be b. Will to receive
b. Would d. will not be c. am going to receive
d. didn’t receive
11. Is Fadilla ,,, visit beach
tomorrow? (to be) 17. Will you ,,, me next month?
a. Go to c.going to (Visit)
b. Went to d.will go a. Visit c. will visit
b. visited d. are visiting
12. Can’t you wait them, they ,,, very
long. (to be) 18. That’s a great idea, we ,,, our
a. didn’t will c. will be friend. (invite)
b. would d. will not be a. invite c. will invite
b. invited d. will not
13. I have bought Zaid a present, Do invite
you think He … it? (like)
a. Would like c. will like 19. Ilzami and Annisa decided to
b. Didn’t like d. will not like have an event, They ,,, an invitation.
a. Are going to make

c. will not to make
d. are making 1. Hary and susi …… in love each
20. I ,,, movie on you tube next time. a. Falling
(watch) b. Fall
a. Are going to watch c. Will falling
b. Am going to watch d. Will be falling
c. will watched
d, am watching 2. I together with my friend …on
Carita beach tomorrow.
a. To walk
b. Walk
c. Walking
d. Will be walking

3. They will …running away the next

a. Keep
b. Be keeping
c. Keeping
d. Keep to

4. He … many books next day

a. Is bring
b. Bring
c. Will be bringing
d. Will be bring

5. I will …soto when my mom will

come tomorrow.
a. Eat

b. Be eat a. Cook
c. Eating b. Cooking
d. Be eating c. Be cooking
d. Cooked
6. You will be … this computer
when I will come. 11. Reny …. at the office when you
a. Repair to arrive.
b. Repairing a. Have working
c. Have repair b. Has working
d. Repair c. Will work
d. Will be working
7. She … the food for her husband 12. My father . . . . . teaching at 10
next morning. a.m tomorrow.
a. Will cooking a. Will
b. Cook b. Will be
c. Cooking c. Is
d. Will be cooking d. Will

8. My parents will be . . . . . a movie 13. My sister will not ... at holiday.

tonight. a. Studies
a. Watching b. Studying
b. Watch c. Be studying
c. Watched d. Studied
d. Watches
9. They . . . . . at nine tomorrow 14. I will …football with my friends
morning. tomorrow.
a. Are fishing a. Watching
b. Will be fishing b. Watch
c. Go fishing c. Be watching
d. Will fishing d. Be watch
10. Manda and Kiki will not . . . . .
the meal when you arrive at home.

15. Kiki . . . . . Nita tomorrow. c. Had
a. Will helps d. Has
b. Am helping
c. Will be helping 20. Mia … going to the school
d. Help tomorrow.
a. is
16. My mother will be . . . . . when I b. Would
arrive. c. Will
a. Sleeping d. Will be
b. Sleeps
c. Sleep
d. Slept

17. Will you be . . the candles and

the cake for Tari’s birthday?
a. Bringing
b. Bring
c. Brought
d. Brings

18. George will be . . . Indonesia at 9

a.m tomorrow.
a. Leaving
b. Leave
c. Left
d. Live

19. They will be ... dinner at Mr.Crab

restaurant tonight.
a. Have
b. Having


1. I……studied for two hours 6.I have……a delicious food for

a.have them
b.been a.cooked
c.has b.cooks
2.We…….here since yesterday 7.We have…….this film since last
a.has been night
b.have been a.watching
c.had been b.watched
3.I have……a letter for 2 hours
a.write 8.They have…….me about this story
b.wrote a.tell
c.written b.told
d.writing c.telling
4.I have……music for 15 minutes,
it’s very good 9.Diana…….sung this song
a.listen a.had
b.listening b.has
c.listened c.have
d.listens d.having

5.We have……. this new novel 10.We have…….in Bandung since

together since yesterday 2004
b.reads b.lives

d.lived c.learning
11.We……..cooked this delicious 16. The show will start at 8 AM. It
food special for you ________ when you come by 1 PM
a.had tomorrow.
b.has a. will finish
c.have b. will have finished
d.having c. will be finishing
d. finish
12.I……him for two hours
a.calling 17. When you find this letter, I
b.calls ________ to Bali. a. will have gone
d.called b. will go
c. will be going
13.Sinta has…….to the school for 3 d. go
a.go 18. The food _________ before the
b.goes guests come.
c.gone a. will be prepared
d.went b. is prepared
c. will have been prepared
14.Diana has……..for two hours d. will prepare
b.slept 19. By this time next week, Jennifer
c.sleeping ________ in Oxford University for 3
d.sleeped years.
a. have studied
15.We have…….this major since last b. has studied
night c. will study
a.learned d. will have studied

20. Cleo: When will you arrive FUTURE PERFECT
tomorrow? CONTINUOUS
Mona: I will arrive at 10 AM.
Cleo: The meeting will be held at 1. I … here for over a week
7AM. Our clients ______ when you tomorrow.
come. a. Will have not been staying
a. will have gone b. Will not have been staying
b. will go c. She will have been studying
c. have gone d. Will she have been studying
d. will be going
2. Your children … paintball in my
back yard for more than two hours
by the time you pick them up.
a.. Will have been being
b. Will have been be
c. Will have been being playing
d. Will have been playing

3. She …… been following the test

for an hour at 12 o’clock.
a. Will had
b. Will have
c. Have
d. Will

4. You will not have been …for 3

hours at 10.00 a.m. you still need 30
minutes more to make it.
a. To teaching
b. To teach
c. Teaching
d. Be teach

9. You … here for three months
5. He … his old car for six hours by when you can ask for a pay raise.
the time it breaks down. a. Would have been working
a. Would have been working b. Will have been working
b. Will have been working c. Will have been driving
c. Will have been driving d. Will have been being driven
d. Will have been being driven
10. Jane will be very tired when she
6. I …… for 5 hours by the time you will have been …… over 24 hours.
come to my home. a. Flying
a. Will had been sleeping b. Fly
b. Will had been sleep c. To flying
c. Will have be sleeping d. Be flying
d. Will have been sleeping
11. He will … for me for two hours
7. Your friend will be angry since he at seven o’clock.
… so long. a. Had been waiting
a. Would have been waiting b. Had be waiting
b. Will have been waiting c. Have been wating
c. Will all the students have been d. Have be waiting
d. Will have been all the students 12. Next year I … been working at
completing this company for three years.
a. Will had
8. In the summer mike … to find a b. Will
new job for five months. c. Will have
a. Will have trying d. Would have
b. Will have been trying
c. Will be trying 13. John terry will not have …
d. Will trying football for Chelsea for 10 years at
a. Playing

b. To playing
c. Play 18. The construction workers … for
d. Been playing more than 90 minutes when the bell
14. Next year my family will have a. Won’t have been sleeping
been … at tokyo for 3 years. b. Wouldn’t have been sleeping
a. Staying c. Will has been running
b. To stay d. Will have been running
c. To staying
d. Stay 19. … their researches by the end of
this semester?
15. He … the business for two years a. Would have been waiting
by the end of next April. b. Will have been waiting
a. Won’t have been sleeping c. Will all the students have been
b. Wouldn’t have been sleeping completing
c. Will has been running d. Will have been all the students
d. Will have been running completing

16. We will have … 6 hours by the 20. How long … in France when her
time we get home. parents visit her?
a. Be driving a. Will have not been staying
b. Driving b. Will not have been staying
c. Been driving c. She will have been studying
d. Been drived d. Will she have been studying

17. Bobby … on the non-profit

organization for six month next
a. Will have been being
b. Will have been be
c. Will have been being playing
d. Will have been playing

PAST FUTURE TENSE a. Would be all right
b. Would all right
1. I knew you would …all the things c. Would never cheat
for the meeting. d. Would never cheated
a. Prepared
b. Prepare 6. She promised she would … me a
c. Had prepared box of banana cake.
d. Have prepared a. Given
b. Give
2. They told that they …going to c. Have giving
visit Lombok. d. Giving
a. Are
b. Was 7. Dimas said that he … to
c. Were hometown the following day.
d. Have a. Were going to go back
b. Was going to go back
3. We knew he … the difficult c. Would contacted
situation. d. Would contact
a. Would be investigated
b. Would investigate 8. My friends promised he …give
c. Would handled you an ice cream.
d. Would handle a. Would have
b. Will
4. My uncle told me that he …come c. Would
on time. d. Had
a. Will have 9. I wish you would … to my house
b. Would to my house, because it’s my
c. Would have birthday.
d. Would have been a. To came
b. Come
5. Vina got a feeling that everything c. To come
… d. Coming

10. Robi knew that he … a job easily c. Were going to come
after a long time unemployed. d. Was going to come
a. Won’t find
b. Wouldn’t find 15. I was sure that the employer …
c. Were going to come me after receiving my resume.
d. Was going to come a. Would contacted
b. Would contact
11. I thought that the authorities … c. Were going to go back
investigate all allegations of fraud. d. Was going to go back
a. Were going to
b. Were go to 16. We thought Rizma … going to
c. Going buy a new car.
d. Going to a. Have
b. Were
12. The students promised that they c. Had
… in exams. d. Was
a. Would never cheat
b. Would never cheated 17. I knew that the murder case …
c. Would be all right by the sheriff.
d. Would all right a. Would be investigated
b. Would investigate
13. I knew she … the task in an hour. c. Would handled
a. Finished d. Would handle
b. Finish
c. Would finish 18. Lia …going to give two beautiful
d. Would finishing scarfs to her friend.
a. Were
14. I thought you … to my house b. Is
tonight. c. Was
a. Won’t find d. Have
b. Wouldn’t find

19. Farah told me that she … PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS
souvenirs for herself.
a. Was not going to buy 1. I would be …… Indonesian
b. Were not going to buy anthem last Monday
c. Would never cheat a. Finishing
d. Would never cheated b. Would be blowing
c. Would blowing
20. She .... a car from her brother, if d. Singing
she had needed it
a. Would has borrowed 2. Wira told me that he …attending
b. Would have borrowed the conference at 9 o’clock this
c. Should have borrowed morning.
d. Should has borrowed a. Would
b. Would be
c. Will
d. Will be

3. My brother would not be …..

Thesis last week
a. Finishing
b.Would be blowing
c. Would blowing
d. Singing

4. Andi planned to do some soil tests

in the laboratory at 9 a.m yesterday.
He would … soil samples by 8 a.m
that morning.
a. To prepare
b. Prepare
c. Be preparing
d. Be prepare

5. She ……copying the materials at b. Discuss
10 o’clock this morning. c. Be discuss
a. Was d. Be discussing
b. Will
c.Would 10. They … taking an English exam
d. Would be at 10 a.m. yesterday.
a. Would be
6. My daughter would …TV at eight b. Would been
o’clock last night. c. Would
a. Be watch d. Will
b. Be watching
c. Watching 11. We … a football game at 11 p.m.
d. Been watching last night.
a. Would be watching
7. She had a feeling that the show b. Would been watch
…taking place smoothly at 7 p.m last c. Would be watch
week. d. Would be watch
a. Will be have
b. Will be 12. This time last year, she would
c. Wouldn’t …Economics at the University of
d. Wouldn’t be Toronto.
a. Studied
8. My father thought the wind …hard b. Been studying
by this time yesterday. c. Study
a. Would be blowing d. Be studying
b. Would blowing
c. Would been blowed 13. Oscar … anywhere when you
d. Would be blow visited him on Sunday
a. wouldn’t be going
9. I would … English with my b. wouldn’t be gone
classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday. c. wouldn’t been going
a. Discussing d. wouldn’t be go

e. wouldn’t been gone e. would be learning
18. Cindy … any article when he
14. If I phoned him at 10 o’clock last invited her to watch the movie
night, … soundly? a. wouldn’t be not writing
a. would he be sleeping b. wouldn’t be writing
b. would be he sleeping c. wouldn’t is writing
c. would he is sleeping d. would is not writing
d. would is he sleeping e. wouldn’t be written
e. would he be slept
19. When the teacher entered the
15. If she called you at 8 o’clock last class, They … the problem very
Monday, … in your office? seriously
a. would be you working a. would be discussed
b. would you be worked b. would are discussing
c. would you been work c. would be discussing
d. would you be working d. would are discussed
e. would you are working e. would been discussing

16. My father … preparing for his 20. When they did their homework, I
vacation …TV
a. is would a. would be not watching
b. would is b. wouldn’t been watched
c. would be c. wouldn’t been watching
d. would to be d. wouldn’t be watched
e. would been e. wouldn’t be watching

17. He … about swimming when

you came to the swimming pool
a. would learning
b. would have learning
c. would been learning
d. would be learned

PAST FUTURE PERFECT c. Would have Cindy
d. Will Cindy have
1. I …… that thief last night, but he 6. I would …a rich man, if my
could wriggle out from me. company had won the tender.
a. Would have be caught a. Have
b. Would have caught b. Have be
c. Will have caught c. Have been
d. Will caught d. Had been

2. She .... a car from her brother, if 7. They ..... the examination if they
she had needed it had studied harder before
a. Would has borrowed a. Wouldn't has failed
b. Would have borrowed b. Won't have failed
c. Should have borrowed c. Wouldn't have failed
d. Should has borrowed d. Shan't have failed

3. If Paul had slept earlier, he .....late 8. If he had wanted to sell that house,
a. Would haven't gotten up I from him
b. Wouldn't have gotten up a. Would have buy
c. Shouldn't have gotten up b. Would have buying
d. Won't have gotten up c. Would have bought
d. Will have bought
4. She …. a queen, unfortunately she 9. Before taking a leave of absence
died due to a disease. yesterday, he would completed his
a. Would have be work for the client. He would …it
b. Would have two days ago.
c. Would have been a. Have submitted
d. Would be b. To submitted
c. Have be submitted
5. ... helped me if I had asked her? d. Have been submitted
a. Would Cindy have 10. If you had had much money, .....
b. Should have Cindy to be your girlfriend?

a. Would has she wanted c. Would have be
b. Should have she wanted d. Would have been
c. Would she have want
d. Would she have wanted 15. Rico ...... to the party alone, if he
had let me go with him
11. Susi would have …a delicious a. Would haven't come
chicken if the gas of her stove had b. Would have came
not run out. c. Would have coming
a. Cooked d. Wouldn't have come
b. Be cooking
c. Been cook 16. I thought you …by the time I
d. Cook arrived.
a. Would have be slept
12. I phoned at five o’clock since I b. Would have slept
know you would have …home by c. Would be slept
then. d. Would have been slept
a. Get
b. Getting 17. He would …. passed the
c. Gotten examination If She had learned hard.
d. Got a. Been
b. Had
13. If my father had given me much c. Be
money, I ... a gift for my girlfriend d. Have
a. Should have buy
b. Would have bought 18. If they had come earlier, I .....the
c. Would has bought house
d. Will have bought a. Would haven't left
b. Wouldn't have left
14. My father … very upset if he had c. Should haven't left
saw me out of class. d. Would have leave
a. Will have be
b. Would have

19. We …… arrived on time If we PAST FUTURE PERFECT
walked faster. CONTINUOUS
a. Have
1. I …to the music for 15 minutes.
b. Had
a. Would have been listen
c. Would have
b. Would have been listening
d. Would had
c. Would had listening
d. Would had been listening
20. We would have that
company if we had passed the
interview test before 2. We wouldn't ....repairing the car

a. Working since 8 o'clock

b. Work a. Have been

c. Worked b. Has been

d. Works c. Been have

d. Have

3. They would have been … as a

software programmer since 2011.
a. To work
b. Working
c. To worked
d. Worked

4. He would have been .... in the

company for a year by the end of this
a. Worked
b. Working
c. Work
d. To work

5. We … been staying here for a


a. Would have 10. I would have been ....since 9
b. Will have o'clock
c. Will had a. To sleep
d. Would had b. Sleep
c. Slept
d. Sleeping
6. .... been listening to the music for
an hour by 9 o'clock?
a. Would they
11. Oscar wouldn't have been
b. Should they since 8 o'clock
c. Would have they
a. Playing
d. Would they have
b. Played
c. Play
7. My boyfriend would have ……
d. To play
flower at this hour yesterday.
a. Be giving 12. She told me that she would have

b. Giving been … line to buy ticket when the

c. Been give last bus came yesterday.

d. Been giving a. Make

b. To making

8. ... been staying in your c. Making

grandfather's house since Saturday? d. To make

a. Would have you
13. They would have ...... his work
b. Would you have
for a week on sunday
c. Would you
a. Do
d. Will you
b. Doing
9. Nisa and her family would … c. Been done
living at their new house by the end d. Been doing
of this month last year.
14. If my parent permitted me I …
a. Had been
travelling around the world last year.
b. Had
a. Would have be
c. Have been
b. Would have been
d. Have be

c. Would have end of last month.
d. Will have been a. Learning
b. Learn
15. She ... been watching TV for
c. To learn
about two hour by 9 o'clock
d. Learned
a. Would has
b. Will 20. Paul .... been visiting Bali since
c. Should Wednesday
d. Would have a. Would have
b. Would has
16. They … English grammar for
c. Would
two years by the end of last month.
d. Should
a. Would have be learning
b. Would have learning
c. Would have be learn
d. Would have been learning

17. She would have …for me for 3

hours at 10 p.m yesterday, but she
had gone at 9 p.m.
a. Wait
b. Be waiting
c. Waiting
d. Been waiting

18. Eddy and Clara wouldn't

.....learning english since 10 o'clock
a. Has been
b. Have
c. Have been
d. Has

19. They would have been …

English grammar for one year by the

Passive voice dapat juga di artikan sebagai kalimat pasif. Kalimat pasif
dalam bahasa Inggris dinyatakan dalam pola dimana objek yang menerima aksi
yang dilakukan oleh pelaku / agen. Rumusnya secara umum tertulis sebagai berikut:

S + to be + past participle (V3)

Contoh kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris :

1. I am called by my friend.
(Saya dipanggil oleh teman saya.)

2. That brown chicken is being cooked by my mom.

(Ayam cokelat itu sedang di masak oleh ibu saya.)

3. Mathematics books are read by APRA COLLEGE students.

(Buku-buku matermatika di baca oleh siswa-siswa APRA COLLEGE.)

4. Facebook’s company name has been changed by Mark Zuckerberg into

(Nama perusahaan Facebook sudah di ganti oleh Mark Zuckerberg
menjadi Meta.)

5. My house was visited by my grandparents two days ago.

(Rumah saya di kunjungi oleh kakek nenek saya 2 hari yang lalu.)

6. Rian’s bikes were repaired by a mechanic last week.

(Sepeda-sepeda Rian diperbaiki oleh seorang montir minggu lalu.)

7. A broken car on the road will be taken by police soon.

(Sebuah mobil yang rusak dijalan akan di ambil oleh Polisi segera.)

NOTE : Untuk menyusun kalimat pasif haruslah dengan kata kerja yang bisa
memiliki objek (kata kerja transitif).

Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris mengikuti pola tenses yang ada dalam
tata bahasa Inggris:

No Tense Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif Rumus

1 Simple My brother The bathroom is S + to be (present) +

Present cleans the cleaned by my V3
Tense bathroom brother every
(The bathroom + is +
every day. day.

2 Present My brother is The bathroom is S + to be (present )+

Continuou cleaning the being cleaned by being + V3
s Tense bathroom now. my brother now.
(The bathroom + is +
being + cleaned)

3 Present My brother has The bathroom S + to be (present) +

Perfect cleaned the has been cleaned V3
Tense bathroom by my brother
(The bathroom + has
today. today.
been + cleaned)

4 Present My brother has The bathroom S + to be (present) +

Perfect been cleaning has been being being + V3
Continuou the bathroom cleaned by my
(The bathroom + has
s Tense for 2 hours. brother for 2
been + being +
cleaned )

5 Simple My brother The bathroom S + to be (past) + V3

Past Tense cleaned the was cleaned by
(The bathroom + was
bathroom my brother
+ cleaned)
yesterday. yesterday.

6 Past My brother The bathroom S + to be (past) +
Continuou was cleaning was being being + V3
s Tense the bathroom cleaned by my
(The bathroom + was
when I came brother when I
+ being + cleaned)
yesterday. came yesterday.

7 Past My brother The bathroom S + to be (past

Perfect had cleaned had been perfect) + V3
Tense the bathroom cleaned by my
(The bathroom + had
yesterday. brother
been + cleaned)

8 Past My brother The bathroom S + to be (past

Perfect had been had been being perfect) + being + V3
Continuou cleaning the cleaned by my
(The bathroom + had
s Tense bathroom brother
been + being +
yesterday. yesterday.

9 Simple My brother The bathroom S + will be + V3

Future will clean the will be cleaned
(The bathroom + will
Tense bathroom by my brother
be + cleaned)
tomorrow. tomorrow.

10 Future My brother The bathroom S + will be + being +

Continuou will be will be being V3
s Tense cleaning the cleaned by my
(The bathroom + will
bathroom at brother at 8:00
be + being + cleaned)
8:00 AM PM tomorrow.

11 Future My brother The bathroom S + will have been +

Perfect will have will have been V3
Tense cleaned the cleaned by my
(The bathroom + will
bathroom at
have been + cleaned)

8:00 PM brother at 8:00
tomorrow. PM tomorrow.

12 Future My brother The bathroom S + will have been +

Perfect will have been will have been being + V3
Continuou cleaning the being cleaned
(The bathroom + will
s Tense bathroom for 3 for 3 hours next
have been + being +
hours next 30 30 minutes.

Kalimat pasif dapat dinyatakan dalam tiga bentuk kalimat :

1. Affirmative sentence :

S + to be + V3

Riska is called by her mother every day.

2. Negative sentence :

S + to be + not + V3

Riska is not called by her mother every day.

3. Interrogative sentence :

To be + S + V3

Is Rika called by her mother every day?

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan pilihan jawaban yang

1. My mango tree is ..... by carpenters.

A. cut
B. cutted
C. cutter
D. cutting
E. cuts

2. My girlfriend ..... by her ex boyfriend.

A. are called
B. are calling
C. is called
D. is calling
E. is call

3. APRA students ..... by many young coaches.

A. is taught
B. is teaching
C. are taught
D. are teaching
E. are teach

4. I ..... by my mother to pick up sisters.

A. is order
B. is ordered
C. am ordered
D. am ordering
E. are ordered

5. Those mosquitos ..... killed today.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. to
E. do

6. My house ..... this week.

A. have been fixed
B. has been fixed
C. had been fixed
D. has been fixing
E. have been fixing

7. My webinar ..... by millions of people last month.

A. were watched
B. are watched
C. is watched
D. was watched
E. am watched

8. Horror stories ..... by my uncle last week.

A. was told
B. was telling
C. were told
D. were telling
E. were tell

9. Our dinner will be ..... by my boss next week.

A. paying
B. pays
C. payment

D. paid
E. pay

10. A green tiny ball ..... by my dog in the park.

A. have been chasing
B. has been chasing
C. have been chased
D. has been chased
E. has chased

11. That black paper ..... by the landlord last night.

A. were burning
B. were burned
C. was burned
D. was burning
E. was burn

12. Those novels ..... by children every day.

A. are read
B. is read
C. was read
D. were read
E. am read

13. An old red apple ..... on the table.

A. are put
B. are putting
C. is put
D. is putting
E. to put

14. That white small plate ..... by my sister last night.

A. were cleaned
B. were cleaning
C. was cleaning
D. was cleaned
E. was clean

15. My beautiful cakes ..... by cats last week.

A. had been eating
B. had been eaten
C. has been eating
D. have been eating
E. have been eaten

16. A hundred love letters ..... by postman.

A. is sent
B. is sending
C. are sending
D. are sent
E. are send

17. Art ceremony has been ..... by art lovers.

A. see
B. saw
C. seen
D. seeing
E. sees

18. Football was ..... by Indonesia’s team last night.

A. playing
B. plays
C. play
D. player
E. played

19. Our laptop ..... by technician tomorrow.
A. will be repaired
B. will be repairing
C. will repaired
D. will repair
E. will have repaired

20. My parents’ houses ..... by buyers next month.

A. will be bought
B. will be buy
C. will be buys
D. will be brought
E. will be bring

Conditional sentence atau yang dikenal dengan kalimat beryarat,
adalah kalimat yang memiliki dua klausa yang terdiri dari induk kalimat dan
anak kalimat. Untuk menghubunkan dua kalimat tersebut kta dapat
menggunakan kata “IF” yang berarti “seandainya / jika”.
Secara umum, ada 4 jenis conditional sentence dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

1. Zero Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 0)

• Rumus

If + Subject + Verb 1, Subject + Verb 1 + Complement

• Fungsi

Causative jenis ini biasa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kondisi

yang menyatakan tentang tindakan yang bersifat umum atau biasa
terjadi. Kata “if” pada kalimat jenis ini dapat juga diganti dengan
“when” tanpa mengubah makna kalimat.

• Contoh
▪ If you heat ice, it melts
▪ Ice melts if you heat it.
▪ When you heat ice, it melts.
▪ Ice melts when you heat it.
▪ If it rains, the grass gets wet.
▪ The grass gets wet if it rains.
▪ When it rains, the grass gets wet.
▪ The grass gets wet when it rains.

2. First Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 1)

• Rumus

If + Subject + Verb 1, Subject + Will + Verb 1 + Complement

• Fungsi
Conditional sentence type 1 atau sering disebut dengan first
conditional, adalah conditional sentence yang digunakan ketika
hasil dari syarat yang diucapkan memiliki kemungkinan untuk
terwujud di masa depan. Alasannya, kondisi yang digambarkan
dalam kalimat cukup masuk akal untuk jadi kenyataan.

• Contoh
▪ I will go shopping if I have free time.
▪ If they come, I will be happy.
▪ Will you come if she invites you?
▪ If you do not finish your homework, your mother will be sad.
▪ If you meet Anna, ask her to call me.
▪ If he bullies me, I will report him to the school principal.
▪ If you give me money, I will help you with your homework.
▪ If they lend me their car, I will return it tomorrow night after
I use it to deliver my package.

3. Second Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 2)

• Rumus

If + Subject + Verb 2, Subject + Would + Verb 1 + Complement

• Fungsi

Conditional sentence type 2 atau sering juga disebut second
conditional adalah bagian dari conditional sentence yang biasanya
digunakan ketika hasil dari syarat dalam kalimat tidak memiliki atau
hanya memiliki sedikit kemungkinan untuk terjadi karena
kondisinya tidak mungkin dipenuhi di masa sekarang atau
kondisinya sulit untuk dipenuhi di masa depan.

• Contoh
▪ I would buy a new car if I were you. (fact: I am not you)
▪ If they studied hard, they would pass. (fact: They do not
▪ I would give a discount if I were the owner. (fact: I am not
the owner)
▪ If Ann had a lot of money, she would buy an island. (fact:
Ann has no money)
▪ Troy would go to the moon if he had a space shuttle. (fact:
Troy does not have it)

4. Third Conditional (Conditional Sentence Tipe 3)

• Rumus

If + Subject + Had + Verb 3, Subject + Would have + Verb 3 +


• Fungsi

Third conditional sentence atau kalimat pengandaian tipe 3

merupakan sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika

sebuah kondisi tidak mungkin terwujud sama sekali. Hal ini bisa
digambarkan karena kondisi yang sangat mustahil atau hanya
sebuah mimpi atau imajinasi. Kalimat-kalimat ini benar-benar
merupakan pengandaian dan tidak nyata karena sudah terlambat
untuk dilakukan sekarang dan hasilnya sudah tidak mungkin terjadi.

• Contoh
▪ I would have attended your party if you had remembered to
invite me.
▪ If the waiter had been careful, he would not have broken
many cups.
▪ I would have believed you if you had not lied to me before.
▪ If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
▪ Cecil would have passed her exam if she had studied
▪ Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees.
▪ You will pass the test if you study hard.
▪ I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.
▪ I would have passed the exam if I had studied harder.


1. If a customer ..... chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will
get extra toppings.
a. Order
b. Orders
c. Will order
d. Ordered
e. Ordering

2. The hotel front desk clerk ..... you special price room rates if you don’t
a. Won’t offer
b. Wouldn’t offer
c. Offered
d. Offer
e. Offering

3. If you call Tessa, I ..... others.

a. Calls
b. Called
c. Will call
d. Would call
e. Have called

4. If I ..... his mind, I wouldn’t let him touch my PC.

a. Would read
b. Could read
c. Read
d. Reads
e. Reading

5. If he were here, I ..... him not to enter the room without permission.
a. Advice
b. Advise
c. Could advice
d. Would advise
e. Advising

6. If you ..... an umbrella, you wouldn’t have got wet.

a. Take
b. Takes
c. Had taken
d. Had took

7. If you ..... about personal financial planning, you could’ve spent your
money wisely.
a. Had known
b. Had knew
c. Knew
d. Know
e. Knowing

8. ..... the students uderstand, they will raise their hand to ask.
a. If
b. If not
c. Unless
d. If don’t
e. Not less

9. ..... there is a strike, the train will be running normally.

a. If
b. If not

c. If don’t
d. Not less
e. Unless

10. You’ll have an accident ..... you take more care.

a. Unless
b. Not less
c. If don’t
d. If not
e. If

11. If he ....., he will get there in time.

a. Run
b. Ran
c. Run
d. Runs
e. Running

12. If she ..... here, she would talk to me easily.

a. Lives
b. Liver
c. Lived
d. Live
e. Living

13. If I had a car, I would ..... around the city.

a. Goes
b. Going
c. Gone
d. Go
e. Got

14. If we ..... fly, we would take you to the moon.
a. can
b. cannot
c. could
d. would
e. should

15. I will ..... a big house, if I am a rich man.

a. buys
b. bought
c. buy
d. buying
e. buyed

16. We would have arrived earlier, if they ..... us yesterday.

a. Had informed
b. Have informed
c. Has informed
d. Informed
e. Information

17. She will be very happy, if she ..... her study.

a. Graduated
b. Graduates
c. Graduating
d. Graduate
e. Would graduate

18. She ..... early, if she had got taxi.

a. Would come
b. Would have come
c. Will come

d. Will have come
e. Would came

19. If you were my girlfriend, I would ..... you.

a. Kiss
b. Kisses
c. Kissed
d. Kissing
e. Could kiss

20. If I had known she was here, I would ..... her.

a. Had approached
b. Have approached
c. Has approached
d. Approached
e. Approaching

Causative adalah kalimat yang digunakan ketika subjek tidak melakukan
sesuatu sendiri, melainkan meminta orang lain untuk melakukannya.
Dengan kata lain, causative verb adalah kata kerja yang membuat subjek
(dapat berupa manusia atau subjek lainnya) atau yang bisa disebut agent,
melakukan sesuatu. Cara membuat orang lain melakukan sesuatu dapat
dengan meminta, membayar, hingga memaksa. Yang perlu kamu ingat
untuk menandai kalimat causative, bahwa aktivitas yang dialami subjek
merupakan hasil kerja dari orang lain, bukan dirinya sendiri.

Terdapat dua jenis causative verb, yaitu causative verbs active dan causative
verbs passive.

a. Causative Verbs Active

Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering

digunakan, yakni have, get, let, dan make:

• Have
Have digunakan saat kita ingin memberikan tanggung jawab
kepada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan
adalah sebagai berikut :

S + (have/ had) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) +

Contoh :

▪ I had my brother take that glass

▪ Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper
▪ I’ll have the plumber fix the sink.
▪ They have gardeners mow the grass.
▪ She has Didi return the book.

• Get
Get digunakan untuk meyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan
sesuatu atau mengelabui orang lain. Tujuannya untuk meyakinkan
orang tersebut melakukan sesuatu untuk dirinya. Rumus yang
digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)

Contoh :

▪ He got his father to buy a ball

▪ Chloe gets Emilija to go shop some fruits
▪ Dani got Diva to teach him math
▪ He got his girlfriend to buy a snack
▪ I got the cleaner to clean under the cupboards.

• Let

Let lebih sopan digunakan karena maknanya adalah

memberikan izin kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Selain
itu, let jugabermakna allow atau permit, yang mana berarti
mengizinkan. Dimana, kata ini digunakan untuk memperbolehkan
seseorang melakukan sesuatu atau membiarkan sesuatu terjadi tanpa
memberhentikannya. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut

Aktif : S + let + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

▪ Wil you let me go now?

▪ She lets me drive her car

▪ My father lets me choose the gift
▪ I let my mother enter my room.
▪ Nina lets Dina visit her house.

