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Spelling bee merupakan ejaan kata yang merupakan alphabet dalam bahasa inggris.

A ;ei B ;bi C ;si D ;di E ;i F ;ef

G ;ji H ;eich I ;ai J ;jei K ;kei L ;el
M ;em N ;en O ;ou P ;pi Q ;kiu R ;ar
S ;es T ;ti U;yu V ;vi W ;doubleyu X ;eks
Y ;way Z ;zi/zed

B E A U T I F U L L (bi, i, ei, yu, ti, ai, ef, yu, double el)

H O U S E (eich, ou, yu, es,ai)

1. Noun (kata benda)
Suatu kata yang menunjukkan nama orang, nama tempat atau nama suatu
benda. Fungsi utama dari noun ini adalah sebagai subyek (pokok kalimat)
➢ Concrete Noun: kata benda yang berwujud (bisa dirasakan, dilihat dan
Nama orang, Hp, Buku, Baju, kursi, meja dll.
- I am cooking a cake (saya sedang memasak kue)
- My chair is broken (kursiku patah)
- I didn’t steal your mobile phone (aku tidak mencuri hp mu)
➢ Abstract Noun: kata benda yag tak berwujud, yang tak terlihat dengan panca
indera tapi yang terasa hanya efeknya saja.
- Kepintaran, kehidupan, kegembiraan, kemenangan, kesedihan.
- You have an odd imagination (kamu punya imajinasi yang aneh)
➢ Countable Noun: kata benda yang dapat dihitung.
Baju, sepatu, kucing, buku.
- That is my cat (Ini kucingku)
- They have a new laptop (mereka punya sebuah laptop baru)
➢ Uncountable Noun: kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung
Cinta, harapan, air, angin, cahaya, gula, garam, beras, rambut, kopi, bensin,
pasir, emas dll.
- Your hair is so beautiful (rambutmu sangat cantik)
- She gets lost her hope (dia perempuan kehilangan harapannya)
➢ Common Noun: Sesuatu yang umum
Country, City, Month.
- The man donates his blood regularly (Pria itu mendonorkan darahnya
secara teratur)
➢ Proper Noun : Sesuatu yang spesifik
Switzerland, Jakarta, January
- We live in a beautiful country (common), we are indonesian (proper) (Kita
tinggal di negara yang indah), Kita adalah orang indonesia)
➢ Collective Noun: Merujuk ke sekelompok orang, hewan, atau benda.
Deer, Family, Government
- The couple use the same hat (Pasangan itu menggunakan topi yang sama)
2. Pronoun (kata ganti)
Kata yang digunakan sebagai pengganti kata benda. Pronoun merupakan kata
yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata noun.
Subject Object Posessive Posessive Reflexive
pronoun pronoun adjective pronouns pronouns
I Me My Mine myself
You You Your Yours yourself
They Them Their Theirs Theirself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
It It Its itself
penggunaan pronoun dapat mencegah terjadinya pengulangan kata yang dapat
menyebabkan wacana yang terbangun tidak baik. pronoun seperti halnya noun
memiliki beberapa jenis, diantaranya sebagai berikut.

Jenis – jenis pronoun beserta contohnya :

➢ Personal pronoun, merupakan pronoun untuk menggantikan kata tunjuk

orang, yaitu I,You, We, They, He, She, It,Them.


- Adit and prita make a cheese cake in the morning, and they give me
some of their cake (Adit dan prita membuat kue keju di pagi hari, dan
mereka memberi saya beberapa kue mereka)
➢ Object pronoun, merupakan pronoun yang berfungsi sebagai objek didalam
kalimat, yaitu Me, You, Them, Us, Her, Him, It
- This problem is difficult for us to handle. ( Ini masalah sulit untuk kita
- If you invite them, I will not come (kalau kamu mengundang mereka,
saya tidak akan datang)
➢ Possesive adjective, merupakan determiner (spesial adjective) yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan (possesion) terhadap noun. Yaitu:
My, Your, Their, our, etc.
- This is my new house (ini rumah baru saya)
- Can you bring my bag to my sister tomorrow? (bisakah kamu
membawakan tasku ke kakakku besok?)

➢ Possessive pronouns, untuk menunjukan kepunyaan atau kepemilikan,

contohnya mine, your, hers,his.

- That book is mine (Buku itu milikku)

➢ Reflexive pronouns, untuk menyatakan bahwa subjek menerima aksi dari

verb. Contohnya, myself, yourself, ourselves.

- You should do your parts by yourself (Kamu harus melakukan bagian
kamu sendiri)
3. Verb

Verb merupakan kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan aksi,

tindakan atau keadaan dari subjek untuk menunjukan peristiwa atau keadaan.

➢ Regular and irregular verbs

Berdasarkan perubahan bentuknya, verb dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu:

• Regular Verb (beraturan)

Regular verb yaitu verb yang memiliki perubahan bentuk beraturan dalam
V2 dan V3, dilakukan dengan menambahkan -d/ ed.

V1 V2 V3
(infinitive) (past tense) (past participle)

cook cooked cooked

watch watched watched
try tried tried
erase erased erased
end ended ended

• Irregular Verb (tidak beraturan)

Irregular verb yaitu verb yang perubahan bentuknya tidak beraturan pada
V2 dan V3,
V1 V2 V3

break broke broken

build built built
run ran run
take took taken
drive drove driven

➢ Auxiliary (kata kerja bantu)

Berbeda dengan verb ordinary, verb auxiliary tidak memiliki makna yang
jelas atau tidak berarti dan bermakna. Akan tetapi, keberadaannya
dimaksudkan untuk membantu dalam pembentukan tenses. Dan dalam
rangkaian verb, auxiliry menempati bagian sebelum verb . Contoh:

Each student is writing a composition.

Jim, Tom, and Parker have been playing basketball for an
He had passed the final examination.

4. Adverb

Sebagai kata keterangan, fungsi adverb adalah untuk memberikan keterangan

tambahan pada verb, adjective, atau adverb itu sendiri. Adverb juga bisa
dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa jenis, seperti manner, degree, frequency,
place, dan time. Jenis-jenis adverb dan contoh:

➢ Adverb of Manner = Well, Softly, Quickly

yang menjelaskan bagaimana suatu peristiwa terjadi atau dilakukan.

