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Enzim adalah suatu biokatalisator, yaitu suatu bahan yang berIungsi mempercepat reaksi kimia
dalam tubuh makhluk hidup tetapi zat itu sendiri tidak ikut bereaksi karena pada akhir reaksi
terbentuk kembali. Suatu reaksi kimia yang berlangsung dengan bantuan enzim memerlukan energi
yang lebih rendah. Jadi enzim juga berIungsi menurunkan energi aktivasi.
Struktur enzim
Suatu enzim (holoenzim) tersusun atas bagian protein dan bukan protein. Bagian protein disebut
apoenzim, dan bagian non protein disebut kofaktor. KoIaktor dapat berupa ion logam (Cu, Mg, K,
Fe, Na), atau koenzim yang berupa bahan organik, misalkan vitamin B (B1, B2).
Sifat-sifat enzim
Sebagai suatu bahan yang penting dalam metabolisme, enzim memiliki siIat-sebagai berikut:
O kerja enzim bersiIat spesiIik/khusus, artinya bahwa satu enzim hanya dapat bekerja pada
satu substrat
O enzim bekerja pada suhu tertentu
O enzim berkerja pada derajat keasaman (pH) tertentu
O kerja enzim dapat bolak-balik, artinya selain dapat memecah substrat juga dapat membentuk
substrat dari penyusunnya
Hal-hal yang dapat mempengaruhi kerja enzim di antaranya adalah:
O suhu
O derajat keasaman (pH)
O konsentrasi enzim
O jenis substrat
O penimbunan hasil akhir
O pengaruh aktivator/penggiat
O pengaruh inhibitor/penghambat
ara kerja enzim
Enzim bekerja berdasar prinsip kunci dan anak kunci` (lock and key). Pada salah satu sisi enzim
terdapat tempat aktiI yang memiliki bentuk yang dapat berpasangan tepat sama dengan bentuk
permukaan substrat. Akibatnya satu enzim hanya dapat digunakan untuk satu jenis substrat.
Contoh enzim yang sering digunakan sebagai materi praktikum adalah enzim katalase. Enzim ini
banyak terdapat pada organel peroksisom dan berIungsi memecah peroksida (H
) yang bersiIat
toksik menjadi H
O dan O


Enzymes are biological catalysts: this means that they speed up the chemical reactions in living
things. Without enzymes, our guts would take weeks and weeks to digest our Iood, our muscles,
nerves and bones would not work properly and so on - we would not be living!
A catalyst is any substance which makes a chemical reaction go Iaster, without itselI being changed.
A catalyst can be used over and over again in a chemical reaction: it does not get used up. Enzymes
are very much the same except that they are easily denatured (destroyed: but do NOT use this word
since the protein molecule is not broken down into amino-acids, it just loses it shape and will not
work any more) by heat. Our enzymes work best at body temperature. Our enzymes also have to
have the correct pH.
All enzymes are made oI protein; that is why they are sensitive to heat, pH and heavy metal ions.
Unlike ordinary catalysts, they are speciIic to one chemical reaction. An ordinary catalyst may be
used Ior several diIIerent chemical reactions, but an enzyme only works Ior one speciIic reaction.
Human saliva contains an enzyme called amylase. This enzyme helps to turn starch into a sugar
called maltose. When you swallow a mouthIul oI Iood, the amylase stops working because it is
much too acid in the stomach pH 2. Amyalse works best in neutral or slightly alkaline conditions,
i.e. at about pH 7. When your Iood gets into the small intestine, more amylase is made by the
pancreas and this turns the remaining starch into maltose. Another enzyme (maltase) turns all this
maltose into glucose. Glucose is then absorbed into the blood.
Enzymes in the human alimentary canal and what they digest:
Enzyme Substrate
Amylase Starch
Maltase Maltose
Sucrase Sucrose
Lipase Fats
Pepsin Proteins
All animals, green plants, Iungi and bacteria produce enzymes: so enzymes are not just about
digesting Iood. The enzymes which we use to digest our Iood are extra-cellular, that means they are
Iound outside cells. We also have enzymes inside our cells; these are intra-cellular enzymes.
Enzymes are used in ALL chemical reactions in living things; this includes respiration,
photosynthesis, movement growth, getting rid oI toxic chemicals in the liver and so on.
Viruses are rather diIIerent, but you do not need to know much about them Ior GCSE, so just make
sure that you don't catch any!
Enzymes must have the correct shape to do their job. They are made oI proteins, and proteins are
very easily aIIected by heat, pH and heavy metal ions. Some people say that enzymes work like a
key in a lock. II the key has been twisted by heat, or dissolved in acid or stuck up with chewing
gum it will not work. Enzymes change their shape iI the temperature or pH changes, so they have to
have the right conditions. Copper ions are poisonous: iI you get copper ions in your blood they will
block up some oI the important enzymes in red and white blood cells.
iri-ciri ikan segar adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Warna kulit terang dan cerah
2. Daging ikan bila ditekan terasa keras.
3. Mata jernih menonjol dan cembung
4. Sisik ikan segar masih kuat melekat kuat dan mengkilat, sisik masih utuh
tidak banyak yang lepas.
5. Insang berwarna merah
6. Sirip kuat
7. kulit dan daging ikan tidak mudah robek, terutama pada bagian perut.
Tidak berbau busuk.

Tanda ikan yang sudah busuk:
a. mata suram dan tenggelam;
b. sisik suram dan mudah lepas;
c. warna kulit suram dengan lendir tebal;
d. insang berwarna kelabu dengan lendir tebal;
e. dinding perut lembek;
I. warna keseluruhan suram dan berbau busuk.
Ciri-ciri ikan busuk antara lain:
Kulit berwarna suram pucat dan berlendir banyak
Sisik mudah lepas dari tubuh
Mata tampak suram,tenggelam dan berkerut
Insang berwarna coklat suram
Daging lunak
bila ditaruh dalam air ikan akan mengapung di permukaan air

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