• Make
Make digunakan dalam kalimat yang memiliki sifat
memaksa. Sehingga, seseorang yang melakukannya tidak dapat
mengendalikan dirinya sendiri dan melakukan apa yang
diperintahkan Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + (make/ made) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

• The manager makes her staff work hard

• My teacher made me apologize for what I had said
• Did she makes you wear that ugly hat?
• Mr. Robinson made her daughter sweep the floor.
• We make Jeni prepare for tomorrow’s event.

b. causative Verbs Passive

Berbeda dengan active, kalimat passive tidak memiliki

object person di dalam kalimat yang digunakan. Sementara pada active
causative terdapat objek berupa person atauorang. Ketika menjadi
kalimat, untuk action verb menggunakan past participle,
sementara object berubah menjadi noun.

Passive causative umumnya memiliki kata yang sama

dengan active causative, yaitu let, get, have, dan make. Namun, kata
yang paling sering digunakan dalam passive causative hanya dua,
yaitu get dan have.

• Have
Subject + (have-had)+object+action verb(V-3).

I had my jacket cleaned yesterday

I had my computer fixed
We have our house cleaned.
Bila has her cloth prepared.
My sister had her doll cleaned.

• Get
Subject + (get-got) + object + action verb (V-3).

I get the book put on the shelf.

She gets her flowers watered.
They got the hotel booked.
I got my jacket cleaned.


1. I ..... the mechanic fix my car.

a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Haven’t
e. Hasn’t

2. She ..... her husband clean her house.

a. Have
b. Had
c. Has
d. Haven’t
e. Hasn’t

3. My father has me ..... the house’s floor.

a. Swept
b. Swepped
c. Sweep
d. Sweeping
e. Sweeper

4. Yori and Yora ..... him watch their video.

a. Let
b. Lets
c. Let’s
d. Letting
e. Let us

5. Alvian ..... his brother cook the chiken today.

a. got
b. gets
c. getting
d. gotten
e. get

6. Our students ..... their parents buy cars for them.

a. had
b. has
c. have
d. have not
e. has not

7. Siri ..... her mother wash her clothes.

a. Let
b. Lets
c. Letting
d. Let’s
e. Let us

8. Lidi and friends ..... the gardener clean their park.

a. Gets
b. Get
c. Got
d. Gotten
e. Getting

9. Ruri ..... me clean her school bag yesterday.

a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Have not

e. Has not

10. Yoga ..... his father repair his bike a week ago.
a. Gets
b. Get
c. Got
d. Gotten
e. Getting

11. Willi and Walla ..... their friends come to their office 2 days ago.
a. Lets
b. Let
c. Let’s
d. Let us
e. Letting

12. Domino has her car .....

a. Washes
b. Wash
c. Washing
d. Washed
e. Washer

13. Juko gets his hair .....

a. Cutted
b. Cut
c. Cuts
d. Cutting
e. Cute

14. I will let the room .....tomorrow.

a. Cleans

b. Cleaned
c. Clean
d. Cleaning
e. Cleaner

15. They had ..... yesterday.

a. their chicken cooks
b. their chicken cooking
c. their chicken cooked
d. chicken their cooked
e. chicken their cooking

16. Gogo got his plants ..... 2 weeks ago.

a. burning
b. burns
c. burner
d. burned
e. burn

17. Hondi let her novel ..... a year ago.

a. read
b. reads
c. reading
d. reader
e. readings

18. James’s guardian has you .....

a. watched
b. watches
c. watching
d. watcher
e. watch

19. She ..... next month.
a. will have the problem solving
b. will have the problem solved
c. have will solved the problem
d. have will solves the problem
e. will has the problem

20. You may have your homework .....

a. do
b. did
c. does
d. doer
e. done

Adalah kesesuaian antarpenyusun-penyusun suatu kalimat berdasarkan
aturan kcbahasaan tertentu.

A. Penggunaan concord dalam bahasa Inggris :

a. Kesesuaian antara subjek dan kata kerja (verb)

Di dalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat aturan tertentu tentang kesesuaian

antara subjek dan kata kerja dalam suatu kalimat. Jika subjek memiliki
bentuk tunggal, maka kata kerja yang digunakan harus menyesuaikan,
begitu pula jika subjek dari suatu kalimat berbentuk jamak. Contoh
Kalimat :

• Joe and Mey are finishing their assignments in the library right now.
• My mother cooks delicious chicken soup.

Jadi, kesesuaian antara subjek dan kata kerja (verb) yang dimaksudkan
diatas adalah kesesuaian yang terjadi berdasarkan pada tenses yang ada.
Sebagai contoh, jika menggunakan tenses simple present tense, maka
subject dan verbnya harus sesuai. Jika subject She, He, dan It maka pada
verbnya di tambahkan s/es.

➢ Ketika suatu kalimat memiliki dua subjek yang dihubungkan dengan

kata peng-hubung “and”, maka kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata
kerja bentuk jamak. Contoh Kalimat:

• Rudy and Sarah were celebrating their first marriage anniversary last
• My brother and I always play table tennis every weekend.

➢ Jika dalam suatu kalimat terdapat dua subjek yang dihubungkan dengan
kata penghubung “either….or…”, “neither….nor…” dan “not
only…but also…” maka kata kerja yang digunakan harus menyesuaikan
dengan subjek terakhir (yang paling dekat dengan kata kerja). Contoh

• Either my brother or my sister loves watching action movies.
• Neither my sister nor my friends like playing Badminton.
• Not only the students, but also the teachers are going to attend the
school anniversay party.

➢ Jika kata ganti tak tentu digunakan sebagai objek dalam suatu kalimat,
maka kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja bentuk tunggal.
Beberapa bentuk kata ganti tak tentu adalah anybody (siapapun), anyone
(siapapun), anything (apapun), each (setiap), either (salah satu),
everybody (setiap orang), everyone (setiap Orang, everything Semua
hal). nobody (tak seorangpun) no one (tak seorangpun ). somebody
(seseorang). someone (seseorang). Contoh Kalimat :

• Everything is messy right now.

• No one knows where she is living right now.
• Anything happens for a reason.

➢ Jika collective noun menjadi subjek dari suatu kalimat, maka kata kerja
yang digunakan adalah kata kerja bentuk jamak. Contoh dari collective
noun adalah organization, group, class, team, club, serta people. Contoh
Kalimat :

• People have to choose a reliable president for this country.

• My class make a plan for having a farewell party.

➢ Ketika subjek suatu kalimat dilengkapi dengan several, both, others,

many, atau few maka kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja
bentuk jamak. Contoh Kalimat :

• Many students are working hard to face an English debate competition.

• Both my brother and sister want to spend their long holiday in

➢ Jika kata kerja kolektif digunakan sebagai subjek dalam suatu kalimat.
maka bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk tunggal. Kata

benda kolektif dapat berupa kata benda satuan ukuran, uang, ataupun
waktu. Contoh Kalimat :

• Five hours is enough time to finish reading these two journals.

– Jika kata benda yang memiliki sifat jamak dilekati oleh the pair of
maka bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja bentuk
tunggal. Contoh Kalimat :

• The pair of shoes in that store is really expensive.

➢ Jika suatu kata benda dilekati oleh every atau each dan menjadi subjek
dari kalimat maka bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk
tunggal. Contoh Kalimat :

• Every student in this class intends to go to the music concert tomorrow.

• Each employee wants to have high salary.

➢ Jika kata benda dilekati oleh a number maka bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan adalah kata kerja bentuk jamak. Sebaliknya jika
menggunakan the number maka kata kerjanya bentuk
tunggal. Contoh Kalimat :

• The number of lecturers attends an important meeting in Malaya Hotel.

• A number of employees hold a protest for the low salary.

b. Kesesuaian antara kata ganti dan yang mendahului kata ganti.

Agreement in number Untuk bentuk kata yang mendahului kata ganti tersebut, baik
dalam bentuk tunggal maupun jamak.

• My brother tries hard to finish his annual report this night.

• All students have to submit their thesis proposal as soon as possible.

➢ Agreement in gender

Kata ganti akan mengikuti sifat gender kata yang mendahului kata ganti, baik
berupa sifat feminine, mascule, maupun neutral.

• Mey will go to England by herself within this month.

• My Father will go to his friend’s marriage anniversary tomorrow.

➢ Agreement in person

Kata ganti mengikuti sifat gender yang mendahului kata ganti baik berupa orang
pertama, kedua, maupun orang ketiga.

• My little sister has not finished her English assignment.

• My parents want to spend their weekend by having a vacation together.

➢ Ada beberapa kata di bawah ini yang selalu SINGULAR, yaitu :

Economics, mathematics,physics, knowledge, traffic, ethics, news,

furniture, dan sebagainya. Contoh :

• The news is important

• Knowledge is power

➢ Kalimat yang diawali dengan Gerund, maka verbnya selalu singular

• Playing basketball is my hobby

• Not studying has caused him many problems

➢ Bila subjek berupa prepositional phrase, maka predikatnya menyesuaikan

dengan kata yang terletak sebelum OF. Contoh kalimat :

• The study of languages is very interesting

• The effects of that crimes are likely to be devastating

Catatan Penting :

• Jika kata yang mendahului pronoun berupa indefinite pronoun (kata ganti
yang tidak spesifik), maka pronoun yang digunakan adalah bentuk tunggal
(singular). Beberapa indefinite pronoun dalam baha- sa Inggris adalah each,
either, everybody, everyone, everything, much, anybody, anyone, anything,
neither, no one, nothing, somebody, someone, one, atau something.

• Apabila kata yang mendahului kata ganti berupa plural indefinite pronoun,
maka bentuk kata ganti yang digunakan berbentuk jamak. Dalam bahasa
Inggris plural indefinite pronoun adalah several, others, both, many, few,
some, many.

• Apabila kata yang mendahului kata ganti terdiri dari dua atau lebih serta
dihubungkan dengan “and” maka kata gantinya akan berbentuk jamak.

• Apabila kalimat menggunakan bentuk not only….but also, neither….nor,

either…..or, maka kata ganti yang digunakan akan mengikuti yang kedua.
Apabila terdapat kalimat mengandung klausa relatif yang menggunakan
kata that, who, which, maka bentuk kata kerja atau kata ganti yang
digunakan harus mengikuti bentuk.

1. The Shipment of logs ... because of the bad weather.
A. they have been postponed
B. being postponed
C. has been postponed
D. to be postponed
E. have been postponed
2. The burden of economic problems ... the majority of Indonesian people.
A. have been frustrated
B. deeply frustrate
C. it ls deeply frustrating
D. has frustrated
E. are frustrated
3. The news on the local radio stations as well as in the newspaper ... that
the riots have spread to other places in the city
A. to be confirmed
B. is confirmed
C. confirm
D. are confirmed
E. confirms
4. At the beginning of the semester, each of the student ... given a new time-
A. he is
B. they are
C. are
D. is
E be
5. Producing high quality batiks .... skill and creativity.
A. need
B. they need
C. is needing

D. needs
E. is needs
6. The team always ... the final matches.
A. win
B. are winning
C. is winning
D. wins
E. won
7. It was a miracle that neither the passengers nor the driver ____ seriously
injured in the accident.
A. they were
B. was
C. to be
D. were
E. he was
8. The local radio newspapers as well as newspapers ____ that riots have
spread to other places in the city.
A. to be confirmed
B. is confirmed
C. confirm
D. are confirmed
E. confirms
9. The number of illiterate people in our country ____ drastically. decrease
B. decrease
C. has decreased
D. they decreased
E. it decreases
10. The installation on various high-tech electrical devices in our office ___ a
sophisticated safety system.
A. requiring
B. requires

C. to require
D. require
E. it requires
11. Different interpretations on the same event by various newspapers ____
readers confused and angry.
A. to make
B. they make
C. make
D. it makes
E. makes
12. The most common large animals in the western part of the United States
___ the mule deer.
A. are
B. is being
C. to be
D. they are
E. is
13. The development of solar energy for public use ____ rather slow due to
the high cost of production.
A. have been
B. has been
C. it has been
D. they have been
E. are being
14. A number of students ___ complaining about the test.
A. is
B. are
C. be
D. being
E. been
15. "The hotel is suffering a great lost."
"Yes, only ten percent of their rooms ....."

A. being occupied
B. have occupied
C. is occupied
D. are occupied
E. they are occupied
16. The way he smiles and talks always ... many girls.
a. To attract
b. It attracts
c. Attracts
d. Attracting
e. Attract
17. One of the problems faced by foreign businessman ... the frequent
changing of regulation.
a. Are
b. Is being
c. Be
d. Is
e. To be
18. Due to the monetary crisis, the number of people without jobs ... at the
a. Increase
b. Is increasing
c. Increased
d. Was increasing
e. Will increase
19. At the beginning of the semester each of the students ... given a new
a. He is
b. They are
c. Are
d. Is
e. Be

20. "Have you checked where most of the seminar participants come from?".
"Oh yes, two-thirds of them .... from various parts of Java".
A. are comming
B. comes
C. they come
D. to come
E. come


Choose the most suitable modals for these sentences!

1. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?

A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. should
E. Shall have

2. We …. like to visit that new store some day.

A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. would
E. Shall have

3. You are sick, but you don’t come hospital to see a doctor.
You …. visit him soon.

A. would
B. could
C. should
D. will
E. can

4. “I really don’t know why Tony didn’t come to the meeting”.

“There ….. something wrong with him.

A. might be
B. could be
C. will be

D. should have been
E. must have been

5.“Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.

A. will
B. could
C. must
D. may be
E. can

6. They………….. study hard because next April they will take the

A. Will
B. Should
C. Can
D. Must
E. May

7. You…………….. permit to your mother if you go to school.

A. Must
B. May
C. Mustn’t
D. Would
E. Shal

8. She …………………. Come here tomorrow.

A. Will
B. Can
C. Must
D. May
E. Might

9. He……………….speak English well if he took English course.

A. Will
B. Can
C. Could
D. May
E. May not

10. You seem to be having trouble there………………….. I help you ?

A. Would
B. Will
C. Shall
D. Should
E. might

11. The police officer warned the crowd that he ……………… order
shooting, if they created trouble.
a could d. will
b would e. would
c might

12. Passengers ……………… not smoke inside the bus.

a will d. would
b should e. could
c must

13. ………………. I have a word with you?

a will d. would
b shall e. could
c can

14. Parents ……………….. not accompany their children to the school.

a must d. will

b can e. might
c would

15. There was a time when I ……………… stay up late, but these days I go to
bed early.
a used to d. would to
b ought to e. might
c should

16. The Principal said that candidates without hall tickets ………………. not
be permitted inside the examination hall.
a could d. shall
b would e. might
c should

17. You ………………….. tell me. I know everything.

a must not d, did not
b need not e. would not
c cannot

18. Even if he had come a little earlier , he ………………… have got a seat in
the front row.
a should not d. will not
b might not e. must not
c would not

19. This building _________ been built recently.

a. Has d. should
b. Have e. would
c. Could

20. I ______a great solution to this problem.
a. have
b. has
c. had
d. shall
e. might

Question tag adalah pertanyaan yang kita letakkan di akhir kalimat atau pola
kalimat khusus dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta
konfirmasi, persetujuan, atau penegasan. Biasanya saat kita berbicara secara
langsung penggunaan question tag ini diterapkan.
contoh “Kemarin malam Itu kamu bukan?” “Kamu Reno, kan?”.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, question tag dapat diartikan sebagai kan? bukan? ya?
Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Question tag, diantaranya :
1. Apabila ada pernyataan positif (positive statement) diikuti oleh tag negatif
(negative tag).
• Positive Statement “You are Reno”
• Negative tag “aren’t you?”
• Arti “Kamu Reno, kan?”
2. Apabila pernyataannya negatif (negative statement) diikuti oleh tag
positif (positive tag).
• Negative statement “Goku doesn’t like coffe”
• Positive tag “does he?”
• Arti “Goku tidaksuka kopi, kan?”
3. Gunakan personal Pronoun ( Kata gantinama ) dalam tag
ex : Goku isn’t fit, is he?
4. Kata “Not” dalam Negative tag selalu disingkat
ex : will not = won’t

Pola Question Tag

1. Positive Statement – Negative Tag

Pernyataan positif (Positive Statement) diikuti oleh tag negatif

(negative tag).
• Positive statement “You are Writing”
• Negative tag “aren’t you?”

Ada beberapa kata, yang kita mengulang auxiliary yang diubah
kedalam bentuk negatifHave -> haven’t
• Will -> won’t
• Can -> can’t
• Should -> shouldn’t
• Must -> mustn’t
Jika kita tidak menemukan auxiliary dalam pernyataan tersebut, Ingat
bahwa auxiliary untuk simple present adalah “do/does”
dan auxiliary untuk simple past adalah “did”.
• Plays -> doesn’t (simple present) (i,you,we they menggunakan “do”,
he, she, it menggunakan “does”)
• Study -> don’t (simple present) (I, you, we they menggunakan “do”,
he she it menggunakan “does”)
• Played -> didn’t (simple past) (I, you, we,they he,
she,it menggunakan “did”)

2. Negative Statement – Positive Tag

Pernyataan negatif (Negative Statement) diikuti oleh tag positif
(positive tag).
• Negative Statement “They won’t go to school”
• Positive Tag “will they?”


Di Negative Statement, kitamengulang auxiliary yang diubah kedalam

bentuk positif.
• Aren’t you -> are
• Havent’t -> have
• Can’t -> can
• Shouldn’t -> should
• Mustn’t -> must
• Doesn’t -> does
• Don’t -> do
• Didn’t -> did

2. Special Cases

Ketentuan khusus special case dalam menggunakan question tag

1. a. Negative Words ( kata negatif )

Kata-kata berikut terlihat seperti pernyataan positif. Tetapi kata-kata
berikut ini memiliki arti/makna negatif. Kata tersebut memiliki arti tidak
pernah, jarang, hampir tidak, tak seorang pun.

• Never
• Seldom
• Hardly
• Rarely
• Barely
• Nothing
• Nobody/No one
Apabila suatu pernyataan menggunakan kata tersebut, maka pernyataan
tersebut pernyataan negatif (Negative Statement). Sebab itu kita
menggunakan tag positif (positve tag).

• Negative Statement “You never come to this place”

• Positive “Do you?”
• Arti “Kamu tidak pernah dating ke tempat ini, kan?”
• Jika subjeknya nobody, no one, somebody, someone, everyone, maka
menggunakan tag “they”
• Jika subjeknya nothing and everything, maka menggunakan tag “it”

2. b. Imperative (kalimat perintah) menggunakan tag “will you”

• Close the door, will you?
• Turn of the lamp, will you?
• Don’t come late, will you?
• Open the window,will you?
c. “I am” menggunakan tag “aren’t I?”
• => I am wrong, aren’t I? <=>I am sad, aren’t I?
d. “Have” menggunakan tag

• “Have”bisa digunakan sebagai auxiliary, contohnya :
➢ We have visited Bandung Zoo, haven’t we? (Kita telah
mengunjungi Bandung Zoo, kan?
➢ You have finished, haven’t you? (Kamu sudah selesai, kan?)
3. “Have” bisa digunakan sebagai verb (kata kerja), contohnya
1. She has a doll, doesn’t she?
Ingat dalam kalimat tersebut sebenarnya: She (does) has a doll. Jadi
question tagnya adalah : doesn’t, she?
2. They have a new car, don’t they?
Dalam kalimat tersebut sebenarnya: They (do) have new car. Jadi
question tagnya adalah : don’t they?
e. Let’s (let us) menggunakan tag “shall”
• example : Let’s go, shall we? => Let’s read, shall we? =>Let’s
write, shall we?

Choose the correct answer from these questions below

1. RhomaIrama is the king of dangdut song, ...?

a. aren’t he

b. don’t he

c. didn’t he

d. isn’t he

2. They will demonstration on 11 February, ... ?

a. will they

b. won’t they

c. didn’t they

d. isn’t they

3. Vida were in my heart last time, ... ?

a. will not she

b. didn’t she

c. isn’t she

d. weren’t she

4. Money isn’t make your life better, ... ?

a. is it

b. do it

c. don’t it

d. will it

5. I am not afraid to stand alone, ... ?

a. do I

b. am i

c. don’t i

d. won’t i

6. Everything will be alright, ... ?

a. don’t it

b. isn’t it

c aren’t it

d. won’t it

7. They aren’t paid well, ... ?

a. are they they

c. didn’t they

d. will they

8. The civil servants aren’t fired by their governor,..?

a. are they

b. do they

c. didn’t they

d. will they

9. You have never seen your wife, ...?

a. have you

b. do you

c. did you

d. aren’t you

10. Let’s play Futsal in Stadium, ... ?

a. haven’t you

b. don’t you

c. did you

d. shall we

11. Aminah seldom advised me, ... ?

a. haven’t she

b. doesn’t she

c. did she

d.will she

12. My step mother rarely loves me, ... ?

a. don’t she

b. doesn’t she

c. does she

d.did she

13. My step father has kicked me in the kitchen, ... ?

a. hasn’t he

b. has he

c. didn’t he

d.will he

14. Close your door, ... ?

a. has you

b. don’t you

c. did you

d.will you

15. No one has patient like our prophet, ... ?

a.haven’t they

b.have they

c.didn’t they

d.will they

16. He always watches me from that bridge, ... ?

a. didn’t he

b. doesn’t he

c. does he

d.did he

17. He broke my pipe last time, ... ?

a.hasn’t he b.has he c.didn’t he d.will he

18. Nothing will be perfect in this world, ... ?

a. hasn’t they

b. has they

c. won’t they

d.will they

19. The sound’s habibSyech is very good, ... ? he

b.isn’t he

c.won’t he

d.will he

20. She always traps Ilzami with her innocent child,..?

a.doesn’t she

b.isn’t she

c.does she she



Klausa adalah penggabungan kata yang terdiri atas subjek dan

predikat. Klausa biasanya dilengkapi dengan menggunakan objek,
pelengkap, dan keterangan. Sehingga, bisa ditarik kesimpulannya bahwa
klausa lebih lengkap dibandingkan dengan frasa. Klausa terdiri dari
dependent clause dan independent clause.

1. Dependent Clause

Dependent clause adalah kelompok kata yang

mengandung subject dan verb (kata kerja) namun tidak dapat
mengungkapkan suatu pikiran yang utuh.

Macam-macam Dependent Clause :

1. Adjective Clause
Adjective clause berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat) dan
menjelaskan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang berada
pada main clause (klausa utama) suatu complex sentence.
Noun atau pronoun tersebut dapat merupakan subject, object, atau subject
complement. Contoh: Jakarta is a city where I was born. (Jakarta adalah
kota dimana saya dilahirkan.) Pada contoh kalimat di atas adjective
clause menerangkan city yang merupakan subject complement pada main

Adjective atau relative clause juga harus digabungkan dengan relative

pronoun dan relative adverb yang terdiri dari: that, where, when, who,
whom, whose, which. Contoh:
• The boy, who was angry at his friend, bit his hand.
• A 70-year-old man, whose house was recently struck by lightning,
said he lost everything.

Rumus Adjective Clause dalam Kalimat
Rumus Adjective Clause sebagai Subject menggunakan who,
that serta which. Contohnya ada pada the cotton candy, that was
made of sugar. Fungsinya adalah sebagai object dengan
menggunakan kata whom, that, which dan juga who. Misalnya saja
pada kalimat “that is book, which I want to buy”. Fungsi lainnya
ada pada whose. Tak banyak yang memahami fungsi ini.
Contohnya ada pada Afi, whose car has burned down. Kita
kemudian dapat membagi adjective clause berdasarkan pada yang
kemudian akan ditempelkan pada noun. Ada beberapa ilustrasi sifat
dari noun yang bisa digambarkan. Tiap ilustrasi kemudian memiliki
rumus yang berbeda-beda, diantaranya :

• Noun + ketika kamu melakukan sesuatu

• Noun + di mana kamu kemudian melakukan sesuatu
• Noun + mengapa kamu melakukan sesuatu
• Noun + bagaimana kamu dapat melakukan sesuatu
• Noun + ia yang melakukan sesuatu
• Noun + apa yang kamu lakukan
• Noun + yang terhadapnya kamu melakukan sesuatu
Kata noun ini berfungsi mewakili yang hendak dijelaskan. Jadi,
dapat kategorikan adjective clause berdasarkan kepada nama
conjunctionnya, sebagaimana dalam tabel yaitu relative adverb dan
relative pronoun.

2. Relative Pronoun
Relative pronoun sebagai conjunction adjective clause yang berfungsi
menggantikan suatu subject, object, dan object of preposition yang hilang.
Karena pada adjective clause kemudian mengandung relative pronoun who/
which/that/ whom.

1. Relative Pronoun as Subject (RPS)

Relative Pronoun as Subject [RPS] adalah ketika nounnya kemudian
bersifat yang melakukan sesuatu (verbal) atau berupa sesuatu
(nominal), sehingga harus menggunakan conjunction “who, which,
that”. Relative Pronoun as Subject (RPS) juga harus langsung diikuti
oleh verb, karena perannya sebagai subject. Rumus ”. Relative
Pronoun as Subject (RPS) sebagai yang melakukan sesuatu
adalah who/which/that + V + (O)

Contoh Kalimat:

• The girls who/that came to my house yesterday | Artinya: Wanita

yang datang ke rumahku kemarin)
• The dog which/that always steals fish | Artinya: Anjing yang
selalu mencuri ikan

2. Relative Pronoun as Object (RPO)

Relative Pronoun as Object merupakan kondisi ketika sebuah noun

kemudian harus menggunakan conjunction “whom, which, that”.
Relative Pronoun as Object umumnya diikuti oleh subject lalu verb
yang transitive (butuh object). Mengapa transitive? Karena
fungsinya adalah sebagai object. Maka perlu digarisbawahi
terkadang verb transitive kemudian memiliki hanya satu object
saja, meski terkadang juga terdapat dua object. Rumus Relative
Pronoun as Object sendiri diantaranya whom/which/that + S + Vt +

Contoh Kalimat Relative Pronoun as Object:

• The bag which/that you bought (Tas yang kamu beli)

• The children whom/that my dad visit (Anak-anak yang ayahku

3. Relative Adverb
Relative Adverb sebagai conjunction adjective clause yang
muncul setelah noun-noun tertentu. Kesamaan dari semua jenis
relative adverbnya terletak pada tidak adanya komponen yang

Rumus relative adverb sendiri adalah relative adverb + S + V +

(O). Dapat dilihat pada rumus tersebut dengan subject yang masih
ada. Jika verbnya transitive pun, objectnya kemudian masih

Relative Adverb of Time : When

Kata “when” umumnya digunakan saat sebuah relative adverb

berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dari noun berupa waktu contohnya ada
pada : day, month, year, moment, hour, date, dan lainnya. Berikut
ini contohnya:

• The day when dad calls me : Hari ketika ayah menelponku

• The year when my brother was born : Tahun ketika saudaraku

Relative Adverb of Place: Where

Kata where digunakan saat relative adverb berfungsi sebagai sifat

dari noun of place (noun berupa tempat), contohnya pada : house,
building, office, market, place, room, dan lainnya. Berikut ini

• The building where Roni is hiding: Bangunan di mana Roni tengah

• The market where bats are sold : Pasar di mana kelelawar dijual

Relative Adverb of Reason : Why

Kata why digunakan saat relative adverb berfungsi sebagai kata

sifat dari noun of reason (noun berupa alasan). Umumnya hanya
terdapat pada satu noun of reason itu sendiri. Sinonimnya
diantaranya excuse, case, proof, idea, explanation. Perhatikan
contoh berikut:

• The reason why Nada cried: Alasan kenapa Nada menangis

• The idea why coronavirus spreads quickly: Gagasan kenapa virus
corona menyebar cepat

Relative Adverb of Manner : How

Kata how digunakan ketika relative adverb berfungsi sebagai kata

sifat dari noun of manner (noun berupa cara). Hanya terdapat satu
noun of manner, yaitu the way. Perhatikan >

• The way how I solve this problem

• The way how she talks to me

3. Relative Possessive : Whose

Relative Possessive berfungsi menggantikan possessive atau kepemilikan
pada my, your, their, our, his, her, its. Lebih jelasnya sebagai berikut:

• My neighbor will report to the police, artinya: Tetanggaku akan melapor

ke polisi
• His car was lost (Mobilnya hilang)
• My neighbor whose car was lost will report to the police (Tetanggaku yang
mobilnya hilang akan melapor ke polisi)

Kata whose pada kalimat di atas menggantikan his yang merupakan
possessive. Karena his pada dasarnya adalah adjective, maka ia harus
tetap menempel pada noun. Jadilah whose bicycle.

Adverbial Clause

Adverbial clause berfungsi sebagai adverb (kata keterangan) yang

memberikan informasi tentang verb, adjective, atau adverb lain.
Contoh: You should wait until the rain stops. (Kamu sebaiknya
menunggu sampai hujan berhenti.) Dalam kalimat ini, adverbial clause
menerangkan verb “wait”. Adverbial Clause dibagi menjadi :

• Adverbial clause of time, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi after,

before, when, as soon as, until, while, and etc
Contoh : She used to live in the rural area before she moved to

• Adverbial clause of place, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi where

atau wherever
Contoh : Andrew lives where he spent his childhood

• Adverbial clause of reason, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi

because, since, as, atau for
Contoh : Since he had been retired from his work, he tried to start his
own business.

• Adverbial clause of purpose, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi so,

so that, in order that.
Contoh : John had studied so hard, so he got scholarship fro

• Adverbial clause of consession, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi
though, although, eventhough, while, whereas.
Contoh : Although it was raining, they went to the beach.

Noun Clause

Noun clause berfungsi sebagai noun dalam kalimat. Contoh: She assumed
that everyone agreed with her. (Dia berasumsi bahwa semua orang sepakat
dengannya.) Dalam kalimat ini noun clause merupakan direct
object dari verb “assumed”. Noun clause dibagi menjadi :

• Sebagai Subjek
Contoh :
What he said was interesting
Where she went is not certain
Whether she comes or not is unimportant for me.
• Sebagai objek
Contoh :
I don’t know what should I do
Please tell me how I can get to the bus station
Jim told us where we could find it
• Sebagai complement
Contoh :
This is where I work

b. Dependent Marker Word

Sesuai yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, dependent clause merupakan sebuah klausa
yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Solusinya adalah dengan menggabungkan klausa
lain dengan dependent marker word yang terdiri dari: if, when, while, after,
although, as, because, before, even if, as if, even though, unless, until, in order to,
since, though, whatever, whenever, dan whether. Bisa dikatakan marker word ini
merupakan kata sambung agar dependent clause memiliki arti yang seutuhnya.

Contoh Kalimat

Untuk mengetahui penggunaan dependent clause mari kita lihat contohnya yang
dilengkapi juga dengan marker word atau kata sambungnya.

• I want to spend my holiday in Bali because Bali is so beautiful. (Saya ingin

menghabiskan liburan saya di Bali karena Bali sangat indah.)
• She is still working on that company though it is hard. (Dia tetap bekerja di
perusahaan itu walaupun bekerja di sana sulit.)
• My brother didn’t like the dish that I cooked. (Kakak laki-laki saya tidak
suka makanan yang saya masak.)
• Kutoarjo is a village where I was born. (Kutoarjo adalah sebuah desa
dimana saya dilahirkan.)
• My sister was sleeping when I came home last night. (Kakak perempuan
saya sedang tidur ketika saya pulang kemarin malam.)
• Although it is raining, he goes outside to do some exercises. (Walaupun
sedang hujan, dia keluar untuk berolahraga.)
• Kevin is a man who is very friendly. (Kevin adalah seorang laki-laki yang
sangat ramah.)
• That you left home, your parents are worried. (Karena kamu meninggalkan
rumah, orangtuamu khawatir.)
• Sinta is a beautiful girl who is so smart. (Sinta adalah seorang gadis cantik
yang sangat cerdas.)
• Rina bought a new house which is located in Bandar Lampung. (Rina
membeli sebuah rumah baru yang berlokasi di Bandar Lampung.)
• Dina is my old friend who sent me a letter last week. (Dina adalah teman
lama saya yang mengirimkan surat minggu lalu.)

c. Independent Clause

Independent clause merupakan klausa yang sudah memiliki suatu gagasan

utuh, atau bisa dikatakan sebagai kalimat lengkap. Dalam independent clause

terdiri dari subject, verb (kata kerja), dan biasanya komponen-komponen lain
sehingga membentuk suatu pikiran yang utuh.

