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Goal :
Setelah mempelajari application letter, siswa diharapkan mampu :
Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, ciri kebahasaan dan dapat menulis surat lamaran kerja
(application letter).

What is Application Letter?
 Application letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about
your skills and experiences to an employer. The letter application is intended to provide detail
information on why you are qualified candidate for the job.
(Surat lamaran kerja adalah dokumen yang dikirimkan Bersama resume anda untuk memberikan
informasi tambahan tentang keahlian dan pengalaman anda kepada pemberi kerja. Surat lamaran
kerja memberikann informasi rinci tentang mengapa anda dianggap sebagai kandidat yang
memenuhi syarat untuk pekerjaan itu).

 Application letter is a form or letter that shows the applicant’s desire for a position or job.
(Surat lamaran pekerjaan adalah formular atau surat yang menunjukkan keinginan pelamar
terhadap suatu posisi atau pekerjaan)

Social Function
What is social function of Application Letter?
 To apply a job or to attract the attention of an employer.
(Untuk melamar pekerjaan atau menarik perhatian pemberi kerja).
 Application letter functions as a form of communication between applicants and companies
containing applicants information, qualifications, and other informations.
(Surat lamaran pekerjaan berfungsi sebagai bentuk komunikasi antara pelamar dengan Perusahaan
yang berisi tentang informasi pelamar, qualifikasi dan informasi lainnya.)

Generic Structure / Bagian Application Letter

A. Heading
B. Salutation
C. Body
D. Closing
A. Heading
a. Applicant Contact
- Name- Address
- Phone
- Email

Linda Smith,
123 Baltimore Street,
Phone : 012 345 678
Email :

b. Recipient Contact Detail

- Company
- Name
- Address

Sample Company,
Miss Sarah Jones,
20 Main Street

c. Subject and Date

- Subject (tujuan lamaran)
- Date (tanggal penulisan)

Subject : Application for the position of ….

Date : Baltimore, o1 – o1 – 2021

B. Salutation
 Dear Sirs / Madams (Jika tidak mengetahui nama orang yang dituju)
 Dear Mr. Jone (Jika mengetahui nama orang yang dituju)

C. Body
Paragraph 1 (Applicant Statement / Tujuan mengirim surat)
I would like to apply for the position of ………… which you have advertised on Kompas
on December, 30 2020.
Paragraph 2 (Qualification Statement / Tuliskan kualifikasi dan kemampuan anda)
I believe I meet all requirements listed on your advertisements. I am fresh graduated X
university. I have great knowledge regarding all aspect in ………. and ……………

For your further consideration, I have good command of English, computer and internet. I
am hard working, detail oriented and easy to learn.

Paragraph 3 (Closing Statement / Kalimat penutup. Berisi harapan untuk diterima kerja)
Thank you very much for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

D. Closing
 Salam penutup : Best Regard / Sincerely.
 Signature / tanda tangan
 Applicant name / nama pelamar


Tom Holland
The examples of Application Letters


Linda Smith
123 Baltimore Street
Phone : 012 345 678
Email :

Sample Company,
Miss Sarah Jones,
20 Main Street

Subject : Application for the position of ………………

Baltimore, 01. 01. 2021

Salutation Dear Mrs. Jones

I would like to apply for the position of …….. which you have advertised on
Kompas on December, 30 2020.

I believe I meet all requirement listed on your advertisement. I am a fresh

graduated from X university. I have great knowledge regarding all aspect in
Body …….. and ………

For your further consideration, I have good command of English, computer

and internet. I am hard working, detail oriented and easy to learn.

Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you


Tom Holland

A. Lembar Kerja Siswa

Choose one of the Job Vacancies below and write your application letter correctly and



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