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1 The researchers also (21) … levels of a hormone Pembahasan: C

called oxytocin in the mothers’ (22) … babies’ urine,

Kalimat di atas harus diikuti bentuk verb yang
which is also (23) … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is
tepat. Adapun kalimat tersebut menjelaskan
linked with caregiving and affectionate behavior.
kejadian lampau (hasil penelitian), maka
Levels (24) … cortisol, known as the “stress”
menggunakan simple past tense, dengan pola:
hormone, (25)… also measured using saliva
samples. S + V2 + O
A. Measuring Pilihan A, B dan D salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan struktur kalimat
B. Measure
Jawaban [C] karena “measured” mengikuti
C. Measured
pola simple past tense, dan sesuai untuk
D. Have measured melengkapi kalimat di atas

2 The researchers also (21) … levels of a hormone Pembahasan: B

called oxytocin in the mothers’ (22) … babies’ urine,
Kalimat di atas harus dilengkapi dengan kata
which is also (23) … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is
hubung yang sesuai
linked with caregiving and affectionate behavior.
Levels (24) … cortisol, known as the “stress” Pilihan A salah karena “or” digunakan untuk
hormone, (25)… also measured using saliva menunjukkan alternatif atau pilihan
Pilihan C salah karena “with” mengindikasikan
A. Or keterlibatan atau kebersamaan
B. And Pilihan D salah karena “but” digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kontras atau perbedaan
C. With
Jawaban [B] karena “and” merupakan kata
D. But
penghubung yang mempunyai unsur kalimat
berkedudukan sama sesuai dengan kalimat di
3 The researchers also (21) … levels of a hormone Pembahasan: A
called oxytocin in the mothers’ (22) … babies’ urine,
Kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk kalimat
which is also (23) … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is
passive voice, maka polanya adalah:
linked with caregiving and affectionate behavior.
Levels (24) … cortisol, known as the “stress” S + to be + V3
hormone, (25)… also measured using saliva
Pilihan B, C dan D salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan struktur kalimat
A. Known
Jawaban [A] karena “known” merupakan verb
B. Knew yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas
C. Know

D. Knowing

4 The researchers also (21) … levels of a hormone Pembahasan: C

called oxytocin in the mothers’ (22) … babies’ urine,
Kalimat di atas harus diikuti preposisi yang
which is also (23) … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is
linked with caregiving and affectionate behavior.
Levels (24) … cortisol, known as the “stress” Pilihan A salah karena “to” digunakan sebagai
hormone, (25)… also measured using saliva penunjuk suatu objek
Pilihan B salah karena “for” digunakan untuk
A. To menunjukkan suatu fungsi atau penggunaan
suatu benda atau hal lain
B. For
C. Of Pilihan D salah karena “but” digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kontras atau perbedaan
D. But
Jawaban [C] karena “of” digunakan untuk
menyatakan jumlah atau quantity pada
kalimat di atas
5 The researchers also (21) … levels of a hormone Pembahasan: D
called oxytocin in the mothers’ (22) … babies’ urine,
Kalimat di atas harus dilengkapi dengan
which is also (23) … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is
reference atau rujukan terhadap sesuatu yang
linked with caregiving and affectionate behavior.
telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
Levels (24) … cortisol, known as the “stress”
hormone, (25)… also measured using saliva Pilihan A, B dan C salah karena tidak sesuai
samples. dengan struktur kalimat
A. Was Jawaban [D] karena “were” pada kalimat di
atas merujuk pada Tingkat kortisol, yang
B. Which
dikenal sebagai hormon "stres".
C. Who

D. Were

6 Although it has been commonly accepted that cats Pembahasan A

… (26) in Egypt 4000 years ago, their history among
human beings goes back much further. Wild cats Arti kalimat soal:
are now known to have lived among the … (27) of “Meskipun telah diterima secara
Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to have
umum bahwa kucing ... (6) di Mesir
been domesticated there approximately 12,000
4000 tahun yang lalu, sejarah mereka
BCE at about the same time as dogs, sheep, and
di antara manusia jauh lebih jauh”
goats. … (28) excavations in the past ten years have
provided evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is Pada bagian “that cats … (6) in Egypt
the … (29) relative of the modern-day domestic cat 4000 years ago” klausa ini kehilangan
and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most kata kerja bentuk passive voice. Klausa
probably as … (30) pests, such as mice, which were
ini menggunakan pola past tense
attracted by grain supplies.
karena keterangan waktu 4000 years
A. Were first domesticated ago. Maka, rumusnya adalah S +
Were/Was + V3.
B. Are first domesticated