Apa saja yang dimaksud dengan komponen lain? Komponen lain bisa berupa:

• Modifier yang dapat berupa adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan),
atau konstruksi lain yang berfungsi sebagai adjective atau adverb.
• Complement yang dapat berupa direct object jika kata kerja yang digunakan
merupakan transitive verb (hit, kich, touch, want)
• Subject complement berupa noun (kata benda), adjective, atau konstruksi
lain yang berfungsi sebagai noun atau adjective jika kata kerja yang
digunakan merupakan linking verb (is, am, are, was, were, taste, smell).

d. Penggunaan Independent Clause

Sesuai yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, klausa independen merupakan klausa

yang bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat. Tipe kalimat yang terdiri
dari satu independent clause disebut simple sentence. Tak hanya itu, satu
klausa ini bisa digabungkan dengan independent clause lain untuk
membentuk compound sentence. Penggabungan 2 klausa bisa

• Coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

• Tanda baca semicolon (titik koma), atau
• Adverbial conjunction (however, rather, therefore, dsb)

Penggabungan klausa untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat bisa dibedakan

tipenya menjadi:

• Simple sentence = independent clause

• Compound sentence = independent clause + coordinate
conjunction (atau titik koma atau titik koma + conjunctive adverb) +
independent clause

• Complex sentence = independent clause + dependent clause
• Compound-complex sentence = compound sentence + complex

Contoh Kalimat
• The ceremony started at 07.00 a.m. (Upacara dimulai jam tujuh pagi.)
• She prefers mangoes to oranges. (Dia lebih suka mangga daripada
• I like that bag, but I have no money. (Saya suka tas itu, tapi saya tidak
punya uang.)
• You’ve already finished my task; you can go home now. (Kamu sudah
menyelesaikan tugas; kamu bisa pulang sekarang.)
• I wash my towels every week. (Saya mencuci handuk-handuk saya
setiap minggu.)
• He never comes late. (Dia tidak pernah datang terlambat.)
• I want ice cream but I’m on a diet. (Saya ingin ice cream tapi saya
sedang diet.)
• I’m not really hungry; however, I want some ice cream. (Saya tidak
benar-benar lapar. Meskipun demikian, saya ingin es krim.)
• While I was swimming in the pool, I kept sneezing and got a runny nose,
but I didn’t experience hives. (Ketika saya sedang berenang di kolam
itu, saya terus-menerus bersin dan hidung menjadi berair, tapi saya
tidak mengalami gatal-gatal.)
• Do you know the butcher? (Apakah kamu tahu tukang daging?)
• My mother sang me a song. (Ibuku menyanyikan sebuah lagu untukku.)
• You haven’t changed much. (Kamu belum berubah banyak.)
• You should eat this. (Kamu harus makan ini.)
• I called my mom yesterday. (Saya menelpon ibu saya kemarin.)
• My cousin visited my house last week and he told me everything about
everything he felt about the disaster. (Sepupuku mengunjungi rumahku
minggu lalu dan ia menceritakan semuanya tentang yang ia rasakan
mengenai bencana itu.)



1. Someone sent her a message … made her angry all day long
A. Where
B. When
C. Which
D. Whom

2. The little boy … is running around my home ia my neighbour’s son.

A. Whom
B. Who
C. Whose
D. Where

3. Today is the day … moslem people celebration Lebaran.

A. Where
B. When
C. Which
D. Whom

4. It was my best friend …hit the badminton ball over the net.

A. That
B. Where
C. When
D. Who

5. The woman …has six children is my mother

A. Whom
B. Who
C. Whose
D. Where

6. Please tell me . . . Makes you cry

a. if
b. what
c. whether

d. how

7. I do not know . . . He has no parents

a. that
b. why
c. what
d. when

8. She is the person . . . I met in front of the school

a. whom
b. who
c. that
d. if

9. I’m not sure . . . He go to work or not today

a. if
b. whether
c. does
d. had

10. Please tell me . . . Do you want
a. what
b. if
c. when
d. why

11. Where are the people …….. ordered the taxi?

a. That

b. Which

c. Whom

d. Who

12. I’ve lost the paper …… I had written her phone number on

a. Not

b. Whose

c. That

d. Who

13. The day …… I started work there was a disaster

a. Which

b. That

c. Where

d. Who

14. The man ……. interviewed you is the boss

a. That

b. Will

c. Which

d. Who

15. The man ……. house was robbed has still not been paid by the insurance

a. Which

b. That

c. Whose

d. Who

16. The people ……. moved in next door seem very friendly

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Which

d. That

17. The poor boy is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.

a. Which

b. That

c. Whose

d. Who

18. Marie Curie, … husband worked as a laboratory instructor, was a pioneer in
the field of radiology.

a. Whose

b. Who

c. Whom

d. That

19. It was Sarah … couldn’t stop fooling around.

a. Whom

b. That

c. Which

d. Whose

20. The man ….. answered the phone was rather rude

a. Which

b. That

c. Whom

d. Who


Error Recognition merupakan pertanyaan dimana anda diharuskan
menjawab bagian yang salah dari kalimat yang disajikan. Sehingga yang
dicaribukanlah jawaban yang benar seperti dalam pilihan ganda melainkan
jawaban yang salah. Adapun kesalahannya dapat berupa :

- Kesalahan Grammar,

- Makna kata, maupun

- Pilihan kata ataufrasa

Kata atau frasa yang tidak bergaris bawah merupakan petunjuk dalam
menentukan kata atau frasa yang tidak tepat dan harus dibetulkan.

Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengerjakan Error Recognition adalah

membaca keseluruhan kalimat kemudian memeriksa kata yang bergaris bawah
dengan bantuan kata di sekitarnya serta disesuaikan dengan rumus
pembentukan kalimat atau frasa.

Contoh 1 :
Sita : “Those twins are very Identical. I can hardly differ one from another.”
Umi : ” Well, Ani has longest hair than Ana.”
Sita : “ I agree with you. However, when they are wearing veils, we can’t see
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan : Jawaban longest salah karena perbandingan dalam kalimat
tersebut adalah comparative yang membandingkan di antaradua orang.
Sehingga jawaban yang seharusnya adalah Longer.

Contoh 2 :
The structure of Borobudur temple, who is composed of 55,000 square meters
lava – rock, is erected on the hill in the form of a stepped pyramid of six
stories, three circular terracess, and a central stupa forming the summit
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan : Di dalam adjective clause ketika menerangkan benda maka
seharusnya mengunakan which. Sementara who, whom digunakan untuk
menjelaskan orang. Dalam kalimat di atas kata who salah karena menjelaskan
borobudur temple sehingga seharusnya menjadi which Contoh 3 :
Gandi : "Do you know Jana ? What does she look like ?"
Kenny : "She is beautiful, tall, and slim. She have a long wavy hair and black
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan : Di dalam present tense, jika subjeknya she, he, it maka
menggunakan Vs. sehingga jelas jika jawaban have salah, seharusnya has.

Bagaimana Tips Mengerjakan Soal Error Recognition?

Tipe soal error recognition, lebih mudah daripada mengerjakan structure and
written expression karena mencari-cari mana yang salah lebih mudah daripada
mencari mana yang benar. Kita tak perlutahu apa jawaban benar walau tahu itu
salah. Bahasa adalahtentang rasa. Well, grammar is kind of. Semakin kita
berlatih, rasa berbahasa akan semakin terasah.

Tips utama dalam mengerjakan soal tipe ini adalah baca sekilas opsi jawaban,
lihat kata sebelum dan sesudah opsi jawaban. Terkadang kita bisa langsung
tahu jawaban. Selanjutnya pegang apa yang tidak digaris bawahi sebagai

pedoman karena bagian kalimat yang tidak digaris bawahi merupakan bagian
kalimat yang benar bukan?

Pada tipesoal error recognition, kita bisa langsung memilih opsi

yang error tanpa harus membaca keseluruhan kalimat. Kok bisa?

Misalnya :

Supersonic flight is flight that is faster the speed of sound


Pada contohsoal di atas, opsi C sudah jelas merupakan jawaban alias kesalahan
yang kita cari. Mengapa? Karena pada faster yang menunjukkan perbandingan
/comparative akanselaludiikuti oleh than sehingga opsi C jelas salah.

Contoh :

The counterpart of a negative electrons is the positive proton.


Pada kalimat di atas, pilihan C pasti merupakan pilihan yang salah

karena a yang menunjukkan benda tersebut tunggal harus diikuti oleh kata
benda tunggal yakni electron.

Nah, untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengerjakan soal error recognition,

mari kita identifikasi jenis soal error recognition yang sering kali keluar di
dalam tes Bahasa Inggris.

Pertama, penggunaan kata depan (preposition) yang tepat

Misalnya penggunaan in, at, on, from, before, after, etc.

Contoh soal :

The biggest mistake people can make with their dogs is to

treat them alike humans


Jawaban : D. Alike merupakan opsi yang tidaktepat, seharusnya like. Mengapa?

Karena kalimat di atas membutuhkan preposisi yakni like.

Hint : Alike merupakan adjective/adverb yang tidak membutuhkan kata benda

untuk menjadi kalimat sempurna sedangkan like sebagai preposisi/kata depan
butuh kata benda sesudahnya. Pada contoh kalimat di atas, D pastiopsi yang
salah karena terdapat kata benda (humans) setelah alike.

Contoh soal :

The body depends in food as its primary source of energy


Preposisi yang tepatuntuk kata kerja depend adalah on.

Kedua, penggunaan tenses

Tipesoal error recognition berikutnya terkait 16 tipe tenses.

Contoh soal :

Mosquitoes will accepts the malaria parasite at only one stage of the
parasite’s complex life cycle


Pilihan A pasti merupakan pilihan yang salah

karena will/can/should/would/etc sebagai modal auxiliary harus diikuti oleh Vo
atau kata kerja dasar tanpa tambahan apapun (s/-ed/-ing) sehingga will

accepts tidak tepat harusnya will accept. Jadi, jika sudah yakin A pasti salah,
kita tidak perlu membaca pilihan lain. Hemat waktu!

Contoh soal :

A twenty-one-year-old man became the second casualty

yesterday when he loses control of his truck


Petunjuk pada kalimat di atas yesterday yang menunjukkan kejadian telah

terjadi maka opsi C. loses tidak tepat karena merupakan bentuk present
tense, seharusnya lost

Ketiga, penggunaan adverb

Adverb (kata keterangan, memodifikasi verb/kata kerja) yang paling sering

digunakan dalam sol error recognition adalah adverb of manner/Keterangan
cara yang ditandai dengan -ly.

Sering kali soal error recognition terkait penggunaan adverb of

manner secaratepat.

Contoh :

The newspaper reporter did not exact appreciate the negative comments about
her article


Pilihan B pastimerupakanpilihan yang salah, seharusnya exactly.

Hint : Apabila menemukan dua kata kerja berjajar (exact dapat berfungsi
sebagai kata kerja/kata sifat), maka tidak mungkin kedua kata kerja berjajar

dalam bentuk kata kerjadasarnya (Vo). Salah satu kata kerja
memodifikasi verb dengan menjadi adverb of manner (ditandaidengan -ly).

Jadi, seandainya kita bingung mana opsi yang salah dalam soal error
recognition, lalu kita menemukan Vo berjajar, dapat dipastikan bahwa salah
satunya adalah opsi yang salah.

Keempat, parrarelism

Struktur yang parallel artinya polanya sama. Contoh : I love swimming, singing,
and dancing. Pola objek sama-sama V-ing. Salah jika mengatakan I love
swimming, to sing, and to dance karena polanya tidak parallel.

Contoh soal :

Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play,

and resting together


Pilihan yang salah adalah C karena resting (V-ing) tidak parallel dengan kata
kerja sebelumnya yang berbentuk V1, seharusnya rest.

Kelima, Subject Verb Agreement

Sederhananya, subject verb agreement merupakan pola yang menunjukkan

keselarasan antara subjek dengan kata kerja. Subjek dalam
bentuk singular diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk singular, subjek dalam
bentuk plural diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk plural.


Scientists at the medical center is trying to determine if there is a relationship

between saccharine and cancer.


Scientists menunjukkan kata benda plural maka kata kerja yang mengikuti
harus dalam bentuk plural juga, jadiopsi A is trying yang menunjukkan kata
kerja singular pasti salah.


On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands are a

hotel called the Volcano Hotel


Manakah subjek dalam kalimat di atas? Apakah berbentuk tunggal atau jamak?
Ingat bahwa dalam soal error recognition, kata yang tidak digaris bawahi
merupakan panduan. Jadi, hotel merupakan subjek kalimat dalam bentuk kata
benda tunggal sehingga opsi C are pasti salah, seharusnya is mengikuti subjek
sebuah hotel.

Ingat, bahwa apabila terdapat keterangan tempat yang mengawali sebuah

kalimat, pola kalimat dibalik (inverted) menjadi kata kerja dahulu baru subjek.

Keterangan tempat : On the rim of the Kilauea volvno in the Hawaiian Islands

Kata kerja : are (to be)

Subjek : a hotel

Keenam, penggunaan conjuction (kata hubung) yang tepat

Terdapat kata hubung (conjunction) yang berpasangan, seperti both.. and..,

either.. or.., neither… nor…, not only… but also, etc

Contohsoal :

The U.S. Congress consists of both the Senate as well as the House of


Both berpasangandengan and, makaopsi D salah seharusnya and.

Ketujuh, penggunaan superlative atau comparative

Comparative menunjukkan perbandingan antara satu objek dengan objek yang

lain sedangkan superlative menunjukkan bahwa suatu objek merupakan objek
yang ‘paling’ di antara yang lain.


The widely used natural fiber of all is cotton


Dalam kalimat di atasterdapat kata of all yang menunjukkan dari semua

sehingga opsi A salah, seharusnya the most widely used (menunjukkan
bentuk superlative)

Kedelapan, kalimatpasif


Fort Jefferson, in the Dry Tortugas off the southern tip of Florida, can
be reach only by boat or plane


Pilihan C (can be reach) pasti merupakan pilihan yang salah karena konteks
kalimat di atas membutuhkan kalimat pasif, seharusnya can be reached.

Hint : Jika menemukan be diikuti verb maka verb tersebutharusdalambentuk

V-ing (kata kerjaaktif) atau kata kerjapasif. Jadi frasa seperti can be reach pasti
salah meski misal kita tidak tahu konteks kalimat.


Segregation in public schools was declare unconstitutional by the Supreme

Court in 1954


Pilihan B pasti merupakan pilihan yang salah. Mengapa? Seperti hint di

atas, be/to be yang diikuti oleh verb maka verb itu harus dalam bentuk V-
ing (kata kerja aktif) /kata kerja pasif. Maka, kata yang tepat seharusnya was
declared karena dalam kalimat dibutuhkan kata kerja pasif.

Kesembilan, penggunaan pronoun

Penggunaan pronoun (kata ganti) yang tepat sering kali menjadi jebakan pada
soal error recognition.


When children experience too much frustration, its behavior ceases to be



Pertanyaan ini bisa kita kerjakan dengan cepat. Children menunjukkan manusia
maka kata gantinya pasti bukan C. its yang menunjukkan kata ganti untuk


Almost half of the Pilgrims did not survive theirs first winter in the New


Soal ini bisa kita kerjakan dengan cepat.

Hint : theirs (possessive pronoun, menunjukkan kata ganti

kepemilikan) selalu berdiri sendiri, tidak diikuti oleh kata benda sesudahnya.
Adapun their selalu diikuti dengan kata benda. Jadi, theirs first winter pasti

Kesepuluh, penggunaanbentuk verb/adjective/adverb yang tepat

Contoh Soal :

Social is becoming increasingly dependence on complex computers for

the arrange of its affairs


Kita melihat opsi jawaban sekilas. Penggunaan increasingly sebagai adverb of

manner dalam kalimat di atas sudah tepat. Opsi C merupakan opsi yang salah,
seharusnya dependent (adjective) bukan dependence (noun).

Hint : Jika menemukan opsi jawaban kata berakhiran –ence seperti

halnya dependence, kita harus ‘curiga’ dalam kalimat butuh kata benda
(ditunjukkan dengan akhiran -ence) atau kata sifat (ditunjukkan dengan akhiran


1. The students suggested buying flowers for the teachers in the teachers’ day.

a. The students
b. Buying
c. For
d. In

2. No one have solved such a difficult problem.

a. Have
b. Solved
c. Such
d. Difficult

3. During their meat, they discussed what to do at the weekend.

a. During
b. Meat
c. To do
d. At

4. If you write the essay careful, you will get good mark.

a. If
b. Write
c. Careful
d. Will

5. Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show its feelings.

a. Ordinary
b. Are
c. Not
d. Its

6. The girl who were injured in the accident is now in hospital.

a. Who
b. Were
c. In
d. Is

7. Thank you very much of the present that you sent me.

a. Very
b. Much
c. Of
d. That

8. There wasn’t some directory in the telephone box from which I was phoning.

a. Wasn’t
b. Some
c. The
d. Form

9. The man who I was waiting for didn’t turn up.

a. The man
b. Who
c. Was
d. For

10. Women wear make-up to beautiful themselves.

a. Wear
b. Make-up
c. Beautiful
d. Themselves

11. Mai and Lan have a row because they have misunderstood one another.

a. Have
b. Because

c. Misunderstood
d. One another

12. The worker are building a new bridge which is 150 meters in high.

a. Building
b. A new bridge
c. Which
d. High

13. Its no use asking them keep quiet.

a. No use
b. Asking
c. Them
d. Keep

14. This text is too long for me to read it.

a. Is
b. Long
c. To read
d. It

15. I can’t get used to doing so difficult exercise.

a. Can’t
b. Used
c. Doing
d. So

16. My father doesn’t know speak English.

a. My
b. Doesn’t
c. Speak
d. English

17. She behaves as if she was a baby.

a. Behaves
b. As if
c. Was
d. A

18. You wanted me to tell you about what I was doing here and how was my life.

a. To tell
b. About
c. Was doing
d. Was

19. The course is good but more hard than I thought.

a. Is
b. But
c. More hard
d. Thought

20. Sleeping all day, to eat too much and never going out is unhealthy.

a. Sleeping
b. To eat
c. Much
d. Never

Conjunction atau kata sambung adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan
unit-unit bahasa yang setara (kata dengan kata, frasa dengan frasa, klausa dengan
klausa, kalimat dengan kalimat, dan seterusnya). Pemakaian conjunction dapat
dicontohkan dengan kalimat di bawah ini.

You and I are on the same boat. And menghubungkan kata (you) dengan
kata (I) atau subjek dengan subjek.

We went home after the rain stopped. After menghubungkan klausa (we
went home) dan klause (the rain stopped) atau main clause dan sub cluase.

He is smart but he is arrogant. But menghubungkan kalimat (he is

smart) dan kalimat (he is arrogant).


Berikut jenis dan contoh conjunction dalam bahasa Inggris.

1. Compound Conjuctions

Compound conjuction dalah kata sambung yang menghubungkan hal-hal yang

setara, misalnya subject dengan subject, verb dengan verb, object dengan object,
adverb dengan adverb, adjective dengan adjective, dsb.
Compound conjuction dibagi menjadi 2, antara lain:

1. Coordinate Conjunction



For (karena)
And (dan) She was absent yesterday, for she was sick.
Nor (tidak Mr. Wilson invited me and him.
juga) He can not see nor hear.
But (tetapi) The shoes are old but comfortable.
Or (atau) Is Sam sleeping or going somewhere?
Yet (tetapi) She didn’t study, yet she passed the exam.
So (sehingga) He was tired, so he went to bed.

a) FANBOYS selalu terletak di tengah kalimat atau di antara dua
kalimat. Tidak dibenarkan meletakkan mereka di awal kalimat. Contoh:

CORRECT : The child hid behind his mother’s skirt, for he was
afraid of the dog.
INCORRECT : For he was afraid of the dog, the child hid behind
his mother’s skirt.

1.Namun conjunction lain bisa digunakan untuk menggantikannya ketika di

awal kalimat. Contoh:

Because he was afraid of the dog, the child hid behind his mother’s

2.b) Conjuction for, yet, dan so selalu menghubungkan kalimat dan koma
selalu mengawali mereka.
c) And, ketika menghubungkan dua kalimat, memiliki tanda baca sebagai

It was raining hard, and there was a strong wind.
Umumnya, conjunction diawali dengan sebuah koma ketika
menghubungkan dua kalimat.

It was raining hard and there was a strong wind.

Jika kalimat yang dihubungkan merupakan kalimat-kalimat
pendek, koma dapat dihilangkan.

It was raining hard. And there was a strong wind.

Pada penulisan yang sifatnya informal, and dapat memulai sebuah
kalimat baru.

2. Correlative Conjuction
Correlative conjuction terdiri dari konjungsi-konjungsi yang berpasangan.

Both… and…
Not only… but also…
Either… or…
Neither… nor…


plural verb (are,

were, have, do,
Both SUBJECT and SUBJECT take, etc)

Not only but also plural/ singular

Either or verb (is, was, has,
Neither SUBJECT nor SUBJECT does, takes, etc)*

* Plural dan singular-nya ditentukan dari subjek yang belakang.


Both the driver and the passanger were injured in the accident.
Not only she but also I am studying chemistry.
Not only I but also she is studying chemistry.
Either Mr. Anderson or Ms. Wiggins is going to teach our class today.
Neither my sister nor my parents have been here.
Neither my parents nor my sister has been here.

2. Subordinate Conjunction

Complex conjunction adalah kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara main

clause (induk kalimat) dan subordinate clause (anak kalimat). Bertemunya dua
jenis klausa ini akan membentuk kalimat. Adapun anggota complex
conjunction meliputi konjungsi selain compound conjuction, seperti: when,
while, which, what, when, where, that, after, before, till, until, because,
although, if, dsb. Pola:

Main Cl: S + V + (O) + (A)

Sub Cl: Conj + S + V + (O) + (A)

Sentence: Main Clause + Sub Clause atau Sub Clause + Main Clause


1. Macam dan Contoh Subordinate Conjunction

Hubungan ide yang dapat dibangun oleh subordinate conjunction antara lain:
• time (waktu)
• place (tempat)
• contrast (pertentangan)
• cause and effect (sebab dan akibat)
• condition (syarat)

• purpose (tujuan)
• manner (cara)

Berikut beberapa contoh subordinate conjunction.

Macam Subordinate Conjunction Contoh Subordinate Conjunction

Time (Waktu) • after (setelah)

• as (ketika, sementara)
• as soon as (segera setelah)
• before (sebelum)
• once (segera setelah)
• since (sejak)
• until/till (sampai)
• when (ketika)
• whenever (kapan saja, sewaktu-
• while (ketika, sementara)

Place (Tempat) • where (di mana)

• wherever (di manapun)

Contrast (Pertentangan) • although, even though,

though (meskipun)
• whereas (sebaliknya, sedangkan)
• while (meskipun)
• even if (kalaupun)

Cause / Reason / Result (Sebab / 4. cause/reason

Alasan / Akibat)
• as (karena)
• because (karena)
• since (karena)

5. result

• so (sehingga)

Purpose (Tujuan) • in order that (agar)

• so that (agar)

Condition (Syarat) • as long as (jika, dengan syarat)

• if (jika, dengan syarat)
• only if (hanya jika)
• otherwise (jika tidak)
• or else (jika tidak)
• provided /providing (that) (jika,
dengan syarata)
• supposing (asumsikan, anggap)
• unless (jika tidak)

Manner (Cara) • as if (seperti)

• as though (seperti)
• how (bagaimana)
• the way (cara)

Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction

No Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction

Time (Waktu)

1 I’m going to give her this present after our surprise party on tuesday.
(Saya akan memberinya kado ini setelah pesta kejutan kita pada hari selasa.)

2 As soon as/once they finish filling the questionnaire, I will process the data.
(Segera setelah mereka selesai mengisi kuesioner, saya akan memproses data

3 He was cleaning his kitchen floor when he found an oil spill.

(Dia sedang membersihkan lantai dapurnya ketika dia menemukan tumpahan

4 Before she went to Jakarta, she got her flowers watered.

(Sebelum dia pergi ke Jakarta, dia meminta bunga-bunganya disirami.)

5 She has been very quiet since she arrived on Sunday.

(Dia menjadi sangat pendiam sejak dia tiba hari Minggu.)

6 Let’s stay here until the sun comes up.

(Mari tetap disini sampai matahari muncul.)

7 You can come to my house whenever you want.

(Kamu bisa datang ke rumahku kapanpun kamu mau.)

8 His phone kept ringing while he was sleeping.

(Teleponnya terus-menerus berdering ketika dia sedang tidur.)

Place (Tempat)

9 We should be polite and humble wherever we live.

(Kita sebaiknya sopan dan rendah hati dimanapun kita tinggal.)

Contrast (Pertentangan)

10 The guide seemed nice though she spoke very little English.(Pemandu itu
kelihatannya baik, meskipun kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya terbatas.)

11 Even if Bima is not qualified enough to enter the top university, he’ll try
again next year.
(Kalaupun Bima tidak cukup berkualifikasi untuk masuk universitas top
tersebut, dia akan mencoba lagi tahun depan.)

Cause/Reason/Result (Sebab/Alasan/Akibat)

12 You no longer have access to the email address since you’ve deleted your
(Kamu tidak lagi memiliki akses ke alamat email tersebut karena kamu telah
menghapus akunmu.)

13 Many animals died because the dry season was hotter and drier than usual.
(Banyak binatang mati karena musim kering lebih panas dan kering dari

Purpose (Tujuan)

14 Please open the window so that the smell will go away quickly.
(Tolong buka jendela supaya bau itu akan pergi dengan cepat.)

15 He will get up earlier in order that he can arrived on time.

(Dia akan bangun lebih cepat agar dia dapat tiba tepat waktu.)

Condition (Syarat)

16 She’ll come to my party only if you accompany her.

(Dia akan datang ke pesta saya hanya jika kamu menemaninya.)

17 As long as you follow the traffic regulation, you won’t get a ticket.
(Selama kamu mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas, kamu tidak akan ditilang.)

18 We can stroll in the park this weekend, providing the weather is nice.
(Kita dapat berjalan-jalan di taman akhir pekan ini, selama cuacanya bagus.)

19 Supposing you’re accepted, what would you do?

(Anggap kamu diterima, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?)

20 Unless TV viewers gave her donations, she would not be able to buy gold,
rice field, and house.
(Jika pemirsa TV tidak memberikan dia sumbangan, dia tidak akan dapat
membeli emas, sawah, dan rumah.)

21 If you’re not careful, you’ll end up wasting time.

(Jika kamu tidak berhati-hati, kamu akan akhirnya menghabiskan waktu.)

22 Don’t forget to bring your boots, otherwise your feet will be wet and cold.
(Jangan lupa untuk membawa sepatu bot-mu, jika tidak kakimu akan basah
dan dingin.)

Manner (Cara)

23 The man drove as if he was an F-1 racer.

(Pria itu mengemudi seakan-akan dia pembalap F-1.)

Fungsi Conjunction
Secara garis besar, fungsi conjunction dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai:

1. Penambahan (cumulative)

She is both a teacher and a writer.

2. Pilihan (alternative)

You can take either the white candy or the red one.

3. Pertentangan (adversative)

Mrs Nia is humble, but her sister isn’t.

4. Kesimpulan (conclusion)

I am ready, so let’s go now.

5. Keterangan tambahan (apposition)

They loved each other until they passed away together.

6. Hubungan sebab akibat (cause and effect)

He didn’t attend the lecture because he had to take her mother to the hospital.

7. Pengaruh atau akibat (impact)

This soup is so hot that I cannot eat it.

8. Maksud dan tujuan (purpose)

You have to drink much in order that you keep hydrated.

9. Syarat (condition)

You will get it done if you focus on finishing it.

10. Pernyataan mengalah (concession)

He worked all day even though he was sick.

11. Perbandingan (comparison)

My house is larger than yours.

12. Cara (manner)

He got the ticket as he came earlier.

13. Waktu (time)

You can use my PC while I am outside.

Perbedaan Though, Although, Even Though, In Spite Of, Dan Despite

Memahami “Though”

Kata hubung though bisa digunakan pada beberapa konteks sekaligus yang
berbeda-beda satu sama lain. Ada banyak cara untuk menggunakan though dalam

Namun yang paling lazim adalah menggunakan kata though di akhir kalimat, untuk
menunjukkan kontras atau perbandingan dengan kalimat yang ada sebelumnya.

Dalam kamus, definisi though adalah:

• Despite the fact that

• However

Dalam konteks “however”, penggunaan though adalah sebagai adverb. Sehingga

mudah kita pahami dalam bahasa Indonesia bahwa though adalah “meskipun”.

Kata ini telah dikenal sejak tahun 1150 di era Middle English.
Pengucapan though adalah dengan menyamarkan huruf –gh yang bahkan tidak
terdengar sama sekali.

Untuk memperjelas, mari kita simak beberapa contoh penggunaan though dalam
kalimat berikut ini:

• “There’s enough like that kind, though,’ interrupted Uncle John.

• The mass was an ornate one, though not more so than they were
accustomed to at Beaulieu.
• He felt morally bound to get it repaired, though he was guiltless of the
• Though younger than myself, she reciprocated the love she had inspired.

Sementara dalam beberapa contoh spesifik berikut, though berperan layaknya kata
“however” atau “nevertheless”. Itulah saat kata though digunakan di akhir kalimat.

Simak contohnya dalam percakapan berikut:

A: “You have six hours in the airport between flights!”

B: “I don’t mind, though. I have lots of work to do. I will just bring my laptop with

A: “It is expensive.”

B :“It is nice, though.”

A: “Yeah, I think I will buy it.”

Terlihat bahwa kata though digunakan oleh subjek dalam percakapan untuk
menggambarkan kata “however”.


Selanjutnya kata hubung pembanding yang juga umum digunakan

adalah although.

Kata ini pertama kali digunakan sejak abad ke 14. Maknanya sama
dengan though hanya saja beda pengucapannya. Dalam bahasa verbal
Inggris, though lebih umum digunakan dibandingkan dengan although, termasuk
dalam dialog sehari-hari.

Saat although digunakan di awal kalimat, biasanya diberi tanda baca koma untuk
membandingkan kedua kalimat tersebut.

Simak beberapa contoh berikut ini:

• Everyone enjoyed the trip to the final although we lost the match!
• Peter, although working harder this term, still needs to put more work
into mathematics.
• Raymond, although very interested, didn’t show any emotion when she
invited him to go for a walk.
• Karen is coming to stay next week although I’m not sure what day she is


Berbeda dengan though atau although, even though lebih memberi penekanan
dalam menunjukkan perbedaan dua hal. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, even
though juga berarti “meskipun”.

Kata ini digunakan sebagai cara yang lebih tegas untuk
mengatakan though atau although. Kata although digunakan untuk
mengindikasikan fakta tertentu yang tidak membuat sisa kalimatnya menjadi

Simak beberapa contohnya dalam kalimat berikut ini:

• Even though he never completed college, he runs a successful software

• Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, even though she ends up doing
something wrong.
• Even though I work by muself, there are other people I can interact with.


Selanjutnya yang juga menarik untuk dipelajari adalah kata “despite” yang juga
menggambarkan dua hal kontras dalam sebuah kalimat. Despite adalah preposisi
yang digunakan untuk membandingkan.

Despite kerap kali digunakan dalam konteks kalimat yang lebih formal dan umum
digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis atau teks. Struktur kalimat
untuk despite biasanya diikuti dengan kata benda, pronoun, atau verb dengan
imbuhan “-ing”.

Simak beberapa contoh berikut ini:

• Ruth woke up feeling refreshed despite Dave calling at midnight.

• I want to go for a run despite this rain.
• Despite eating McDonalds regularly, Tina remained slim.
• Kate went to the carnival despite the hot weather.
• She bought a new pair of shoes despite the fact that she already had 97
• Despite having sensitive teeth, she went liked ice cream.

Terlihat bahwa kata despite bisa digunakan di banyak bagian dalam kalimat, mulai
dari awal, tengah, hingga akhir kalimat. Despite biasanya diikuti dengan realita
yang terjadi.