Adverb ini menjawab pertanyaan 'How?' atau bagaimana. Biasanya, Adverb
of Manner berakhiran -ly.

- Tasya sings the song beautifully (Tasya menyanyikan lagu dengan

Adverb of Manner cukup fleksibel, dia bisa diletakkan di awal, tengah,

maupun akhir kalimat. Contoh:

Loudly, Selena sings.

Selena loudly sings.

Selena sings loudly.

Tapi, untuk kata fast, hard, well, dan badly hanya bisa diletakkan di akhir
kalimat saja.

➢ Adverb of Degree = Just, Almost, So

yang digunakan untuk menyatakan seberapa jauh tingkatan atau intensitas

suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan. Contoh:

- I am so happy that it turned out that he would give me the gifts. (aku
sangat bahagia bahwa ternyata dia yang memberi aku kado itu).

Pada umumnya, Adverb of Degree diletakkan di tengah kalimat, tepatnya

sebelum verb atau adverb lain (jika yang diterangkan adalah verb atau
adverb), atau setelah adjective (jika yang diterangkan adalah adjective).

- I can barely hear your voice from the distance.

- I totally agree with you.
- I partly agree with you.
- He absolutely enjoys outdoor activities.

➢ Adverb of Frequency = Usually, Always, Rarely

yang digunakan untuk menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kejadian

berlangsung. Ada dua tipe Adverb of Frequency, yaitu definite dan indefinite.
1. Untuk Adverb of Frequency tipe definite contohnya antara lain once, twice,
three times, every day, daily, weekly, monthly, dan yearly. Biasanya,
Adverb of Frequency tipe definite diletakkan di akhir kalimat. Contoh:
- He goes to work every day.
- I wash my hands twice.
- We paid the rent yearly.
2. untuk tipe indefinite contohnya adalah always, usually, often,
sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, dan never. Biasanya, Adverb
of Frequency tipe indefinite diletakkan di tengah kalimat. Contoh:
- I usually run over the hill.
- She never forgets to study.

➢ Adverb of Place = In, Above, Between.

Adverb of Place merupakan adverb yang menunjukkan kata tempat. , yang

umumnya terletak di ujung kalimat. . Contoh:

- They went for a walk in the park while the sun shone above. (mereka
berjalan-jalan di taman ketika matahari di atas langit).
- Come on in. (Ayo masuk)

➢ Adverb of Time = Annually, Daily, Yesterday

yang menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Adverb ini
digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan 'When?' atau kapan. Contoh:

- I woke up this morning.

- They had breakfast at 6 AM.
5. Adjective

Adjective adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk memberi keterangan pada
noun atau pronoun. Beautiful, Sad, Faithful


- sinta is beautiful (Sinta cantik)

- This bag is so cute (Tas ini sangat imut)
6. Preposition

Preposition memiliki fungsi untuk menunjukan hubungan antara noun dengan

kata lain. Preposition terbagi menjadi enam jenis, yaitu

➢ Preposition of time digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu.; In, after, during,

until, since, before.
- He was born in July.
➢ Preposition of place digunakan untuk menunjukkan tempat atau posisi.; in,
on, at, above,under

Ex: There’s a bowl of strawberries on the table.

➢ Preposition of movement digunakan untuk menunjukkan gerakan.; inside,

outside,into, towards, up, off.

Ex: A stray cat keeps coming inside my house.

➢ Preposition of manner kata depan bahasa Inggris yang menunjukkan

hubungan “cara” antara objek-nya dan kata-kata yang lain di dalam suatu
kalimat.; without, like, by.

Ex: Carla moved to Surabaya without telling me.

➢ Preposition of purpose yang menunjukkan hubungan “tujuan” (purpose)

antara objek-nya dan kata-kata lain di dalam suatu kalimat.; for

Ex: Do you know how to set a table for dinner?

➢ Preposition of measure or quantity kata depan bahasa Inggris yang

menunjukkan hubungan “kuantitas” atau “ukuran” antara objek-nya dan
kata-kata yang lain di dalam suatu kalimat. Prepositional phrase of
quantity akan mampu menjawab pertanyaan seperti: How much? How
long?; by, for
Ex: I have been married for 2 years.

7. Conjunction

Conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kata, frasa, klausa hingga

kalimat. Jenis-jenis conjuction dan contohnya adalah:

➢ Coordinating Conjuction - Menghubungan 2 bentuk gramatikal yang sama,

misalnya kata dengan kata. Contoh: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
- We eat grape, but she eats orange (kita memakan anggur, tapi dia
perempuan makan jeruk)
- Next week we wiil have a competition, so we start to study a lot (Minggu
depan kita ada lomba, jadi kita mulai belajar yang banyak)
➢ Subordinating Conjuction - Menghubungkan induk kalimat dan anak
kalimat. Contoh: After, Since, Although, while
- You can watch tv, after you finish your homework (kamu bisa menonton
tv, setelah kamu menyelesaikan tugas sekolahmu)
- While he was sleeping, someone broke into his house and took all his
money (Saat dia sedang tidur, seseorang masuk ke rumahnya dan
mengambil semua uangnya)
➢ Correlative Conjuction - Kata hubung yang berpasangan. Contoh: Not
only....but also, Either...or
- He is not only intelligent but also very funny (dia laki-laki tidak hanya
cerdas tapi dia juga lucu)

8. Interjection
Jenis kata yang satu ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi,
seperti: Oops, Whoa, Oh no!, ough!, no.


- No! I won’t give up this time (tidak, saya tidak akan menyerah kali ini)
- Argh, can you turn down the radio? I’m studying—I can’t focus! (argh,
bisakah kamu mematikan radio? Saya sedang belajar, saya tidak bisa
Tenses merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan mendasar ketika mempelajari
bahasa inggris. Tenses pada umumnya digunakan untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat
dalam bahasa inggris berdasarkan waktu kejadian atau peristiwa berlangsung.
a) Simple Present
Simple present menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah menjadi kebiasaan atau
dilakukan pada waktu-waktu tertentu.
(verbal sentences)
(+) S + v1 + s/es + O
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O
(?) do/does + S + v1 + O
Untuk penggunaan s/es hanya digunakan untuk subjek She, he it.
Dan untuk penggunaan do/does digunakan untuk
Do I, You, They, We
Does She, He, It
Contoh kalimat:
(+) I go to the market everyday.
(-) I do not go to the market everyday. (do not bisa disingkat don’t)
(?) Do i go to the market everyday?

