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Nama : Vivi Khaeronnisa Keakuratan Keberterimaan Keterbacaan Rata-Rata
NIM : 183221073

Buaya dan Kancil yang Cerdik

Suatu hari, ada seekor kancil yang merasa lapar di tengah hutan. Melihat pohon apel yang
begitu lebat di sebrang sungai membuat kancil merasa tergoda ingin memakannya namun
bingung harus berbuat apa karena dia tidak bias berenang menyebrangi sungai. Meski
diselimuti rasa takut, akhirnya kancil memberanikan diri menaruh semua telur yang
diapunyai di dalam keranjang dan mendekat kearah tepi sungai yang terdapat sekumpulan
buaya yang tengah menepi. Awalnya para buaya itu menyergap kancil dan membuat hewan
kecil ini berteriak memohon agar tidak dimakan oleh para buaya.

Dengan kecerdikannya, kancil mengelabuhi buaya dengan menyebutkan bahwa raja singa
memintanya untuk mengundang seluruh hewan di hutan dalam acara makan besar dan
meminta kancil untuk menghitung total buaya. Awalnya para buaya merasa ragu, namun
karena kepandaian kancil dalam berbicara, akhirnya para buaya mau berbaris sampai
sebrang sungai. Kancil pun langsung menaiki satu persatu buaya sambil berpura-pura

Sesampainya di sebrang sungai, kancil langsung lari menjauh dan tertawa karena para
buaya sudah mau mengantarkannya sampai kesebrang sungai. Melihat kancil yang sudah
lari menjauh membuat sekumpulan buaya ini merasa marah, namun saying kancil sudah
berhasil melarikan diri. Akhirnya kancil dapat memetik pohon apel dan menikmatinya
dengan leluasa seperti hari itu adalah miliknya.
Tulis terjemahan anda di kotak berikut ini.
Crocodiles and Clever mouse deer

One day, there was a hungry mouse deer in the middle of the forest. Seeing an apple tree
that was so dense in the river made the mouse deer feel tempted to eat it but confused to
what to do because he could not swim across the river. Although shrouded of fear, finally
the mouse deer ventured to put all the eggs he had in the basket and approached to the
riverbank that contained a group of crocodiles that were pulled over. At first the crocodiles
ambushed the mouse deer and made this little animal scream begging not to be eaten by the

With his ingenuity, the mouse deer tricked the crocodile by saying that the lion king asked
him to invite all the animals in the forest to a big meal and asked the mouse deer to count
the total crocodiles. At first the crocodiles were hesitant, but because of the mouse deer's
cleverness in speaking, finally the crocodiles wanted to line up to the other side of the river.
The deer immediately climbed up one by one the crocodiles while pretending to count the
total of crocodiles.

Arriving at the other side of the river, the mouse deer immediately run away and laughed
because the crocodiles wanted to take him to the other side of the river. Seeing the mouse
deer who had run away made this group of crocodiles feel angry, but unfortunately the
mouse deer had managed to escape. Finally the mouse deer was able to pick the apple tree
and enjoy it freely like the day is his own.

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