Berikutnya adalah kata preposisi in spite of yang sangat serupa

dengan despite. Keduanya memiliki makna yang sama yaitu “meskipun” dalam
bahasa Indonesia.

Dua hal ini berbeda dalam konteks pengucapan, karena in spite of lebih tidak
formal dibandingkan dengan despite, terutama dalam bahasa teks atau tulisan. In
spite of pun bisa digunakan di klausa kalimat pertama ataupun kedua.

Untuk lebih memahami bagaimana preposisi ini digunakan, simaklah beberapa

contoh kalimat berikut ini:

• She went to the cinema in spite of the fact that she was exhausted.
• In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam.
• Actually, the idea was appealing – in spite of his clumsy invitation.
• I find it hard to realize that Christmas is almost here, in spite of the fact
that Helen talks about nothing else.
• In spite of her resolve, she responded.


1. ______ being very clever, my cousin never boasting about it

a. Despite

b. Instead

c. Otherwise

d. Other than

2. Smith are not feeling well, ______ he will come to our house

a. But

b. However

c. Since

d. Because

3. Me and my friends did not miss the fried noodle ______ we had our lunch

a. Moreover

b. Finally

c. Although

d. Already

4. ______ having a lot of money, they never help anyone

a. Otherwise

b. However

c. Inspite of

d. Instead

5. _______ it is raining, we shouldn’t go out

a. Because

b. Because of

c. For

d. But

6. Smith _______ Mrs. Smith went to the library

a. Or

b. And

c. But

d. For

7. My fiancee was lie about her family, ______ she was shouting at me

a. Although

b. In Order to

c. Moreover

d. Provided

A. Please come on time, _______ they may miss the train

a. So

b. But

c. Therefore

d. Otherwise

9. We must avoid high kolesterol _______ be healthy

a. In order to

b. Finally

c. Consequently

d. Provided

10. My father will give my brother his car _______ he come back at dawn

a. Although

b. Provided

c. As

d. Because

11. Steven prepared Coffee _______ his mother was sleeping

a. But

b. Unless

c. As

d. Besides

12. My sister apologised ______ her bad behaviour

a. Since

b. As

c. Because

d. For

13. Smith was satisfied ______ not overacted

a. But

b. Yet

c. Still

d. As

14. ______ her brother, she is very diligent

a. Likely

b. Unlike

c. Similar

d. Differently

15. They have postponed the visit to our city ______ it’s heavily snow here

a. Since

b. Due to

c. Yet

d. Because of

16. After years of Training hard, Arief ______ win the national badminton

a. Consequently

b. Therefore

c. Initially

d. Finally

17. Ardian knows Germany, ______, our school selected him to go student exchange
in there

a. Therefore

b. Moreover

c. Otherwise

d. Provided

18. John worked very hard and was ______ promoted

a. Yet

b. Consequently

c. Although

d. Besides

19. ______ his family, he also invite his friends to his birthday party

a. Despite

b. Aside

c. Besides

d. In spite of

20. Either me ______ my friends will run this high quality program

a. For

b. But

c. Nor

d. Or

Main idea atau gagasan utama merupakan suatu gagasan yang menjadi inti
dari suatu paragraf. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa main idea berisi topik
yang dibahas.Setiap paragraf pasti megandung gagasan utama agar pembaca tahu
apa yang penulis coba sampaikan dalam tulisannya. Main idea merupakan hal yang
sagat penting dlam sebuah paragraf maupun teks secara keseluruhan.Ide
pokokdapat berupa kalimat yang biasanya terdapat pada kalimat pertama dalam
sebuah paragraf, naamun selain itu main idea juga bisa ditemukan di tengah
maupun akhir paragraf tergantung bagaimana penulis menyusunnya.

How to Find the Main Idea

Menemukan ide pokok dalam sebuah bacaan adalah hal yang penting untuk
dilakukan oleh pembaca agar dapat memahami maksud dan tujuan dari bacaan yang
diberikan. Untuk membantu pembaca dalam menemukan ide pokok, ada beberapa
cara yang bisa dilakukan seperti;

1. Mengidentifikasi topik bacaan

Bacalah teks bacaan secara keseluruhan agar dapat menentukan topik atau
permasalahan apa yang sedang dipaparkan oleh penulis. Dalam hal ini pembaca
dapat menggunakan cara 5W1H (what, who, where, which, when, and how).

• Who or what is the paragraph about?

2. Merangkum isi bacaan

Setelah membaca teks secara keseluruhan, pembaca diharapkan bisa untuk

merangkum isi bacaan tersebut kedalam satu kalimat.

3 Perhatkan dengan seksama kalimat pertama dan terakhir dalam bacaan

Perhatikan setiap kalimat pertama dan terakhir yang ada dalam setiap paragraf yang
diberikan, karena penulis biasanya menuliskan ide pokok di bagian tersebut. Jika

bacaan terdiri dari lebih dari satu paragraf, maka pembaca diharapkan dapat
menarik kesimpulan dan mengaitkan topik yang ada di setiap paragraf.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal yang sering muncul mengenai main idea;

• What is the main idea of the text?

(Apa ide pokok dari bacaan tersebut?)
• The primary idea of the text is ...
(Ide pokok dari bacaan tersebut adalah.....)
• Which of the following best summarizes the author's main idea?
(Manakah dari pilihan berikut ini yang memberikan ringkasan ide utama

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal mengenai ide pokok beserta pembahasannya;

1. Reading Comprehension Passage 1

Robert Moog was an American inventor who developed the Moog Synthesizer. It
was one of the first synthesizers to gain widespread use as a musical instrument.
Moog’s synthesizers were an important pa Line of musical innovation in rock and
jazz music in the 1960s and 1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was born in Queens, a
borough of New York City 75 years ago. He became fascinated with electronics as
a teenager, particularly an early electronic music instrument called the theremin.
Moog studied physic and electrical engineering at Queens College and Columbia
University, both in New York City and later received a Ph.D. in engineering physic
Cornel University in Ithaca, New York. In 1954, while still an undergraduate
student, Moog formed his own company to sell theremins and theremin kits.

Soon after, Moog began working on a keyboard instrument that could replicate the
sound of any musical instrument electronically. Working with American composer
Herbert Deutsch, Moog introduced the prototype Moog Synthesizer at a convention
in 1964. The device represented a significant advance over previous electronic

synthesizer because of its use of new semiconductor technology, which
made it smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier machines. The Moog, as it
was known, was soon in demand by musician all over the world.

In 1964, Moog began a collaboration with American composer and organist Walter
Carlos (now Wendy Carlos), who released the bestselling electronic music album
Switched-On Bach in 1968. Rock groups such as the Beatles and Yes and jazz
musicians such as Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea began incorporating Moog
Synthesizer into their recordings, a trend that increased when the company
introduced the compact and portable Minimoog in 1970. A Moog Synthesizer was
also prominently featured on the soundtrack to the movie A Clockwork Orange in
1971. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2008

1. The main idea of paragraph three is …

(A) the Moog’s collaboration in music field

(B) the Moog in the movie soundtrack
(C) the introduction of Minimoog
(D) the collaboration of The Moog with music groups

Jawab: (A) the Moog’s collaboration in music fieldKeyword: Moog began a

Pembahasan: the Moog’s collaboration in music field. Dalam bacaan
dituliskan bahwa Moog mulai berkolaborasi dengan berbagai musisi dalam
berbagai genre musik.

2. Reading Comprehension Passage 2

The cause of tooth decay is acid, which is produced by bacteria in the mouth. The
acid removes minerals from tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the saliva

in your mouth encourages remineralization and Line neutralizes the acid. The rate
at which bacteria in the mouth produce acid depends on the amount of plaque on
the teeth, the composition of the microbial flora, and whether the bacteria of the
plaque have been “primed” by frequent exposure to sugar. To keep your teeth
healthy, a regular dental hygiene program should be followed.

Removing plaque with a toothbrush and dental floss temporarily reduces the
numbers of bacteria in the mouth and thus reduces tooth decay. It also makes the
surfaces of the teeth more accessible, enabling saliva to neutralize acid and
remineralise lesions. If fluoride is present in drinking water when teeth are forming,
some fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the teeth, making them more
resistant to attack by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to act in another way, by
promoting the remineralization of early carious lesions.

In addition to a regular dental hygiene program, a good way to keep your teeth
healthy is to reduce your intake of sweet food. The least cavity- causing way to eat
sweets is to have them with meals and not between. The number of times you eat
sweets rather than the total amount determines how much harmful acid the bacteria
in your saliva produce. But the amount of sweets influences the quality of your
saliva. Avoid, if you can, sticky sweets that stay in your mouth a long time. Also
try to brush and floss your teeth after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your mouth
with water is effective. Whenever possible, eat foods with fiber, such as raw carrot
sticks, apples, celery sticks, etc., that scrape off plaque, acting as a toothbrush.
Cavities can be greatly reduced if these rules are followed when eating sweets.

2. What does this passage mainly discuss?

(A) Good nutrition

(B) Food with fiber
(C) Ways to keep your teeth healthy
(D) Fluoridization and cavities

Jawab: (C) Ways to keep your teeth healthy Keyword: to keep your teeth
healthy Pembahasan: Bacaan tersebut membahas tentang cara menjaga gigi
Anda sehat (Ways to keep your teeth healthy).

3. Reading Comprehension Passage 3

Until recently,mostAmericanentrepreneursweremen. Discrimination against

women in business, the demands of caring for families, and lack of business training
had kept the number of women entrepreneurs Line small. Now, however, businesses
owned by women account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this
figure is likely to continue rising throughout the 1990s. As Carolyn DoppeltGray,
an official of the Small Business Administration, has noted, “The 1970s was the
decade of women entering management, and the 1980s turned out to be the decade
of the woman entrepreneur”.

What are some of the factors behind this trend? For one thing, as more women earn
advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding
obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor,
a management consultant, had noted, “In the 1970s women believed if they got an
MBA and worked hard they could become chairman of the board. Now they’ve
found out that isn’t going to happen, so they go out on their own”.

In the past, most women entrepreneurs worked in “women’s” fields: cosmetics and
clothing, for example. But this is changing. Consider ASK Computer Systems, a
$22-million-a-year computer software business. It was founded in 1973 by Sandra
Kurtzig, who was then a housewife with degrees in math and engineering. When
Kurtzig founded the business, her first product was software that let weekly
newspapers keep tabs on their newspaper carriers and her office was a bedroom at
home, with a shoebox under the bed to hold the company’s cash. After she
succeeded with the newspaper software system, she hired several bright computer-
science graduates to develop additional programs. When these were marketed and

sold, ASK began to grow. It now has 200 employees, and Sandra Kurtzig owns
$66.9 million of stock.

Of course, many women who start their own businesses fail, just as men often do.
They still face hurdles in the business world, especially problems in raising money;
the banking and finance world is still dominated by men, and old attitudes die hard.
Most businesses owned by women are still quite small. But the situation is
changing; there are likely to be many more Sandra Kurtzigs in the years ahead.

3. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Women today are better educated than in the past, making them more
attractive to the business world.
(B) The computer is especially lucrative for women today.
(C) Women are better at small businesses than men are.
(D) Women today are opening more businesses of their own.

Jawab: (D) Women today are opening more businesses of their own.
Keyword: businesses owned by women account for more than $40 billion
Pembahasan: Gagasan utama bacaan tersebut adalah Wanita masa kini
makin banyak yang membuka usaha sendiri.



Birds have a body ‘designed’ for flight. Their bones are light, with spaces
full of air, body tapered. They have powerful muscles to move their wings, and
breastbone like a ship’s prow to cut throughthe air! Their wings are specially
shaped, and like the tail, have feathers of many shaped and textures, according
to their job. Birds’ flight can be gliding or beating.In the gliding,flight, the bird
slides through the air, wings stretched out, quite still, carried by current of air.
In beating flight, the bird moves its wings like oars, using its tail like a rudder to
change to changes direction.

Most birds take off almost vertically from land or water, body straight and
wings beating quickly. Once in the air, it leans its body forward and the wings
beat more slowly. For landing, the movements are reversed-straightening its
body and beating its wings quickly before landing.

1. What is the text talk about ? It talks about …

A. how birds take off
B. how birds run
C. how birds fly
D. how birds walk
E. how birds landing


The Sumatran elephant’s habitat is Sumatra, Indonesia. The average male

elephant reaches eight feet high and weighs up to six tons. A baby elephant can
weigh up to one ton. The males are always larger than the females. They are
massive creatures.

An elephant has a trunk, two tusks, two eyes, two ears and two lumps on
its head. It is known to be a clever animal. When a elephant is hot, it fans itself
by flapping its ears back and forth. When an elephant herd wants to move, they
use their ears as a guide. Their hearing range is very large. Elephants hear some
noises that cannot be heard by human’s ears.

Sumatran elephants have enough strength to knock down a tree. They can
also pick up a log using their trunk and their tusks. They trunk is their nose. They
also use it like a hand. Just below their trunk, they have their tusks. Only make
Sumatran elephants have tusks. A baby elephant is called a calf, the females are
called cows.

2. The text describes....

A. wild elephant
B. baby elephant
C. the Sumatran elephant

D. the Indonesian elephant
E. male Sumatran elephant


SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly

striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote
control, news reports said on Thursday. Muhamad Shafiq Woon Abdullah
amitted in Singapore court. He physically abused the woman on several
occasions between June and October 2002, The Straits time Said. The
magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq, 31;began striking Winarti, 22, about a
month after she started working for him. He hit her on the head with the TV set’s
remote control because he was unhappy with her homework. On one occasion,
he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming. S.S Dhillon,
Shafiqs lawyer, said his client had become mad when he saw his daughter’s face
covered as she laid in bed. He said his client thought the maid had put the child
in danger.

3. What is the news about ?

A. An Indonesian maid jailed in Singapore
B. A supervisor killed his Indonesian maid
C. A man was jailed for more than two months.
D. A man was jailed for striking his Indonesian maid.
E. A man confessed for striking his Indonesian maid.


The amount of water on Earth remains constant, but it is continually moving

around the Earth and its atmosphere in a process called the water cycle. It exists as
a liquid (water) in seas, rivers and clouds; it freezes into a solid (ice) as snow and
hail; and it also exists as an invisible gas in the air.

When the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes and seas, it changes from a liquid
into a gas called water vapour. This process is known as evaporation. As the water

vapour rises into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses and forms clouds.As the
cloud droplets move around, they collide with each other and grow bigger. When
they are heavy enough, they fall as rain, and the water flows back into rivers, lakes,
and seas.

4. The text is about….

A. Water
B. Water vapour
C. Water cycle
D. Water flow
E. Water condensation


Hotel Cannero

28051 Cannero Riviera, Italy

Phone : 323788046

Waiter/ waitresses(2), Swimming Pool Attendants

Bar Staff

Around $ 150 per week, 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free board and
accommodation. Knowledge of German, Italian or French required. Period of
work 3 or 6 months between end of March and end of October. Applicant should
be fit and healthy, organized and clean. Applications from 25th March to the end
and sent to Maria Caria at the above address.

5. What is the text about ?

A. A week tour to Italy.
B. A job Vacancy in Hotel Cannero.
C. A healthy and clean environment.
D. The description of Cannero Riviera
E. A three -day tour to European countries.


What Causes Weather?

Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and

place. It includes temperature, air pressure and water content.

Weather is produced when air move from place to place. This moving air is
known as wind. Winds are formed when the cooler air moves in to replace the
rising warm air. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air; therefore, it creates
low air pressure. Cool air is denser and creates high air pressure.

Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high and there are
clouds, rain and snow when the air pressure drops.

6. What does the text explain ?

A. Moving air
B. Air pressure.
C. Low air pressure.
D. Types of weather.
E. The formation of weather.


The Frog Prince

One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went
out take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of
water with a rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while. Now
she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favorite plaything; and she was
always tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as itfell.
After a time she threw it up so high that she missed catching it as it fell; and
the ball bounded away, and rolled along on the ground, until at last it fell down

into the spring. The princess looked into the spring after her ball, but it was very
deep, so deep that she could not see the bottom of it. She began to cry, and said,
“Alas! If I could only get my ball again, I would give all my fine clothes and
jewels, and everything that I have in the world.”
Whilst she was speaking, a frog put its head out of the water, and said,
“Princess, why do you weep so bitterly?” “Alas!” said she, “What can you do
for me, you nasty frog? My golden ball has fallen into the spring.” The frog said,
“I do not want your pearls, and jewels, and ne clothes; but if you will love me,
and let me live with you and eat from your golden plate, and sleep on your bed,
I will bring you your ballagain.”

Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990

7. What is the textabout?

A. A young princess and herbonnet
B. A young princess in a cool spring ofwater
C. A young princess with a golden ball in herhand
D. The frogprince
E. A youngman



Once upon a time, there was a king named King Sulahkromo. The king
had a prime Minister named Raden Sidopekso. The prime minister had a wife
named Sri Tanjung. She was so beautiful, so that the king wanted her to be
his wife.
One day, the king sent his Prime Minister to a long mission. While the
Prime Minister was away, the king tried to get Sri Tanjung. However he
failed. He was veryangry.
Thus, when Sidopekso went back, the king told him that his wife was
unfaithful to him.
The Prime Minister was very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that

it was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. He brought
her to the river bank. Before he kill her and threw her into the river, she said
that her innocence would be proven.
After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into the dirty river.
Immediately the river became clean and began to spread a wonderful
fragrance. Sidopekso said, Banyu ... Wangi ... Banyuwangi”. This means
“fragrant water “. Banyuwangi was born from the proof of noble and

8. What does the first paragraph tell usabout?

A. The Characteristics ofSulahkromo
B. The Condition ofBanyuwangi
C. The incident of Sri Tanjung’sexecution
D. The characters and sittings of thestory
E. The life of SriTantung


The Great Buddha of Kamakura (Daibutsu in Japanese) in Japan is a

representation of Buddha Amitaba the Lord of the Western Pure Land. The bronze
statue of Amita Buddha, which is worshipped by the followers of Pure Land sect of
Buddhism as a savior, was cast in 1252 and is Kamakura’s most important tourist
site. Once housed in a huge hall, the statue today sits in the open, the original temple
having been washed away by Tsunami in 1495. Cast in bronze and weighing close
to 850 tonnes, the statue is 13.35 meter tall. The latest repairs to the Buddha were
completed in 1960. These strengthened the neck and made it possible for the
Buddha’s body to move freely on the base to prevent a damaging shock to the statue
in the case of an earthquake.

9. What is the passage talking about?

A. The Great Buddha of Kamakura in Japan
B. The bronze statue of Amita Buddha

C. The Pure Land sect of Buddhism
D. Tsunami in 1495
E. Buddha statue is 13.53 meter tall


Umbilical cord blood, like bone marrow, contains valuable stem cells that can
be used to treat life-threatening illness, such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell
anemia, and immune deficiency and metabolic diseases. A baby’s cord blood can
be donated to a public bank or stored at a private bank for future use in a sibling or
parent who has an illness that can be treated by a cord blood transplant.

A number of both public and private banks exist that can store cord blood for
future use. The National Marrow Donor program, which is overseen by the U.S
Health Resources and Services Administration, launched a program in October
2008 that provides families affected by life-threatening diseases with the
opportunity to store a new baby’s cord blood at no cost.

10. What is the topic of the passage?

A. Umblical cord blood
B. Cord blood banking and donation
C. Leukimia
D. Metabolic disease
E. The National Marrow Donor Program


Pada bagian Reading Comprehension dalam ujian-ujian bahasa Inggris, soal
Topic or Title of the passage menjadi salah satu soal yang banyak muncul. Soal ini
menanyakan judul atau pembahasan teks bacaan secara umum. Pertanyaan-
pertanyaan yang muncul biasanya sebagai berikut:

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What is the topic of the passage?

3. What is the title of the text/passage?

4. What is the text mainly about?

5. What is the subject of the passage?

Tips untuk menjawab soal tipe ini:

1. Pahami kata kunci yang tertera di soal

2. Baca teks dengan cepat

3. Temukan kata-kata yang paling banyak muncul

4. Simpulkan pembahasan utama bacaan berdasarkan isi keseluruhan paragraf.

Contoh soal dan pembahasan:


The board of Directors unanimously decided on the following adjustment to cope

with the present needs of the Club for its maintenance and operations.

• Effective October 1, 2017 NO F & B CONSUMABLE up to December 31,

• Effective January 2018 increase in monthly dues by P500.00 with F & B

Thank you for continuous support and cooperation

Club Management

1. What is the topic of the text?

A. The changes of maintenance and operation of the club.
B. The meeting of the board direction of the club.

C. The increase of the F & B consumable price.
D. The support and cooperation for the club.
E. The operational time of the club.

Jawabannya adalah A, karena hanya pilihan (A) yang mewakili keseluruhan isi teks
pengumuman tersebut.



Now that smartphones have become the norm for many teens, selfies are on
the rise. Selfies, short for self-portraits, are often posted on social media and shared
with the world on various internet sites. Although they may seem harmless at first,
there are some problems that can arise from selfies.

Many teens post their selfies Facebook, Instagram, and other social
networking site. Then, they wait to see what type of reaction they receive.
Unfortunately, for many teens, their self-worth depends on what others say about
their selfies. A teen who receives positive comments about a selfie, may feel good.
However, a lack of response can lead to a teen feeling bad. In an effort to get
positive reactions from others, some teens go too far in attempting to take the perfect

Teens with mental health issues may be at an especially high risk of

becoming obsessed with selfies. There have been reports of some teens spending
hours each day trying to take a perfect selfie that could help gain accolades from
people on social media. Unfortunately, this type of obsession can become so severe
that it interferes with a teen’s social life and education.

1. What is the topic of paragraph 2 ?

A. Selfies on Facebook and Instagram.
B. Positive comments about a selfie.
C. Impacts of comments about a selfie.

D. Positive reactions of others.
E. Different comments from others.



The board of Directors unanimously decided on the following adjustment to cope

with the present needs of the Club for its maintenance and operations.

• Effective October 1, 2017 NO F & B CONSUMABLE up to December 31,

• Effective January 2018 increase in monthly dues by P500.00 with F & B

Thank you for continuous support and cooperation

Club Management

2. What is the topic of the text?

A. The changes of maintenance and operation of the club.
B. The meeting of the board direction of the club.
C. The increase of the F & B consumable price.
D. The support and cooperation for the club.
E. The operational time of the club.


The State Palace issued on a restriction on Wednesday against the globally

popular augmented-reality game Pokemon Go for all staff and guest at the palace,
amid security concerns.

Printed warnings have been put up in several locations at the palace that read
“No playing or hunting Pokemon in the palace area”.

“The reason is simple; the palace is the President’s office and it is not a
playground. It must be safeguarded,” Presidential Office press bureau chief Bey
Machmuddin told journalist on Wednesday.

The palace, as the residence and office of the President, must be kept secure
at all times. The ban was aimed at maintaining security in the area as hunting the
virtual creatures could lead to misunderstanding with the Presidential Security
Detail (Paspampres), Bey said. The State Palace has urged everyone visiting the
palace to respect the regulations.

Although it has not been officially launched in Indonesia, Pokemon Go has

become a hit among Indonesians, especially those living in big cities like Jakarta
and Bandung. The game offers players the experience of being a Pokemon hunter
by searching for the digital monsters in the real world.

The Indonesian Military (TNI) has also issued restrictions on its members
playing the popular game following security issues in restricted military facilities.

3. What is the topic of the text?

A. The warning for those playing Pokemon Go in government premises.
B. The danger of playing Pokemon Go for health.
C. The prohibition of playing Pokemon Go in State Palace.
D. The restriction of playing Pokemon Go for military members.
E. The Permission of playing Pokemon Go in Presidential Palace.


Materials :

• Two slices of bread

• Content (fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, a sausage, etc.)

Steps :

• First of all take two slices of bread.

• Spread the bread with butter or margarine.

• Then, put anything you like on top of one slice of bread. You can have a
fried egg, some strawberry jam, (or any kind of jam), chocolate sprinkles,
a slice of cheese, a sausage, or something else.
• After that, join the two slices of bread together, and your sandwich is ready!

4. What is the topic of the text?

A. How to make some snacks properly.
B. How to fill in some bread with jam.
C. How to prepare breakfast quickly.
D. How to spread jam on the bread.
E. How to make sandwich.


The extremely hot and humid weather that occurs in the United States in
July and August is commonly called the “dogs days” of summer. This name comes
from the star Sirius, which is known as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible
star, and in the hot summer months it rises in the east at approximately the same
time as the Sun. As ancient people saw this star rising with the Sun when the
weather was at its hottest, they believed that Sirius was the cause of the additional
heat; they believed that this bright star added its heat to the heat of the Sun, and
these two together made summer weather so unbearably hot.

5. The topic of this passage is

(A) how dogs like to play during the summer
(B) the causes of hot and humid weather
(C) why the hot summer days are known as the “dogs days”
(D) the days that dogs prefer


The term “primitive art” has been used in a variety of ways to describe
works and styles of art. One way that this term has been used is to describe the early
period within the development of a certain style of art. Another way that this term
has been used is to describe artists who have received little professional training
and who demonstrate a nontraditional naiveté in their work.

A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is Grandma

Moses, who spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally
associated with farm life. She did not begin painting until she reached the age of
seventy-six, when she switched to painting from embroidery because the arthritis
in her hands made embroidery too difficult. Totally without formal education in art,
she began creating panoramic images of everyday life on the farm that have
achieved international fame.

6. The subject of this passage is

(A) An example of one of the types of primitive art
(B) Grandma Moses’s life on the farm
(C) How primitive art differs from formal art
(D) Grandma Moses’s primitive life-style


Remember that the laws in the U.S. are strongly enforced. It is therefore
important to obey all traffic laws and laws pertaining to alcohol and bars. It is
against the law for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. In most states you
can only buy alcohol at liquor and wine stores, not at grocery stores or in restaurants.
You will be asked by store clerks and restaurant waiters to show identification that
proves your age. If you drive under the influence of alcohol, you can expect to be
arrested. The police are efficient, both in the city and on the rural highways.

Should you need help with a serious legal problem, a good place to start is
to contact your country’s embassy or consulate for legal assistance. Be sure to have
that number with you at all times in case you should need it.

7. What is the topic of the passage?

a. Important laws in the U.S

b. Traffic laws

c. Laws pertaining to alcohol and bars

d. A serious legal problem


Alfred Adler was physician, psychoterapist, and the founder of Adlerian

psychology, sometimes called individual psychology. He is considered the first
community psychologist, because his work pioneered attention to community life,
prevention, and population health. Adlerian psychology emphasizes the human
need and ability to create positive social change and impact.

Adler’s work stressed the importance of nurturing feelings of belonging and

striving for superiority. He held quality, civil rights, mutual respect, and the
advancement of democracy as core values. He was one of the first practitioners to
provide family and group counseling and to use public education as a way to address
community health. He was among the first to write about the social determinants of
health and mental health. His values and concepts drive our mission, work, and
values at the Adler School today.

8. What is the passage talking about?

a. Alfred Adler’s life
b. Alfred Adler’s work
c. Alfred Adler’s childhood
d. Alfred Adler’s family


This determined tennis player sure rocked the world with her brilliant
performances. With many trophies to her credit, Martina Navratilova was almost
like the perfect tennis icon for many in the 80’s. She won her French Open in 1984
and this left-handed tennis star won four Grand Slam Women’s Doubles title the
same year. The 1980’s also witnessed Martina being ranked as the World no. 1
doubles player. Martina may have suffered a little setback owing to the emergence
of Steffi Graf on the tennis scenario but she bounced back in the year 1987 by
beating her in Wimbledon and U.S. Open finals.

9. What is the passage talking about?

a. French Open
b. The tennis icon, Martina Navratilova
c. Steffi Graf
d. Grand Slam Women’s Doubles title


Internet safety for kids is crucial today because one ut of every five kids
connect to the internet via a cell phone, and they report that their parents is unaware
they do so. Some even connect via their DS or Wii. According to Kim Thomas, in
his research, “Teen Online & Wireless Safety Survey: Cyberbullying, Sexting, and
Parental Controls,” Cox Communications (2009), one half of all teenagers post their
real age on social networking sites. Two out of five post the name of the city where
they live. Most kids do not take time to set the privacy controls on their social
networking page either which means anyone can view their posts, pictures,

10. What is the topic of the passage?

a. Internet safety for kids
b. Kim Thomas
c. Teen Online and Wireless Safety Survey
d. DS and Wii connections


Synonym adalah persamaan kata dan Antonym adalah lawan kata. Dalam
reading comprehension, kita tidak perlu membaca keseluruhan bacaan di dalam
teks, cukup baca soal/pertanyaan terlebih dahulu, paragraph dan baris berapa yang
diminta, lalu membaca teksnya.

Cara mengidentifikasi soal synonym dalam soal :

1. The phrase “…..” in line … is closest in meaning to?

2. The word “…..” in paragraph … synonym with?
3. The word “…” in line … has similar meaning with?
4. The word “….” In paragraph … is close meaning with?
5. What is the synonym word of “…..” in line…?

Cara mengidentifikasi soal antonym dalam soal :

1. The phrase “…..” in line … has the opposite meaning with?

2. The word “…..” in line … has the antonym meaning with?
3. What is the antonym word of “…..” in line…?
4. The phrase “…..” in line … has the contrast meaning with?

Tips dan trik menjawab :

1. Pahami soal.
2. Bacalah beberapa kata kunci yang diminta oleh soal/pertanyaan, yang
diminta paragraph atau baris (line) keberapa, hindari membaca keseluruhan
teks dalam bacaan.
3. Bacalah satu atau beberapa kalimat sebelum sinonim kata atau antonym kata
yang diminta.

Contoh soal :

In 1900 the United States had only three cities with more than a million
residents-New York, Chicago, and Philadelpia. By 1930, it had ten giant
metropolises. The newer ones experienced remarkable growth, which reflected
basic changes in the economy. The population of Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900)
rose spectacularly in the early decades of the twentieth century, increasing a
dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to 1930.

A number of circumstances contributed to the meteoric rise of Los Angeles.

The agricultural potencial of the area was enormous if water for irrigation could
be found, and the city founders had the vision and dating to obtain it by constructing
a 225-mile aqueduct, completed in 1913, to tap the water of the Owens River. The
city had a superb natural harbor, as well as excellent rail connections.The climate
made it possible to shoot motion pictures year-round; hence Hollywood. Hollywood
not only supplied jobs; it disseminated an image of the good life in Southern
Californiaon screens all across the nation. The most important single industry
powering the growth of Los Angeles, however, was directly linked to the
automobile. The demand for petroleum to fuel gasoline engines led to the opening
of Southern California oil fields, and made Los Angeles North America’s greatest
refining center. Los Angeles was a product of the auto age in another sense as well:
its distinctive spatial organization depended on widespread private ownership of
automobiles. Los Angeles was a decentralized metropolis, sprawling across the
desert landscape over an area of 400 square miles. It was a city without a real

The downtown business distric did not gro aace with the city as a whole,
and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas whitered
away from disuse. Approximately 800,000 cars were registered in os Angeles
County in 1930, one per 2.7 residents. Some visitors from the east coast were
dismayed at the endless urban sprawl and dismissed Los Angeles as a mere
collection of suburbs in search of a city. But the freedom and mobility of a city built
on wheels attracted floods of migrants to the city.

1. The word “meteoric” in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) rapid

(B) famous

(C) controversial

(D) methodical


Jawaban : A (rapid)

Key word : a number of circumstances contributed to the meteoric

rise Los Angeles

Kata meteoric memiliki arti ‘sangat cepat’. Sementara itu, masing-masing pilihan
jawaban lainnya berarti pesat (rapid), terkenal (famous), controversial
(controversial), dan menurut metode (methodical). Jadi jawaban yang paling sesuai
adalah rapid.

A heart attack happens if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of

heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked. Most heart attacks occur as a result
of coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance
called plaque builds up inside of the coronary arteries. These arteries supply
oxygen-rich blood to your heart.
When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis.
The build-up of plaque occurs over many years. Eventually, an area of
plaque can rupture (break open) inside of an artery. This causes a blood clot to
form on the plaque’s surface. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly
or completely block blood flow through a coronary artery.
If the blockage isn’t treated quickly, the portion of heart muscle fed by the
artery begins to die. Healthy heart tissue is replaced with scar tissue. This heart
damage may not be obvious, or it may cause severe or long-lasting problems.