(+) He reads newspaper everymorning

(-) He does not read newspaper everymorning (does not bisa disingkat doesn’t)
(?) Does he read newspaper everymorning?

(Nominal sentences)
(+) S + to be + o
(-) S + to be + not + o
(?) to be + s + o?

Contoh kalimat
(+) I am a student.
(-) I am not a student.
(?) Am I a student?

(+) She is angry.

(-) She is not angry.
(?) Is she angry?
b) Simple Past
Simple past pada umumnya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau
peristiwa yang telah dilakukan atau terjadi pada waktu lampau.
(verbal sentences)
(+) s + v2 + o
(-) s + did + not + v1 + o
(?) did + s + v1 + o
Note : kenapa di negatif menggunakan kata did sedangkan di positif
menggunakan v2? Karena did itu sendiri sudah menyatakan arti lampau dan tidak
menggunakan lagi v2.
Contoh kalimat
(+) they went to jakarta last month.
(-) they did not go to jakarta last month.
(?) did they go to jakarta last month?
(+) I studied english yesterday.
(-) I did not study english yesterday.
(?) did I study english yesterday?

(nominal sentences)
(+) s + was/were + nonverb
(-) s + was/were + not + nonverb
(?) was/were + s + nonverb
Note : untuk penggunaan was/were digunakan untuk subjek :

Was I, She, He, It

Were You, They, We

Contoh kalimat:
(+) she was happy yesterday.
(-) she was not happy yesterday.
(?) was she happy yesterday?

(+) they were very busy last week.

(-) they were not very busy last week.
(?) were they very busy last week?

c) Simple future
Simple future digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan
atau suatu persitiwa yang akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.
(verbal sentences)
(+) s + will/shall + v1 + o
(-) s + will/shall + not + v1 + o
(?) will/ shall + s + v1 + o
Note: untuk penggunaan will/shall digunakan untuk subjek:
Will I, You, They, We, She, He, It.
Shall I, You.

Contoh kalimat:
(+) you will help me to bring my bag.
(-) you will not help me to bring my bag.
(?) will you help me to bring my bag?

(+) I shall visit your home tomorrow.

(-) I shall not visit your home tomorrow.
(?) shall I visit your home tomorrow.

(nominal sentences)
(+) S + will/shall + be + C
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + C
(?) will/shall + s + be + C

(+) belinda will be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow

(-) belinda will not be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow
(?) will she be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow?

d) Past future

Past future tense atau “future in the past” adalah tenses yang menjelaskan
peristiwa di masa depan dari perspektif di masa lalu.

(Verbal sentences)

(+) S + Should/would + V1 + O

(-) S + should/would + not + V1 + O

(?) Should/would + S + V1 + O

(+) I would treat you to watch a movie if I won the game.

(-) I would not treat you to watch a movie if I won the game.

(?) Would I treat you to watch a movie if I won the game?

(Nominal sentences)

(+) S + would/should + be + C

(-) S + would/should + not + be + C

(?) would/should + S + be + C

(+) he would be bad child.

(-) he wouldn’t be bad child.

(?) would he be bad child?

e) Present perfect

Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu aksi di masa lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut.

(Verbal sentences)

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O

(-) S + has/have + not + V3 + O

(?) has/have + S + V3 + O

Note: untuk penggunaan has/have menggunakan subjek:

Has She, He, It

Have I, you, they, we

(+) He has learned English for one year.

(-) He hasn’t learned english for one year.

(?) Has he learned english for one year.

(Nominal Sentences)

(+) S + have/has + been + C

(-) S + have/has + not + been + C

(?) have/has + S + been + C

(+) they have been hungry.

(-) they have not been hungry.

(?) have they been hungry?

f) Past perfect
Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah
terjadi dimasa lampau dan dampaknya sudah tidak dirasakan.
(Verbal sentences)
(+) S + Had + V3 + O
(-) S + Had + not + V3 + O
(?) Had + S + V3 + O
Note: Untuk penggunaan Had digunakan untuk semua subjek.

(+) My brother had slept

(-) My brother had not slept
(?) had my brother slept?

(Nominal sentences)
(+) S + had + been + C
(-) S + had + not + been + C
(?) had + s + been + C
(+) I had been a doctor in this hospital
(-) I had not been a doctor in this hospital
(?) had I been a doctor in this hospital?

g) Present continous

Present Continuous Tense merupakan bentuk tense yang menyatakan bahwa

suatu perbuatan sedang berlangsung atau sedang dikerjakan.

(Verbal sentences)

(+) S + tobe (am,is,are) + Ving + O

(-) S + tobe (am, is, are) + not +Ving + O

(?) tobe(am,is,are) + S + Ving + O

(+) She is reading a magazine

(-) She is not reading a magazine

(?) Is she reading a Magazine?

(Nominal Sentences)

(+) S + tobe (am,is,are) + being + C

(-) S + tobe (am,is,are) + not + being + C

(?) tobe (am,is,are) + s + being + C

(+) they are being lazy at present

(-) they are not being lazy at present

(?) are they being lazy at present?

h) Past continous
Past continous digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang
sedang dikerjakan atau sedang terjadi pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau.
(Verbal sentences)
(+) S + was/were + Ving + O
(-) S + was/were + not + Ving + O
(?) was/were + s + Ving + O
Note: Penggunaan was/were hanya untuk subjek:
Was I, she, he, it
Were You, they, we

(+) I was watching television, when she came to my house

(-) I was not watching television, when she came to my house
(?) was I watching television, when she came to my house?

(Nominal sentences)
(+) S + was/were + C
(-) S + was/were + not + C
(?) was/were + s + C

(+) My mom was angry

(-) my mom was not angry
(?) was my mom angry?


Adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek menerima aksi, bukannya melakukan aksi.
Tidak seperti active voice yang berfokus pada pihak yang melakukan aksi, kalimat
passive voice lebih fokus pada pihak atau sesuatu yang menerima aksi.
Rumus : S + TO BE + V3 + (BY AGENT)/O


A : I write a letter
P : The letter is written by me

A : He built a house
P : The House was built by him
A : Aca is reading the novel
P : The novel was is being read by Aca
A : Indra was watching a movie
P : The movie was being watched by him.

Comparison degree adalah tingkatan perbandingan yang terbagi menjadi tiga
tingkatan yang akan mengalami perubahan bentuk sesuai dengan tingkatan
Membandingkan 2 hal yang sama atau yang setara.
 Adjective : S + AUX + AS + ADJECTIVE + AS + O
Contoh : Indra is as handsome as Iqbaal
 Adverb : S + VERB + AS + ADVERB + AS + O
Contoh : Rahmih drives a car as fast as her friend
Membandingkan 2 hal yang berbeda, salah satu dari keduanya ada yang lebih
 Adjective :
S + AUX + ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN + O (satu suku kata)
Contoh : She is Taller than me
S + AUX + MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN + O (dua suku kata)
Contoh : Your bag is more expensive than mine
 Adverb
S + VERB + ADVERB + ER + THAN + O (satu suku kata)
S + AUX + MORE + ADVERB + THAN + O (dua suku kata)
Membandingkan lebih dari dua hal atau sesuatu ‘yang paling’.
 Adjective :
S + AUX + THE + ADJECTIVE + EST + O (satu suku kata)
Contoh : He is the smartest in our school
S + AUX + THE MOST+ ADJECTIVE + O (dua suku kata)
Contoh : I am the most beautiful girl in this world.
 Adverb
S + AUX + THE + ADVERB + EST + O (satu suku kata)
S + AUX + THE MOST + ADVERB + O (dua suku kata)


Question tag berfungsi sebagai kalimat untuk meminta konfirmasi untuk meyakinkan
suatu pernyataan yang diungkapkann kepada lawan bicara. Dalam bahasa Indonesia
, diartikan dengan kata “kan?”. Tetapi dalam bahasa Inggris, ada berbagai macam
question tag yang disesuaikan dengan jenis kalimatnya.
Jika kalimat yang diungkapkan berbentuk positif, maka Question Tag nya harus
berbentuk negative (+ / -). Contoh kalimat sebagai berikut:
1. She is an English teacher, isn’t She? (Nominal present)
2. They were English teachers, weren’t They? (Nominal past)
3. You steal my car, don’t you? (Verbal present)
4. Your Father lost his key, didn’t he? (Verbal past)
5. I’m Smart, aren’t I ?
- bentuk Question Tag juga harus mengikuti bentuk tenses kalimat
- jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk kata kerja Present, maka Question Tag
nya “Don’t / Doesn’t” (Don’t: They, We, You). (Doesn’t: She, He, It)
- jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk kata kerja Past, maka Question Tag nya
- jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk Nominal Present, maka Question Tag
nya “Isn’t, Aren’t”
- jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk Nominal Past, maka Question Tag nya
“Wasn’t, Weren’t”
- jika subjeknya “I’m” , maka Question Tag nya “Aren’t I”

Jika kalimat yang diungMkapkan berbentuk negative, maka Question Tag nya
harus berbentuk Positif (- / +). Contoh kalimat sebagai berikut:
1. They are not famous, are they? (Nominal present)
2. He was not with you, was He? (Nominal Past)
3. You didn’t sleep last night, did you? (Verbal past)
4. You don’t understand, do you? (Verbal present)
5. I’m not happy, am I?

- Jika subjeknya “I’m not”, maka Question tag nya “Am I”

Jika kalimat yang diungkapkan terdapat Modals (Will, can, may, etc), maka
Question Tag nya juga menggunakan Modals. KECUALI: untuk modals “Have to”
, Question Tag nya menggunkan kata “do”. Contoh kalimat sebagai berikut:

1. You can’t speak English fluently, can he?

2. They can speak French, can’t They?
3. All students have to submit their task, do they?


Untuk jenis Question Tag ini, maka kita gunakan “They” sebagai
subjectnya. Berikut contoh kalimatnya:

1. Everyone look for 100 vocabularies, does’t they?

2. Someone threw rubies in the basket, didn’t they?


Contoh kalimat negative misalnya nobody, hardly no one, rarely nothing,
seldom, barely, Maka kita gunakan Question Tag positif. Berikut contoh

1. Nobody answers these questions, do they?

2. He never meet me, does He?


Pada Question Tag ini, maka kita gunakan subject “It”. Berikut contoh
1. Something is moving, isn’t it?
2. Everything should be ready, shouldn’t it?
Pada Question Tag ini, maka kita gunakan “Shall We”. Berikut contoh
1. Let’s do it together, Shall we?
2. Let’s bring those books over there, shall we?

Conditional sentence merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan
suatu kondisi tentang pengandaian (imagination) yang biasa di ekspresikan dengan
menggunakan kata penghubung “If”
Di dalam bahasa Inggris ada 4 jenis kalimat Conditional Sentence yang digunakan
untuk kondisi dan jenis pengandaian berbeda yang dilihat dari tingkat kemungkinan
Pada jenis ini, rumus yang digunakan yaitu Simple Present Tense. Pada tipe ini
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fakta umum yang mutlak terjadi.
If it rains, grass gets wet


Pada jenis ini, tenses yang digunakan yatiu Simple Present & Simple future.
Pada tipe ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kondisi dimana jika salah satu
clause nya terjadi, maka clause lainnya juga terjadi (kemungkinan besar terjadi).
If you study hard, you will pass the test.


Pada jenis ini, tenses yang digunakan yaitu Simple Past & Past future. Pada tipe
ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kondisi membayangkan sesuatu / angan-
angan yang tidak mungkin terjadi.
Contoh: if I became the education minister, I would make an improvement of our


Pada jenis ini, tenses yang digunakan yaitu Past perfect & Present future perfect.
Pada tipe ini, suatu kemungkinan bisa dikatan 0% terjadi dan bisa digunakan
untuk mengekspresikan suatu penyesalan di masa lalu.