C. Be domesticated
Pilihan B, C, dan D salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan pola passive voice pada
D. Been domesticated kalimat past tense.
Jawaban [A] benar karena sesuai
dengan pola passive voice pada kalimat
past tense.
7 Although it has been commonly accepted that cats Pembahasan B
… (26) in Egypt 4000 years ago, their history among
human beings goes back much further. Wild cats Arti kalimat soal:
are now known to have lived among the … (27) of “Kucing liar yang sekarang kita kenal,
Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to have
telah hidup di antara … Mesopotamia
been domesticated there approximately 12,000
lebih dari 100.000 tahun yang lalu, …”
BCE at about the same time as dogs, sheep, and
goats. … (28) excavations in the past ten years have Pilihan A salah karena peoples
provided evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is merupakan bentuk plural dari people
the … (29) relative of the modern-day domestic cat yang bermakna suku bangsa.
and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most Pilihan C salah karena persons
probably as … (30) pests, such as mice, which were merupakan bentuk plural dari person
attracted by grain supplies. dalam penulisan formal yang
A. Peoples bermakna orang dalam penulisan
B. People
Pilihan D salah karena humans aritnya
C. Persons
manusia dalam bentuk plural, dan
D. Humans tidak sesuai dengan konteks bacaan.
Jawaban [B] benar karena people
dalam kalimat ini bermakna suku
bangsa Mesopotamia atau orang-
orang Mesoppotamia.
8 Although it has been commonly accepted that cats Pembahasan C
… (26) in Egypt 4000 years ago, their history among
human beings goes back much further. Wild cats Untuk melengkapi kalimat dalam soal,
are now known to have lived among the … (27) of maka dibutuhkan kata sifat (adjective)
Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to have yang fungsinya
been domesticated there approximately 12,000 memodifikasi/menjelaskan kata benda
BCE at about the same time as dogs, sheep, and (noun) excavations dalam kalimat
goats. … (28) excavations in the past ten years have tersebut.
provided evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is
the … (29) relative of the modern-day domestic cat Pilihan A salah karena archeology
and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most adalah noun.
probably as … (30) pests, such as mice, which were
Pilihan B salah karena bukan
attracted by grain supplies.
merupakan bentuk adjective.
A. Archeology
Pilihan D salah karena archeologist
B. Archeologic artinya arkeolog, tidak sesuai untuk
C. Archeological
melengkapi kalimat.

D. Archaeologist Jawaban [C] benar karena

archeological adalah bentuk adjective
yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat
dalam soal.
9 Although it has been commonly accepted that cats Pembahasan C
… (26) in Egypt 4000 years ago, their history among
human beings goes back much further. Wild cats Arti kalimat soal:
are now known to have lived among the … (27) of “… bahwa Near Eastern Wildcat adalah
Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to have
kerabat … dengan kucing domestik
been domesticated there approximately 12,000
modern dan dibesarkan oleh petani
BCE at about the same time as dogs, sheep, and
goats. … (28) excavations in the past ten years have
provided evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is Pilihan A salah karena shortest artinya
the … (29) relative of the modern-day domestic cat paling pendek tidak sesuai dengan
and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most konteks isi bacaan.
probably as … (30) pests, such as mice, which were
attracted by grain supplies. Pilihan B salah karena nearest artinya
paling dekat (dalam hubungannya
A. Shortest
dengan jarak) tidak sesuai dengan
B. Nearest konteks isi bacaan.
C. Closest Pilihan D salah karena nigh artinya
D. Nigh
hamper tidak sesuai dengan konteks isi
Jawaban [C] benar karena closest
artinya terdekat sesuai dengan konteks
isi bacaan dalam soal.
10 Although it has been commonly accepted that cats Pembahasan A
… (26) in Egypt 4000 years ago, their history among
human beings goes back much further. Wild cats Arti kalimat dalam soal:
are now known to have lived among the … (27) of “… paling mungkin sebagai … hama,
Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to have
seperti tikus, yang tertarik pada
been domesticated there approximately 12,000
pasokan biji-bijian.”
BCE at about the same time as dogs, sheep, and
goats. … (28) excavations in the past ten years have Pilihan B, C, dan D salah karena tidak
provided evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang
the … (29) relative of the modern-day domestic cat rumpang dalam kalimat.
and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most
probably as … (30) pests, such as mice, which were Jawaban [A] benar karena a means of
attracted by grain supplies. controlling artinya cara
mengendalikan. Setelah preposisi of,
A. A means of controlling
maka harus diikuti dengan kata benda
B. A means of controllable (noun) atau gerund. Pilihan A paling
C. A means of control
tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini.

D. A means of controlled

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