1. The word severe in Line 13 is in contrast in meaning with_____
(A) chronicle
(B) mild
(C) various
(D) wild`


Jawaban : B (mild)

Key word : This heart damage may not be obvious, or it may

cause severe or long-lasting problems

Kata severe memiliki arti ‘berat/hebat/parah’. Sementara itu, masing-masing

pilihan jawaban lainnya berarti kronik (chronicle), mild (ringan), various
(berbagai), wild (buas/liar). Jadi, paling tepat untuk pertanyaan antonym adalah
ringan (ringan).

Synonym and Antonym Exercises

The conservatism of the early English colonists in North America,

their strong attachment to the English way of doing things, would play a
major part in the furniture that was made in New England. The very tools
that the first New England furniture makers used were, after all, not
much different from those used for centuries – even millennia: basic
hammers, saws, chisels, planes, augers, compasses, and measures. These
were the tools used more or less by all people who worked with wood:
carpenters, barrel makers, and shipwrights. At most the furniture makers
might have had planes with special edges or more delicate chisels, but
there could not have been much specialization in the early years of the
The furniture makers in those early decades of the 1600’ s were known as
“ joiners,”
for the primary method of constructing furniture, at least among the
English of this time, was that of mortise-and-tenon joinery. The mortise
is the hole chiseled and cut into one piece of wood, while the tenon is
the tongue or protruding element shaped from another piece of wood so
that it fits into the mortise; and another small hole is then drilled (with
the auger) through the mortised end and the tenon so that a whittled peg
can secure the joint – thus the term “ joiner. ” Panels were fitted into
slots on the basic frames. This kind of construction was used for making
everything from houses to chests.
Relatively little hardware was used during this period. Some nails –
forged by hand – were used, but no screws or glue. Hinges were often made
of leather, but metal hinges were also used. The cruder varieties were
made by blacksmiths in the colonies, but the finer metal elements were
imported. Locks and escutcheon plates – the latter to shield the wood from
the metal key – would often be imported.
Above all, what the early English colonists imported was their
knowledge of, familiarity with, and dedication to the traditional types and

designs of furniture they knew in England.

1. The phrase “ attachment to” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) control of
(B) distance from
(C) curiosity about
(D) preference for

2. The word “ shield” in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) decorate
(B) copy
(C) shape
(D) protect

3. The word “ protruding” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) parallel
(B) simple
(C) projecting
(D) important

In addition to their military role, the forts of the nineteenth century provided numerous
other benefits for the American West. The establishment of these posts opened new roads
and provided for the protection of daring adventurers and expeditions as well as
established settlers. Forts also served as bases where enterprising entrepreneurs could
bring commerce to the West, providing supplies and refreshments to soldiers as well as to
pioneers. Posts like Fort Laramie provided supplies for wagon trains traveling the
natural highways toward new frontiers. Some posts became stations for the pony
express; still others, such as Fort Davis, were stagecoach stops for weary travelers. All
of these functions, of course, suggest that the contributions of the forts to the
civilization and development of the West extended beyond patrol duty.
Through the establishment of military posts, yet other contributions were made to the
development of western culture. Many posts maintained libraries or reading rooms,
and some – for example, Fort Davis – had schools. Post chapels provided a setting
for religious services and weddings. Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided
entertainment and boosted morale. During the last part of the nineteenth century, to
reduce expenses, gardening was encouraged at the forts, thus making experimental
agriculture another activity of the military. The military stationed at the various forts
also played a role in civilian life by assisting in maintaining order, and civilian
officials often called on the army for protection.
Certainly, among other significant contributions the army made to the improvement
of the conditions of life was the investigation of the relationships among health,
climate, and architecture. From the earliest colonial times throughout the nineteenth
century, disease ranked as the foremost problem in defense. It slowed construction of
forts and inhibited their military functions. Official documents from many regions
contained innumerable reports of sickness that virtually incapacitated entire garrisons.
In response to the problems, detailed observations of architecture and climate and their
relationships to the frequency of the occurrence of various diseases were recorded at
various posts across the nation by military surgeons.

4. The word “ daring” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) lost
(B) bold
(C) lively
(D) foolish

5. The word “ boosted” in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) influenced
(B) established
(C) raised
(D) maintained

6. The word “ inhibited” in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) involved
(B) exploited
(C) united
(D) hindered

Anyone who has handled a fossilized bone knows that it is usually
not exactly like its modern counterpart, the most obvious difference being
that it is often much heavier. Fossils often have the quality of stone rather
than of organic materials, and this has led to the use of the term “
petrifaction” (to bring about rock). The implication is that bone, and
other tissues, have somehow been turned into stone, and this is certainly
the explanation given in some texts. But it is wrong interpretation; fossils
are frequently so dense because the pores and other spaces in the bone
have become filled with minerals taken up from the surrounding
sediments. Some fossil bones have all the interstitial spaces filled with
foreign minerals, including the marrow cavity, if there is one, while
others have taken up but little from their surroundings. Probably all of
the minerals deposited within the bone have been re-crystallized from
solution by the action of water percolating thru them. The degree of
mineralization appears to be determined by the nature of the environment
in which the bone was deposited and not by the antiquity of the bone. For
example, the black fossil bones that are so common in many parts of
Florida are heavily mineralized, but they are only about 20,000 years
old, whereas many of the dinosaur bones from western Canada, which are
about 75 million years old, are only partially filled in. Under optimum
conditions the process of mineralization probably takes thousands rather
than millions of years, perhaps considerably less.
The amount of change that has occurred in fossil bone, even in bone as
old as that of dinosaurs, is often remarkably small. We are therefore usually
able to see the microscopic structures of the bone, including such fine
details as the lacunae where the living bone cells once resided. The natural
bone mineral, the hydroxyapatite, is
virtually unaltered too – it has the same crystal structure as that of modern
bone. Although nothing remains of the original collagen, some of its
component amino acids are usually still detectable, together with amino
acids of the non-collagen proteins of bone.

7. The word “ pores” in line 7 is closest in meaning to:
(A) joints
(B) tissues
(C) lines
(D) holes

8. The word “ detectable” in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) sizable
(B) active
(C) moist
(D) apparent

In the last third of the nineteenth century a new housing form was quietly
being developed. In 1869 the Stuyvesant, considered New York’ s first
apartment house was built on East Eighteenth Street. The building was
financed by the developer Rutherfurd Stuyvesant and designed by Richard
Morris Hunt, the first American architect to graduate from the Ecole des
Beaux Arts in Paris. Each man had lived in Paris, and each understood the
economics and social potential of this Parisian housing form. But the
was at best a limited success. In spite of Hunt’ s inviting façade, the living
space was awkwardly arranged. Those who could afford them were quite
content to remain in the more sumptuous, single-family homes, leaving
the Stuyvesant to young married couples and bachelors.
The fundamental problem with the Stuyvesant and the other early
apartment buildings that quickly followed, in the 1870’ s and early 1880’ s
was that they were confined
to the typical New York building lot. That lot was a rectangular area 25 feet
wide by 100

feet deep – a shape perfectly suited for a row house. The lot could also
accommodate a rectangular tenement, though it could not yield the
square, well-lighted, and logically arranged rooms that great apartment
buildings require. But even with the awkward interior configurations of
the early apartment buildings, the idea caught on. It met the needs of a
large and growing population that wanted something better than
tenements but could not afford or did not want row houses.
So while the city’ s newly emerging social leadership commissioned
their mansions, apartment houses and hotels began to sprout in multiple
lots, thus breaking the initial space constraints. In the closing decades of
the nineteenth century, large apartment houses began dotting the developed
portions of New York City, and by the opening decades of the twentieth
century, spacious buildings, such as the Dakota and the Ansonia finally
transcended the tight confinement of row house building lots. From there it
was only a small step to building luxury apartment houses on the newly
created Park Avenue, right next to the fashionable Fifth Avenue shopping
areaThe word “ inviting” in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(E) open
(F) encouraging
(G) attractive
(H) asking

9. The word “ sumptuous” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) luxurious
(B) unique
(C) modern
(D) distant



Soal True or False merupakan salah satu bentuk dari factual question,
yang mana pembaca diminta untuk menganalisis sebuah pernyataan faktual
mengenai suatu bacaan. Pembaca harus mampu membedakan apakah
pernyataan tersebut benar atau salah berdasarkan bacaan yang diberikan. Selain
menggunakan True or False, pertanyaan jenis ini juga kerap menggunakan kata
lain seperti; Correct or Incorrect, Yes or No, and Agree or Disagree.


Berikut ini adalah beberapa langkah – langkah atau tips dan trik dalam
menjawab soal True or False

1. Read the questions carefully (Bacalah pertanyaan dengan seksama)

Pada pertanyaan True or False, tidak jarang pembaca terkecoh

dengan pilihan – pilihan yang diberikan dan mengalami kesulitan untuk
mebedakan satu pilihan dengan pilihan lainnya. Contohnya, pernyataan
“the sky is blue” adalah benar, tapi pernyataan “the sky is always blue”
tidak serta merta dikatakan benar, karena pada bacaan dikatakan bahwa
langit tidak selamanya biru, namun terkadang berwarna gelap. Itulah
mengapa pembaca perlu melakukan scanning dan membaca dengan
seksama untuk memahai konteks soalnya.

2. Dissect the statement word-by-word and phrase-by-phrase. (Membedah

pernyataan pada setiap kata dan frase.)

Cara lain untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini adalah dengan cara

membaca kata dan frasa yang diberikan pada pernyataan pada soal. Hal ini
disebabkan karena kesalahan menafsirkan satu kata dapat berakibat fatal
dan dapat merubah makna keseluruhan dari pernyataan.

3. Pay attention to "qualifiers".(Perhatikan kata yang menyatakan
Carefully read the question and look for qualifiers or keywords that
provide clues to the correct answer. Qualifiers words like:

Bacalah soal dengan seksama dan kemudian temukan kata kunci yang
mengandung kata kualifikasi didalamnya. Berikut contoh kata kualifikasi
dalam bahaa inggris:

• Sometimes (terkadang)
• Seldom (jarang)
• Few (beberapa)
• Always (selalu)
• Every (setiap)
• Often (sering)
• Frequently (seringkali)
• Never (tidak pernah)
• Generally (umumnya)
• Ordinarily (biasanya)

Besar kemungkinan dan kerap kali terjadi, kualifikasi yang lebih

sederhana, seperti " sometimes, often, many, few, generally, etc ", lebih
cenderung mencerminkan pernyataan, kalimat, atau jawaban yang benar
(True). Sementara kualifikasi yang lebih ketat, seperti "always" atau
"never", sering kali mencerminkan pernyataan, kalimat, atau jawaban yang
salah (false).

4. Don't let "negatives" confuse you. (Jangan terkecoh dengan kata yang
bermakna negatif)

Kata yang bermakna negatif seperti "no, not, cannot", dapat

membingungkan pembaca saat harus menjawab soal true or false. Jika kalimat true

or false mengandung kata negatif, buang kata negatifnya, lalu baca kalimat yang
tersisa tanpa negatif, kemudian tentukan apakah kalimat itu benar atau salah. Jika
kalimat (tanpa negatif) tersebut bermakna benar, maka jawaban tersebut dapat
dikatakn "false".

5. Watch for statements with double negatives. (Perhatikan kata yang

mengandung lebih dari satu kata bermakna negatif)

Kalimat atau pernyataan yang mengandung lebih dari satu kata negatif
seperti not and cannot yang diikuti dengan kata yang memiliki prefix bermakna
negatif seperti “dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, and un-.“dapat diartikan sebagai kalimat
positif. Misalakan seperti kalimat berikut; "It is unlikely the car will not win the
race." yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan "It is likely the car will win the race.”




Once upon a time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot
like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would
not say the nameof the place where it was born. The name of the place was

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot, but he could not understand
why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird tosay
Catano; however the bird kept not saying the word.

At first, the man was very nice to the bird, but then he got very angry. “You
stupid bird” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say
Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach,
the parrot would not say it.Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird
over and over. “Say Catano or I’ll kill you.” The bird kept not saying the word

One day after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano,
the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and
threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner.
“you are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them.” Said the man angrily.
Then he continues to humble. “you know, I will cut the chicken for my meal.
Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot.” After that he left the
chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door
and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chickens on the
floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last
old chicken. “Say Catano or I’ll kill you.”

1. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text ?
a. The parrot could only say a few words.
b. Finally, the parrot could say ‘Catano’.
c. The bird was born in Catano.
d. At first, the man felt excited having the smartest parrot.
e. The man picks the parrot and threw it into the chicken house.


The anti-bullying strategy is an implementation plan of the children’s Single

Plan. Within the needs analysis for the plan, young people as their second most
serious concern raised bullying at 35%. This has fallen to 31% in 2005/2006 survey
and is below the London Average of 33%. Their highest concern was fear of crime.
Bullying was an issue with younger children in the survey, but as they got older it
became fear of crime. This has been interpreted as young people become more
independent the issues of how young people treat each other and move out of school
as they as young people as out of home more. Thus what is called bullying or fear
of crime has as its core how young people treat each other. The anti-bullying works
in schools therefore also crosses over into personal safety and prevention of youth
crime work outside schools. This strategy looks at school related bullying, but
references anti-social behaviour work where it links in.

(Sumber: The King TOEFL Terlengkap)

2. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Anti-Bullying works only in schools.
B. The Anti-Bullying strategy is an implementation plan of the Children’s
Single Plan.
C. The Anti-Bullying Strategy doesn’t look at school related bullying.
D. Within the needs analysis for the plan, young people as their second most
serious concern raised bullying at 33%.
E. Bullying has fallen 30% in 2006.


The administration of a college or university provides the governing

structure of the institution. Although each institution organizes its administration
differently, nearly all colleges and universities have a board of trustees, a president,
at least one vice president, dean of various divisions, and a number of academic
departments. In addition, state college and university systems are governed by state
boards of higher education.

3. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. A college has at least one vice president.
B. A university has a number of academic.
C. Every institution organizes similar administration.
D. All colleges and universities have a board of trustees.
E. University systems are governed by state boards of higher education.

4. According to the passage, which one of the statement is mentioned?

A. Each institution organizes similar administration.
B. Each institution organizes its administration differently.
C. Each institution organizes its dean of various divisions.
D. Each institution organizes its vice president.
E. Each institution organized by boards of lower education.


Independent colleges and universities are private, non-profit institutions.

Many independent colleges and universities originated as church-related
institutions, although a majority of these are no longer affiliated with religious
groups. The most common independent colleges and universities include (1) liberal
arts institutions that offer comprehensive undergraduate education, (2) technical or
specialized institutions that prepare students in engineering, performing arts, music,

nursing, and other fields, and (3) large universities that include undergraduate
programs in addition to graduate and professional schools.

5. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A. Few colleges and universities originated as church-related institutions.
B. The most common independent colleges and universities include liberal arts
C. Independent colleges and universities include technical and specialized
D. Independent colleges and universities prepare students in engineering,
performing arts, music, nursing, and other fields.
E. Large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to
graduate and professional schools.


Dear Tania

We have known each other for such a long time, and been friends for many
years. I am writing you this short letter to thank you for being such a great friend.

I am in senior one now, and still have few more years to go. I work hard here.
My results are also very good. I may even think about going to university after
finishing high school.

What have you been doing lately? Is everything okay with you? Write me
sometimes when you have time.

Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,


6. Which of the following is not true based on the text ?

A. Rihanna got good grades at school.
B. Rihanna studies in senior high school.
C. Tania wrote the letter for Rihanna.

D. Tania and Rihanna are good friends.
E. Rihanna plans to continue her study in a university.


The Sumatran elephant’s habitat is Sumatra, Indonesia. The average male

elephant reaches eight feet high and weighs up to six tons. A baby elephant can
weigh up to one ton. The males are always larger than the females. They are
massive creatures.

An elephant has a trunk, two tusks, two eyes, two ears and two lumps on
its head. It is known to be a clever animal. When an elephant is hot, it fans itself
by flapping its ears back and forth. When an elephant herd wants to move, they
use their ears as a guide. Their hearing range is very large. Elephants hear some
noises that cannot be heard by human’s ears.

Sumatran elephants have enough strength to knock down a tree. They can
also pick up a log using their trunk and their tusks. They trunk is their nose. They
also use it like a hand. Just below their trunk, they have their tusks. Only make
Sumatran elephants have tusks. A baby elephant is called a calf, the females are
called cows.

7. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Sumatran elephant ?

A. The males has tusks
B. They have big ears
C. They flap their ears to cool themselves
D. Male elephant are larger than the females
E. The Sumatran elephants are not easy to rain


What Causes Weather?

Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and
place. It includes temperature, air pressure and water content.

Weather is produced when air move from place to place. This moving air is
known as wind. Winds are formed when the cooler air moves in to replace the
rising warm air. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air; therefore, it creates
low air pressure. Cool air is denser and creates high air pressure.

Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high and there are
clouds, rain and snow when the air pressure drops.

8. Which of the following is not true according to the text ?

A. Weathre is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time.
B. Weather is fine when the air pressure drops.
C. Cool air creates high air pressure.
D. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air.
E. Weather happens when air moves from place to place.


The Great Buddha of Kamakura (Daibutsu in Japanese) in Japan is a

representation of Buddha Amitaba the Lord of the Western Pure Land. The
bronze statue of Amita Buddha, which is worshipped by the followers of Pure
Land sect of Buddhism as a saviour, was cast in 1252 and is Kamakura’s most
important tourist site. Once housed in a huge hall, the statue today sits in the
open, the original temple having been washed away by Tsunami in 1495. Cast
in bronze and weighing close to 850 tonnes, the statue is 13.35 meter tall. The
latest repairs to the Buddha were completed in 1960. These strengthened the
neck and made it possible for the Buddha’s body to move freely on the base to
prevent a damaging shock to the statue in the case of an earthquake.

9. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A. Daibutsu is a representation of Buddha Amitaba, the Lord of the Western
Pure Land.
B. The bronze statue of Amita Buddha was cast in 1252
C. The latest repairs to the Buddha were completed in 1960

D. Cast in bronze and weighing close to 805 tonnes.
E. The statue is 13.35 meter tall.


Umbilical cord blood, like bone marrow, contains valuable stem cells that can
be used to treat life-threatening illness, such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell
anemia, and immune deficiency and metabolic diseases. A baby’s cord blood can
be donated to a public bank or stored at a private bank for future use in a sibling or
parent who has an illness that can be treated by a cord blood transplant.

A number of both public and private banks exist that can store cord blood for
future use. The National Marrow Donor program, which is overseen by the U.S
Health Resources and Services Administration, launched a program in October
2008 that provides families affected by life-threatening diseases with the
opportunity to store a new baby’s cord blood at no cost.

10. According to the passage which statement is NOT true?

A. Umbilical cord blood, like bone marrow, contains valuable stem cells.
B. The National Marrow Donor program, which is overseen by the U.S Health
Resources and Services Administration, launched a program in October
C. A baby’s cord blood can be donated to a public bank or stored at a private
D. The National Marrow Donor program provides families affected by life-
threatening diseases with the opportunity to store a new baby’s cord blood
at no cost.
E. A number of both public and private banks exist that can store cord blood
for future use.

What is the purpose of the text? Kamu mungkin sering menemukan pertanyaan ini
saat menjawab soal bahasa Inggris. Jika tidak memahami maksudnya akan sulit
untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, maka dari itu hal pertama yang harus
dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi jenis bacaan yang disajikan dan memahami
seluruh konten dari teks bacaan tersebut. Dengan demikian, dapat memahami
topik pembahasannya.

Jadi, jangan malas membaca teksnya. Walaupun tidak mengerti keseluruhan isi
bacaan, kamu bisa fokus mengenai garis besar dalam bacaan tersebut. Misalnya, di
dalamnya berisi sebuah dongeng, maka itu merupakan narrative text.

Example questions:

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What is the writer’s intention?

3. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

4. The text/passage is meant to …

5. What is the aim/goal of the text?

Essay text:

1. Narrative Text (Short Story, Fable, Fairytale, Folktale)

• To entertain the reader
2. Report Text (Articles, Journals, Lecture, Text book)
• To present an information about a person/ place/ thing / animal.
3. Recount Text (Short Story, Diary, Letter)
• To retell past event and entertain the readers
4. Procedure Text (Recipe, Tutorial)
• To give instructions or explain how to do something

5. Descriptive Text
• To present detail informations about a person/ place/ thing / animal.

Short Functional Text:

1. Caution: To remind someone of something

2. Greeting Card: To congratulates

3. Short Message: To inform

4. Invitation: To invite someone

5. Announcement: To announce something to someone

6. Advertisement: To advertise / To promote something




Ali Baba was such a poor man that he had only had one shoe for his two
feet. Even the mice in his house were hungry. One day, his wife said, "We have no
food in the house. No rice. No potatoes. Go and collect leaves in the forest so that
I can make a soup." Ali was a lazy man. He looked for leaves for about ten minutes
and then he climbed a tree to sleep. He was afraid of wolves. When he woke up, he
was surprised to see forty thieves on forty horses. They stopped in front of a big
rock. "Open Sesame!" shouted the leader. A door on the rock opened. The thieves
carried sacks full of gold into the cave. When they had finished, the leader shouted.
"Close Sesame!" and the door closed. As soon as the thieves had disappeared Ali
Baba jumped down from the tree, said, "Open Sesame" and went into the cave.
There were shelves all around the walls. The shelves were full of sacks. And the
sacks were full of gold. Ali took a sack home with him.
Unfortunately, one of the thieves saw Ali's footprints on the sand. He
followed them to Ali's home. He took out his knife and made a cross on the door.
"Now I shall know which house it is," he said.
He rode off to get the other thieves. But Ali had seen the thief. He and his
wife took brooms and swept away the footprints. Then he made crosses on every
door at the street. When the forty thieves arrived they had their knives between their
teeth. But they couldn't find either Ali – or the gold. And Ali and his wife lived
happily ever after.

1. The purpose of the text is…

A. to describe persons and characters
B. to tell a sequence of events
C. to entertain the readers
D. to persuade the readers to have many friends
E. to teach the readers how to make friends


The greenhouse effect is a warming of the air around us. It gets its name
from the greenhouses that people use to grow plants. These greenhouses let in heat
from sunlight and trap it inside. Earth’s atmosphere–the layer of air that surrounds
our planet–also traps heat.
Greenhouse effect is raised temperature at a planet’s surface as result of
heat energy being trapped by gases in the atmosphere. Certain gases cause the
atmosphere to act like the glass in a greenhouse. As a result, the temperature of a
planet’s surface may be higher than it otherwise would be–on Earth about 33º C
(59ºF) higher. The main gases that produce the greenhouse effect on Earth are water
vapour and carbon dioxide. Scientists suspect that increased discharge of carbon
dioxide from human activity (notably motor transport and industry) is contributing
to global warming

2. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To explain the process of greenhouse effect
B. To describe the danger of greenhouse effect
C. To define greenhouse effect
D. To report greenhouse effect
E. To explain the cause of greenhouse effect


Once upon a time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like
it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say
the nameof the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot, but he could not understand why
the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird tosay Catano;
however the bird kept not saying the word.

At first, the man was very nice to the bird, but then he got very angry. “You
stupid bird” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word ? Say

Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach,
the parrot would not say it.Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over
and over. “ Say Catano or I’ll kill you.” The birb kept not saying the word Catano.

One day after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the
man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it
into the chicken house. There were four old chikens for next dinner. “you are as
stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them.” Said the man angrily. Then he continue
to humble. “you know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn,
I will eat you too, stupid parrot.” After that he left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and
was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chickens on the floor.
At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old
chicken. “Say Catano or I’ll kill you.”

3. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To retell experience.
B. To describe something.
C. To entertain the readers.
D. To persuade the readers.
E. To tell something step by step.

Mobiles : Good or bad ?

Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobiles. From school
children to retired people, you see them talking in the supermarkets, on trains, in
the street, everywhere! So what are the advantages of mobiles?

First of all they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly
anywhere. Another advantage is that they are really useful in emergency situations.
For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks down, you can get help
quickly. In addition, you can also use your mobile to text your friends or connect
to the internet.

However, There are disadvantages such as the cost. Some mobiles calls still
cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a train
or a bus and you have to listen to someone else’s boring conversation. Another
disadvantage is that peole can contect you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch
your phone off!

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to mobiles.

Personally I feel mobiles are a good thing because they give us more freedom and
make communication easier.

4. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To present an issue from two point of view.
b. To explain why something happens
c. To describe the way things are
d. To criticize a literary work.
e. To entertain the readers.


Dear Tania
We have known each other for such a long time, and been friends for many
years. I am writing you this short letter to thank you for being such a great friend.
I am in senior one now, and stil have few more years to go. I work hard here.
My result are also very good. I may even think about going to university after
finishing high school.
What have you been doing lately ? Is everything okaywith you ? Write me
sometimes when you have time.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,


5. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the letter ?

a. To thank her friend for being a true friend.

b. To tell her past experience.
c. To invite her friend to visit.
d. To ask for an apology.
e. This text is for next question


The Lion and The Mouse

Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon
him; this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big
jaws to swallow him.

“Pardon, O king,” cried the little mouse, “Forgive me this time, I shall never
forget it; perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days.”

The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then,
he lifted up his paw and let him go.

Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to
carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon
to carry him in. Just then, the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight
in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the
ropes that bounded the king of the beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished
gnawing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the readers
B. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the
C. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are
considered newsworthy
D. To explain something
E. To present at least two points of view about an issue


Dear Ms Zanele Muholi,

We would like to invite you to participate in the project “Varzeanas-Football

Culture” from 8th to 14th June at the Goethe – Institute Sao Paulo.

The project will present three of your work; the films “Foot for love” (2012) and
“We live in fear” (2013) and the photo series “Faces and Phases”. We will also
present the work of Thembela Dick “Thokozani Football Club – Team Spirit”

The Director of the Goethe – Institute Sao Paulo, Katharina von Ruckteschell-
Katte, may offer you an accomodation in her house.

We are looking forward to welcoming you here in Brazil.

Kind regards,

Dr. Katharina von Ruckteschell-Katte

Executive Director for Goethe – Institute Sao Paulo

Regional Director for South America

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To offer someone in a football project.
B. To invite someone to join in Varzeanas-Football Culture.
C. To greet someone at the meeting of the Thembela Dick club.
D. To welcome someone at the project of football club and team spirit.
E. To introduce someone with a project called Thokozami football.


On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu
Hotel which is not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in
Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples.
They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because
Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We
were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued
our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the
announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

8. The aim of the text is to……….

a. tell past events
b. entertain readers
c. describe the smugglers
d. report an event to the police
e. inform readers about events of the day


Petruk Cave

Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The
cave is located in the dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo Village, Ayah District,
Kebumen regency. In the petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave.
It is still very natural cave so that petruk cave is very dark to be entered. Petruk
cave’s name is taken from the punokawan of puppet characters that is Petruk. The
cave Named Petruk cave because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s nose.

In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a basic cave, Hindu caves and Petruk
cave. The base cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used
for tourist attractions. Hindu cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put

offerings to the ancestor. Inside Petruk cave there are so many stalactites and
stalagmites which are really awesome. If you want to explore this cave, you must
be led by guides who are ready to take you through the cave. After arriving at the
end of the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located near at the end of the

9. What is the text purpose?

a. To inform readers about tourism in Kebumen
b. To entertain reader about Petruk Cave
c. To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave
d. To Introduce The Local tourism in Kebumen
e. To describe Petruk Cave


“ Microsoft word Will never Understand That my name Is NOT a Spelling


10. What is the goal of the text?

a. To make funny
b. To inform the readers
c. To educate the readers
d. To make surprise
e. To get knowledge


Conclusion of the text atau Conclusion Questions adalah tipe soal yang
menanyakan mengenai kesimpulan atau ringkasan dari sebuah teks bacaan.

Conclusion biasanya dapat ditemukan diantaranya: di akhir bacaan, gabungan
antara baris awal setiap paragraf, atau makna tersirat dari teks bacaan yang ada.
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh pertanyaan dalam Conclusion Questions :

1. What is the conclusion of the text?

2. It can be concluded from the text that …

3. We can conclude that …

4. It can be inferred that …

5. What can be inferred from the passage?

6. What can we infer from the text?

7. It can be inferred from the passage that …

8. What conclusion that …

Contoh soal dan Pembahasan:

Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1918, German physics Max Planck
is best remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped user
in a new era in theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s
understanding of atomic and sub-atomic processes.

Planck introduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the
foundation of twentieth century physics. In December 1900, Planck worked out an
equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low
to high frequencies. He had developed a theory which depended on a model of
matter that seemed very strange at the time. The model required the emission of
electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These particles were later
called quantums. The energy associated with each quantum is measured by
multiplying the frequency of the radiation, v, by a universal constant, h. Thus,
energy, or E, equals hv. The constant, h, is known as Planck’s constant. It is now
recognized as one of the fundamental constant of the world.

Planck announced his finding in 1900, but it was years before the full
consequences of his revolutionary quantum theory were recognized. Throughout
his life, Planck made significant contributions to optics, thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics, physical chemistry, and other fields. In 1930, He was elected
president of the Kaiser Wilhelm society, which was renamed the Max II. Though
deeply opposed to the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler, Planck remained in Germany
throughout the war. He died in Gottingen on October 4, 1947.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that Planck’s work led to the development
of which of the following?
a) The rocket
b) The atomic bomb
c) The internal combustion engine
d) The computer

Jawabannya adalah B, karena berdasarkan kata kunci di soal “Planck’s work

led to the development …”, Planck’s work dapat ditemukan di paragraph 1. Pada
paragraph 1 dinyatakan seperti ini “His work helped user in a new era in theoretical
physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of atomic and
sub-atomic processes. ”, terdapat kata atomic dan sub-atomic process, maka (B) the
atomic bomb adalah pilihan yang paling masuk akal.



Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of
them helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more
we learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than
people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care
for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community, as we do. Some
scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more
probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could any
of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common
argument in favor of man’s superiority over them that we can kill them more easily
than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we discover
about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy

1. One can infer from the reading that —-.

A) dolphins are quite abundant in some areas of the world
B) communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins
C) dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to
D) it is not usual for dolphins to communicate with each other
E) dolphins have some social traits that are similar to those of humans


In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount
Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor
activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to
create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but
later the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The

Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth.
Therefore, contest in running, jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, boxing, and
horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed
every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive
wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally
these contests were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were
halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among
competitors and the different cities represented.

The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated
time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C. The contest
coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of
the participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed
and seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but
also to the cities they represented.

2. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?

A. They were pacifists
B. They believed athletic events were important
C. They were very simple
D. They couldn't count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates
E. They were stupid


Eskimos need efficient and adequate means to travel across in that the areas
where they live are surrounded by oceans, bays, and inlets and dotted with lakes
and seas. Two different types of boats have been developed by the Eskimos, each
constructed to meet specific needs.

The kayak is something like a canoe that has been covered by a deck. A
kayak is generally constructed with one opening in the deck for one rider; however,
some kayaks are made for two. Because the deck of a kayak is covered over except

for the hole (or holes) for its rider (or riders), a kayak can trip over in the water and
roll back up without filling with water and sinking. One of the primary uses of the
kayak is for hunting.

The umiak is not closed over, as is the kayak. Instead, it is an open boat that
is built to hold ten to twelve passengers. Eskimos have numerous uses for the umiak
which reflect the size of the boat; e.g. the umiak is used to haul belongings from
campsite to campsite, and it is used for hunting larger animals that are too big to be
hunted in a kayak.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that an example of the animals mentioned
might be
A. A kangaroo
B. A snake
C. A whale
D. A salmon
E. An elephant


Two types of trees from the same family of trees share honors in certain
respects as the most impressive of trees. Both evergreen conifers, the California
redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and the giant sequioa (Sequioandendrom
giganteum) are found growing natively only in the state of California. The
California redwood is found along the western coast of the state, while the giant
sequioa is found inland and at higher elevations, along the western slopes of the
Sierra Nevadas.