If I won the competition, I would have taken the gift from my Mom


Asking and giving directions merupakan cara menanyakan dan memberikan petunjuk
atau arah kepada orang lain. Asking and giving directions tidak hanya dilakukan
dengan bertemu secara langsung, tapi bisa lewat telfon atau media lainnya.

➢ Greeting
Sebelum menanyakan arah (asking directions) kepada orang lain, sebaiknya
menyampaikan ucapan greetings atau salam terlebih dahulu. Hal ini untuk
memberikan kesan sopan sehingga orang yang di ajak berbicara akan merespon
dengan baik. Contoh:

- Hello / Hello sir or madam.

- Excuse me! / Excuse me sir or mom!
- Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
- Pardon sir or mom!
- Excuse me, could you help me, please?
- Excuse me madam, I seemed to be lost.
- May I ask you a minute sir / mom?
- Sorry for bothering you sir / mom !
- Sorry, I am not from around here.
- I am sorry to interrupt you, but…
- I am new here.
- I’m lost.
- I am sorry.

➢ Asking Direction
Setelah menyampaikan greetings, kemudian memulai menanyakan arah (asking
directions) dengan menggunakan modal auxiliary (could, would, dll), information
questions (where, what, which, how), atau interrogative sentence (is it…, do I…).

Menggunakan Modal Auxilary

- Could you tell me how to get to …?

- Could you tell me where the … is?
- Would you give me directions to go to …?
- Can you direct me to …?
- Would you show me the way to …?
- May I ask you the way to …?
- Can you show me the … on the map?
- I’m looking for …. Would you give me direction to get it?

Menggunakan Information Questions

- Where is the …?
- Where can I find the …?
- How can / do I get to …?
- How can / do I find …?
- How far is the … from the …?
- How do you get to … from …?
- Which is the best way to …?
- What’s the best way to get to …?
- What’s the quickest way to get to …?
- What’s the easiest way to get to the …?
- Where are you exactly?
Menggunakan Interrogative Sentences

- Is it the right way to / for …?

- Is there a … around here / near hear?
- Do you know where the … is?
- Do you have a map to …?
- Are we on the right road for …?
- Am I in the right place to go …? How can I get there?

➢ Giving Directions

Jika tidak tahu jawabannya, gunakan ungkapan di bawah:

- I am sorry, I don’t know the road of … (mohon maaf, saya tidak tahu jalan ke
- I couldn’t show you the way to ... (saya tidak bisa menunjukkan jalan ke …)
- I couldn’t help you to get … because I live here just now. (saya tidak bisa
membantu anda untuk menemukan … karena saya baru tinggal di sini)
- I am stranger here. (saya orang asing di sini)

Jika kalian tahu arahnya, give directions:

- Go ahead / go straight ahead = jalan lurus

- go straight on main street = jalan lurus ke jalan utama

- go straight on west street = jalan lurus ke barat

- Go straight on for about 2 kilometers = Jalan lurus sekitar 2 kilometer

- Go straight on until you come to the crossroad = Jalan terus sampai Anda tiba
di perempatan

- Go straight on left / right = Jalan lurus ke kiri / kanan

- Go straight at the lights / at the roundabout /at the junction = Langsung ke

lampu / di bundaran / di persimpangan.

- galk down to ... = berjalan turun ke ...

- Go past the ... = melewati ....

- go past the school and turn left = melewati sekolah dan belok kiri

- Keep going to ... = Terus berjalan ke...

- Keep walking ahead = Terus berjalan ke depan

- Take this road = Ambil jalan ini

- Follow the road until you get to the hostpital = Ikuti jalan sampai kamu tiba di

- Turn right = belok kanan

- Turn left = belok kiri

- Turn back ( go back) = Kembali

- Pass the bank and then turn left = Lewati bank lalu belok kiri

- Turn left after the bridge. = Belok kiri setelah jembatan.

- Turn right from the first alley = Belok kanan dari gang pertama

- Turn left on to Ahmad Yani Street = Belok kiri ke Jalan Ahmad Yani

- Turn right / left at the traffic lights / roundabout, etc.= Belok kanan / kiri di
lampu lalu lintas / bundaran, dll.

- Go right / left at the end of the road = Ke kanan / kiri di ujung jalan

- Take the first / second / third street on the left / right = Ambil jalan pertama /
kedua / ketiga di kiri / kanan

- Take a left / a right at the next traffic lights = Belok kiri / kanan di lampu lalu
lintas berikutnya

- Take a right / left at the junction = Ambil kanan / kiri di persimpangan

- You will cross the cinema on right side = Anda akan melewati bioskop di sisi
Sebagai tambahan, bisa menggunakan kosakata penunjuk jalan (landmarks) untuk
membantu orang lain agar lebih memperjelas arah atau jalan dalam asking and giving

- traffic lights = lampu lalu lintas

- crossroads = persimpangan

- T-junction = pertigaan

- roundabout = bundaran

- signpost = papan penunjuk jalan

- dead end = jalan buntu

- flyover = jembatan layang

- bridge = jembatan

- railway bridge = jembatan kereta api

- railway line = jalur kereta api

- pedestrian crossing = penyeberangan pejalan kaki

- zebra crossing = jalur penyeberangan pejalan kaki

- stop sign = tanda berhenti

- hospital = rumah sakit

- police station = kantor polisi

- shopping centre = pusat perbelanjaan

- petrol station = POM bensin

- mosque = masjid

- church = gereja

- airport = bandara

- bus stop = pemberhentian bus

- station = stasiun
- bookshop = toko buku


Storytelling terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu story (cerita) dan telling (penceritaan).
Singkatnya, storytelling adalah kegiatan menyampaikan cerita. Orang yang
melakukan storytelling disebut dengan storyteller (pencerita, pendongeng). Secara
tradisional, storytelling dilakukan secara lisan. Adapula jenis jenis storytelling yang
akan disampaikan, dapat digolongkan dalam berbagai jenis, namun dalam hal ini
ada 3 jenis Storytelling yaitu :
- Dongeng

Dongeng merupakan cerita hayalan dan imajinasi yang tidak benar benar terjadi
dari pemikiran seseorang, yang kemudian diceritakan secara turun temurun.
terkadang kisah dongeng dapat membuat pendengarnya terhanyut kedalam
dunia fantasi yang tergantung pada cara penyampaian yang disampaikan. contoh
: cinderella, putri salju, rapunzel
- Fabel

Fabel adalah cerita tentang kehidupan binatang yang digambarkan dapat bicara
seperti manusia. Cerita-cerita fabel sangat luwes digunakan untuk menyindir
perilaku manusia tanpa membuat manusia tersinggung. Misalnya; dongeng
kancil, kelinci, dan kura-kura.