The California redwood is the tallest living tree and is in fact the tallest
living thing on the face of the earth; the height of the tallest redwood on record is
385 feet (120 meters). Though not quite as tall as the California redwood, with a
height of 320 feet (100 meters), the giant sequioa is nonetheless the largest and most
massive of living things; giant sequioas have been measured at more than 100 feet
(30 meters) around the base, with weights of more than 6000 tons.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Sierra Nevadas are ...
A. A type of giant redwood
B. A coastal community
C. A group of lakes
D. A mountain range
E. A farmer


Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be

produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely
used in industry today because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in
the production of propellants.

Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned
for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning
compounds that were used throughout the home, but iwas found to be dangerous:
when heated, it changes into poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even
death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United States
revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United
States has taken similar acton with various other chemical compounds.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that one role of the U.S. government is
to ...
A. regulate product safety
B. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride
C. instruct industry on cleaning methodologies
D. ban te use of any chemicals
E. rule society’s house


In 1603, Queen Elizabeth I of England died. She had never married and had
no heir, so the throne passed to a distant relative: James Stuart, the son of
Elizabeth’s cousin and one-time rival for the throne, Mary, Queen of Scots. James
was crowned King James I of England. At the time, he was also King James VI of
Scotland, and the combination of roles would create a spirit of conflict that haunted
the two nations for generations to come.

The conflict developed as a result of rising tensions among the people within
the nations, as well as between them. Scholars in the 21st century are far too hasty
in dismissing the role of religion in political disputes, but religion undoubtedly
played a role in the problems that faced England and Scotland. By the time of James
Stuart’s succession to the English throne, the English people had firmly embraced
the teachings of Protestant theology. Similarly, the Scottish Lowlands was
decisively Protestant. In the Scottish Highlands, however, the clans retained their
Catholic faith. James acknowledged the Church of England and still sanctioned the
largely Protestant translation of the Bible that still bears his name.

James’s son King Charles I proved himself to be less committed to the

Protestant Church of England. Charles married the Catholic Princess Henrietta
Maria of France, and there were suspicions among the English and the Lowland
Scots that Charles was quietly a Catholic. Charles’s own political troubles extended
beyond religion in this case, and he was beheaded in 1649. Eventually, his son King
Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly
to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother
James ascended to the throne as King James II.

James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to

Catholicism would prove to be his downfall. James’s wife Mary Beatrice lost a
number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in
1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly
be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave
birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the
child named James’s heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his

infant son were forced to flee; and James’s Protestant daughter Mary was crowned
the queen.

In spite of a strong resemblance to the king, the young James was generally
rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as “the
Pretender.” But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He
inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His
own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Prince Charlie, would eventually
raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The
movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England
and Scotland have remained Protestant ever since.

6. Which of the following is a logical conclusion based on the information that is

provided within the passage?
a. Like Elizabeth I, Charles II never married and thus never had children.
b. The English people were relieved each time that James II’s wife Mary lost
another child, as this prevented the chance of a Catholic monarch.
c. Charles I’s beheading had less to do with religion than with other political
problems that England was facing.
d. Unlike his son and grandsons, King James I had no Catholic leanings and
was a faithful follower of the Protestant Church of England.


Smart Energy

The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied
and used. In some major oil producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached,
and there are increasing fears of global warming. Consequently, many countries
are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This transition will lead to
major changes in the supply and use of electricity. [A] Firstly, there will be an
increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to

power their homes and vehicles. [B] Secondly, there will be an increase in power
generation, not only in terms of how much is generated, but also how it is generated,
as there is growing electricity generation from renewable sources. [C] To meet
these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid technology. [D] This
system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power
generation and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power

Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer

system to the electricity network. The computer system can be used to collect
information about supply and demand and improve engineer's ability to manage the
system. With better information about electricity demand, the network will be able
to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to
potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover, the computer
system will assist in reducing operational and maintenance costs.

Smart Grid technology offers benefits to the consumer too. They will be
able to collect real-time information on their energy use for each
appliance. Varying tariffs throughout the day will give customers the incentive to
use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds demand, leading to great
reductions in bills. For example, they may use their washing machines at
night. Smart meters can also be connected to the internet or telephone system,
allowing customers to switch appliances on or off remotely. Furthermore, if houses
are fitted with the apparatus to generate their own power, appliances can be set to
run directly from the on-site power source, and any excess can be sold to the grid.

With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves

managing the supply and demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind,
wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is also set
to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. With oil
and gas, it is relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the
increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative sources,
this is far more difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential

solutions include investigating new and efficient ways to store energy and
encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times.

A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources
are located in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there
is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore must
be built. Thankfully, with improved smart technology, this can be done more
efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction costs.

Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote

and test it are already underway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart
meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use. There are also
a number of demonstrations being planned to show how the smart technology could
practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical infrastructure. It
is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods
which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems
at a later date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to
the high population density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology
is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of sustainable power sources,
transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered
vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in
the energy supply will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour.

6. In paragraph 6, what can be inferred about the introduction of Smart Grid

a. The technology which produce most benefits will be introduced first.
b. The cheapest technology will be introduced first.
c. The technology which are most difficult to put into place will inorduced
d. Technologically advanced systems will be introduced first.


The greenhouse effect is a warming of the air around us. It gets its name

from the greenhouses that people use to grow plants. These greenhouses let in heat
from sunlight and trap it inside. Earth’s atmosphere–the layer of air that surrounds
our planet–also traps heat.
Greenhouse effect is raised temperature at a planet’s surface as result of
heat energy being trapped by gases in the atmosphere. Certain gases cause the
atmosphere to act like the glass in a greenhouse. As a result, the temperature of a
planet’s surface may be higher than it otherwise would be–on Earth about 33º C
(59ºF) higher. The main gases that produce the greenhouse effect on Earth are water
vapour and carbon dioxide. Scientists suspect that increased discharge of carbon
dioxide from human activity (notably motor transport and industry) is contributing
to global warming.

7. What can be concluded from the text above?

a. Sunlight is hot
b. Earth is cold
c. Carbon dioxide is bad
d. Greenhouse effect is good
e. Atmosphere is full of gases


Mobiles : Good or bad ?

Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobiles. From school
children to retired people, you see them talking in the supermarkets, on trains, in
the street, everywhere! So what are the advantages of mobiles?

First of all they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly
anywhere. Another advantage is that they are really useful in emergency situations.
For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks down, you can get help
quickly. In addition, you can also use your mobile to text your friends or connect
to the internet.

However, There are disadvantages such as the cost. Some mobiles calls still
cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a train
or a bus and you have to listen to someone else’s boring conversation. Another
disadvantage is that peole can contect you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch
your phone off!

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to mobiles.

Personally I feel mobiles are a good thing because they give us more freedom and
make communication easier.

8. What is the conclusion of the text based on the writer?

a. Cell phone has advantages
b. Mobiles have disdvantages
c. Mobiles give more freedom
d. Mobiles are boring
e. People are addicted


Can you see the future in dreams?

For hundreds of years, people thought dreams were messages from gods or
spirits. Today, too, many people can remember a time when they saw a place or
person in their dream and then, later, the dream happened in real life. Maybe that’s
not surprising because we dream a lot but we probably only remember the times
when something happens in a dream and then happens for real. Most people have
four to six dreams every night after the age of ten. That’s as many as 2,000 dreams
per year. So, an 80-year-old person has probably had 140,000 dreams. Maybe we
forget 95–99 per cent of our dreams, but that’s still thousands of dreams that might
‘come true’.

9. What can be concluded from the text?

a. Not all of people dream come true
b. People has strong spirit
c. Many people can remember a dream

d. 80-year-old person had a little dream


Pertanyaan mengenai the author’s point / the author’s attitude dan the author’s
purpose ini biasanya muncul untuk menanyakan inti atau tujuan dari pembahasan
teks dan sikap penulis terhadap pembahasan tersebut. Berikut adalah contoh
pertanyaan yang biasa muncul dalam soal:

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?

2. What is the author’s attitude towards the discussion?
3. What does the author’s try to point out from paragraph 1?
4. The author’s point out that ...
5. The author’s purpose in the passage is to ...

Tips untuk menjawab soal jenis ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pahami Main Idea dan Supporting Idea dari suatu bacaan atau paragraf
dalam bacaan.
2. Simpulkan tujuan dan sikap penulis berdasarkan poin nomor 1.

Contoh soal dan pembahasan :

Erosion of America’s farmland by wind and water has been a problem since
settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century.
By the 1930s, more than 282 million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion.
After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new
demands placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil
erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity
as the nation’s most critical natural resource problem.

1. The author points out in the passage that erosion in America —-.
A) has damaged 282 million acres ever since settlers first put the prairies and
grasslands under the plough

B) has been so severe that it has forced people to abandon their settlements
C)occurs only in areas with no vegetation
D) can become a more serious problem in the future
E) was on the decline before the 1930s



Up to now, confessions that have been obtained from defendants in a

hypnotic state have not been admitted into evidence by courts in the United States.
Experts in the field of hypnosis have found that such confessions are not completely
reliable. Subject in a hypnotic state may confess to crimes they did not commit for
one of two reasons. Either they fantasize that they committed the crimes, or they
believe that others want them to confess.

A landmark case concerning a confession obtained under hypnosis went all

the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the case of Layra v. Denno, a suspect was
hypnotized by psychiatrist for the district attorney; in a posthypnotic state the
suspect signed three separate confessions to a murder. The Supreme Court ruled
that the confessions were invalid because the confessions had been the only
evidence against him.

1. Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose in this passage?
A. To explain the details of a specific court case.
B. To demonstrate why confessions made under hypnosis are not reliable.
C. To clarify the role of the Supreme Court in invalidating confessions from
hypnotized subjects.
D. To explain the legal status of hypnotically induced confessions.
E. To entertain the readers


The rate at which the deforestation of the world is proceeding is alarming.

In 1950 aproximately 25 percent of the earth land’s surface had been covered with

forest, and less than twenty-five years later the amount of forest land was reduced
to 20 percent. This decrease from 25 percent to 20 percent from 1950 to 1973
represents an astounding 20 million square kilometers of forests. Predictions are
that an additional 20 million square kilometers of forest land will be lost by 2020.

The majority of deforestation is occuring in trophical forest in developing

countries, fueled by the developing countries’ need for increased agricultural land
and the desire on the part of developed country to import wood and wood products.
More than 90 percent of the plywood used in the United States, for example, is
imported from developing countries with tropical rain forests. By the mid-1980s,
solutions to this expanding problem were being sought, in the form of attempt to
establish an international regulatory organization to oversee the use of tropical

2. The author’s main purpose in the passage is to ...

A. cite statistics about an improvement on the earth’s land surface
B. explain where deforestation is occuring
C. make the reader aware of a worsening world problem
D. blame developing countries for deforestation
E. admit reader’s fault


"[... Rachel] had been educated as the majority of well-to-do girls in the last part
of the nineteenth century were educated. Kindly doctors and gentle old professors
had taught her the rudiments of about ten different branches of knowledge, but they
would as soon have forced her to go through one piece of drudgery thoroughly as
they would have told her that her hands were dirty. The one hour or the two hours
weekly passed very pleasantly, partly owing to the other pupils, partly to the fact
that the window looked upon the back of a shop, where figures appeared against
the red windows in winter, partly to the accidents that are bound to happen when
more than two people are in the same room together. But there was no subject in
the world which she knew accurately. Her mind was in the state of an intelligent

man's in the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth; she would believe
practically anything she was told, invent reasons for anything she said. The shape
of the earth, the history of the world, how trains worked, or money was invested,
what laws were in force, which people wanted what, and why they wanted it, the
most elementary idea of a system in modern life—none of this had been imparted
to her by any of her professors or mistresses. But this system of education had one
great advantage. It did not teach anything, but it put no obstacle in the way of any
real talent that the pupil might chance to have. Rachel, being musical, was allowed
to learn nothing but music; she became a fanatic about music. All the energies that
might have gone into languages, science, or literature, that might have made her
friends, or shown her the world, poured straight into music. Finding her teachers
inadequate, she had practically taught herself. At the age of twenty-four she knew
as much about music as most people do when they are thirty; and could play as well
as nature allowed her to, which, as became daily more obvious, was a really
generous allowance. If this one definite gift was surrounded by dreams and ideas
of the most extravagant and foolish description, no one was any the wiser."

3. Based on this passage, what can be inferred about the author's attitude
toward the education of women?

a. The author is impressed with the quality of women's education, using

Rachel as an example of what female students could achieve thanks to
this educational system
b. The author is disdainful of Rachel's education because she does not
approve of education for women in general
c. The author wishes that she could have received the kind of education
Rachel did, even though it was flawed
d. The author implies that Rachel, and women in general, could achieve
even more if they received a more rigorous education


The slaves selected to go to the Great House Farm, for the monthly
allowance for themselves and their fellow-slaves, were peculiarly enthusiastic.
While on their way, they would make the dense old woods, for miles around,
reverberate with their wild songs, revealing at once the highest joy and the deepest
sadness. [...]

I did not, when a slave, understand the deep meaning of those rude and
apparently incoherent songs. I was myself within the circle; so that I neither saw
nor heard as those without might see and hear. They told a tale of woe which was
then altogether beyond my feeble comprehension; they were tones loud, long, and
deep; they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest
anguish. Every tone was a testimony against slavery, and a prayer to God for
deliverance from chains. The hearing of those wild notes always depressed my
spirit, and filled me with ineffable sadness. I have frequently found myself in tears
while hearing them. The mere recurrence to those songs, even now, afflicts me; and
while I am writing these lines, an expression of feeling has already found its way
down my cheek. To those songs I trace my first glimmering conception of the
dehumanizing character of slavery. I can never get rid of that conception. Those
songs still follow me, to deepen my hatred of slavery, and quicken my sympathies
for my brethren in bonds. If any one wishes to be impressed with the soul-killing
effects of slavery, let him go to Colonel Lloyd's plantation, and, on allowance-day,
place himself in the deep pine woods, and there let him, in silence, analyze the
sounds that shall pass through the chambers of his soul,--and if he is not thus
impressed, it will only be because "there is no flesh in his obdurate heart."

I have often been utterly astonished, since I came to the north, to find persons
who could speak of the singing, among slaves, as evidence of their contentment and
happiness. It is impossible to conceive of a greater mistake. Slaves sing most when
they are most unhappy. The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart;
and he is relieved by them, only as an aching heart is relieved by its tears. At least,
such is my experience. I have often sung to drown my sorrow, but seldom to express
my happiness. Crying for joy, and singing for joy, were alike uncommon to me
while in the jaws of slavery. The singing of a man cast away upon a desolate island

might be as appropriately considered as evidence of contentment and happiness, as
the singing of a slave; the songs of the one and of the other are prompted by the
same emotion.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that .....

A. The author believes that slaves' songs should be performed in major music
B. The author is disdainful of Northerners
C. The author believes that slaves should have the right to sing whenever they
D. The author hopes that some people might be moved to oppose slavery if
they understood why slaves sing


After days and nights of incredible labor and fatigue, I succeeded in

discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable
of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter.

The astonishment which I had at first experienced on this discovery soon

gave place to delight and rapture. After so much time spent in painful labor, to
arrive at once at the summit of my desires was the most gratifying consummation
of my toils. But this discovery was so great and overwhelming that all the steps by
which I had been progressively led to it were obliterated, and I beheld only the
result. What had been the study and desire of the wisest men since the creation of
the world was now within my grasp. Not that, like a magic scene, it all opened upon
me at once: the information I had obtained was of a nature rather to direct my

endeavors so soon as I should point them towards the object of my search than to
exhibit that object already accomplished. I was like the Arabian who had been
buried with the dead and found a passage to life, aided only by one glimmering and
seemingly ineffectual light.

I see by your eagerness and the wonder and hope which your eyes express,
my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted;
that cannot be; listen patiently until the end of my story, and you will easily perceive
why I am reserved upon that subject. I will not lead you on, unguarded and ardent
as I then was, to your destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if not by
my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of
knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be
the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.

5. According to the passage above, which of the following statements most

likely reflects the author's belief about knowledge?

A. There are some types of information that are unimportant for everyday
people, and should only be known by scientists
B. Human intelligence is infinite in its ability to grow and evolve
C. Of all of the painful, difficult tasks, the most honorable is the pursuit of
scientific knowledge
D. Knowledge does not bring happiness, but rather, ignorance is bliss
E. Achieving knowledge is an aspiration that every man and woman should
aspire to


In spite of the power of the individual will to struggle against conditions, to

resist them for a while, and sometimes to overcome them, it remains true that the
human creature is affected by his environment, as is every other living thing. The
power of the individual will to resist natural law is well proven by the life and death

of the ascetic. In any one of those suicidal martyrs may be seen the will, misdirected
by the ill-informed intelligence, forcing the body to defy every natural impulse,–
even to the door of death, and through it.

But, while these exceptions show what the human will can do, the general
course of life shows the inexorable effect of conditions upon humanity. Of these
conditions we share with other living things the environment of the material
universe. We are affected by climate and locality, by physical, chemical, electrical
forces, as are all animals and plants. With the animals, we farther share the effect
of our own activity, the reactionary force of exercise. What we do, as well as what
is done to us, makes us what we are. But, beyond these forces, we come under the
effect of a third set of conditions peculiar to our human status; namely, social
conditions. In the organic interchanges which constitute social life, we are affected
by each other to a degree beyond what is found even among the most gregarious of
animals. This third factor, the social environment, is of enormous force as a
modifier of human life. Throughout all these environing conditions, those which
affect us through our economic necessities are most marked in their influence.

6. From what is presented in the passage, which of the following statements

best represents the central belief that the author holds about humans?

A. The author believes that humans and animals can live harmoniously in
shared environments
B. The author believes that humans are fundamentally weak creatures, falling
subject to their physical desires
C. The author believes that humans are uniquely affected by their social
D. The author believes that most humans can successfully resist natural urges
E. The author believes that humans are not the only social species on the planet


“Generally speaking, there are only two satisfactory methods of greenhouse
heating: Steam and hot water. Direct heating by stoves is not satisfactory even in
small houses, and no satisfactory system has yet been devised for the use of hot-air
furnaces. The only method aside from steam or hot water which deserves mention
is heating by flues. They are wasteful of fuel, and their use is not justified, except
in cheaply constructed houses which are used only for a few months in the spring
or fall.

The principles pertaining to greenhouse heating are much the same as those
involved in heating other buildings, except that the loss of heat is greater from glass
than from wood or brick walls, and a higher and more constant night temperature
is required than is necessary in dwellings. For this reason, relatively more radiating
surface is required and boilers of larger capacity are needed.

In heating with flues the equipment consists simply of a furnace at one end
of the house and a chimney at the other, the two being connected by a flue, carried
underneath the bench or buried just underneath the soil, through which the heat and
smoke are carried. This may be made of brick, but large-size drain or sewer tile are
more commonly used. These withstand the heat and are easily and cheaply put in
place. It is best to have the flue slope upward slightly toward the chimney. As has
already been stated, this method is wasteful of fuel. It is also difficult to regulate. It
is still employed to some extent by gardeners in cheap houses, used only in late
winter or early spring for the starting of early vegetable plants, sweet potatoes, etc.”

7. Based on the passage, with which of the following statements would the
author most likely agree?

a. Flues are a better method of greenhouse heating than steam and hot water
because steam and hot water are wasteful
b. People should live in greenhouses because they stay warm at night
c. Steam and hot water are better methods of greenhouse heating than flues
because flues are wasteful
d. Greenhouses are unnecessary


“The swift unfolding of the leaves in spring is always a miracle. One day
the budded twigs are still wrapped in the deep sleep of winter. A trace of green
appears about the edges of the bud scales—they loosen and fall, and the tender
green shoot looks timidly out and begins to unfold its crumpled leaves. Soon the
delicate blade broadens and takes on the texture and familiar appearance of the
grown-up leaf. Behold! While we watched the single shoot the bare tree has clothed
itself in the green canopy of summer.

How can this miracle take place? How does the tree come into full leaf,
sometimes within a fraction of a week? It could never happen except for the store
of concentrated food that the sap dissolves in spring and carries to the buds, and for
the remarkable activity of the cambium cells within the buds.

What is a bud? It is a shoot in miniature—its leaves or flowers, or both, formed

with wondrous completeness in the previous summer. About its base are crowded
leaved so hardened and overlapped as to cover and protect the tender shoot. All the
tree can ever express of beauty or of energy comes out of these precious little
‘growing points,’ wrapped up all winter, but impatient, as spring approaches, to
accept the invitation of the south wind and sun.”

8. Based on the passage, what is most likely the author's attitude about trees?

a. They smell good

b. They are beautiful
c. They are wasteful
d. They are too large


Children and youth are expected as they grow up to take on by easy stages
the characteristics of adulthood. At the end of the process it is expected that they
will be able to do the things that adults do; to think as they think; to bear adult
responsibilities; to be efficient in work; to be thoughtful public-spirited citizens;
and the like. The individual who reaches this level of attainment is educated, even
though he may never have attended school. The one who falls below this level is
not truly educated, even though he may have had a surplus of schooling.

To bring one's nature to full maturity, as represented by the best of the adult
community in which one grows up, is true education for life in that community.
Anything less than this falls short of its purpose. Anything other than this is
education misdirected.

In very early days, when community life was simple, practically all of one's
education was obtained through participating in community activities, and without
systematic teaching. From that day to this, however, the social world has been
growing more complex. Adults have developed kinds of activities so complicated
that youth cannot adequately enter into them and learn them without systematic
teaching. At first these things were few; with the years they have grown very

One of the earliest of these too-complicated activities was written

language—reading, writing, spelling. These matters became necessities to the adult
world; but youth under ordinary circumstances could not participate in them as
performed by adults sufficiently to master them. They had to be taught; and the
school thereby came into existence. A second thing developed about the same time
was the complicated number system used by adults. It was too difficult for youth to
master through participation only. It too had to be taught, and it offered a second
task for the schools. In the early schools this teaching of the so-called Three R's was
all that was needed, because these were the only adult activities that had become so
complicated as to require systematized teaching. Other things were still simple
enough, so that young people could enter into them sufficiently for all necessary

As community vision widened and men's affairs came to extend far beyond
the horizon, a need arose for knowledge of the outlying world. This knowledge
could rarely be obtained sufficiently through travel and observation. There arose
the new need for the systematic teaching of geography. What had hitherto not been
a human necessity and therefore not an educational essential became both because
of changed social conditions.

9. Is it logical to infer that the author believes that a formal education has
always been necessary?
a. No, a formal education has never been and is still not necessary
b. No, in earlier times a formal education was unnecessary since everything
could be learned through participation
c. We cannot tell from the passage
d. Yes, a formal education could have made the more primitive cultures more
e. Yes, all the problems of the past have been caused bye a lack of education


Iguacu Falls, which sit on the border between Argentina and Brazil, are said to
make Niagara look like a leaky faucet. The great cataracts stretch for two and a half
miles across lushly foliaged rocky outcroppings before plunging a staggering two
hundred and thirty feet into the river below. The falls region is densely forested,

and is home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including a number of
endangered ones. It is a paradise where parrots dive and swoop through the spray,
butterflies cavort among the tropical plants and coatis, and giant otters and anteaters
amble through the trees. The foliage itself varies between tropical and deciduous
with orchids blushing in the shade of pines and ferns nodding gracefully in the
shadow of fruit trees.

10. The author’s attitude toward Iguacu Falls can best be described as which of the

a. Overweening pride.
b. Positive appreciation.
c. Mild acceptance.
d. Apathetic objectivity
e. Cautious optimism.


Pertanyaan ini menanyakan pada pembaca mengenai Reference atau

referensi atau acuan. Pertanyaan dalam Reading Comprehension ini biasanya
menanyakan tentang sesuatu atau seseorang yang disebut dengan kata ganti benda

seperti he, she, him, her, it, they, them, himself, herself, atau theirself. Jenis-jenis
pertanyaan yang muncul biasanya sebagai berikut :

1. The word X in line Y refers to …

2. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to …

Tips menjawab soal tipe ini :

1. Pilih kata kunci dari pertanyaan.

2. Amati bacaan yang memuat kata kunci dari pertanyaan tersebut.

3. Perhatikan kalimat sebelum kalimat yang memuat kata kunci.

4. Saring kata kunci dari bacaan yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan.

5. Pilih jawaban yang benar berdasarkan petunjuk/informasi yang termuat dalam


Contoh soal dan pembahasan:

The administration of a college or university provides the governing

structure of the institution. Although each institution organizes its administration
differently, nearly all colleges and universities have a board of trustees, a president,
at least one vice president, dean of various divisions, and a number of academic
departments. In addition, state college and university systems are governed by state
boards of higher education.

The word its in Line 3 refer to …..

A. Administration
B. Institution
C. President
D. Divisions
E. School

Kata “its” terdapat dalam kalimat Although each institution organizes its
administration differently, yang berarti its mengacu pada kata institution. Jadi,
jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) institution.



The anti-bullying strategy is an implementation plan of the children’s Single

Plan. Within the needs analysis for the plan, young people as their second most
serious concern raised bullying at 35%. This has fallen to 31% in 2005/2006 survey
and is below the London Average of 33%. Their highest concern was fear of crime.
Bullying was an issue with younger children in the survey, but as they got older it
became fear of crime. This has been interpreted as young people become more
independent the issues of how young people treat each other and move out of school
as they as young people as out of home more. Thus what is called bullying or fear
of crime has as it core how young people treat each other. The anti-bullying works
in schools therefore also crosses over into personal safety and prevention of youth
crime work outside schools. This strategy looks at school related bullying, but
references anti-social behavior work where it links in.

1. The word ‘this’ in line 3 refers to …..

A. Bullying
B. People
C. Children
D. Strategy
E. Fallen 30%


The Great Buddha of Kamakura (Daibutsu in Japanese) in Japan is a

representation of Buddha Amitaba the Lord of the Western Pure Land. The bronze
statue of Amita Buddha, which is worshipped by the followers of Pure Land sect of
Buddhism as a savior, was cast in 1252 and is Kamakura’s most important tourist
site. Once housed in a huge hall, the statue today sits in the open, the original temple
having been washed away by Tsunami in 1495. Cast in bronze and weighing close
to 850 tonnes, the statue is 13.35 meter tall. The latest repairs to the Buddha were
completed in 1960. These strengthened the neck and made it possible for the

Buddha’s body to move freely on the base to prevent a damaging shock to the statue
in the case of an earthquake.

2. The word ‘which’ in Line 3 refers to …..

A. The Great Buddha of Kamakura in Japan
B. The bronze statue of Amita Buddha
C. Japan
D. The followers
E. Tsunami


Umbilical cord blood, like bone marrow, contains valuable stem cells that can
be used to treat life-threatening illness, such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell
anemia, and immune deficiency and metabolic diseases. A baby’s cord blood can
be donated to a public bank or stored at a private bank for future use in a sibling or
parent who has an illness that can be treated by a cord blood transplant.

A number of both public and private banks exist that can store cord blood
for future use. The National Marrow Donor program, which is overseen by the U.S
Health Resources and Services Administration, launched a program in October
2008 that provides families affected by life-threatening diseases with the
opportunity to store a new baby’s cord blood at no cost.

3. The word ‘who’ in Line 4 refers to …..

A. Blood
B. Baby’s cord blood
C. A sibling or parent
D. Public bank
E. Future


The Eiffel tower was built for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889
commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales, later
King Edward VII of England, opened it. Of the 700 proposal submitted in a design
competition, Gustave Eiffel’s was unanimously chosen. However it was not
accepted by all at first, and a petition of 300 names – including those of Maupassant,
Emile Zola, Charles Garnier (architect of the Opera Garnier), and Dumas the
Younger – protested its construction. At 300 meters (320,75 m including antenna),
and 7000 tons, it was the world’s tallest building until 1930.

4. The word ‘it’ in Line 3 refers to …..

A. Prince of Wales
B. French
C. Eiffel tower
D. King Edward VII
E. Revolution


The Quebec Bridge, located at mile 2.70, Bridge Sub-division Quebec City,
Quebec, Canada, was considered the eight “Wonder of The World”, when
construction was completed in 1919. It is the longest cantilever, steel railway bridge
in the world. Its “sister” bridge is the Fifth of Forth Bridge in Scotland. The Quebec
Bridge is riveted steel structure with 8.000.000 square feet of coatable structural
steel. The overall length is 3239 feet and the width is 94 feet. The bridge is 340 feet
high, from the top of the cantilever to the water below. Each cantilever span is 580
feet long.

The Quebec Bridge accomodates 1 rail line, 3 lanes of automotive traffic and 2
pedestrian walkways. The Quebec Bridge was dcclared a historic monument in
1987, by the Canadian and American Society of Civil Engineers and a National
Historic Site on January 24, 1996 by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

5. The word it in line 3 refers to ...
a. The Quebec Bridge
b. Quebec City
c. Canada
d. Construction
e. American


Economic contact between Native Americans and Europeans can be traced back
to the English and French fishermen off the coast of Canada in the
1500s. They traded guns and other weapons for beaver fur. The first explorers to
trade with the Native Americans were Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier
in the 1520s and 1530s. In Verrazano's book he notes, "If we wanted to trade with
them for some of their things, they would come to the seashore on some rocks where
the breakers were most violent while we remained on the little boat, and they sent
us what they wanted to give on a rope, continually shouting to us not to approach
the land."

6. The word 'They' in line 2 refers to?

A. English and French fishermen

B. Beavers
C. Europeans
D. Traits and characteristics
E. Rope


A heart attack happens if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart
muscle suddenly becomes blocked. Most heart attacks occur as a result of coronary
heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance called plaque
builds up inside of the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood
to your heart.

When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis.

The build up of plaque occurs over many years. Eventually, an area of plaque can
rupture (break open) inside of an artery. This causes a blood clot to form on the
plaque’s surface. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely
block blood flow through a coronary artery.

If the blockage isn’t treated quickly, the portion of heart muscle fed by the
artery begins to die. Healthy heart tissue is replaced with scar tissue. This heart
damage may not be obvious, or it may cause severe or long-lasting problems.

7. The word this in paragraph 3 refers to .....

a. Heart
b. Damage
c. Heart damage
d. Scar tissue
e. Healthy tissue


Diabetes is really a serious condition of glands, associated with pancreas to

be exact, called Madhumeha within Ayurveda. It is among the majority of insidious
disorders of metabolism and, if left undiagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and
eventually death.

According to Ayurveda, diabetic issues is actually of two sorts: Diabetic

issues Mellitus-Blood insulin reliant Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type 1) when the
physique is not able to create blood insulin; and Non Blood insulin Dependent Adult

Beginning Diabetes (NIDDM-Type 2) where the pancreas will produce insulin, but
it’s actually inadequate for reducing the blood glucose to normal amounts.

8. The word it in line 7 refers to .....

a. Blood
b. Glucose
c. Insulin
d. Diabetes
e. Blood


‘Blossoming Chestnut Branches’ is a very late van Gogh painting. Vincent

painted it sometime after he arrived in Auvers-sur-Oise on May 21, 1890, but before
the chestnut trees had stopped flowering. Here he had broken a few blooming
chestnut branches off and arranged them in a vase with some light pink
rhododendrons. The resultant painting is bold in composition, color and brushwork,
yet fragile in its subject matter.

Vincent presented this as a gift to Paul Gachet (1828-1909), the

homeopathic physician with whom he was staying. The artist had specifically come
to Auvers-sur-Oise on the advice of his brother, Theo, to receive treatment from
Gachet. Unfortunately, van Gogh soon doubted that even the artistic, artist-friendly
Gachet would be of any help and wrote as much to Theo. And by the end of July, a
scant two months later, he was gone.

9. The word it in line 1 refers to .....

a. The painter
b. Blossoming Chestnut Branches
c. Van Gogh
d. Auvers-sur-Oise
e. Paul Gachet


As the country’s largest national museum undergoes extensive renovation

(the timeline for which has been pushed out several times, most recently until 2012-
13), the Rijksmuseum now showcases an abbreviated collection of 17th- and 18th-
century Dutch works of art in one wing of the massive Neo-Gothic building. “The
Masterpieces” exhibition takes visitors through an evolution of the Dutch Golden
Age, a time when the Netherland’s colonization and trade efforts made it the
world’s richest country. The collection features stunning samples of Delftware,
silver and other artifacts, as well as paintings by Dutch masters Rembrandt,
Vermeer and Frans Hals. The museum’s imposing exterior architecture alone is a
sight worth seeing.

10. The word it in line 6 refers to .....

a. The Dutch Golden Age
b. Netherland
c. Colonization
d. The Masterpieces
e. Frans Hals


Dalam soal reading comprehension, pertanyaan dalam bentuk exception/except

sering sekali muncul. Biasanya pertanyaan tersebut dibarengi dengan pertanyaan
synonym/antonym/refers to…

Cara mengidentifikasi soal Exception :

1. According to the passage, all of the following are true about….,

2. According to the passage, all of the following are false about…,
3. According to the passage, all of the following are correct about…..,
4. According to the passage, all of the following are incorrect about…..,
5. The word in line….. is false, EXCEPT…

Tips dan trik menjawab :

1. Pahami soal
2. Bacalah soal terlebih dahulu kemudian teks bacaan
3. Cocokkan pilihan jawaban yg ada pada opsi a,b,c,d atau e dengan yang ada
di teks/bacaan

Contoh Soal :

Robert Moog was an American inventor who developed the Moog

Synthesizer. It was one of the first synthesizers to gain widespread use as a musical
instrument. Moog’s synthesizers were an important pa Line of musical innovation
in rock and jazz music in the 1960s and 1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was born in
Queens, a borough of New York City 75 years ago. He became fascinated with
electronics as a teenager, particularly an early electronic music instrument called
the theremin. Moog studied physic and electrical engineering at Queens College
and Columbia University, both in New York City and later received a Ph.D. in
engineering physic Cornel University in Ithaca, New York. In 1954, while still an

undergraduate student, Moog formed his own company to sell theremins and
theremin kits.

Soon after, Moog began working on a keyboard instrument that could

replicate the sound of any musical instrument electronically. Working with
American composer Herbert Deutsch, Moog introduced the prototype Moog
Synthesizer at a convention in 1964. The device represented a significant advance
over previous electronic synthesizer because of its use of new semiconductor
technology, which made it smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier
machines. The Moog, as it was known, was soon in demand by musician all over
the world.

In 1964, Moog began a collaboration with American composer and organist

Walter Carlos (now Wendy Carlos), who released the bestselling electronic music
album Switched-On Bach in 1968. Rock groups such as the Beatles and Yes and
jazz musicians such as Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea began incorporating
Moog Synthesizer into their recordings, a trend that increased when the company
introduced the compact and portable Minimoog in 1970. A Moog Synthesizer was
also prominently featured on the soundtrack to the movie A Clockwork Orange in
1971. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2008

According to the passage, all of the following are true about The Moog,

(A) it was invented by Robert Moog

(B) it was first introduced in 1964
(C) it initiated new technology which was smaller and cheaper than previous
(D) it was the first synthesizer in the world

Jawab: (D) it was the first synthesizer in the world Keyword: made it smaller and
considerably than Pembahasan: it was the first synthesizer In the world. Karena
dalam bacaan ke-18-19 dituliskan bahwa sebelumnya sudah diciptakan mesin
synthesizer “which made it smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier machine”.

Exception Exercises


The cause of tooth decay is acid, which is produced by bacteria in the mouth. The
acid removes minerals from tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the saliva
in your mouth encourages remineralization and Line neutralizes the acid. The rate
at which bacteria in the mouth produce acid depends on the amount of plaque on
the teeth, the composition of the microbial flora, and whether the bacteria of the
plaque have been “primed” by frequent exposure to sugar. To keep your teeth
healthy, a regular dental hygiene program should be followed.

Removing plaque with a toothbrush and dental floss temporarily reduces the
numbers of bacteria in the mouth and thus reduces tooth decay. It also makes the
surfaces of the teeth more accessible, enabling saliva to neutralize acid and
remineralise lesions. If fluoride is present in drinking water when teeth are forming,
some fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the teeth, making them more
resistant to attack by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to act in another way, by
promoting the remineralization of early carious lesions.

In addition to a regular dental hygiene program, a good way to keep your teeth
healthy is to reduce your intake of sweet food. The least cavity- causing way to eat
sweets is to have them with meals and not between. The number of times you eat
sweets rather than the total amount determines how much harmful acid the bacteria
in your saliva produce. But the amount of sweets influences the quality of your
saliva. Avoid, if you can, sticky sweets that stay in your mouth a long time. Also
try to brush and floss your teeth after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your mouth
with water is effective. Whenever possible, eat foods with fiber, such as raw carrot

sticks, apples, celery sticks, etc., that scrape off plaque, acting as a toothbrush.
Cavities can be greatly reduced if these rules are followed when eating sweets.

1. According to the passage, all of the following statements about plaque are true

(A) it consists of acid producing bacteria

(B) it is not affected by eating sweets
(C) it can be removed from teeth by brushing and flossing
(D) it reduces the positive effect of saliva


Until recently,mostAmericanentrepreneursweremen. Discrimination against

women in business, the demands of caring for families, and lack of business training
had kept the number of women entrepreneurs Line small. Now, however,
businesses owned by women account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues,
and this figure is likely to continue rising throughout the 1990s. As Carolyn Doppelt
Gray, an official of the Small Business Administration, has noted, “The 1970s was
the decade of women entering management, and the 1980s turned out to be the
decade of the woman entrepreneur”.

What are some of the factors behind this trend? For one thing, as more women earn
advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding
obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor,
a management consultant, had noted, “In the 1970s women believed if they got an
MBA and worked hard they could become chairman of the board. Now they’ve
found out that isn’t going to happen, so they go out on their own”.

In the past, most women entrepreneurs worked in “women’s” fields: cosmetics and
clothing, for example. But this is changing. Consider ASK Computer Systems, a
$22-million-a-year computer software business. It was founded in 1973 by Sandra

Kurtzig, who was then a housewife with degrees in math and engineering. When
Kurtzig founded the business, her first product was software that let weekly
newspapers keep tabs on their newspaper carriers and her office was a bedroom at
home, with a shoebox under the bed to hold the company’s cash. After she
succeeded with the newspaper software system, she hired several bright computer-
science graduates to develop additional programs. When these were marketed and
sold, ASK began to grow. It now has 200 employees, and Sandra Kurtzig owns
$66.9 million of stock.

Of course, many women who start their own businesses fail, just as men often do.
They still face hurdles in the business world, especially problems in raising money;
the banking and finance world is still dominated by men, and old attitudes die hard.
Most businesses owned by women are still quite small. But the situation is
changing; there are likely to be many more Sandra Kurtzigs in the years ahead.

2. All of the following were mentioned in the passage as detriments to women in

the business world EXCEPT…

(A) women were required to stay at home with their families

(B) women lacked ability to work in business
(C) women faced discrimination in business
(D) women were not trained in business


A distinctively American architecture began with Frank Lloyd Wright, who

had taken to heart the admonition that form should follow function and who thought
of buildings not as separate architectural entities but as parts of an organic whole
that included the land, the community, and the society. In a very real way the houses
of colonial New England and some of the southern plantations had been functional,
but Wright was the first architect to make functionalism the authoritative principle
for public as well as for domestic buildings. As early as 1906 he built the Unity

Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, the first of those churches that did so much to
revolutionize ecclesiastical architecture in the United States. Thereafter he turned
his genius to such miscellaneous structures as houses, schools, office buildings, and
factories, among them the famous Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York, and the
Johnson Wax Company building in Racine, Wisconsin.

3.The passage mentions that all of the following structures were built by Wright
(A) factories
(B) public buildings
(C) offices
(D) southern plantations


There are two basic types of glaciers, those that flow outward in all
directions with little regard for any underlying terrain and those that are confined
by terrain to a particular path. The first category of glaciers includes those massive
blankets that cover whole continents, appropriately called ice sheets. There must be
over 50,000 square kilometers of land covered with ice for the glacier to qualify as
an ice sheet. When portions of an ice sheet spread out over the ocean, they form ice
shelves. About 20,000 years ago the Cordilleran Ice Sheet covered nearly all the
mountains in southern Alaska, western Canada, and the western United States. It
was about 3 kilometers deep at its thickest point in northern Alberta. Now there are
only two sheets left on Earth, those covering Greenland and Antarctica. Any
domelike body of ice that also flows out in all directions but covers less than 50,000
square kilometers is called an ice cap. Although ice caps are rare nowadays, there
are a number in northeastern Canada, on Baffin Island, and on the Queen Elizabeth

The second category of glaciers includes those of a variety of shapes and sizes

generally called mountain or alpine glaciers. Mountain glaciers are typically
identified by the landform that controls their flow. One form of mountain glacier
that resembles an ice cap in that it flows outward in several directions is called an
ice field. The difference between an ice field and an ice cap is subtle. Essentially,
the flow of an ice field is somewhat controlled by surrounding terrain and thus does
not have the domelike shape of a cap. There are several ice fields in the Wrangell.
St. Elias, and Chugach mountains of Alaska and northern British Columbia.
Less spectacular than large ice fields are the most common types of mountain
glaciers: the cirque and valley glaciers. Cirque glaciers are found in depressions in
the surface of the land and have a characteristic circular shape. The ice of valley
glaciers, bound by terrain, flows down valleys, curves around their corners, and
falls over cliffs.

4. All of the following are alpine glaciers EXCEPT

(A) cirque glaciers
(B) ice caps
(C) valley glaciers
(D) ice fields


Tools and hand bones excavated from the Swartkrans cave complex in South
Africa suggest that a close relative of early humans known as Australopithecus
robustus may have made and used primitive tools long before the species became
extinct I million Line years ago. It may even have made and used primitive tools
long before humanity’s direct ancestor, Homo habilis, or “handy man,” began
doing so. Homo habilis and its successor, Homo erectus, coexisted with
Australopithecus robustus on the plains of South Africa for more than a million
The Swartkrans cave in South Africa has been under excavation since the 1940’s.
The earliest fossil-containing layers of sedimentary rock in the cave date from
about 1.9 million years ago and contain extensive remains of animals, primitive
tools, and two or more species of apelike hominids. The key recent discovery

involved bones from the hand of Australopithecus robustus, the first time such
bones have been found. The most important feature of the Australopithecus
robustus hand was the pollical distal thumb tip, the last bone in the thumb. The
bone had an attachment point for a “uniquely human” muscle, the flexor pollicis
longus, that had previously been found only in more recent ancestors. That muscle
gave Australopithecus robustutJ an opposable thumb, a feature that would allow
them to grip objects, including tools. The researchers also found primitive bone
and stone implements, especially digging tools, in the same layers of sediments.
Australopithecus robustus were more heavily built- more “robust” in
anthropological terms-than their successors. They had broad faces, heavy jaws,
and massive crushing and grinding teeth that were used for eating hard fruits,
seeds, and fibrous underground plant parts. They walked upright, which would
have allowed them to carry and use tools. Most experts had previously believed
that Homo habilis were able to supplant Australopithecus robustus because the
former’s ability to use tools gave them an innate superiority. The discovery that
Australopithecus robustus also used tools means that researchers will have to seek
other explanations for their extinction. Perhaps their reliance on naturally
occurring plants led to their downfall as the climate became drier and cooler, or
perhaps Homo habilis, with their bigger brains, were simply able tomake more
sophisticated tools.
5. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that all of the following may have
made and used tools EXCEPT.
(A) Australopithecus robustus
(B) Homo erectus
(C) Homo habilis
(D) Australopithecus robustus’ ancestors


In the mid-nineteenth century, the United States had tremendous natural
resources that could be exploited in order to develop heavy industry. Most of the
raw materials that are valuable in the manufacture of machinery, transportation
facilities, and consumer goods lay ready to be worked into wealth. Iron, coal, and
oil-the basic ingredients of industrial growth-were plentiful and needed only the
application of technical expertise, organizational skill, and labor.
One crucial development in this movement toward industrialization was the growth
of the railroads. The railway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the
United States looked like a spider’s web, with the steel filaments connecting all
important sources of raw materials, their places of manufacture, and their centers
of distribution. The railroads contributed to the industrial growth not only by
connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consuming enormous
amounts of fuel, iron, and coal. Many factors influenced emerging modes of
production. For example, machine tools, the tools used to make goods, were
steadily improved in the latter part of the nineteenth century-always with an eye to
speedier production and lower unit costs. The products of the factories were rapidly
absorbed by the growing cities that sheltered the workers and the distributors. The
increased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that, in
turn, was made more productive by the use of the new farm machinery. American
agricultural production kept up with the urban demand and still had surpluses for
sale to the industrial centers of Europe.

The labor that ran the factories and built the railways was recruited in part from
American farm areas where people were being displaced by farm machinery, in part
from Asia, and in part from Europe. Europe now began to send tides of immigrants
from eastern and southern Europe-most of whom were originally poor farmers but
who settled in American industrial cities. The money to finance this tremendous
expansion of the American economy still came from European financiers for the
most part, but the Americans were approaching the day when their expansion could
be financed in their own “money market.”

6.According to the passage, all of the following were true of railroads in the
United States in the nineteenth century EXCEPT that
(A) they connected important industrial cities
(B) they were necessary to the industrialization process
(C) they were expanded in a short time
(D) they used relatively small quantities of natural resources

In the 1960s, as space travel was becoming a subject of much discussion,
American Airlines began receiving some fairly unusual requests for flight
information. People began making requests to be on the first flight that Pan Am
made to the Moon. On a whim, Pan Am started a waiting list for the first flight to
the Moon. Similar request have come to Pan Am over the years, and Pan Am has
responded by adding the names of the requesters to the list.

Unfortunately for Pan Am, the original company is no longer in business,

and it never got to the Moon. However, when it went out of business, it had waiting
list of more than 90,000 names for its first lunar flight.

7. All of the following are mentioned about Pan American Airlines, EXCEPT that
A. it started business in the 1960s
B. it received requests for its first flight to the Moon
C. it kept some people on a long waiting list
D. it went out of business


Whales are mammals rather than fish, yet they live in the world’s oceans rather
than on land. Because of the fact that they are mammals, scientists have believed
for quite some time that whales are descendant of land mammals. Some interesting
evidence to support this theory has recently been found. In Egypt, fossils have been
found of a forty-million-year-old whale leg, kneecap, ankle, footbones, and toes. It
appears from the fossil evidence that the bones were not very strong and not very
large in comparison to the size of the whale. Based on this fossil evidence, the
following evolutionary path has been hypothesized. As the whale began its
evaluation toward the water, its legs weakened and decreased in size. Then, during
its millions of years in the water, the legs slowly disappeared, leaving only the front
flippers today.

8. All of the following are true about whales, EXCEPT that

A. they are mammals
B. they live in the ocean
C. they are fish
D. they may have come from the land
9.All of the following was mentioned in the list of whale fossils found in Egypt,
A.A whale’s kneecap
B. A whale’s ankle
C. A whale’s footbones
D. A whale’s fingers
10.All of the following was mentioned about the whale fossils in the passage,
A.They were found in Egypt.
B.They support the theory that whales came from land.
C.They are forty million years old.
D.They showed that ancient whales had flippers.


Purpose Generic Structure (Dominant) Language Features

to describe 1. Identification: It identifies 1. Using Simple Present
aparticular acertain object to be described. Tense
person,place or thing 2. Descriptions: It describesthe 2. Using action verb
indetail. object in parts 3. Using adverb
size,characteristics, or qualities. 4. Using special technical
5.Using attributive and
identifying process.
6. Using adjective and
classifiers in nominalgroup.

Teks jenis ini menggambarkan sebuah objek yakni orang, hewan, tempat, benda
dan lain sebagainya secara terperinci dan jelas. Sehingga membuat pembaca
mendapatkan gambaran yang sangat jelas mengenai objek tersebut. Pembaca akan
menggunakan kemampuan merasakan berdasarkan pikiran dan imajinasi mereka
dalam mengartikan objek tersebut. Struktur adalah identification and description.
Berikut adalah contoh dari teks Deskriptif:

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under
Sailendra dynastyof ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang,
Central Java, Indonesia.Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its
construction is influenced by the Guptaarchitecture of India. The temple is
constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stoneterrace. The first
five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budhist sculpture
inbas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-

stupa. The entireadifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the
top circle. The way to the summitextends through some 4.8 km of passage and
stairways.The design of Borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe
influences temples at
Angkor, Cambodia. Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian
monument in 1983 is avaluable treasure for Indonesian people.

• Generic Structure Analysis

Identification : Identifying the phenomenon to be described in general;
Borobudur temple
Description : Describing the Borobudur temple in parts; eight terraces of
Borobudur temple and itscharacteristics
• Language Feature Analysis
Using adjective and classifiers; valuable
Using simple present tense; Borobudur is well-known, the temple is



Angkor Wat was faced a Hindu temple, a man of Budhist temple completed in
Cambodia. It is the largest religious monument in the world. The temple was built
by the Khmer King, Suryawarman II in the early twelveth century in Yosadapura,
the capital of the Khmer Empire as this temple of eventual moslem. It is dedicated
to Wisnu. It is designed to represent Khmer Meru, frame of the Devis in Hindu
mithology within the mouth and has an outer wall which is 3 to 7 km long. It has
three rectangular galleries which races about the neck. At the centre of the temple
stand Queen Cap of Tower.

1. What is the monolog about?

A. Gallery complex.

B. Buddhist mythology.

C. Cambodia.

D. Khmer Empire.

E. Angkor Wat.

2. In the twelveth century which Empire was strong enough to build the biggest
temple of the world?

A. Old Empire.

B. Yosadapura Empire.

C. Meru Empire.

D. The King Empire.

E. Khmer Empire.

Text 2

Paris is the capital city of France. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
It is also one of the world’s most crowded cities. Lovely gardens and parks are
found throughout Paris. At night, many palaces and statues are lit up. For this
reason, Paris is often called the city of light. Every year, millions of people visit
Paris. The most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower. This huge structure has
become the symbol of Paris. D’Louvre, one of the world‘s largest art museums
draws many visitors. The Cathedral Notre Dame, a famous church, is another
favourite place to visit.

3. What is the monologue about?

A. Paris

B. The Louvre

C. Notre Dame

D. The crowded city

E. The city of light

4. What has become the symbol of Paris?

A. The Louvre

B. The Cathedral

C. The Eiffel Tower

D. The lovely garden

E. The light structure

Text 3

This museum is located in Ambarawa in central JavA. The museum focuses on the
collection of steam locomotive. Ambarawa was a military city during the Dutch
colonial government. King Willem I ordered the construction of the new railway
station to enable the government to transport it’s troops to Semarang. On may the
21st 1873, the Ambarawa railway station was built on 100,027,500 squares meter
land. Back then it was known as the Willem I station. The Ambarawa railway
museum was established much later on October 16, 1976 in the Ambarawa station
to preserve the steam locomotive. They were coming to the end of their useful life
when the 3 feet 6 inches guard railway or the Indonesian state railway or Perusahaan
Negara Kereta Api was closed. The steam locomotives are parked in the open air
next to the original station.

5. What was the Ambarawa called during the dutch colonial government?

A. A military city

B. A railway museum,

C. A new railway town,

D. King Willem I station.

E. Steam locomotives station,

6. Why was the Ambarawa railway museum established?

A. To build new railway museums.

B. To transport government troops.

C. To preserve the steam locomotives

D. To build a new government station.

E. To park the locomotives at the original station,

Text 4

On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “River of Kings”, lies a hotel that has
already set new standards of hospitality for this celebrated city.

Set in magnificently landscaped tropical gardens, the Shangri-La Bangkok provides

guests with all the charm and warmth of the orient and, at the same time,
unsurpassed range of facilities and leisure activities. There is a choice of 12 superb
settings in which to wine and dine, a large free-form swimming pool that overlooks
the river, convention and meeting facilities for up to 2000 people, and a 24-hour
business centre.

And, from every single guest room and suite, there is a breath taking view of all the
exotic hustle and bustle of the fabled “River of Kings”. One might expect such a
well-equipped and positioned hotel to be miles away from the city centre but, at
Shangri-La Bangkok the business district and main shopping areas are mere
minutes away.

From more than 200 years, Bangkok’s grandeur has been reflected in the waters of
the Chao Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers beside this majestic river,
offers its guests the golden promise of the East.

7. For how many people the meeting facilities are up to?

A. 5000 people.

B. 4000 people.

C. 2000 people.

D. 1000 people.

E. 500 people.

8. The text mainly focuses on…

A. Bangkok’s grandeur.

B. Bangkok’s ”River Kings.”

C. The water of the Chao Praya.

D. The majestic river in Bangkok.

E. Shangri-La Bangkok.

Text 5

Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is
located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach
used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach,
but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the
coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out.
This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach.

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun
will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the
sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the
water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one
kilometre and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this beach

there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semi-circular area of
nearly one hectaree. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and
running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea
breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset
slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen
on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal
waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet
ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of
rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel.
The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There
are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai
Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

9. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Losari beach is a awful place.

B. Losari beach is a good place to visit.

C. No body visit Losari beach.

D. Many visitor on Pantai Gapura Hotel.

E. No one stay at Losari Beach Inn.

10. How many hotels does the writer mention?

A. Six hotels.
B. Five hotels.
C. Four hotels.
D. Three hotels.
E. Two hotels.


1. Purpose Generic Structure (Dominant) Language Features

to retell something 1. Orientation : provides the 1. Using Past Tense

thathappened in the past setting and introduces 2. Using action verb
andto tell a series of participants 3. Using adjectives
pastevent for thepurpose of 2. Events : tell what happened, in
informing orentertaining what sequence
readers 3.Re-orientation : optionalclosure
of events

Recount text memiliki tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman masa lalu dengan
cara menceritakan kembali kejadian tersebut secara berurutan. Umumnya, teks
recount menceritakan tentang pengalam liburan, bertemu dengan idola, atau hal-
hal yang berkaitan dengan masa lalu penulis maupun orang orang
disekitarnya.Berikut adalah contoh dari teks recount:

My First Trip to Pari Island

Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi,
Eveline, and Yoko. That was my first time to travel there.

Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 8.00 AM. We arrived at
Pari Island around 10.00 Am. After that, we went to our guest house that we had
booked before. Fortunately, our guest house was located near to the port, so we did
not have to walk so far. The first thing that we did after that was rent bicycle. It
only cost IDR 20.000 per day. Then we did cycling for a while and had lunch before
we decided to do snorkeling.

When we went snorkeling, the fisherman who became our guide brought us to the
beach far enough from our guest house. We did snorkeling there. The water was
very clear. We could see groups of tiny fishes and beautiful coral under the sea.
After we did snorkeling for approximately three hours, we returned to our guest
house. We ended up the first day by getting dinner and took some walks around.

On the second day, we woke up so early to watch sunrise. We did not need to go
far to watch the sunrise because our guest house was so near to the beach and we
could watch the sunrise there. Sunrise on the beach, what a beautiful view!

After we spent long enough time to watch the sunrise, we decided to get breakfast.
There was a festival at that time. We went to the festival and had breakfast there.
We ate some delicious sea foods. We felt time went so fast that day. We needed to
return to our guest house because our boat that would bring us home would depart
at 10.00 AM.

In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable. I would like to visit this
place again together with my family in another chance.

Generic Structure Analysis


Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi,
Eveline, and Yoko.


Depart from Muara Angke → Arrived → Went to the guest house → Rent bicycle
and cycling → Had lunch → Snorkeling → dan seterusnya.


In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable.


On Wednesday, my students and I went to YogyakartA. We stayed at Dirgahayu
Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.

On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples,
the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only
Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We
were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued
our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the
announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

1. The text above mainly discusses about…..

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta

B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan

C. the writer’s impression about the guide

D. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton

2. The text is written in the form of a……..

A. recount

B. narrative

C. report

D. descriptive

3. The purpose of the text is to………

A. tell past events

B. entertain readers

C. describe the smugglers

D. inform readers about events of the day

4. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

A. paria, brahmana, and temples

B. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples

C. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples

D. borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples

5. When did they go home?

A. On Saturday morning

B. On Friday evening

C. On Thursday evening

D. On Friday afternoon

6. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?

A. because there was no wisnu temple

B. because wisnu temple was amazing

C. because wisnu temple was too small

D. because wisnu temple was being repaired

Text 2 about a Holiday to the Zoo

Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the
zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.

After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and
reptiles which only come out at night.

Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it.
Dad fell off when he let go off the rope, but he was ok.

During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals
being fed. When we returned home we were very tired but happy. It was because
we had so much fun activities at many places at the zoo.

7. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo?

A. They had to visit many places in the zoo

B. They took a long time to reach the zoo area

C. They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo

D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo

8. … our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, we were still happy.

A. Since

B. Because

C. Although

D. Nevertheless

Text 3 about a Picnic

Last weekend I and my classmates went to the countryside to have a picnic. Before
leaving, we made some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite early to avoid the traffic

After driving for two hours, we arrived at a very nice place. It was near a river with
some big trees around it. The driver parked the car under the tree. Seeing the clear
an cool water of the river, my friends and I decided to swim. After having lunch
together, we went around the area to enjoy the scenery. We saw some beautiful
birds and butterflies.

After walking for about an hour, we decided to return to the car and go home.
Unfortunately, we cloud not start up the car. Finally after sometime, we cloud make
the car start up by pushing it. We were happy although we felt a bit tired when we
got home.

9. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer made sandwiches for lunch

B. The writer did some fun activities during their picnic

C. After doing some activities, the writer went home by car

D. Last weekend the writer prepared to have a picnic in the countryside

10. Why did the writer and his friends decide to swim in the river?

A. They felt hot after having lunch

B. They felt tired after having a walk

C. The water was cool and clear

D. It was a tiring day


Purpose Generic Structure Language Features

to amuse/entertain thereaders 1. Orientation 1. Using Past Tense
and to tell a story 2. Complication 2. Using action verb
3. Resolution 3. Chronologically arranged
4. Reorientation

Jenis teks ini biasanya terdapat dalam buku-buku bacaan seperti cerita-
cerita dongeng juga novel-novel serta komik. Jenis teks ini membawa
pembacanya hanyut ke dalam alur cerita yang menarik dari penulisnya serta
tokoh-tokoh atau karakter dalam cerita tersebut. Pembaca biasanya akan
berimajinasi terhadap jalan cerita tersebut. Oleh sebab itu teks narasi ini juga
merupakan cerita fiksi. Strukturnya adalah orientation,complication,
resolution, and reorientation.

The Ugly Duckling

One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on
them. She just wished the eggswould break out.
Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little
ducklings appeared. "Peep,peep" the little ducklings cried. "Quack, quack" their
mother greeted in return.
However the largest egg had not cracked. The mother duck sat on it for
several days. Finally, it crackedand a huge ugly duckling waddled out. The mother
duck looked at him in surprise. He was so big and verygrey. He didn't look like the
others at all. He was like a turkey.
When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first
swimming lesson. The huge greyduckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely
as the other ducklings did.

"That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome" the mother
said proudly.
However, the other animals didn't agree. They hissed and made fun of him
day by day. Even hisownsisters and brothers were very unkind. "You are very ugly"
they quacked.
The little poor duckling was very unhappy. "I wish I looked like them" he
thought to himself. One day, theugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The
sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter.Finally the spring
flowers began to bloom. While he was swimming in the pond, he saw three large
whiteswans swimming toward him. "Oh, dear. These beautiful birds will laugh and
peck me too" he said to himself.But the swans did not attack him. Instead, they
swam around him and stroked him with their bills. As the uglyduckling bent his
neck to speak to them, he saw his reflection in the water. He could not believe his
eyes. "Iam not an ugly duckling but a beautiful swam" he exclaimed.
He was very happy. From that day on, he swam and played with his new
friends and was happier than hehad never been.

Generic Structure Analysis

Orientation : It introduces the participants which involve in the story of the Ugly
Duckling. They are duck mother,Ugly duckling, duckling's sister, and the swan.
Complication : It brings the rising conflict. In a long story, the complication should
be minors and a major. In thisstory of ugly duckling, the major complication is that
the new born duck is different from other littleducks. The difference makes him get
bad treatment from others animals. As results, he is sad, unhappyand finally runs
Resolution : It comes to a solution for the complication. In narrative texts, a
resolution can be happy ending or sadending. In this story of the Ugly duckling, the
resolution is happy one. He gets new friends who do nottreat him badly.


The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen. “Once upon a time a hawk
fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won’t
you marry me?”

The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she said,”I
cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you.
Then, we can fly together.”

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show
that you have promised to marry me,”said the hawk.

So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the
rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn’t
you tell the hawk that you’d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster .
The hen was so frightened at the rooster anger that she threw away the ring

When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so
furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, You’ll always
be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above you to catch your children”
said the hawk. The curse seems to have come true.

1. What is the genre of the text?

a. Descriptive

b. Narrative

c. News item

d. Recount

e. Procedure

2. Why couldn’t the hen say “yes” right away?

a. because she did not love the hawk

b. because she had no ring to exchange

c. because it would make the roaster angry

d. because the hawk was too brave and strong

e. because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk

3. What is the story about?

a. A hen and a rooster

b. A hawk and his wife

c. A hen and her children

d. A rooster and his fiancé

e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster

4. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,”Won’t you marry
me?”(paragraph 1). What does the utterance ”Won’t you marry me?” mean?

a. The hen wanted to marry the hawk

b. The hen refused to marry the hawk

c. The hen agreed to be the hawk’s wife

d. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife

e. The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky

5. Why was the rooster angry when he saw the ring?

a. The hen had betrayed him

b. The hen had stolen his ring

c. The hen didn’t wear her own ring

d. The ring was not good for the hen

e. The ring was to small for the hen

6. What can we learn from the story? We have to ….

a. take care of our children

b. keep our promise

c. love one another

d. listen to other

e. marry soon

Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich man fell sick, and soon she closed her
eyes and departed. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s grave, and wept,
and she remained pious and good .When winter came, the snow spread a white sheet
over the grave, and by the time the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had
taken another wife. The woman had brought with her into the house two daughters,
who were beautiful and fairy of face but vile and black of heart. Since then a bad
time for the poor step-child began.

One day the King gave orders for a festival and all the beautiful young girls in the
country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a bride.When the
two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number, they were
delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderella obeyed,
but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance, and begged
her step-mother said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and cannot dance.

When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went to her
mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold throw
down over me.” Suddenly a bird threw down a magnificent gold and silver dress to
her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother however
did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she looked so
beautiful in the golden dress.

7. The story above tells about

a. Snow White
b. Sleeping Beauty
c. Dwarfs
d. Cinderella
e. Princess
8. The first paragraph is the………… of the story

a. complication
b. reorientation
c. orientation
d. resolution
e. coda
9. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead ? Because she………

a. fell sick
b. fell injured
c. fell disappointed
d. fell ill
e. fell wounded
10. The genre of the text is…….

a. recount
b. procedure
c. narrative
d. legend
e. news item


Jenis-jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris berikutnya adalah procedure text, yakni
memberikan informasi kepada para pembacanya mengenai tahapan-tahapan dalam

melakukan sesuatu. Misalnya adalah panduan untuk memasak makanan atau resep
makanan. Adapun langkah-langkah yang terdapat dalam panduan tersebut biasanya
juga seperti petunjuk pemakaian sesuatu. Sebagai contohnya adalah bagaimana
mengoperasikan komputer. Struktur teks ini adalah goal or aims, materials, steps.

Purpose Generic Structure Language Features

to help readers how to do 1. Goal/Aim 1. Using Simple Present
or make something 2. Materials/Equipments/Tools Tense
completely 3. Steps/Methods 2. Using Imperatives sentence
3. Using adverb
4. Using technical terms

How to Cook Omelette

Here is the best omelette recipe. What we need and how to cook are shown you
1. 1 egg
2. 1-tablespoon milk
3. A pinch of salt
4. A pinch of powdered pepper
5. 1-tablespoon vegetable oil

Cooking direction:
• Crack the egg into a bowl.
• Put milk, salt, and pepper to the egg.
• Beat the egg until mixed perfectly using a whisk or fork
• Heat the pan on the stove over medium heat.
• Spread vegetable oil on the surface of the pan.
• Pour the egg on the pan and wait until the egg half cooked.
• Fold the egg into half round and flip it.