- Cerita Rakyat (Legenda)

Cerita rakyat adalah cerita yang berasal dari masyarakat dan berkembang dalam
masyarakat pada masa lampau yang menjadi ciri khas setiap bangsa yang
memiliki kultur budaya yang beraneka ragam mencakup kekayaan budaya dan
sejarah yang dimiliki masing-masing bangsa.

➢ Fungsi Storytelling
- Mengasah kemampuan berbicara dan mendengarkan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

- Melatih pronunciation (pelafalan).

- Menambah pembendaharaan kosakata, frasa, dan idiom bahasa Inggris.

- Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

- Memungkinkan anak-anak mempelajaribudaya negara lain, apalagi jika

storyteller seorang native speaker.

➢ Bagaimana Menjadi Storyteller yang Baik?

- Pahami cerita yang ingin disampaikan

Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan sebelum kita bercerita adalah mengenali
ceritanya. Kita harus benar-benar mengetahui alur ceritanya, tokoh-tokohnya,
latar belakangnya, pesan moralnya, dan lain-lain. Dengan memahami
ceritanya baik-baik, kita akan lebih mudah untuk menyampaikannya.
- Cerita yang kamu suka

Untuk menjadi storyteller yang baik kamu bisa menceritakan cerita yang kamu
suka. Dengan begini, kamu akan lebih antusias untuk menyampaikannya
kepada orang lain.
- Berlatih

Untuk menjadi storyteller yang baik kamu harus melatih kemampuan ini secara
terus menerus. Dengan berlatih, kita bisa mengetahui apa saja yang masih
perlu diperbaiki dan ditingkankan saat bercerita.
- Perhatikan suara, ekspresi wajah, dan gerak tubuh

Dalam melakukan storytelling ada 3 elemen yang perlu kamu perhatikan, yaitu
suara, ekspresi wajah, dan gerak tubuh. Ketiga elemen ini akan sangat
menentukan apakah cerita yang sedang disampaikan hidup atau tidak. Tinggi
rendahnya suara harus sangat diperhatikan karena bisa menentukan suasana

➢ Contoh Story telling


There were once two brothers who lived at the edge of a forest. The elder
brother was very mean to his younger brother. He ate up all the food and took
all his brother’s good clothes. One day, the elder brother went into the forest to
find some firewood to sell in the market. As he went around, chopping the
branches of tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree.
The tree said to him, ‘Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare
me, I will give you golden apples’. The elder brother agreed, but was
disappointed with the number of apples the tree gave him. Greed overcame
him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk, if the tree didn’t give him more
apples. The magical tree, instead, showered upon the elder brother, hundreds
upon hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in
pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon.
The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He
found him laying in pain near the tree, with hundreds on needles on his body.
He rushed to his brother and removed each needle with painstaking love. After
he finished, the elder brother apologised for treating him badly and promised to
be better. The tree saw the change in the elder brother’s heart, and gave them
all the golden apples they could ever need.


A long time ago, on the north coast of Sumatera lived a widow and her only son
named Malin Kundang. They were living in poverty. Malin Kundang grew up as
a skillful young boy. He always wanted to be a successful person to help her

One day, a large ship of a rich merchant docked nearby. Malin Kundang met
one of the ship’s crew and was offered to join with him. He knew that it was a
good chance to make his dream came true. So he decided to accept the offer
and went home to tell his mother. “Mom, what if I sail overseas?” asked Malin
Kundang to his beloved mother. “Oh dear, I can’t let you do that. I lost your
father; he was sailing and never came back. I don’t want to lose you too,” her
mother replied.
Malin Kundang kept trying to convince his mother that he would be all right,
“Mom, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful person
to help us to get a better life. I promise you that I’ll be back for you.” His mother
wiped her own tears, “If you really want to go, I can’t stop you my son. I could
only pray to God for you to gain your success in life,” said his mother wisely. In
the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go.

It had been a year since Malin Kundang left his mother. Her mother never heard
any news from Malin Kundang. However, she kept waiting and praying for his
son to come home safely. After several years of waiting, she was surprised by
arrival of a wealthy merchant in the ship dock. When the large ship pulled over,
Malin’s mother saw a wealthy man who was stepping down the ladder along
with a beautiful woman. The man turned out to be her only son, Malin Kundang.

Without hesitation, she came running to hug her son. “Oh my dear son, I miss
you so much.” However, Malin Kundang did not give any response. He was too
ashamed to admit that the old woman was his own mother in front of his
beautiful wife. “Who are you? You’re not my mother. My mother has passed
away when I was kid,” said Malin Kundang. Malin’s mother took a step back,
“Malin, what do you mean? I’m your mother!” she said sadly.

Malin Kundang then ordered his bodyguard to take the old woman away from
him, “Take this old and filthy woman out of here!” Malin’s mother cried as he
was dragged by the bodyguard, “Malin, my son. How could you do this to me?
Why do you treat your own mother like this?” she sobbed.

As her heart was broken and felt very disappointed to her son, she cried and
shouted, “Oh God, if he is my real son, I curse him into stone!” After that, Malin
Kundang continued his journey and once again left his mother. In the middle of
a calm sea, suddenly the wind was blowing so hard and a storm came. The
storm struck his ship and turned him into a stone.