• Wait until the egg fully cooked. Flip if needed.
• Take the omelette out of the pan and put it on the plate.
• Serve omelette immediately

1. You can add various ingredients to the egg mix such as onion, mushroom,
vegetable, smokedbeef,cheese, etc., to create different taste.
2. You can substitute vegetable oil with other oil or butter.
3. Milk will make the texture smooth. If you do not have milk or do not like milk,
you can substituteit with 1-teaspoon of water.


Soal Procedure Text 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located
under your seat.

Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re
your waist.

Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically
inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.

A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be
removed only in case of emergency.

The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and
any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and
navigational system.

We wish you an enjoyable flight.

1. Where is the life jacket located?

A. Over the head

B. Around the waist.

C. Outsite the aircraft.

D. In the back of the seat.

E. Under the seat.

2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system

A. Table.

B. The life jacket.

C. Mobile phones

D. The attached light.

E. Tapes around the waist.

Soal Procedure Text 2

A quick and easy cheese cake recipe

Yield : 6 servings

Prep. Time :5 minutes

Cook Time : 40 minutes

Total Time : 45 minutes


16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened

½ cup sugar

½ teaspoon vanilla

2 large eggs

4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 prepared Graham cracker crust


Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in
2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may
sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire).

Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.

For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.

3. How many persons is the cake for?

A. 2

B. 5

C. 6

D. 35

E. 2

4. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .

A. how to beat cream cheese

B. how to blend sugar and vanilla

C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake

D. how make chocolate cheese cake

E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips

Soal Procedure Text 3

How to make a Cheese Omelet


1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.


Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.


• Crack the egg into a bowl

• Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth

• Add milk and whisk well

• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir

• Heat the oil in frying pan

• Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides

• Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper

5. The text above belongs to……

A. narrative

B. Procedure

C. news item

D. Spoof

E. recount

6. The text tells us about……

A. how long to make any kind of food

B. ingredients of making omelet

C. utensils of making omelet

D. methods of making omelet

E. how to eat a cheese omelet

7. The followings are methods of making a cheese omelet, except…..

A. cracking the egg

B. whisking the egg

C. adding milk

D. cheese-grater

E. heating the oil

8. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?

A. one gram

B. three grams

C. five grams

D. fifteen

E. fifty grams

Soal Procedure Text 4

Recipe for French Toast

You are going to need:

• 4 pieces of bread
• 1 spoon of sugar
• 2 eggs
• A quarter of a cup of milk
• Butter
• Pan
• Fork
• Bowl

Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.

Now you can get ready. After you read the recipe, put everything on the counter.

When everything is ready, break the eggs, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl,
then add a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and sugar.

Next, put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the

Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the
bread out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread,
cook the other side. After you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other
pieces. Now you have French toast!

9. The purpose of the text is.....

A. To describe French toast

B. To explain about French toast

C. To tell the reader how to make French toast

D. To entertain the reader with French toast

10. The type of the text above is called …..

A. Recount

B. Narrative

C. Description

D. Procedure

E. Report


Purpose Generic Structure Language Features

to identify an object and 1. General classification 1. Introducing group or
describethe object or thing 2. Description general

in itsclassification, class, 2. Using conditional
group,species. logical
to presents information 3. Using Simple
aboutsomething, as it is in Present Tense

Teks jenis ini memberikan informasi tentang hal yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta-
fakta ilmiah. Informasi tersebut berdasarkan pengamatan penulis melalui beberapa
tahapan, yakni melalui serangkaian pengamatan bagaimana objek tersebut terjadi.
Kemudian melalui tahapan penelitian serta observasi agar memberikan informasi
yang lengkap dan akurat dari sisi ilmiah. Ada kalanya penulis juga mengadakan
riset atau study terlebih dahulu sebelum menulis jenis teksini.Sedangkan struktur
penulisannya adalah general classification and description.

Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded
animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world. Birds
breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge
or reduce their weight when flying or swimming. There are many kinds of birds.
Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology according to
their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are
some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their
nest. Female birds have specific tasks. They lay eggs and feed their baby, Beside
that they look for foods for their baby.

Contoh report text diatas bisa dianalisa susunan schematic atau generic
structurenya sebagaimana berikut: Paragraf pertama: berupa

General statement/ general classification berupa penjelasan bahwa teks tersebut

burung, kelompok burung secara umum. Paragraf dua, tiga dan empat: berupa

Description dimana diawali dengan penjelasan bagaimana burung itu biasanya
punya cara bernafas. Setelah itu diikuti penjelasan tentang kebiasaan dan habitat
dan diakhiri deskripsi tentang caraburung dalam beregenerasi.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 1

The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to East to North Australia,

including Tazmania. It is one of the five extreme species of mono-dreams. The only
mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. The body and the broad
flat tail of these animals are covered with dense brown fur, that traps a lay including
ear to keep the animals warm. It uses its tail for story joy fact. It has webbed feet
and the large robbery’s net. These are species that are be closer to those of ducks,
then to these any known mammals. Weight varies considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg
with males being larger than females. And male averages 50 cm total length whiles
the female major approximately 45 cm. The platypus has an average temperature
of 32 degrees Celsius rather than 37 degrees Celsius that is typical of the placental

1. What animal is being described in the monologue?

A. Octopus.

B. Rhinoceros.

C. Platypus

D. Mosquitos.

E. Hippopotamus.

2. How much does the Platypus weigh?

A. 0.7 to 2.4 kg

B. 0.7 to 2.5 kg.

C. 0.7 to 2.6 kg.

D. 0.7 to 2.7 kg.

E. 0.7 to 2.8 kg.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 2

The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. An
adult male weighs about four hundred to six hundred and eighty kilograms, while
an adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown
bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow ecological niche with many bony
characteristics adapted to for cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice,
open water, and for hunting seals which make up most of its diets. Although most
of polar bears are born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence its name
meaning maritime bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. It spends much
of the year on frozen sea.

3. What does the adult male bear weigh?

A. 400 – 480 kg

B. 400 – 680 kg

C. 480 – 600 kg

D. 680 – 880 kg

E. 880 – 1500 kg

4. Where did the animal live?

A. In the Arctic Ocean

B. In the Indian Ocean.

C. In the Pacific Ocean.

D. In the North Atlantic Ocean.

E. In the South Atlantic Ocean.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 3

Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as
lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).

Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along.
Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin.
Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the

Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are
cold-blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in
water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass
and in old logs.

A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The
Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves
with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the
Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the
skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.

5. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they…

A. like sucking the cool blood

B. avoid sun-bathing to their skins

C. never sun bathe in the warm weather

D. live on the ground in deserted burrows

E. require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies

6. We know from the text that snakes…

A. do not have claws

B. do not like sunlight

C. have two legs and claws

D. use their legs to climb the tree

E. use their claws to slither along the ground

7. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground
in deserted rabbit burrows,…(paragraph 4).The word “burrows “ has the similar
meaning with…

A. foster

B. dig

C. plough

D. nurture

E. cultivate

8. How do flying snakes protect themselves.

A. They fly away

B. They use their fangs they scare their enemies.

C. They stretch out their skin,

D. They eat the other animals.

E. sun bathe on rocks

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 4

Napoleon is a favorite fish for divers in many regions of the world. The fish can
instantly be recognized by its size, color and shape. It is one of the largest reef fish
in the world. They can grow up to 230 cm and weigh 190 kg. They have fleshy lips
and a hump over the head that is similar to a napoleon hat. The Hump becomes
more prominent with age.

Colors vary with age and sex. Males range from a bright electric blue to green or
purplish blue. Mature males develop a black stripe along the sides, blue spots on
their body scales, and blue scribbles on the head. Juveniles can be identified by their
pale greenish color and two black lines running behind the eye. Females, both old
and young, are red-orange on the upper parts of their bodies and red-orange to white

Napoleon fish are carnivorous and eat during the day. They can be seen feasting on
shellfish, other fish, sea stars, sea urchins and crabs, crushing the shells to get the
animal within. They also crush large chunks of dead coral rubble with peg-like teeth
to feed on the burrowing mussels and worms.

Pairs spawn together as part of a larger mating group that may consist of over 100
individuals. The planktonic eggs are released into the water, and once the larvae
have hatched they will settle out on the substrate. Adult females are able to change
sex but the triggers for this development are not yet known.

The Napoleon is mainly found on coral reef edges and drop-offs. They move into
shallow bays during the day to feed, and tend to move into deeper waters as they
grow older and large. Adults, therefore, are more common offshore than inshore.

9. What is the text about?

A. The description of Napoleon fish

B. The physical characteristics of carnivorous fish

C. The divers’ favorite animals

D. Napoleon’s family

E. The development of Napoleon fish

10. Where do Napoleon fish move during the day to feed?

A. Offshore

B. Onshore

C. Deeper water

D. Shallow bays

E. Coral reef edges


Persuasive text adalah suatu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi
pemikiran orang lain dengan menggunakan tulisan kita. Mempengaruhi dalam
konteks ini maksudnya meyakinkan orang lain. Fungsi dari teks ini pastinya
adalah untuk meyakinkan orang lain untuk mempercayai opini yang sama,
terkadang juga digunakan untuk menggerakan orang lain untuk melakukan
sesuatu. Persuasive teks memiliki banyak sekali bentuk. Kamu bisa menulisnya
dalam bentuk surat, membuat selebaran iklan, membuat artikel dan masih
banyak lagi. Dalam teknis penulisannya, teks persuasif mempunyai empat
struktur, yaitu pengenalan isu, rangkaian argumen, pernyataan ajakan, dan
penegasan kembali

Homework should be banned

Most little kids get too much homework from school. I believes homework should
be banned in school. Firstly, as we all know that healthy kids should be playing
actively outdoor instead of just sitting for hours doing homework. Sitting for whole
day is unhealthy for children. Secondly, kids study hard at school all day. They need
time to play and spend more time with family. Thirdly, sometimes homework is too
difficult to do even with the parent. It needs teacher assistance and resources which

they can’t get at school. In conclusion, I believe that homework should be
completely banned.

Struktur persuasive text terdapat tiga bagian yaitu:
1. Opinion: menjelaskan opini yang kita percaya.
2. Reasons: berisi informasi alasan spesifik kenapa orang lain sebaiknya
mempertimbangkan opini kita.
3. Conclusion : berisi kesimpulan dari tulisan kita sebelumnya.

• Using repetitive words (menggunakan kata yang diulang-ulang)
• Using emotional word/sentence (menggunakan kata atau kalimat yang memancing
emosi pembaca)
• Supported by arguments (opinion didukung oleh banyak argument)
• Using colorful or eye-catching sentence (menggunakan kalimat yang berwarna-
warni dan mencolok


1. Persuasive text is.....

a. A story with complication and resolutions to solve the
b. An essay used to convince readers about what the author
believe in
c. A text which create a vivid impression of a person, place,
object, or event.
d. A text which explain a given subject without voicing heir
personal opinions.
2. A persuasive text tries to......
a. Encourage you to do something
b. Gives instruction
c. Describe something

d. Entertain someone
3. An advert tries to.........
a. Tells you how to use something
b. Persuade you to buy something
c. Informs you about something
d. Describe something
4. “ Overweight and obesity have become a national epidemic in
America. These conditions pose a huge risk to health. Americans
need to start now. This is a public health issue that cannot be

The purpose of the text above is...........

a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone to do something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something
5. “If you vote for me, I promise I will work to make your
neighbourhood safer and your streets cleaner”
The purpose of the text above is...........
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone to do something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something
6. “ One of the funniest films ever made. A film you must see. In
cinemas from Wednesday.”
The purpose of the text above is...........
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone to do something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something

7. “Everything in Evernote is instantly synchronized on whatever
computer or phone you use. Start working on one device and
continue on to another device without ever losing your momentum.”
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone about something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something
8. “Even if your computer collapses or your phone” decides “to go
swimming, your things will always be safe in Dropbox and can be
restored in the blink of an eye. Dropbox is like a time machine that
lets you undo errors and even recover files that you accidentally put
in the bin.”
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone about something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something
9. “I highly recommend you use this site! This website helped me pass
my exam!”
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone about something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something

10. Homework should be banned

Most little kids get too much homework from school. I

believes homework should be banned in school. Firstly, as we all
know that healthy kids should be playing actively outdoor instead of
just sitting for hours doing homework. Sitting for whole day is
unhealthy for children. Secondly, kids study hard at school all day.
They need time to play and spend more time with family. Thirdly,

sometimes homework is too difficult to do even with the parent. It
needs teacher assistance and resources which they can’t get at
school. In conclusion, I believe that homework should be completely
What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform the reader about something
b. To persuade someone about something
c. To entertain someone
d. To describe something


Purpose Generic Structure Language Features

To reveal the readers that 1. Thesis 1. Using modals
something is the important 2. Arguments 2. Using action verbs
case 3. Reiteration/Conclusion 3. Using thinking verbs
4. Using adverbs
5. Using adjective
6. Using technical terms
7. Using general and abstract
8. Using
Jenis-jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris ini hampir sama dengan analytical exposition
teks yang sering berkaitan dengan tugas menulis atau essay untuk keperluan
akademis. Adapun terdapat sedikit perbedaan karena untuk jenis teks ini biasanya
setelah memberikan topik yang menjadi ulasan, akan ada penjelasan mengenai
bagaimana menyelesaikan hal tersebut atau memberikan rekomendasi yang sesuai.
Struktur nya adalah introduction, thesis statement and recommendation.

Is Smoking Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About fifty
thousand people die every yearin Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven
times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter ofsmokers die because of
diseases caused by smoking
Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five
cigarettes a day, we are six timesmore likely to die of lung cancer than a non
smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteengreater. Ninety five
percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers
are twoand half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.
Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and
pneumonia. In one hour insmoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance
causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteencigarettes.
Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much
money from smoking habit.Smoking however is not good for everybody else.

Generic Structure Analysis

Thesis : This pre-conclusive paragraph states the writer’s point of view about the
topic discussed. Writer hasshownhimself in clear position of the discussed topic.
Paragraph 1 is the thesis of this analytical exposition text. Itstates the fact of the
very fatal impact of the smoking habit. Clearly the writer wants to say that smoking
isnot a good habit.
Arguments : Presenting arguments in analytical exposition text is as important as
giving conflict plot in narrative text.The series of argument will strengthen the
thesis stated before. In this example of analytical exposition text,paragraph 2 and 3
are the detail arguments presented in a reporting fact to support that smoking is
notgood even for smokers themselves. Furthermore, people who do not smoke but
they are in smoky area havethe bad effect too from the smoking habit.
Reiteration : This end paragraph actually is restating the thesis. It is something like
conclusive paragraph from theprevious arguments. The last paragraph of this
example of analytical exposition points again that smokingis not good for smokers
and people around smokers. However smoking is very good for


Analytical Text 1

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state
governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are
necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the federal government is
necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like
defensE. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For
example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school.
Finally, local government look after the small thins. They look after things like
collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseasE. Thus for the reason
above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.

1. What kind of text is this?

A. Analytical Exposition

B. Report

C. Hortatory Exposition

D. Explanation Text

E. Descriptive text

2. Who is responsible for defense?

A. Federal government

B. State Government

C. Federal and State Government

D. Federal and Local Government

E. Local Government

3. The litter management is the responsibility of ….

A. all governments

B. Australia

C. Federal government

D. State governement

E. Local government

Analytical Text 2

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculturE. Pesticides which are
commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining different
management operations is the most effective way to control pests.

Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment
and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm

Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer
and stronger ones have to be developed.

Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees.
This affects the ecology and environment as well.

So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should
be chosen and applied carefully so that they don’t affect the ecological balance and

Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight
pest in agriculture and livestock.

4. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?

A. Plants

B. Ecology

C. Animals.

D. Environment.

E. Human Beings

5. What can you say about paragraph two and four?

A. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two.

B. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides.

C. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products.

D. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.

E. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals
mentioned in paragraph four.

6. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is …

A. killing fish and bees.

B. increasing crops productivity.

C. creating balanced ecosystem.

D. causing the pests to become inactive

E. helping reduce pollutants in the environment.

7. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 3). The
word resistant in the sentence above means …

A. weak

B. fragile

C. damage

D. unaffected

E. unbalanced

Analytical Text 3

As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other

Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit
a deadly gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthmA.
Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander every where and cars commonly
hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to diE. Cars today are our roads
biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at
night, or concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to someonE.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

8. What type of the text above?

A. Narrative.

B. Report.

C. Analytical.

D. Explanation.

E. Description.

9. What one of the diseases caused by pollution?


B. Bronchitis

C. Liver

D. Fever

E. Cholera

10. We usually call the last paragraph as………

A. Resolution

B. Reiteration

C. Conclusion

D. Recommendation

E. Twist



1. C 1. C

2. A 2. A

3. B 3. C

4. B 4. C

5. D 5. A

6. A 6. C

7. C 7. B

8. C 8. D

9. C 9. C

10. B 10. B

11. D 11. B

12. B 12. C

13. A 13. B

14. B 14. D

15. D 15. E

16. A 16. A

17. C 17. B

18. D 18. B

19. D 19. E

20. A 20. A

2. C
1. b. Has been studying
3. B
2. a. Have been staying
4. D
3. b. Has been playing
5. E
4. b. Has been training
6. C
5. a. Have been waiting
7. B
6. a. Have been going
8. B
7. b. Has
9. D
8. b. Has been raining
10. E
9. c. has not been feeling
11. C
10. a. Have been talking
12. A
11. d. has been learning
13. D
12. a. Have you
14. E
13. a. Have you
15. B
14. a. Has been writing
16. B
15. b. Has he
17. C
16. b. Has been travelling
18. D
17. a. Have you been living
19. B
18. a. Have been
20. C
19. d. Have been stomachache
20. c. have you been driving


1. B 1. d. sending
2. A 2. a. was getting
3. C 3. d. was giving
4. A 4. b. were catching
5. C 5. c. visiting
6. D 6. b. was buying
7. E 7. d. were going
8. D 8. a. was not learning
9. C 9. d. were singing
10. B 10. d. was cooking
11. B 11. c. was writing
12. C 12. b. staying
13. C 13. a. making
14. A 14. d. were not coming
15. B 15. b. was buying
16. B 16. a. knowing
17. B 17. c. was living
18. B 18. c. was on
19. D 19. c. was planting
20. C 20. b. was calling
21. D
22. E
23. D
24. B

PAST PERFECT TENSE Past perfect continuous
1. b. Had visited 1. D. had been
2. E. working
2. d. Had called
3. B. Had Cindy been
3. b. Had worked 4. D. hadn't been

4. a. Had considered 5. A. had been waiting

6. E. Had you been
5. b. Had examined
7. B. discussing
6. a. Had flipped 8. C. Had been standing
9. A. Has been playing
7. c. Had been able to update
10. A. Had been doing
8. a. Had left
11. C. Entered, had been discussing
9. c. Had the room been brighter 12. D. Had been getting rid of toxic
household items
10. a. Had already heard
13. D. Had been managing
11. c. Had been cleaned and prepared 14. C. Had been overeating

12. a. Had removed 15. A. Had been traveling

16. D. Had been teaching
13. d. Had dropped
17. C. Had been dating
14. a. I had tasted 18. A. Had been toting
19. D. Had been
15. d. Had you worn
20. A. Had been waiting
16. b. Had put

17. d. Had gone

18. d. Had visited

19. b. Had lived

20. c. Had reviewed

Simple future tense Future continuous
1. B 1. d. Will be falling
2. A 2. d. Will be walking
3. B 3. b. Be keeping
4. C 4. c. Will be bringing
5. D 5. d. Be eating
6. D 6. b. Repairing
7. C 7. d. Will be cooking
8. C 8. a. Watching
9. C 9. b. Will be fishing
10. C 10. c. Be cooking
11. C 11. d. Will be working
12. D 12. b. Will be
13. C 13. c. Be studying
14. C 14. c. Be watching
15. B 15. c. Will be helping
16. C 16. a. Sleeping
17. A 17. a. Bringing
18. C 18. a. Leaving
19. A 19. b. Having
20. B 20. d. Will be

Future perfect Future perfect continuous
1. A 1. b. Will not have been staying
2. B 2. d. Will have been playing
3. C 3. b. Will have
4. C 4. c. Teaching
5. A 5. c. Will have been driving
6. A 6. d. Will have been sleeping
7. B 7. b. Will have been waiting
8. B 8. b. Will have been trying
9. B 9. b. Will have been working
10. D 10. a. Flying
11. C 11. c. Have been wating
12. D 12. c. Will have
13. C 13. d. Been playing
14. B 14. a. Staying
15. A 15. d. Will have been running
16. B 16. c. Been driving
17. A 17. a. Will have been being
18. C 18. a. Won’t have been sleeping
19. D 19. c. Will all the students have been
20. A completing
20. d. Will she have been studying

Past Future Tense Past Future Continuous
1. b. Prepare 1. D
2. c. Were 2. B
3. d. Would handle 3. A
4. b. Would 4. C
5. a. Would be all right 5. D
6. b. Give 6. B
7. b. Was going to go back 7. D
8. c. Would 8. A
9. b. Come 9. D
10. b. Wouldn’t find 10. A
11. a. Were going to 11. A
12. a. Would never cheat 12. D
13. c. Would finish 13. A
14. c. Were going to come 14. A
15. b. Would contact 15. D
16. d. Was 16. C
17. a. Would be investigated 17. E
18. c. Was 18. B
19. a. Was not going to buy 19. C
20. b. would have borrowed 20. E

1. b. Would have caught CONTINUOUS
2. b. Would have borrowed 1. b. Would have been listening
3. b. Wouldn't have gotten up 2. a. Have been
4. c. Would have been 3. b. Working
5. a. Would Cindy have 4. b. Working
6. c. Have been 5. a. Would have
7. c. Wouldn't have failed 6. d. Would they have
8. c. Would have bought' 7. d. Been giving
9. a. Have submitted 8. b. Would you have
10. d. Would she have wanted 9. c. Have been
11. a. Cooked 10. d. Sleeping
12. d. Got 11. a. Playing
13. b. Would have bought 12. c. Making
14. d. Would have been 13. d. Been doing
15. d. Wouldn't have come 14. b. Would have been
16. b. Would have slept 15. d. Would have
17. d. Have 16. d. Would have been learning
18. b. Wouldn't have left 17. d. Been waiting
19. c. Would have 18. c. Have been
20. c. Worked 19. a. Learning
20. a. Would have

1. B
1. A
2. A
2. C 3. C

3. C 4. C
5. D
4. C
6. C
5. C 7. A
8. C
6. B
9. E
7. D 10. A

8. C 11. D
12. C
9. D
13. D
10. D 14. C
15. C
11. C
16. A
12. A 17. B
13. D 18. B
19. A
14. D
20. B
15. B

16. D

17. C

18. E

19. A

20. A


1. B 1. The Shipment of logs ...

2. C because of the bad weather.
3. C A. they have been postponed
4. A B. being postponed
5. B C. has been postponed
6. C D. to be postponed
7. B E. have been postponed
8. B Jawab : C
9. C Berdasarkan rumus dasar
10. C Bahasa Inggris di atas,
11. B jawaban yang layak dilihat
12. D hanya antara C dan E. Karena
13. B kata "logs" diawali preposisi
14. B "of" fungsinya hanya
15. C menerangkan kata
16. D sebelumnya, tidak perlu
17. A dihiraukan, perlu predikat
18. A tunggal untuk subyek
19. B (shipment) jadi yang tepat C
20. E (has been postponed)
2. The burden of economic
problems ... the majority of
Indonesian people.
A. have been frustrated
B. deeply frustrate
C. it ls deeply frustrating
D. has frustrated
E. are frustrated
Jawab : D
Ini dari sublect adalah
"burden" (tunggal) sehinga

memburtuhkan predikat usah dihiraukan, karena
tunggal (has) subyeknya tunggal (each)
3. The news on the local radio perlu predikat tunggal yaitu
stations as well as in the jawaban D (is).
newspaper ... that the riots 5. Producing high quality batiks
have spread to other places in .... skill and creativity.
the city A. need
A. to be confirmed B. they need
B. is confirmed C. is needing
C. confirm D. needs
D. are confirmed E. is needs
E. confirms Jawab : D
Jawab : E Subyek yang berupa gerund
Inti dari subject adalah (V+ing) biasanya tunggal.
"news" (tunggal) sehingga 6. The team always ... the final
memerfukan predikat aktif matches.
tunggal A. win
(V1- s/es) B. are winning
4. At the beginning of the C. is winning
semester, each of the student D. wins
... given a new time-tabe. E. won
A. he is Jawab: D
B. they are Subject team menunjuk pada
C. are tim sebagai satu kesatuan
D. is (unit) sehingga dianggap
E be tunggal yang memeriukan
Jawab : D predikat tunggal.
Berdasarkan rumus Bahasa 7. It was a miracle that neither
Inggris, yang layak sebagai the passengers nor the driver
predikat hanya jawaban C ____ seriously injured in the
dan D. Kata (The student) accident.
diawali preposisi, maka tidak A. they were

B. was including, accompanied by,
C. to be along with ada diantara
D. were subyek dan predikat dalam
E. he was sebuah kalimat, maka phrase
Jawab : B atau clause tersebut tidak
Pembahasan : mempengaruhi verb dalam
Penggunaan dua kalimat kalimat tersebut.
digabungkan dengan Neither Dalam kalimat tersebut
... nor menggunakan bentuk aktif,
Rumus yang digunakan : sehingga pilihan jawaban
neither + noun + nor + yang mungkin adalah
singular noun + singular verb "confirm"
sehingga, the driver ; singular The local radio stations ==
noun == was (jawaban B) plural .... confirm == plural
8. The local radio newspapers 9. The number of illiterate
as well as newspapers ____ people in our country ____
that riots have spread to other drastically.
places in the city. A. to decrease
A. to be confirmed B. decrease
B. is confirmed C. has decreased
C. confirm D. they decreased
D. are confirmed E. it decreases
E. confirms Jawab : C
Jawab : C Pembahasan :
Pembahasan : Penggunaan rumus :
Lihat point 5 dalam the number of + subyek
pembahasan kami dianggap tunggal
sebelumnya tentang Bila A number of + subyek
kata- kata (phrase atau dianggap plural/ jamak
clause); of, with, among, Maka, The number of of
together with, in addition to, illiterate people in our
as well as, from, between, country == has decreased

(verb tunggal/ singular) pada soal tersebut
drastically (Interpretasi yang berbeda)
10. The installation on various berbentuk tunggal. Jika
high-tech electrical devices in subjek berbentuk jamak maka
our office ___ a sophisticated yang digunakan adalah
safety system. 'makes'.
A. requiring 12. The most common large
B. requires animals in the western part of
C. to require the United States ... the mule
D. require deer.
E. it requires A. are
Jawab : B B. is being
Pembahasan : C. to be
The installation == ( subyek D. they are
tunggal) E. is
maka, The installation on ... Jawab : A
requires (verb tunggal) Pembahasan
11. Different interpretations on Kata yang cocok untuk
the same event by various mengisi titik-titik yaitu
newspapers ..... readers 'adalah'. Karena 'animals'
confused and angry. berarti menunjukkan kata
A. to make jamak sehingga bahasa
B. they make Inggris 'adalah' yang
C. make digunakan yaitu 'are'
D. it makes 13. The development of solar
E. makes energy for public use ...
Jawab : C rather slow due to the high
Pembahasan cost of production.
Kata yang tepat untuk A. have been
mengisi titik-titik adalah B. has been
membuat atau 'make'. 'Make' C. it has been
digunakan karena subjek D. they have been

E. are being B. have occupied
Jawab: B C. is occupied
Pembahasan D. are occupied
Terjemahan soal: E. they are occupied
Kata yang tepat untuk Jawab : D
mengisi titik-titik adalah Pembahasan
'sudah'. Subjek kalimat Kata yang cocok untuk
tersebut adalah mengisi titik-titik adalah
'pengembangan energi 'ditempati'. Subjek pada soal
matahari' berbentuk tunggal adalah 'sepuluh persen dari
sehingga bahasa Inggris kamar hoter' berbentuk jamak
'sudah' yang digunakan sehingga jawaban yang tepat
adalah 'has been'. adalah 'are occupied'.
14. A number of students ..... 16. The way he smiles and talks
complaining about the test. always ... many girls.
A. is a. To attract
B. are b. It attracts
C. be c. Attracts
D. being d. Attracting
E. been e. Attract
Jawab : B Jawab : C
Pembahasan 17. One of the problems faced by
Subjek pada soal tersebut foreign businessman ... the
adalah 'sejumlah siswa' frequent changing of
berbentuk jamak sehingga regulation.
kata kerja yang tepat untuk a. Are
mengisi titik-titik adalah 'are'. b. Is being
15. "The hotel is suffering a c. Be
great lost." d. Is
"Yes, only ten percent of e. To be
their rooms ....." Jawab : D
A. being occupied

18. Due to the monetary crisis, mengisi titik-titik adalah
the number of people without 'datang' atau 'come'.
jobs ... at the moment.
a. Increase
b. Is increasing
c. Increased 1. A. shall
d. Was increasing 2. D. would
e. Will increase 3. C. should
Jawab : B 4. E. must have been
19. At the beginning of the 5. C. must
semester each of the students 6. B. Should
... given a new timetable. 7. B. May
a. He is 8. A. Will
b. They are 9. C. Could
c. Are 10. A. Would
d. Is 11. B would
e. Be 12. C must
Jawab : D 13. C can
20. "Have you checked where 14. A must
most of the seminar 15. A used to
participants come from?". 16. B would
"Oh yes, two-thirds of them 17. B need not
.... from various parts of 18. C would not
Java". 19. A has
A. are comming 20. A have
B. comes
C. they come
D. to come
E. come
Jawab: E
Kata yang tepat untuk

Question Tag Answers: Error Recognition
1. in
1.D 6.D 11.C 16.B
2. have
2.B 7.A 12.C 17.C 3. meat

3.D 8.A 13.A 18.D 4. careful

5. its
4.A 9.A 14.D 19.B
6. were
5.B 10.D 15.B 20.A 7. of
8. some
Dependent and Independent
9. who
10. beautiful
11. one another
1. C. which
12. high
2. B. who
13. keep
3. A. where
14. it
4. A. that
15. so
5. C. whose
16. speak
6. B. what
17. was
7. A. that
18. was
8. A. whom
19. more hard
9. B. whether
20. to eat
10. A. what
11. A. that
12. C. that
13. C. where
14. A. that
15. C. whose
16. A. who
17. A.
18. A. whose
19. B. that
20. B. that

Conjunction Topic or title of the passage
1. A
1. C
2. B
3. C 2. A
4. D 3. C
5. A
4. E
6. B
7. C 5. C
8. D
6. A
9. A
10. B 7. A

11. C 8. B
12. D
9. B
13. A
14. B 10. A
15. C
16. D
17. A Synonym

18. B 1. d
19. C 2. d
20. D 3. c
4. b
5. c
1. C
6. d
2. C
7. d
3. D
8. d
4. C
9. c
5. B
10. a
6. E
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B

TRUE FALSE Conclusion of the text
1. A
1. E
2. B
3. C 2. B
4. B 3. D
5. A
4. D
6. C
7. E 5. A
8. B
6. D
9. D
10. D 7. A

8. C
Answer Key Purpose of The
9. C
1. C 10. A
2. E
The Author’s Point
3. C
4. A 1. B

5. A 2. C
6. A
3. D
7. B
8. A 4. D
9. E
5. D
10. C
6. C

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. B

Reference Questions KINDS OF TEXT


2. B 1. E
2. E
3. C
3. A
4. C 4. C

5. A 5. A
6. C
6. C
7. C
7. C 8. E
9. B
8. C
10. C
9. B
10. B
2. A
3. A
1. B
4. A
2. B
5. B
3. D
6. B
4. B
7. D
5. D
8. A
6. D
9. C
7. A
10. B
8. C
11. C
9. D
10. D


1. B 1. C
2. E 2. A
3. E 3. B
4. D 4. A
5. A 5. E
6. B 6. E
7. A 7. B
8. C 8. C
9. A 9. A
10. C 10. D


1. E 1. B
2. C 2. A
3. C 3. B
4. D 4. B
5. B 5. B
6. D 6. B
7. D 7. B
8. E 8. B
9. C 9. B
10. D 10. B


1. A
2. A
3. E
4. E
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. C


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