There once was a mouse that had not eaten in days. He had become really thin.
After a lot of searching, the mouse found a basket full of corn.
There was a tiny hole in the basket and he squeezed through. So, he crept into
the basket and ate his fill of corn.
However, he did not stop eating even when he was full. The mouse ate more and
Now, the mouse had grown larger from all that food and could no longer fit
through the hole to get out. He was worried and wondered how to escape.
A rat that was passing by heard the mouse and told him that he had to wait until
he had grown thin again in order to get out. The mouse regretted being greedy
and overe

➢ Pengertian
Speech adalah kegiatan berbicara di depan umum atau memberikan pidato untuk
mengungkapkan pendapat atau untuk memberikan ide tentang sesuatu. Speech
biasanya dilakukan oleh orang yang memberikan pidato dan pernyataan tentang
hal/peristiwa yang penting dan harus dibicarakan.
Untuk universitas speech yang dibawakan biasanya minimal 5-7 menit, kemudian
sebelum membuat speech kita bisa membuat kerangka terlebih dahulu agar
memudahkan kita untuk memahami speech yang ingin dibawakan.
➢ Tujuan
Tujuan speech pada umumnya yaitu:
- Mempengaruhi orang lain
- Memberikan informasi
- menghibur
➢ Struktur
- Pembuka
Di pembuka ini biasanya terdapat salam pembuka dan pendahuluan yang
menggambarkan isi dalam speech yang ingin dibawakan.
- Isi
Isi merupakan bagian yang paling penting dalam speech. Karena semua
yang akan kita sampaikan berada di sini, disinilah inti dari pidato kita. Dalam
isi tersebut, berilah unsur “apa” yang menjelaskan tentang judul dari pidato
kita, lalu ke permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul dan penyebabnya.
Dijelaskan dengan singkat, padat dan jelas agar mudah dipahami oleh
- Penutup
Penutup biasanya terdapat kesimpulan dari speech yang dibawakan,
harapan dan bisa juga saran-saran yang ingin diberikan atau pesan-pesan
yang ingin disampaikan.


Before I begin, I would like to say 74th Indonesian Dirgahayu, I hope not only that which
is said to be independent, but how to apply Pancasila in verse 5, namely social justice
for all Indonesian people so that Indonesian people feel truly independent.

Indonesia is a developing country that has 34 provinces with diverse cultures and
languages with the largest archipelago in the world. Indonesia has more than 17,000
islands, of which only around 7,000 are inhabited. Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra
and Papua are the main islands in Indonesia.

Speaking of Indonesia, whose capital city is Jakarta, in 2019 the President of the
Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Widodo announced that the capital of Indonesia would move
to Kalimantan. Regarding this plan, Head of the National Development Planning Agency
(Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro said that there were actually three alternatives
offered to Jokowi regarding the planned move to the capital city.
- first, the capital city remained in Jakarta but the area around the Palace and Monas
was made specifically for government offices, ministries and institutions. So that the
entire government area is in one place and it creates efficiency in the task of
coordinating the government.
- Second, the central government moved outside Jakarta, but still within a radius of
about 50-70 km from Jakarta
- third, namely moving the capital out of Java, especially in the eastern part of

"In the meeting it was decided, the President chose a third alternative, namely moving
the capital outside of Java. This made Indonesian citizens agree and disagree.

There are 2 impacts of relocating the capital city, namely positive and negative impacts

1. Positive impact

- According to the director of research center for reformon economics (CORE)

Indonesia, Peter Abdullah. The removal of the capital city can reduce congestion in
Jakarta, if this happens the use of fuel will be affected and can be more efficient
because of reduced congestion.

- Encouraging economic growth outside Java and equitable development between


2. Negative impact

- Indonesia has 5.542 trillion in foreign debt, which requires capital transfers that are not
small, not to the extent that this capital transfer can burden the state budget (APBN)
which makes the state debt more and more

In my opinion, there is no need to move the capital to Kalimantan, just the center of the
economy, business and infrastructure that is built evenly throughout Indonesia, so that
people can live properly and do not need to migrate to Jakarta. And the money for
moving the capital is used to improve education and health throughout Indonesia, so
that it can be used well. Because do not let the capital move, Kalimantan lost the lungs
of the world, excessive air pollution and deforestation for infrastructure development.

If the relocation of this capital city occurs, then the plan to relocate the capital must be
mature and do not create new problems to the management of the APBN deficit, the
government must also obtain approval from the House of Representatives to include the
budget for moving the capital into the APBN. If the government wants to involve the
private sector, it must be transparent and opened in the public with the knowledge of the

➢ Pengertian
Listenig/Mendengarkan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah kemampuan kita untuk
memahami apa yang disampaikan oleh orang lain dengan sangat baik. Bukan
hanya itu saja akan tetapi juga informasi yang kita dapatkan melalui media
➢ Fungsi

- Dapat melatih kemampuan pronunciation kita dengan lebih baik

- Akan jauh lebih mudah dalam mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan
latihan structure. Pasalnya dengan kita sering mendengar dan menyimak
bahasa Inggris ini maka akan semakin banyak pula kalimat-kalimat yang
dapat kita gunakan.
- Selain itu juga dapat memperbanyak vocabulary kita.
- Memudahkan kita bercerita, berkomunikasi, dan berinteraksi dengan orang-
orang sekitar
➢ Cara belajar untuk memahami listening
- Mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris
- Menonton film, video, atau berita bahasa Inggris
- Mencatat kosakata sulit yang kamu temukan
- Menggunakan aplikasi gratis terkait listening
- Buat program english day


1. a. Enjoy a romantic film with her
b. Go out in the evening

c. Pick her up at 7.00

d. See a horror film

e. Watch Dilan

2. a. He man’s business

b. This week’s sales

c. Thanking someone

d. Selling four items

e. Popular topic

3. a. Her grandma

b. Her sister

c. She herself

d. The designer

e. The man

4. a. Pick her up at 6.30

b. WatchFurious 7
c. Enjoy a romantic film with her

d. Go out in the evening

e. See a romantic film

5. a. The man watched the film in the bedroom

b. The ending of the film is easily known

c. The man enjoyed watching the film

d. The man and the woman do not like each other

e. The film they watched was unexpected (Link voice


6. a. Oh no! have you taken medicine yet?

b. oh, Kimura. What’s the matter with you?

c. Don’t worry. I will always help you

d. I hope it will be okay with you.

7. a. hey now where’s my hat.

b. yes. That’s mine thank you.
c. that’s very kind of you to find it.
d. oh yes. I forgot to bring my umbrella.
8. a. oh, yes. I fotgot to bring my hat.
b. oh, yes. That’s mine. Thank you.
c. oh, no. where is my hat?
d. oh, that’s very kind of you to find it.
9. a. don’t worry
b. oh, I’m sorry
c. Thank you
d. No problem
10. a. no have you taken any medicine yet.
b. Oh. John what’s the matter with you.
c. don’t worry I will always help you
d. I hope it will be okay with you. (link voice


If you ever …… me, baby

Leave some morphine at my door
'Cause it would take a whole lot of………
To realize what we used to have
We don't have it anymore

There's no religion that could save me

No matter how long my ……… are on the floor (oh)
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
To keep you by my side
To keep you from …….. out the door

'Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I lose you, baby
There'll be no ……. skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the ………. if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

I'll ……….. be your mother's favorite

Uh, your daddy can't even look me in the eye
Ooh, if I was in their ………, I'd be doing the same thing
Sayin', "There goes my little girl
Walkin' with that……… guy"
But they're just afraid of ………they can't understand
Ooh, but little darlin' watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try, I'll try
…….. pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make you mine

'Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

Oh, don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye)

Don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye)
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make it right

'Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I …… you, baby
And there'll be no clear ……….
If I lose you, baby
And just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain (Link song)
Salah satu cara efektif untuk belajar bahasa Inggris adlah dengan membaca koran
atau majalah berbahasa Inggris. The jakarta post adalah contoh media nasional
yang bertaraf internasional yang postingannya bisa kita baca.
➢ Manfaat membaca berita dari koran
- pengayaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris kita dalam pemakaian yang riil, konkret
dan standar (usage), baik yang bersifat formal maupun prokem. Misalnya, di
sekolah kita mungkin hanya diperkenalkan kata "sentence" dengan arti
"kalimat", tapi dalam berita hukum, kita akan terbiasa mendapatkan kata yang
sama dengan arti "hukuman

- Selain memperkuat "otomatisasi" otak kita untuk menyerap struktur tata bahasa
(grammar) standar, kita juga diperkaya oleh bermacam-macam gaya penyajian

- cara-cara penyajian bahasa yang beragam itu (termasuk dalam hal usage) bisa
kita tiru untuk bermacam-macam keperluan, baik untuk menulis atau
berkomunikasi lisan.
Contoh berita news paper dalam bahasa Inggris:

Puting Beliung Shattered Houses in Surabaya, Surabaya: Torrential downpours joined by solid winds devastated

many homes. Individuals who are living in a town in Surabaya, East Java did
not accept that their homes were wrecked as a result of a tornado.

As demonstrated in Net TV Afternoon News, Thursday (15/03/2015), when the

occurrence occurred, the individuals over-burden by escaping. “The wind was
so solid we all used up the house on the grounds that the rooftop and tiles
scattered,” said a villager. The occupants whose houses broken need to clear to
a neighbor’s home whose house made due from tornado. The episode came
about misfortune up to several millions dollars.

In the interim, a Puting Beliung thumped down electrical cables and various
trees in Surabaya Madura. Subsequently, power and phone were detached.
Solid winds likewise demolished a sanctuary there. “The solid winds thumped
down the wall outside and flew rooftop’s sanctuary,” said one of occupants. As
per BMKG Region I Surabaya, Madura, The solid winds that happened in
Madura called windy wind which has speed 34 bunches every hour (AN)

Secara umum, cerita pendek dapat diartikan sebagai cerita fiktif hasil karya penulis
yang alurnya tidak terlalu panjang dibandingkan dengan cerita pada novel, roman,
➢ Struktur cerpen
Struktur cerpen ada 6 yaitu:
Abstrak Orientasi
Komplikasi Evaluasi
Resolusi Koda (moral value)

➢ Jenis Cerpen
Persahabatan Ibu Fabel/hewan
Liburan Cinta Legenda
Perjuangan Sekolah Pengalaman pribadi

Contoh cerpen tema persahabatan:

True Friendship

Fiona was a girl who rarely smiles. She looked so sad every day. Reina, her classmate,
was so worried about her. One day, Fiona was not going to school. The next day, she
was late.

She didn’t say anything either to the teacher or friends. She kept quiet the whole day.
After class, she went back to her home in a hurry. Reina decided to follow her so that
she knew what her problems were.

After finding Fiona, Reina was shocked. She saw Fiona sat helplessly in the cemetery.
Reina was approaching Fiona. She saw that Fiona was crying beside her sister’s tomb.

Reina sat closely with Fiona and hugged her. She said that everything will be okay.
Reina asked Fiona to tell her problem and never hide it. After that day, they were
becoming true friends.

➢ Descriptive tekt

Teks deskripsi merupakan sebuah teks yang memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan
atau mendeskripsikan suat objek baik itu orang, binatang maupun benda. Dengan
teks ini, kamu bisa menjelaskan karakteristik objek baik itu sifatnya maupun
fisiknya, dan contohnya:

Contoh descriptive text:

Kiko is my cat. He is fat but cute. Kiko has grey and fluffy fur. He eats and sleeps a
lot during the day.

➢ Narrative text

Narrative tekt yaitu Jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang biasa ditemukan pada teks
cerita, misalnya pada buku cerita, novel, dan lain-lain. Teks ini dituliskan secara
kronologis untuk menjelaskan sebuah peristiwa pada para pembaca. Ciri dari teks
ini adalah penggunaan past tense.

Contoh narrative text:

In ancient times, there lived a witch in the interior of the Amazon jungle. He was
known as one of the greatest magicians of that era. People who heard his name
will be terrified. Rumor had it that he kidnapped children for sacrifices.

➢ Report text

Report text seringkali disamakan dengan descriptive text. Kedua teks tersebut
tentunya berbeda. Jika descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu secara detail dan
berdasarkan opini penulis, maka report text memberikan deskripsi secara umum
dan ditulis berdasarkan fakta ilmiah yang ada.

Contoh report text:

The Emperor Penguin is a large species of penguin that lives in the Antarctic
area. This species has the Latin name Aptenodytes forsteri. This species is the
largest one because it has the height of about 3.2 ft to 3.9 ft.

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